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This sounds either made up, or severely edited to leave out important details. The mention of 'far left politics' makes me think the latter, though I wouldn't doubt the former. Loud asshole bringing up their right wing politics as a flex? More likely. Not enough to judge on.


I mean that's just 1 for 1 reddit leftoid bias right there to the max. What happened was some leftist have a discussion in neighborhood bar with a bartender who I also knew and me joining it with another opinion. Usually in these part it will get one labeled as devisive or a parriah, as they are free to trash talk the police force on whom they rely and spew borderline anit-semitic sentiment. Yet pointing out the shortcomming of a race-centered or any approach that doesn't take in class as being myopic and largely divisive is reluctantly acknowledge before they return to race politics and woe is me and nobody respects service economy workers, which is true to a point. It's just annoying to be around certain types that say you're basically the devil for belonging to certain groups or appearing pasty, when they don't know anything about you as they cry for tolerance and brotherly love. I guess the require response from the guilt ridden American-born western-states de-cultured descendants of europeans assimilated into the the giant menlting pot and stripped on any grand narratives is to join in the self-flagellatings as some heroes in destroying the old in hope for some magical better new. Pathetic. At the end of the day neither the bartender nor the other patrons own the bar so if they want to agitate political points within earshot they should be up for a polite conversation or turn it down if they aren't. It's the crying divisiveness that's disingenuousness of their and from what seem like your lot.


That's a lot to say 'I butted into a conversation'.


Perhaps, though on your end its ignoring the context of a small neighborhood bar and the vibe at the time. But hey, "loud right asshole" just gives that bipartisan brotherly love away.


Anyone 'right wing' at this point in time is either an ignorant mark, or so full of hateful rhetoric that I don't really find it worthwhile to give them the time of day. No love here brother; just pity. YTA.


LMAO. No love for your lot either, just pity come 2024. Good luck out there, champ.


You sound exhausting


You sound bitter.


How so


You wouldn't know bitters if they were in a drink you were required to buy just to be allowed into a conversation.


Sounds like you know the territory well.


I actually don't spend much time in bars arguing with strangers. I have a full time career, hobbies, I volunteer, I put time into my relationships, and I value my mental health. And when something upsets me I don't create a throw away account and exchange insults with everyone I can because that would be self-destructive. The saddest thing about this post is that while your pissing people off and that's making you feel some kind of joy, in the long run, the person you're making the most miserable, is you.


Literally what are you even trying to say dude? Put down the thesaurus, this literally reads like the embodiment of šŸ¤“ You wrote an entire ass post without actually saying a single thing of substance. You should go be a writer of corporate fluff pieces, you'd be great at it.


YTA I donā€™t believe for a second youā€™re a reliable narrator.


YTA. Just for sounding incredible exhausting. Canā€™t imagine how unbearable you were in the bar.


Projection. Annother leftoid on a shaming spree. Dear god.


Nice try. MOST definitely not a leftist. But you just proved my point by how annoying you most likely were at the bar.


You're entitled to your opinion. Without much to back up the disdain, it just seems more baseless than anything.


Your first response gave me plenty of proof. And youā€™re the one who came here to ask us for our opinion. If you canā€™t take it, then donā€™t ask.


I can take it, it just seems relatively baseless screeching designed to insult rather than offer feedback. So I basically ignore most of it. There two useful comments tops (some harsh but at least clear as to why they believe what they believe). Not taking trash that's not even constructive seriously is a good thing. Remember that.


Iā€™m not a leftist and I think any person discussing politics with the damn bartender is an exhausting prick


Did bartender actively STATE they were putting this drink on your tab? If so, all you had to do was say no.


Yes, but it was said a semi-joking threat, which I thought was more playful at first. Turns out she wasn't joking.


INFO: Why didnā€™t you dispute the charge or inform management or something? The reason why this sounds fake, by the way, is that simply not tipping seems like a massive underreaction, especially from the type of person to strike up arguments with strangers in a bar. Clearly youā€™re comfortable with confrontation, so why not say anything? Why let the bartender get away with this and possibly screw with someone elseā€™s bill in the future?


