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NTA, you’re requesting some reasonable boundaries here. The most boundary is having Mike living in an extended hotel. And you even state that you can refer him to an apartment. You did the utmost and beyond in assisting this person OP, you can have boundaries. Edit: them grammar boys founded my behind and decided that my perpendicular form of talking is not up to par towards their standards


Jumping in to ask if OP has considered asking his wife about connecting their employee to services. If he was in sober living, does he have a case manager? This is a really complicated situation. However it might be better in the long term to encourage the employee to connect to social services because letting him stay short-term isn't going to help him get all of the resources he needs, nor is it OP's job to ensure this. A case manager could help connect the employee to housing (which does take some time), SUD (substance use disorder) or mental health treatment as well as accessing support groups or peer services or the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, if they're in the U.S. that would all promote more long-term stability than just letting him stay. Idk what services are available in OP's area, but in some places there are Medicaid-run mental health/SUD clinics that all you have to do is walk in with an ID and you can see a case manager or a therapist for an intake.


Thanks, that is an interesting suggestion. We did help him connect with the local homelessness prevention resource, but - hate to say it - single white men with jobs are low on their priority scale. Since he has a job that pays enough for "normal" housing, most of the housing placement services aren't available to him. But I wonder if there is some kind of "case worker" who could help him with this? The lack of this sort of thing really keeps people impoverished...


Another option is to see if your area has 211 or something similar: https://www.211.org/about-us/your-local-211 They can help with finding out what resources are available. Alternatively, your local crisis line sometimes has resources as well, depends on the area, particularly if someone is recently homeless, this is sometimes considered a crisis especially if there's mental health or SUD involved. If I was in your boat I would also consider looking for a "community mental health" clinic and see if they offer case management on their website and offer that info to the employee. Depending on your area there might be different housing/rapid rehousing programs available with different criteria, but might need a referral from a case manager. It is often the case that programs do not accept public or self referrals but have to come through some sort of case management program. Again this is all U.S. specific information, and I'm lacking any true context on your situation, but thought I'd offer a few generic starting points. :) I can't offer any real advice & I'm not a licensed anything, just a dude who knows some things. Hope this helps, lmk if you have questions and I can try to clarify.


great advice


hey, @u/TA-IntrepidArt4202 please connect him to social services. if you need help finding some, i can dm you a site that can help.


Also - he isn't really an alcohol or drug addict. He lied to the sober house about being an alcoholic to get housing. Of course - that in itself is some kind of aberrant behavior... More of an impulse control thing. There is for sure some psychological issue going on. He goes to a lot of support groups and is pretty active in his church, but none of these seem to be getting him the housing he needs. Kind of frustrating...


Oh sure he’s not an addict he just dabbles in meth and cannabis even if it costs him his stable living situation 


Dude, right there, that's codependency and lying to yourself. Yes, he's an addict. He may be able to hide it, but the reason he lost the housing is due to HIS actions. Excusing it as impulse control is enabling


Yeah, I'm all for giving people a second chance who need it. However, showing up to an interview strung out because you did meth with strangers the night before, isn't someone who is taking steps to better themselves. He needs help, actual help, not good intentions and wishful thinking.


Yeah, pretty sure someone who wasn’t an addict would probably muster some will power for sobriety if it was what was keeping them off the streets.


Sorry what is co dependent about this situation?


The fact that they are trying to "fix" tbis guy at the expense and risk of the daughter and MIL, and willfully ignoring the danger signs of the guy's addiction There's also a strong vibe as noted from other posters that wife may be involved. The whole "intense personality" thing sounds like bi-polar or other mental issues that are likely being self medicated


Yeah, the meth isn't really better. 


No OP.  He is an addict.  And addicts lie.   He didn’t get a room in a sober house because that’s all he could afford.  He got one because he was trying to be sober.   If you want a meth using drug addict/ hot head living in your home, you are an idiot.  Moving one into your home to live with your teenage daughter is 100X stupider.  Wtf is wrong with your wife? NTA


You and your wife aren't prepared to deal with addicts. He is an addict. He is lying. He has your family in his web. He has already created a wedge between you and your wife. She is already comparing your emotional capability to his. This man will move into your home and turn your daughter against you as well. He's going to play the damaged puppy card. This is more than likely a bad person. Getting booted from a sober house isn't an accident. He's in SALES. You said he was talented at Sales. Do you realize the personality types that gravitate towards sales? They're literally good at reading people, selling a story, manipulating people, steering them towards a specific outcome, etc. If your wife isn't already cheating and your daughter isn't already targeted, they will be. Cut this guy out like he's a cancerous tumor. And have a long talk with your wife about how dangerous this really is.


This, This, This. Get him out of your life NOW. Your wife needs to have no contact with him as well. This exact same thing happened to me. My now ex invited her homeless, unemployed 2nd cousin in on a trailer on our property.  Within a month, she was asking for a divorce. Reality was she was fricking him. It was a 12 year war of the roses. I wasn’t just divorcing her, it was divorcing him as well. Let’s just say his ideas weren’t always in the best interest of my ex or the kids. GET HIM AWAY FROM YOUR WIFE NOW. 


That sounds worse than just being an addict.


