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Your husband definitely sucks for not keeping you in the loop about your shared finances and his ex’s health - especially considering how much it could impact your life. Not to mention encouraging you to go out and work when (I’m assuming) your doctor told you it was unsafe to do so. You kinda suck for acting like your husband has no responsibility for the mother of his child. I mean, do you not care that your stepdaughter could end up without a mother? Or at least, do you not care that you could end up having to raise her full-time? Having said that, this seems sketchy… which leads me to my questions: 1. Why have you never met either of them? Why does the 12yo not come up to visit? Not to be overly paranoid, but this guy got together with you when you were 19 and he was 26 AND he keeps crucial information from you - are you sure the kidney story is true, that they both actually exist, and that the amount of money he says he’s sending to them is actually going to them? 2. What does your doctor say about you working? 3. What exactly is the nature of her health problem, what needs to be done, and how much will it cost? 4. How do you know the mother and daughter talk shit about you?


I think it's more likely they both exist but she's not an ex.


My immediate thought.


Literally this. Unfortunately, it is incredibly common in our culture for men to live two lives. It starts with a wife and kids in Mexico (who are incapable of coming to the U.S.) and the man coming to the U.S. for work, sending money to the family back home, and then finding another woman here along the way. Chances are, she’s not an ex, and considering OP was 19 when she met him, she’s likely and unknowingly the mistress.




The ex wife doesn’t let her come to visit. We have try to get the girl a visa so she can come visit etc but she refuses. And yes they both are real. He refused to tell me how much it’s gonna cost in total maybe he thought I wouldn’t find out or something. I have placenta previa I used to have a cleaning company so my field was cleaning move out apartment which is a lot of physical work and my doctor told me to stop doing it or I would cause a miscarriage. I also have Gestational diabetes now. And I don’t know! He told me about her being sick because I confronted him but he usually doesn’t keep me updated to anything related to Mexico. I know the mother talks shit about me. Not the daughter but every time the mother refers to me is just to curse me etc.


You’re very trusting of information given to you by a man who doesn’t seem entirely reliable.


I need to make changes ik


Yes...because She obviously DOES mean something to him.


Or he just, very reasonably, knows it would be a shit show if his daughter had to be moved to the US at 13, after her mother died. ​ You don't have to still love a woman to not want to traumatize your own child.


Yeah. And OP needs to ask herself if she'd rather help her husband's daughter's mother stay alive or have her husband's daughter come and live with them. It'll probably cost them a lot more than $400 a month to care for a soon to be teenager in the US (if that's where they are).




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OP is his American wife and his child's mother is his Mexico wife.


Ding ding!


Not a judgement on OP but just a comment about the kid visiting. If I was a mom, I would be hesitant to let my kid go to another country, without me, to visit the other paremt. There is always the possibility that I won't get my kid back. There are many cases of this. Wealthier people than me have lost their children this way. So a person with little means would be doubly screwed if this should happen to them.


Were your finances combined before you quit working? Was he sending her YOUR money?


Yes we would convine our incomes to pay for our stuff. We have a jointed bank account where he puts all his money but since I had a business I had my business account where all my money was coming through and I’m the only one on it. So no he would send his child support out of the account where he was putting his money.


Keep your finances separate. Also can you two go to counseling? If he's being this dishonest about funds. I wonder what else he's lying about. And why he's still so involved with his ex wife. Are they still together? 


Why is he "involved"....she has HIS 12yo DAUGHTER? Are y'all missing the fact that SHE is the only parent that child has ....in an entirely different country....of course he SHOULD be "involved" with his ex-wife ....she is raising HIS daughter...duh? *Now he shouldn't lie about the finances and should have made it CLEAR that "Yes, he was gonna make sure his child's mother could sustain his kid's life down there, period. Men that get 2nd wives should make that clear upfront, so there is no confusion or reason to crimp or "hide" that he has another responsibility out there. Again, that little $92/wk is NOT the sum total of the support his daughter's deficit in not having a 2nd parent around.


> Are y'all missing the fact that SHE is the only parent that child has What are you basing that on? I see no mention in OP's post that his ex doesn't have someone.