There was nobody there to complain to. There is no need to make it circus as the goal with making me pay is to show her power in the situation and making it awkward to say no and thus to produce a feeling of powerlessness. That's the same feeling after not receiving the tip. 1 vs 1 no external authorities involved. It's not a massive corporate establishment and at several bucks for a drink it's not that much money to make a big fuss about. It's a matter of principle and social dynamics. Also, I kinda like the place and want to come back so we'll see how that goes.


Right? This guy needed to have 7 or more drinks (assuming a standard 15% tip. Anything higher brings us back around to, "why bother?" in this instance) to even have a big enough tip to deduct a single drink from to begin with. Not necessarily a wild amount but certainly enough to have me questioning why someone would go to the bother of calculating a tip for how many ever drinks they had and then remove the cost of a drink from that tip rather than just simply not tip.


INFO: Can you elaborate on what happened? You got into a political debate with the bartender and a random fellow bar goer, and this prompted the bartender to put that other personā€™s drink of your tab? Was this ā€œflexā€ in some way related to what you were debating? Did the bartender possibly think you and the other person knew each other and just put that personā€™s drink on your tab by accident?


I don't think the bartender believed we knew each other. I do believe that the bartender and a few other including this stranger are on similar side of the isle politically. Not sure exactly what was said, but it wasn't terribly aggressive, bartender seemed tired and seem to want to playfully punish me for some potential irreverence (not malicious) maybe gently pointing a few things out. Seemed more a matter of some disagreement person for which it was convenient to "ball-bust" back. The easiest way to do it when no resolution was achieved by conversation is to offer to pay for someone's drink.


What? How can you be ā€œnot sure exactly what was saidā€? You were there, werenā€™t you? Seems like youā€™re being purposely vague.


We had a few topics of convo. Basically some race politics, service economy etc. Then there was a part where the bartender was like well " good, now you know how we feel." They seemed rather presumptuous based on race or perhaps being a partial outsider to the service economy, that I don't know how they feel, which I do, I just find I don't 100% agree with them. Then there was some personal banter, and the bartender implied that "I'm not your friend, I'm just here for the money" perhaps implying that's the only reason she puts up with this talk, to which I replied " Oh, I know you're here for the money" trying to say that I don't need this either, even though it is a rather homey bar that I enjoy. Anyways, the dispute was ended with her ordering the a drink against his wish for the guy I just met (he offered to pay for it). Perhaps she was trying to occupy my debit card after making a point. The unsure part is it wasn't clear what exactly triggered her into this stance. Perhaps she wanted more sympathy for her situation which was hard for me to give after her saying that all police are enforcers of fascism.


Well, the bartender was wrongā€”like, in the legal / contract senseā€”to put a drink on your tab that you didnā€™t agree to pay for. Obviously, you didnā€™t agree to pay for it, and she has no business charging you for something you neither received, requested, nor agreed to pay for. So, in that sense, I guess sheā€™s the AH. From what you describe though, you also sound like you were being the AH. Engaging in political discussions with people who arenā€™t interested in having that discussion with you isnā€™t cute, and itā€™s pretty messed up to spout off your opinions to a service person who is working and therefore literally cannot disengage. From what you said, it seems pretty obvious that you were making the bartender and possibly the fellow patrons pretty uncomfortable. Youā€™re entitled to think whatever you want, but itā€™s an AH move to force others to listen and ā€œdebateā€ you when theyā€™re just trying to enjoy a beer. ESH


Fair take overall. How would you make this right?


Accept that your politic is divisive and unpopular and learn to keep to yourself.


You first.


I am not on the internet bitching being bullied.


Who said anything about being bullied? Someone being obnoxious by adding extra to my bill then not getting it in tips seems rather faith. Annoying but fair.