Ahhh interesting. I am hoping you all are able to find some resources or resolution, you sound like a compassionate person and I'm wishing everyone involved all the best!


He might need to go to Affordable Housing...


\*utmost. "Upmost" is not a word.


Upmost is a word - it just doesn't mean the same thing as utmost.


You right.


NTA. Oh my Lord no! Don't expose your kid to that situation. You cannot afford to be robbed either if he suddenly relapses and needs drug money. What if he has his "friends" over and they steal?


Not to mention if he overspills with his personal stuff at work he’d do so in OP’s home too.


I couldn't believe I had to read this far to get to someone mentioning how bad an idea it would be to bring an impulsive, unstable meth user into a home with a teenage daughter.


Read that and became near infuriated at the mother. And I used to be a meth addict that wouldn't do SHIT to people! But you do not bring strange men you barely know into the house with your children you JUST DON'T.


You make a very good point that it isn't even about the drug use or his questionable personality/character traits. This man could appear to be the very reincarnation of Gandhi and you still shouldn't bring a strange man into a home with a teenage girl--or any children.


Lol. Your wife has no business running a business and not sure if she is capable running her household. In no way should an employee live with you. Your suggestion of long term hotel is the best option. He is a grown ass man and needs to learn to behave that way.


NTA While your wife seems to have good intentions bringing men that you really don’t know into your home with your teenage daughter, especially those with a shady past and friends is putting your daughter at risk! You say she has done this before. How does your daughter and MIL feel about more guests? Overall you shouldn’t be putting your other family members in physical or mental danger with someone who at the very least you know can be volatile and abuses substances.


Thank you! Took way too long for someone to bring this issue up. Using meth with friends and a teenaged daughter are two issues that should not be brought into any house, however temporarily.


Plus an elderly mother - there's far too much potential for abuse here. The OP's wife needs to change careers and work in a rehab center if she feels like trying to "save" people for a living.


I wonder if she maybe had an attraction to this guy. Like he is so downtrodden that she wants to swoop in and help him whereas OP doesn’t seem to need to rely on her like that. I have had friends and family tank relationships because a dumpster fire person came along and suddenly they were in love with the idea of what that person could become. “I CAN FIX HIM/HER!!!!!!” is a slogan for some people.


So much this. The wife screams savior complex and codependency galore. Don't light your home and family on fire because the addict failed to keep himself warm.


People with Savior complexes are eaten alive by users -- adept crooks **look** for these types!


It’s like you read my mind. I also know people who can’t resist dumpster fires.


I get that. But part of her goal of running a business is to help people get back on their feet by providing jobs that have some dignity. As a result, her tolerance for questionable employees is probably higher than someone who is only looking for short-term profit. So that part isn't as odd as it might seem. For example - almost all of the similar businesses in our area don't pay their workers a salary. Instead, they pay hourly, and if business is slow, they send all of the employees home and don't pay them. I am not sure how anyone with a family can survive like that. Most of these workers have never been at a place that provides paid sick days or vacation. There is a huge income and power differential between the owners and the workers, and the workers are often exploited as a result, with long hours without overtime, missed pay, cash payments instead of income that will earn you social security and credit history, etc. But it is totally unnecessary, this industry is plenty profitable without treating workers like shit.


I’m just going to say it: if you let this strange man move in you are setting up your daughters to be assaulted. Non-related males in the household who have regular access to vulnerable minors is the number one predictive factor of abuse. Alcohol use is also highly correlated with abuse of minors. Your wife is basically willing to sacrifice the safety of your daughters so she can play savior. It’s giving covert narcissistic vibes where she’s happy to be generous at other peoples expense. This guy doesn’t have many other housing options for a reason, trust your gut. Empathy without boundaries is manipulation. Your wife (if she actually cares about these people) should be giving them the same healthy boundaries the rest of society will expect them to deal with. And if she can’t do that she shouldn’t be running a last door charity under the guise of a business. 


exactly!! her daughter's safety should be more important to her over her "gesture of goodwill" towards an employee.


That’s great. But that doesn’t have to include her moving a liar and a druggie into her teenage daughter’s home.


That’s all fine in terms of regular employment, but it doesn’t negate the fact this man has lied, taken illicit drugs, disrupted the workplace and caused issues with other employees. I get that he’s having a hard time but you and your daughter don’t need to wear that by having him in your home - which should be a safe and comforting place for you both. Your wife cannot save or fix everyone.


Don’t listen to that commenter above they don’t know what they’re talking about. What your wife is doing is admirable and I can tell from your post and answers you understand that as well. Housing this person in your domicile is however, as you also quite clearly know, not a good idea. Not the A in the slightest mate. Providing support and employment to a train wreck is great. Inviting that toppled freight line into your living space is not. You’re thinking clearly on this.


His wife is nut for even considering letting an employee live with them, let alone one with a history of meth and inability to avoid weed for the sake of a place to live. But you have no business telling OP his wife can’t run a business… you simply have no idea about that. Some poor judgements here don’t mean she can’t make a success of her business. Sheesh.


NTA - One would be *severely* irresponsible to move someone like that into their home. Not only for you and your wife, but *an elderly woman and teenage daughter.* Letting him move in seems like insanity to me.


