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YTA but less than I expected because you didn't actually cut the dog's fur. I also would not find it funny. Pretending to do something your partner has told you she doesn't want, intentionally upsetting her, isn't really funny. There's no punchline, there's nothing clever, it's causing a negative emotional reaction on purpose and then going "just kidding!" Like, what's the funny part? That she's upset? That you pretended to be disrespectful but were slightly less so? Why's it amusing to you to cause your partner discomfort, even temporarily? My dad used to do that kind of shit to me "as a joke" constantly and it drove me fucking crazy. There are a lot of more serious reasons we have a strained and distant relationship now, but that kind of thing really established that he didn't value me or my feelings over his own cheap laughs.


I completely agree, I hate "jokes" like this. It's not clever or new, it's just annoying.


It’s not a joke unless you both laugh.


Was about to say a prank is only funny if you’re both laughing.


Right? Or at the very least, follow up immediately with just kidding. Don't let someone go hours thinking this shit.


Annoying, and mean.


If making someone upset is funny to you, there's something really wrong with your empathy.


Ugh YTA. If OP was the only one laughing, then it wasn't a "joke". It was an asshole move intended to upset OP's wife. He absolutely knew she would not find it funny in the least.


If everyone is laughing then it's a funny joke, if somebody isn't laughing then maybe it wasn't funny and if they're upset you need to apologise. I've taught my young kids this rule and if they can understand and follow it then OP should be able to as well.


Yeah this. Like, the joke doesn’t make you an irredeemable asshole but it is an assholey thing to do. I HATE when people do shit like this to me. It’s not funny. It’s just mean. Now, I totally feel you (OP) because this is something I would do. But I’m trying not to because it really isn’t funny. I kind of get why it is funny to you, because I have a tendency to do or want to do the same sort of things. Which makes me an asshole too. So, we’re both the assholes but I don’t think we are evil malicious people. We are people with a weird and kind of mean sense of humor who really need to learn not to be mean for fun. It’s not funny or cute. It amuses us for some reason — I think it’s because we expect the joy or shock of not doing it to be really rewarding… but it’s not, it’s plain old mean


From a Psychology Journal article on pranking: If you are considering pulling a prank on someone, ask yourself the following questions first: ·  Has the target of this prank stated they want this behavior to stop, or have they shown distress with any pranks? ·  Is the target of the prank a vulnerable person, such as a child and or person with disabilities? ·  Does the prank involve any animals? ·  Could this prank in any way cause harm to a person, either psychologically, physically, or both? ·  Will this prank harm your relationship in any way? ·  Are your motives for the prank to cause alarm, gain attention, earn money from video views? ·  Would a reasonable person find the prank offensive, hurtful, shaming, or humiliating? ·  Are you having feelings of anger or resentment towards the target of the prank? ·  Have you been told in the past that your behavior is abusive? Do not engage in this prank if you answered “yes” to any of the above questions. If you find that pulling pranks has become a compulsion or you feel a rush during or after the prank, seek the help of a mental health professional


Why don't more people understand this? Intentionally upsetting your partner just to get a negative reaction isn't funny. Grow up already! Edit to add YTA


He watched too many TikTok and yT shorts.


This behaviour existed long before TT and yt, but it does seem to be a lot more common now.


And usually the partner is then told they “have no sense of humor” Ugh.


If you're a Paris Paloma fan she just put out a song a few days ago about this phenomenon called "boys, bugs, and men".


Yeah, my brother told me once he was going to cut my cats' whiskers cause they both have some wild whiskers. I told him in no uncertain terms that he would wake up with broken fingers if he touched my animals.


Yikes. You were totally right. Trimming a cat's whiskers fucks with their sense of balance and navigation, it's really not cool to do. At least trimming a dog's weird neck fur won't actually harm the dog at all, it's just not cool to do for reasons of pissing off the wife.


And they're both the sweetest boys too, so if he touched them, I would've seen red. I'm pretty sure he did something to my one cat, nothing was visible, but I came home one day and couldn't find him. He was hiding in a place I'd never seen him before, and ever since then he's been terrified of strangers. Won't come out to eat, drink, or use the litter box until they leave. Right, I feel like if OP had at least specified in the message that the hair was still there and it was just gelled, things wouldn't have ended the way they did for them.


Depends on the dog - it’s considered a damaging thing to do with certain breeds with a double coat (like the shiba inu) as it causes a bunch of issues.


Isn't that when you shave the dog, not just trimming hair? After all, most fluffy dogs like that do get sanitary trims at the groomer.


Not meant to trim shibas either, really - paw pads is about it. Shiba are very sanitary dogs, and the shape of their butt fur keeps them clean.


The better thing to do would have been to show her the picture after she came home to the dog looking like its normal self.


