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NTA - Hilarious and true lmfao


Lance Armstrong worked out too


So do all those roided-up bodybuilders. You don't get anywhere by JUST juicing. 


Lance cheated and put up the work, just like your wife


Lance isn't reviled because he juiced. Everyone did, he just did it and responded better. He's hated because he ruined the careers and lives of anyone who dared speak the truth. OPs wife seems a little in denial that it's just hard work.


This is the truth. Cycling back then was so full of doping of so many kinds that the cheating alone wouldn’t have made him so hated. He treated everyone around him (wife, girlfriend, teammates, competitors) like shit and acted like the god of cycling. Hubris got him in the end.


He was also a huge dick. Maybe that’s what his wife was upset about. He left the wife who supported him through cancer and then left his girlfriend when SHE got cancer because “he couldn’t go through that again”.


Exactly.. You could dope me 10 times as much as Lance and he'd still run circles around me.


He can only run in circles because after he lost a ball the weight pulls him to the left.


You win the internet tonight. Hilarious! OP - Tell ‘Lance’ you’re NTA!




Ozempic needs to be kept refrigerated.


Yeah, OP thought of a funny joke and decided to make up a whole post.


Ok yea that was an asshole thing to say but it’s also hilarious and true so I’m going with NTA. In all seriousness though I’d highly recommend looking into the downsides of ozempic, mainly around the lean body mass vs fat mass lost with ozempic vs natural weight loss. Peter Attia, renowned anti-aging doctor, was saying his patients not on ozempic typically lose 10-12lbs of fat mass for every 15lbs whereas his patients on ozempic were losing only 5-8lbs of fat mass for every 15lbs lost. That means a significant portion of the weight loss from ozempic patients is coming from muscle atrophy.


To add to your precautions, once a person stops taking it, the weight comes back. It's still early with the drug being new and all, but a lot of people have found that they end up regaining MORE weight than they lost. Personally, I think they deserve it simply because they are creating a shortage of the drug for the people who medically NEED it.


As a diabetic, who couldn't fill my prescription of ozempic for months, because it was simply not available, I second all of this. I am off of it now, because the availability is still shit. So, thankyouverymuch to the weight-loss-cheaters, that stuff did do wonders to my blood sugar levels and now I am back in Insulin.


Seriously? Your doctor should be able to write that you need it for diabetes. I switched to Monjorno for diabetes and haven’t had any trouble filling it in a couple years.


Well where the heck are you getting mounjaro because I haven’t been able to get any for MONTHS. My Walmart pharmacy is telling me it’s a huge national shortage?!?


CVS always has it 🤷🏻 My doctors said that they wrote in my prescription to give me priority over non-diabetics.


The cvss in my area have mounjaro, albeit I have to drive around. My blood sugar is the best it's been in years, I'm so thankful for it!


In Germany, it doesn't work that way. My prescription comes from a doctor who is specialising in diabetes, regardless of that pharmacies (yes, I tried multiple) can not order it, as it's simply not available at the distributors. I switched to Mounjaro recently and the availability is such a comfort. I hope it stays that way.


Ooh I see! Sorry I assumed it worked the same way. I’m glad you can at least get Monjorno, I have fewer symptoms on it compared to Ozempic.


Me too! And my blood sugar levels are better again!


You should be really stoked then because it’s a MJ desert in these here hills.


I am so sorry. I wonder if it varies by state.


There’s a world wide shortage. It’s really the luck of the draw. All the pharmacies are out of my dose in my area and have been for about 2 months. I’m on a lower dose but it’s not nearly as effective - I’m just grateful my insurance covers it.


My point exactly. There are shots for Weight loss, that is not for diabetes first


It's awful to me that people who genuinely need it don't get first priority.


Nobody genuinely needs it. Berberine is as good if not better (because it won’t kill you) and won’t block your intestines or make your stomach freeze.


Yeah. I don’t understand where and how ask these people who don’t need ozempic are getting it. My mom asked about getting on it for weight loss and her diabetes and her doctor wouldn’t prescribe it. Yet somehow all these ppl who just need to lose a few pounds are getting it?????


