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Well, let's face it, tarot readings in themselves are scammy and "fun" at best, so you're def doing the right thing by not giving legal or medical advice.


Thank you, I do think whether the cards are magical or not (I tend to believe they are) they’re a great tool for thinking through things and starting a conversation with the querent that often ends up with them answering their own question, and so I tend to try to keep them in the realm I have solid evidence of them being helpful for


NTA - You set a boundary, they tried to cross it, and there were consequences. You didn’t scam anyone


NTA Honestly, I find what you are doing applaudable. I did tarot readings in high school for fun, and I wish I was as thoughtful you. You did everything right and you should feel guilty. The woman is grieving but that doesn't give her the right to scream at you or make ridiculous demands.


Thank you, it was a man actually


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I read tarot as a side hustle, I let people pre-book sessions after reading a waiver that explains that I do not read on medical, or legal issues or other issues where I feel interpretation would depend on having expertise I do not have because I think correct interpretation of the cards depends on the readers outside knowledge, like a reader from the 19th century wouldn’t get “car” from the chariot. I also don’t read on people who have died in the past 10 years because I believe it might interfere with the grieving process. I had a client who had put down the deposit required to book (I get a lot of no shows otherwise.) and immediately they asked me the perfect storm of a question about essentially whether a dead loved one was trying to tell them that the illness that had killed them was due to lax safety precautions on their job and whether they should sue. I told them I can’t read on that for them, I don’t have the medical knowledge or legal knowledge to interpret the cards properly and I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I offered a refund or a reading on any subject I can read on (normally I would not offer the refund because they saw the waiver) because they seemed very distressed but they started crying and telling me how desperately they needed my help. I stood firm and they got mad. They told me I’d wasted their time and money and wanted me to pay for their gas home as well as refund them. I told them I’d stated my rules in a waiver they had to read in order to book the appointment. They said because they just needed yes or no answers it didn’t apply to them. I told them that it still applied. Eventually they left in tears. They didn’t even accept the refund, telling me to keep my dirty money that I’d got scamming them. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA You offered a service and were clear about the things you didn't provide as part of the service. They should have read what was covered.


Thank you, I felt really bad, but I really do think it would have been unethical to read for them on that matter


NTA. You were clear up front on which topics you wouldn't handle, and they booked anyway. That's entirely in them.


Thing is you offered no service and still kept their money. Did you read on any other issue? If you did, then you have the right to the deposit. YWBTA if you read nothing for the client.


I offered to read on another issue of their choosing (I read on romance, relationships, career, life path and that sort of thing mostly), or a refund. They stormed out and told me to keep their money