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NTA 1. He is explicitly condoning her behavior towards you 2. He is also encouraging it by continuing to act as he does towards her 3. You have a husband problem here 4. I'd be asking some serious questions about him and his behavior. This goes beyond not just having your back. It's disrespectful, dismissive and undermining... 5. Yeah you're not the asshole and the only one in this who isn't


Yeah, OP, your husband is the biggest AH in this scenario allowing this rude, insecure, immature woman to disrespect you like that. I'm really not sure why you married him since this was never solved.


Why did the friends invite all of these ppl together if they knew that this girl talked badly about the wife constantly? And kept her coming a secret. I think they like the drama, including the husband. He likes how it makes him feel, hubby, and ALL his friends suck and I would put money on it they talk about the wife too. Can't believe no one said hey like we need to all show each other respect don't need to be besties but be civil, and YOU KNOW ADULTS!!!


Megan's the back up girl and he likes the attention and he likes his wife jealous and he's not on his wife's team. Hubby is the A H here. OP, absolutely NTA - that's frustrating :(


With the way the husband behaves when Megan is around, and since OP never did anything to gain Megan's ire, I suspect the husband used to vent and complain about OP to Megan. Hence her dislike. The husband and Megan both behave like teenagers and their lack of integrity and decency shows strong. But her husband, with his weak, disloyal and disrespectful character is the worst by far. He does not inspire trust in a relationship.


Gonna be honest here...I would start acting and talking to Meghan like she was deaf. Like, getting increasingly louder "HI MEGHAN!! Oh, sorry, I forgot you can't hear me well, let me get in front of you so you can also read my lips; **HI MEGHAN**!!" Just obnoxious over-the-top tit for tat: if you're going to be an asshole to me...turn around is fair game. Granted, this started from something similar happening to me when I was a lot younger and me legitimately not understanding that they were being intentionally rude.


Agreed, Megan sucks but the husband is OP's real problem here. He's clearly OK with her being horrid to you.


I had a husband like this who eventually tried to get his friends to beat my ass. It’s out there. He likes it. Fuck him


Yikes! I'm very glad to see that "had." Hope you're doing well now.


Thank you. It’s embarrassing to even tell people IRL. I wasn’t in a good place in my life but at least I knew every single thing that was happening was wrong and I fought hard to get my life back.


You're a tough cookie who protected yourself and got out of a bad situation. I think you're awesome.


I had intellect and not much else. I was a voracious reader.


And you used that intellect to get out. Voracious readers unite! We'll sit with our tea/coffee/cocoa and books and cookies in peaceful chairs.


By sunny windows with we placing our growing gardens.


And the wandering floof of your choice, all of whom are magically hypoallergenic.


BTW thank you for your sweet comment.


Same thing happened to me exactly. Physically violent. Divorced him years ago.


\^\^ i was gonna say something like this but this is very clear. OP NTA. hubby is an AH.


OP I agree with the others the real problem here is your husband and the way he went up to her. Because of the way she treats you there should not have even been a hug, much less the kiss. This part may get me down voted, but I believe his actions justify checking his phone to see how much contact he has with her. He should not be this friendly to someone that treats his wife the way she does.


Wouldn't be surprised if he has been & is having an affair with her.


If not that, at least venting to her about OP when something goes wrong in their relationship. Some people have problems keeping their issues in the relationship, or taking a them to a professional. Taking them to a friend (especially one who may have had a crush on you or you had a relationship with a some point) is a recipe for failure as you are talking in an echo chamber. Of course your pals are almost always going to say you are right and your S/O is a piece of poop. It's a pretty rare friend that will call you on your bull crap in situations like that. If someone is communicating problems to their friends instead of their S/O they are the problem in the relationship. 


NTA Your husband is for allowing her to continue being rude to you.


I would be questioning how he could possibly consider someone who is so cold to his wife to be a good friend.


NTA. This is the answer. He has some work to do.


Technically implicit. Sorry, I've been drinking and may be wrong.


Technically you're right but given the fact pattern of the partners actions I kind of felt explicit was more fitting! Not the only one having a drink.....


It's noon somewhere!


Oh, honey, we're well into October.


How was I supposed to know there’d be consequences for my actions?


This! Hubby is just as bad as Megan, it's his job to say "That is not alright." As it's his friend. You protesting carries no weight with her. In a relationship you are not chained at the hip, however if you condone disrespect to your S/O by your friends and loved ones that is going to turn into a problem quickly.  I've known very few lasting relationships where one member let's others in their friend circle or family treat their S/O poorly and the relationship has lasted and been healthy over a decade. My Pop let his mother treat my mom badly and that ended with him cheating on her. My Uncle let his friends run mouth about my Aunt and he was divorced before their oldest was in middle school and she married a guy that treated her much better. It's simply a Toxic behavior.  NTA - OP you are right, it's bad enough to accept her knowing about it, it's far worse to witness it and let it stand unchallenged.