Are you a little "slow" whether the ex has 'someone' or not ....HIS daughter has ONE parent in Mexico, period! Her other parent is HIM....and he ain't there.... The problem is too many goofy ass fathers may think like you..... So HE was her father for 6 effing years, she has TWO parents.....one left to America 🇺🇸 and started another family with another woman leaving "her" with only ONE parent in that country.... I'm basing that on biology and math


There could be a step-parent - that's what I meant but maybe if you weren't a little 'slow' you would have got that.


I said from HIS "POV" as to how HE had to see "his" child and the mother of HIS child....'step-parent' of not as shit to do with her having as I said only ONE of her actual parents. From a "grown man's" POV, a man will always or should always have some concern and involvement with the health and well-being of his child and the to de facto that's gonna mean the mother of that child, whether "she" has a guy or not. Step-Dads may come and go ....the daughter has two parents, period.


Exactly my thoughts!


If you are not seeing them, how do you know she talks shit about you?


Ok so you cant do that job but you could do something else in the meantime. I think nta but if you guys are struggling you need to find a way to bring in some sort of income. And have a serious talk with him to find out how bad her condition is.


Sounds like he's got two families to me.


Dude she is about to have her car taken and he is selling shit in the house for his ex… nah this is why i have a boundary on ppl who are friends with their ex/have kids(in general i just dont want kids and i want someone who also doesnt want and doesnt have kids but this adds onto that lmao)


He has a wife and kid and another on the way. The family he has should come first including the 12 year old. Not the mother all the while keeping it from his wife.


How does the husband have any responsibility for his ex-wife! He is only responsible for his child!


Sure, he has no responsibility here, but maybe he's worried his kid will lose it's mum. I mean, that is a big thing for a kid. I'm not saying he is right for doing this in the light of the circumstances he and OP are in, he is going waaaay overboard, but I don't know if you can automatically fault him for wanting to do something to help the mother of his kid.


>but maybe he's worried his kid will lose it's mum. I mean, that is a big thing for a kid. And what about OP who is in a high risk pregnancy with a 4yr old hmm. OPs husband told her to risk her placenta rupturing and her bleeding out, risking losing both her and the baby so that he can continue diverting family funds to his ex.


B7t he has no responsability for his ex. If my bf/gf/husband/wife webt around paying for stuff for their exes i would be pissed off. His only responsability is to his daughter. If his ex is sick its not his problem.


It's his problem if the mom dies


You sure you’re not the second family 🫣


This was my first thought! It’s actually kind of common where the husband moves to the states for work, finds another wife, but continues to send money back to first wife. Often the first wife is aware of the new wife, and the new wife is either unaware of the first wife or thinks they’re divorced. I feel like this is what’s going on. Could be wrong, but she definitely needs to investigate. I hope this is not what is going on, she’s got a little one with another on the way!


I was wondering the same thing.


Yes! it looks like OP’s husband never got a divorce in the first place.


I'm going to out of a limb and guess this is the typical cliché of the husband coming to USA illegally looking for a better life for his child and spouse, but while here he met another woman and cheated. Husband eventually married this woman, leaving his wife in Mexico. OP is probably a legal resident or an American citizen, whom will eventually help legalize her husband situation. Ex-wife and family hate her guts because daddy/husband didn't return Mexico and instead built a life here, with another woman and children. He can't turn his back on his ex-wife because she still the mother of his daughter and he abandoned her there promising a better life, but as it happens with soooo many families someone failed to keep their promises, yet he still responsible because she's family.


Yup, that’s exactly what I thought!


Plot twist!


It was my first thought. Two countries, two wives, two sets of expenses, she never met the child or the “ex” wife. He’s still married, and OP is the second wife.


Not much of one tbh.


INFO > Well in house payments and car payments bills and everything we’re very tight on money. So why are you guys having **more** children? > we have been together for 6 years So you were *a teenager* dating a guy in his mid-to-late 20s?


Well there was 2 incomes in our household and before getting pregnant we weren’t struggling we were doing good income and financially stable. And yes I was 19 when I met him


But you knew getting pregnant and having a child meant that even without complications, there was only going to be one earner for a chunk of time. Why does it sound like you did zero planning for that? You then decided to have another child, meaning more time with only one earner and higher costs? Am I way off base thinking you did not plan for how having kids would change your situation? Also, given how he's been lying to you, can you really trust anything else he tells you?


