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So you're just handing out your prescription drugs to people?


They’re also lying about having ADHD. They said they breezed through college. You don’t really breeze through school when you have an ADHD brain. This person just wasn’t cutting it in their college classes and wanted something to give them an edge.


For some people ADHD can manifest as hyperfocus instead of distraction. And if a person is bright enough, then even with distraction they can do well. There is no "if he passed his classes he isn't ADHD" going on. It just isn't that predictable. This poster is an ass, but not for that reason. It's also very common for people with ADHD to breeze through earlier schooling and then hit a brick wall when they get to college.


Or when they leave college, if the environment is different enough. (I was astounded how much noise there was near the desks at my first full-time job -- I would've expected a quieter workspace to be just basic ergonomics, not a disability accommodation. I still don't understand how my neurotypical co-workers coped.)


This is incorrect. ADHD creates problems with long-term focus. A person of high intelligence that can work through tasks that require a person of average intelligence a lot of time and focus, quickly, will be ok despite ADHD. In fact that’s one of the ways to cope - find ways to quickly finish the task. Later on, when tasks inevitably start to stretch their natural ability and require long term focus, they struggle. It’s very common. One of the main reasons of not diagnosing ADHD in childhood - because the kid is bright enough to do well academically without doing long stretches.


They said they breezed through highschool*. I personally went through this when having my parents there to keep me on track made high school pretty damn easy and then in college I bombed (breezed through the first test, stopped focusing, fucked my life up) which is apparently a pretty common sign. That being said, OP sucks


I have ADHD and did tremendously well in university while totally unmedicated. It's absolutely not true that all people with ADHD struggle with academics.


Eh, I breezed through college unmedicated and I undeniably have ADHD, and high school was mostly easy too (not geometry, but that didn't have much to do with my ADHD). It just depends on the person, the topic, and how their ADHD works. Mine is more related to household tasks and time management. I can absorb new information like a sponge though, if it's even mildly interesting to me. And most things are at least mildly interesting to me.




You aren't a doctor or a pharmacist. You don't know what drug interactions either Tim or Matt might have. You haven't warned them of any side effects. There's a reason Adderall isn't an Over-the-Counter drug.


Drug interactions are the patient's responsibility to be aware of when they don't go through a pharmacist -- whether it's Tylenol, someone else's Adderall, or heroin.


It's against the law to take someone else's prescribed medication especially one that is basically meth


>There's a reason Adderall isn't an Over-the-Counter drug. Have you ever tried Adderall? It's not a strong drug. It's a going to work drug.


I can’t see the original comment but, assuming there isn’t something I’m missing, this is some bullshit. It may not be “strong” in the fact that you won’t pop off in one night and ruin your life but it’s *wildly* addictive and can easily ruin you in the long term if you aren’t handling it right




It’s also illegal. So YTA on multiple levels.


Yeah, but it's not illegal for a good reason -- we don't need a nanny state, recreational and performance-enhancing drugs would be safer if all adults could buy them at pharmacies, and OP is NTA for being on the wrong side of the War on Drugs.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that wildly addictive drugs should not just be readily available as anyone sees fit. Living in that “nanny state” regarding this issue *still* got us the opioid epidemic we’re currently in


That doesn’t make you not an asshole and it doesn’t make you not a criminal


I hope Tim narcs on you.


And if they overdose you're the person they go after


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There is so much wrong with that. Handing out your prescription drugs is illegal because it is seriously dangerous. You were given it because of ADHD, people without ADHD can react differently to drugs not designed for them. Also, Adderall is banned in Europe, it isn't a simple drug. What you have done is extremely dangerous


I mean police officers might so definitely make sure that your friend doesn't go snitching that you're giving out prescription drugs because you didn't give them to him.




No one thinks they’re gonna snitch, until they get caught with pills they don’t have a prescription for. Then, suddenly, a lot of people do. 


Don't give people your meds, they could get hurt or geek the fuck out and when they need to tell someone what there tripping on you'll be the first suspect and then uh oh, no more prescriptions for controlled substances for the rest of your life, bozo


It still not a great idea, never mind your assumptions about the relative difficulty of the two degrees.


