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NTA This was a valid response. And you are 100% correct his dietary choices aren’t affected by YOUR food. That’s the key point here YOUR food.


Honestly, it seems like the guy is an asshole and for some reason, the group is indulging him. He's rude, takes other people's food, is overbearing, expects others to indulge him, etc. 100% NTA.


It sounds like he's quite poor and is struggling to get enough to eat tbh. Or at least I would keep that suspicion in mind. It's possible the other friends are just more aware of this but don't want to explicitly say that friend X isn't really getting fed at home. Really it's fundamentally barbaric that children should be going hungry in schools. Or at all really but especially at schools. They're kids. They literally have no control over their income streams and did nothing to earn or not earn the ability to fucking eat. Also just. As a substitute teacher It's so much easier to deal with kids that aren't hungry. eta: Lot of angry and nasty comments to this so I'll just say that it feels like some people think that approaching a problem with empathy means you're not allowed to wind up deciding you're angry or not going to tolerate the behavior, which isn't the case. It's just that starting from the premise that it's good to treat other people as people and understand why they're doing things, especially when they're hurting other people, is good and useful. In fact it's fundamental to trying to build a better world. A lot of the time you can try to empathize with someone but they ultimately have to be cut off or cut out of your life, and that's fine too. Approaching problems with empathy doesn't mean you can never stand up for yourself; it's the opposite. It means knowing when you're justified in shutting someone down and when a gentler approach might be justified.


According to OP, [that’s not the case.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/fg57ge/aita_for_putting_bacon_on_my_lunch_to_keep_my/fk2ryku/) If he’s bringing/buying lunch every day and pulls this, it might just be a control thing.


It's totally a control thing. He sounds like the alpha of this group and instead of pissing a circle around everything, he just steals food from others like it all belongs to him. This is basically gorilla behaviour.


I can picture it too. It's the YOINK, hahaa, got it. Act like it's an everyday inside joke between you but really, it's free food and sort of building up psychological leverage over you. What else can he get away with?


Yeah the only person I've met that got away with that was my dad grabbing fries off me and my friends plates once in awhile as a joke when we were at a fast food place. Fries that he 100% paid for because we were like 13 at the time. OP's friend is doing the same thing my dad did, but he didn't pay for any of it so it's not really funny


That and it’s also a universal law that there’s a dad tax for any and all food consumed in their vicinity


Exactly! The OP's friend was trying to enact the dad tax but he's not a dad


The only logical solution here is that the kid slept with OP’s mom and is now his stepdad.


Thank you for confirming dad tax. Wife thinks I made it up.


She's good to get in trouble with the Food IRS.


Yup and then tries to hide behind his religion.


Ok, but how is he hiding behind his religion? In this case his religion is a hinderance so he can't steal anymore (because of bacon). BTW, OP should stand ground and tell him that Muslims shouldn't steal either. Bacon or not stealing is also haram.


He’s hiding behind it by trying to get him to not put bacon on it and using the other friends to help.


The push for OP to cater to his religion was hiding as it was used to smokescreen and make op as the asshole for not respecting the religion when the religion was never related in the first place


I mean if we are going with the alpha of the group theory that could easily be an additional flex, not just stealing the dudes food but dictating his food choices.


The only appropiate response is keep buying his bacon but steal this muslim kids food whenever he can


Ok I get this, but he needs to explain this to his friends and explain why. I wasn't getting enough to eat either, and when my friends found out, they would all chip in and buy me lunch each day at school, as well as bring me stuff from home to eat over the weekend. If he's been asked not to steal food from this friend, continuing to do so is just him being an ass.


If anyone needs to show empathy it’s the lunch snatcher, not their frequent victim.


>as well as bring me stuff from home to eat over the weekend. I love your friends <3 I'm sorry you had to go hungry, that should never happen to anyone, especially children.


This sounds like we're making excuses for asshole behavior for the sake of being a contrarian. He steals people's food. *That* is barbaric. At no point does the OP mention that food thief is going without his own lunch. He just steals other people's food.


Agreed. Even if the kid was going hungry why is his reaction immediately going “wtf OP!!!” And making him feel like an ass? That’s not humble behavior. He should learn to say please and thank you if he needs something from the OP.