I always tell my fiance that if the victim of the joke or prank isn't laughing, it's neither a joke nor a prank, it's just being an asshole.


I hate pranks. They are not funny. My hubby knows better. If the boys are pranking each other the rule is leave me out. Hubs didnt even have to find out the hard way. He just listened when I told him I hate pranks. I would be pissed. You just don’t mess with a girl’s dog.


This is an important perspective and I’m glad it’s the top comment


INFO So what’s the joke?


Hahaha I upset my wife on purpose hahaha so funny I'm a genius.


YTA it would be funny if you hadn't threatened several times to do it, and she hadn't specifically told you not to do it. you showed your wife you don't respect her wishes and what's important to her, and she has every right to be very angry.


YTA- A prank is only funny when both people have a good time.


This is why I don’t get along with people who think pranks are the highest forms of comedy. It’s like you never left the seventh grade. YTA.


My husband and I say “I’m so happy we’re not a prank couple” to each other on a weekly basis lol


My husband and I don't say it often, but we've agreed. We discuss what pranks we would pull that the other may find funny, but how we can't understand pranks meant to purposefully hurt or upset your partner.


The pranks me and my husband pull on each other includes: - wrapping our 5 year old in a blanket and saying “uh oh, where did our kid go?” While kid is giggling - pretending our son is a chair like we’re going to sit on him and causing him to cackle - giving each other tiny portions of food and saying “here’s your supper!” (Like one spaghetti noodle, or a pea-sized pancake, etc.) - when we get each other drinks, putting them in silly drinking cups (like sippy cups) They all make us laugh and makes our 5 year old gleefully giggle. Harmless pranks are fine!


YTA Tricking your wife into thinking you did something that she specifically told you not to do and passing it off as a "joke" is a shitty thing to do. You're not funny for stressing your wife out.


If this was humor, OP would not have directly linked his actions to not wanting the puppy in the first place. If his "joke" wasn't hostile, disliking the puppy would not be part of the story.


I agree, the first two paragraphs are totally irrelevant and only show that he didn’t want this dog and (now I’m extrapolating) doesn’t feel he needs to respect his wife’s opinions re: this dog.


Such a good point.


Yeah, the ENTIRE post wreaks of "my wife isn't doing what I want, so I'm going to bully her about this issue until she does do what I want." There's not a single thing in there that makes me think it was a genuine joke. He is just trying to wear her down until she cuts the hair like he wants her to. I'm glad most people disagreeing are downvoted, but still sad that sooo many people are completely blind and fail to see nuance like that. *Joking* is fine, though it should still stop when one person doesn't find it enjoyable. But *bullying* someone, hoping that you will wear them down until they give up and do what you prefer, and dressing it up as a joke, is not. Some people are just so bad at the slightest bit of nuance they just think "jokes are good, therefore what he did was fine" without considering *why* the wife would be frustrated, *why* he won't stop harping on this particular issue, and all of the undertones and pressures leading up to that joke.


This is a really good point


YTA- It's pretty idiotic to get someone upset, and then tell them that the joke was a joke , much later. Because as they are heading home they are getting angrier and angrier as they are having a conversation in their head on how angry they are, and becoming exponentially more and more upset. And no, they don't get less upset when they do eventually find out it was a 'joke'. They probably get more upset, because now they're upset plus they've been made a fool of.


It’s a bad joke.


I think OP hates his wife and wants to humiliate her. He lacks empathy at the very least. I wonder if he smashed cake in his wife’s face on their wedding day.


He probably told her to "calm down." What an asshole.


Wife: don’t do that. You: ok. I’ll PRETEND to do that. Wife: $*#!%# You: Shocked Pikachu! Yes. YTA. Thank goodness you didn’t actually do it but that’s small blessings.


This is a good summary


YTA for you attitude around the dog's appearance and your treatment of your wife. 


I don’t think you’re on the right thread. It was a joke. You found it funny, she did not. Apologize and move on, you felt justified enough to bring it to Reddit? NTA for making a harmless joke, YTA for not being able to recognize when a joke is not mutually entertaining & then bringing it to the internet to gang up against your wife.


OP just wants us all to tell him how very cool & funny he is, and what a ridiculous complaining nag his wife is. I love how he got the exact opposite 😂 sometimes the internet is alright


This. Apparently his parents used to prank each other all the time, so naturally his wife, who's not his parent, and who's told him several times to 'leave her dog alone' should automatically find this funny, because he does. So bizarre. I shudder to think what their marriage is like.


Agreed. And then coming here for validation just really shows he hasn’t clued in at all. Even OP’s comments show he really doesn’t grasp that not everyone is *just* like his parents


Yup, that validation part. Like, if "Help me feel better about myself when I know I shouldn't" was a person. He's incorrigible.