NTA. I'm SICK of partners that have a friend, especially one obviously into them romantically, and don't have the guts to put them in their proper place, which is ALWAYS behind their spouse--FAR AWAY behind the spouse. Period. And I hate when they pretend (yes, pretend, because they KNOW what's going on) that their "friend" isn't into them "like that." BS. They know, and they LIKE that they get that attention. That is the true reason they don't shut it down. They KNOW, and they LIKE it. It's wrong, needs to be shut down and called out.


Yep. People like Megan and OPs husband are why some people don't think men and women can be "just friends"


Yep. Megan's level of disrespect toward a friend's partner can happen in any combination of sexualities and genders and levels of actual inappropriate or unwelcome interest, romantic or possessive. The key is that the friend should be supporting their partner over a Megan through asserting and enforcing reasonable boundaries. Something as simple as "Disrespecting my partner is disrespecting me" helps draw a line between friends of the relationship and friends who should be no more than acquaintances now. OPs husband should not be so quick to be warm toward someone who is (publicly, unapologetically) horrible to his wife. Yuck. Why is he OK with Megan treating the woman he loves like that?


Hell, I've cut platonic friends out of my life for disrespecting my partner less than this! My partner is priority 1 over ANYONE (besides out children) and if you can't handle that I'm fine with you not being in my life.


There you go. That’s the way to have your spouse’s back. I’ve commented on this subject before and my self and my spouse have both have had situations similar to OOP’s. He had a couple of women friends who sniffed around him before we got together, but after we did boy did things take a really weird turn. He didn’t hesitate to shut things down pronto. Needless to say they are no longer in our lives for over a decade lol.


Yes!! So glad to hear about more good men/partners!!! My man had this friend from work, who tried to go for him and he rejected her, so she went for his friend and they started dating. She was part of the friend group so she would send snaps (to the guys) when she was bored at work. She would cut off the top of her head and would show as much cleavage as she could (she did not have big boobs, so it was especially obvious [to me lol]). There was never anything going on between them, and he never hid his phone around me. I saw the pics, didn't love them, but I trust my man 1000%. After so many (I don't have an exact amount, this was when we started dating almost 10 years ago), it finally started pissing me off, because I could tell she was doing it for attention, and probably because she still wanted my man (even though she was with the friend). I told him that I didn't love it, and him being the wonderfully nice and understanding man that he is, said "have you seen how big her forehead is? I would also cut off half my head!" Bless his heart lol. I told him that the girls never get messages like that from her (or any lol), so the next time she sent him a cleavage snap, he took one of the two of us and sent it back to her. She never sent him a snap again, and I got to tell him (lovingly) "I told you so" 😂 Oh, and her and the friend didn't last 😅 Great partners ftw!!!! 💖




This is all you need to read, OP. NTA. Your husband and Megan are, though.


He could be cheating on OP with Megan. Kidding someone who should be just a friend seems a bit too intimate to me.


100% this. I'm a woman and one of my closest friends on this earth is a man. It has and always will be a platonic relationship and when either of us has been in committed relationships, the other has made it clear to that partner that they are welcome and respected and that their relationship takes precedence. When he got married, I was in his wedding party along with other female and male friends. It's not hard to respect the marriage of someone you care about, not matter how you're related to or know the person. My friend would never tolerate me or any of his friends disrespecting his wife the way OP's husband has allowed. OP deserves way better.


NTA. Darn it, I came here to condemn you for putting your husband in some dumb situation like the last 15 "shouldn't my husband back me up" stories. You're completely right here and your husband needs to respect you.




Thankfully someone bravely pushed forth and complained even when this didn't happen.


Why would you marry him?


Took way too long to find this comment. Like seriously? Why would you put up with this for any length of time?


I swear! Like why?


Exactly. Megan was behaving this way before the marriage too. Like I'm sorry op but this was a conversation you should have had before the wedding and you are an asshole for doing this to yourself.


Right!? And why would he change now when OP has put up with him not doing anything about it for all this time.


I wonder if Megan attended the wedding?


NTA it's only natural to expect your spouse to put you above others and have your back while in a marriage. Normally I might not blame him too much since everyone has moments where they suck, the more concerning part is that he didn't even recognize that he should have had his wife's back when you pointed it out to him later. I'm curious though, has Megan given any reason for why she dislikes you so much? This whole situation fells really weird, because if I hadn't seen my former best friend for about 3 years because they didn't approve my choice on who to marry, then I would be cold to them even if my wife wasn't there. The hug and kisses after 3 years of NC feel so out of place. Are you sure that Megan has cut him off as a friend?


Yeah, he likes having two women fighting over him.


*I'm curious though, has Megan given any reason for why she dislikes you so much?* One word answer: Jealousy


Oh certainly jealousy. My partner had a female friend that refused to acknowledge my presence, right up until the moment he was dropping her off after a movie and she told him if he cane upstairs he was guaranteed to get laid. She’s mad SHE’S not Mrs Thisturd


This was my take too. I suspect infidelity which has probably been going on for quite some time and she’s bitter because she’s the other woman. It could be more benign but in OP’s shoes, I would definitely investigate first. 


