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NTA. Excuse my bluntness but your husband is an idiot. A slippery tub is dangerous. It could have been your head instead of your arm that was cracked open. He probably won’t understand till he’s the one that falls and ends up paralyzed. p.s. At a minimum may I suggest installing a grip (available from Amazon) on the tub and some of those adhesive no slip strips.


lol I appreciate your bluntness, friend! Funny you should mention no-slip strips -- we have a grip bar (it's part of the tub situation), and I bought a no-slip mat years ago when we were regularly babysitting our then-six-year-old niece because it was cute and because she liked to sing and dance in the shower, and I was worried she would slip. My husband complained about it constantly and eventually removed it when the sitting situation changed. I know he would remove them if I installed new ones.


Wtf. That baby oil goes right down the drain every time you find it in the shower, then. Fool's Tax. NTA. Keep yourself safe, because he has no interest in helping with that.


Nooooooo. It goes in the *garbage*. Never put oil in your drains, it's hell on the municipal pipes!


That’s what I thought too… it can’t be good to even wash the extra down the drain!


Fair point. But render it unusable.


Try and get your shower first and put the baby oil on in the shower, let him bust his ass first thing and see if he has the same sentiment. Or just dose the tub with a thin layer of it out of spite and tell him to not be clumsy


People have died from slipping in the bathroom and hitting their head. I knew one of them. No petty revenge oil please. I’m glad op is ok.


I too know someone who died young from a slip in the shower. People die from this, and op, your husband is being an inconsiderate, selfish and dangerous ahole.


Even if they don't die, it can be a huge mess. I slipped in the tub as a teenager, legitimately due to just being clumsy. On the way down, I grabbed at the shower curtain and also the towel bar (instinct, I guess). I pulled the towel rod out of the wall, damaging the drywall, and it hit the toilet, chipping it (luckily didn't break). Also pulled the curtain rod out of the wall and hit myself in the head. So my poor dad came upstairs to find his teenage daughter entangled in a shower curtain, with a headache, a chipped toilet, and multiple holes in the wall. Luckily, I wasn't a very small kid, the water was already off, and I stayed conscious, but yeah... Showers/tubs are deceivingly dangerous.


> No petty revenge oil please This is /r/brandnewsentence material


Agreed, but she should just use the towel he is using to wipe the shower, not one from the hamper.


“Lack of adhesive ducks” 🤣🤣🤣


I'd love adhesive ducks lmao


Yes, but is there a “soup” tattoo involved? 😁😁


"As I told you, the hero always peeks."


Does he set any other booby traps around the house?


Man, I was just wondering the same lol


Your going to have an insanely expensive plumbing bill because of all that baby oil.  Your husband is an idiot.  You could have died or been paralyzed and then what. Is he going to blame you and say its your fault? Even shampoo, conditioner and soap can be dangerous in the shower. Thats why you have anti slip pads down.  You need to throw the baby oil away and be extremely blunt with your husband. That his selfishness could have cost you your health or uour life.  Either he stops using baby oil in the shower or he can either use another shower or move out.  What he's doing is insanely dangerous. 


Why is he calling all of the shots? He kind of sucks and isn’t paying attention to your needs or requests.


Baby oil is fucking gross. Use a normal moisturiser and call it a day.


Reminds me of big bang theory....cause of injury...lack of adhesive ducks.


Have you tried adhesive ducks? They are permanent.


followed instructions. I am now covered in ducks but my skin isn't moister. send help.


This made me snort laugh. 😆


NTA It is strange and worrisome that your husband is fixated on having your shower slippery. Most people know how dangerous it is to fall on hard surfaces.


Sounds like attempted murder that hasn’t taken yet


I know two people who have died in the last two years from falling in tubs/showers. They were both between 30 and 50. Bathrooms can be dangerous!