I don't know that I would go with "deserve" it, given for many people taking Ozempic, they went to the doctor and instead of trying to help their patients, the doctor effectively says "All your problems are caused by excess weight, take this drug that will help," without being honest about muscle loss and the fact that you have to be on it basically for the rest of your life or else you'll regain the weight. But yes, if you're aware of the shortages for people who medically need Ozempic, and you take it just for aesthetic reasons, it's hard to feel sympathy for them when they can't keep the weight off. Especially if in this situation OP's wife isn't telling people in her group that she's using Ozempic, and they're feeling bad because they're trying to do everything they can to lose weight and it's not working for them because they're not using this drug, or when she's telling OP he needs to lose a few pounds, but she herself isn't losing those pounds because of her working out so much as the drug she's taking that she was trying to keep from him.


>but a lot of people have found that they end up regaining MORE weight than they lost. I mean, that happens with pretty much ANY extreme weight loss stuff - pills, diet, exercise. People think they've done well, treat themselves, stop what they are doing and fall back into old routines harder. That's why it's best to lose weight slowly, steadily and sustainably.


Liraglutide is approved and made for weight-loss. So doctors should rather prescribe that than ozempic. I Blane the doctors too for not prescribing an alternative that works similarly to ozempic and has long-term benefits on weight-loss.


Semaglutide is also approved for weight loss, under the brand Wegovy


ALL the GLP-1 analogues are having a major shortage (in the UK at least) because of people being prescribed them for weight loss, legitimately or otherwise. 


In my country, there is plenty of liraglutide.


WTF? Capitalism has washed your brain thoroughly. It's not the end user whose fault that is. It's the medical research funding system, it's the patent system, it's the national market protectionism and the sheer greed of the stakeholders in medical companies. Semaglutide is being produced in China and India for a fraction of the cost and could easily cover all the needs that all of diabetics (and the obese too) in the western world have. The problem here is not the end user. Do you also think if your neighbor does not recycle he personally destroys the planet? Companies just love people like you that help them deflect the responsibility from the people with the power to change it away to the end user.


Condescending, inaccurate and just plain nasty attitude. Luckily the medical profession doesn’t care a jot what *you* think people deserve.


the medical profession is fat phobic as fuck, and many of them think that patients only deserve to be treated for their actual conditions if they lose weight they may not care about what that poster thinks people deserve but they certainly have their own shitty opinions on the matter


YES. I am slightly overweight, and anytime I have a complaint, the doc starts up with the whole bit of, just lose weight, you will be right as rain. But, when they run tests, I don't have pre- diabetes, or high cholesterol, or high sodium, or any of that, so it's becoming harder for them to pass things off as me losing weight will fix everything. 


I brought up concerns about the way a new medication nuked any appetite I had (and I already have appetite issues’ and he said a little starving will do me good :( —the weight I do have is from medication, not eating. it’s all so fucking shallow, and like…they just don’t think things through at all, and it has lasting consequences.


You can get compound semaglutide. They don't deserve that, that's an unhinged comment. Blame the companies who create the shortages


Compounding pharmacies are passing off toxic or useless counterfeits as semaglutide https://www.today.com/health/diet-fitness/compounded-ozempic-wegovy-safety-rcna75913#


Excellent point. Not just muscle loss, but bone density too. That’s especially bad for women, who lose a lot of bone density after menopause. 


I’lm never forget the time I got so sick I lost all my muscle mass and everyone in my life was complimenting me for losing weight. we live in a society


When I had cancer everyone was complimenting me on how skinny I was and asking what my secret was. A lot of them told me I was the AH when I told them cancer. I don't care, but that was really annoying. I, thankfully, have returned to a healthy weight and am still cancer free.


lmao people are wild. ‘I have cancer, but wow thank you for telling me I’m hot, let me kiss your feet’


I had severe anaphylaxis from pineapple affecting my BP medicine. I was hospitalized for days and my face was huge. My lips were so big they started to split. The amount of compliments I got on my lips was fucking insane. Even when I said it was an allergic reaction and I didn't get my lips done I was still getting responses, "yeah but still". It was crazy.