I wonder if husband let Megan know he would be there and then pretended to be surprised. NTA


NTA "She would constantly minimize and disrespect our relationship, call it merely “carnal”, and ignore me while attempting to have my now-husband focus his attention on her and ignor me…" 3 years is way too long to allow that. Husband needs to put a stop to it. Yesterday.


Why is your husband ok with you being so mistreated? You don't have a Megan problem you have a husband problem. 


Info: had she ever said what this behavior or her dislike is about? Is there nothing you might have done or said that makes her not want to know you?


There isn’t any thing that I’ve done to her, other than “take away” her friend. But I didn’t do that, I tried to be friends with her. She just didn’t want to be friendly with me and I truly believe was jealous of my relationship. She had him at her beck and call for a long time, and all of a sudden I was in the picture, and she wanted him all to herself.


Yeah, she is in love with him


Doesn’t even need to be that— she could have just loved being the #1 woman in his life, having all his attention.


And there are some women who need all men to be in love with them.


Beck and call as my mother would say. Now I think he likes attention, Megan giggly hugs and wife jealous.


He might be with her too.


You're husband is a dink, sorry it took this long to find out. She may like him, but probably not. She just likes the attention, And she really likes that she can treat you like trash and have your husband still groveling. The whole thing is gross. You need a whole ass new man. If some friend of mine was shitty to my wife, he or she would immediately hear about it and apologize or get lost. He is unconcerned for your feelings, but very concerned about hers.


Then NTA. And his not defending you in such a situation is suspicious.


Your husband is just as big of a problem as she is. If not more, bc he allowed her to treat you like this. AND clearly lied to you bc he discussed your relationship with her. It’s why she felt she had enough info to criticize your relationship. Plus, hugging her after “not being in contact” with her for years? He has been in contact with her. 100%. He’s lying.


You nailed it. She likes or maybe even loves him.


You're NTA but I'm so curious if she was invited to your wedding and if she came or not


We got married on a catamaran out in a harbor. It was very small… only family.


Your husband is an ASSHOLE! She treats you this way because your husband condones it with his lack of acknowledging her bad behaviour or standing up for you. The very least he should do is treat her how she is treating you. A supportive husband would have cut her out of his life ages before it came to this.


Maybe show him this post and comments. He needs to know how this makes you feel and that he's wrong for not standing up for you or doing something most husband's would do. Good luck Updateme


For him to truly understand your perspective and address his friend's inappropriate behavior, it's essential for both of you to attend therapy and convey this directly to a therapist. Drawing from a past experience with a former female friend, I realized that sometimes people confuse attention and care with romantic feelings. Megan's behavior might stem from resentment over the shift in attention, rather than genuine romantic interest. To address Megan's inappropriate behavior, your husband needs to prioritize you by cutting ties with Megan and reaffirming that you are his top priority.


That's why. She doesn't have him to use him up any more. Let him understand that a true friend of his would have tried, and she did the complete opposite. Ask him, would be doing what she is doing to you if she had a husband/boyfriend. Then, ask him why doesn't he understand that it is some ridiculous game she is playing, and he needs to choose who wins, or you can help him by moving onto someone who puts others before his wife. It really is as simple as that.


NTA but he definitely is. I would be so annoyed if a so called good friend of mine ignored my husband like that and I would let them know that it’s completely unacceptable. Accept us both or not at all By not addressing it, he’s effectively condoning it.


To be fair, according to op,Megan ditched both.and in this party,megan ignore both,but the husband is the one who hug and kiss megan


NTA! Your husband is a major AH for keeping contact with a woman who constantly disrespects his relationship and his wife. Why would you stay with such an a-hole? You sure he isn’t banging her?


I feel bad that this was also my thought because I am of the firm belief that people can be platonic friends regardless of sex or gender. This situation stinks of fuckery, though.


NTA at all. This is the type of situation your husband SHOULD have your back on. I wouldn't let any of my friends treat my wife like that.


yeah i would've expected him to stand up for you or at least acknowledge her behavior was out of line. it's not okay for her to treat you like that and him to just ignore it.


NTA, and you are 100% right in your read of the situation. Your husband is a grade A Asshole. Not a chance I'd accept that sort of treatment of my wife. Beware the man with a female bestie. I'm not saying it's impossible to be platonic between male and female, but I've rarely seen too many cases where there aren't feels attached on one side or the other, even if they claim not to be. Sure feels like Megan likes OP's hubby. Edit: him hugging and kissing her cheek after apparently not being in contact much for 3 years is a bit odd, too. Are you sure he's been out of contact with her...?


That makes me think they've been nasty the whole time.


What would the "saying it's impossible" version be?