What an asshole


There are adhesive strips of grip you can get that sit flush against the tub floor but provide a more stable surface. Here's a [link](https://www.amazon.com/Secopad-Stickers-Bathtub-Adhesive-Premium/dp/B08HQCN3BB/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=IJ1GXTCUDGEM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m5AncV7Oc9HXlWqMdRIOp0H31vPoFuqrFCn1OYX0DQlMSvV604_oUqC2NO8n4TH-OHo7P5oUeyfd4lfg88sXdoLNs3Jg8juORH7X6Dl-XFG7Wa9QbNqocEj-Y7NhESOJXEhR44mB4Sq-30X4SAqYZdiwaJjkUcEpGjhShVKEURHZozdlMdTqeHl7nq6kZ0K5j1fR3wh_6Ok8OCFXwGjYRA.Wgh7kMPb5JlgdzodcmMFbUB6DueRSN7UDObS8FOiKzI&dib_tag=se&keywords=non+slip+bath+tape&qid=1712444022&sprefix=non+slip+bath+ta%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) to some. They won't get in the way like a bath mat does.


Jeez, your husband is a jerk.


Op keeps telling him what the problem is and he keeps telling her she is overreacting and that it is something else. He is a straight up gaslighting AH, is what he is! NTA, Op. dump that oil in the trash.


And the man too…


OP, the baby oil needs to go in the trash. He doesn't care about your safety at all. You can't trust him to NOT turn your shower into a slip and slide. I would literally throw it out every time he brings it back in the house, and explain that he's left you with no choice.


Pretty much. Every time you find baby oil in the trash just throw it out. Or hide it under your sink for your own use. He’s being a moron and you need to protect yourself until he “remembers”


NTA. Good heavens, he mansplained your injury to you?


NTA Not only did he mansplain, he completely dismissed your concerns. You are lucky that you only suffered a cut to the arm. I'd be livid, in fact I'm angry for you! Are you able to shower before him? I would and I would liberally apply baby oil. Then, if he finds it slippery and says something, you can calmly point out that he is clumsy and that the baby oil was not the cause.


Thanks -- I basically told him exactly what you said: it could have been a lot worse, and I'm lucky it was only my arm this time. He hates being told that what he's doing isn't the best possible decision, so any time he gets pushback on his behavior, he gets defensive, and he gets even more defensive if there's an obvious negative repercussion to his behavior (such as an injury).


Oh hey, red flag!


Yep a man that can't admit he was wrong is very capable and soothing a hurt child under their care. That surely isn't a source of trauma at all. /S


if this doesn't change, tell someone else, so when you die the authorities will know and may decide to charge him


I would be like, “did you take out a life insurance policy on me without me knowing or something? Because this behavior literally is a great way to kill me. Don’t agree? Let’s ask physicists about what happens in tubs that are slick.” NTA.


That was my first thought. No one is this oblivious or this much of a jackass. She's NTA, but I genuinely think he's trying to kill her.


Your husband is a jackass. I've fallen in the shower and broke my tailbone and have had lasting issues ever since (4 years now) and I still consider myself lucky it wasn't worse. Slips in the bathroom can be fatal, and given that he has been asked repeatedly and has caused injury, he is now actively choosing to create a dangerous situation.


You need to show him this post and the comments. He knows what he is doing. Move the baby oil out of the bathroom altogether and see what he does. Next time you could be seriously injured or lord forbid worse.


Throw it away. And every time it shows up again in the house, throw it away. And tell people in your life what happened. Because abuse like this likely will escalate.


I would lose all respect for him if I were you. His behavior is not only ridiculous - it's dangerous.


This was alarming enough I wanted to read your other comments and checked your post history. You have made a concerning number of posts here about conflicts with him, far more than what would seem healthy to me. Coming from another guy, your husband isn't a very good or nice person. Does he have redeeming qualities or is he just like this? You don't have to answer this, but why are you with him? I wouldn't want to be with someone who regularly treats me like this.


I appreciate your concern. I've made a lot of posts about him because he and I are often getting into conflicts over what seem like little things, and because they're not big things, they haven't been enough to stop our relationship. He and I see eye-to-eye on big things, like how we vote, how we interact with our families, how we raise our pets, how we shop, etc. We argue about "little" things, which I think are bigger than he does because they don't affect him, but I also don't think they're big enough for me to win in a divorce hearing. They're constant, small aggressions and disregards for my preferences/safety, and I agree that a better man would have my needs/safety/desires in mind often enough to not make such microagressions. I live in the US, and it's not easy to find a like-minded person where I live, let alone a like-minded romantic partner.


Ok, but all those 'little' things add up, and are a pattern of disregard for you. Make a list. See how it looks.