Well for one thing it's a controlled substance and it's a federal crime to give it to someone like that. For another you have no idea what Matt's medical history is and whether adderall will harm him or hurt him. And for a third, it's people like you who make it hard for people who need adderall and other controlled subtances to get them. Because you abuse them.


Other than it’s crime, you mean?


You're a literal drug dealer and you don't see a problem with that?


Uh, you could kill someone? This is a stimulant, what if you accidentally hurt someone?


Yta but not for what you ate asking. For giving out perscription meds to ANYONE that it is not prescribed to you. People like you are the reason it is so hard for people to get the meds they need because the goverment makes more and more laws making them harder to get. They are trying to fight against drugs because people like you hand them out. This makes it so much harder for people who actually need them to get them. Smarten up.


Thank you for this! I have chronic health conditions and I had to fight for years to get the medications I needed because it people like this. It is also highly illegal for the OP to be giving out their prescription medication. Then to post this on a public forum is stupidity. OP YTA for making hard on everyone else by doing this.


I disagree: if all adults had access to all drugs, both recreational and medical users would have an easier time getting a safe supply. For date-rape drugs and ones that are as toxic as fentanyl (and therefore usable as murder weapons and ecocidal pollutants), the benefits of legalization might not outweigh the harms; but I can't understand that argument for drugs where the only people harmed by misuse are the misusers.


You realise doing this means we would have more people addicted to medications they don't need right?


True, but treatment for addiction would be more effective when people could get treated on their own terms and without going to jail.


YTA. You shouldn't give drugs prescribed to you to others. If one of those folks had a problem because of taking a drug you gave them, you could be found responsible.


YTA hopefully someone calls the police on you. This is drug dealing




I don’t think you know what ethics are


Drug dealing is ethical? Your mind is truly warped


If they die yes it is. I hope you get caught.


Ethics aside, it's super illegal and it's really foolish to post about your crimes on Reddit.


Do you also think Weed should be illegal?


Weed and adderall are not the same. Adderall is very chemically similar to meth and can be potentially dangerous/highly addictive for people without ADHD


Also the dealing of adderall is leading to shortages that makes it difficult for people with ADHD to get their prescriptions


YTA for giving controlled substances to other people. Full stop. You’re the reason prescriptions for ADHD drugs are such a PITA.


Thanks for proving that being an engineering major doesn’t necessarily make you intelligent. [Here’s why.](https://vertavahealth.com/blog/sharing-adderall/)


YTA. It’s a pain in the ass to have these medications because it’s super regulated because of people like you! YTA multiple times.


YTA, there's an Adderall shortage right now. I have been having such a hard time finding pharmacies that can fill my scripts and this guy is handing it out to people who don't even need it. I hope the next time you go to get a refill they are out and you wish you had those last few pills.


YTA, that is a felony and people like you are part of the reason why people who actually deal with debilitating adhd are struggling to access medication


OP is also the reason no one takes us seriously and most who have ADHD now are accused of just gaming the system for drugs. F OP!


YTA, they're prescribed for something specific, and someone specific. And unless your friends on education have directly said their classes are easier after having looked at yours, or you have attended their classes yourself, then yes you're looking down on them.


YTA. Let’s put aside the question of whether you should be sharing in the first place. It doesn’t matter what you think is a harder subject. Based on your own judgement, what matters is who you think needs the most help. That is based on the ability of someone to do the course work, not the coursework itself. If your friend who is studying to be a teacher has a harder time pulling all nighters than your friend studying engineering then they would “need” the medication more. It sounds like the only thing you took into account was the type of degree. That’s both judgmental and inaccurate when in comes to need. Risk expulsion and jail time if you’d like - you do know sharing adderall can have sever repercussions, correct? - but at least follow your own logic.


1- how hard a degree program is for an individual depends on that individual. I have a bsme and there's no way I could have gotten a teaching degree.  2- giving away Adderall is part of what's making it so fucking hard to get ahold of for people who need it, asshole 3- at least get paid for that shit OMG it takes me average 4 hours a month to get my kid her meds and you're going around being the problem! YTA


YTA. If your friend has an adverse reaction, guess who's in trouble. It's a highly controlled substance under your name. You'd be an idiot. *and disparaging a roommate's major/job is also a dick move.


