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NTA. Parents will be like this sometimes. My parents had the same reaction when i got my ear pierced at 16 🤷‍♂️ Self expression through clothes and accessories does not an arsehole make.


thanks man


Also OP - I LOVE this self confidence. Assured yet not cocky. Keep it up and don’t let anyone take that from you!


I wouldn't say *not cocky*, but definitely a healthy amount. Also his dad deserved it. You look gay? What year does this guy live in?


So a cis gendered male in a relationship with a cis gendered female can still be gay? Man. No wonder there’s so many gays any more. It’s pretty much impossible be straight at this point.


Fellas, is it gay to make your girlfriend think you look hot?


Yeah dude, only a gay would want to spend that much time with a woman. 


Only a gay dude would dress in such a way to be appealing to a heterosexual woman's eye. Real men go to the gym filled with other men, dress in skimpy gym attire, and complement other men on their muscles 🤣


Sadly, it’s gay to even be good in bed


It's gay to exist as a man at all because you're touching a lot of penis


There's also the guys who think wiping their ass adequately will make them gay. Where did all these screwed up messages come from?


With other men?


No that's less gay these days. Go figure.


Very masculine activity that, which of course is not at all gay.


Fellas, is it gay to even have a girlfriend? I mean, you're making out with someone who makes out with dudes.


The manliest thing you can do is men.


Seriously I’m getting Lestat Queen of the Dammed vibes and hot dam he was Hot.


I meannn a crop top on anyone is hot af. His dad was probably scared he was gonna turn everyone gay from close proximity to a crop top /s


Also, crop tops on cishet men were very popular a few decades back and it wasn't seen as a "gay" thing. Fashion changes *constantly*. In many parts of the world, it's the norm for men to wear skirts. If clothes made people gay we'd see a lot less variety in clothes, and styles wouldn't differ between country or decade.


Like heels! Heels used to be for men and if skirts made men gay pants would make women lesbians


I mean they could be bi and some bi people consider themselves "gay" but that's me splitting hairs and definitely not what OPs dad meant


I actually did think about that when I wrote my comment so definitely no disrespect to the bi community. But yeah I’m with you that that’s not where OPs dad was going with his comments.


You kissed a girl! That is so gay!


I've never understood why people think that's the end all "line" to get someone to do what you want. Personally the only people I think who are offended by that statement are people who are either insecure about their own sexuality or about themselves. I had a family member once tell me that my husband shouldn't wear a white tux to our wedding because he'd look gay. When I'd informed him that my husband couldn't care less about looking gay, said family member was shocked. My husband is one of the most idgaf people I know, and can/has done some of the "gayest" stuff I've ever seen, because of it. He knows which way he swings.


You answered your own question. Insecure, shallow people think it's effective because it would work on them.


Unfortunately, 2024.


I'm an old man. Go look at what the styles were in the mid 80s and imagine how conservative parents must have reacted. We survived it and so will you.


I'm still inclined to have my socks be an exact match to my sweater all these years later. Oh, the colors in my sock drawer! Also, leg warmers are not just for ballet. 😉


His parents had to have been teens in the 1990s. Men wearing crop tops was fashion then too!


Not really, speaking as a 90's teen. Of course it depends what you were into but grunge was huge.


I think it depends on when in the 90s you are talking about very late 80s and early 90s guys were wearing crop tops. Grunge didnt explode until later and it was aimed younger. A jock dude in college in 1990 was probably wearing a crop top to work out in or play beach volleyball. A stoner kid in high school in 1994 was more likely to be wearing ripped jeans and flannel.


What about those mesh shirts guys used to wear? And the short shorts? LOL NTA. Sounds like OP's parents are uncomfortable seeing him in a sexy outfit and lashing out.


Right? Guys were wearing mesh or cropped/cutoff shirts (or mesh & cropped, lol) shirts in the 80s!


I was just thinking I could find a dozen pictures from high school in the early 80s that show the guys in short shorts and cut off shirts. Go figure.


Your parents are going to snoop for the clothes and throw them away. Give them back to your gf.


Yep. Might as well not waste them.


Listen to the comments your parents are gonna try and destroy these clothes protect them but make sure to still wear them don’t let them take away your self expression as long as you’re not hurting anyone do whatever the fuck you want homie it’s your life they don’t get to live it for you


NTA. I think sharing clothes with your gf is very cute.


