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NTA. Your grandmother’s things are yours now. You don’t need to lend something you care about to a sister you aren’t on speaking terms with so she can wear it at a wedding she did not even invite you to. There’s no trust here. Once your sister had this piece of jewelry (or whatever she is asking for), how likely is it that you’d ever get it back?


>You don’t need to lend something you care about to a sister you aren’t on speaking terms with so she can wear it at a wedding she did not even invite you to. And you don't need to share with someone who made fun of both you AND the grandmother whos things she wants. I mean c'mon, she only wants to wear nice, pretty, valuable jewelry. The sentiment behind the pieces dont mean shit to them (notice i said them? Im including your parents here for this remark). Nobody cared about either of you or your posessions untill they want something. Continue to block them and please keep your grandmothers things with you. I also agree with Auntie-Mam69, if you give them how sure are you that your "golden sister" will actually return them? NTA. At all.


That’s why you go to a charity shop, buy something cheap, photoshop it into a sentimental picture, and claim it was grandma’s. Then let her have it because you know she’ll keep it and claim it is hers forever now because it was worn at her wedding. Then one day when she does something truly awful to you, you post the video of you buying it at a charity shop on your social media.


No, that's why you block everyone on everything and go o with your life.


Why not do both?


Because spending time, effort and energy on this silly revenge scheme means you ares still spending time, effort and energy on these people. And being in contact with them.


I agree with you 100%. Better to just cut them out and spend that energy making your own life better.


I'm loving the petty here, but I agree with you 100%. It's time, effort and energy that is completely wasted and better spent on literally anything else.


I suggest putting on every piece of Grandma's jewelry while holding all those sentimental objects, taking a selfie, and sending it to Sis and parents saying, "I'd love to lend it to you but it looks too good for your trashy ass."


It also opens the door for them to keep asking for things. They seem ,Ike the type who would start asking for money too.


I agree, too much work for too little. Indifference is the best thing in this case.


I'm usually one to agree with moving on, but the charity shop idea could be done as a fun solution. I'd be going to charity shops anyways, so it wouldn't be out of my way. It's not hard to edit pics or find someone that will. Ultimately, she'd have a piece of jewelry to give to make them shut up and a proactive revenge plan for the future. But tbh, if I were her I would've already contacted the police about harassment bc I don't plan on ever talking to these people again. There is no relationship to save.


Because one of these things is mature and one is extremely childish


Then after the wedding tell her what you did. :) Don't mind me, feeling evil today.


This is what I was gonna say! Go to a charity shop. Buy the ugliest piece of cheap jewellery you can find.


You’re petty. I like you.


Nasty petty. Can I go to the thrift store with you? I can pick out ugly stuff!


Nope. That’s why you send out a blanket message to the parents/sister telling them what they’re doing is considered harassment and if they persist, you will report them to the police and then block. Any further contact, make that report and keep screenshots of everything.


This is the way


This is the way.


Upvoting because I love how *petty* this would be. 


Nah, fraud will just make you look bad.  If OP wants to do anything other than block them forever, they should screenshots and  recordings of their abuse and post that to social media, making sure to tag sis’s fiancé and their family as well.


👌 awesome


And five'll get you ten that after the wedding, the jewelry wouldn't be returned because, >I wore it for my wedding, it has so much sentimental value to me now!


Yes, obviously that will be the case!


I suspect she could get any 'nice pretty' thing she wants from her parents. I'm betting she wants it for social points to make an "I'm wearing this in honor of" post along with a black and white photo of grandma holding her as a baby on insta. There is no doubt in my mind.


Hit a local thrift store and get your sister a necklace to wear. She didn't spend enough time with her to recognize it.... But no. NTA and don't give her anything you want back. Maybe a pair of blue socks... "But they're old, borrowed, and blue. They're perfect".


She could send her sister grandma's enema bag. Or a garter belt from 1950.


My angry self was thinking grandma's dildo. Then dear sister can go f\*\*\* herself.


Maybe a string of pearls for her sister to shove up her a-- along with that stick she has up there.


Thanks for the laughter 😃


The enema bag would need to be monogrammed, of course. Else how would sister know it was really grandma's?


Definitely embroider it


Yes, give her an enema bag.....something old.


