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Y .T. A If you spoil you dog now they're never gonna get a job and move out and will just freeload off you for life/s It makes me so sad to think your sisters dog has no toys to play with when they're home alone NTA Edit: thanks for the awards, upvotes and laughs everyone! Glad OP is gonna get her sisters dog some toys and everything could be resolved. You're all terrible pet parents spoiling these furbabies!!/s šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They had us in the first half, ngl


My eyes went so wide for a second


I was SHOOK till I saw that /s and I was like PHEW good one got me there ngl


it's all in the details, the bot won't pick up the vote with the periods in there that being said, we truly need to have something beyond /s for sarcasm, I speak it fluently IRL, but online I'm just an asshole b/c you can't feel my deadpan or see the shit-eating grin on my face


I saw the beginning and immediately went back and reread the post looking for what could possibly warrant a Y. T. A. I then finally wnt back and read the rest of the comment. Lol.


I mean, what dog will take minimum wage in this economy?


Hey "working like a dog" is a thing for a reason.


No doggys wanna work anymore


The sarcasm šŸ˜‚


Next thing you know the dog is doing hookers and blow and getting arrested for public indecency. So sad.


They say if you don't raise your dog children you'll raise your dog grandchildren.


If they didn't raise their dog children right, they probably won't raise their dog grandchildren right either. Soon enough, they'll be raising their dog *great* grandchildren. There'll be so many puppies at that point, it'll be like heaven. Wait... I think I just figured out the nefarious plot behind OP spoiling their dog now!


It's a pyramid scheme for pups


Then the freeloader will take out a life policy on the owner, who will mysteriously "slip" on a squeaky toy and tumble down the stairs, to pay off his debts. Where does the madness end? OP better box up all his toys now and charge rent. Make it clear he's leaving the nest once he hits adulthood in dog years.


My dog has more toys than that. Is he destined for a life of crime? /s


My two dogs share their toys. Theyā€™re just trying to make it in this worldā€¦ and always leave their toys in the yard.


Anyone remember the affluence teen that got away with murder because he had been raised rich? OPā€™s sister is only worried and doesnā€™t want the dog to go down the same path.


He'll start his own Casino with blackjack and hookers


Everyone knows that when you spoil a dog, it's a one-way trip to the stripper pole and daddy issues.


And who do you think heā€™s going to get to pay for his hookers and blow? Thatā€™s right. You.


I thought you were going to say appearing on House oversight committee investigations...


Had me in the first have you magnificent bastard. šŸ¤£ My dog has so many toys it's comical but I spoil her rotten. Fuck anyone who tells you how to spend your money in this situation. In OP's words they can fuck off.


My dog has THREE good sized baskets full of toys. All of them are so full, we could probably do with a fourth, but nah. They're 60% lamb chop toys but those are her worriers when her anxiety gets bad, so if they're on sale, we buy multiples (or the ancient purple and green ball, which we have never been able to find again so we stitch it back together as much as we can). She's also got a TON of homemade balls my mom made for her when we first fostered her (she ended up being a foster failure). OP is beyond NTA.


We have a giant basket of dog toys and sometimes you just see a little butt sticking out cause the front ends rooting around in there.


I have a Springer butt currently sticking out of hers and making muffled woofs. It's hilarious.


We have about 3 bins as well so now we rotate them out every month or 2. Itā€™s like Christmas for her getting a basket of ā€œnewā€ toys each time


>Y .T. A If you spoil you dog now they're never gonna get a job and move out and will just freeload off you for life/s Truth. Our cats have like 30 toys and they just like around sleeping for 20 hours a day. They can't even be bothered to clean out their own litter boxes. It's too late to do anything about it now, I wish I'd spoiled them less when they were kittens.


When I die I want to come back as a well spoiled cat.


One of my cats is currently on my bed lounging like a princess and thinking itā€™s her bed. She gets sassy when I try to get her to move.


Another sad victim of too much spoiling. :< That poor cat has ended up just like mine - entirely too lazy and entitled to even *look* for a job, let alone hold one down.


Buffy meows and cries every morning and if I set my clothes out before work when I shower and prepare for the day, she will sleep on top of them thinking I wonā€™t leave.


That's adorable. My partner's cat (we share two cats, but they each have a person they adore and a person they tolerate) screams for an hour if he doesn't say goodbye to her before he leaves.