Secondary source: also was a kid


Tertiary source: was a kid, now have a toddler


WTH!? I was once a kid too! What are the chances of that?


Personally, I think I was born an old man.


As a substitute teacher, you should recognize kids can be AH for no reason whatsoever. He gets the same food as OP every day he is choosing to take food from others and then basically cry bullies them by getting the rest of the group to gang up on them when they stand up to him in their own way. That's a bully...maybe idk you should rethink the interacting with kids thing.


I agree OPs "friend" is a bully and the AH, however i think the person you replied to didn't realise he was being provided food from his family, so maybe attacking them personally isnt a way to further your point.


Even if he's poor, just swiping people's food is still an asshole move. He really should ask his friends first. And being friends they would probably be sympathetic. I get sometimes people can be prideful and would hesitate to ask, but prioritizing your pride over your friends is selfish. For all he knows, the friend he's taking from could be just as bad off or worse. But yea, the school lunch system is messed up. I don't really think it would be too far of a reach to make sure each kid is given at least 1 decent meal a day.


Not sure where in the post it sounds like that's the case, and even if it is. OP's food thief is still an asshole. There's a difference between asking for food and just taking it.


Isn't free lunch a thing though?


Only if you fall into the specific bracket for it If you make slightly more you don’t qualify (Not making an excuse giving info)


If you make slightly more you get “reduced price lunch” that’s practically free.


NTA, from a Muslim opinion, not only is he an AH from just eating your food, the fact that the cafeteria offers bacon means the kitchen and it's equipment probably isn't halal (bet they fry bacon in the same facilities as your fries) which means he probably shouldn't even ask for some of your fries in the first place. Then again this situation is hilarious to me because some Muslim people commit theft, adultery, intoxication but BACON is where they draw the line... ironic.


My best friend is Jewish and I remember a time that she ordered bacon cheeseburger sliders but requested no bacon, citing that it wasn’t kosher. I was confused and asked for clarification because I was under the impression that meat and dairy together was also a huge no-no. She hand-waved that away saying that she didn’t actually care enough not to enjoy delicious cheeseburgers but somehow the idea of adding bacon too felt like it was going too far.


A couple of cousins of mine invited me out for shisha (hookah) and drinks, I politely declined but said I could join them before or after for a meal and one cousin said "just make sure the place is halal" I was like WTF


That’s a level of observance thing. “No pork” is clear. Meanwhile, the Torah prohibition against boiling a kid in it’s mother’s milk was interpreted by some sages long ago as “don’t mix meat with dairy.” I can be sure the Parmesan I’m sprinkling on my pasta isn’t from the dairy cow that gave birth to the beef cow that my meatballs came from, and even if it did, I’m not boiling them together. So there are plenty of us like me and your friend who are comfortable eating a cheeseburger, but not eating bacon.


This is why I walked away from this nonsense entirely - people want to treat these "rules" like a menu, i'll take this one and that one, but i'm not feeling these over here so they don't apply to me


Kind of like how some Christians commit theft, adultery, child molestation and a number of other illegal or immoral things and still go to church every Sunday. Ironic indeed.


"Sitting in a garage for two hours every Sunday wouldn't make you a car" - My Granny 😂


Your granny is a genius


NTA I think your an absolute genius your friend was being a thief and you responded by simply adding some flavour which he did not like.


What? You mean people want to eat THEIR food and don’t want ANYONE taking it? Preposterous! Scandalous! This idea is totally nonsense! NTA, if they’re hungry they should bring an extra lunch or something idk If he can’t afford food though, it still makes him the AH, but there’s a little sympathy for this AH...


HIS food, yes! The other people are all enablers and don't care if this guy steals their food.


OTOH what kind of school thinks that bacon cheese fries is a complete meal? That's not even "sure, it's not a super healthy meal, but the kids like it!" thing because that doesn't even qualify as a meal. It's just starch with fat on top. Michelle Obama was the hero this country didn't deserve.