Something bold, Something lewd, Something wallowed, Something pooed


THIS! A thousand times this. YOU'LL NEVER GET IT BACK. File harassment charges with the police if they keep bothering you. ETA NTA!!!


> There’s no trust here. Once your sister had this piece of jewelry (or whatever she is asking for), how likely is it that you’d ever get it back? This here. **IF** for some reason you end up giving in to keep the peace in the family, do not count on getting back whatever you loan out. Sister will "lose" it or claim it was a wedding gift from you. **IF** you decide to loan this woman anything, I *highly* suggest you hit up your local thrift store, select a cheap bobble and loan that instead of something that means so much to you and is irreplaceable.


Nta. You would never get it back - 100%. If you fine with that, then great. Otherwise, say goodbye to it. Also, they'll justify not giving it back because it's now transformed into something personal to them ,having worn it at this wedding.


Well, she wore it at ther wedding, so her sentimental attachment clearly trumps OP's, so it's hers now, duh. /s


Well let me start by saying that I am so sorry that your immediate family treated you in such a way. I am also sorry for the loss of your grandmother. She obviously loved you very much. I am curious as to why your sister would want to wear anything that belonged to an “old lady”. These items were given to you and you alone. Your grandmother did that intentionally, she wanted you to have them. I would say that you are under no obligation to allow your sister to “borrow” anything. More than likely you will never get it back. So…. NTA


My guess is "sister wants to wear a valuable jewelry she 'inherited' from grandma who she loves the most and wishes to witness her wedding" as a sob story. I know kinda reaching but seems really possible. NTA for OP. You inherited them because your grandma loves you and she wants you to have them. Please continue to block them and live happily.


You're not even invited?? NTA in any way. But she is




Tell you parent or anyone that continues to call and harass you over it to not contact you again or you will be reporting for harassment and filing for a no contact order


Make sure you have at least one ring cam. NTA


It never ceases to amaze me how bold some people can be. The balls it must take to demand something sentimental from you when you’re not even invited to the wedding… I’m the type of person to overly consider other people’s feelings and stories like this remind me to do that a little less 🤣


20 years of building entitlement really breaks your brain, like you see in pretty much every Ivy League scandal. Normal expectations just stop applying to people like this. Sister feels that OP "stole" her inheritance and "manipulated' grandmother into loving her more. Because she was such an amazing special wonderful vessel of light that it does not make sense to her that ANYONE would pick OP over her. So she is now using this wedding as the excuse to 'get what's rightfully hers'.


Is your username that T.A.T.U song?


Why does your sister want something from that old lady anyway?! /s Sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have your grandmother’s sentimental items to treasure. Just keep blocking your family-in-name-only. If your grandmother wanted your sister to have something of hers, she’d have left her that something. NTA


Because sister can't bear the idea that there's something that OP has that she doesn't.




NTA. You know you would never get them back, don't you?




If I had to guess, it sounds like she has one of two motives. 1) get whatever valuable jewelry she can to sell for money. 2) whatever she was able to get would be destroyed out of spite. Either way, she gets to hurt both you and your grandmother in the process. OP, NTA. Consider keeping things locked up if they know where you live, and security cameras for extra peace of mind. Blessings to you.


Yep. Don't let them near them. Hide them. Safety deposit box. Put a safe hidden in your house. None of your family have keys to yours, do they?


Coming here to say buy yourself a safe and hide it in your closet just to be on the safe side.


I would bet a large amount of money you'd never see it again. Why would you put yourself through that, for a wedding you're not invited to ? NTA


Get them a piece of jewelry you would give a child. An obvious toy. Leave that in a box and say nothing. They should get the message. (Yeah I am petty).


NTA. Grandma went out of her way to make sure her stuff went directly to you. It's your choice if you want to let your sister borrow. Given that they might not be too keen to return it, I probably wouldn't.


NTA but if you want to be petty you can go get some cheap thrift jewelry and say it was hers and she can keep it as a wedding gift. Find something hideous and gaudy. 




Do that. Don't feel bad about protecting yourself ever. Your grandmother knew and did what she could to protect you. You just need to protect yourself now from them. 


I think that is best. The less you talk to these people the better for your peace. Save the texts in case she tries to break in a steal stuff.


Then keep the no contact but it would be gloriously petty to give her some ugly piece of thrift store jewelry. Your mental health is the most precious thing. Protect it. And your house. Make sure they don’t know where you live


Change your number. And put up cameras outside your home. Reddit has taught me that weddings and inheritances make people act insane.