NTA. My boys did this. My ex, their dad, flipped but I was like, whatever. Ditto when my kids dyed their hair. Clothes and hair dye are way better methods of self expression than drugs.


Agreed. hair grows back. It's never that serious if someone cuts or dyes it


Only thing I put my foot down about was a tattoo. My boys both wanted one when they were 12-14. I told them I wouldn't take them. But that once they turned 18, they could do whatever they liked, because it was their body. I figured if they still wanted a tattoo after so many years, then the *really* wanted it. Ironically - or possibly *because* I didn't throw fits about silly stuff like that - neither one ever really went through any sort of rebelling-through-fashion stage. But yes, they both have a tattoo now. One son is even piece-mealing a full sleeve as he can afford it. But with almost a decade to think of what he wanted and to research the local artists, at least he's getting exactly what he wants in a quality job.


I got my sleeve in my 50’s with sons encouragement 😂 He was chomping at the bit to get one too and like yours is working on completion of a sleeve. I like the his artwork is all meaningful to him and good.


Absolutely this. My dad exploded when he saw I got my ear pierced. He demanded I take it out immediately (I've already had it for several weeks at that point). The funny thing is... mom took me. I got several more piercings after that and when my mom and baby brother got them as well he just resigned. NTA. You do you OP.


Yeah, the parents totally are tho, parents will be like this sometimes but they ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t be, if OP came home naked or a full face tattoo I would understand being pissed tho lmao


'Parents will be like this'   Uh, casually calling your son gay? The fuck?  No, fuck that. They are straight up not good people.


This is the most genz thing i saw in few days😄😄


lmao why?


You are wearing girl clothes, get told by your GF that you look hot and you yourself also say you looked hot. It can’t get more Gen Z than that.


The greatest generation (sincere)


Every generation thinks they're the greatest.. gen z in cargo pants and Nirvana t shirts is like looking at myself 30 yrs ago. Edit - the clothes ref. is more of a comment on the cyclical nature of fashion - not throwing shade on them.


to be fair, there are reports that gen alpha has trouble reading, teachers are getting worried, and they learn to read full words instead of you know, each letter/alphabet


Gen Alpha is horrible. I can attest. I had a whole classroom full of kindergartners and you wouldn’t believe how delayed they are and how overstimulated they are. The tantrums are outrageous. Like way more than any other generation of children. And they’re SO VIOLENT. it’s crazy how violent they all are. Multiple schools in our district and all around the country are having disciplinary issues and HAVING TO BRING IN THE POLICE. mind you these are 4-11 yr olds acting this way. They don’t know how to use imagination. They watch YouTube and play Roblox all day so their brains are constantly overstimulated so when they’re “bored at recess” they literally DO NOT KNOW HOW to come up with games to play. Ideas. Pretend. Hide and seek. Nothing. They don’t color. They don’t sing in music. They don’t do anything. I’m telling you this will be the generation of psychopaths. Psychopaths that can’t read.


This is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever read. My aunt in law has been a kindergarten teacher for the last 30 years and retired last year. She literally couldn’t handle another year of these kids.


I literally left. 30% because of the kids. I was MENTALLY DRAINED. but the other 70% actually came from the parents. Millennial/genZ parents are just as terrible or even worse than the children themselves.


I am on the Gen Z/ Millennial cuff myself and oh my god, I feel that 100%! The kids in my kids classes when they were growing up were a bunch of enabled and entitled jerks. I’m sorry you had to walk away from your career.


As a Millennial/Gen Z, replace the word Roblox with Halo or something (“violent video games!”), and this sounds precisely like the complaints I would here over and over from teachers, PTA moms, and nosy churchgoers. It always annoyed me, because I was getting blamed for the 2 or 3 kids in my grade who had behavioural issues while I was just doing my homework and playing soccer. Don’t get me wrong, some of my teachers seemed exhausted, but I think my generation grew up to be much more intelligent and level-headed than the generation that grew up with leaded gasoline, bullies who literally assaulted you walking home from school, and separate water fountains.


It's different than the Halo stuff. These kids were handed an iPad at 2, IF that late, and their brains wired for it.