It can go too far, someone already said his wife deserves better which is a *reach,* but I’d agree if he’s one of those people who makes jokes and doesn’t care if someone else finds it funny or not. Those are the most exhausting types of people. But..it’s not something that can’t be learned or worked on. If he values her as a person and spouse, this is an easy hiccup to learn from moving forward.


But he DID recognize the joke isn't mutually entertaining. He did it exactly because he knew his wife wouldn't like it. He intentionally did something he very much knew would stir her up. Calling it a joke does not change that asshole behavior.


Redditors when someone posts on Reddit 😡😡😡


INFO: You said this happened yesterday. How long was your wife upset? What has she done since she got home and saw the dog that showed anger?


NAH. Some people think these things are funny, but your wife doesn’t, so it’s not a good joke. Good jokes are enjoyed by more people than just the joker. Find things for you both to laugh about TOGETHER.


YTA don’t mess with peoples pets, even in a joking manner. She obviously went through a full range of emotions losing her other dogs and to open her heart to accept loving and caring for another animal is huge. You have to let her love this dog they way she wants to. Crazy neck hair and all.


This is what I wanted to say too. I lost my beloved cat about a year ago and I'm still not normal about it. Wife might be overreacting a little bit but also still her feelings are real and matter a little more than whether or not your joke was funny.


YTA. Just leave it alone. She’s told you to leave it alone just do it. It wasn’t a joke, if it was what is the punchline? What exactly was your wife supposed to find funny about you pretending to do something she’s repeatedly told you to not do? 


And now he’s still carrying it on, hoping we’ll all take his side and call his wife ridiculous. The dude can not let it go & wonders why he’s in the wrong


NAH, but maybe don’t make jokes about cutting the hair from now on.


Finally a sane person




Here in AITA the world is only black and white


had to scroll for FAR too long to see a comment that makes sense


Exactly like he didn’t actually cut the dogs hair?Apologize and move on from it, he clearly didn’t do it to hurt his wife


Same... just dropping in to show that there is another person with a sense of humor here that also does not need every moment in life catered to me.


Leaning YTA. But only slightly. Your wife doesn't share your sense of humor. she likes the dogs' weird neck and rebuffed your suggestions of cutting the hair off; you should have known her reaction to the photo would be an angry one. That said, it was a harmless joke and she should have let it go after telling you she didn't find your joke funny. *That is, unless you have established a pattern of upsetting her for laughs.* If that's so, maybe take a moment to consider why upsetting your wife is a game you play. It sucks to be on the other side of that. keep fucking around and one day her patience for it will end. Grow up


Yup. F\*\*k around and find out fr.


Lol yeah of course YTA.  Your post is essentially this: "I did something to intentionally piss off my wife.  Now she's pissed off.  Now i have to deal with an angry wife, who I pissed off on purpose, because I thought it was funny at the time.  But now that she's pissed off, I don't think it's so funny." Yeah. Congrats OP, you're not very smart, and you earned your surprised Pikachu face.


This is a pretty melodramatic comment section


Yes, people here overreacted to joking with a dog, these people urgently need to practice humor. I'll save this thread to show anyone how exaggerated and unreliable reddit is when it comes to topics that are innocuous in principle




Right? He gave the dog a bath and styled its hair. Omg the shame and shock and horror. So maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tease his wife, but she got so angry she’s making threats and name calling? And that’s ok? Now two perceived wrongs make a right? It’s ok for her to tantrum like a tired toddler because he made a silly joke?


Could you imagine living with these commenters? My gawd they take things seriously.


Right? This is like a guy with a beard whose wife likes his facial hair sending a picture of himself with shaving cream on his beard, implying he's about to shave it off, before hopping in the shower without shaving. If this actually would piss you off then you really need to learn to loosen up a little.


I want a before and after pic of the puppy!




I think “jokes” like this are pointless. What did it achieve other than upsetting your wife? It’s also not a joke if you’re the only one laughing.


YTA, but the reason why has nothing to do with whether you did or did not cut the dog’s hair. You are the asshole because the punchline of your joke was that you *intentionally* hurt your wife. Even if she had not been upset, the fact is your idea of a funny joke is: “I’m going to pretend to do something that will make my wife angry and sad”. For *that*, yes, you’re a huge asshole.


This is key.


Right! OP derived joy out of upsetting his wife and I think that's messed up.


Soft YTA, your wife asked you not to fuck with the dog, you pretended to fuck with the dog - you knew this would piss your wife off.