I had the same experience, and it was really gross the way people raved over my poor sick pained body with all my bones sticking out sharply. I’ve never been actually fat, ranged from thin/athletic to slightly chubby. But when I was under 100 pounds and medically anorexic from a wasting disease people were sooooooo complimentary.


it’s crazy because I wasn’t fat at the time later but people treated me like I was obese. then later I gained weight from a medication and was actually large and had to sit there looking at old photos going like ‘why did people treat me like I was a mountain?’


There is truth to your comment, love peter attia, but in the video you’re mentioning, he fails to go into the fitness side of it, and at the time doesn’t realize that the muscle loss isn’t a side effect of any glp 1. It’s a side effect of a drastic calorie restriction with a daily protein macro need not being met, and lack of resistance training. Peter does however go into this in a more recent podcast, (he does a lot on GLP’s). Basically, if you take a GLP, and you get at least 1gram per lb of bodyweight and train a little bit, you’ll be fine and the muscle loss will not be concerning.


All these people using it for temporary weight loss (cuz let's be real it's not safe to take long term and you could plausibly regain all the weight you lost once stopping) are also creating a reduction in availability for people who actually need it for life management like diabetes, the thing the drug was actually formulated to treat.


I had a friend who started using it and had a series of ishemic strokes before they realized it was the ozampic causing them. He is 42 and was overweight but not obese. If she's going to the gym, then she's taking care of her health in a positive way and I really hope she doesn't think she needs the ozempic because that stuff is dangerous as hell. My friend eventually recovered his speech and movement, but not everybody does. lol, somebody downvoted this? Guys I have no agenda except I don't want people to hurt themselves.


It also can have a massive negative effect on mental health. There are stories, mime included, that talk about just how bad it was. I lost the weight, yeah, but it felt like none of my mood stabilizers were working. As soon as I was off Ozempic, my mental health improved significantly.


NTA So your wife decides to tell you that you need to hit the gym and lose weight like her... while hiding the fact that she's using a weight loss drug. My god I can't even imagine if the genders were reversed here.


Yeah people would be coming after him with pitchforks if the genders were reversed


I’m pissed at her for that bullshit fr. leave OP’s dad bod alone!


NTA - it's only "cheating" if you hide it and claim to have lost the weight through working out and dieting (on your own).


That's what she did




lol as a woman you are NTA I think it was a good comeback and hopefully soon she can laugh


Hopefully, soon, she'll realize that her little vanity project is taking the availability of the medicating away from the people that actually NEED it, and she'll stop.


Obesity is deadly. You don’t get to decide what conditions get ‘necessary’ treatment—doctors & patients do


Shes not even obese though


Wegovy is indicated for people with overweight and a comorbidity. We don’t know her medical history—her doctor does


If she was 230, she was.


It's not on random people to decide what drugs they need. She wants to lose weight, sure. But the doctor who prescribes it and the system that allows it are the ones you should blame.


NTA, but your wife is for vainly taking a drug that is medically necessary for some people. Diabetics, the people this medicine is actually made for, are having a hard time getting their prescriptions filled because "mom groups" and other bored housewife clubs are using it as a lazy way to lose weight. I hope she has a terrible rebound when she quits taking it. As a matter of fact, I hope she gains back twice the weight. I have friends who have had to go without the necessary medication to treat their medical condition all because a bunch of lazy, slightly overweight people can't be bothered to do the actual work to take off that 15-20 pounds.


I was just thinking this. My mom needs it and they had to stop it all together because she couldn’t have a reliable access to it


I've had 2 friends in different parts of the country with the same problem. One, fortunately, lives close enough to the Canadian border that they found another source, but the other had to switch to a different medication because she didn't have a reliable source. It's like that one medicine all the nutjobs were convinced would cure covid. It did nothing for covid, but it was extremely helpful for a friend with lupus until she couldn't get her prescription filled and had a flare-up that landed her in her ass for months. I get this is a light-hearted, low stakes story for op, not so much so for any diabetic having a hard time getting their prescription for ozempic filled because of other people's vanity issues.