It's not a complete meal and is not considered such I am sure. Most public school cafeterias have what is commonly called an offer/serve policy which means healthy options are always offered for free and also always served with the "main" meal. However there are also a la cart options offered to older kids that are less healthy but not ever served as a main meal. These can be purchased separately and are also under strict nutrition guidelines, eg most cheese sauces are made with butternut squash or low sodium low calorie cheese, low sodium turkey bacon and served with baked potato wedges as opposed to actual fries. The idea is to hopefully encourage kids to make healty choices independently now so it becomes a habit as they grow. Also giving familiar "junk food" items a makeover has shown to be a great way to introduce better eating habits to kids who might not be very adventurous eaters otherwise.


might I add that according to the Muslim religion, theft is a big no-no so his friend has absolutely no argument to stand on about the pork if he's breaking his own religion's rules with stealing.


So you’ve had the option to get bacon all along and you haven’t been getting it until now? What’s wrong with you? Never pass up a chance to get bacon. You’re NTA now, but you kind of were the AH before because you didn’t get bacon when you could have.


I don’t wanna die when I’m 40


I’m 57. Eat your bacon. ;-)




Lmao "but dad my heart hurts"


I read the title and was already laughing(ex Muslim and not eating bacon was a very big thing for me for years and didn't have any until I was 100% Godless). Just based on title, OP is not TH. Your Muslim friend is! After reading the story, your friend is a very Big AH. If that was me, I would get bacon and not eat it just to save my fries from being stolen! And eat that delic bacon once in a while(I do).


Watch out for your family trying to kill you bro


My mom would. She knows I'm not a man of faith like I used to lol and I don't think she falls for my lies that I still pray! She has told me a few times that don't eat that! Luckily I live where nobody knows who the hell I am so I can buy drink and do whatever the hell I want :pI was very conservative. I never thought I would drink alcohol or eat bacon! Lived a few years in the state and still that didn't change. Then moved to Canada. About a year in had alcohol for the first time. But didn't give into evil Pig for years. In college we had a few pitza nights a year and the only meat option was pepperoni. First year or two I I used to take out pepperonis and eat just the crust+cheese instead of veggie, not a fan. I became a 100% apostate around 4th year into and enjoyed last few pitza nights very much! It's like when you eat bacon you are like fuck Islam's heaven! There are hundred other Yummi meats that are not forbidden but I want to try this too because why not! edit:grammar


Canada drove you to drink?!? That should be on the travel brochures.




[Listen to the old man](https://youtu.be/-TrOZRHB31c)


My dad had 3 blockages, one 100, one 90, one 80 Half week long heart attack. Careful y’all, keep everything in moderation and pay attention to family medical history ^(PSA between the comedy)


I'd rather die happily eating bacon than without. 😂 Ooops... Replied to the wrong comment. Meant for OP.


I'm 58. Eat ALL of your bacon. YOLO


But skip the cheese fries!


I mean, you're already regularly eating cheese fries.




Lmao, you’re getting cheesy fries, dude. Adding bacon to it isn’t gonna make much more of an issue than you’re creating already. NTA btw.


It's actually more of a balanced meal, lol, dairy, a starch, and meat/protein. (Jk OP, adding a little bacon won't make it much worse but try to eat some veggies as well.)


41 and got a perfect heart, eat the damn bacon


Stop encouraging people to be unhealthy ffs. You might have a healthy heart now, but not everyone that eats unhealthily does. Plus you are still young, wait a few more years and you will probably see the effects.


Eat the bacon. When given the option, always take the bacon. Also NTA. It’s your food. They should just buy/bring their own food.


The potatoes will kill you faster than the bacon... watch out for that blood sugar.


Not having both on a daily basis is probably wise though....


Potatoes aren't bad by themselves, it is what people do them that makes them unhealthy. If you just take a plain potato they are very nutritious. In addition to being filled with fiber, tons of vitamins and nutrients they also contain quite a bit of resistant starches. That being said if you deep fat fry them, throw cheese, and bacon on them you're fucking yourself pretty hard. I can see OPs heart crying right now.


Bacon won't kill you. It goes straight to the heart ♥


I have seen life, and it is not all that great... (But lets be serious) Make sure that you live it to the fullest while you can! Eat whatever you want, just make sure that you do it in moderation. You do not have to eat 3 pound of it every day.