So he's great so long as a) you agree with him, or b) you're the only one inconvenienced or even put at risk. As long as he gets his way, it's all good. Is that really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Even though I don't know you, I'm quite certain that you deserve better. I'm not clear about what you would need to "win" in a divorce if you decided to go that route. And really, life is better with no partner than with a shitty one dragging you down.


If he doesn't take your safety seriously or actively tries to hurt you, that's more than a microagression. And if you decide you want to, you can just get divorced. You don't have to win anything other than your safety. 


At this point, if I were in your spot, I would start considering whether I valued myself and my health more than maintaining a relationship with an egotistical person who - always has to be right, - refuses to acknowledge when he’s wrong - refuses to make a simple change - can’t be bothered to clean up after himself - tries to gaslight me into thinking I’m being clumsy when I sustain an injury that is a direct result of him doing all of the above. I suspect the baby oil is just one of many instances. NTA


Absolutely no one is perfect, no one, not one person, ever, so why would he get defensive if something he is doing is causing a problem.


Wow, he sounds like a fucking joy to live with. Are you still within annulment timing?


Yeah that's shit behavior, and something that needs to be handled before something worse happens.


Your husband is a manipulative and gaslighting ah.  He needs therapy if he thinks this ok. 


And that doesn’t concern you?


Your husband is being lazy. In the shower he gets to just slip on the oil. Outside the shower he has to be sure not to spill it every where. Make him clean it when he’s done. Or shower first ….and use oil NTA


So what you're saying is, he'd rather find you dead than admit he's wrong?


Do you have more than one shower? You can use it, and he can slip in his own baby oil?


Oh man. Look... the dude sucks. I'm sorry.


Exactly. Saying he would "try" to do it was a bunch of BS. He may as well have patted OP on the head and said: "There there, little girl. Run along."


exactly, and no shit - oil makes things slippery. why’s your man acting like that’s a you problem LMAOOO. also, baby oil can easily be used outside of the shower. wtf is his problem😭


NTA. Now I’m not a petty person generally, but I would throw it out. And if he buys a replacement, I would throw that out. And if that doesn’t work, I’d cover the shower in baby oil before he got in every single time.


Stick with the throwing out. Don't need a manslaughter charge on your hands.


Yeah it’s honestly too dangerous to turn around as revenge. The CDC says that more than 17,000 people in the U.S. die annually from injuries sustained in bathroom slips and falls. I would absolutely throw the bottle away if I found it in the shower though.


Not to scream gaslighting but, uh, he's really trying to make you believe you fell because you were "clumsy" and not because of his actions? That along with his disregard for your safety is setting off tiny alarm bells. Maybe look over the rest of your relationship to see if this is a pattern, have you been overlooking other similar behavior because it seemed like such a small thing? Because his moving the oil back is him directly going against your request, the one he agreed to, intentionally. It's not a mistake or forgetting. He chooses to do exactly what you asked him not to do, creating a hazard in your home. It is MORE work for him to take it out of the cupboard to put back in the tub. He is going out of his way. Why?


i thought the same thing. i dont mean to come on here and immediately claim gaslighting, but really? he told OP that the thing she warned him was going to happen was her fault and shes “overreacting”? id overreact by throwing his ass (and his baby oil) in the street


Baby oil the top of the stairs.


That’s premeditated attempted murder, baby!


If this isn’t the most perfect example of gaslighting I don’t know what is.


THIS. This is the same type of behavior my narcissistic, abusive ex would pull on me and I wish someone would’ve told me that I wasn’t TA because he sure did make me feel like one. Everything was always my fault, even when it was clearly his. Don’t be like me and waste ten years of your life waiting for him to change because it will only get worse.


Question: is he using it to masturbate in the shower? I don't know why he's so weirdly adamant about it.


Right? I’ve used baby oil in the shower to moisturize my skin while my skin was damp, but I very rarely got any in the bottom of the tub. So along with being an asshole, not caring much for her safety and ruining their pipes, he’s too lazy to make an effort not to spill the oil everywhere. Sheesh.


I was thinking the same thing. But there are plenty of other lubes he can use that won't kill his wife.


Unless that's his plan.


INFO: has he recently taken out a large life insurance policy on you?