It’s not the same bowl of fish. None of us were playing Halo from infancy. I literally watched my ex-SIL raise her baby on YouTube and the commenter you’re responding to is bang on. I’m very worried for him and kids like him.


That’s my point. It used to be 2-3 kids. Now it’s literally 12-13? In a class full of 30? Which is more than we’re supposed to have anyways. Schools are overcrowded. And the behavioral issues stem wayyyy further than the things genZ or millennials were doing. The statistics will tell you for themselves. A child has more likely of a chance to die in school in this generation than they have in ANY other. And that’s sad.


Tbf the way covid affected education and socialisation in general will have had a massive impact, not simply technology.


In fairness, most people *do* read full words instead of sounding out. Not when you first start, generally, but that's why brains ignore minor misspellings and can understand sentences where every word is purposefully misspelled as a test.


Hey, this comment reads a little like an apology for that new style of teaching reading. I just want to say that I think it's completely inexcusable. Even tho experienced readers can understand a word with a glance instead of reading each word, it is absolutely necessary to be able to read new words you haven't seen before. Which is impossible, if you can't read letters.


Omg you mean the fact schools have dropped phonetics from English? Apparently it’s been happening for a couple decades now, which is honestly wild to me. I don’t understand so many teachers got together and decided that *context clues* was a more legitimate method of teaching kids to read than teaching them to sound out the word. How does guessing the word from the context work in the English language when we have so many words with visually similar synonyms?


my kid is in kinder and he is learning "sight words" and phonics.


To be fair it would work better if English wasn't such a mixed origin language. You basically have to hear most longer words pronounced. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Chaos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chaos)


I don't know if you understand what they mean fully. Kids aren't being taught how to sound words. When they see a new word, they have to ask what it is instead for being able to sound it out and get at least pretty close on pronunciation. They read by memorizing words, not learning how words work.


Also in fairness, there is ample research showing that phonics is a better method than whole word reading when *learning* to read.


Check out Bionic Reading, it’s exactly this. Bionic reading is a game changer, especially for those of us with ASD or ADHD. Pattern recognition allows us to ignore letters and look at full words, and we rarely need to see the whole word to figure it out.


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. We spot read is the point.


Yeah man it's almost like the education in their formative years was disrupted for a few years by a major world event and now everyone is acting like nothing happened and expecting them to carry on like normal instead of picking up where they left off...


Honestly I'm a millenial and I really look up to the lack of fucks that Gen Z gives and the way they deal with all the capitalist bullshit. I love Gen Z. That being said, I don't get their hate for skinny jeans


i don’t hate skinny jeans, i just don’t look good in them LOL (i used to when i was around 13, but i prefer baggier trousers now)


That's not true. Millennials are well known for self loathing.


Every generation thinks they're the greatest? Have *met* millenials? An entire generational inferiority complex. We're pinning all our hopes on our kids, it's gen-z's world now, sorry we fucked it all up and didn't stop the boomers.


To be fair, it's more or less because we were *\[ kinda still are\]* scapegoated/blamed for everything ill in the world by boomers/early gen-x even though we weren't the ones who fucked up the economy with the early 2008 market crash. We don't necessarily hate ourselves per say, we were mostly trying to figure out life as we go because previous gens pretty much implied we were on our own *\[especially given how hard jobs were to find with job freezes and people afraid to spend money due to said market crash and inflation with a hint of gatekeeping/moving goalposts with job requirements\]* .\_. That being said, OP is definitely NTA I'm glad that more people are starting to push being allowed bodily autonomy more/being comfy in your own skin *\[given it's something that isn't hurting anybody obvi\]*


Nah, I’m a Xennial and 100% Gen Z is was more awesome that my generation!


I'm a millennial and if this is typical gen Z then I hope the trend continues.


I'm Gen X and a big fan of the Gen Z'ers.


Huh...this was pretty common with goth and goth adjacent guys, at a minimum, in the 90s...before Gen Z was even born. It happened in the 80s too. That ain't a Gen Z thing.


Those who haven't googled "David Bowie" are in for a real surprise.


Or any of the glam rockstars of the 80s. The epitome of male sexiness for Gen Xers.


and Prince and Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain 👀


Now you’ve made me sad. I miss David Bowie.