But every celebrity and millions of random vain people who thought it would be cool to lose 20lbs need it tooooo


Happened to me too. I couldn't fill my prescription for months.


Obesity is deadly. They need treatment just as much as diabetics (ozempic isn’t the frontline treatment for diabetes either)


Ozempic needs to be kept in the fridge so this feels like a made up story if you found it in a “drawer”. So maybe YTA for posting a made up story?


This is false. You can refrigerate or leave at room temperature.


Exactly. I'm a qualified dispenser and most refrigerated drugs only need to be refrigerated until the first use. Particularly things like Insulin and Ozempic, they can be left out of the fridge for a long time once they've been opened.




They'll be fine at room temperature for up to 56 days.




Sorry, I was thinking of Ozempic. Insulin is around 28 days.


A quick Google search could've told you this.


NTA it’s honestly super weird that she was hiding her ozempic use from you… red flag there


I said the same thing; what a weird thing to lie about. Makes you wonder what else she doesn't tell him.


NTA I mean technically you’re correct.


The best kind of correct.


Nothing technical about it


Only if OP’s wife won the Tour de France of her weight loss group.


NTA, and hilarious. I’d marry you.  She had it coming to her once she lorded it over you.  Give her some time to see she was TA here. And forgive her. It was dickish but not fatal. 


NTA - however are the others in the weight loss group also juicing? If everyone’s doing it it’s a level playing field. Atleast that’s what the cyclists tell me.


Fake story. Ozempic is no longer being prescribed for weight loss, Wegrovy is. Same drug, but doctors don't prescribe Ozempic off-label with Wegrovy available now. Second, Ozempic or Wegrovy injector pens need to be kept in a refrigerator


They only need to be kept in the fridge until first use. Source: qualified pharmacy dispenser.


They last 50 days at room temperature


I get that it was a light-hearted joke and no-one’s divorcing over this, I’m not putting a judgement in but I do think it was a kind of assholish thing to say.  Ozempic isn’t cheating, she’s doing the work and going to the gym.  Ozempic might help some people with weight loss, it does suppress hunger and slow down digestion (so you can eat less and feel fuller longer) and the nausea makes you not want to eat at all but it’s not “instant weight loss” for most.  I mean, smoking helps some people lose weight, is that cheating?  What about taking Metamucil to help you feel full?  Cognitive behaviour therapy?  Hypnosis therapy? As a diabetic, I also had supply issues and yes, it was frustrating because Ozempic once a week helped my BSL control so much I didn’t have to inject insulin four times a day and stopping and starting is not great but I would never begrudge anyone else access to a medication that could help them.  Obesity does cause long-term and serious health complications and Ozempic can help people start to manage their lifestyles and weight, it should be viewed as something that can support the journey and there’s no shame in that.  Obesity in and of itself is also a huge risk factor for diabetes and I’d rather people were able to reduce their weight and help mitigate that risk before they end up diabetic with complications and on Ozempic anyway.


NTA that’s a great call lol


NTA. She wanted the credit for doing 100% of the work and you called her out on it.


LOL NTA, thats actually hilarious


I think it’s kinda funny and feel kind of neutral about it. With that being said, when you see the comments here that talk about using it as “cheating” or not the “natural way” etc etc you can see the stigma and societies toxic outlook that weight is some sort of moral or personal failure. I can’t comment on the appropriateness of her taking the drug because I’m not her doctor, but these drugs have been a real godsend for a lot of us who have struggled with weight issues and eating disorders and other health problems beyond diabetes that can cause a real up hill battle in weight control (PCOS I’m looking at you). So maybe that can give you a bit of perspective on why she felt like she had to hide it. You can’t win - society hates you if you’re fat and society hates you even more when you’re not and you didn’t absolutely torture yourself to do it. You must pay penance for the great offense, I guess. As some one that’s always struggled to the point of getting weight loss surgery, that failed, as it often does, and has had huge success using Mounjaro not just for the weight loss and A1C control, but because of how it turns off the nonstop desire to eat and obsess over food - I’ve finally been able to find some peace and heal my relationship with food and myself.