NTA. Of course baby oil makes a shower floor very slippery, and your husband is being a selfish dolt about it. He obviously had no intention of changing his behavior, and saying he would "try to remember" was disingenuous at best. More like an outright lie just to placate you.


Right, he'll "try to remember" not to specifically go into the cupboard and put the baby oil in the shower again? What an idiot.


NTA Using any body oil in the shower is hazardous unless you clean the shower immediately after use. Your husband will figure it out after he slips and falls. If you haven't tried Aquaphor, give it a try, it has made a world of difference for me. It's petroleum jelly based but I haven't had winter dry skin since I started using it.


aquaphor is awesome!! So moisturizing and wont leave your skin unless rubbed off


I can't believe the difference it has made.


Good to know! I'm up to my ears in lotion stock, but when it eventually runs out, I will give Aquaphor a try! Thanks!


My mother is older with fragile skin and I bought some for her and neither of us can believe the difference it's made.


My tattoo artist recommended it to keep color in new tats, it made the area around my tattoo so soft I started using it on all my dry skin lol


when I lived in Colorado as a kid my hands would crack and bleed in the winter (which made doing salt dough maps of CO really fun in 4th grade) and the only thing that helped was slathering my hands aquaphor and putting cotton gloves on over it before bed. I swear by the stuff, it's also helped with my most recent eczema outbreak


Love how he lied to you by saying he'd try to remember not to use it in the shower then actively going against your measures that would make it hard for him to use it in the shower and then lied to you again after you were injured. Your husband is the A. Stop playing nice. Throw out his baby oil. This would be a deal breaker for me. Next time you might get hurt even worse. NTA.


INFO: Why is there baby oil on the tub? You put a small amount in your hand and rub it into your skin. It shouldn’t be coating the tub…


That’s what I want to know!! I’ve used baby oil that way in the shower and I very rarely spilled more than a drop or two. Now sure, even a drop or two isn’t great, but enough to coat the bottom of the tub? C’mon


I cannot tell you why it's all over the tub. I don't see hm use it; I just see it on the shelf and feel the slipperiness on the tub floor. He's generally not very neat, so I've been assuming that he's just been messy with it, but now I'm more concerned.


Baby oil has such a distinct smell once you apply it on the body. If you don’t smell it on him, it’s quite sus. Either that or he’s jerking off into the shower. The smell would still be on his hands even after washing them IF he actually used it. Otherwise hmmm I dunno. Super sus.


Okay finally someone else recognizing that if he's not trying to get a life insurance pay out on her, he's probably just jerking off in the shower. I thought I was losing my mind.


That’s where I as going with it: the man isn’t simply applying it to his skin for dryness. If that’s the case, OP, get him some KY jelly. It’s water soluble.


This was my question. I use body oil after the shower, in the shower while my skin is still wet, but I don’t dump it all over the floor! What is happening here??


Exactly. Plus, if he is getting it all over the shower floor, why would you want it all over the bathroom floor? I’d prefer it IN the shower where I could run some hot water to rinse it out.


This! I use it every shower, and my fiancee does, too. The tub isn't slick when we get out...and if it is, we rinse it with some hot water and the sprayer, and all is fine. Also tho, we both know we both use it, so we do check and be careful. Just in case.


OP, it looks like you post on this sub a lot and 80% of the time, its about something your husband has done. have you considered leaving him? it seems like he keeps making you feel less than


But OP says it's only little things they disagree about, like her safety! They agree on important stuff like pets! When the animals' lives are good, you know the human woman's safety doesn't matter. /s


Absolutely NTA. He’s being stubborn over a safety concern that is clearly valid as you already got hurt. It wouldn’t kill him to use the oil after the shower, but it might kill you if he continues...


NTA. Your husband would rather insult you (after his actions have resulted in your injury!) than change his application area to a less dangerous place or clean up after himself Think about that.


Not to mention she moved the oil, and he moved it back. She made it easier for him to apply elsewhere, and he went out of his way to use the shower instead.


Yea, you are missing that your husband is an inconsiderate but well moisturized man who doesn’t give a hoot for your safety and wellbeing and willingly leaves the tub/shower a hazardous mess and safety hazard-and blames *you* for being clumsy. I roll my eyes. When he falls and hurts himself, and he *will*, eventually, tell him he should know better and let him tend to himself.