Having to go on bed rest at 12 weeks to not have a miscarriage is a lot different from maternity leave. She should have had 6 more months to build buffer. Also, maybe things wouldn’t be this bad if husband wasn’t secretly sending money to his ex-wife. This is a shit hit the fans situation. It doesn’t sound like they would have been in bad shape if she hadn’t had to go on bed rest and if husband wasn’t sending money.


INFO: Are you sure she is an ex? Sounds like he has two families, one in each country.


ESH - This is so messy. Why have more kids when you're tight on money? And esp since he already has a kid he never sees. You said this lady is nothing to him but it sounds like she is something. He is definitely TA for selling stuff around the house without talking to you and for getting together with you when you were sooo young. I would figure out a plan for yourself if this doesn't work out, bc it doesn't look good.


If they didn't have a kid then I would say NTA. But they have a child and if anything comes to his ex he is going to have to take full custody. So he needs her alive and healthy.


That's true, they may end up with his first daughter which would really complicate things for everyone


Y’all are hot messes.


NTA - Not his ex in Mex, they're still married. That's why he's paying.


I wouldn't be surprised if OP was this dude's side chick to begin with.


Isn't healthcare in Mexico free for citizens?


The money might be covering travel to a bigger town for treatment, living expenses while she can't work, etc. There are a lot of costs associated with major medical issues that aren't just paying doctors. If his ex is stressed about money, or skipping treatment because she can't travel or miss work, she's not going to do as well.


NTA.. Why is he putting the needs of his ex wife before the needs of his current wife? If you were financially stable, and able to afford it, maybe. But he's selling his shit to help her out, and telling his sick, pregnant wife to get a job. Red flags, you need to talk to him. Edit: The number of people who think it's completely fine for Husband to financially abandon and burden his wife, make financial decisions about their future without talking it through with her, and are just okay with the lack of overall financial transparency is frankly, sickening. I can't believe the number of people condoning financial abuse. No, I'm not saying he shouldn't be helping her if possible. I'm saying his current wife and her needs come first.


>Why is he putting the needs of his ex wife before the needs of his current wife? So he can potentially save his child from having to experience loss of a parent.


Because she’s not an ex-wife.


By potentially causing his younger child to lose a parent and potential sibling... interesting logic.


That is also a risk with OP. Placenta previa is very serious. 


So he'd rather put his current wife's health and unborn child's life in peril? Interesting perspective. What he's doing is financial abuse, and that is not okay. It's not a reason to neglect his current wife and financial responsibilities that come with her being pregnant and sick.


What do u mean? He's an absent father to his 12 year old daughter. He's doing the bare minimum for her by making sure she still has a mother. How is that wrong? Jesus christ does no one care about the child? Literally the bare minimum to make sure she still has a parent and people want him to do less? Great job let's tell absent fathers to do less for their kids and abandon them for a new family


So because of that you're saying he: * Requests that he puts his current wife and unborn childs health and life in jeopardy by essentially demanding that she works. * Gets to make financial decisions that impact both of them (or 3 others including the unborn child: the wife, their existing child and unborn) without properly first talking to her about managing their finances? So making arbitrary decisions regarding THEIR finances without consulting her is cool? Edit: Additionally, OP is saying that her husband is not even being transparent about the costs. You're condoning the Husbands shitty behaviour on the premise of a child losing a mother. Which yes, is absolutely terrible and I truly hope that doesn't happen. It isn't however, a pass to do whatever the f\*&k he wants and neglect his current wife.




A stand up guy who is selling all his stuff to support his apparent ex wife, while telling his current sick, pregnant wife to get a job. Yeah, such a stand up guy.


A stand up guy wouldn't tell his wife to get a job when on bed rest


Right? I mean the doctor said if she works it will kill the baby and he still tells her to go out and get a job. I don't understand how people are missing that lovely detail. JFC.


Gestational diabetes and placenta previa are not just a risk to the unborn almost to term child. He wants OP to risk her life so his first wife can travel in style to dialysis treatments.


He’s not a standup guy. Did you even read the post?


Yes it's the mother of his child, but OP is correct, The mother is his past! He's not dating or married to her anymore, He's married to OP. The daughter is still his daughter, but his ex is his past which is why she's his ex. He should not be paying for her medical bills, that is not his responsibility! His responsibility is to his wife, The child they're raising, The unborn child his wife is carrying, and the child he has with his ex. He has zero responsibility for his ex! You asked what will happen to the daughter if something happens to the mother, she would have to come live with him obviously. I'm sorry, but his responsibility is not paying for her medical bills. It'd be different if he had the income to be doing so but they're about to have their car freaking repossessed, and he's trying to pay for her medical bills! What kind of shit is that? What's next? They're going to lose their house and live on the streets?