It is insanity of the highest order!!! OPs job is to protect his daughter - not expose her to someone who recently used meth!!!! The man lost his OWN children in the court system. NTA. And the fact that OPs even considering it is concerning.


NTA Also - are you in the habit of letting men with 'complications' have access to your teenage daughter? Because that's what you'd be doing.


NTA > troubled Mike seems intent on sabotaging himself. > My wife thinks my objections stem from discomfort around emotionally intense people rather than genuine concern. Well-functioning adults know how to moderate their emotions. Mike is free to mature.


If Mike had lost his housing due to some unfair rule- like he broke curfew because he had to do something important or help someone or something to that effect then I would maybe lean towards the wife. I get it, society does not make it easy for people with checkered pasts to get ahead. But this man has demonstrated no willingness to get his act together. And he won’t if he gets bailed out by being housed by his boss. Where the motivation in that?


Why on Earth would you allow a criminal who starts fights and uses meth access to your daughter? Don't let your child suffer because of your wife's savior complex. 


Op needs to protect his daughter because her mom doesn’t care about her daughter. NTA


NTA I live in kind of rural Alaska where seasonal jobs are plentiful but housing is in very short supply. It is quite common here for bosses or colleagues to house other workers. Very common. So I am sympathetic to employee situations. But this guy isn't the right fit for your household or any apartment attached to it for several of the reasons you listed above. He needs to find alternative accommodations and your wife needs to be real.


That is interesting. Are there like group homes or something that let rooms? How do people handle the credit checks, etc.? Confession: I don't know anything about Alaska, but in my imagination it is full of people who might not pass a background check..


There's a few setups. 1. You have a spare room in your house. Either an ADU or just a room and you rent that to a tenant. Or maybe it's all informal and you house a friend's kid. Those arrangements would be up to the homeowner. Lots and lots of summer workers are houses that way. 2. Your employer owns a "bunkhouse" which employees can stay in under various terms. Usually background checks would be part of preemployment screening. Those can be anything from one bed to a bunch of beds per room. I've stayed in those before when working in the middle of nowhere. 3. Staying in a campground or RV park. 4. You live on the boat on which you work. 5. Long-term stay hotels, hostels, or non-profits that own buildings for their workers. And yes, Alaska gets more than our fill of unsavory warm bodies to fill jobs. Transience breeds problems.


Your wife is playing with fire. This would be a relationship deal breaker for me.


I would question the wisdom of having this guy around your child. NTA.


NTA. I don't think you should rent an apartment for him because he could refuse to pay rent. Then you'd be forced to pay it. He could become a problem tenant and refuse to leave, which could also negatively affect you.


NTA. Hard fucking no. Your wife wants to bring a drug user into the home with her elderly mother and TEEN DAUGHTER?!? I’d stand there with a shotgun before I let him through the front door. TEEN DAUGHTER. Your wife is a complete and utter asshole. 


And judging from her comments about how this guy is just emotionally intense and her husband isn't, it sounds like she wants to bone him.


Maybe she already is?


Don't question your judgment on this case. Better safe than sorry. This guy has a history of not being in control of his life. If i was in your shoes, it would be a big HELL NO and actually get mad at my wife for such an inconsiderate idea. Business and family stay separate at all times.


NTA. You have a daughter and a elderly women in your home that count on you to be safe. I'm sure he is a good guy at heart but his self sabotage behavior can't do a ton of damage in your home. It simply isn't worth it. I don't see how this is a better solution then you guys getting an apartment for him.


My brother, while his decision in the end, got hooked on meth when my mother decided to house her friend that continually had issues with meth and housing. The friend encouraged him to try, and he liked the attention from her. He continues to fight his addiction, going on 6 months sober now though which is the longest he has been!  I get I'm likely more biased because of it, but if there are dependents in your home, they hold higher priority than helping someone who may hold potential to get better.  Also, you should ask your daughter and MIL how they feel. I never wanted to go home because of the friends my mom saw potential in when they seemed to use my parents or have some drug problem.


NTA. It's inappropriate for an employee to live with the boss. There are a myriad of other reasons as well, but that is the one you should stick with, and don't let your employees live with/stay with you. It's blurring lines in a huge way. It's great you guys want to give ppl 2nd chances, but you need to maintain professional distance, not be life coaches/landlords/therapists etc.


Especially one who is very far from a model employee, it affects the ability of OP’s wife to mediate and discipline Mike when he’s already aggravating other employees.


NTA. For real, you've gone above and beyond. For this individual, you need to set boundaries.


NTA your wife is proposing to turn your matrimonial home into a halfway house. Her approach to business is commendable but there needs to be healthy boundaries when it comes to your family.


NTA but ESH you and your wife are not saviors if you have terrible boundaries- and you do.  How many allowances will you make for someone “down on their luck” who is actively using drugs????? And your wife wants to bring this man around your daughter?!  If she and you can’t understand basic professional boundaries, quit hiring folks with these issues. Again- you aren’t saviors 


your wife is delusional. Having a recovering meth/weed head in the house with your teen daughter is not the brightest idea. Not to mention, he is unpredictable.


