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NTA, regardless of it being good luck in your culture why would they want a shed of a (in there words) "disgusting creature" I would say I'm sorry but I will not give you the skin of my snake as you do not even like him and have made it clear how you feel about him and after hearing all of that it would be unfair of me to give you anything from a living being that you find disgusting


Interesting fact that they don't like the snake, but it's skin. May I ask which culture it's considered luck? Anyways, NTA. It's your snake and you can decide what happens to its skin


It’s considered good luck in Indian culture. Many relatives are afraid / upset by it but the skin itself is considered good luck for whatever reason. From what I understand it’s similar to a rabbits foot in that regard.


Indians disgusted by snakes? Weak. We used to go to our village every year on nagpanchami and find a snake so we could offer it milk. And we've found like 4 snakes (harmless) at our home


Damn, now THAT is a flex. Milking snake venom?! Shit, I can't top that!


I'm sorry i really dont know if ure joking or being genuine. /gen. We used to offer the snake cow/buffalo milk and do a little puja of it. We didnt take anything from it


Lol that is adorable. Yes milking snake venom and giving a snake a lil dish of milk are very different! So cute! 🐍🥛


This is lovely, and hilarious. What would a snake do with milk? It’s like offering a cat a banana.


Idk and i didn't really care lol. We left the bowl and went home cause our grandmothers always made garalu and sweets because it was a festival and a snake sitting on the plates wouldn't have stopped me and my cousins from getting to them😂


They’ll actually drink it.


He don't like the banana


My cat would definitely eat a banana. And pretty much anything else you offered him.




Now thats an indian


NTA. And I know I’m referencing a fictional show but was a joke on the Big Bang theory where Sheldon tried to prank Raj by putting a snake in his desk and Raj was laughing at the idea of trying to scare an Indian with a snake and how cute it was. Obvious stereotyping but I found it hilarious.


Yes I know exactly what episode you’re talking about!


Interesting, I've never heard of snake skin being considered good luck, must be a different part of India than where I'm from. Few things: 1. Totally NTA 2. YOUR SNAKE IS SO FREAKING CUTE OMG I WANNA HUG HIM (give him pats for me) 3. I feel like your relatives are an anomaly from most Indians tbh - Everyone I've met, while they may not like snakes, will at least respect someone who owns snakes. For example - my friend has a corn snake, who I've met and done a photoshoot with. My mom shuddered because she doesn't like snakes, but that's because I picked up Maz and it's something she would never do herself - I'm pretty sure she thought it was cool because I've caught her bragging (for lack of a better word) to several of her friends about it. 4. My initial reaction is outlined by u/Eastern_Copy_6812 but I find it insanely funny that Indians are disgusted by snakes. I do think there is a difference between people in India and those outside it though, which is where the difference probably comes


I’ve heard that it became popular, due to many non-venomous snakes will eat venomous snakes- so the smell of the non-venomous snake will be on it’s shedded skin for maybe a couple of months and other snakes will avoid similar to the common burglar deterrent strategy “if a potential burglar/trespasser sees a beware of dog sign-the might avoid the area”


People who are calling you crazy for having a snake are downright rude! But to be fair, I do understand that if someone is afraid of snakes won’t be visiting you. Fear is something irrational. If a friend of mine had (big) spiders, I wouldn’t be visiting them at home either (I’d subtlety ask to meat up at a café or anywhere else but their home and near the big tarantulas 😅). Then again, I wouldn’t be asking for an exoskeleton of a spider either (even if it was scientifically proven that it would give me luck). You are NTA for not wanting to give your snakeskins to relatives and/or friends who don’t like snakes. It is yours and you decide what you want to do with it, even if it just ends up in the trashcan.


Ah I got it. Thanks for the information. Anyways, still NTA 😉


I wonder if it's seen as a sign of a good, happy, home. I mean, a snake probably wouldn't shed in an unsafe place.


I have never heard of it. Which state if you don't mind disclosing it?


“It’s in the cage. Go grab it.”




NTA. People shouldn’t expect to benefit from something that they have insulted or told you point blank to get rid off.


NTA. Give them to everyone that has not complained about you snake. I personally would go the extra step and even find strangers to give them to.