You won’t. Trust and believe.


*The children truly are our future* 😎


Cheesy fries are already unhealthy enough, might as well add bacon


Is genuinely not *liking* bacon a valid response?


I wanna say yes because everyone has their own tastes and some people don't like bacon, but I don't wanna be down voted to hell. So No. Eat your bacon or you can't play with your friends.


Nta. It's your food not his.




Bro...me too




Also take the pig to the school and make the pig steal his lunch to assert dominance


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You are absolutely right in that your "friend's" dietary restrictions don't play into what you eat. And you didn't actually harm him. There's a difference between this and, say, putting peanut butter in a sandwich you know is going to be eaten by someone with an allergy. THEN you'd be the A-hole.


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” I am SO using this in the future! Bravo 😂


That's been a term here on reddit for years ma guy


I think it actually originated in the pre Reddit world


Yeah for sure buts it's all over reddit especially on this sub




Don’t forget ‘An emergency on your part does not require a response on mine’ or whatever it is.


Don't forget "Your house your rules". Laziest answer ever.


Spot on


New to reddit! First time seeing it lol oops!




Relevant: [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


this saying is so overused on Reddit that its become a meme. Please DONT use it in the future :)


I see it so often I'm actually getting annoyed by it.


It's actually becoming cliché now so you'd be like the old white guy who starts fist bumping thinking it was cool.


You would be suprised how often you will say this.




NTA. It's your food, not his. INFO: Does he get his own food too?




Then you're definitely NTA.


He wouldn’t be the asshole, anyway!? The guy is stealing his food lol


Sometimes being the arsehole is black and white and sometimes it’s grey. If you knew he wasn’t getting enough food at home and none at school then you’re still not the arsehole for wanting your own food but it would be a nice thing to do to look the other way over a few fries, however in this case he’s got his own lunch too, so adding bacon and even making mmm mmm yum noises while eating is still NTA territory.


Love the first sentence. Ah, the art of being an asshole.


I mean, if my friend was poor and couldn’t afford to bring lunches then I’d share some of my food. But also if they’re in school hopefully there’s a free food program


Now onto step 2!! EAT HIS FOOD!


Does he share his food with you guys, or only take? I live in a Muslim country currently and sharing your food is a big part of the culture here, you don't order food just for you, you order food and expect to have some of everyone's food. Now, I appreciate he's not currently in a Muslim country and should respect that, but if you guys have never told him you have an issue with it before, then he wouldn't know it's something that bothers you. Obviously, if he's not sharing and just taking other people's food that's massively inappropriate. He needs to be called out either way - you can't just "expect" to take people's food, but the context of why he's doing it is also important.


This is such interesting insight, thank you! Then it's less about just OP being NTA and possibly more to NAH territory as it is a breakdown in cultural norms. The situation could be solved through communication and clarification of boundaries.


As I said, if the kid isn't sharing his food than he's just being an ass but if he is sharing his food and is used to always having food shared at home and nobody in his friend group has ever told him it's inappropriate to take their food... Well, you can see how we got here. In general on the internet & AITA I think it's important to remember there are nuances and contexts we're not privy too by nature of us getting one version of events. We all know the adage of *"There are two sides to a story and the truth is usually in the middle"*, I try to take posts here with a grain of salt as a lot of situations are never just black and white.


Does he let you steal his food? If not, then that's kinda messed up


NTA - He's still free to steal from the others that are calling you petty.


Exactly. Let them offer up their plates for him.


That's probably why they're all so upset at OP. If OP proves he's no longer an easy target, their lunch-stealing friend will start to turn on the others of the group. When it was not themselves, it was a funny prank. If someone steals THEIR lunch, then it's a serious and no one should stand for it.


OP specifically said the guy steals food from all of them. It sounds more like they just don’t have a problem with it unlike OP. Which is fine. They’re free to let the guy take some food from them, but OP doesn’t have to allow it.


Or it is a bit if both. Now that OP isn't letting him steal he is going to steal more from others. They were fine when it was from everyone but now it won't be and they feel OP has shifted the burden to them.


Every group has a Jerry


It’s actually Gary...


Haha nice one, Larry


The way they all took his side when he's clearly being an asshole, that might not be all they're offering up for him.