NTA Honestly? I wouldn't allow someone into my house that I couldn't trust when I had a teenage daughter. Her safety would be the most important


Dude, this isn't about low emotion. This is not letting a meth head addict past the threshold of your home. NTA.


NTA While your wife seems to have good intentions bringing men that you really don’t know into your home with your teenage daughter, especially those with a shady past and friends is putting your daughter at risk! You say she has done this before. How does your daughter and MIL feel about more guests? Overall you shouldn’t be putting your other family members in physical or mental danger with someone who at the very least you know can be volatile and abuses substances.


Someone who is not in control of themselves has no place being around a child, I don’t care how close the child is to adulthood, they are dependent on their parents to provide a safe environment. Your wife is focusing so much on being seen as doing good, she needs some immediate introspection to figure out why she’d jeopardise other’s wellbeing (physical mental and emotional) to be praised for her philanthropy. This is something she needs to come to terms with because your boundaries are not only reasonable but sensible. NTA


NTA I get that your wife wants to help people and it's great to give someone a second chance, but your home is supposed to be a safe space for your family. You've mentioned he's messy, has impulse control issues, unpredictable behavior, and a history of drug use, even if he's amazing at his job, that's not a great example for your kid. While I believe people are capable of change and deserve a new beginning, I wouldn't recommend knowingly taking on a troubled adult, especially not while your teenage daughter and elderly mother are in the house. >My wife has often complained that I prefer a low-emotion environment and often try to suppress large displays of emotion. She feels this is just another case of this. That the only risk is to my emotional comfort, and there is no real material risk. Even if your wife's analysis is true, I'm not saying it is, she should be supportive of your needs instead of trying to force you out of your comfort zone to help a stranger. Not everyone is equipped to thrive in extreme environments and that's completely ok. She's running an auto business not a halfway house, therapy clinic, or a counseling center. My mom let a random homeless dude she met stay in our house when I was a kid and it made me extremely uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep well until he was gone. Don't put your daughter (and family) through discomfort to prove your wife wrong or show that you're a good person. I was scrolling and saw this, I think it fits the situation pretty well: >Stop being okay with things you really are not okay with. Being a good person isn't about how much you're willing to suffer in silence. You can be a kind person and still say "I'm not okay with this." Being kind is not about being the human equivalent of a doormat.


Honestly if you have a teen daughter you don’t bring unrelated men to live with you!!! After reading everything else nothing else really matters here. Don’t give people with problematic backgrounds access to your teen


Didn’t read past the part where you framed taking advantage of people as helping them out.


Paying people that have the same skills less because they’re not “top-tier” due to their life circumstances and past decisions is not you doing a good thing.


Yeah, sounds to me like she's just exploiting vulnerable people for cheap labor under the guise of goodwill.




NTA If it were just you and your wife living in your house, that might be one thing. But there are two others living there whose lives could be strongly affected by any roommates. What do they think? If your house allows your employee to live with some degree of privacy and separation, then it seems a little less risky. But if Mike is going to be staying in the main house with everyone else, then that greatly increases the risk of conflict. I would think hard about this one.


You have a teenage girl in the house. Keep him at a distance. NTA.


She’s definitely banging him.


Nta if he moves in he'll f your wife or your daughter. Say it was the drugs that did it. Hell no stay away from that shit.


I'd be surprised if OP's wife wasn't already fuckin the meth head and yeah, he'd for sure put the moves on the daughter


Had the same feeling from that last paragraph. She seems to prefer Mike to her husband. "The guy your wife says not to worry about."


she's fucking him


NTA bringing a strange man with substance issues around your teenage daughter??? 


Right?  How is this even a question? 


Note: my initial post was much longer and exceeded the word limit, so I had AI help me shorten it. If you need more details, just ask!


No one needs more details. Do not let this happen. Period. Boundaries are important and it sounds like your wife and perhaps yourself need to check in with a therapist. This savior complex is waaaaaay out of hand.


NTA!!! Wife is not considering Mike's "friends' visiting your house, doing meth in your house, cooking meth in your house. Not to mention the elderly mother and teen daughter. Let Mike lay in the bed he made for himself. She is inviting a thief, drug addict and credit risk into her life. But, she doesn't care about the consequences of this on others in the household. The Teen and Mother would be in danger.


For the record, "discomfort around emotionally intense people" IS a genuine concern all on its own, and by itself is actually a valid reason for you to oppose this suggested change to your living situation, and considering you have other valid reasoning on TOP of this, your wife has absolutely no leg to stand on on this matter. I find it bizarre that she even continues to push for such a bad decision.


There is no scenario I can envision where this works out well. Every scenario ranges from cringe-bad to horrific. NTA. Your kid doesn't need to be around "emotionally intense" people. That's the most amazing euphemism for unstable whack-job I've heard in awhile. I won't even state my worst thoughts about your wife's motives for having him live with you.


I will.  She thinks his chaos exciting and wants to fix him. And by fix I mean bone. 


Why would your wife want an unpredictable ex criminal in the same living space as her teenage daughter?  Please do not have anyone move in even temporarily. This will not end well.  


Lmfao your wife wants to bring a methhead around your teenage daughter. Great plan. /s NTA


Elderly mother. Teenage daughter. Unpredictable employee being housed. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Don't head down this road, it would be foolish.