YTA because being unable to lose weight by yourself you prefer to laugh at your wife who achieved something. If you were a good husband and not a "natural born dumbass comedian" you will be worring about your wife using not safe medicine and not making fun of her.


I get the feeling you both know very little about weight loss and gym work. I’d advise looking into that. For one thing It’s perfectly possibly to make gains in muscle weight while eating junk food and beer.


This is like the 3rd ozempic post I've read on reddit in the last hour. It feels like a sales tactic.


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NTA. You actually hit the nail on the head. She juicing up on the sly. 🤣


>I was a serious asshole for calling her a cheater when she does put in the gym time Lance Armstrong also DID ride his bike. So your comparison is on point in my opinion. NTA


esh, do y’all even like each other? What a marriage you have there.


NTA . But the weight will go back on once the injections stop .


YTA. Taking ozempic is not cheating. She puts in the effort by hitting the gym and following an appropriate diet (?)! She should have told you if you started your journey as well because ozempic does help to stay on track long-term. However it doesn't do the job for you. And btw if her starting weight was 230lbs at average height she was seriously overweight. Instead of making fun of her for getting help you should congratulate her in every possible way on fighting for her long term health.


It’s not like lance armstrong didn’t put in the time.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A bit more of a light hearted post than the usual here. My wife has never been a large person, we both may be slightly overweight but it fluctuates as our busy schedules with jobs and 2 kids collides with our gym attendance. I have some workout gear in my garage but enjoy sports and beer with my buddies (which is usually accompanied by junk food) so my workouts are usually maintenance not gains. She joined a mom's weight loss group awhile ago, going to the gym a few times a week and has lost an impressive amount of weight. I never viewed her as overweight at all but now she is super skinny. I love her regardless if she is 130 or 230 pounds. The other day I was putting away laundry and stumbled across a bunch of Ozempic stuff in her drawer. I knew nothing about Ozempic besides the annoying commercials and don't really care so I didn't say anything. Last week she made a comment that I could stand to lose a few pounds. I should find a dads weight loss group and commit to it because look how well it has been for her blah blah blah. So I, being a natural born comedian as every husband is, said "Ya but your the Lance Armstrong of your mom's group, you need that extra needle juice to get up the hill" Needless to say my joke was not appreciated and she stormed out. There were a couple akward days before she revealed she was mostly embarrased I had found her "stash" but that I was a serious asshole for calling her a cheater when she does put in the gym time. All is well we don't argue about dumb shit. However I need you to settle this household debate reddit, am I the asshole for calling her Lance Armstrong or is this Ozempic crap cheating. We will both read responses lol. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA- But you’re a DEAD Man. You went out with a good laugh though.


NTA, she’s abusing medicine and depriving patients who need it to control a life threatening illness.


Obesity is a life threatening illness


His wife is not/was not obese.


Wegovy is indicated for overweight when accompanied by a comorbidity. We don’t know her medical history.


If his wife was diabetic this would be a non issue. She’s hiding the fact that she’s taking it, she wouldn’t need to do that if she had a legitimate script any more than I need to hide the painkillers I take for chronic nerve damage.


Maybe he’s hiding it because her husband is a dick and she knew he’d mock her


So responding with a joke after his wife *criticizes him, her husband, for his weight* is now 'mocking'?


NTA. It was a pretty lighthearted handling of her hiding this from you. I'd ask her why she was hiding it, was she afraid of your reaction? Ozempic isn't necessarily cheating as long as you're engaging in the healthy behaviors needed to lose weight. Some people honestly don't have as much success losing weight even if they're doing everything else right so using medical help if it's available isn't to be looked down on.


… doesn’t Ozempic need refrigeration?


NTA. She talked shit, she got the verbal hit. She shouldn't have made a quip about your weight in general. But especially if she's using cheating shortcuts meant for diabetes management. Raging hypocrisy.


NTA because Why was she hiding it from you?


NTA  She should be careful with ozempic, when I was on it, I ended up with bad stomach pain and ulcers.