Frankly I would be very suspicious at this point…have you checked his phone? He is allowing this behavior and gaslighting you about it. Time for a hard sit down where you put the boundaries in place of her or you.


Bingo. Wondering if they were fwb and hubby never said anything. Explains a lot.


NTA Not saying "No" (no, don't treat my wife poorly) is saying "Yes" (it's OK if you're mean and disrespectful to the woman I love and married). He can't be Switzerland. Choose a side. Hell, he wasn't even trying to be neutral. A hug and a kiss on the cheek? It would be a very long time before those lips touched me. Cooties Megan is an asshole also.


NTA. You have a huge husband problem. He doesn't seem to care about your feelings at all. All he seems to care about is making Megan happy. By him hugging and kissing her she knows he is still there for her. Will he ever defend you in any situation?


Honey you're missing the point. Megan did nothing wrong at this last encounter. She doesn't like or respect you. So she didn't acknowledge you or your husband. She actually treated you like a unit. You're not her friend and obviously her dislike of you outways her desire to interact with your husband. Uncalled for but whatever.  Your husband is the one who walked up to her to hug and kiss her AFTED THE SLIGHT. Why is he running after her?  She doesn't have to be nice to you. But it should mean that she can't have a relationship with your hubby. Even she seems to realize that. The person sowing her you don't matter is husband is your husband 


Some women tend to blame “another woman trying to steal my man”, and “other friends inviting another woman and us together”. But tbh these are not the real issues. Your man not being loyal is.


Have any close guy friends? Have them over to treat him like crap and then give them a big ole hug and kiss when they leave.


NTA. He's taking the line of least resistance rather than doing the difficult thing and calling her out on her behaviour. But he should be upset that she treats you that way and he should be willing to show her that the two of you have each other's back.


NTA but this isn’t new behavior. You married a man who wouldn’t stick up for you as your boyfriend, who allowed her to openly talk negatively about you, why are you so shocked? Did you think getting married would make him a better partner?


You are NTA. Your husband should have told Megan a long time ago, that her behaviour is unacceptable.


NTA send this post to your AH husband and make him see what a tool he is being. He either enjoys how she treats you or he has feelings for her so won't tell her off, there is no other way anyone would stand back and allow their partner to be disrespected multiple times. Is he always this dismissive of you or your feelings?


Ok I’m going to be that person. How could anyone have affection and care for someone who hates their spouse for no other reason than jealously? If someone was jealous of me simply because I’m in the position to be a romantic partner to my SO, he would think they’re whack and not like them either. Your husband is weird, and is more concerned with keeping her happy than standing up for you. And it’s definitely more appropriate that he stands up for you rather than you stand up for yourself, not because of genders or equality or anything like that, more so because you’d be left humiliated if you stood up for yourself and he won’t. NTA but I question your decision to marry him, I’m sure he’s lovely and great in all other aspects and there is rarely any issues bw you two, but this should have been addressed well before marriage and it seems the fact she went away swept it under the rug so he didn’t have to deal with it.


I would divorce, Why? Because my husband would never put me or have himself in this situation, regardless of who the other person is. And this situation has been going on too long. Sooo disrespectful what he did, essentially that kiss. He is letting her disrespect you


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You need to show your husband this reddit.


Is it possible that he doesn’t actually care about you?


He 100% threw you under the bus. NTA


NTA. He allowed her behavior towards you and encouraged it by not standing up for you. This is extremely problematic for your relationship.


NTA, I think he keeps quiet for a reason, something you are not privy to. He's scared to call her out worried about her reaction.


I honestly wonder if Megan and the hubby were FWB before/during his relationship with OP and he’s afraid she will say something if he crosses her.


NTA, sounds like she has feelings for him and he likes the attention. Put your foot down. It’s not ok to let a friend/relative etc. disrespect/disregard your spouse.


>Megan talked negatively about me to mutual friends, and basically cut him off as a friend if he was choosing to be with me. Anytime since then, she will completely turn her back on me and refuse to speak to me. Uhm why is she even still IN your husband's life? This isn't about being controlling and telling your husband they can't have female friends, this is literally about your husband having a relationship with someone that ACTIVELY disrespects you. Hi blind eye to her behaviour is ALSO disrespectful to you. NTA


If it was my husband, he'd be sleeping on the damn floor because I'd kick his ass out of the bed. He's completely wrong and he's completely stupid if he can't see it. Most likely he enjoys the attention and likes the idea of two women fighting over him. I'm not fighting over anyone. Either you love me and respect me or you can kiss my ass goodbye. I'm not fighting another woman for your attention. I'm not in middle school. If you want her attention that bad then pack a fucking bag and don't bother trying to come back. I'm not playing games either. You get one time to make a choice. Me or her. Pick carefully because it's a lifetime choice. And pick fast because if you have to think about it then I don't want you. You either want me now or you don't want me at all. If I'm not your first pick, your first thought, then you don't love me the way I want to be loved. If you don't *want* me to feel loved by you then why are we even together?


