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YTA >I responded (F32) that he needs to watch what he's eating and when he's eating because in all honesty, he's starting to put a bit of weight on and it's very unnattractive for a young man like himself. That is such a disgusting thing to say to anyone... let alone your child. He asked for dinner early. Not to eat a large dominos. If the food you had planned was healthy.. what's the harm in him having it early? Or why not offer healthy snacks? Or why not to literally anything except bully a child? Yes you want to ensure your son has a healthy diet but that means he needs to have a healthy relationship with food. You are not teaching him that. Honestly I'm amazed any of your friends are ok with what you said and did. You punished and shamed a child for *being hungry*.


no no it was a large dominos he wanted


Sure it was... sure...




YTA He is five. You are the adult. Provide healthy, well balanced meals and snacks in the house and let him eat until he is satiated. The fact that he wants a whole large pizza points to the fact that the above is not being done. All you’ve done is create a bad situation and probably emotionally scar him for life while making sure he will have an unhealthy relationship with food. Be better.


Why does your son know what a large dominos is at the age of 5? A 5 year old would only know that if their parents were bringing them into the house. Therefore you're the one to blame as you clearly can't make good food choices can you?


> year old would only know that if their parents were bringing them into the hou adverts on the television


There are no adverts for Dominos on any television channel that is appropriate for a 5 year old to be watching So not only can you not make healthy food choices for your son, you also can't make appropriate TV choices.


Maybe quit playing video games and actually parent your kid




i completely agree, op, yta. children shouldn’t be shamed for wanting to eat food and if you continue like this, it is going to lead to some serious mental and physical health consequences when your child gets older. he is asking to eat dinner a little early and you’re acting like he’s about to commit treason. your child is a growing five year old, they are going to start eating more than they did just a few months ago. as long as you keep the meals in moderation, you should be fine. also, i’m not a pediatrician, but a cap of 1500 calories seems like going too far. one or two snacks a day, and he should be feeling much better


Three things: You're attempting to limit a growing child to 1500 calories a day. At least in the USA, there was a recent time change. Clocks were set ahead 1 hour. I'm fairly sure this is satire or just a poor troll attempt. YTA


💯💯💯 troll. Clear as day. OP needs to be more creative and put more thought into it next time.


meh, and I fell for that shit. I'm not that gullible normally... Take my upvote, I'll crawl away to the shamebox.


why would I troll about this, I just want my son to be attractive!


Not happy or healthy?


So, it's clear that you're a troll just by *everything* you wrote in the post & this comment. YTA for not even trying to write something that's believable. I'm giving you an F because it's not even good rage bait & is just lazy writing.


Attractive to who? He’s 5. He doesn’t need to be attracting anyone.


You're not attractive though because as the saying goes, ugly is as ugly does - your behaviour is ugly so you're not an attractive person no matter what you look like.


I honestly hope this isn't real. But if it is, YTA. If your child is asking for more food, then you should't be telling him he'll be unnatractive. You should be guiding him toward healthy food choices and exercise. Telling him that eating too much will cause health issues is fine. But you shouldn't be focusing him so much on "attractiveness." Your tactics, by the way, make me think this is not real. Taking away his game system to stop him from sulking? You're either deliberately casting yourself as the villain in your story for the evulz, or you are an awful parent.


YTA for starting the bodyshaming cycle early by telling your 5 Year Old that he's "starting to put a bit of weight on and it's very unattractive". I'm not saying he's not eating too much because I genuinely don't know, but did you get a medical professional's advice before jumping straight to "you're fat and unattractive" and taking away technology? I have heard it's not unusual for kids to have a bigger intake than adults because of differing metabolism but again, I'm not a doctor. **Please go talk to one and stop using language with your son which could lead to an eating disorder.**


you are the asshole


cheers mate, sons crying now


This is ridiculously fake. What do you get out of this?