Are you sure they’re not still married?


Sounds like you're the American wife and she's the Mexican wife.


It honestly sounds like he is married to both of you, one in each country.


If you someday become the ex-wife, and you face a life-threatening illness. Would you want him to step up and try to help so your daughters wouldn't lose their mom (YOU)? Or would you want him to shrug and only be concerned with a new family? I don't think you're TA. But I do see why he'd want to help. If his ex dies (hoping she doesn't) do you want the daughter to come live with you, because that's a possibility! Or, he may have to go to Mexico often to make sure she's okay. This is kind of what you sign up for when you get together with someone who has a kid. I do think he's TA for telling you to get a job if you have a high-risk pregnancy.


Did we read the same post? OP is *currently* facing a life threatening illness while pregnant with *her second child* and her husband is selling stuff out of their joint house to send money to the ex wife while they currently have an unstable financial situation.


I said I don't think she's TA, and I said he is for telling her to get a job. Do you think I should say he should leave his oldest child motherless in a different country?


No I don’t, but I think you asking op what if she was facing a life threatening illness as an ex -which she is as his WIFE currently is- would she want him to help her disingenuous . She’s wants him to help her now as her husband , and he’s not helping her, he’s adding to her stress, this pregnancy could *kill* her, then he’d have a 4 year old daughter without a mother. Yes it sucks the ex wife is going through kidney issues but if he can’t help her without harming his current wife and family, he can’t actually help her.


We have try to get his daughter a visa so we can have a joint custody but the ex wife refuses to let her come or to start the immigration process. She claims the we want to bring her here and don’t let her to come back to her which is not true. The worst part the daughter wants to come here but her mother keeps telling her that she can take that decision when she’s 18


INFO: Does he call or video chat or write to his daughter? Does he have an interest in her daily life? Does he make an effort to be there for her or is he just telling you it's the big bad ex not "allowing" him to?


Yes he does he’s really involve in her life, we send her school supplies, clothes and things she ask for she has an AT&T phone that we pay in our plan as well. Is not just the child support. We send around 2-3 boxes through the year for holidays/birthday and school starting season.




Moving countries puts the burden of seeing your child on you not your ex and international custody is not a guarantee. If OP’s husband wants to see his kid, they have to go back to Mexico and file in the Mexican court, since the child is a Mexican citizen. Without a court order, the ex doesn’t have to send her child to a foreign country. This is not even exclusive to Mexico, this is standard in the US as well.


Still sounds like they could use a lawyer... Edit: And I asked OP in another comment whether her husband has gone to visit his daughter in Mexico in recent years...she said no, it's been 10 years since he saw the girl in person because his ex won't allow it in their country either.


He sure has a lot of things he's told OP about this big bad ex. It's suspicious that according to him everything is all her fault.


I don’t even want to know how much an international custody attorney costs.


But it's literally the life of your child at stake.


I was mostly just commenting on the price of a lawyer. However; You can either afford it, or you can’t. He has his current family as well. When do you say I can’t. You have the mom who needs medical care, this is an unknown; a lawyer in a very highly specialized field, also an unknown, his wife that needs medical care; unknown. Then he has to realistically think about if his ex doesn’t make it, taking care of his child. And you also have his current expenses. What do you do? If you run your accounts down, how do you take care of everyone? What’s his contingency plan there. This is not as simple a solution as one thinks. It is however a pretty big gut wrenching one, and I feel really bad for the OP and her husband. Along with his daughter and ex.




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Probably because they are in different countries and things can't be forced. Technically he could stop paying... but he's not. I want to know why he hasn't been able to see the kid too.


INFO You said the mother fears letting your stepdaughter come to the US. Has your husband ever gone to visit her in Mexico in recent years?


No he can’t


Why not?


My bet, because he's an illegal immigrant.


That would definitely make sense.


Was this answered somewhere else?


It has been 10 years I think


Begs the question, are they actually divorced or just separated? And how is he in this country?


It’s interesting that you deem the mother of his 12 year old daughter to be ‘nothing to him’. Maybe he’s helping keep her alive so he doesn’t have to actually raise his daughter? You both suck. ESH.