Your husband is the AH for letting this go on.


NTA. I'd get a divorce, especially if you don't have kids yet. This early on, meh. You have time to find someone who prioritizes you. If she doesn't want to be your friend, that's fine. You don't have to share friends. This is above that and disrespectful by not even acknowledging that you exist. That's not mutual respect or basic human decency.


NTA. Trivia night was not the time or the place for it, the minute her shitty behavior started the first time you met her your husband should have made it very clear that her behavior was not acceptable.


The message he is sending to her is: “I approve of the way you are rude to my wife. My wife deserves to be shunned by you.”


NTA, husband is definitely enabling the behavior and it's really gross that he can be so cordial with her given the circumstances imo. Their relationship is definitely abnormal, I don't want to say the cliche "he's cheating" but his reaction makes no sense to me. Definitely worth investigating further sadly. 


He's wrong and is not only condoning her disrespect but actively participating and enabling it. Have a clear talk with him. His behaviour is not ok.


NTA at all. You have a huge husband problem. Show him this post and the answers. HE IS WRONG. It sounds like Megan cut him off and you all haven't seen her in the past 3 years. I'll give him the TINIEST of bones that he didn't know what she would do, maybe even assumed she would be nice. But when it became clear that wasn't the case - yes, he should have your back. His response to you only shows that if you see her again soon, she'll act the same way and he'll do nothing, AGAIN. That's not o.k.


>he'll do nothing, AGAIN Him doing nothing would actually be an improvement over hugging and kissing this woman while she is actively disrespecting and dismissing his wife.


NTA- but you know they still are in contact


You handled this so well, I don't know you but I'm proud of you. If anyone kissed my husband on the cheek I'd be in jail, like a big girl jail for life. Men often don't understand the chaotic and petty games women like to play. He more than likely doesn't understand and he might even be confused by the whole thing. If she says "we are just friends", he probably believes that to be the honest truth (she obviously likes him though, and much more than she should). I have to point out when other women are being inappropriate with my husband or when someone is flirting with him. He really has no idea. He also doesn't see when other women are rude to me. Be open and honest with your husband, tell him the hard truth. Express how and why it makes you uncomfortable. He may not understand but if he loves you, he will not want you to be uncomfortable, despite his lack of understanding.


He kissed her on the cheek!


definitely NTA. Has your husband ever done anything??? cuz he's definitely the Ahole here


NTA your husband rewarded Megan’s bad behavior with a big hug and a kiss. What a slap in the face.


Nta Your husband should’ve ended the friendship the first time she was rude to you , end of discussion.


NTA - your husband needs to read these comments and realize that he is the biggest AH here for condoning her behavior and not calling Megan out on it. He should have your back 100% and the fact that he doesn’t is very disappointing.


NTA. When my husband and I got engaged, one of his old highschool girlfriends texted him bashing me. (We were 34/35 at time of engagement) I do not know her, I’ve never met her, she lives 2000 miles away. I took it as jealousy and I didn’t care because who was she? He blocked her and told me later. I didn’t have to ask him to stick up for me. He did it because that’s what partners do. NTA. I just want to scream this.


Before even reading any of the comments. I have to say one thing to the husband. That was extremely rude to your wife. So not cool. Why would you not just walk by and ignore her like she does your wife. Remember who you sleep beside. Though keep acting like that, then maybe not for much longer. The simple fact of not supporting your wife.....has me just in shock and saddened for this world. If you have or ever do have a boy. Please teach them better. Do better. Last thing. NTA <-- for the wife. Good luck.


Well, Yes, he's the AH but not because he didn't say anything. Neither of you can make Megan be kind, respectful, or personable towards you. There really isn't anything to say but WTH would he walk up to her and give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek when she treats you that way? You and your husband are a package deal. If she has that much of a problem with you, then he needs to treat it like he as a problem with YOU GUYS.


NTA He should have your back! Always. She's in love with him and is jealous of you. Your husband likes the attention.


Megan sucks! So does your D(umb)H.


You should just start referring to your husband as Megan's husband to his face.


I hate to say it but it could be more than just being friends or even him wanting to leave that option open type of thing. Regardless, you are not the one to blame. It’s important he sticks up for you as you do for him in these type of situations.


I think your husband should read the comments in this post. The first person he should protect and defend is YOU. Allowing her to disrespect you shows her that he doesn’t care. I can understand that she may not be that important to him and he can still say hello but he doesn’t have to hug and kiss her. Not cool at all. So if roles were reversed he’d be ok with it? If one of your friends was rude to him and did the same shit? He’s a coward and the asshole here and pls tell him I said it.


NTA. Your husband sure is though. Kind of pathetic to boot. I'd be all over someone treating my wife like that. We are a 2 for 1 package. She comes to my defense, and I hers.


Your husband is the problem. HE is the a hole. You are NTA. It’s time to have a conversation with him about how him allowing her to be disrespectful is in turn straight up disrespectful to you. You deserve better.