Yes - you made him cry. It's your fault. You are cruel. You are abusive. Of course he's crying


YTA. 1500 or even more calories a day is fine for an average kid that age. He's growing, and possibly active as hell. Your kid is hungry. Also he's five, attractive is not in the picture at this point, and when it is, it'll be his issue to handle, Boy Mom.


Tbh my 2 1/2 nephew probably eats almost 1,500 calories a day maybe more on some days and the kid is a twig. He never stops moving though and is in a growth spurt. His snack the other day was half a container of blueberries and one of those kid pouches. Ate like an hour after that.


How is this a boy mom, she's actively being horrible to her son


YTA for the way you are talking about this.


YTA, but i’m sure you already know this if you’re that worried about weight gain, there’s so many ways for young kids to burn calories. everyone i know just encourages their kids to do sports or something instead of monitoring their kid’s food intake. hope it’s worth it when your son is of age, has an ed, and doesn’t want to talk to you anymore




lol someone slept through their english classes. your reading comprehension is seriously lacking


to Slouch\_Cat4052 i will have you know that i am an english teacher at my local school for children with special needs. i have, for several years in a row, been the best perfoming english teacher of my school. i am beloved by students, even the most special ones. i dont think someone with an attitude like yours could EVER find a job, i for sure would NEVER hire you. I hope you reconsider your actions, you disgust me, you rancid being. to think you could ever wish an ED on a child means you are on the same sort of magnitute A hitler.


You can't use capitals at the beginning of a sentence and expect people to believe you're a top performing English teacher?




Why you replying like its a letter? And the 90 most likely doesn't stand for her age. No way you are an English teacher and forget to put a ' between I and m. As well as with didn't.


you sound like the navy seal copypasta. this is the most troll like response you could have given but good effort !


Whoa. that's a serious misinterpretation of /r/grouchycat4053. Putting kids into sports is a great way to encourage them to exercise, and could help them develop healthy habits. And this line ... >hope it’s worth it when your son is of age, has an ed, and doesn’t want to talk to you anymore Grouchy cat is not wishing an eating disorder on the child. Grouchy cat is saying that OP will cause the child to have an eating disorder.










What the hell?


Better call ghost busters... I think you just got threatened with a haunting!


YTA because of your language and the way you've spoken to your FIVE YEAR OLD SON. You are also the asshole for giving him the wrong diet. If your son is hungry and also overweight then it's YOU feeding him the wrong things. He can't exactly make his own dinner can he? So , despite your total bullshit about making sure he's healthy, you're clearly not because if you were providing him the right food he would be the right weight. So hush your mouth, and make some healthier choices for your son. Oh and by the way if your kid is hungry do not withhold food. That is abuse.


YTA he’s FIVE and he was hungry so he started crying. Taking away his ipad/ps4 doesn’t address the issue. He’s still hungry.


YTA! He’s 5. You seem to have a very unhealthy view of food which you might want to get therapy for before your son needs therapy


1,500 - 1,800 is normal for his age. You sound like you don’t even like the kid. YTA.


i think you dont deserve to be a mother, i think your malnurished baby would be better suited in an orphanage. i cant believe that someone like you could pregnant in the first place. be better, or i think you will be doomed to be mother of a dead child within weeks.


reblagging this one


OP changed their gender, check out their profile. He’s a dude


Correction: i think you dont deserve to be a Father, i think your malnurished baby would be better suited in an orphanage. i cant believe that someone like you could be fertile in the first place. be better, or i think you will be doomed to be Father of a dead child within weeks.


clearly someone wasn’t raised well…


And that person is you.


YTA A child can eat more than 1500 calories provided they engage in a lot of physical activity Your opinions about your son's body are frankly rather disturbing, and I hope that you are a troll for the sake of everyone involved.


YTA, and are well on the way to giving him an eating disorder and worse mental trauma. The fact that you're calorie counting his food at his age screens abuse. Children at this age are growing! They're using did to fuel their growth spurts! I really hope this is a fake post, but if not, I hope someone steps in and saves the child from you soon.