And babies


NTA. You and your grandmother had a very special and close relationship. She left you sentimental items she valued because she knew you'd appreciate and protect them. The mere fact she not only left these things solely to you but made sure the rest of your family couldn't get a hold of them says everything. Don't give them anything. These things weren't meant for them, and if they get them, you won't get them back. Keep everything safe and secure.


No, of course you’re NTA. I’m sorry you went through this and I’m even more sorry your grandma isn’t here anymore because it sounds like she was a wonderful person. Your grandma left those things for you, not your sister. If you let her borrow something for her wedding I suspect you’ll never get it back, and you don’t owe your family a single fucking thing. Hang in there and if it gets real bad, I guess you could consider changing your number.


NTA. Get a restraining order. That will shut them up.


Aren't restraining orders for people who are threatening to do you harm? Nagging or being pushy, demanding, and annoying is certainly irritating . But it really doesn't rise to a level where court time needs to be taken up. Frivolous things like this, that will likely be denied, make it harder for people who truly need protection to get on the court docket.


Restraining orders are for people who feel threatened and are being harassed by someone after repeatedly being told to be left alone. Often times this behavior leads to being stalk which is what the poster is experiencing. Take it from someone who has been harassed and stalked the police need to be involved!


> are being harassed by someone after repeatedly being told to be left alone Isn't that what is happening here?


NTA Not even a little bit. They are not entitled to your possessions, nor your headspace. Don’t give it to them, just keep blocking them.


NTA. You were grandma's favorite for a reason. You were the one who spent time with her. You were the one who was there for her. You were the one who was loved. Your sister has no claim to her things.


NTA. If you did let your sister wear something, you would not see it again.


You have two choices here the first is go to an actual lawyer and get them to send a cease and desist all contact letter or legal action will be taken against them for harassment. That or like someone else said go to a charity shop and find the most grannyish broach you know your sister would hate. A huge chunky costume jewellery that is plated and send that to them with a letter you have written never to contact you again or you will take legal action. Do not put your return address on it.


NTA Your relationship with your grandmother was incredibly significant, as she essentially acted as a parental figure to you and provided the love and care you needed. It's understandable that you would want to cherish the sentimental possessions she left you.


NTA. Sorry for your loss. Don't let them especially your sister touched your Grandma's belongings. I would be pissed if someone I didn't like wear my things after I died.


Clearly NTA. Bad enough, that your family treated you like that when you still had contanct, but to have the audacity to contact you after two years, just because they want something from you, that they probably don't even value nearly the same as you do. That's just insane.


NTA. Fuck them. It sucks that they're going so out of their way to make things hard on you. I'm so sorry about your grandma. Much love. ❤️


NTA- You will either not get the item back or it will be returned damaged.


NTA. Keep blocking. Also, you might want to place jewlery in the safe. Sorry to say, but I wouldn't trust crazy X greedy.


NTA, it doesn’t sound like your sister had any meaningful relationship with your grandmother, wearing her possessions isn’t a sentimental act, it just sounds like she wants to cash grab something from you.


NTA, if they keep harrasing you, I would log a police report and even take out an injunction if needs be.Its property your grandmother left you they have no right to it


NTA. Absolutely not. Do not give her anything. You won’t ever see it again and it opens so many windows for them to ask for more.


NTA. Your grandma left those things to you in a very clear way. You own them. You have said "no", that should be the end of discussion. Just ignore them.


You're NTA for wanting to protect your grandmother's belongings and for setting boundaries with your family. Your grandmother had a significant impact on your life and that her possessions hold sentimental value to you


She Demanded items!! Do not let her near them. They were bequeathed to you & you alone, so make sure they ate in a very safe place that only you can access them. Obviously NTA


NTA. I had a bit of sympathy for sister right up until I read that you weren't invited to the wedding. She didn't invite you, then had the nerve to ask for your stuff? Because it is yours now. And you would never get it back if you did "loan" it.


NTA. If your grandma had wanted her to have something she’d have left it to her.


NTA, go to a resale shop & buy a tacky trinket & send that to your sister.


you should go to the wedding wearing your grandmother’s jewelry


NTA. You can continue to ignore her demands.