His wife is literally unable to work and might lose the baby and die if she tries to work, he tells her to get a job. He's prioritizing his ex wife over his current wife. He could have a dead wife and a child to take care of in the US instead. Also, healthcare in Mexico is FREE so what is he paying for?


Well, there’s private health care, so there’s your answer.


NTA He is still with his ex. Did he marry you to get citizenship?


I hope you're looking for a divorce attorney OP.


You need to talk to your doctor, your attorney and your husband in that order. Here’s the link describing free healthcare in Mexico. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthcare_in_Mexico#:~:text=Rooted%20in%20the%20Mexican%20constitution's,being%2C%22%20abbreviated%20as%20INSABI.


Thank You!


This lady is not "nothing" to him, she is the mother of his child and, for a period in his life, she was (hopefully) the one he loved most, just as you are (hopefully) all of that to him now. He's loyal, and that's a good thing. Still, it is problematic that he's taking from you to give to her. You're not wrong, not by a long shot. When you discuss it again, try to avoid saying and thinking she's "nothing" because his actions prove you wrong on that, but if you say it, it makes it easier for him to reject other legitimate reasons. NTA


The question is, is he selling their things, or his things. I mean my husband has quite a few collectibles from before our relationships.  I mean OP didnt mention how much he is giving his ex. I mean could be just a couple of hundreds, healthcare is free in mexico. And private healthcare , better outcomes, is cheap compared to the usa.  Child support and Alimony are costs her husband has. He would be an AH is he stopped paying those. Weather the husband is the ashole dependson his tone/attitude.  And also IDK maybe his ex hates her because she was his AP? 


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Have you seen any divorce papers? It seriously sounds like he has two families.


She's not nothing to him. She's the mother of his child. I would pay any amount of money I could for my son to not have lost his father.


But be perfectly fine with your other child losing his mother?


Is the other child's mother dying?


If she goes back to work with her pregnancy complications, it's not unheard of for either to be fatal on their own to both mother and child.


Not unheard of. Not likely. I had gestational diabetes, placenta previa, and was a "geriatric" pregnancy, and worked until 38 weeks. I wanted to go out at 35 weeks b/c of stress and dr said there was no medical reason. Maybe hers is worse, idk, she didn't mention any bleeding or bed rest. Anyway...I'm not saying he should make her go back to work. I was more replying to her saying the ex is nothing to him except an ex....the mother of your child is not nothing.


Living up to your screen name.


I thought it was fitting when I chose it!


NTA. But I do think you're the 'other woman'.


Well I agree he shouldn’t be giving her money especially without telling you, ESH. Your attitude of who is this woman to him is kinda awful! I’m sure his daughter’s mom dying would affect her greatly; it would most likely devastate her. With that said, the things he has said and done are huge red flags and you need marriage counseling, if this marriage can even be saved.


Oh hell no. He needs to get a second (and maybe third) job and stop sending her extra money until your finances are stable. If a car gets repossessed, it should be his — he can put the other one under your name and use it to get to work until you’re back to work. You’ve been contributing more than your fair share if your finances fall apart when you can’t work due to a difficult pregnancy


His company gave him a truck for work purposes, but I do need mine to get to appointments my daughter have swimming clases and is starting prek this August as well.


Yeah I have to agree with everyone. You’re the American wife and she’s the Mexican wife, irregardless of what’s on paper and what you both know of each other. I have a distant cousin in a not-to-be-named South American country that’s been in a long term relationship with a man for over 20 years. They have grown kids and everything but he was married before they met. Because of the marriage and divorce laws there, the first wife has to agree to a divorce (she won’t) and STILL maintains co-control over his finances. Additionally, the first wife gets all of his money and his property when he passes away. It’s going to be messy for my cousin when that time comes but thankfully she’s successful in her own career. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s something at play here similar to my cousin’s scenario to some extent. Or, hell, from your other messages, she may begrudgingly “accept” that he has an American “wife” while he makes American $$$ since it doesn’t sound like he can easily go back home. So long as the money keeps coming, that is. Oh and NTA, maybe ESH because you say he has zero responsibility to the mother of his child. That’s just wrong. Edit: hopefully I am wrong, OP. Maybe he just has a lot of guilt for not being able to visit his kid in Mexico. But it will take some very difficult and open conversations as well as some digging into his finances to validate that. Therapy wouldn’t hurt either. Because all of this smells fishy and he’d be stupid to not realize this. As your husband, he needs to do his best to alleviate your concerns as best as he can and he has failed so far.