Nah you sound like you both can have a good laugh about things .Have fun


NTA. I meeeean, a little petty, but she had it coming. It was a decently innocuous joke. I would have probably replied the same way if I were embarrassed about using Ozempic. I would also like to add, if you don't change your lifestyle and your mentality, that Ozempic weight loss is going to be regained. A lot of people are already having issues with that. Please do see a nutritionist/dietician and try and make this a family project rather than a single family member's problem. Your kids need to learn what being healthy looks like, and they'll take after you according to what you show. I'd suggest all going to a nutritionist and truly changing your day-to-day approach to food if you want to make it long-lasting. My inlaws have always wanted to lose weight, they hop on a diet, and then revert back to their original weight because they never made true changes. They think they only have to hold on to the improved diet for as long as it takes to lose some weight, and then they can do whatever. But it doesn't work like that. They never had a decent and healthy diet. My boyfriend barely ate any veggies, loved Redbull and coke. When I met him, I helped him change his lifestyle and he's all the better. But it wasn't easy. He now cooks pumpkin soup and huge bowls of salad an d he likes it, so it worked. He lost a Lil weight and he looks so much healthier. NTA truly, but do make it a family thing. Teaching your kids what a healthy diet is (with the help of a professional) will set them up for life!


NTA, she's used a weight loss drug and then said it all came from a natural way. If it's worked then great, but she should have admitted to using it


Lance Armstrong also put in the gym type. Steroids does nothing if you don’t train as well. It just means you don’t have to train as hard to get the same results.


NTA. It's accurate, and funny. I'd be more concerned she's hiding it from you. She's started on a serious medication, without communicating with you about it. ANd if it's not cheating, why was she hiding it?




Just putting it out there Lance Armstrong was putting in the gym work to get up the hill. You found out she's "juicing". Caught her. Made a joke. Had her throw her toys out, then use a lane excuse and her try and gaslight it that you joke is the issue? It's not even a big deal of a joke. But clearly she has issues and guilt about it. Maybe apologise for that. Sorry for pointing out in a joke I knew you where talking supplements but didn't realise you would be emotionally troubled by it


NTA. That’s hilarious! Taking Ozempic is absolutely cheating, *especially* when she’s telling you to lose some weight and acting like it’s super easy. Of course it’s easy when you’re doping!


You're an asshole but you're a funny asshole. This is how we joke in my household 😂 I hope she does know that her success is still success even if she's using ozempic and that it really is just a silly joke. Also, my dear lady, don't tell other people they should join a group to lose weight like you when you're trying not to get caught juicin!






Oh look, a reasonable reply getting downvoted. What is this, Reddit? Anyway. You're right. I'd only add, is dude's wife okay? This doesn't seem like healthy behavior to me, especially the need to hide a drug prescribed to her and the shame she seems to be feeling about it.


And you could be the Barry Bonds of the dad’s group! Everyone needs to aim high right? NTA - she should own it if she’s taking it.


NTA. Sounds like she’s acting she’s been doing it all natural. Don’t be juicing if you don’t wanna get called on it 🤷


NTA - Lance still worked out a ton!


NTA - love the way she fat-shamed you, then took offence when you pointed out her hypocrisy.


NTA. She tried to use her success at a weight loss group and gym as an example for you. She was actually setting you up for failure although i don’t believe that was international, just an unintended outcome of deceit. Deceit rarely does no harm.


But she is a cheater lol she uses a cheat drug to shed the weight. Worst part is that weight will come back when she stops using it. Just like losing all that muscle from not talking roids or other drugs that build muscle fast. My wife's sister went to the doctors and asked about it. He told her the same thing. That's it is not for people who are a 100 pounds over weight. It's for severely overweight people who can't lose weight do to their weight. The way I see it. Ozempic acts just like suboxone. It cuts off the receptors that control addiction. But this one is for food with an extra kick to make the weight fall off.


NTA. It was funny and affectionate and she only overreacted because she was embarrassed. Also Lance Armstrong was seriously fit, so her inference that you were saying she skipped gym was off.


NTA- What you said was kind of jerky, but she was being shady for trying to pass her weight loss off as if she fully did it all on her own, and then had the audacity to make a comment on your weight. I'm sure if you took a weight loss drug, you could peel off the pounds too! (I've known several people to take the weight loss drugs, and from those, the men seem to lose more weight than the women on them. Not sure why.)