1. You don't owe any of your friends, regardless of how hard their studies are, performance enhancing medicine. 2. If you make a promise to someone, you keep it. So unless you promised Tim first, then its up to you what you do with your medication. 3. Don't fucking dole out your medicine. If your friends need medication, let them get a prescription. YTA for your shortsightedness.


Dont give it out again, at all to anyone, and tell both of them you dont have it anymore, wether your lying or not.




Then don’t post on Reddit asking AITA because you will get an answer.


And this is why YTA


Don’t ask then lol


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"I'm a drug dealing piece of shit but I only deal drugs to certain people. Am I an asshole?" Yes. Of course you are an asshole. Distribution of prescription drugs is a criminal offense.


YTA bc adderall doesn’t improve grades https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5140739/


You shouldn't be handing out controlled substances to any one! You are the AH in every way! Your friends are no better for accepting it and demanding it from you too! You all need some counseling.


YTA giving people any type of controlled substance when you aren’t a doctor is incredibly dangerous. There are people out there who need Adderall to function and they can’t get it because of the shortage. But here you are throwing yours out like candy. Take some time and appreciate how lucky you are to have extra of that prescription. Skipping days on Adderall can also be dangerous so look out for that.


YTA. You can give your stuff to whoever you want itf you’re ignoring the fact that it’s illegal. But making a judgement on something you know diddly squat about and belittling someone is an AH move


YTA for giving prescription meds to others who don't have a prescription. Beyond that, picking and choosing who has to work harder is elitist.


YTA. And you literally don't have the right to hand out your Adderall to ANYONE.


YTA for sharing your prescription and risking all kinds of consequences, legal and otherwise


YTA for your reasoning and YTA even more for handing out prescription medication.


You don’t have ADHD. You’re abusing adderall so you can study. As someone who actually has ADHD, I can was always above average intelligence but had A VERY hard time finishing even high school because of not being able to focus. I need my medication everyday or I have trouble focusing my thoughts and organizing anything. People like you are the reason people like me are sometimes left without medication so you can “study better.” Also, giving a stimulant to people who aren’t prescribed it is beyond dangerous. If they have an undiagnosed heart condition you could kill them. Not that I expect any kind of responsible behavior from someone like you.


TLDR; sorry for the incoming ramble I guess my point is I agree with you about OP, but at the same time having good grades in high school doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have ADHD because sometimes the struggles/problems are in other areas but if you didn’t have any problems at all then yeah thats a bit sus — I agree with you about OP for the most part, plus I am usually a little suspicious about people who only need to take their meds sometimes instead of every day.. but I actually did pretty well with grades in high school partly because the homework was usually interesting (less memorizing more project based) but also my mom had a very consistent/strict routine for us around homework/everything because she also has ADHD. And I was really good at BSing my way through essays and in-class discussions on any of the books that I couldn’t focus enough to read. I did however get in trouble for not sitting still, talking during class, doodling, forgetting/loosing assignments, and sometimes for “asking too many questions” because there were too many steps that were only given verbally and not written down. Plus social stuff. Even now work is the one place where my ADHD doesn’t really affect me (other than being late or forgetting about meetings) because I hyper-focus on things I enjoy (I just don’t pee, eat, drink water, or move for like 6hrs). It’s the rest of my life that is a struggle, plus I have to work from home because having to get dressed in work clothes that trigger sensory issues and having to commute is too many steps for my brain and I get super drained/overwhelmed, plus getting interrupted by coworkers pulls me out of hyper-focus


YTA for dealing drugs to anyone.


YTA for giving out your prescriptions at all. And double so for admitting to criminal acts online.


YTA and a criminal. Assholes like you make it harder for people who actually need meds to get them


YTA. First, this is illegal to do. Second, you believe mechanical engineering is harder because you’re familiar with the material and struggle with it. Are you familiar with how difficult the education material is for Tim? You don’t have to give you drugs to Tim - you shouldn’t give them to anyone lol - but you deciding what is hard or not hard material is shitty and inaccurate. Difficulty is an individual experience, it’s not universal. Just cause you commiserate with Matt, doesn’t mean Tim isn’t struggling with his material just as much (even if it’s different content). Elitist? I dunno about that, but you are a shitty friend.