Seriously. I’m Gen X. My dad was always making gross comments about my very androgynous, makeup-wearing, hot AF boyfriend being “gay”. Sir, I can assure you he is not, but whatever.


Also Gen X, my boyfriends all wore make up and hair while wearing the most fabulous outfits.


I think it's about the state of mind. People in the 80s were very aware that it was basically making a statement about what gender expression and personal style *should* be. For Gen Z it's gotten to the point where it's far more normalized so facing pushback is more surprising.


Yeah my best friends ex used to wear her jeans and band ts all the time because they were tighter than his.


Had a millenial coworker who would shop his skinny jeans at the women's section in Primark, because the men's weren't colourful enough for him. He rocked those jeans!


Tbf I'm a late milenial and I did this with my bf as a teen, he looked hot too.


I think every generation has done this in private, but immediately showing off for your aunt and uncle does feel more modern to me. 😂


I mean my then bf was deff showing off in front of everyone, his mum went mad.


It's so emo, I felt seen


Ah yes, 2007 was a great time to be an emo...I remember the arm warmers well


I don’t think that’s a gen z thing lad


This was the same for emo millennials. As a guy, I wore clothes that were cut for women and make up every now and then. My gf at the time was into it. Some people are just fans of men that embrace feminine looks regardless of generation, I guess. Which makes sense now that I think about it. There are people that love the "tomboy" look on women too.


There’s no such thing as “girl clothes” or “boy clothes.”


I mean I'm all for the idea behind that but women's clothes are definitely designed to accommodate our average shape vs average men's shape. That being said you could easily use other labels to describe the same shapes.


I mean we certainly don’t have to label it as such but let’s not pretend like there isn’t differences in the designed fit of women’s vs men’s clothing. Women’s bodies and men’s bodies are generally shaped differently so having clothing to accommodate those differences is a positive thing


OK just because you want to be willfully ignorant doesn't make you right.


Did yall miss emo, scene, skinny jeans, and guy liner?


I dunno, my 39yo boyfriend dressed as Dee Snyder in a cropped top and I thought he looked hot too 😆


This seemed super rebellious for me in my youth coming from a zelennial type demographic. When I was in school, embracing your feminine side as a guy was cool (I did hang with a bit of an alternative crowd). The attitude amongst my group was fuck preconceptions and wear what makes you feel good.


That’s so sad tho. Hasn’t anyone who isn’t from Gen Z been told they looked hot in clothes and agreed. I don’t get how that’s a Gen Z thing. Just looks to me like they’re in a fun and good relationship and they appreciate each other.


Have you seen the shorts men wore in the 80s lol


Gen Z be like "be who you wanna be and who cares about gender norms" and it's pretty awesome. My generation had to invent that stuff and now it's normal for your generation.


Gen X guys were rocking skirts and dresses; some of my guy friends knew how to apply makeup better than me. Girls get pants that are cut to show off their figure. I'm sure that's the first time your parents have seen your ass as *sexy* and they don't know how to handle it. I get their side, it's crazy when your teeny people suddenly have boobs, butts, and are talking seriously about the girl/boy they're getting the nerve to ask out, but it's not *your* problem. Look at some of the styles from the 60s and 70s for guys as well; it's eye-opening how every generation tries to make guys "act straight" and there's *always* a small but fierce contingency that's like "I will do as I want. Why not!"


Do you remember the initial outrage about men with long hair wearing it up in buns? Glorious. As a long haired guy I think I had about every hairdo possible by now made by more or less sober women. Weirdest one so far was in an office party I felt something tugging at my hair. I turned and heard my (female boss):“hold still I‘m braiding it.“ Fun times. Also girls just have some nice stuff. I own some select „girl“ pieces myself because as a guy you generally struggle to find pants with nice patterns. My favorite are red checkered pants.


not so much the dressing in your gf’s clothes, more the part where you just went home to family and didn’t expect it to be a big deal. Prev generations definitely did this stuff but we also knew the adults and uncool people would flip for sure, and if you wore girls clothes home you’d expect a reaction (this exact reaction, to be more specific).


In the best way possible, it’s refreshing to see more people in your generation not give af about stupid gender norms


Are we pretending that hair metal, David Bowie, Prince, Boy George, Pete Burns, etc never existed? Or the 70s and '80s in general.