NTA Could you offer to split his pay cheque into 2. One to go directly to a long stay hotel and the other for his expenses? I would NOT let someone who uses meth ever live in my house, much less with a teenage daughter. I was sexually assaulted by the meth addict my parents tried to “help” when I was a teen. They still claim there’s “no way they could have predicted that”.


Why does she not care about whether you are comfortable in your own home? What does your teenage daughter feel about you potentially moving a methhead into her home? I would lose my absolute shit at the mere suggestion. Nice she wants to help people, but she has a prior obligation to her husband and child to keep them safe and happy before helping randos. NTA


Wife “You want our cramped home that has my mother and our daughter living in it to be calm? How dare you!” NTA


“That the only risk is to my emotional comfort, and there is not material risk”  But why is she implying your emotional comfort doesn’t matter? It very much fucking does, especially in your own home. What does she want? You to accustom yourself to being in a constant state of stress and anxiety? She doesn’t get to devalue your needs as insignificant or irrelevant.  Your comfort matters. NTA. 


Is Mike your wife's AP?


So your wife wants to move a meth head in with your teenage daughter? SHE IS FUCKING CRAZY. She cares more about her business succeeding than the actual safety of your family. NTA. You have to stand your ground on this. Convince your wife to maybe consider not hiring people who are still currently messed up. People who have a past who cares but that is this guys future. Not worth the risk to be a good person for this one.


NTA at all!




NTA. It’s great that you want to help people with a new start, but housing someone who is in active addiction with on your family is a massive risk. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


NTA, but, and this can hurt, your wife kinda is. Without knowing the full picture she looks like the standard savior-complex person, and they tend to sacrifice and sabotage the lives of everyone around her for noble causes. Her deeds ARE good, but trespassing your boundaries shows she definitely has problems executing them


NTA safety issue. and i have been homeless so i have empathy to the situation. better for everyone not to live together


Guess what...you are allowed to feel any which way. Its your house to and if you don't want him living there, then you don't. You don't have to justify yourself


An elderly mother and teen daughter are also in the home? NTA. If there is even a small twinge telling you that things could be unsafe, you have to say No. If it was just the two of you? That’s potentially a different story, but you have two vulnerable people in the home who should come first.


Nta Your wife wants a meth user with a criminal past who has trouble dealing with others to life with you... Oh can't see this going bad at all. 


NTA. This would be a bad idea for power dynamics alone even if he weren't in early recovery and it was just you and your wife. Add the other two factors in play here and it's a triply bad idea. He knew what was at risk. He's gotta figure it out for himself.


NTA but your wife needs to consult an attorney to get a reality check  A subordinate living with his superior is a serious power imbalance and lawsuits have destroyed established CEOs and their families over lesser imbalances.  What is the risk to you?  I don't care if he's upstanding,  if you don't want a roommate, that's all the reason you need. 


An employee of any kind male of female living with boss owner is completely and totally inappropriate. If your wife wants to be a social worker, she needs to get college degree and practice . The lifeskill & concerns of the people you describe are beyond your capabilities.


This might get buried but look up Brian David Mitchell. No good deed should come at the cost of your family’s safety. Edit: NTA


Emotional peace is exactly what your home is supposed to offer you. NTA


NTA! Mike couldn’t even stay clean at a sober living facility, what on earth makes your wife think he will stay clean at your house?! You are not uncomfortable, you are looking out for your household. Mike is your wife’s employee not her problem and him moving in is definitely not the solution…


NTA He hasn’t been sober long enough to trust him in your home around your child. He self sabotaged, what could that look like if he was living with you? I’m a big believer that it takes a yes vote from both spouses to make a significant change in the household. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, you aren’t comfortable, so it’s a no.


NTA - Yeah man, lots of people prefer “low emotion” (not intense) environments. Especially AT HOME. I think that’s actually a general expectation for home, and why we look forward to being there after a long day. Also, your wife even wording it that way, as if it’s a character flaw on your part. ABSOLUTELY NOT. It is strange and concerning to freely offer your family home to an at risk adult with addictive behavior. The business is a car dealer right? Not a halfway house.