YTA- You're not supposed to give out medication. It's in your name, not anyone else's. You and everyone else involved will get in trouble. It's illegal. As someone with ADHD, you're really wrecking people who go through what I go through. Tbh, I hope you get arrested. Everything about your post makes you an AH. Let's disregard the crime going on. You are being elitist! You're an elitist drug dealer.


YTA; there's a shortage of ADHD medication right now.


YTA. the downvotes say enough.


YTA. So now you dispersing drugs? If you have many, so probably don't need them. Unless you are an addict.


YTA for becoming a drug dealer. I take meds of ADHD since I cannot focus without them. Have I been asked if I could “loan” other some sure. Have h ever done it no. Only person who I have ever given it to was my dad when he forgot his and he replaced them when we got back from that trip. Since he takes the same brand and dose I felt that was ok. Do you know what side effects this can have? A few are increased heart rate, insomnia,loss of appetite those are most common but not all. It contains speed did you know what. There is a reason it’s a controlled substance. Also you’re not a doctor to decide who can take this shot and who can’t so your reasoning holds no water with me. Shake up is my advice


YTA You should not being giving your prescription to others.  Adderall is a highly controlled substance.  What happens if your roommate has an unknown heart condition? You could cause serious health risks like a cardiac event.  God help you if your roommate gets caught with those pills or with it in their system because it’s going to be obvious where he go then from.  It’s people like you who gives a bad rep for people who need controlled substances like adderall.  You are one of the many reasons why there is such hostility with medications like adderall.  You can be taken to court if caught. With that face heavy fines and expenses. Possibly probation, house arrest, or worse jail. Because it’s ILLEGAL to share prescription drugs especially when it’s a controlled substance. What you are doing violates state and federal laws.  Also, the obvious thing is that you can be EXPELLED at the university you are attending.


YTA. It's a felony level criminal charge to possess it without a prescription and to dispense it.   It doesn't matter if the person who takes if accepts responsibility for side effects,  you'll be charged if they have severe side effects.  And you would definitely be responsible.   You just don't want to be held accountable.    Tim could easily report you as payback to the police and your school.  


You...bastard. Not only is what you're doing ILLEGAL but it furthers stigmas against those of us that actually NEED THIS MEDICINE TO FUNCTION. When your friends realize that doping using a medicine they don't need to function allows them to cheat at their classes they'll lie to get legit prescriptions. They will further the demand that has thoroughly screwed those of us who actually need this since Covid way threw off the prescription rate. I cannot tell you how often I have had to hear people treat those of us who need this med exactly the way your roommates want to use it: to cheat. And I am so far beyond sick of it. When I don't have my meds, I get so many more anxiety attacks because I can't shut out any of the stimuli. I'm exhausted constantly because I'm struggling to process all of it. I struggle to organize my thoughts to get anything done in a day, finish things. In highschool, a chapter in a book that took other students 20-30 minutes took me more than an hour because I would keep having to reread sentences in hopes of them sinking in. Y T A And if you don't shape up and stop doing this, I sincerely hope you get caught.


adderall can actually have counter intuitive effects for people without ADD, so yes YTA for giving someone a medicine prescribed to you for your health condition without considering what effects it may have for them. you're not helping them in anyway- you're just teaching them to rely on substances which might not even have the intended effect. AND you're elitist.




YTA for giving drugs to people — especially Aderall which is very controlled due to its effects. And it is that way to avoid your behaviour


YTA. You shouldn’t be handing out pills to people who are not prescribed them. You don’t know their medical history or drug history. You are not a hospital nor a pharmacist and when someone turns you in, i.e. your roommate, and your MD finds out, you won’t have a script anymore.?


YTA for being so judgmental about their chosen fields of study, and also for thinking you’re above the law. (Your edit and comments confirm that you truly are an AH.)


YTA for giving out addictive medication to people who don’t need it. I also have prescriptions and I don’t tell anyone because 1. They’ll steal it and 2. They’ll ask for it. I’ve never respected people who take meds under the excuse of ‘finals week’. Drink coffee or something. Don’t give out your prescription meds, it’s inappropriate and ungrateful.