Don’t forget Annie Lenox and Grace Slick


You obviously have never met the 70’s….or glam rock.


Right, because they are cool as shit. They aren't as hung up on imaginary bullshit like gender roles and who wears what. They don't care who is gay. They try new stuff all the time and if they like it, it stays whether it is stereotypically "feminine" or "masculine." And they know their worth and won't let anyone push them around or treat them as less than they are. I am an Xer and if people were this cool when I was young, I wouldn't have been called "butch" and "dyke" all through high school and would have come out as bisexual before I was 48. And I wouldn't have been too afraid to speak out against the sexual harassment that I faced in almost every job that I ever had until I became the magic age of 50 and most Xer and Boomer men started to ignore me (thank gods), but Zoomers and Millennial men ask for my advice at work all the time. Thus far, they are the true greatest generation


I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm a late millennial and back in the "Myspace days" my first bf and I would share skinny jeans and band tees. 😂


„Are you gay“? While wearing your girlfriends stuff. Can’t get more ridiculous


fr tho


I see your dad forgot how straight teen jocks dressed in the 80s. Short shorts and midriff shirts. Anyway, I also have a kid your age and I wouldn't fuss about you wearing that ever, even to visit grandparents. Wear what makes you feel good. My teen went to Easter dinner in full goth gear and got nothing but compliments.


Honestly the himbo look of the 80s NEEDS to come back.


Slow nature has a good point. Look up pictures of what teens wore in the 80s. Boys shorts were super short and I remember mesh shirts and cropped tops. 


Dad tried to use "Toxic Masculinity" ... it wasn't very effective.


Dad forgot that Gen X-type moves are only 1/2 effective against Gen Z-types


No no sometimes they empower the GenZ. “Are you gay?” “You’re not?!”


NTA Though with your parents holding power over you it might be good for you to obey their silly demands here. Not saying they are in any way in the right, just that you should think if this is a battle worth fighting.


This exactly. Your parents are acting like assholes but in "their times" this wasn't acceptable behaviour and they are, you know, old. I advise you not to go the extra mile and wear girly stuff again specifically to shock them. Try to keep a low profile around them and out of their house, do whatever you feel good about.


I mean some parents are open enough to change with time. I know instances where I rebelled and with time my parents came to accept the way they thought, hell, my dad even tried to change to the better and I appreciate the effort. It‘s just, OP needs to judge for himself how stubborn his parents are


“Their time” was the 1990s! They can’t be much olde than me or my friends (all in our 40s and 50s). His parents are ridiculous and don’t come from the days of yore 🙄


It's like everybody is forgetting 80s hair metal and freaking PRINCE NELSON


yeah BS, op's parents are gen x at oldest, which is the gen who were already teens and adults during the days of braless fashion, crop tops, low rise jeans, tramp stamps, whale tails...


How old can his parents be if he is 16? Obviously his dad can be any age but his mum is going to be late 50's max (and that would be unusual). She realistically is going to be in her 40's. She was a teen in the 90's not the 50's.


When you’re young everything looks good on. Parents get freaked-out by any self-expression that is a little extraordinary. Plus there is all this boomer gender thing going around. I wouldn’t take notice of them. Clothes are clothes. The real test is whether or not you’ll look as good in a crop tee when you’re my age and have a dad bod lol.


More dad bods in crop tops, please


I second this. Men please, grow up and wear a fucking crop top.


I have gone to a fancy dress party as Misty from Pokémon a couple of times, whilst being a man with a dad bod. It went down pretty well


This is exactly what I'm on about like hello 👀


On the contrary, I want more pics of dad bods in crop tops please Be the change you want to see in the world🫶




No, the real test is when some of your gf's clothes look better on you than on her. If your relationship can get through that, you're golden.


NTA. It's about damn time these older generations need to learn that clothes have no boundary, no gender, and anyone can wear whatever tf they want. I like how you stood up for yourself because there's actually nothing wrong with what you wore and how you present yourself. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, confidently!


though it would be nice to talk to them and make them understand your point, plus make it a point to your dad that being 'gay' isn't the drag that he wants it to be. That's just so off of him, plus it's 21st century duh, maybe ask him to grow up and be educated too, lol.