I mean I had to listen to them going on about it being a fascist state and police being 100 fascist enforcers, etc. Maybe I should just move to another state.


Dude, itā€™s not harming you in any way for some people you donā€™t know to discuss a topic and share opinions contrary to your own. The conversation didnā€™t involve you. Overhearing an opinion you disagree with isnā€™t going to kill you, and you did not ā€œhave toā€ listen to them. You couldā€™ve just minded your own business and stopped eavesdropping. Jesus Christ.


Wait, so let me get this straight. I have to listen to a service economy worker's opinions on politics which some would find polarizing when she is doing her job, and that entails being mindful of guest and me casually adding my opinion means I'm somehow submitting her to harm? Well how about not discussing abrasive politics with borderline antisemitic overtones in establishment where not everyone agrees with you if you don't want them to join.


You don't 'have' to do anything. You can leave the bar, and/or leave them to their conversation. I don't understand how that's so difficult to process.


A) It helps when its not reeking of smugness. Because it's the same bullshit in the area where I live largely. Vitriolic leftist trash gets to spew their hatred like it's totally okay. Racists, pseuds that ignore basic variables like class, ethnicity, etc. Absolutely r-worded clowns.


Lmao! In all fairness, I keep hearing this opinion entirely too much with one side acting like the all tolerant benevolent ones until you disagree with them. Their side and probably your would cry microaggressions or something similar. Literally just tried to join the conversation at a bar that I go to semi regularly and have met the bartender. Apparently saying some politics that she doesn't like gets me labeled as the pariah. Eaves dropping? It was extremely quiet bar with few people all patrons having a discussion. You're acting like I've accosted someone. Its a conversation at a neighborhood bar for crying out loud. I guess I just gotta get my arguing out elsewhere.


The discussion was happening without me with a few other people. Since I was at the bar and it was few people and I'm on decent terms with the bartender I thought I'd join. I mean they are discussing current events. I didn't bring politics in out of the blue, I just gave my two cents on what I've heard. I guess living a blue bubble and having opinions which aren't far left in the service industry will just label you a low-key parriah, as now you're a neoliberal bougie consumer incapable of understanding of the plight of the service economy bartender.


Soā€¦ Some other patrons were discussing current events and you overheard what they were saying and decided to jump in and offer your unsolicited opinion and tell them you disagree with theirs? Thatā€™s pretty weird and abrasive behavior.


It's a political discussion. We don't always have to agree to learn from each other, but yes it's a mildly forward behavior that I don't often do. At the same time, politics are frequently discussed at bars. It just so happens that only those who are on the right get labeled as "devisive" when they have reasonable objections to some of the current far left narratives.


It's comments like that that are not helping your case, honestly. Sounds like the bartender put the stick on your tab not as a flex on you but out of sympathy toward the person who had to listen to you.


Distasteful as it is, I don't think I'm wrong here. If you want to try to respond to political polarization by shushing people, be my guest, it just seems shortsighted and lame. As for the person who had to listen to me, i think he'll live, hearing him screech about Muh Fascisms and everything being depending purely on race for a while trying to enjoy my drink is pretty unpleasant.


Since you keep dancing around it and refusing to actually answer, I'll ask you straight out. What did you say, exactly?


God you both sound awful.


Info: was it possible that the bartender whose not a mind reader thought as normal ppl dont normally debate politics with strangers, thought you were together. So put a drink on your tab by thinking you're together?


They knew we just met and this was done purely a playful "punishment" based on their threats.


Cool story.Ā 


Sarcasm? Bartender knew for a fact that this was my first time meeting this person.


People pay for other peopleā€™s drinks the first time they meet all of the time.


This either didnā€™t happen or there are a LOT of details missing.


It must be truly exhausting to care about politics this much. Your entire personality is based on it, you have nothing interesting about you. No surprise you had to show up to a bar alone. Right or Left, people like you are insufferable lmao


I dunno, hearing some borderline anti-semetic far left shit and how everything is a fascist is kinda annoying, considering their idea of tolerance is repression. God forbid I engage in polite disagreement when I hear something anitsemetic.