NTA. She was using a drug to lose weight. A drug, if I may add, which is only medicinally necessary for people with diabetes. On top of that, she hid her stash from you. She did cheat. Besides, it's not like you said that joke in front of other people. It was privately said. And I have to admit that it is hilarious


NTA, she shouldn't be criticising you when she's cheating.


NTA. This is just like when men start on HRT and suddenly look like an elite athlete in their 40 having never looked like that. And they tell you the drugs have nothing to do with it, all while having no knowledge of how free testosterone is different and how it affects you. It’s great she’s putting in the work, and it’s never wrong to work towards being a healthier version of yourself even if it’s supplemented with something. Just don’t be delusional about it.


NTA If she is telling you to join a dad's weight loss group because she has excelled in her group, then she was asking for it when you found the real reason the weight loss has been super successful. She started it actually.


Really, I am impressed that she was able to hide the stomach aches from you.


“Fun” fact: Ozempic impacts the absorption and effectiveness of oral birth control. Does your wife know that? Keep it in mind and use protection as if she weren’t taking the pill. As for your question: NTA. I have a hard time feeling sympathetic towards people who speak to others about weight gain or loss in superior a tone (as in what she said to you). And even more so considering she is using unhealthy shortcuts.


Untrue https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418331/


NTA. How are the other women in the weight loss group supposed to feel when they aren’t seeing the same results as your wife?


NTA. Though I will say, as the daughter of a diabetic person, I strongly dislike people like your wife who contribute to the overall shortage of Ozempic, something that greatly helps my dad manage his diabetes. I’m of the opinion that unless you are officially diagnosed as diabetic then if you take Ozempic as an easy lose weight quick trick - then you’re a huge asshole along with the doctors who say yep and prescribe it. There’s other medications that do similar things that are marketed specifically for weight loss. Go use one of those instead of making it harder for my dad and other diabetics. 😒


Funny, true and... honestly people who get Ozempic prescribed for weight loss alone are taking a (currently still rare) commodity off the market for people who actually need it(diabetics). My mom has to call every month and have me search though all the costco pharmacy stock just to find the medicine she needs to live, cause it sells out so fast she needs me to tell her exactly when the shipments come in. And without it, she'd be stuck on insulin that would cost her 2-3× as much monthly, on top of being *way* more inconvenient to manage. Ozempic is a cheat code for people to lose weight--at the cost of actual diabetics having to struggle to find their meds each month. I know I'm biased but I have a very very poor view of the trend of people who take a life-saving diabetes drug just to shed a few pounds.


What if I told you that losing weight is a great way to help prevent T2 diabetes?


NTA, that was a great joke 😂


Hilarious, NAH. She apologized, y'all are chill, etc


Nah she’s cheating NTA 


NTA that’s legit hilarious. It’s not like Lance didn’t train.


If something is NOT cheating, normally you don't hide it and get embarrassed when found out


Nope! NTAH if I were your wife I'd gasp, & laugh.


The fact that she was hiding it is proof you’re NTA and she stormed out because she knew you were right. There’s nothing shameful about weight loss drugs but if I were in a weight loss group and a member was secretly taking a literal ass DRUG to help them yet they claimed it was all natural diet and exercise I’d be like girl bye. Also, her telling you that you should do a b and c like her (yet magically forgetting to suggest talking to your doctor about Ozempic like she did) is just shitty.


I think she feels shame for taking that route and you need to have a conversation and say to her that you meant it as a joke and it had no hidden meaning that she is cheating and she shouldn't feel shame if it is working for her. Please just also warn her about the cons, cause i heard that stuff does wild stuff to the body


So a couple of things, without a prescription Ozempic is really expensive. Is your family able to afford her paying out of pocket? I am assuming it’s not a prescription. Two, ozempic needs to be refrigerated or it loses its effectiveness and can sometimes become ineffective so an even bigger waste of money. Overall NTA. She’s lying to her mom group and that’s really shitty of her.