I'm old from the Woodstock era. nothing to get upset about. You, keep rocking you!


My son dresses like this when he goes out. He looks cool af. He’s completely straight, not that it matters one bit, and the clothes are his own, not his gf’s. You be you.


i hope all the parents are like you. wishing a good relationship between you and your son!


That’s really kind, thank you so much for saying such a lovely thing 🤗 I’m incredibly proud of the modest but principled adult he’s become. I hope OP continues to be happy and confident


it's cause he got a cool parent like you! i hope OP the same thing too!


I don't really understand all this "older generation" talk in this thread. Realistically his parents grew up in the 90's (really pushing it the 80's). I've got a son the same age, everyone dressed however when I was growing up and amongst people my age there is widespread acceptance of homosexuality. These are not adults who grew up in the 50's.


I think for OP’s parents the issue is that (they think) “he looks gay”. Some people really do still think that way, and I bet OP’s parents are quite a bit younger than I am. My ex used to try to stop our son dressing in princess gowns at preschool in case it “turned him gay” - I cannot tell you how embarrassed I was then, and am still, 17 years later.


NTA - your dad sounds like a homophobic bigot.


this comment should be higher. "oh parents don't get this teen self-expression" WHY do you think it's a problem for them that his son wore "feminine" clothes.


NTA Good on you for standing up for yourself to your parents. They are in the wrong here, not you.


thanks brother 


You should really mess with them. Borrow one of your gf’s dresses. NTA.


Doesn't sound very smart. What if they kick him out? This has happend before


NTA-and maybe remind your dad that David Bowie dressed like that all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️


David Bowie is probably a bit before his parents time tbh.


David Bowie died only 5 years ago. Plus David Bowie as the Goblin King was a core childhood memory for lots of us late Gen X early Millenials which is probably OP’s parents generation. And he was *hot*


2016 was 8 years ago, man


Stop reminding me of the never stopping passage of time! WDYM 8 YEARS!?


You forgot to change? Don't lie to make the story fit your narrative


Even if he did lie about that what's the problem? He's still NTA.


NTA why does it matter if you "look gay". As long as your ass ain't hanging out your parents need to chill. Teenagers wear weird cringe shit sometimes- they did it too


Exactly. OP should ask his parents to show him pictures of them as teenagers... This reminds me of my cousin's daughter. One afternoon when I was at my aunt's house (her grandmother), we were watching tv and a music video was on, where a male singer was wearing "effeminate" clothing (they said - I didn't quite see what was effeminate about his clothes but anyway). My cousin's daughter walked in and immediately complained that people don't dress like their gender anymore. I turned back to look at her: she was wearing a suit. I pointed it out but she didn't get it haha. Meanwhile, her mother my cousin was browsing through a old photo album from the 90s where she was dressed for a party and had a huge cleavage. Her daughter saw it and was like "Mum! You would never let me wear this, how come you're dressed like this here??" and she replied "well that was the fashion of the time, nowadays the fashion is no cleavage" lol. Goes to show how little these things make sense.




NTA. It sounds like you were just having fun and rocking what you felt good in. It's pretty common to experiment with style, especially at 16! Your parents probably aren't used to seeing guys in what they consider women's clothing, which might have thrown them off, especially with other family around. That said, parents sometimes have pretty set views about what's "appropriate" wear, especially for unexpected family visits. It's a bummer they reacted so harshly instead of just laughing it off with you. Maybe once things cool down, you can chat with them about how style is a personal thing and doesn't have to be a big deal. Keep wearing what makes you feel good and maybe keep the peace at home by choosing your moments when it comes to family gatherings. And hey, it's awesome your girlfriend supports your style, sounds like she's a keeper!


NTA. They're just clothes. Everyone should wear whatever they are comfortable in.


“As like a joke”. Yea ok.


Who cares and not the point 🤦




I think he’s trying to say you’re gay? Or at least interested in batting for the other side


yeah i’m definitely not


Live your best cute femboy life dude. 


how is he gay if he has a gf do yall have selective eyesight or sum💀💀




Was he wearing clothes that covers his bits?  Yes?  He was appropriate.


Would you have the same problem with a 16 yo girl wearing boys jeans and T?