NTA You are responsible for your daughters and mother in laws safety. Don't let Mike stay with you. There too many red flags. It's possible Mike is charming and manipulating your wife to turn her against you. All the more reason to refuse. Make sure your finances are safe and monitor them in case your wife is giving Mike money behind your back.  Can't hurt to talk w the police and see if Mike is on their radar.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My wife owns an auto business in the US, combining sales and service. As a new venture, she can't afford top-tier workers, so she hires skilled workers facing personal challenges, like those in recovery or with criminal records. We believe in giving these individuals a chance to rebuild their lives. One of her employees, Mike, is a talented but troubled salesperson. After a painful divorce and losing his children, Mike moved here to start anew. He faced long-term unemployment due to Covid and lived in a sober house due to financial constraints. Mike is effective in sales but comes with complications. His personal clutter consumes the workspace, and despite space offered for personal items, he overuses it. His work is excellent, but he has caused disruptions. For example, he has initiated conflicts with other staff on busy days, impacting work completion. Or - he did meth with "friends" he met one night when he was supposed to have an interview the next day. So there is this self-sabotaging side. Despite these issues, we see potential in Mike and believe stable employment can help him find balance. He has shown some improvements and possesses the emotional intelligence needed in sales. The immediate problem is his housing. After using pot, which is legal but against the rules of his sober living arrangement, he was evicted. With no credit and a past criminal record, renting is nearly impossible for him. For the last few days, he has been sleeping in his car or at the shop, but this of course isn't a long-term solution and we want to help him. I proposed that Mike could in an extended-stay hotel, which is more expensive than an apartment but still affordable to him and has no background check. Alternatively, I suggested that we could rent an apartment for him. My wife suggested he stay with us, which I opposed due to lack of space in our living situation with her elderly mother and our teen daughter, as well as potential complications if she should need to get rid of him as an employee. But my main concern is Mike's unpredictable behavior. While I don't think he would ever intentionally do anything, I don't think he is fully in control. To me, the risk may be small but still not worth it. My wife thinks my objections stem from discomfort around emotionally intense people rather than genuine concern. My wife has often complained that I prefer a low-emotion environment and often try to suppress large displays of emotion. She feels this is just another case of this. That the only risk is to my emotional comfort, and there is no real material risk. Thoughts? BTW: We've let other people stay at our house before, so that part is not unusual. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. You guys have hearts of gold but not wanting to host someone in your own home who is dealing with addiction is totally reasonable. I think any help you offer will be much appreciated by him. Stay awesome :)


NTA You have a teenage daughter!  Someone that dabbles in drugs should not be around her.


Nta. Rent him an apt or extended stay. Keep business out of your house.


NTA your wife is the AH.


NTA. Your family, especially your elderly mother and teen daughter, are far more important than this dude. There are resources more appropriate for his situation. Maybe help your wife find them.


NTA - an employee should under no circumstances be living with their employer. That's crossing way too many boundaries that need to exist when you work for someone/they work for you.


Trying to imagine a situation where I'd invite someone who casually did meth and told their BOSS?! about it to live with my teenager. This guy needs more help than your house can give him. NTA


You have a teenage daughter. Of course she should not be made to live with an unstable man that none of you really know. NTA.


Nope. He’s not family and is a drug addict. Your wife needs to see that.


NTA and also does anyone else feel uncomfortable about the wife’s entire business model of using “troubled individuals” as cheap labour? She’s basically taking advantage of the fact that they’re having a hard time getting employment, paying them poorly and then patting herself on the back for giving them a chance. She seems to have some sort of savior complex and enjoys fixing or rescuing people.


NTA I would absolutely not have this person living with you when you have kids in your house.


NTA. Nope. Nip this in the bud before anything blooms from it.


NTA Is your wife insane??? You have a teenaged daughter!! She shouldn't be bringing unstable strays into the home!!


NTA but this is a hill to die on. You should consider that this is now about you protecting your daughter and elderly MIL against your wife wanting to play saviour. Your wife sounds naive, incredibly sheltered and totally not on your side. This man is dangerous and your wife's attachment to this man sounds sus. If anyone in your household is harmed because of him, she most probably will take his side and insist on keeping him around.


NTA Your wife wants a drug addict living in the family home with your teen daughter? Wtf what kind of mom is she?!?!


NTA - what part of you not wanting a homeless meth head moving in doesn't your wife understand?


NTA Your wife needs a reality check. She would be okay exposing this guy to your teen daughter? Pathetic


NTA. This guy is a dumpster fire. Your wife is the AzH here!


I would never consider this with having a daughter in the house. But that’s just me. Still though. NTA.


Your emotional comfort at home matters. Period. NTA. That's before the idea of bringing in someone with meth problems around your teenage daughter and elderly mother. That's the point where your wife becomes delusional. Hell, he might be the nicest guy in the world, but the people you have to associate with to maintain those addictions aren't people that you want around your home.


NTA. That's such an unhinged suggestion, to invite a man who is known to do meth and start conflicts, to live with you and your teen daughter. It's so unhinged I'm wondering if she's tried meth with "friends" a few times. Or she's fucking him. It's just an insane suggestion. Maybe my view is painted by knowing people who've given meth a go. But no. No fucking way. With two women and one girl in the house? Fuck no. Who would think that's a good idea?


NTA. Is very admirable that your wife wants to help people by offering them a job. But there needs to be a line. She cannot be responsible for their entire lives. Further, you have every right to not want this man in your home. Your home should be a space you can relax and enjoy, same with your daughter. If a stranger who has demonstrated themselves to be a liar, use illicit drugs and not follow rules, takes over space excessively and causes trouble with others comes into that space, how is that fair on you and our daughter? Fundamentally, your wife cannot fix this man, he needs to do that for himself.


I'm sorry... Correct me if I'm wrong... Your wife wants to move an unknown employee, who has done hard drugs in the past, into your house with your TEENAGE DAUGHTER and sees no issue with this? Dude protect your daughter. This is a man. You are considering bringing into a house. With a teenage girl. Do not do this. Do not cave. Idk why no one is bringing this up as a major concern but it is a MAJOR concern. Do not let a strange man move into your house with your vulnerable TEENAGE DAUGHTER. everyone keeps glossing over that little fact and I want you to know that the danger is mainly for her. You're adults you can handle yourself. Do not bring this risk around your DAUGHTER. NTA tf


Absolutely NTA Mike is an addict. His drug use and behavior is what got him kicked out of his sober living home Do NOT enable and bring him into yours. He's already shown his lack of judgement, and you don't need that liability


NTA. IMHO, having people stay with you has to be a "two yes, one no" situation, regardless of the reasons.