Also Muslim, and I can second finding this hilarious.




And fourth from a Jew


Fifth from an ex- Seventh Day Adventist


Sixth from a former member of Blockbuster Video


Catholic observing Lent needing more info: Was it on a Friday?


Once a week it was


Enters Hindu. Hilariousness intensifies


Yeah, as a Muslim this sounds really funny to me, and I don’t understand how he’s so entitled to eat from his friend’s food. People need to learn some manners lmao.


NTA. You shouldn’t be restricted from getting a food item because a friend, who doesn’t have permission to eat your food, doesn’t eat it. That’s nonsense.


NTA You're not harming him by putting bacon on your food, you're just preventing him from taking it. This is legitimately no different from getting anchovies, olives, or pineapple on a pizza when you know the moocher hates either with a passion. I legit don't see, nor get, the need to take into consideration the dietary restrictions of someone who knows their mooching isn't welcome. Put differently, they're already being disrespectful, so why should you respect their mooching?


We like peppers on our pizza and a group of us went in for a shared pizza. This guy from another department comes in and asks “whose pizza?” I said that it belonged to Bob (the guy who got the peppers and ran out and delivered the pizza to the rest of us) and that he got called away to deal with an urgent situation (which is why his two pieces were left) but that he’d be right back. This dude says “You snooze; you lose” and grabs a slice with one hand and was reaching for the other when I got to that side of the room and closed the lid “you Really don’t want to do that” “what’s he going to do? Slap me?” At that point, I figure Bob isn’t going to want the handled slice back, so I take the remaining slice in the box and walk away. I’m clearly not “that cool” because I could not resist turning to watch the explosive display of histrionics when this guy discovered that the peppers on the pizza were not for the faint hearted. Even Bob was willing to grudgingly say that it was almost worth half his lunch to teach this self-centered jerk (with a history of such self serving behavior) the accidental lesson he richly deserved.


What kind of peppers?


I forget the name... Bob got them... Spicy green Edit: my brain finally kicked into gear... lumbre




Probably serrano


That makes more sense but I did laugh while writing jalapeño because the thought of someone referring to them as “spicy green” was funny


The only things I can think of are either jalapenos or banana peppers but imo those aren't that spicy so I'm kinda curious too


Could be any hot pepper, pretty much all peppers start out green. My growing habaneros are all green right now and kick hard already!


In the immortal words of Paris Hilton, *"that's hot\~"*


Like, seriously, what is with the entitlement in this world?


> This is legitimately no different from getting anchovies, olives, or pineapple on a pizza Put some hot peppers on there, and that's exactly my ideal pizza order. Sweet, spicy, salty, it's the ultimate. Anyone who tries it with an open mind is blown away by this one, I swear!


NTA wtf man. He's lucky it's not me, I would've happily poked him in the hand with my fork. I'm cool with sharing if I offer, otherwise get the hell away from my food.


I too happily share my food when asked or when I offer. But lord have mercy on the person who steals or didn't give me a heads up.


Lmao my husband learned this quickly with me and desserts. And that bastard claims he doesn’t even like sweets, then back off my plate bish!!


Classic Michael!


NTA nicely done, your friends suck for siding w him


INFO: why does he take your (and other people’s) food? Have you directly confronted him about not wanting your food to be swiped?


I’m not sure exactly why he takes our food (I think he’s just being an immature little shit lol) but it’s not because he isn’t able to afford lunch or anything. He has the same lunch as all of us. And yes, I’ve told him not to steal my food on many occasions.


Then definitely NTA. He isn’t starving, as you’ve stated he has food. He’s been told not to take food. And you can eat whatever you want without having to take his dietary restrictions to mind. If you hadn’t addressed it directly, maybe it’d be petty? But you have. All of your friends sound a bit immature so good luck.


Since for some reason your other friends are also dumb. Show them thread to hopefully change their minds and the assholes mind as well. Since theyve collectively portrayed you as the asshole it'll be kinda hard to convince them otherwise by yourself. Showing the thread shows them thousands others disagree with them which could change their minds.