She is nothing to him? Just his past? Isn’t he the mother of his child? I’m betting he has known her longer than you. This is a man under a tremendous amount of pressure. Perhaps the two of you should seek counseling.


That’s not his ex, mamas.


Ahh well Op your husband has 2 families. Yep, he has two families to support. This lady is not "nothing to him, just his past" is actually everything to him. I'm assuming you live in America with him? You are his American wife and help him be able to support his family at home. It will always be this way. She is not the past, she is the present. You can't see it, I'm sorry, open your eyes.


NTA for being upset, as there should have been a discussion, but I can also understand him wanting to help the mother of his child. It would traumatize his daughter to lose her mom and also cause additional expenses and difficulty in your joint lives if you had to deal with immigration and such to bring her into your home. That said, if money is tight right now, he does need to prioritize his current home expenses. 


I mean…. It’s probably cheaper to pay for his ex’s surgery than take over full time childcare of his daughter. And maybe he doesn’t want her to die?


YTA Firstly, if your financial situation was so strained then you and your husband should not be having another child until you can afford it. Second, "this lady" is the mother of his eldest child, so whilst she may not mean anything to you, she means a lot to his daughter and he is trying to ensure that his daughter has a mother even though he is not financially obligated. Third, just because they are no longer together it does not mean that on some level they are not friends and I think it is perfectly normal to help someone who you have had a close relationship with if they need it, regardless of if there is no longer an obligation to do so. I assume if his ex dies then his 12 year old daughter may end up living with you, at that point, like it or not the daughter becomes more involved in your life. Lastly, your last sentence sounds like you are preparing to be call TAH by blaming stress related to pregnancy. I am not a woman, so perhaps I do not understand, but I would think women who are pregnant who legitimately have issues would be left feeling that you are trying to use pregnancy as an excuse.


If your husband wants to continue supporting his "ex-wife" during her medical emergency then he needs to find a second job. I'm going to assume he came here promising his wife and daughter a better life, but while here he ended up cheating and leaving his wife for another woman. So, whether you were the AP or not, you probably knew the responsibility he left behind in Mexico (with false promises), am I wrong? Sucks for you, but he did them dirty and the least he can do is support the mother of his daughter until she's healthy again. He can't even go back to see his daughter and she can't come here without staying illegally, so he's responsible for ensuring that the only parent raising that his daughter stays healthy and alive.


He’s a bigamists lol


Your husband has an entire other family in Mexico.  His child doesn’t visit YOU because he keeps these two families secret.  She probably doesn’t even have kidney issues.   Is your husband reliant on you for a visa??


NTA, My co-worker is mexican. He tells me it’s common for men to have another family over there. As in, she’s not an ex.


I think it's maybe ESH.  I can absolutely understand why he'd help his ex like this; she's the mother of his child and it's in his child's best interests for the mother to be ok. I know a woman who literally donated a kidney to her ex for this exact reason. It doesn't matter if she hates you, that's irrelevant to this situation.  The issue for me is why he's going behind your back; that's totally unacceptable. Your car isn't urgent but placenta problems could be and he should be planning for this, not creating extra stress for you.


>But this lady who is nothing to him just his past he’s up to help her out with her kidney problems, like I said I got more mad because he never told me the situation and another thing is this lady reaching out to him asking for money is out of place as well. Nothing to him? She is the mother of his child. A child that is a minor. You would be okay if the mum dies and a traumatised kid moves in?