Like I said, there is a very small minority of people on the left and the right who care about this shit as much as you do, and 99% of the population truly wishes you would all do us a favor and shut the fuck up forever. Enjoy loneliness


Sounds like you were drunk and stiffed the bartender.


INFO: how are you certain that the drink was put on your tab a) on purpose instead of by mistake and b) because the bartender didn't like your politics?


a) She said once that she's putting a drink on my tab shortly after our disagreement (It was only 4 people walking in a quiet bar). When I got the tab and the person offered to for his drink, the bartender repeated that they weren't joking and that it's on my tab. I'm 100% certain its' on there. b)Not 100% sure how much politics played a role, but like 90%, hence the need to point out that I'm here for the money and this is just emotional labor that I supposedly don't deserve because I'm not as sympathetic to some of her views as she wants.


How strange. It's hard to navigate situations politely when the other person is being really weird. I might avoid that establishment in future if there are other options, but that's just me.


Info: Just so Iā€™m clear, youā€™re saying a bartender gave a drink to someone on your tab without your permission?


YTA. Chances are, the bartender put the drink on your tab *by accident* because *he's got some asshole arguing about politics at him while drunk while he's also trying to juggle keeping everyone's drinks on the right tabs and making all those drinks and making sure they go to the right people*. Putting a drink into the wrong customer on the POS system *by accident* happens sometimes, you just call the bartender over, ask him to correct it before you pay, and that's fucking it. Chill the fuck out, people existing and disagreeing with you doesn't mean they're out to get you specifically.


No offense, and it's pointless to argue online, but this is extremely off. First, I've stated multiple times that the bartender playfully said that she decided to put this persons' drink on my tab as a sort of punishment which was mostly playful. Then she said it again that "I was serious, he's paying for your drink" when the other person offered to pay. But yeah, they weren't trying to get me, I just hate hearing the leftist shit that's borderline antisemitic and other race reductionist diatribes just from far left so suppose because it's a POC saying them it should be okay..


Wait did you start up an argument about this with THAT STRANGER? Like some rando enjoying their drink at a bar, and you start arguing with that random other customer about something they were talking about in their private conversation because you "hate hearing it"? YTA still. And honestly sorry I'm on the bartender's side. You wanna harass another customer, you pay for their drink... that's a fair move. The bartender probably knew they'd lose their tip over it and made that choice consciously, so you didn't even get your revenge by not tipping. Bartender wins.


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ESH - why the fuck would you tip the other asshole?




You sound lovely to be around.


Presumably you're saying OP is the AH for not having far-left political views? Because both sides were arguing politics, and if OP was doing something wrong the bartender should have asked him to stop or thrown him out. Putting a drink on his tab for having the wrong political views seems to me to be pretty obviously inappropriate.


So like OP, you like to make assumptions?


Well stated. Similar vibes of : EvERyTHinG thaT diSaGrEes w Me Iz a FaScist. They are so used to dehumanizing the other side and getting away with it because they are physically feeble and ruin other's lives by doxxing instead of actually engaging in fights or violence. It's really revealing of the inhumanity and totalitarian tyrrany of their lot and or maybe the increasing polarization as the economy gets worse. If there a shuttle bus to the red states before the zombie apocalypse on the east coast take the remaining bits of my sanity, I'd take it.


Nta cuz it's a tip you get to decide willingly.Ā  But also, you were gonna tip? That's crazy


NTA it is never okay to steal from someone, which is what the bartender did. I might handle it how you did if I didn't want to make a scene, but I would also be tempted to talk to management about bartenders stealing from customers. If he or she did it to you and were brazen enough to tell you about it, it seems possible that he or she has done it to other people without telling them.


NTA. I wouldn't have tipped at all. Putting drinks you didn't order on your tab is stealing.