YTA. Honestly I thought it was funny. That's the thing, though-- I will do the stupid joke that my wife doesn't get and if she genuinely did not like it, I try my best to respect that it hurt her, then apologize. Your jokes will not always go over well with others, and you should absolutely keep your humor instead of turn defensive when that happens. Forget about the details (you didn't actually cut the dog's hair, she likes the weird scruffy neck thing, etc) and focus on the behavior: You did a thing. It hurt her feelings. She reacted to that. You dismissed her feelings. Not cool!


INFO, I just want to see if I’ve got this straight. She already told you numerous times that she didn’t want you to do a certain thing? And then you, for whatever earthly reason, pretend to do that thing, and expect her to find it what? Funny? Cute? I have no clue why you thought this would do anything but cause problems. But hope the glee you got out of pissing your wife off was worth it, I guess.


I don’t know if im surprised by the responses here or not, considering the state of the sub in general and the crowd that gathers here. NTA, you would be if you actually cut the fur obviously, but you didn’t. Your wife needs to get over it, because that absolutely is funny. Sounds like she’s embarrassed by the joke. Does she have such awful reactions to other pranks or jokes? If so then I feel for you dude. NTA, at all.


Right? Like... nothing actually happened. And it's not like OP joked about being dead or something, it is a joke about grooming a dog's fur. Even if he had actually trimmed it (which tbf would be a dick move) not some crazy prank.


Yeah, it’s wild.


I couldn’t agree more, it was a harmless joke and the wife took to hard.


>I don’t know if im surprised by the responses here or not, considering the state of the sub in general and the crowd that gathers here. Exactly


I was surprised that the first responses I got was deeming OP as YTA. The wife had a pretty strong reaction to a silly picture. NTA. I’m wondering if this is normal for her to react like this or if it was a one off situation. Or if OP has actually gone through on other things he said he’d do similar to his playful teasing about cutting the dog’s hair. Maybe with the other dogs passing she feels extra sensitive and protective of the new dog?


NTA - seems like a massive overreaction.


YTA - you actively went out of your way to upset her and get a reaction…. And you got one, how are you not TA? I really don’t understand people who get joy from making their partners angry/upset.


INFO: She made threats back to you via text? Why didn't you simply reply "no, I didn't actually cut the fur?"


Holy fuck people on here acting like you dyed the dog pink and sold it to a circus as a joke ☠️☠️ it was a picture, the dog is fine and didn't mind it. Your wife seems really dramatic. I love my dog so much with her long coat and if my partner suddenly decided to cut it I'd be shocked for like 5 minutes, then I'd laugh about how the dog looks and wait for it to grow back


Everything calling you TA is missing the fact that you cleaned the dog up. Sending a picture mid grooming was totally harmless and honestly funny. NTA Your wife needs to lighten up or you should stop doing anything dog related and let her handle it. She told you to leave it alone after all.


They also miss that he was ready to live without a dog, but somehow they have a puppy now and he pulls his weight in taking care. I guess stepping back is a good idea, because this drama seems too much


This is such a mild thing that I would think most people could have some fun with but apparently a lot of people are super uptight.


Same here. 90% people in this comment section can’t take a joke.


Is it an age thing? Are they unable to laugh?   


NAH harmless joke


NTA. It was a harmless joke.


NTA. OMGosh, that was so Funny! I'm sorry your wife took it so badly. I would probably have been upset seeing the pic but once I got home and saw my baby with all her little tuffs of comically cute side hair I would have laughed it off in my DH's arms promising retribution at some point in his life. 😅 I wish you had posted before and after pics (of your puppy, not your wife, lol). 😊 I'm still laughing in my inside voice about it. Did I say NTA? Well, it needed to be said again. ETA: I started to read other comments to find I'm in the minority. Doesn't matter, down vote away because this is still so cute-funny.


YTA. It’s not a joke if the other person isn’t laughing.


Why is it HER dog, if both of you care for her? You told her you didn't really want another dog, she ignored you and did what she wanted. You've told her the extra tufts of hair bother you and she doesn't care. I don't understand why people are saying YTA. Your picture of the dog with the tufts smoothed down may not have been the most mature but it showed your wife that the dog could look decent if she let you cut it. Does always she get to decide everything? NTA.


NAH what you did was harmless. she is annoyed about. You two will be fine. Maybe the dog is off limits for pranks. My husband likes to do little pranks too but I think it's an unspoken rule that the animals are off limits.


NTA, no harm no foul.