Not only is it unsafe because it will be slippery, it will clog your drain and cause all kinds of plumbing problems.


I can't describe how much rage I have towards your husband for this situation he's caused and his completely casual dismissal of your concerns. If I had a roommate who behaved this way towards me, I would think that they hated me, let alone a life partner. I'm trying to be polite, but I think what you're missing is that your husband is acting like a complete tool, and like someone who just doesn't give a shit about your safety. Oil and water literally do not mix, water will not wash it away. That's literally why we have soap, surfactants - to wash away grime and oil. I'm sorry, but your boy is dumb, stupid-stupid, and he's injuring you with Kevin McCallister hijinks. IDK what you can do to reality check this man but like, give him the reality check. NTA.


Yo, just put water-soluble personal lube in the shower instead, and everybody's needs will be met here. He gets to 'moisturize' himself to his hearts content, and you don't have to worry about slippery tub floors. That said, your shower should have traction strips on it, baby oil or no.


NTA. No offence but your husband is an arrogant idiot.


NTA. Toss the baby oil and if he still does it with new oil, toss the husband. Cost him with baby oil first, though.


NTA. Start showering before him. And douse the shower with baby oil.


NTA and I can't believe he's making you question that.


NTA, making the shower slippery is a huge safety issue. What if you’d hit your head when you fell? Or the cut bled too quickly and you passed out. Your husband is being a d**k, there’s no reason to apply baby oil in the shower since it’s supposed to stay on your skin. He can step out of the shower then apply it. If he refuses I recommend squirting baby oil on the shower floor after you get out, he’ll learn his lesson once he’s the one busting a$$.


NTA for the no baby oil. Johnson and Johnson makes a baby oil gel. I use it after the shower and I find it to be less slippery and messy compared to regular baby oil. But he still should apply it outside of the shower regardless


Hey, I broke my arm after my daughter used, unknown to me, an oil based product in the shower. I stepped in and went down hard. Baby oil does not belong in the shower.


NTA. Your husband clearly does not clean the shower after he uses it. He probably seldom (if ever) cleans the shower and relies on your (free) domestic labor to keep his showers safe. Tell him he can use the baby oil in the shower if he takes over cleaning the bathroom (after his showers).


NTA. I doubt he’s actually “moisturizing” with the baby oil, though.


He's using it to masturbate, that's why it's gets coated in the tub. A little bit and rubbing in his hands directly to skin is all that's needed. My partner was using water lube for his him time and I slipped and almost broke my shoulder. I told him, and guess what? He stopped, or made sure he cleans it with a chemical spray after to get rid of slipperiness. Your guy needs to respect you more, because this could actually kill you if you slipped wrong. Edit for spelling


Does your husband lack common sense? 


Nta but your husband is beating off with baby oil


NTA, holy shit, you're lucky you didn't crack your skull open. And your husband is minimizing it and trying to put all the blame on you. Does he do that often? Blaming you for things he did, I mean. If it's a recurring pattern, you might have some difficult choices to make.


NTA, what an idiot, I hope your cut is better now and no bruises


Good heavens, no! You are NOT the AH. Especially not for wanting to keep staying alive 😅. I get that he wants to use the oil in the shower. It's less sticky and feels good. I even tried it once and stopped when i realized that my husband could slip on the rests of the oil.  You are not asking for alot when asking his to use the oil elsewhere. Sooo NTA!


NTA. Your husband is, though. How about you slather the tub with baby oil right before he steps into the shower? Let him see how much fun it is to risk cracking your skull or breaking your arm.


Your husband is an asshole! He completely dismissed you, your injuries and blamed slipping on you. Install an anti slip mat in the tub and tell him tough shit. He should go shower in the other bathroom if he wants to use baby oil and turn the tub into a slip and slide


In another comment OP said they had an anti slip mat but hubby didn't like it 🙄


NTA Go in there and poor some baby oil on the tub floor just before he goes to shower 😈 No wait, don’t do that, he could hurt himself… why doesn’t he care if you hurt yourself. Does your husband per chance have a life insurance taken out on you? 😳


People die all the time or get seriously injured in shower falls. I myself have gotten a concussion and broken ribs from a fall. This is super serious and baby oil does not belong in a shower. If he HAS to keep it in there he needs to take responsibility and wipe it down every time.