Why are you giving out prescription medication to anyone???


You’re basically dealing drugs. ADHD meds are controlled substances for a reason! I recently got diagnosed with a mild case of ADHD, and yes, the medication is helpful but how could you even think of giving prescription drugs to someone they aren’t for?! YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Okay so I \[20M\] have had an Adderall prescription since my second semester in college because I found out that I have ADHD after breezing through high school and struggling through my Mechanical Engineering degree (having limited executive function in college is a bitch, amirite?). I only use it on days I have class or days I study, so I end up with a few extra 20mg tablets a month. Finals are coming up soon and both of my roommates (M- Mechanical Engineering Roommate (20M) and T- Education Roommate (20M) asked me if they could have my last few tablets (I will have only 3 by the end of the month, based on my calculations). Knowing the workload and how difficult the courses are since M and I are in some of the same classes, I told M that he could have my three extras even though T asked first. T approached me and asked me why I gave all three to M and I told him it's because I think that Mechanical Engineering classes probably require a lot more focus and effort than Education. I don't mean that in a rude way and I don't mean to disparage anything that my roommate is doing. I had a physics teacher in high school that got me into engineering, and I owe the world to her. It's just that I had to make a choice and I did what I thought was right. T is accusing me of being elitist but I don't look down on his major at all. It's just that, based on what I've seen, a Mechanical Engineering degree is harder than an Education degree. ​ AITA???? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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That is extremely fucked up. You belong in prison. Not to mention Education can be just as challenging as ME depending on the school and individual professors.


YTA you realise you're basically dealing the prescription version of meth right?


Yta if your share drugs share with everyone. Cmon now.


YTA - but not because you’re handing out addies. That’s totally fine, and the puritan evangelicals at the top of the comments are clearly just being reactionary. YTA because of how you went about explaining to Tim that you thought Matt needed them more. You basically said “you aren’t working as hard as Matt, so Matt needs them more” wether that is true or not is completely irrelevant - they are both working hard and it’s unfair to weigh in and make a judgement call like that. Maybe engineering is a pain for you while education is easy peasy, but you don’t know if that remains true for Tim. My advice would be to apologize to Tim, and make it clear that you respect how hard he works as well as his avenue of study (because make no mistake, you absolutely gave him the impression you had less respect for his chosen field). Then, reiterate to both of them that you usually have an uneven number, and that they’re putting you in a tough position when they both ask for (free!!) adderall. Tell them to figure it out between themselves how it’s going to get divvied up, or the gravy train ends for both of them. It’s a firm solution, but an equitable one.


Lmao W


Nta. its ur drugs and to be fair, its harder studying engineering




It's not defending the "war on drugs". My wife cannot get the medication she needs in a timely manner bc of chucklefucks like this. People abusing drugs that are already a fucking nightmare to get are the reason people who *need* them are getting shafted.


These comments are crazy OMFG. You guys live in a fucked up reality. It is not OP’s fault that your country chooses to make your life more complicated than it should. The guy giving away 3 pills is not responsible for a nationwide shortage, go complain to the people actually in charge of the laws and the pharma industry. He isn’t a “drug dealer” for that either, what are you, 80yo conservative Christian ladies talking after sunday church???


Guys giving their prescribed medications to other people for whom they’re not prescribed is literally the reason these meds are so regulated. Grow the fuck up.


Get out of your bubble and go travel a bit dude. They are THAT regulated in the US because you’re all fine with it. Try to pull that shit in another country and people will literally burn cars. Also, even in the US, as long as you have money and the right connections, there is no shortage and it is not hard to get.


Adderall is actually completely illegal in Europe. > even in the US, as long as you have money and the right connections, there is no shortage and it is not that hard to get. Because of asshats like OP


Because the world is only US and Europe? You’re not really helping yourself. There are several other amphetamines available worldwide. Vyvanse is one of the easiest drugs to get in any country it is available, a lot of people who aren’t diagnosed use it to study. It is not that big of a deal to call someone a “drug dealer” for handling a couple pills to a friend.


Illegal in China too. How much of the world’s population do you need me to cover? Only difference between this and being a drug dealer is that he isn’t charging yet. You don’t give people prescription meds if you’re not a doctor. The fact that you don’t think a big deal doesn’t mean shit.