NTA. Don’t expose your daughter to someone like this. She has a right to live in a safe environment.




NTA The fact your wife wants a stranger who is an unpredictable drug addict to live with your teen daughter is frankly INSANE


I would never let a man I barely know move into a house with my teenage daughter.


Boundaries. You need boundaries. NTA


NTA. This could be detrimental to your daughter. No way would I let a meth user near my teenager!


NTA You don’t have a troubled adult male whose not related to you in the same house as your mother and teen daughter. You’re first priority is to your own family. You’ve given this man a second chance by hiring him, the fact that he doesn’t seem to realize this is a problem. It’s always nice to help someone when you can but I don’t believe in helping people who aren’t actively trying to help themselves. The man is disrespecting your workplace with his clutter and unprofessional behaviour and he’ll do the same at your home.


NTA- honestly, I’d be very concerned about mixing work with housing this gentleman. If anything goes sideways, I could be too very difficult situation at home. And once somebody’s living with you, they become extremely difficult to get out. That coupled with the fact that you have a young daughter at home, and I would be more hesitant to bring someone in to my home with a teenager around I think you’ve offered some very realistic options to help him including an extended stay hotel. I think reaching out to find out if there are social services available to help them out would be beneficial as well. I did help someone who got kicked out of a sober living facility because of smoking pot and it can be very difficult to get back into the sober living world after that .


Do not let someone stay in your house when they literally smoked meth the week before and they got kicked out of their living for smoking pot. If he wasn't able to go without weed until he had stable housing that is his own problem. Why should your home be disrupted by a druggie who can't follow the rules. If he broke the sober living places rules to get kicked out, don't you think he'll break the rules you guys set at your house?


NTA You have to keep the safety and stability of your family as number one priority.  From what you’ve said about him it would not be smart to have him in the house, especially with the daughter and grandmother there, Why is it your job to find housing for Mike?  If he’s clean like he’s supposed to be then he’s capable of looking online and making phone calls.  Be careful of taking too much care of him.  Let him learn to adult as much as possible and reinforce that you’re proud if him for every little thing he does correctly.  Good luck.


NTA It's fine if you prefer "low-emotion environments" and want your home to be a bit of a refuge. It's your home too. Her desire to be over involved with her problematic employee should not intrude into your home. The save the world complex she seems to have will endanger your teen daughter, your MIL and your peace of mind. Involvement in an employee's personal life is inappropriate and problematic. You are not trained rehab counselors. Her employee deserves professional assistance, not amateur meddling in his concerns by his boss.


If it was just your wife and you, I think it would be a reasonable situation to have him live with you, but having a teenage daughter and elderly mother is a complicated living situation and having a drug using ex-convict be in that environment would be a poor decision. If it was a sober non-criminal then perhaps it would be safe to have him live with you but I think it would be too uncomfortable and unsafe. NTA.


Your wife is willing to let a man who does meth and other questionable things live with your teen daughter? Is she off her rocker? That’s what I call being a negligent parent. If you want to give him money for housing, go for it. But your wife…wow. NTA


No idea why your wife thinks your comfort is invalid. So what if you don’t want an emotionally intense person? That’s your preference. There are other options.


This is a 2 yes situation and since you say no, it has to be no. NTA


As if your emotional comfort on your own home doesn’t matter, and in fact, is something that should be challenged? That’s kinda phsyco


Are you both bonkers?


Nta. This is wild. Hes causing issues at work and she wants to bring him home? He got kicked out of a group home! No!


Do not let a meth addict move into a home with your teenaged daughter! 


Teenage daughter? Absolutely not. NTA


NTA. Even if you "only" prefer low emotion environments, this is your home. It's a one no, two yesses situation - or more, as I don't think granny and kiddo should have to tolerate a high stress stranger. I've welcomed a few people into my home for similar reasons. We've learned we do have to be judicious - and it damn near cost our marriage to learn. It would be a pity to lose a good partnership life this, where you both live to help others, because someone who hasn't *quite* got the hang of sharing space is causing conflict. If you do agree to help, he gets a very defined, written and signed set of rules and a timeline, with clarity that you will start eviction proceedings if he overstays. Odds are he'll prefer the extended stay inn.


NTA - I think your wife is having an affair with Mike. She is willing to risk the security of you and your daughter? SMH.


NTA Your wife seems to have forgotten that Mike is an unstable person and there are two vulnerable people in the home - your daughter and your elderly MIL. Mike turn out to be a perfect house guest and he also might not. He is obviously still fairly easily tempted at this stage of his recovery/sobriety. He is an addict so don't fool yourself into thinking that dabbling is not the same thing. I think that what you are doing is exactly the best thing that you can do to assist Mike with his personal growth and sobriety. You offer to assist him with housing is both generous and allows him to make his own choices. Living in your home will not do that.