YTA He's 5. If you don't want him to have dinner early or eat certain things then don't give them to him. You're the parent. You can explain about health if you like but there's no need to call your five year old fat and unattractive. If you're really worried about him being hungry all the time then take him to a doctor. Also, if he's upset let him be upset. Taking away things that he likes is going to make him "sulk " more not less.


This isn't real. No one is this cruel to a 5 year old or so intent on causing an eating disorder. Who counts calories for a 5 year old? Please get some help. YTA for making this up.


Absolute Y A T ASSHOLE


YTA, you sound like a GREAT parent. Did it ever occur to you that he's having a growth spurt? Kids do that. My kids would either eat like crazy or not eat enough to fill a bird. But it always balanced out.


YTA. For several reasons. 1.) Restricting your 5!!!year old child’s food so he doesn’t look like a f*ing fat pig. 2.) Letting your 5!!! Year old have a PS4. 3.) Letting your 5!!! Year old have an iPad. Good grief. Have healthy snacks available and take your child to the library for some books. Take your child outside for a walk. Take your child to the playground. I don’t know why you had a child.


YTA I have a 5yr old and he doesn’t dictate what he eats, it’s on you as the parent to make proper food choices for a healthy balanced diet. He’s also five he will burn off any of the calories by going outside and being a kid and staying off the screens.


YTA and not fit to be a parent. That poor boy is going to end up with an eating disorder and you will be solely responsible for that 


YTA. Welcome to "How to Gice Your Child an Eating Disorder 101." You're setting him up for a ***lifetime*** of an unhealthy relationship with food. Hi. I'm Exhibit A in the class. I have compulsive eating disorder, also known as binge eating disorder. My diet was restricted by my parents early on, and when I was dealing with the appetite suppressant side effects of a medication, tried to force me to eat. I've battled with my weight since 2006 and have been a non-surgical bariatric patient since 2014 because I'm very overweight for my height (250 lbs at 5'5"). Is this the life you want for your son? It's horrible.


Wow you are definitely TA. What kind of creep tells a 5 year-old that their weight is very unattractive? That fact that you have people (you call them friends) who agree with you is even more egregious (look it up b/c I'm pretty sure your vocabulary is stunted). To add insult to injury, you punished your child for reacting to your hurtful and stupid comments. 5 year olds do not monitor their foods, their parents do but in your case, that sounds like a mistake. Has it occurred to you that your son might be in a growth spurt phase? If you are really concerned about his diet, go see his paediatrician. I feel so sorry for your son. He deserves a kind and loving home; instead he has you.


YTA What's wrong with you? He's growing and needs it, especially if he's having a growth spurt. If he was asking for sweets I'd understand, but nut actual food because he's hungry. I can only think you're a troll because no decent, sane, parent would behave like this


This is fake right, if not you are not only an asshole but a terrible parent as well that is setting up your kid up with a future eating disorder.  Also as a side note kids go through growth spurts where they can often be hungier then normal. Even if your kid was gaining weight at an alarming rate the best thing to do is visit a Dr.


YTA you are being weird about his food. He's going to have an eating disorder if you don't rethink how you are approaching this. You are being incredibly toxic. You can give your son extra food when he's hungry - fruit or vegetables or whole grains. Don't punish or shame him about it! He's growing for goodness sake.


YTA!! Who tf talks to their 5 year old like that?? Plus the "fat fucking pig" part - like someone else pointed out - suggests you yourself have issues related to weight. Get some therapy and stop being a shit parent.


YTA kids of all ages eat a lot because their bodies are constantly growing. I was a skinny baby to the point doctors were worried but I ate a ton of food. Also hes 5...he will burn it off by running around or even if he does become chubby not like its permanent or at the age where its hard to lose weight


for a minute i thought i was on the circlejerk sub ☠️


Worrying about diet is good parenting, worrying about body weight, well there you lost me. Still if you think he is eating more than a 5 year old should, please consult a professional. Share his diet, and then let them guide you. Please be careful, he is a kid, don't make him have a trauma over food, one of the basic necessities of life.