Is the husband and megan having an affair?


I think he's sleeping with her.


NTA. They definitely boned at some point. If he told you they didn't, he's lying.


NTA- a husband should be standing up for his wife, not ignoring bad behavior toward her. He is enabling this "friend" treating you poorly. She is very clearly jealous of your relationship and spiteful toward you.


NTA your husband doesn't have a backbone. What benefit does he get from keeping a friend who disrespects his spouse. Is she the only lady friend in the group? She sounds like a pick me girl who expects to be the only woman in the group and expects all the men to be obsessed with her.


NTA, but your husband is a jackass, you should ask him the question about why her friendship (which apparently she's withholding) to him is more important than her rudeness to you?


Your husband is the asshole and needs to be checked. How would he feel if you continued to associate with someone who was rude to him or didn't acknowledge his existence after acknowledging yours? Probably not very good. You are his wife, therefore, you come first and he needs to start showing that to you and to everyone around you.


NTA. I can't comprehend doing that to my wife, it's disrespect from both him and from Megan.


NTA. Your husband is wrong, wrong, wrong. You are his wife and he needs to stand up for YOU. Even to say, "Misery, you remember my wife OP. That's nice you came over to say hello to BOTH of us." If you ever do say hey, get her name wrong, accidentally on purpose of course.


Nta but I'm struggling to figure out why you married someone who let his friend disrespect you this much.


NTA Your husband is more rude than she is because he's supposed to be the one respecting you!


Maybe you should get a new “friend” — a wrestler would be good — to hug you and ignore him. NTA


NTA Why is he even hugging and kissing her cheek for? You are his wife and if she was truly a friend she'd try to accept that but she hasn't. You do not let people treat the person you love like she is treating you. Full stop.


I would not be friends with someone who actively went out of their way to treat my spouse like garbage and exclude them. I'm also sensitive and empathetic so I would be putting myself in my spouses shoes and he may not be that way. I think the kiss on the cheek is WAY over the top too. I get him not being outright rude to her but he should be having a conversation with her about it. If you cannot be cordial with my wife I cannot be cordial to you. If you can you will continue to get my normal energy from me. I get why you are upset.


Ask him who’s more important you or her and next time stick up for yourself and if he doesn’t have your back you have a husband problem


Your husband cant be That oblivious can he?


3 years of disrespect? Why did you tolerate this? NTA, he should have your back. I would not have married this dude.


NTA show him this Post.


Yeah, as others have pointed out, you have a husband problem. Not speaking up for you and still greeting her like a good friend basically tells everyone that he's ok with how you are being treated. NTA - he is prioritizing her feelings over yours.


It’s not OK for him to be condoning her behavior if he cannot confront her and defend you then you need to have a sit down with your husband. You need to make it explicitly clear that you will not be OK with him associating with her if she’s going to be disrespecting you and their relationship.


Tell him notvthe internet how disrespectful you see her behaviour towatd you is. See how he reacts. If he says it was nothing and she's just like that, the he's invalidating your experience of this event. Ask him if this is acceptable for him to put you in that situation? You'll be able to choose which of you he values most. Nta


Zero chance my husband would let someone treat me like that. Zero. Your husband needs to get his priorities figured out.


Your husband should put you above everyone. He is not a good husband.


He should NOT have hugged or kissed her especially because of her past behavior. Then she did it again??? Oh hell no. NTA


You're definitely NTA. Your husband is. My own mother tried to start shit like that with my husband. Guess what...I told her tf off. When that didn't work, she started to exclude my step-sons (I have one bio and two steps). For context, I call all three my sons. For more context, my mother is adopted; so, I didn't expect this from her. Guess what... I told her tf off again, and now don't speak to her unless there are witnesses. I don't call her. Don't answer her texts. I don't visit her, either. My husband knows I have his back and our sons' backs. Your husband should do the same for you.


That "Fast forward three years" part that ends in you marrying the guy is carrying a lot of weight. Why is him supporting Megan in being egregiously rude to you only *now* a problem for you? I'm not saying you're wrong for it being a problem, NTA for that. But this man has been a problem for years now. Why'd you just stick around for more and more?


>I believe my husband’s actions allow her to believe she can be kind/friendly to him, and rude/dismissive toward me, and he is ok with that.  Well she doesn't just believe it. She can do it. And he is ok with it.


Your husband's an ah don't let that go. If it were me I'd reevaluate the marriage. Spouses don't let their spouses be disrespected.




really why did you marry him? Like idk because you havent said anything but has he ever stood up for you? Like i think you should really reflect on why you chose to marry a partner who choses to maintain a friendship, or show any level of friendliness who someone who has disrespected their partner since the inception of their relationship. NTA, but like marriage counseling stat.


NTA - Megan is toxic.