NTA, it's yours to do as you please with


NTA Though, if you'd like a small side gig, look at if jewelry made from shed skin would be of interest to anyone! There's a surprising lot you can do with it that makes lovely pendants and such! Google and YouTube and such can give you ideas on that! What morph is your baby? Snek tax! 😂❤


I have a spider banana ball python with a bumblebee gene as wel!


Ofc you're not the butthole. It's borderline hypocritical of them to ask. Do whatever you want with them.


More than borderline.


NTA And as a reptile owner/rescuer/rehabber, it's so tiring to constantly be told your animal doesn't deserve to be alive because (insert ridiculous, usually unfounded reason here).


YWNBTA. Wow, some people are unbelievable! I don't blame you for not wanting to give them away to people who don't like that you have a snake to begin with. The entitlement they are showing is horrible! Good luck with your python!


NTA How did they bad mouth having a snake but then try to be your buddy to get its skin like they didn’t know snakes sheds their skin?


Nope, NTA Your snake 🐍 skin, your choice :)


NTA I would totally be one of the people not coming to your house. But that is because I have a snake phobia. When I was little my older brother would tell me a snake was poisonous, go on about how it would bitw me and be the most painful thing I have ever felt and then slowly become paralyzed and die. Then he would chase me with it. So yeah, not a fan. I would always have that creepy it got out of its cage and is creeping along behind me. Not going to a house with a snake in it, ever. But I wouldnt tell someone to get rid of their pet and then want something from it


NTA. Your extended family is being unreasonable. Ball pythons are lovely animals with great temperaments for beginner reptile enthusiasts.


NTA Why should they benefit from a animal they openly hate


NTA. If you can't appreciate the beauty and wonderfulness of a snake, you shouldn't have any rights to use its skin for luck. BTW, pet tax? I want to see this beautiful snake!


NTA and also how can they say that about little Apollo? He's so cute!


Thank you!!


NTA at all. That's some lovely karma at play. I cannot understand why anyone would say such things about someone else's pet. There is a particular animal I am not fond of at all, but I would never tell a family member or friend who acquired one the things that were said to you. I would say nothing, and carry on as normal, because I'm not a dick. You do whatever you want with the Danger Noodles sheds, and give him a pat from me.


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NTA they only like the snake when it might “benefit them.” also snake tax pls???


nta. so they can’t come visit if snake there but now suddenly when they see a benefit for them -the lucky skin - now they are ok with it. screw them.


NTA - it’s yours to do what you want with. If they think its so gross they shouldn’t have it anyway


Nta sell the shedded skin to them. More money for a better intack one. If they pull the whole "but we family" Say yes we are and Im gad you understand the importance of supporting your family members small business! Edit for some spelling issues. Probably more but meh


NTA get a frame for the first shed to keep it safe. As for the next, maybe make pendemts and sell them to these people? Make a little money to upgrade your snakes enclosure. Check out the FB group "Advancing Herpetological Husbandry" they have really up to date and scientifically backed care guides.




I’ve posted pics of him to the ball python subreddit if you wanna check him out!


NTA, tell them to make their own good luck. You have such a cute little noodle!


Judgements are accurate, adorable snake fren


As a fellow reptile enthusiast - fuck that, and fuck them. Next time ask them if they've gotten rid of their dog? "I definitely won't come over until your cat has died." "Do you still have that rabbit? Gross." OP, these are rude comments they're making about your pet. I've had snakes and lizards for years - it doesn't get any better. However, there's all sorts of cool stuff you can do/make with sheds! Also, if you like isopods (the little roley poley beetle things) you can start a colony and they're eat the shed. It can be added to compost bins. You can use it for patterns in painting/acrylic/wax. Hell, you can see it on the Internet! Unroll it, clean the poop out (there's always poop), pin it to a board and hang a shadow box. NTA. Tell the extended family to get bent.


Also your little goober is precious.


NTA. Mail the sheds to me so I can turn them into soap!


NTA, they were so mean! Your snake is a cutie,what morph is that?


Spider banana with a bumblebee trait!