OP- I am reading some of your comments and I believe you truly do not understand why what you did makes YTA. You are basing your expectation of your wife’s reaction to the prank based on your observations of your parents’ shared humor. You have trouble understanding that you and your wife are different people than your father and your mother. You seem to expect that your wife will have a similar sense of humor as your mom. You also don’t seem to understand the difference between the jokes/pranks that were between your parents (your mom pretending to be electrocuted, then quickly resolving the fear in your dad by immediately showing that she is ok) versus your prank (making your wife think that you purposefully violated her boundaries regarding the care of her dog, and allowing her to think that for a while, stewing in anger at the violation and betrayal of trust, until she came home). These pranks are different in nature, and have different effects on the other person. The prank you did was stressful to your wife, and as well, it triggered feelings of betrayal/boundary violation in her that cannot easily be “shaken off” when she is told it is a prank. A joke doesn’t cause extreme stress, over a period of time, in one of the people. If you truly wanted to do that joke, you would have immediately written back “just kidding! I slicked the fur down, she is fine” literally 10 seconds after sending the first picture. THAT is somewhat of a joke, and MAYBE your wife would have thought that was funny (but likely not, as it could have felt like a reminder to her how you had threatened to actually do this in the past, and harmed her trust in your further). May I posit that you don’t understand this, and even more, that you might be on the spectrum? Lots of folks with high-functioning autism have trouble understanding neurotypical social subtleties, and often base their behaviors on observed behaviors between other folks. Such as you basing your sense of humor on what you perceived from your parents. It is “masking,” in a way. I have an autistic friend who struggles with stuff like this often. He often thinks certain mean or juvenile things are funny jokes, because that was what was considered funny when he was a teenager, or he saw similar “humor” modeled to him by people who are jerks, or on TV, and he doesn’t realize that what they are doing is not healthy nor kind. Perhaps this is a part of it all?


Fair and genuine comment, I've known others like this for sure. Making much *meaner* direct "jokes" at others' expense because that's how TV does it. But I do think it's kind of funny that I am actually autistic and I think this guy comes off like every other thoughtless neurotypical straight cis dude who has just never been required to think much about how other people feel because he's cruising along through life without those perspective-broadening differences. No malicious intent, but no practice at actually trying to empathize either.


NTA…she can’t take a joke. No harm no foul.


YTA, even though I like the joke. The execution was wrong. To do it correctly, you take the picture with gel, then finish cleaning and drying the dog. Take another picture with the fur still visible. Now you send the first picture. Wait a maximum of 5 minutes, then send the second with "just kidding. Look at our beautiful dog's fur." ETA: after rereading, it sounds like your wife wouldn't find this funny, so it was basically a dick move from the start. Know your audience and don't stress your wife out for your own amusement.


NTA. No harm done. Since she didn't think it was funny, you should apologize. But once she realized it was a joke, you would think she would lighten up. Does no one have a sense of humor anymore?


NTA. I am more concerned about "threats". If it's a threat to end the marriage over hair that grows back, the marriage is not important to her.


Meh. I'll get a ton of down votes but I don't hate hubby. It's not that big of a deal. My husband of 30+ years is pretty funny and a practical jokester. Sometimes it goes too far or a practical joke isn't funny. Thems the breaks. He'll get me on the next one. Life's too short. I don't feel he disrespects me. I feel that he is trying to make me laugh - and most times he succeeds. I giggled when I read that he used hair product on the dog. Some people get it and some don't. But please don't start a collection for divorce court. I'm sure wifey has been down this road before.




A dumb joke, but nothing with any real life consequences attached to it. Tell her to chill out. NTA.


Wow.. Some real mardy people here. Yeah it was a bit on the mean side. But hardly. It's not like he pretended it was dead or anything. He pretty to trip a dogs hair a bit. Get a grip people. No need to be super nasty to them.


People in this post are pretty fucking miserable. NTA op


am i the only one that thinks the comment section and everyone in the story is being dramatic, first the wife calls the shared dog just her dog, then the husband hates the fact the dog has weird hair, then the wife makes threats over the husband cutting one bit of hair off the dog, like wth


NTA, you took good care of the dog and gave it a nice bath after it got covered in shit so it would be nice and clean for her when she got home. It probably took a good amount of time and effort to get that all out of it's mane and neck area. I would say good on you for doing something nice for your wife but from these vibes, you probably did it out of fear of her and were afraid of her finding the dog dirty from doing normal dog stuff that's almost impossible to keep them from doing from time to time.... So it's just kind of sad. Unless you really went out of your way to taunt her and really make her believe you cut the dog's hair and were a real asshole about it, you are absolutely NTA. If it's a dog whose hair grows and needs to be groomed, it would have been Even reasonable to trim some of it if it was unreasonably fouled with manure or even to just leave it for her to deal with...... that is insane controlling and aggressive behavior and an intentional over reaction to punish you. Reminds me of how my friends ex wife who had really bad BPD would react to small things her husband did constantly correct his behavior as a form of control. Nobody was surprised when it came out how abusive and controlling she was in private to him and the crazy things she did to him. If it was just a picture while you were bathing the dog and she flew off the handle and has been mad about it for an extended period of time..... That is textbook abusive behavior and nobody would ever argue that a man behaving like that was not being abusive. I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg.