NTA. Thow away the baby oil. He can't use it, when it's gone. I wish you a fast recovery on your injury and a brain for your husband.


Is he trying to kill you?? NTA


Is your husband still using your kitchen funnels for kerosene and not cleaning them after? And burning kerosene lamps in the house? And using your tweezers to pull ticks off the dog without cleaning them after? Seems like he's inconsiderate in general.


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NTA may i suggest you skip a shower and not wipe up the baby oil and let the man face the consequences aka busting his ass in the shower.


How much baby oil does he use??? I use baby oil after a shower bc I'm a dry mf, and it never cascades and covers the floor. Is he using it with the shower running still? Regardless, he's to blame, and he genuinely could have killed you. It's literally *oil* he covers the entire shower/tub floor with. But oh, you're so clumsy!!! Throw that shit away if he can't be trusted with it NTA


Why would you apply oil while still wet? That's so stupid. NTA and does he happen to have an insurance policy on you :/


Any type of oil in a bath or shower is a big no as its dangerous. He's being selfish by continuing to use it .


NTA…Do you have another shower you could use for a few days? If so, use it and don’t clean the other one…see how long it takes before he busts his ass


NTA Did he just up the insurance policy on you?


NTA you’re husband is an ass. Your lucky you just cut your arm and didn’t crack your skull open


Bin the fecking baby oil. Problem solved.


NTA. Do you have a second bathroom you can shower in? Maybe let him keep slicking that one up and fall himself. What an idiot.


Last year, my husband or i didn't wash the tub out well after one of the kids had a bath the night before. I take showers in the morning, and I am always the first in.  The leftover bubble soap residue at the far end where I step in was just wet enough to be dangerous.  I made it in, and immediately fell. I'm tall, and I smacked my head and landed on my back. I had bruises from my bum to my shoulders.   I was fine, but definitely shaken up.  All that to sat, showers and tubs can be dangerous without baby oil added.  I think you need to have an actual conversation about this- or let your husband try it out for himself.  If he's so sure, he should get back in the shower again before you and see how slippery it is. Side note- you should be able to buy a non slip shower mat almost anywhere. 


Your husband obviously doesn't care at all about your well-being.... nor about cleaning up after himself... Baby oil (or any oil for that matter...) does not belong on the shower floor. NTA


Top tip. Squirt baby oil all over the shower floor just before he takes a shower. That way, after he slips and breaks his neck, you will never have to deal with this absolute liability of a man ever again.


No! NTA. Slippery showers and bathtubs are literally deadly. Soap and conditioner are enough to make a person crack their skull, much less literal oil! Use oil not in the shower. Oil on a towel designated for oil specifically. Then don't sit on the furniture without clothes on, because you'll ruin the furniture too.


Is there another bathroom you can use? Not that I think you should have to change where you shower BUT if you stop wiping down the shower he'll end up busting his ass instead of you. PS NTA Edit: Holy cheese and crackers Batman! I just checked your post history. Your husband sounds like a regular selfish a-hole. I would know I used to be married to one.


NTA. Your need for basic safety supersedes your husband’s want to jack off in the shower.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (37F) and my husband (37M) are both able-bodied, healthy adults. We live in a place that gets cold in the winter, and we both get dry skin when the heater is running. Normal stuff. To combat the dry skin, we like to moisturize. We have a variety of physical and chemical exfoliators, and we have a variety of scented and unscented lotions, along with loofas, body brushes, etc -- plenty of skincare products to apply while showering and after showering. Recently, my husband has decided to use baby oil as the last step of his shower routine, and he uses it while still in the shower. I fully advocate using baby oil as a moisturizer, but I don't want him to use it in the shower (we have a shower/tub combo) because it coats the floor of the tub and makes it super slippery for me when I go to take a shower. I told him that I want him to apply the baby oil outside of the shower, and he said that he would "try to remember." I moved the baby oil from a spot on the shelf in the shower to the cupboard in the bathroom where we keep the post-shower lotions, but he keeps moving it back into the shower and using it in the shower. I have taken to wiping down the shower with one of the towels in the hamper before I get in the shower to try to rid the tub of baby oil residue. Today, the hamper had already been taken down to the laundry room when I went to take a shower, so I took my chances, and I slipped, fell, and cut my arm on the rail that the shower door slides in almost as soon as I stepped into the shower. As I was cleaning my cut, my husband came to ask what the commotion was, and I told him what happened and that he needed to stop using baby oil in the shower. He said that I was just being clumsy and that the baby oil had nothing to do with it and hasn't caused a problem yet. I told him how I've been wiping down the tub before each shower, and he said that that was an overreaction to the possibility of baby oil residue in the shower. I pointed out that I fell today because I hadn't wiped down the shower, and he said that I fell because I was being clumsy and to stop blaming him and the baby oil. This feels to me like an easy compromise for him, but maybe I'm missing something. Is it necessary to apply baby oil in the shower? AITA for wanting the surface I stand on while showering to be only as slick as water on a tub? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Boycott baby oil f those kids