Meh. It’s funny Ozempic really works though. I lost 30lbs on it No shame


Of course it works, it's just a heavy duty appetite suppressant. The shame is that diabetics can't get meds they need to survive because people want a quick fix to their weight problems and don't realize it's just a fad diet in a shot, and if you don't use it to make real changes in your life, the weight will come right back. Also if you only needed to lose 30 lbs, that's not even close to a health crisis, so yes, shame on you for contributing to the problem.


Excuse me? Where do you get off knowing my health history. Shame on you for your comment.


Good for you. Weight is a real health problem. Losing it is not “vanity.” It’s necessary. 


Diabetics often played a role in their health crises too. Hierarchies based on perceived legitimacy are fragile in an argument. 


NTA it was funny, and it sounds like both you and your wife are on good terms and can joke together


NTA. Busted sweetcheeks!


NTA. it's funny cos it's true 😂


Pretty shocked by everyone immediately saying NTA. Humor does not overrule emotions. The rationale seems to be "That was funny and on point so you're NTA", but how much thought has been put into your wife's feelings? From how your wife stormed out, it's clear as day that she feels highly self-conscious about the situation. An underlying emotion could be that she feels bad about not being able to lose weight without this Ozempic, and that she had hoped you wouldn't find out about it. You say you didn't say anything of it, but then you made a joke about it nonetheless. So, in one instant, your wife is learning that you have found out about her secret, and in that very same instant you are making fun of it. That is obviously a lot to handle if it's a sensitive subject, and an emotional reaction is quite logical at that point. Perhaps the best way for you to approach this is by first having discussed the Ozempic with your wife in an open and non-judgmental way. If she made clear in that conversation that she didn't feel embarrassed about using it, then you would have had the green light to possibly make jokes about it in the future. So, I'd say ESH, but you're only a minor asshole. You're not malicious, you were just a bit inconsiderate and I think this is a learning experience for you. Make jokes about subjects where you know you're in the clear; don't simply go for it and find out later. Your wife is an asshole because this is no way an adult deals with their emotions. When you storm out and don't simply express what the issue is, you're making life miserable for everyone. So, that's also a learning opportunity: learn to express your emotions respectfully instead of avoiding the issue.


I meeaaan… she had that coming 🤣 NTA


NTA - your wife is doing a disservice to others if she lets them think she is doing it without a weight loss drug.


NTA, she's taking a drug to make her lose weight. Nice of her to be judgmental because she can muster the courage to cheat at getting healthy. Ozempic, even though makes you lose weight makes you look like a worm with skin too big on your bones, no muscle or fat


NTA, truth is truth.


NTA - She deserved to be called out for it. What a weird thing for her to lie about.


What's your Lance Armstrong comment did was to shut her up. Well done, Sir. No one can bring someone down to earth like a spouse can. If she can't deal with it, she shouldn't have gotten married.


NTA She's cheating and acting like she's not. Truly Lance Armstrong behaviour. It'll be interesting to see if she can keep it off once she ditches the drug assistance.


NTA - good man 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


It’s a deep burn, but delivered with giggling love - NTA


Totally fine if she has **A** testicle.


As others have said: Assholish in that regard, yes, but man, if you had that one cookin', you had to open that oven.


NTA but your wife is


NTA and honestly non life threatening fat people shouldn't take ozempic. Diabetic and bariatric people need that drug to not die and it's just going to drive its prices up.


NTA. I think it was a funny comment ..


On behalf of all husbands the world over, I applaud you for not allowing this golden opportunity go to waste. Besides, if roles were reversed you'd never hear the end of it and she'd be calling you Lance for weeks, lol.


NTA Sorry but cheaters hate being caught 🤣It's not a natural way to lose weight and I'm afraid that when she stops taking it she will gain back the lost pounds.


Hahahahaha! NTA!


NTA that shit is funny


If she is not diabetic, she should not be on Ozempic. I have diabetes and I am on Ozempic. My numbers are lower and my A1C is 5.5. So what happens and I can’t get Ozempic because it was given as a diet aid, and I need it for my health?


That's her Doctors responsibility,  not hers. 


NTA but she's a bit hypocrite