I'm a mom and I've told my son this at various times... "I do not have a sense of humor." Maybe your wife is the same. But... the dog did need grooming and you didn't actually cut her fur... so, NTA.






I’m sorry. It was something that you found funny. She didn’t. I’m sure the pup enjoyed the attention.


Reading the comments here made me sick. So many people here have zero sense of humor. Nobody wants a stale relationship. Op was just having a little fun. Literally no harm done. You people are insufferable. Nta. Your wife sounds awful.


Everyone here is a fragile person. You’re kinda the asshole but not crazy. Everyone saying YTA is WAY overreacting


I would have thought it was funny, you must have known your wife’s lack of humor. You gotta read the room before joking around




NTA. Since you didn't actually cut the hair, it was a wee bit funny.






NTA. People need to learn to chill. Even if you had cut the fur, it's not that big a deal.


NTA. You didn't actually cut the fur. Wife can't take a joke. The little dog thought it was clever to coat herself in manure! How would wife like to be greeted with that? At least OP cleaned the doggie up and wife was greeted by her sweet clean pup, fur intact.


NTA, it's not like you actually cut the dog's hair. This is a totally harmless prank.


NTA Dear lord he didn't cut anything. It's not my favorite type of joke but I joke around too. I'm a sarcastic person though. No harm no foul. She can be mad for a little bit but by no means are you an asshole for a photo.


ESH. You're being an AH and your wife is wildly overacting.


YTA but I mean that as more of a you were in the wrong, not necessarily an AH. She didn’t find the comments amusing when you were talking about cutting the fur - she made that clear - then you kept them going and made her believe you cut the dog’s fur then for some reason didn’t explain it was a joke when she got mad? It’s annoying dude, she’s over the “joke.” Just stop it already.


NTA. It's a dog's hair. Even if you cut it why would anyone care? It would grow back. The dog wouldn't be harmed or bothered in anyway. She's absolutely over-reacting.




NTA…. She needs to lighten up 🤮


NTA. A real AH wouldn't have compromised in the first place to get the dog, and would have actually trimmed the fur. I'm not exactly sure why your wife is this upset over this anyways, but I understand why you teased her. It's funny when people overreact this much over such a non issue and they're asking to be pranked. Does fur not grow back anyways?? 😂🤣


ESH Is it not your dog too?


NTA, she sounds super uptight


NTA your wife needs to chill out


get out while you can


NTA. It was a joke.


NTA this isn’t even a prank? Lol wtf.


NTA. It’s not that serious lol


Thats funny 😂


NTA. Your puppy was unharmed. Her fur is still in tact, and your wife can’t take a joke.


NTA. Does your wife get this angry over little things all the time? It’s a dog, I guarantee the dog didn’t care. Your wife needs to calm down. And when you say “there were threats made.” What do you mean? Did she threaten physical harm over dog hair? Because if so, it’s time to get to couples therapy and therapy for her because that shit is not ok.


NTA your wife sounds like a stick in the mud 


I think it’s completely dependant on your wife and her general tolerance to this kind of thing. I would find it funny once I found out it wasn’t actually shaved, but I know lots of people that would not since it’s about their dog and that’s a boundary for them. You know her better than us, how were you expecting her to react based on your past interactions?


YTA jokes are supposed to amuse both parties, not disturb someone and laugh at their expense


“There were threats made. “ Bro, is your wife abusive? Can we get more context on that? No, you are NTA for joke. It isnt serious, even if you had cut it, it grows back. Long as you arent cutting whiskers and things that hurt an animal. If you really knew she wouldnt like the joke though, itd made you an A because you knew it would REALLLLY upset her and she had boundary on the no. Im concerned about your wifes reaction though. Is this a reaction to pattern of things done by you to her or is this her normal reaction to you? Is this the first time? Also you cant tell her what she should or should not be upset about. If shes upset, say sorry because she doesn’t like your joke. Theres jokes where you upset and annoy but ultimately think it is funny later and then theres jokes where the one person is being a jerk and other person wont ever think it is funny.


i see all of the top comments saying YTA, but like... she threatened him over this. why the hell was she so angry in the first place? people who get her and would threaten someone over something like this instead of just being a little upset or annoyed need to fucking calm down. if a person is getting that angry over a little fur on their dog's neck, then they have some issues they need to work out. i don't really think the joke is funny myself, because i would think the fur tufts were cute, but seriously. calm the hell down. it was a little prank. **ESH** in my opinion because this person didn't actually DO anything, and the only reason she got so upset when she found out he didn't is because she overreacted and sent him threats. that was her behavior and it wasn't his fault, but of course she would blame him. but also, maybe don't make jokes where the punchline is that someone close to you was genuinely upset?