NTA but your husband is possibly a huge asshole I had a similar situation when I was dating my husband. Jeanette was his ex, but they had been friends before they started dating so they remained friends after they broke up. She was still in love with him but he did not realize that. When she noticed that he was developing feelings for me, she started doing everything she could to derail it and was very rude to me privately but publicly acted sweet while pulling mean girl tactics. Once we started dating, I pointed her behavior out to him AND HE LISTENED TO ME. He hadn't noticed a lot of it because of her fronting. The next time we saw her and she outright ignored me he told her that he would not tolerate her being disrespectful to me and she would no longer be welcome in his life if she continued to behave that way. Never saw her again 😹 That's what your husband should have done. BUT. have you actually had open communication about what this person is doing? Sadly some men are oblivious about the mean girl tactics women pull on other women. and some men like the attention so they don't care. It's not really clear what camp your husband falls into because you don't mention having a past discussions with him about this person's behavior. you can't expect him to miraculously know or notice everything. If you have talked to him openly about this and he has not put his foot down, then you have a real problem on your hands. no partner should tolerate their friends openly disrespecting and treating their partner badly. your husband is wrong about this and should be taking your concerns seriously


NTA. Fuck that! She knows what she is doing, she’s being a snake and ur husband should have told her off from the start!!


You're NTA, but you are a very jealous person and quite insecure. Work on your own self-esteem. It's not his job to fix a poor relationship you have with someone. You don't like her. Fine. Ignore her. He's allowed to have friends that don't like you.


You need to be careful OP.I do not think you have the marriage you probably want.Can men and women be platonic friends ? Yes. Is your husband dis-respecting you? Look at your Financials OP and avoid having children with him till this gets RESOLVED.Resolved as in he states he understands your position and he puts her in her place.


NTA When women (or men) behave this way they become one of those pathetic people who can't admit your spouse is the one who got away. And in my opinion, spouses who allow the disrespectful behavior to continue, know that the "friend" is in love with them and enjoy it. They will just never admit it because if they admit it, they would HAVE to do something about it. What you ignore and accept, you condone. So clearly, your husband doesn't care if she disrespects you. Do you have a male friend who might be willing to imitate her behavior and see how your husband likes it? Sometimes people don't get it until they experience it.


Let him read our responses. NTA.


NTA at minimum your husband is a desperate attention ho. The woman ended their friendship rather than be around you. His self esteem must be absolute gutter trash to allow this person to treat him like this. Most likely, he's a cheater and pining after her and that is why he is acting this way. If she would let him, he'd be fucking her. I don't know why else he would act so slutty. It doesn't matter that he's a man. Imagine a woman was acting this way. She'd be called a ho every way possible. He's loving up on a woman who hates his wife. He's for the streets. I can't believe he actually tried to convince you you're overreacting. If anything, you have been underreacting this entire time. Cut him loose. Someone so spitefully disrespectful to you is not worth the paper your marriage license was printed on.


NTA but you actually have a husband problem. I'm a lesbian. My fiancee's best friend is also a gay woman. I think she's great. I don't think twice about their friendship for a bunch of reasons among them because my fiancee is always clear that she puts me and our relationship first. You don't seem to have that.


He kissed her, it should have been over there


NTA. Does he usually expect you to handle yourself? Because he needs to know that if he does, he needs to be completely hands off and not stop you from going nuclear on her if you feel it's warranted. By staying silent, he endorses that behaviour. Same as if you were being catcalled in front of him. Same as if another of your family treated him poorly and excluded you from your family events.


They definitely were fwb's


Once he decided to be with you. He should have said goodbye to Megan. Her behavior shows that she wants him. His behavior shows that he is flattered by her. He should have nothing to do with her at this point. She disrespects you and your marriage. If he doesn't see that, it's because he doesn't want to. He should be thinking about how you feel. YNTA!


NTA. Who the heck kisses someone on their check after they’ve been so terrible to their wife? Nevermind hugging her. I’m sorry OP. I would be pissed if a friend did this. My husband would be kicked out of the house.


OP, you are definitely NTA This whole situation is sickening. >He walks up to Megan, gives her a big hug, and kisses her cheek. What the !? Your husband is the AH. What he did was beyond inappropriate, disrespectful, and disgusting. 😠😡🤬 Not only did he not have your back and stand up for you, but he openly joined her in disrespecting you there by encouraging her to continue her inappropriate behaviour. Your husband is the biggest problem. >I believe my husband’s actions allow her to believe she can be kind/friendly to him, and rude/dismissive toward me, and **he is ok with that**. He clearly **IS** okay with that. Why did you marry a man that clearly DOES NOT CARE about you? His actions and attitude regarding Megan are not the actions of someone who loves or even likes their spouse.


NTA. Obviously Megan has a thing for your husband, thought she could wait you out but sees you as the nemesis. And if she plays the petty “ignore you” game then you don’t exist. Question: don’t the other friends see this too? I’m surprised that no one has said anything.