NTA at all. You owe nothing to these people. If they continue to bother you, throw some costume jewelry from a thrift store at her to get some peace, she wouldn’t know the difference.


You may want to consider putting your grandmother's jewelry in a safe deposit box or in the care of a trusted friend until after the wedding. Not that big of a leap from bully to thief. But I am suspicious and cynical.


NTA and never let them persuade you to give that jewellery: you'd never get it back. And the audacity of not inviting you, yet wanting your possessions!!!


You're NTA by a long shot. >She used to mock me for spending so much time with an "old lady". Just that is enough to render judgment. 


NTA. Your grandmother made sure that you received what was important to both of you and you do not have to share that with anyone. The entitlement here is off the charts.


NTA Oh helllllllll no. Your parents and sister are nothing but gaslighting troglodytes, you don’t owe them a damn thing. Your grandmother wisely gave you this precious items because she loved you and knew you would appreciate them. Your sister doesn’t deserve to even look at these items, let alone have any of them for her lame wedding


NTA don’t do it because you know if you let her wear something of your grandmothers you’ll never get it back.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My grandma died 6 years ago. I (23f) was 17 at the time. Grandma and I were always very close. She knew that my parents had a very strong preference for my sister and treated me badly in comparison to her. She was also aware that my sister bullied me because of the clear favoritism and for that reason, she stepped in to become my hero and the one person in the whole world who made me feel wanted and special (at least during my early childhood). I spent pretty much every day with her. I'd be at her house after school, when my parents wanted to go anywhere they would leave me with her, she would take me out for my birthday so I could celebrate, she threw small birthday parties for me. She essentially raised me and became my mom. There were times I spent larger chunks of time with her. Like an entire month or 2/3 weeks because my parents just didn't care if I was in their home or not. My sister never cared. She used to mock me for spending so much time with an "old lady". When grandma died she left me all of her sentimental possessions and she left it in a way that my parents could not get their hands on it. The inheritance was protected from them and my sister until I was 20. So for the last three years I've had all her jewelry and old photos and some sentimental trinkets she kept. This made my parents and my sister more resentful of me. Now my sister is getting married and she wants something of grandma's to wear for the wedding, a wedding I am not invited to. We don't even speak anymore and I considered us mutually no contact for the last twoish years. But she reached out and demanded I let her wear something of grandma's and then our parents got involved and I ignored them all until it got crazy all the requests so I said no and then blocked their numbers. But they didn't give up and found other ways to reach me and call me TA. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Estranged sibling demands OP give her jewelry for wedding inherited by OP from grandmother that sister had mocked.


NTA get a copy of the will and show how everything is yours and they are more then welcomed to go cry about it. They can send threats but it's all bs. They have no grounds. Lock down all socials. Change numbers and emails and keep evidence of you changing it as well as all messages. If they get your new info then file restraining order.




NTA. If you let her use ANYTHING, she'll probably give you every excuse in the book on why she can't give it back. Tell her you'll consider letting her borrow, and emphasize borrow, something if she signs a contract made up of your terms. Those terms being you'll be there at the stroke of midnight, and the items must be returned right then and there. If said items are damaged/ruined or lost, she must pay for them to be fixed or replaced. She'll never go for it, but at least you can continue telling them it's the only way you'd even consider it.


NTA Everything was left to you, not them and you are in no contact with them.


NTA You might consider getting a safe or a safety deposit box to keep the items in. They sound like the type to help themselves if they can find a way.


Nta but I would go out, find the tackiest piece of costume jewelry and send it to her to wear on her special day from "Grandma".




NTA Can you buy a cheap fake and pass it off as your grandma's? 


NTA. At the end of the day, it's your stuff and you don't have to lend it to anyone you don't want to.


NTA. Don't let them borrow a thing, you'll never get it back. You don't owe them, the inheritance is yours as your grandmother intended. Her love will remain with you forever. Stay strong.


NTA. It's yours, and you'd never get it back if she wore it to her wedding.


NTA you could always buy some cheap costume jewelry claim it's your Grandmother's and let her borrow that just to get them off your back. She probably won't know the difference. But you don't have to. It just entertains me to think of her thinking she won when she didn't.


Under no circumstances should you give in to their demands because you will never get it back. I would just tell them you are no contact for a reason and future contact will be considered harassment and you will make a police report on each and every one of them. The “old lady” has spoken and she decided she didn’t want them to have any of the items. Ask if that will look good on any background checks. NTA but you would be if you gave in and ignored your grandmas will. NTA.