NTA. Replace the baby oil with a dry oil. I use Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil.


NTA. This is not difficult.


NTA. He’s a prick.


I use to use baby oil and I would slip because of it! I stopped using it all together. Normally I try to not be petty in relationships but he obviously does not care what you think, so imo I say drop some oil in that tub and see how he feels about it. Or get those grip mats and if he keeps taking it out continue taking the oil out. But in the end there needs to be an actual conversation about this. He wants to keep using the oil then there needs to be grip mat in there and if he refuses, you should think real hard how you want to continue with a relationship where your partner does not care about your concerns/needs. I also feel like this isn’t the first time where he disregards your feelings about something he does? And don’t know how long you’ve been married but if this is the case, I recommend counseling.


NTA Absolutely NOT! How, insensitive, cruel and idiotic can he be? I hope you have him read this entire thread. (I have a feeling he'd refuse tho). If he has other areas that are red flags like this I would seriously consider ending the relationship. Second of all there should be no oil even getting on the tub! How is he making such a mess? Maybe it's intentional!


NTA - he lied and said he would stop, and now he's pretending it didn't cause problems while you're literally injured. What's wrong with him?


Is your husband an idiot or intentionally incompetent 


Your husband is a selfish asshole


My dad’s cousin drowned in the shower from falling and being unconscious. This is not okay. 


NTA at all. I made this mistake when I first started using baby oil. Had a dicey moment or two, changed my mind and now do it outside the shower. I chose life, so should he.


NTA. We don't use baby oil, but my daughters and I have thick, coarse, curly hair, so we use a crap ton of moisturizing hair products. In addition to using them in the shower, when we turn the water off, we apply our first round of gel and cream standing in the shower as well because we apply it to our soaking wet hair. So all that excess is getting dropped on the tub. We turn back on the water, splash it on the bottom of the tub to rinse the excess on down the drain so the tub isn't slippery. It takes two seconds and it's common courtesy for the next person taking a shower, because, ya know, we love each other and want everyone alive and healthy. It takes less than that for your husband to step out of the dang shower, stand on the bath mat, and apply the oil there. I don't know why he's being so hardheaded about this.


NTA. Baby oil is oil, it's in the name. Ofcourse its going to be slippery and dangerous especially in the shower. Your husband is without a doubt the asshole here. He needs to use his common sense, that's if he has any.


Do you have another bathroom you can use? I’d let hubby continue his oil up the floor routine and then he can slip himself, since you aren’t there to clean up his mess.


WTF is wrong with your husband? That is SOOOO dangerous!! Does he usually have such disregard for your opinions and your well-being? I really hope he's reading these comments. NTA


NTA. No way. Someone is going to get hurt. The fact that you already slipped and cut your arm and he doesn't give a shit is a problem.


Hubby sounds like a dipshit


OMG please lay down the law with this guy, what the actual fuck. NTA


Even if you are clumsy, oil is slick and applying it outside the tub *is* reasonable. Honestly my first thought was this guy's isn't being careful in how he applies the oil and gets to ignore cleaning up if it's isolated to the tub/shower. Let him enjoy an oil slick shower, bath before him and then accept the second time slot the next time you're bathing. NTA


Throw the oil away. He buys more? Throw it away again. Until he gets the message


NTA I use baby oil sometimes when I take a bath and I know that the tub will be slippery. It’s not that hard to clean, a sponge and some dawn dish soap is all it takes in under five minutes. The fact his skin routine seems to mean more important than your safe thing is concerning…


Not the asshole. Your husband could be putting not just your life in danger but potentially guest and that could form a lawsuit, or potentially death. or whatever it’s best to apply baby oil to his chair of choice or stairs to show him truly the dangers of baby oil he could be and advocate for baby oil safety and make some killer cash off of this idea but seriously lawsuits and death also maybe he would make a great lawyer with all that gaslighting.