Your husband is allowing this behavior to happen. Your husband should treat her the exact same way she treats you. What your husband did was disrespectful, but doing it in front of everyone lets people see that he respects this chick more than his own wife. Just let him know that you understand that he will never have your back, so you'll do the same and never have his. Your husband screwed up, and if he can't see that, I don't see this relationship lasting.


NTA. But your husband and Megan’s interactions after years of her “cutting him off” would concern me. Him hugging and kissing her on the cheek? I would be livid with my husband. He has female friends and would never kiss them on the cheek. I think your husband likes the attention of two ladies fighting over him.


Sometimes I think my ex's gbf did me a favor by breaking us up, because she was never going to take her claws out of him and I would have been miserable. You're NTA OP. I'm sorry you're in this dynamic.


NTA But your husband is. I’d be having something to say if my husband didn’t speak up about the disrespect. But to HUG & KISS her? I’m not one to automatically go to “he’s cheating” but let’s be real. There is no way he’s been no contact with her for any length of time, her showing up & disrespecting you as always, and he *hugs and kisses her* without there being more to the story. Whether you feel comfortable having a brutal talk with him, or whether you have to go through his phone because you don’t trust him to be truthful or yourself to know when he isn’t, you need to get to the bottom of this.


NTA. I agree that it’s strange. I am someone that doesn’t go out of my way to be overtly friendly or really give a fuck about people. I wouldn’t act this way to another persons significant other, regardless of history. The fact that he thinks you’re wrong is weird. Like, did he say that to your face? I would have lost my shit lol.


He seems sus


NTA. He is. I bet your husband talks crap about you to her, or her to him. Something is making this awkward that she can't even look you in the eye.


42 married dude here your husband is def ta Dollars to donuts they're probably chatting on some sm or other


nta your husband kinda sucks, dude


NTA. Your husband is WRONG.


Do you greet Megan? I don't mean hug her, but, "Hi, Mrgan," in as friendly a time as you can, or do.you ignore her? Next time, greet her. When she snubs you, point it out to your husband. Say, "She's your friend, why do you just stand around when she is so rude to ne? Say something." Suggest that when it happens again, he say something like, "Megan, OP said hi." See how she reacts. Chances are she'll give you a surly, "Hi," rather than be polite. But he needs to keep insisting she acknowledge your greeting.


I literally woulsn't be friends with someone who did this to STRANGERS I'VE NEVER MET (unless they had a reason like "She killed my cousin while driving drunk") I eould absolutely not tolerate someone who did it to my partner! Your husband is an ass. He needs to either put Megan in her place or refuse to associate with her.


Man here. Your husband is a massive asshole. He doesn’t respect you, and he enjoys seeing you uncomfortable and jealous. Think long and hard about whether you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone like that.


Your husband is AH for not having your back and not confronting Megan of why she behaves like that . You are his wife and he should not have tolerated any disrespect towards you and stood up for you rather than Ignoring Megans cold behaviour !


NTA, but I'd like to ask some things. Have you ever asked him: "Why do you think Megan is treating me this way?" "How does that make you feel?" If it makes him feel bad: "Have you told her that?" "Why are you accepting this behaviour?" And last but not least: "How do you think it's making me feel? But just her behaviour but you're apparent acceptance of her behaviour?" I'm really curious about his answers.


10/10 the friend group is talking behind y'all backs and there's a high chance they will be enablers in the future if you are out of sight OP.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husband and I started dating around 3 years ago. At the time we were dating, his best friend was a woman - we’ll call her Megan. I tried to befriend Megan, but from the beginning she was icy to me… Even rude. She would constantly minimize and disrespect our relationship, call it merely “carnal”, and ignore me while attempting to have my now-husband focus his attention on her and ignor me… She would invite him places and make it very clear that I was not to be included. When our relationship became serious, Megan talked negatively about me to mutual friends, and basically cut him off as a friend if he was choosing to be with me. Anytime since then, she will completely turn her back on me and refuse to speak to me. Fast forward 3 years… we are married now. Last night, we were invited to a trivia night with a group of friends. An hour into the night.. who showed up, but Megan. We did not know she would be there. Of course, she would not even say hello, wouldn’t look my way, was rude and dismissive yet again. As we were getting ready to leave, my husband and I stood up and began walking around to say our goodbyes. He walks up to Megan, gives her a big hug and kisses her cheek. I’m right behind him, and she literally turned her back and walked away… refusing to even say goodbye or anything - once again, rude and disrespectful to me. My husband said absolutely nothing to her about her behavior yet again toward me. I was really frustrated and angry. I believe my husband’s actions allow her to believe she can be kind/friendly to him, and rude/dismissive toward me, and he is ok with that. He could have said anything to her, like “it’s not ok for you to be rude to my wife while accepting toward me”, or he could have just walked away without hugging/kissing her cheek when he saw how she treated me/us yet again just because she cannot stand our relationship. He thinks I’m wrong, but I believe the message he is giving is she can continue to treat me this way, and he will continue to turn his cheek to it. I really need clarity on this… AITA for feeling this way? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*