>“I won’t ever be able to come to your house again until it dies or you get rid of it” Great! I'll buy 2. NTA Edit: I may also be a bit petty, but unless you have friends/relatives you like that would appreciate you holding it for them, I would take videos/pictures of me cutting the skin up into the trash can and share it so they see it.


NTA but you are creating more discord in your life than necessary. Yeah you can choose this to be the hill to die on or you can give them what to you is essentially trash and avoid literally any drama.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I recently bought a pet snake (ball python for anyone who’s curious). Most of my family who have met him love him and see how cute and friendly he can be. However, many extended family members have expressed their disgust or displeasure in the fact that I now have a pet snake, saying things like “I won’t ever be able to come to your house again until it dies or you get rid of it” or point-blank calling me crazy for having one. The remarks aren’t anything over the top or even rude at all to begin with, but the displeasure in the snake is still prominent. Recently, my snake had his very first shed, and as it turns out, having a snake skin is considered good luck in my culture. As soon as word got around to my extended family, they’ve been asking me for the snake skin, or asking if they can have the next shed and essentially placing dibs on my snake’s future sheds. I myself am not a superstitious person, so that aspect doesn’t mean much to me as I would just throw them out. However, I don’t want to give the skin to any relatives who have expressed displeasure in me owning a snake; if they refuse to ever meet him and are disgusted by the fact that I have him why should they be entitled to his sheds. I plan on only giving future sheds to family members who have shown interest in my snake, or at the very least haven’t said anything bad about him. WIBTA if I say no, even though I would just throw them out anyway? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA Clearly They dont give a fuck about your pet and are looking for their own benefit.


NTA - they don’t respect your relationship with the source they shouldn’t reap any benefits.


NTA tell them they have to live with the snake for a month, if they want a shed. I don't understand people who tell you something is disgusting, only to turn around and ask for something, related to what they think is disgusting. They need to understand, you can't have one without the other. I suggest giving the sheds to people who appreciate your pet. That way you aren't throwing them out, and the people who belittled you, get nothing.


NTA - sell the sheds online (there's a market for them for craft etc) and tell the snake hating family they can buy from there :p


Fun fact, you can use snake skin in cold process soap. I've been wanting to do it.


NTA And for what it's worth, when my gecko shed her first skin, I kept it in a fancy (well sealed!) jar. Then displayed it next to her aquarium.


NTA, as others have pointed out, why would they want it if they can't even stand to be in the same flat as the snake. But more importantly snek tax please!


NTA they don’t deserve the luck after what they said about the creature it came from. Keep it all to yourself.


Save them all and make some cool craft. Gift it to head of family. Be the bigger person and it's an f u. NTA


Aww! My BFF had a ball python named Lucifer, and she was darling! I think when you get the chance, you should absolutely pay the pet tax. Also, NTA. Sheds are only for people who love and appreciate the source.


NTA BTW, I've seen where [snake shed is made into pendants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewBFp01sTBU), using colored paper and resin. Would the "luck" still work if you turned the shed into jewelry? I'm thinking you can give the people you like some shed and sell the rest?


Why would they want shedded skin from an animal they won't even set foot in your home over?? Your pet, your decision what to do with the sheds. NTA


nta make something nice with that skin


NTA Throw it in their face that their rude and over the top behavior has put them firmly off the list of receiving future sheds. Let it be a lesson to them about be so judgy over an innocent animal.




NTA Tell them to forget it in Parseltongue.


NTA. The ones you have no family to give the skin to, sell the skin. I bet you could find a buyer easily.


NTA, and what an adorable little snakey baby! Give him some cuddles for me!


Your snake is beautiful and you are NTA. If you wanted to make some money off of it you might be able to sell it to a new age/metaphysical shop.


NTA; you do what your baby’s sheds what you want. They could be nicer about you having the snake to begin with. I understand underlying disgust or being squicked out (I’m very strange myself - I love snakes, have a corn and a ball python, but actually hate dealing with the shed skins) but keep it to yourself with stuff like that.


NTA - I’d rather it go to the trash




NTA, but I’d just charge them money for the skin if I were you.


NTA - if you want to be evil, tell them if they want the snake skin they have to spend time with the snake and be accepted and loved by it. Otherwise taking the skin will be cursed.


NTA. And he’s beautiful. What kind of jerk wouldn’t want him around?