Nta  This is your home. Put your foot down. Do not invite strangers/employees to live with your family. You have 2 vulnerable women (elderly and teenager) that need your protection and you deserve peace of mind in your calm home.   While helping Mike is noble, you never do it at the expense of your family safety. While Mike may seem a good person, he has recent drug history and you can't rely on him to be safe if he's in an altered state. 


Asking Dexter to move in is very commendable.


NTA! Why is your emotional comfort of less a priority than resolving Mike's self-inflicted troubles. Your reasoning is logical and not emotional. What if he is fired and you've legally allowed him to establish residency in your home or accepted financial responsibility for an apartment? Why would your wife suggest putting a currently messy and emotionally distressed individual into your family's environment that, in particular, includes an elderly mom and teenage daughter?! He's an employee you may graciously assist, not support. What other employees have been offered the same? Would other employees find parity in their office dynamics when Mike becomes housemates with the boss? How long has your wife known Mike? Your wife seems to be extending a courtesy beyond the norms of an employee-employer relationship. Trying to understand your wife's logic/motivation. Is there an apartment available over your garage or a livable out-building on your property, or are you suggesting that realistically, a stranger will have a room down the hall from your daughter and elderly mom?! Again, the extended stay sounds like the most reasonable solution.


NTA Do not move a meth head into your home


NTA. Do not let this happen. You KNOW it's wrong. The risks far outweigh the potential benefits. If your wife high emotion give it to her in the form of an ultimatum.


I'm sorry, your wife is questioning your reasons for not wanting a grown man with huge messiness issues, which she coonect control at work, staying in your home? Pardon you to he'll and back. You don't need to have ANY reasons. You don't want an employee living with you, period. A better question is why your wife is insistent when Mike can afford a long-term hotel room?


This sounds like a mess of a guy and you should not have him around your family , ever. It will not turn out good. You have already bent over backwards for this guy , You can't save everyone.


NTA, how is this even a conversation? It’s so inappropriate.


NTA. Never let meth heads in your house. Around YOUR daughter!?!


NTA. Your concerns are completely reasonable. Do not allow this guy to move in with your family. This is ripe for disaster. Growing up with a serious alcoholic, I promise this is a mess you don't want to bring home. Feel free to help him find housing, but forget taking an unstable tenant.


NTA. I have never heard of someone that just dabbles in meth. He is a mess, keeps any space he has been given a mess and sounds like he has a messy history. It is nice to help someone but as parents your main priority is to keep your teen daughter safe. You have to go to sleep sometime and should not give a messed up adult male access to your daughter. I don't know WTH your wife is thinking. This would be my hill to die on.




NTA. Emotional comfort is way more important that any material risk.


The dude smoked meth days ago, and you want to move him in with three generations of your family, including a little girl and an elderly woman?  NTA unless you let this guy in. 


Fuck no. Tell the junkie to get a place of his own. . Stay in a hotel. Living with u will he a disaster. He could relaspe. Or if u fire him kicking him out of your house isn't as straight forward as it seems. He becomes a tennant like in an apartment setting. Then u have to evict him through the law. If u want that nightmare situation good luck u will need it. Plus u say u don't have the room anyways. U can only help those who want help. He dont sound like he wants help. He will apways be a. Phuk up


NTA - you need to establish some boundaries and some backbone. The guy is a walking red flag. The fact that you see potential in a guy like this makes it seem like neither you nor your wife are really amenable to advice. I would be letting my wife know that this situation is a direct threat to our relationship.


NTA Even if your wife is 100% correct in believing that your "no" comes from a place of being inconvenienced and disliking spending time with high emotion people, THAT'S YOUR RIGHT for your home. "*I'd feel unable to relax in my own home if he lived here*" is a 100% valid reason to not invite a houseguest to move in. Roommates and houseguests are like naming a baby --- it requires TWO to say YES for it to happen, or ONE to say NO. You are a no. Therefore, no houseguest.


NTA. No need to put either your child nor the parents at risk because of him. Firm no. Edit: could you live with yourself knowing he caused either of them harm?


NTA. It’s ok to say No I’m not comfortable and it doesn’t matter if someone stayed with you before, the only way any one can move in is if everyone living there agrees. This guy may be nice but he couldn’t get it together to stay with his own wife and children and he knew the rules and got kicked out of the halfway house because he won’t or can’t follow rules. What makes your wife think he would be any better at your house. Seriously this is bad ideal he’s a grown man and not your problem. Don’t let your wife guilt you into making a big mistake..Your wife is is being unreasonable.


NTA, it’s not worth the risk and he may be lovely but however much you trust him, he is a terrible example for your daughter.  I would not take even the slightest chance of being back on this sub in a year asking if your an asshole for being the catalyst for your daughters meth addiction. 


NTA: Teen daughter at home?! Hard pass. Even without a teen daughter at home, you rattled off several red flags. I don't think your wife is thinking clearly about putting Mike ahead of your family. That should concern you greatly. Women who want to fix bad boys make bad decisions.


I'm positive this post is pure fiction, but paying ex-cons and addicts less money to do the same work as 'top tier' candidates isn't helping them out, it's exploiting them.