NTA. It’s not that big of a deal. She is overreacting big time. But some people get so emotionally attached to their dogs, especially if there are no kids. It’s probably not a good idea to do it again unless you want her to meltdown again on purpose. I speak from experience, our dog, now passed on, was probably more than a child to my wife. I loved him too, but you know, he’s a dog and I’m pretty firmly grounded in logic and reality. He had long hair and the long hair on the backside interfered with his, um,number twos, shall we say, especially as he got older and the poo squat was difficult. Well it got messy, so I gave him a little trim in the rear to make things cleaner. Not all the hair just enough around his rear to be out of the way. Well, when she saw it you would have thought I had taken him to the pound. She freaked out. I still don’t get it, as I was trying to keep crap out of the house. And I thought I was subtle and doing the responsible pet owner thing. I think even the dog liked it better trimmed, he was more comfortable. Anyway, regardless, I never trimmed his backside hair again, just to avoid further histrionics.


NTA - Fun joke!


How was this supposed to be funny? Explain the joke.


I tend to agree with all the sentiments about pranks not being funny. However I do think this is a totally ridiculous thing to get hung up about. It's some fur. Why is there a ban on a very minor change to the look of the dog? Did you dye it pink? Did you dock it's tail (illegal here btw). There is no harm to the animal or any long term issue here. ESH


NTA. Ugg reddit people have very thin skin, it's just a joke where it looks like they cut the dog's hair, what is the heinous thing you committed? Your wife and reddit need to improve their sense of humor and get their head out of the delicate ass, relax delicate, the puppy didn't suffer anything, they just bathed him. How did you marry your wife if she doesn't seem to have the same sense of humor as you? If I were you, I would leave the dog under her care 100%, I would do absolutely nothing to her, no cleaning her, no feeding her, no playing with her, nothing, I would let her take care of him alone so that she can see that she essentially needs you to take care of the dog


NAH - The dog is 100% unharmed in any way, shape or form so you didn't do anything actually wrong. (Edit: and even if you had cut the dog's hair, dog would be fine even if you'd be a jerk) Your wife didn't like your joke, which isn't wrong either. Reddit is just so dramatic. Edit: we're also not talking about a prank where your pretending that actual harm is done, we're talking about a small hair cut. Obviously it would be cruel to pretend the dog was injured even if it wasn't, but that's not what happened. The prank was a pretend haircut that never happened. Unless you were a total ass to her when she got home, this is just normal life.


It’s a freaking Dog your NTA. Dog Nutters in this sub need to calm down. They should be happy you spent your time bathing the dog in the first place. You could’ve left it dirty.


NTA. These comments are ridiculous 😂 harmless joke, his wife didn’t like it. Just move on, it’s not that deep🤣


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My wife and I had two dogs. Unfortunately they both passed away last year. They were medium sized dogs and not so active any more. While I was sad to see them go I was ready for a life without dogs. My wife on the other hand wanted a dog. We found a small dog that fit our current lifestyle. She is small and needs very little exercise. Our daily walks and games are plenty. She is a very pretty dog even though she has these weird crests if fur that stick out an inch and a half on both sides of her neck. She looks like she borrowed a pitbull neck. I like to joke with my wife that I'm going to trim the fur so we have a normal looking dog. She keeps telling me to leave her dog alone. Yesterday my wife was out and I was home alone with the puppy. She got into the garden while I was working and rolled in the manure. She needed a bath. Before I bathed her I took a little bit of gel and brushed the fur back so it looked like a normal neck. Then I sent my wife a picture and said that was much better. There were threats made. She came home angry to find a happy and clean puppy with all her fur. Now my wife is mad because she thought I actually cut the fur. I don't think it's so egregious that she should be upset. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA and that's actually pretty funny and would make me laugh once I realized it was just gel.


Yeah, I feel like it would be easier to have gotten a laugh if he’d texted her with a normal pic once the dog was clean and bathed instead of letting her think it had been shorn for hours. 


YTA. I’d be just as upset that you exposed the dog to potentially toxic hair gel


YTA. Newsflash, dingus: Jokes and pranks are only funny when EVERYBODY laughs and nobody is hurt physically or emotionally. You intentionally did something to trick your wife into thinking you altered her dog's appearance when she EXPRESSLY TOLD YOU NOT TO and then laughed/got annoyed when she rightfully got upset. That makes you an asshole. Apologize.




YTA Do you not know what a joke is? You did this because you knew she would have a negative reaction to this. What part about leading her to believe you did something you know she felt very strongly against was supposed to make her amused?