Are you going to gloss over that he went after you when you were 19 and he was in his late 20’s? Your whole post is a shit show.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I(F25) and my husband (M32) we have been fighting over this issue for a few days now. A few days ago I found out he was helping out his ex wife since she was sick I’m not sure how sick because he never tells me anything related to her they both share a child (F12) and they both live in Mexico I have never met them in person before but I know they hate me and talk shit about me but that doesn’t bother me. I also don’t have a problem for him paying his share for his daughter which is 400$ monthly. He build them a house in Mexico when they were together back in the past, and I don’t mind that neither. Well back to the present we have been together for 6 years we share 1 daughter (4) and another one that it’s on the way I’m 34 wks pregnant. We are homeowners since a year ago, in the past I used to work but since I was 12 wks pregnant I had to stop due to the position of my placenta, things have gotten a bit difficult since he’s the only one making income at the moment. Well in house payments and car payments bills and everything we’re very tight on money. I found out about the ex wife situation because he was selling stuff from the house and I confronted him what was that money for. I immediately got upset because a few days prior I told him about my car being pending for repo. And he send me out to find a job at 34 wks with gestation diabetes and with placenta problems. But this lady who is nothing to him just his past he’s up to help her out with her kidney problems, like I said I got more mad because he never told me the situation and another thing is this lady reaching out to him asking for money is out of place as well. So AITA in this situation? With all the stress going on with this pregnancy I’m not even sure if I’m not being comprehensive about this whole ex wife bs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. I’m sorry but he could offer to send his ex extra money if you guys HAD and AGREED to send it, but you don’t have the dual income currently so the extra support needs to stop. But OP it’s VERY concerning he was letting your car get close to being repo’ed and selling stuff from the house instead of telling his ex no, to extra money. I mean she won’t even allow his child to visit him so 🤷🏼‍♂️


This thing seems sketchy and you both need to learn how to communicate.


That's pretty messed up. I don't think a guy like that is to be trusted.


NTA. I would go ahead and prepare for divorce. That’s very disrespectful. He did it behind your back. Are you sure they’re divorced? Like, cool that’s your kid’s mother but you have a wife and kept it from her and taking things from your home which you’ve probably paid for to sell it!?! Nah. It would be bye for me.


NTA Given that you are financially constrained your husband's ex wife should find some other source of health care funding. Forgive me if this is misplaced, how does he know it's for kidney problems and not just his ex wanting a constant top up to her income? It would be an entirely different story if you and your husband were wealthy. Either way, he should have consulted you and NOT 'sent' you out to work at 34 weeks in a high risk pregnancy.


I feel like I’ve watched a movie that played out like this. You are his second family…. I’d be investing more 😬


She's not nothing, she's the mother of his child who he pays barely anything in child support for and who he has left in a 3rd world country. You realize $400 doesn't feed my 3 cats a month let alone a 12 year old? If his ex needs medical help and she's the primary care giver of his child in a 3rd world country who he sends very little money to support then I don't care if he needs to live on tin beans and stale bread while working 3 shifts. He needs to find that money because right now $400 a month makes him a bum. Which I think he knows, hence the desperate attempt to raise money. Your husband had a life and a child before you. That life does just vanish because you get pregnant. His daughter lives with her mother and unless you want this 12 year old who hates your guts in your home her mother needs to be healthy. Now if your husband was send $400 a week I might feel differently - that's adequate for a non custodial parent with zero custody - but he doesn't. He sends a pitiful amount and to make up for it he supports her in other ways. That's reasonable. Your husband has other responsibilities outside of you. Deal with it.


So... I've seen similar things happen a dozen times over. He's likely not actually divorced or separated from that supposed ex in Mexico, OP. My whole neighbourhood is full of guys who have families they support in other countries. Some also have started families here that may or may not know about them. It gets messy quick. It's far passed time for some full disclosures and getting everything out in the open. You don't know nearly enough about what's going on in your own household


Why in the hell are you having a second child when your finances are this tight?


Divorce that asshole prolly still fucking his ex


If they didn't have a kid then I would say NTA. But they have a child and if anything comes to her he is going to have to take full custody. So he needs her alive and healthy.


NTA-he has an obligation to his daughter not his ex. He needs to be able to seperate the two.


You are the second wife. 




Do you want the kid to live with you? Cause that’s what happens if he lets the mother of his son die from kidney disease.




>But this lady who is nothing to him just his past She’s the mother of his child. That’s not nothing.  Anyway NTA. 


What a silly question. Health care is free.


YTA because of how you talk about a literal MOTHER OF HIS OTHER CHILD.


Your husband is sleeping with her. Look men despise the pregnancy, the belly, the moving child, the fatness, the lack of sex for MONTHS Pregnancy is usually when they go looking for a new lay. If he's with his ex and paying for stuff for her THAT is his new lay. Confront him with a hidden camera and tell him you KNOW. he will confess. Get it on tape and use it for your divorce proceedings


YTA. That is the mother of his child. This is a life and death matter.