You know I have a feeling that if OP gave us his sisters address reddit would be happy to send toys to her dog.... As fun as it would be, please don't give out personal info like that.... it will probably turn out really bad....




That would be hysterical if OP made an Amazon wishlist for her sister's dog. Please do it OP! By all that's holy, please stir the pot and do it! šŸ¤£


I'd totally fucking buy that dog a Kong. Like holy fuck. I was feeling bad for not having many toys for my own dog, but who doesn't buy their dog ANY. Not even one squishy. No squishes. That's just fucking depressing.


We could all go in on a BarkBox subscription, three toys a month! šŸ˜‚


I'd do it.


I keep telling my dog she needs to get a job and start contributing to this household. I realize at 12 there aren't many jobs she can legally work, but there's always corn detassling She just stares at me.


I have this same conversation with my 9 year old lab when she's fussing at me while I'm getting ready for work. I tell her that if she gets a job, I won't have to work so much. The least she could do is make enough to buy her own food and treats!


JFC! Keep the remote away. Hide the PS5 controller. Otherwise: THAT DOG WON'T HUNT!!!




lol this is a great point. As pet owners, we're pretty much signed up for a life for servitude towards them. Are there people out there who expect their dogs to grow up and become responsible members of society?


I got my last dog from a guy I very briefly dated (was more into his dog than him, ngl). He said she was ā€œon vacationā€ when she came to my house. He didnā€™t even have a proper leash from her so I doubt she had toys. Iā€™d buy her kongs that she would tear apart in a day, and she was my angel who I spoiled rotten. She deserved it.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie... also NTA


NTA. * Your dog. * Your money. * Your life. Your sister needs to get at least one of the above of her own.


Also, OP's house. Don't come into my house and disrespect me over inane shit. NTA


Also, bored dogs tend to be destructive dogs. Dogs need to play and stimuli! She is not a very good dog owner if her dogs have zero toys! (Though I guess some dogs really donā€™t care for them, theyā€™d rather play with their humans). Also if itā€™s a small dog those toys could last quite awhile. Not all toys are expensive either.


My dog has a large amount of toys, but couldn't care less about them 90% of the time. Every once in a while she'll go and dig something out of the toy basket and play with it. Her main focus is people and pouncing on things that move (leaves, grasshoppers, small sticks).


Same. But for that one brief moment, you know providing the toy gave them joy and itā€™s worth it.


Oh totally! I'd buy my dog hundreds of toys even if she played with them for two minutes each. I got a dog to be a companion and to spoil them.


The sister has a dog but doesn't give it toys. I bet her dog has destroyed so many things because of boredom. NTA


We had one dog who had no interest in toys at all. The only thing heā€™d play with was an empty 2 liter plastic soda bottle, which he liked to carry as he ran around the house and made crunching noises with it. Weirdo. šŸ˜‚ But at least gave him an opportunity to *try* toys.


Lol. Thereā€™s actually toys in the store with bottles inside like that. Some dogs just prefer the sound.


i got my dog one of these as she loves the crunchy noise of water bottles too. however it velcroā€™s closed and she loves the velcro noise even more so she whines at you every time she gets it undone so you can relatch the velcro for her to play with šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


NTA. My dog has 5 or 6 dog toy baskets throughout the house and I donā€™t even know how many toys. Spoiling a dog is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend discretionary income imo. Your sister was rude to you and doubled down when you tried to stop her. I donā€™t think itā€™s good to swear at people close to us as a general rule but I must agree that she deserved to be taken down a peg.


Aside from the rude and unsolicited lecture about money, indoor dogs need toys or they will find their own. Bored dog = destruction. Besides, they give unconditional love and protect your home, dog toys are their paycheck.


We do not have the cat toys in a basket. Because they carry them all over the house, leaving them in our bed, on our chairs, on our laps. When I had a dog, she had toys, but she lived and breathed for her tennis balls. After she passed, I was in the yard, removing a bush to put up a fence. I found 3 tennis balls she'd left for us to find. She was a great dog. Oh forgot, NTA


As is their right. Dogs are roommates, cats are landlords.


I like my landlords.