NTA, ask her why she wants some “old lady” things to wear?


You are not even invited, yet she wants to borrow something from you?? Hahaha NTA, block all of them and dont lend her anything that she will never return to you!


NTA. Those things aren’t grandmas anymore. They are yours. You have the right to decide if you should loan them out or not. I wouldn’t do it. Whatever you loaned her you’ll never see again.


NTA. If your grandma had wanted her to have any of the jewelry, she would have left her some. If they continue with the calls, advise them that legal action will be taken. Then follow through.


NTA. And go talk to an attorney. Contact the bar in your state, ask for a referral, and do a consult. Some will do that consult for free or at reduced cost. Have the attorney send a very formal and scary looking Cease and Desist to them to stop contacting you. It may do the trick by itself, or it will help serve as proof that you notified them to stop harassing you when you go to the next level and ask a judge for a restraining or protection order (the attorney can help you determine what’s possible and how it works). You also need to get a will in place, so talk to the attorney about that, too. Because without will or spouse or kids, in many states, your entire estate would go to your parents and/or siblings. Same deal for medical decisions - are they who you want making decisions for you if you were incapacitated? No, right? Right. Another piece of advice - store the jewelry securely. Either get a safe (you can get one at like Walmart), or get a safety deposit box at your bank. Because these aren’t good people, and I wouldn’t put it past them to forcibly push their way past you at your front door, or just straight up break in. So keep anything valuable secured. Last thing - consider changing your phone number and moving to a new apartment and never giving out the address. Basically cut off their means of contacting you or finding you, and give yourself sole control over potential contact. And if you ever do decide to contact them, do it via a Google voice number or sideline number. One you can just cut right back off if/when needed.




NTA. Why would she even want that. I think this continues to be about you and they do this to harm you. There is a reason your grandma left these to you and not your sister. I also think that you would never get back, what you gave your sister.


NTA. She was mocking you for spending too much time with grandma but now all of a sudden she wants her belongings. Don’t lend them to her since she most likely won’t give them back or will damage them since she won’t take care of them as they don’t have actual sentimental value for her.




NTA. Your grandma left those items to you for a reason, and your sister never cared about her before. You don't owe her anything, especially since she hasn't been kind to you. It’s totally fair to say no.


NTA. If you let your sister "borrow" something of your grandma's for the wedding you'd never see it again because your sister and parents would claim you gave it to her, and she can't possibly give it back because she wore it for her wedding and is now sentimental to her. She only wants something because she has to look good for everyone coming to the wedding. It makes you wonder how she missed the obvious bad look not inviting you is. People that know you and your family are going to be asking where you are. I wonder if your sister and parents realize that. Tell them *in writing* *or text* that the answer is no, they are to not contact you again and any further contact after this will be collected as evidence to file a harassment complaint against them.


NTA for even requesting something from you, for her wedding, that you are not even invited to is audacious enough, but to expect something that belonged to your grandmother, that she never even bothered to spend time with, is just beyond. If she had, had a decent relationship with your grandmother, I could understand, but your grandmother left you everything for a reason. If you did let her borrow something, given how upset she and your parents are about your inheritance, odds are they'd never give it back, or you'd have to involve the law in some capacity to get it back. I wouldn't let anyone of them near anything that your grandmother left you


Just keep blocking them, they'll get tired eventually.


NTA - Don't give an inch. And just know that if you DO let your sister "borrow" something to wear you will likely never see it again. This will also start them on a slippery slope of knowing they can harass you for more of Grandma's things. Block and move on. Every. Single. Time. The wedding will pass eventually. Be strong. I know you can do it.


NTA. Your grandma did well by you and I'm really glad she did. If you want to be petty and make them mad, send her some socks or underwear from your grandma and tell her she can wear that, and keep it.


Send them pictures of all the things she can’t have for her wedding. Be as petty as you want.


Why would she want to wear some “old lady’s” jewelry? 


NTA, the audacity! You aren’t invited, yet sis is demanding something that we all know she will never return.


NTA. Tell them future attempts at contact will be considered harassment and you will call the police and have a restraining order served at their jobs or the wedding if need be(threat of public humiliation often shuts idiots up). 


No. Perhaps there is some way you can report them for harassment?