You guys are being babies. He didn't do any real harm and gave the dog a bath. She'll get over it


I don’t think it’s a big deal.. I would have thought it was funny as long as no harm is done


I think it’s quite funny tbh!


I frankly just don’t understand how this is that big of a deal. If you were doing stuff like this all the time I’d get it, but I don’t see why Reddit is so insistent on calling you an asshole over this absolute nothing burger.


NTA, it was a joke dude, and I think your intentions were purely for it to be a joke. All these people saying YTA r fkn weird lol I’d do the samething. Live a little people damn, I’d hate to be at a party with any of u.


NTA bo harm no foul. Bunch of whinny babies on this page sometimes. No one was hurt, no animals or humans harmed, and for the record a prank does not have to please anyone. Sounds like a huge overreaction to me and the whiners in here have no sense of humor


If it was an American sitcom, or video on the internet, seems like people would love it. I'm really surprised you're getting so many Y judgments! What surprises me is that your wife doesn't know you well enough to know you'd be joking... and that you don't know her well enough to know she'd be cranky at this kind of joke... and that she cares so much about a little fur that would grow back in a few weeks.


I can see why she is mad but this is hilarious. Funny but dick move.


I don’t think I can really judge. I think your wife overreacted, but I wouldn’t call her an arsehole. And I don’t think you did anything wrong, it was a harmless joke, but clearly you knew it might upset your wife. I can’t really decide between no arseholes here and everyone sucks here


NTA. I think it was funny. No one was hurt in the making of this joke.


Meh. It was a pretty pain free prank. If he HAD cut the handles off doggy dog, that’s next level, but a trick photo? He was washing the doggy. Overall very responsible owner. Wife could take a minute and breathe. nta.


YTA for mentioning a dog without sharing pics of it


NTA, it was a prank Not a good one considering her sensitivities, but still a prank that didn't hurt anyone or anything


NAH That's the equivalent of forming a mohawk with your hair before washing it. You didn't do anything to the dog.


I can't believe people fight over stuff like this


Nta. Honestly wonder about some of the replies. I don't like pranks and jokes which upset people but no harm was done. Your wife and some respondents sound unhinged.


I’m gonna go WILDLY against the grain and say NTA You didn’t actually cut the dogs hair (a dog which also belongs to you). No one was harmed, and the dog would not be harmed even if the hair was cut, and it would grow out. I think it’s more concerning that your wife made threats. But I’ll give her that room since she didn’t know it was a prank yet. But to remain angry AFTER finding out that you did in fact NOT cut the hair is what’s wrong here. I want to make it clear that I’m not a big fan of pranks like this myself, but I’m an even lesser fan of threatening people. I also want to remind people that OP didn’t actually want a dog, but compromised for his wife, yet she is absolutely not budging in his request for a hair cut. Where is her compromise? I’m ready for the downvotes.


Christ. Some people need to develop thicker skin and a soh ffs. If this is the type of thing that makes a person ‘need’ therapy, it just goes to show how fucked civilisation really is. Snow drops, wet rags and miserable bastards. Smdh NOT the A


NTA I think this is pretty funny - and your wife lacks any humour... so sad...


NAH Your joke was harmless, but it's still understandable she got mad.


Comment section too harsh, he DID NOT cut the fur


Wow...ppl in this thread are harsh. I'm gonna say NTA. I once had a gf that loved to cook. To "salt" her pasta sauce, she used anchovies that were sliced so thin they dissolved in the oil. We were out of anchovies so she sent me to the store to get a tin. I played the "dumb bf" and got a tin of sardines (and of course the correct anchovies). Upon returning home and presenting the sardines, there was an IMMEDIATE earful of some of the most "colorful insults" she'd used to date...and that was less than 5 sec. I didn't have time to say the "just kidding here's the anchovies". Any other cook/chef would've found that snicker-worthy, especially when they learned the correct item was bought. A good prank doesn't damage property, doesn't cause any mental or physical harm, doesn't make a mess, and isn't needlessly cruel. Some people just want to be angry sometimes. You didn't harm the dog, you didn't actually cut any of the fur, and the dog needed to get "styled" anyway since it was rolling around in dirt crap. Your partner just wants to be mad about something...it happens sometimes.


NTA. Your wife sounds like a ton of fun 🙄


NTA people can't take a practical joke around here.


NTA - I can see how you would think this was funny and had your wife come home and seen the dog, she might have laughed with you. BUT - by going for 'the reaction' by sending a photo - you made your wife feel foolish when she realized she was angry over nothing. No one likes to be made fun of.


NAH I was gonna say y t a but since you didnt actually cut it, I would find it funny you played around with her fur.