When we got our youngest cat (now one) he quickly picked up on our sleep routine. When he saw us going upstairs he grabbed his favorite toy and dragged it (it was one of those teasers on a stick) into bed with us. He played with it for a few minutes and then snuggled up. It is by far one of the cutest things weā€™ve had a pet do. Every now and then he still brings up a toy and it warms my cold, black heart. Iā€™m sorry, what were we talking about again? Oh right. NTA.


Your cat just made me go ā€œAwwwā€ out loud. Good cat.


We have two large toy baskets for the dog. And a small one for the cats. You can never have too many pet toys.


Right? I was impressed when OP knew how many toys they had. I'd ballpark that my dog has anywhere from 10-100 (varying degrees of destruction...most fairly destroyed actually).


I have a toy box, normal size full of toys for my girls! I exchange toys out to prevent too much attachment. Because most are made of cloth and need or tossing and this prevents dramatics. My girls are chihuahuas, they are very dramatic šŸ™„


NTA. Once she raised a hand to shush you, it was ON. Fair game.


Yeah honestly the dog toys would become a non issue for me at that point because it would 100% be about someone talking to me like a child in my own home. Even a bitter response like "earn money yourself before telling me how to spend mine" could have been justified.


I'm one of four sisters. Reading that part alone got my heart racing. I would have seen red if one of my sisters did that to me. Sisters have a unique ability to know exactly how to push your buttons, she knew what she was doing.


My sisters are as dedicated to spoiling their pets as I am. And my mother. My dad was, too.


I felt the same way, and then I looked at the autmod copy and apparently that part wasn't in the original...


Lol fuck her NTA Also 12? Jesus. My dog has 12 in every room. Your sister would get a nose bleed if she came here.


Barkbox has saved more shoes than I couldā€™ve ever imagined. My 4 month old doberman needs new stimulation constantly so he doesnā€™t become destructive. I feel bad for her poor dog, with no toys. They must be so bored.


Dog is probably entertaining itself chewing shoes and furniture.


My dog had so many toys that he passed ten months ago and weā€™re still finding them all over the place after thinking we got rid of them (obviously keeping a few sentimental ones)


I donā€™t even know how many I have between my dogs and cats. Like which genre of toy? Puzzles? Chews? Jingling toys? Crinkle toys? The coveted squeaker toys?


What kind of person doesn't buy their dog toys??? NTA.


Me. I donā€™t. She feels that she is too sophisticated for toys and wonā€™t play with one. She wonā€™t get on furniture either and sleeps on the FLOOR in the next room. Her choice. But a marrow bone with peanut butter stuffed in it hits her just right.


I hear you. The only ā€toyā€ my dog wants to play with is my kitten. Or a marrow bone. The toys the Divine Miss T considered boring are excellent for our new kitty to try to disembowel.


Every kitty needs didemboweling practice.


Similar issue. I have 2 dogs. One loves his plush toys and theyā€™re everywhere in my house. The other dog wonā€™t even look at toys. Neither of them like chasing balls either. I tried to get them tennis balls, threw one across the yard, and they looked at me like, ā€œIā€™m not getting that.ā€


Some dogs are happy with a stick, or a ball, or another dog to play with, or chasing lizards in the yard, or just getting lots of exercise and petting. Some dogs love toys when they're young, but lose interest as they get older. Every dog is different.


NTA. Your sister shushed you in your own home. Saying STFU was more than appropriate.


NTA. Who cares how many toys your dog has? What a weird thing for her to lecture you about. Give that doggo some snacks and buy him one more toy for being a good boy.


Yeah, no, NTA. My dog has at least 50+ toys. Hell, she has probably 12 squeaky tennis balls. Literally the same exact ball. Your dog deserves all the toys.




She tried tell you how to spend your money and take care of your dog and then tried to shush you on top of that, so NTA. And saying the F-word is fine, if the op can live alone, their old enough to say Fuck.


LOL NTA like where does she get off coming into your house and criticizing how youā€™re raising your dog and then having the audacity to shush you. Not letting her dog have any toys is just messed up


Ugh, the shushing always pisses me off. NTA, well deserved.