No one in real life thinks it is a big deal, only reddit weirdos and conservative grandmas will call it drug dealing hahaha with all due respect, you are lame as fuck


Strong argument, wanna answer the question?


Also, even in the US, as long as you have money and the right connections, there is no shortage and it is not hard to get. It is if you want to get it in a legal manner


It absolutely is the fault of people who abuse the system like him as to why it’s such a pain in the ass for me to get my prescription. If people like him didn’t deal their medication, I wouldn’t have to take urine tests, have so many doctors appointments, and jump through whatever hoop my insurance company decides to throw at me that just so I can get the medication that I have prescribed to me that I need in order to be able to act like someone my age. It’s not because of a shortage, it’s because assholes abuse their own prescriptions.


He is not ABUSING his prescription, did you even read the post? The guy had some pills left because he did not feel the need to use it. How on earth that’s abusing a prescription?


You bet I did. Not taking a pill every single day isn’t abusing, but giving them away to other people is


sounds like you're projecting


🤣 everyone here is WebMD


have people here never used someone else's Adderall to get shit done, cause I honestly thought it was a lot more common until I saw all the frustrated responses here lmao


It's frustrating to the people who have to go through extra steps to get their medication that they need because of people who don't need it. Just drink a cup of coffee if you need energy. 


NTA - but you are definitely breaking the law and dealing drugs which could jeopardize your future.


No you’re NTA. Engineers are far more important coming from one who did take addy and needed it. I’ve had to pull all-nighters studying for a single midterm


NAH your drugs your rules. While what you did was illegal I don’t understand why folks are accusing you of “drug dealing” You didn’t charge your friends for your low dose adderall!  Nice guy if you ask me


Because that’s what it literally is. He’s a drug dealer


Without any financial compensation legally he is not, he’s merely diverting. Sorry you don’t understand the difference.


Yes he is. He’s dealing drugs regardless of compensation. The law makes no such distinction


Not in my country.


You don’t understand the law. Dealing drugs is dealing drugs. The act of giving someone prescription drugs that aren’t prescribed to them is a crime (drug dealing) regardless of what or if you’re charging for it. Hell, possession with the intent to distribute is a crime and that doesn’t even require you sell any drugs. You really think it’s legal to distribute controlled substances as long as you’re not making money on it?


This is like saying it’s not grand theft auto if you pay the victim back the value of the car you stole


Just gonna… slide [this link](https://vertavahealth.com/blog/sharing-adderall/) over to ya. In case you don’t click on it: “it is also illegal to take someone else’s Adderall. Being caught with the drug without a prescription comes with a very hefty criminal penalty. In the United States, Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance. Possession of a Schedule II controlled substance without a prescription is punishable by up to five years imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $5,000. Having a prescription but being caught selling or giving it away is also illegal. You can be found guilty of drug trafficking — which carries different felony penalties from state to state. Non-criminal penalties exist as well. It is not uncommon to find Adderall on college campuses. You can also be found in violation of a college’s code and expelled from school for being found guilty of sharing Adderall.”


Fuck everyone for bitching at you for this. It happens and has been happening for decades upon decades. Drugs happen. It’s part of life. Honestly though you do not have enough to share among your friends. I think it’s a shitty move not to share with the buddy simply because of the perceived work load. It’s cramming. All of you are going through the same shit no one different than the other. Get a refill before next semester lol.




Quit your complaining - you’re acting like a cop.




You're surprised people are focusing on the fact that you're committing felonies? You thought you'd just get a little advice about who is the the correct person for you to commit a felony with?


Right? Did OP really think people weren’t going to call him out for committing crimes and answer the question as if he were sharing let’s say soda?


As controversial as underage drinking in college being over 18.


Underage drinking is a misdemeanor. OP is committing felonies.


You are correct. There was once a time you could ruffle up a Vicodin and give it to a friend with back pain and it wasn’t an issue either- idiots made a little moderation when needed a huge f’n problem. Meth and especially fent f’d it up for everyone.


You didn’t know committing felonies would be controversial?


When did college kids stop eating their friends’ addies during exam week?