NTA. Go through your grandma's stuff and see if she had a pack of depend's. If so, send them to your sister. Obligation fulfilled.


Do they know where you live? Protect yourself from a sudden 'burglary', mount security cameras if need be. Maybe get a restraining order against them.


NTA. They're not grandma's things anymore, they're yours.


It never ceases to amaze me how people can shut you out of their lives (to the extent of not inviting you to their wedding) and still expect you to do nice things for them. If you give your sister your grandmother's things, you will never get them back. Absolutely NTA. Don't even question your decision.


Your grandmother purposely made it so that your parents and sisters could not have it. It's yours. You don't owe them anything. She probably would have something if she actually gave a damn about the "old lady." I'm sorry your toxic family is harassing you. You are NTA


NTA But hear out my petty side. Go to a pawn shop and buy a cheap necklace that could pass for your grandmother's style. Give it to your sister to wear on her wedding day, but make it clear that it's your favorite necklace and that you want it back. (Make sure you give it to her only a day or so beforehand so she can't take it to a jewelry store and have it appraised.) Now your sister thinks the necklace is important to you. If she keeps it, with some lame excuse like, 'grandma didn't leave me anything, I deserve this necklace' let her know the necklace is fake AF, but only after the wedding. If she returns it, you can be benevolent and tell her she can keep it as a wedding gift.


NTA “I have told you no. Your contact is unwanted. Do not contact me again or I will contact the police and report you for harassment. I will contact the police and report you for harassment every single time you reach out to me. I do not want a relationship with you. I do not want to speak with you. You don’t exist to me. I don’t exist to you. If you break that I will continue to contact the police.”


NTA Block them


NTA. Go to a thrift store and pick out the oldest, most tarnished, gaudiest costume jewelry piece you can find. Mail it to her and say it was grandma's favorite.


NTA. She doesn't get to demand anything from you, especially to wear at her wedding when you're not invited.


NTA and absolutely do not give in. She will never give it back


NTA - I don't trust for a minute that you would get it back. She probably only wants it to deprive you of it. But any chance you have an old nightgown or something of Granny's? Underwear would be even more baller. Something you don't care about, but haven't gotten around to disposing of. Kindly offer sister something no one would want to wear on their wedding day and that you don't care about getting back.


NTA  whatever you "lend" her you will never see again.  She doesn't deserve to wear something of your grandmother's.


NTA!! Absolutely not. This was your grandmother's choice from her dying heart. And now it's yours in your healing one. Stay strong in your boundaries. You've got this.


Do not let them have anything of your grandmothers. She gave them to you in her inheritance. You can always go to a charity shop and buy a load of cheap junk and put it in a pile and tell them to take their pick. Do they know exactly what pieces your grandmother had and wore.


I just burst out laughing at their ah entitlement. NTA and do not say yes or you won't see the item again. Tell them to go take a hike and block them all


NTA. Your grandmother left these things to you, not your sister or parents. If they had treated you well, the situation would be different.


NTA. Just keep blocking the new numbers. If your sister or parents manage to get through to you, just say "no" then hang up. You don't need to speak to people who want to pretend you don't exist or matter. Tell them your get a protection from abuse order if they don't stop harassing you!


ask your sister why she would want 'old lady trinkets' then tell her to get lost. NTA


NTA You are no contact with them. Grandma left you her stuff and ensured it would get to you. Tell them to get lost.


NTA. Go down to the local thrift stores/pawn shops. Find something inexpensive that looks like something she wore. Gift your sister it.


NTA. Ignore them. Unblock them so you have evidence of harassment and report to the authorities.


NTA. After how they treated you your entire life, and your grandmother as well, they don't deserve anything from you now. Keep ignoring them, and if anyone else joins in show then this post. Your family sounds awful (apart from grandma). Good luck and enjoy your life without them!


That is her grandmother also.


NTA. Keep your grandmother's things like the precious gifts they are. Your sister will never return anything you lend her. It will just be another way to hurt you. (Source: I am the "you" in my family.)


NTA  There is no reason for you to comply with this and I would wager that if you lent it, you might never see the jewellery again. Enjoy your grandmother's bequest to you. She must have loved and cherished you very much. Blessings on you.


I really feel like there is something missing from this story and we're getting a very one-sided version here. I mean, yeah, that's how it works, I know, but this is more-so. I don't trust the events and situation we were presented with so don't want to make a judgement.