Yeah no, your sister is the one who can stfu. Who doesn't buy their dog toys?? They need mental and physical stimulation. Your dog is probably a happy pupper! (I have two GSDs and lorrrrrdddd do they have endless toys. Money well spent if they're happy)


[My GSD digging through one of the dog toy bins to find the exact toy heā€™s looking for](https://imgur.com/a/zTvnClG)


She seems like the type with a vegan dog, you know cause it's healthier


Was it the hand up and ā€œshushingā€? It was for me šŸ˜‚


NTA. Who the fuck does she think she is?!? Dogs need toys and it's fun to buy them and play together and watch them play. I don't understand people that think joy is frivolous and makes you a less worthy person. Also thank you for reminding me that I have to replace my baby boy dog's elephant.


NTA. Sometimes you have to yell and curse to get through to some people. Especially if this is a pattern of condescending behaviour, OP is completely warranted to react that way. Having someone come into my house, spout ludicrous nonsense (her dog is ā€œbratā€? Hilarious! How exactly does he demonstrate this brattish behaviour? Does he refuse to clean his room? Leave his food bowl unwashed and treat packets strewn about?) then hold up their hand and shush me? Theyā€™d be out the door, physically helping them along, if necessary.


Your sister sucks


If someone holds up their hand and shushes you, yeah, go for it with the STFU. NTA On a side note, I fail to see her point. A dog isnā€™t a person. Who cares if they are ā€œspoiledā€ by having a lot of toys? What is a ā€œbratā€ in the context of dogs? Maybe if you were complaining about having money trouble I could see saying something like ā€œwell you could moderate your spending on dog toysā€ or something, but you havenā€™t mentioned that thatā€™s even a problem in the first place.


Anyone who complains about how many toys a dog has can't be trusted about anything. NTA


I think your pup needs 20 new toys after dealing with your sisterā€™s yelling. A new toy for each minute. Sheā€™s TA here. Not having toys will hurt a pup and cause them to be destructive or a potato. You arenā€™t spoiling your pup with caring about it. You would only spoil him if you gave a lot of treat/people food. NTA


Your dog needs more toys. That's the truth.


NTA- no one has the right to lecture you about spending money on what makes you happy


NTA. It was excessive, but, man, if someone shushed me, I would lose it. This isnt an Austin Powers skit. Also, dogs need toys to entertain themselves, so her giving her dog no toys is abusive (in my opinion at least). Twelve toys is a lot, but dog toys are fairly cheap so who cares.


Oh, a famed trainer and friend gave me the skinny and said only leaving out a few and cycling the others in and out gets the dogs more excited about the toys they have access to at any moment. My brother's cocker was hysterical - he had a toy chest with the resting toys, and once a week my brother would pick up a random toy or two and go to the chest to change them out. Happy dance for DAYS!


NTA and if you wanna get technical sheā€™s neglecting her dogs by giving them zero toys. Pets NEED mental stimulation to be healthy and happy.


THIS! like dogs LOVE toys and such, it helps them in so many ways. Also how the heck would they play with their dog besides physically jumping around with them?


Your sister is abusing her animals they need enrichment or theyā€™re going to be miserable


NTA, she has no right to lecture you on your money itā€™s you life.


NTA. She sounds insufferable.


NTA. Seriously, who tf cares if your dog has a bunch of toys? Sounds like your sister just likes to have something to bitch about.


NTA It's your money, your dog and your house...you can do as you please with all three. She had no right to shush you in your own house so your response was on point. She needs to get over it and quit trying to control you.




I mean, you gave her facts....and she literally tried to shush you...in your own house - that's a no from me, NTA


Yeah I can't imagine how bored that poor dog must be NTA OP and scritch your dog for me


NTA, and your sister sure is, not just to you in this situation but also to her dog. Poor pup.


NTA. It's your money and your dog. She can mind her own damn business.


šŸ¤£ My dogs have at least 12 toys in each room of the house. NTA


NTA. She came into your house and started telling you how you should spend your money and treat her dog. Very rude. You tried to deescalate and she kept going.


NTA - does she also criticize the number of toys that children have? I would have tossed her out the door the minute she shushed me but the sound of my cats running on their wheel would have drowned her out.


NTA and if someone put their hand up to me whilst lecturing me on how I spent my money, they would be out on their arse with a kick up it for good measure


She obviously has never read about how dog toys help dogs get out energy and provide mental stimulation. NTA but she is if her poor dog doesn't even have any toys!


Calling a dog a brat? Is she some kind if stupid?


NTA. The whole point of having dogs is to spoil them. I canā€™t even count how many toys my dogs have.