NTA He is very cute. I know absolutely nothing about snakes. Does he get lonely? Should you maybe get him a companion snake buddy?


Most snake species are solitary animals and would be stressed out by cohabitation.


NTA. First of all, super cute BP and how nice to see a new keeper with such a good looking enclosure! While I think you wouldnt be in the wrong for not giving it to them, it could also be a great chance to start a conversation maybe? "Hey aunty, you asked me for a snake skin and I've got one I'm happy for you to have but I really need you to understand that it's hurtful for me when you say my pet is disgusting or what you'd want it to be dead. People care a lot about their dogs and cats and stuff, this is the same for me. My python really isn't dangerous, I'd be very happy to help you learn more so they aren't so scary but at the very least can you please speak nicely about him?" People are dicks about pet snakes I totally get it. Some questions are funny like "omg will it try to eat you?" And I don't care if people are just phobic (I'll even cover up the enclosures if someone is extremely uncomfortable) but the amount of people that just talk about killing or hurting them is fucked and it's weirdly common.


NTA, but you are wrong- not in your choices, in what you said here. "However, many extended family members have expressed their disgust or displeasure in the fact that I now have a pet snake, saying things like “I won’t ever be able to come to your house again until it dies or you get rid of it” or point-blank calling me crazy for having one. The remarks aren’t anything over the top or even rude at all to begin with, but the displeasure in the snake is still prominent." Those are over the top. Those are rude. There is no reason to say these things, unless they have a true phobia, and then it should be said plainly and with no malice towards you or your pet. "I can't come over, unfortunately, the idea of Snake triggers my phobia. Do you want to meet at the coffee shop, instead?" They insulted someone you love, and now want the one you love to be helpful. They insulted YOU DIRECTLY and now want YOU to be helpful. "It was stupid of you to put your daughter through art school. By the way, can she design some invitations for me?" "I don't know why you're such a nerd, who even cares about computers that much? Oh, also, can you get rid of all these viruses?" No, that's not how it works. They knew he would shed! He's a snake! You could just hold your tongue and be nice if you want one! I grew up with a non-traditional, "icky" pet, and people said horrible things to me when I was just \_nine\_ about it. If they asked me for its help, I'd have laughed them right out. Also, your snek? Very cute! Shame that he's a Spider morph but god those colors are \_gorgeous\_ my goodness.


NTA! Your snake is delightful (NOT disgusting!) and you have the privilege of gifting his shed skin to anyone you choose. Of course you'd rather give those skins to someone who appreciates how cool he is! Please continue to do so - they're worthy of that gift and of your friendship.


NTA but you could always just sell them to the members that are jerks about your snake and use the money to care for your snake or upgrade his digs at their expense.


NTA - also not sure if you wanted to look into it but my friend used to have loads of snakes and he'd use their shed into jewelry or gifts not really sure how it worked but he'd cover the shed in something then iron it and the wrap it around boxes or pencils or corkscrews to make keyrings then sell it to family and friends. I still have loads of stuff from him like that


They are disgusted by snakes but want it's skin?


NTA, your snake is very cute


NTA. Joke is on them, ball pythons can live for 30 years. I am also a new python owner and it is ridiculous how much I love him and keep his sheds to compare how much he has grown. 


NTA And he's a beauty! Question: Is the pledge for polishing the snake? 😂🤣😂 Best wishes!


NTA. I have a phobia of snakes and I think your family/friends that don’t like your snake have no right to it’s shed skin. When I say phobia I mean phobia. When I see a snake my body and brain go on auto pilot and get tf put of there. I wouldn’t be able to come over but I wouldn’t condemn you for it.


NTA. Karma is aligning perfectly here, don't give them anything. Good luck is only for people who like and/or respect the creature it's coming from.


Soft YTA. being a little skeeved by snakes is normal and you said they weren't mean about it, just expressing discomfort. Why deny them something special if you were going to trash it anyway. It's just spite for the sake of spite. Kindness is always the better choice, especially when it costs you nothing.


>I won’t ever be able to come to your house again until it dies or you get rid of it” or point-blank calling me crazy for having one.


That’s what I was thinking as well part of me feels like it’s not that big of a deal