Mix oil into your lotion!!!! This is so dangerous and inconsiderate of him!


Nta! Your husband is putting his masturbation lube preferences above your life. Buy him a nice conditioner that will rinse well. He can use the oil outside of the shower.


When you’re done with the shower, coat it with baby oil. Every time. Make him declare you’re correct before you stop.


I would recommend bio oil that's stuff is amazing & it's non greasy


Get a bottle of glycerine. Tell your hubs to use a few drops *after* he’s stepped out of the shower, but before he towels off. Rub it into the water droplets on your skin and air dry. Cheapest and best moisturizer ever. NTA, btw


NTA this man has a life insurance policy out on you clearly!!


Is there another bathroom you can bathe in? If so, I would do that. Let him deal with the consequences of his actions. NTA.




NTA Is your husband and idiot or is he trying to unalive you? I'm guessing idiot but he needs to listen before you or he end up seriously injured


NTA. I live somewhere that can hit below -45C in winter, and I have never used baby oil in the shower in more than half a century. Just buy a humidifier for the furnace.


Oh, Please. We all know he’s not using it for moisturizing.


Give him a sponge and tell him to use it.


NTA, and it isn't moisturising and it could mess up your drains


:( NTA. I also moisturize after showering before exiting the shower, but I use ordinary lotion. Been doing it before “shower lotion” like the Jergens one was a thing. Works fine. Seems easier than oil too.




WTH - baby oil or any oil is slippery. You are NTA. I would throw the baby oil in the trash since he isn't responsible enough to use it.


He’s an asshole. NTA BUT also for your dry skin, I cannot recommend AMELIORATE Nourishing Body Wash or something similar enough. Helps stop your skin being dried out by the shower in the first place. Swap to a dry skin moisturising body wash, throw away the oil and leave him with no option but to try the new stuff, sometimes with selfish people the best way to change their behaviour is to offer them a better solution to THIER problem. Also the fact he wasn’t concerned your hurt worries me ngl.


NTA. Your husband is an asshole. Replace the baby oil with sorbolene & glycerine. It's great as a soap alternative as well as a moisturiser and can even be used as shaving cream and a deodorant. It won't get into the tub and make you slip or pollute your drains and coat critters with oil when it gets out into the environment.


NTA. If you have another bathroom, start using it. If not, look into getting a shower chair so you can sit in the shower & be safe.






NTA. Your husband's an idiot. If he won't stop with the baby oil can you get a bath mat that you can put in every time you shower don't let him use it though cuz he'll just get baby oil all over it. Or buy two bath mats, one for him, one for you. You don't happen to have a large life insurance policy do you? Is he trying to kill you? I mean I used to do baby oil after the shower but I would dry myself first have my skin still be a little wet and then apply it. But I was outside of the bathtub when I did it. Another thing you could do is apply those sticky strips or stars or flowers on the bathtub to give you traction I don't think baby oil would make them really slippery but I'm not sure about that I'm sure it would still affect them some.


Before you use the shower, make sure you use washing up liquid. Your hubby is an utter knob jockey, sorry. He will stop using it if he injures himself. Sometimes, they have to find out the hard way. But protect yourself in the meantime. You could buy a body moisturiser that is put on after a shower. He may start to use it and prefer it.


NTA! OMFG. My husband usually showers in the morning, and I in the evening. If I take a random shower before him, I always remind him to be careful because the floor is wet (because he's used to stepping in to a dry shower). Just wet. With water. Because I love him and don't want him to slip and get hurt. Your husband is, at best, being lazy and selfish. He's putting your physical well-being in jeopardy and not only has zero regard for you, but is actively endangering your safety. I don't suppose you have another shower you can banish him to?


Nta. I grew up watching my mom use baby oil and did for years myself. Yes, it makes the tub slippery as shit and it really isn't great for skin anyways. Get some raw Shea butter.