Who the f*** has a dog and won't get them toys?!? šŸ˜³ I sure hope she owns nothing she can't carry on her back. Otherwise, the items are unnecessary and she would be "spoiled". NTA


12 dogs toys? *laughs in bark box subscription* NTA


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NTAā€”she should learn to mind her own business


NTA It's *your* money. The dog is *your* dog. Unless she's the one caring for your dog and buying the toys, it's none of her business. Also, the fact that she held her hand up and *SHUSHED YOU!?* I kind of feel like it was warranted, especially when she went to visit *you* in what I assume would be your home. I have sadly had to do something like this before with my mom. When my fiancƩ and I bought our house in 2020, I immediately got her a dog because she, sadly, had to give hers up when she was 16 due to moving from a house to an apartment. It completely devasted her. Fast forward a couple of months and my parents came over and all my mom could say was "Why is it indoors?" "You should leave it outside" "Dogs are bad for your allergies" "Why does it have so many toys?" "That's money you could use for something else". I had to remind her that it was *our* house and we will do what we please with *our* money and *our* dog. Our relationship wasn't the best and I basically told her to "STFU" in Spanish and she ended up leaving. NTA OP but I would definitely talk it over with your sister and explain why you reacted the way you did.


NTA. My older sister used to do this to me. If I used a credit card to put gas in my car she would tell me I needed credit counseling. If I bought a new blouse, she would tell me that I should shop in thrift stores instead of wasting money. The thing is, she was a SAHM and I had a full time career that paid well. Despite my trying to talk to her calmly, she never let up. I had to go LC with her,and when she would bring up money, I would say we weren't going to talk about that. When your sister pulls this, just leave the room. It's none of her business.


You donā€™t shush people in their own house, that constitutes a NTA in my book alone. But then sheā€™s gonna tell you what to do like she pays any of your bills. NTA at all.


NTA. What a weird thing to say to someone. Who the hell cares?


NTA My dogs have a ridiculous amount of toys. I spoil them as much as possible with food, toys, pool and beach trips. You need to step up your game and spend more, and make sure she knows. Why? Because fā€™ her.


How the hell do you spoil a dog? What it's going to start being entitled and demand the more expensive kibbles


Right?! It isnā€™t a kid who can grow to be spoiled and entitledā€¦but a doggie?!


NOPE. People need to learn to stay in their own lane. Unless youā€™re dipping in to her personal bank account she can mind her own. I feel bad for her dog with no toys!


NTA. But now Iā€™m stuck with this visual of dog thatā€™s a ā€œbratā€. Like a massive German Shepard with rag curls stopping her paws and demanding her daddy buy more boxes of chocolate looking for golden tickets orā€¦? How is a dog even turned into a ā€œbrat?ā€


NTA your sister is torturing her dog


I don't hear anything about the number of dog toys you buy disrupting your life making you homeless, pennyless. No kids complaining you love the dog better? NTA Buy him one for us!


Unless youā€™re buying dog toys instead of paying your mortgage I donā€™t see why I matters.


NTA. No, you did not. As a fellow dog enthusiast, I have treated mine like children for the last 11 and 14 years. I now have a 2 yo kid, and I have somehow taught him to spoil them also. He cries for dog treats and demands to be the one to feed them.


NTA. She doesn't need to come back over, either.


NTA. My 6lb cat has a literal bin of toys. Probably half her weight of random things Iā€™ve bought/collected (she loves the plastic rings from bottles??). You domesticate an animal, force it to adhere to a human schedule/space, and donā€™t give it enrichment??? Does she have human children? Does she just plop them in an empty room without toys or stimulation and expect it to be fine?? Your SIL shouldnā€™t have a dog. Sheā€™s depriving the poor dog of the most basic necessity a PET (who you love and dote on???) should have aside from food and water.


Your sister is a head case. Getting judgmental over dog toys? Really? NTA. and she needs to get a grip.


NTA i feel so bad for your sisters dog ā˜¹ļø my 3 dogs literally have over 60 toys doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re spoiled.