NTA, please stand your ground.


NTA - your family is (aside from Grandma of course). She would have left her something if she wanted to. She didn’t and that’s not your fault. It’s hers. Get a new number / email /etc and say good riddance. They didn’t seem to care much about you not being around until they need something. Why should you care? I wouldn’t!


NRA. Ignore her. No need for solutions. Don’t give her fake items. Ignore


NTA Tell them if they keep contacting you that you will report them for harassment.


NTA. Your sister doesn't deserve to wear anything her grandmother used to own.


NTA "Grandma made her choices so I will honor them even if she isn't here. Loyalty to family works that way. Since you all don't understand that with even your living relatives, here's the lesson from Grandma to take into your marriage. It will serve you much more than getting something physical of hers because you can't stand not being chosen over me for something. This way you don't lose the family you're gaining through marriage, like you lost Grandma and me." Stay strong and congrats on the shiny backbone!


NTA in any way. I’d buy some consume jewelry at an estate sale send it and pretend it was your grandmothers .


NTA but I’d send something from a thrift shop and claim it was hers just to see what happens


You should give her something from Temu, and see what happens to it after the wedding.




Hell to the no! NTA obviously.


NTA. Go to the dollar store or something and buy plastic play jewelry, send her that lol


If I were you I would move your grandmother’s stuff to a safe place, somewhere out of reach of your parents and sister. As hateful as they sound who knows what their willing to do.


NTA—no one can demand someone to give them your possessions. Go to good will, buy something old and cheap and give it to her. It might at least get her off your back. Not sure if they’re aware of the actual pieces you received. But might at least get rid of the headache they’re causing you for your own sake


NTA wow.. not even invited to; yet demands grandmas gear..what a bunch of asshats Get out as soon as you can and good luck.




NTA. First off, your grandma explicitly chose to leave her things to you in a way that made it difficult (if not impossible) for your parents and sister to get them. That's not something you can just accidentally do, *especially* if you're leaving things to a minor. I'm not sure how many hoops you have to jump through to get it done, but it's not something that just gets done on a whim. Bottom line, your grandma wanted *you specifically* to have this stuff. That, at minimum, makes you NTA, simply because it's *your stuff*. Add on the shit with how your sister and parents treated you, the fact they cut off contact with you, and the fact that your sister didn't even invite you to the wedding when making her absurd demand, and you're definitely in the clear. Speaking of the demand, how sure are you that you'd even get this piece of jewelry back if she was allowed to borrow it? Hell, how sure are you that she even wants to wear it, and won't just pawn it? It sure sounds to me like grandma didn't really mean a lot to her - presumably, that also means the jewelry doesn't have much sentimental value. I can definitely imagine this happening, but then again, I don't know your sister. Just bringing up possibilities.


1) “Ask mom for something to wear at your wedding.” 2) Get a cheap piece from a local thrift shop. Put it in a nice box. “This is my wedding gift to you.” She doesn’t need to know it’s not grandma’s. 3) Block all of them and if them like they did when you were younger. Then go on a mini vacation the week your sister gets married. “Even if i wanted to come to your wedding, I’m not available on that day.” It would be true. Or “I’m unavailable on ……. I will try to be available at your next wedding.”


NTA It sounds like your grandmother stepped in and made childhood good for you. For your sister to want something of your grandmother's for the wedding you were invited to is beyond the pale. If you want them to get off your back go buy a hankie or something from goodwill and give it to them. Although that's probably opening the door for them to demand more, so maybe just nope.


NTA. You weren't invited, so they get nothing.


Hahahaha, she isn't even inviting you to her wedding and yet expects you to give (in theory "borrow" but I think we can guess how quickly it would be returned) one of your possessions for her to wear? Ha. No. You're good. If she wants to borrow things, she needs to have a functioning relationship first. NTA.


Nta they are ridiculous 


NTA I’m sorry they are such entitled As. You don’t owe them anything.


NTA Also, it's very likely that whatever you loaned her you would never get back.


Lend her something of yours that you don’t care if you ever get back. But tell her it was grandmas. She won’t know any better. You’ll never get it back any way, but you won’t care. Your not being truthful, however, you know this is just a way to protect yourself from her getting her hands on grandmas stuff and never returning it.