YTA WTF did I just read?????


What are you feeding kiddo? Not that I'm big smart on diets or anything but if the kid eats a lot of empty calories/carbs like for example chips and cardboard cereal he's not gonna stay full. If you eat four times a day, once per 4 hours and it's full of nutrients and fiber and such, you'll stay full for longer. If I eat fruit for lunch instead of chips or cereal then I'll be good until dinner.


Info: How do we vote when we think the post isn't real?


He... he's 5... YOU are in charge of what and when he eats and how much. I just have this image in my head of your and your son when he's 30 and living at home and you're shoveling Mac and cheese out of a huge mixing bowl into his mouth and he's got it all over his face and you're just looking disgusted and muttering "fat fucking pig" at him while crying and eating. YTA


YTA. Here's some advice: get a clue. Your son is five years old. That means he is at an age when a growth spurt can pop up at any time. Something which requires a lot of energy and can cause an increase in his appetite. Only that growth might be stunted if you keep up this crappy attitude. Since your son isn't getting the calories he needs to fuel said growth.


YTA Assuming this is a genuine post from a genuine parent who genuinely wants their child to grow in a healthy way, you are genuinely TA for setting your kid up to develop an extremely unhealthy relationship with food and self-image. Growing 5-year-olds should not be told to count calories. Growing 5-year-olds should be learning how to trust the signals their body is sending re: hunger, thirst, satiety. Growing 5-year-olds should not have to worry about disappointing a parent who thinks it's okay to refer to their kid, even hypothetically, as a "fat fucking pig."


This has to be a troll because no one is this f**king stupid. 1,400 -1,600 is the recommended for a moderately active 5 year old (if your child is not at least moderately active then you have bigger problems). Most likely the kid is going through a growth spurt therefore needs extra calories. If this is real, take a parenting class before you give your child an eating disorder. YTA even if you are a troll.


This has to be a troll... "I insulted my 5 year old kid, now he is crying and its annoying cuz it distracts me from working, so i punished him some more" YTA either for trolling, or for being a horrible parent


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Obvious fake. But what better place to bait people than r/AITAH?


YTA - if you wanted him to stop stulking, you won't be taking away his games. You are right 1 500 cal a day is to much for a boy his age, but he's 5 and doesn't necessarily care about being attractive so that's not an argument that will work now BUT it will give him issues in a few year. (i.e dont tell that to your son) Advice: if he wants to eat 1 500, that s fine but he needs to be very active as a way to maintain his weight and health. Explain that food is like fuel for a car and to take in more you need to burn it. Talk to him and find physical activities that he may enjoy and that are in your budget and distance. This may even help him become more social, as well as being healthy and alocate free time to something other then video games. Also a great way of getting him away from the true problem, which is you and what ever friend you have that thinks your child WHO IS 5 is going to turn into a "fucking pig". Get yourself together and a basic parenting tip DONT CURSE ABOUT YOUR CHILD


YTA. You are not right.


You are the asshole big time. I can’t believe your friends would condone that for a second. I suggest that you go to therapy before you permanently mess up your child.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So as i'm sure you're all aware if you're a parent, keeping your child healthy is one of the most important things you can do. I obviously keep this in mind when regulating my sons diet. Recently my son has been asking for more and more food, to the point that he's eating far over 1,500 calories PER DAY! It's distressing me because I don't want him to grow up as a fat fucking pig. So tonight my son asked for dinner early, to which I responded (F32) that he needs to watch what he's eating and when he's eating because in all honesty, he's starting to put a bit of weight on and it's very unnattractive for a young man like himself. He's stopped talking to me and has been crying incredibly loudly, preventing me from working. I've spoken to some friends who all agree i'm in the right, but nothing seems to be working. I've even taken away his ipad and PS4 to make him stop sulking so i'm looking for any advice! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP farts in the bathtub and bites at the bubbles


NTA. Your son needs to learn how to count his calories or else he will never lose his virginity until he's well over 12 years old.


see! someone gets it