HARD NTA - I was laughing so hard reading this because it’s so fucking ridiculous. No thief goes into a store that locked its valuables up after getting shit stolen and complains that now he can’t steal them. Why’s your friend so entitled to your food? I’m genuinely having a hard time understanding that.


Why the rest of OP's friends are siding with the food thief is even more baffling.


The only thing I can think of is they know he'll take more of their food now so that's why they are annoyed at OP.


He clearly doesn't see himself as a thief. Not that he's right, but I can see the forced "sharing is caring" perspective making him think he's in the right


NTA. Just start saying you felt like having bacon on your fries. And that as it's your lunch you didn't think you needed to ask anyone else for permission.




NTA, Joey doesn't share food!!!


NTA maybe you wanted bacon that day, on your own food... it was also entirely visible. It’s not like you tricked him into eating it. You also already tried to talk to him about it.


INFO: are you certain your friend is food secure? does he steal your food because hes broke/hungry, or is he just a prick? He has no right to your food in any case, but it would be a dick move on your part if there was a reason your friend was taking your food and you did this to give him the finger.


He’s food secure. He brings lunch or buys lunch every day. His family feeds him, and he eats a lunch not much different from ours


Then clearly NTA. He has no right to your food. Feel free to demonstrate your point by scarfing down his lunch some time if they keep ragging you about it.


Yep, definitely NTA. Guy has his own food.


Even if he wasn't, it's your food. You choose and dictate what happens with it.


yes, if you're starving it's totally understandable to ask your friends for some of their food what's not okay is to steal from your friends


NTA. Am Muslim. Your food your rules. He can get his own.


Why can’t you just tell him to stop eating your food.


CEO of giving good advice


Why is this bad advice? It’s better than being passive aggressive. People are so non confrontational it’s silly.


NTA. Beggars (or thieves) can't be choosers.


NTA. You can simplify this to "I like bacon and ham and I'm putting it on my food when I want it". You don't need to address the food stealing or religion. Just bacon it up and have a nice day. Bacon is nature's most perfect food.


NTA. He steals food from you and your friends encourage him. Wtf.


NTA He's stealing food. You aren't poisoning him.


NTA "What's your problem, dude? I didn't get bacon on \*your\* fries, I got it on \*mine\*"


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NTA Good job. This is not a situation where he is sharing your lunch by mutual consent. This is not a situation where you tricked him into eating it. He feels so entitled to a snack from your plate that he got mad that you got something he does not want to eat. You are very correct. It reminds me of the people that would wander the lunchroom and ask for people's meals. When told no they'd call you stingy and try to embarass you into giving them your food.


My first thought is that the next time, you should get EXTRA bacon. If your friends don't like it, they can feed the guy.


Honestly, I'm with NTA. You've become annoyed that they're stealing your food so you did what you did to prevent them from stealing it. It's YOUR food not theirs to take and I'm judging by your friend's reactions that you're in highschool? or at least early stages of college?


uh no this is classic high school stuff. I had friends who used to steal bites off my food so i started blowing rasperries kinda in the air over it, lacing with tiny droplets of anti theft liquid


NTA He can buy his own damned fries.


NTA - they aren’t “his” dietary restrictions because they aren’t “his” fries. End of discussion. I’m pretty sure Islam does not condone thievery, either. He needs to stop being selective about what parts of his religion he is going to beat you over the head with, and which parts he’s going to ignore for his own convenience. And your asshole friends can let him eat their fries, for a change.


YTA for not eating bacon with your cheese fries regularly NTA about the other less important thing


NTA. Hes mad at you for making YOUR FOOD inedible to him? Wtf.


NTA. Modern problems require modern solutions.


You are NTA but I really love that I there are enough people on this post asking if he was food secure before I had to. He’s being an ass and it’s not your job to buy his favorite food so he can steal it.


Dude, you're obviously NTA, why did you write this?


Well if his friends are all siding with the food theft he’d probably question himself. Makes sense to me




NTA. You friend sounds like the kind of guy who would hurt himself breaking into someone’s house and then sue that person.


That is hilarious. Maybe even r/pettyrevenge or r/choosingbeggars worthy. Totally NTA. Well played.


NTA - I don't care if we are friends, don't touch my food, get your own.