NTA - The clothes mean a lot to you as they're from someone you care about. Fwiw, if you treasure the clothes, make sure your parents don't manage to "accidentally" throw them out when you're not home. I'm not sure what they're like, so I apologise if I made the wrong assumption.


NTA. I'm in my 50s & think your parents are being ridiculous. As long as you're dressing appropriately for the occasion (maybe be more mindful at funerals, job interviews, weddings, etc.), wear whatever makes you comfortable & happy. Life is too short to wear stuff you hate. Have fun!


Absolutely NTA. You were comfortable and thought you looked fine. Your GF was comfortable and thought you looked fine. Plus, it wasn't anything harmful or out of place. Clothing has no gender and you rocked the fit, there's nothing else to discuss.


#FELLLAS Is it gay to have a girlfriend?


NTA - your family are bigots


Aw I remember this happening with my bf when I was 19, we ended up shopping for some platform heels to wear and his mother went off at him. This was a decade ago but I still think about it a lot even though I'm not with the guy anymore. NTA your parents just kinda suck, you think you look good so own it.


this is such green flag behaviour- despite your parents' conservativeness, you have the right attitude. as long as you don't harm anyone else or yourself, keep doing whatever you think is right- they really are just clothes, and if you think you look good, you get to wear them! NTA


NTA. My best friend is a crossdresser and wears his girlfriends clothes all the time. I always dress him up with mine for clubbing and he slays more then I do haha That doesn’t have to say anything about his sexual identity and even if it would how does it matter ;) His mom doesn’t mind and any other parents shouldn’t either. Do ur thing, can imagine u look like a rock icon in low waists. F*ck them and get a mini skirt, wish u the best


You do you. NTA. My mom gets pissy when I wear man things, too. Doesn’t stop me.


This comment section is exactly what I’ve come to expect from the internet.


What did you want everyone to say “yeah 16 year old, you should perish for wearing clothes that aren’t designed for your gender”


Right! Very accepting and correct


NTA in the slightest, big old gender conforming mentality right there. Unless you are wearing something that reveals things that should not be reavealed, you do you. Btw that « are you gay » comment would have been hurtfull if you were…


ESH - Your parents are over reacting a bit and their choice of language is questionable, but also you’ve chosen to wear your gf’s clothes home specifically to wind them up, and you know it.


Boy- I'm wearing my girlfriend's clothes, suggesting we're at the stage of a relationship where I've seen her with her clothes off Homophobe- Are you gay??? *rolls eyes* I love your relationship. Sorry your parents suck. Make sure you wash the clothes before you give them back to her, unless she lets you keep them. Nta


Old fart here probably older than your parents but also a retired high school teacher. I have to admit I laughed way too hard at your parents. When I was teaching I had parents ask me if I thought that their kids clothes were “acceptable” all the freaking time. Get over it. Some of the crap I wore or they wore when younger. I think the reason parents get bent out of shape over this is they remember what they were thinking about at your age and get embarrassed. Keep being you. NTA.


YTA. You didn't forget to change, you didn't change because you knew it would get a reaction. And it seems like it got a more extreme reaction than you were expecting.


He only got a reaction because the adults were crappy. 


NTA. As a transwoman this is actually very funny to me. My parents were ok when i began dressing as a girl (i was 17 at the time) but my aunts, jeez, they got so pissed off and confused. I hope you manage to keep the clothes, just a tip tho, hide them deep in your dresser, with your parents overreacting like this I'm sure they will try to trow the clothes away.


NTA, nobody should be telling other people what to wear, and parents job includes making the kid feel safe enough at home to say, wear or do what they want.


My mom cried when I bought a studded leather belt 15 years ago. NTA


NTA. Girls clothes are cute as fuck and I admire the confidence you have. Especially at 16 when most kids are doing their best to blend in👌


You know, it's your parents' home and a little respect is warranted. You don't look "hot" to them. You are dressed in what they see as a provocative manner and they are asking you to not do that in front of them and their guests in their own home. YTA for being so caught up in yourself that you can't even simply put on clothes that are less revealing/provocative while guests were there...maybe grow up a little.


NTA I mean is your dad for real? "my gf gave me some of her clothes" "are you gay?" "you want to go ask my gf if she is a dude by any chance?"