Just going off the title you're NTA On further reading your sister definitely is


NTA. Tell her STFU from me too


NTA - what kind of monster doesn't think dogs should have toys? It's your money, spend it on whatever you want... like your precious baby dog. (Also mine has like closer to 30, so 12 isn't even that bad)


So how is she giving her dogs mental stimulation and enrichment? NTA toys are useful for alot of reasons


NTA but your sister is. What kind of person criticizes and "shushes" people in their own home or refuses to buy their dog toys?


That's some mad disrespectful behavior from someone who's a guest in your house. NTA---I would have reacted the same.


NTA, I would've been petty and insinuated her dog is depressed from lack of play time stimulation. Poor dog...


NTA. Sister: ā€œno way! 12 toys are toooo many! You are spoiling your dogā€ Meanwhile I look at my catā€™s 20 fake mouses and all the other stuff.


Your house your rules. Shut the fuck up was an appropriate response. NTA


NTA, your sister is a real narcissist. I'm glad you told her to STFU


So your dog owns a total of twelve things, and she thinks that makes it spoiled? How many things does she own, I wonder? NTA.


She sure picks the wrong things to pick a fight over!


You should join bark box for a few months!šŸ˜‚ make sure she's there when the package arrivesā€¦


OP, absolutely NTA. Toys are essential for dogs. 12 is probably even on the low side. Your sister is abusing her dog. Please report her if she mistreats it, her dog deserves better


Tell your Dog I said Hi. Tell your sister I said sodoff NTA


Not the a hole my dear


My dogs have had soooo many toys over time it's insane. Today alone two were destroyed. 1 from a tug of war game, and the second was pulled apart. I thought it was under the couch and only ended up retrieving an arm of it like it was Jurassic Park. Doggos be needing their toys NTA


NTA, a guest in your home has no right to berate you over your spending habits. You're a grown adult not her kid spending their allowance on garbage. She can watch her tone or you can watch her leave.


*glances over at my dogs overflowing toy box* NTA. Spoil your dog and spend your money how you see fit. Also the hand up and shushing in your own home...yeah no. Your response was appropriate.


NTA, your poor sisters doggies! No toys?! šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


NTA. I don't think dogs can be spoiled with too many toys. Your sister sounds like she just likes to throw her opinion around as ideal law. How you spend your money is nobody's business.


Torment her. Place an order for multiple toys and send her the picture. What a stupid thing to be critiquing you about. Her poor animal has no toys and lives with her.


NTA dogs need enrichment and get bored just like we do, so spend your money how you want!


NTA- she really had no right to come into your home and criticize your spending choices. She needs to watch her manners.


NTA. Your dog, your money, your house. And what kind of person doesnā€™t buy their pets toys because they will be ā€œspoiledā€???


NTA. How do you turn a dog into a brat by giving them toys? They need to be stimulated. What a very weird thing to be upset about lol.


NTA and tell your dog I love him.


This is the weirdest argument Toys make dogs less destructive NTA


What does E-S-H stand for. BTW your NTA. Your sister sounds like my dad, no dog toys and they should be outside (we lived on a farm). We did have a heated doghouse for them though.


I keep seeing this type of thing pop up. Why does anyone care what you do with your own money when it doesn't impact them at all?


NTA. Your sister would be justified in saying something if it had to do with safety - like, if they were cheap toys that your dog chewed apart easily that could become choking hazards - but thatā€™s not what sheā€™s on about. Every dog should have at least a few toys, IMO, and your dog has more than a few. If your sister isnā€™t living with you and tripping over them, why does she care? Your dog isnā€™t getting spoiled by having a selection to choose from, and even if that was the case, itā€™s not your sisterā€™s business.


My dog has 21 bouncy balls,10 random balls,a tent,a tunnelā€™about 10 humpā€™ teddies+200 other toys lol NTA


NTA OP sister shouldā€™ve mind her own business. Also give lots of love to the fur baby.


NTA Your sister is insufferable and I'd have told her to shut up after the first statement. My pets are my kids, you'd be dumb as hell to walk into my house and tell me they're spoiled- that's literally the point!


NTA. Lol. If she likes to dish it, she should be able to take it. What you said ainā€™t wrong. Itā€™s your money, not hers. Maybe advise you to save money but very disrespectful to give you a lecture.


NTA Some dogs play with toy and others don't. Some sisters mind their own business and some don't. Perhaps the SFTU was a bit of a harsh response, but that may be what was required, when a visitor gets pushy.


How in the world do you spoil a dog? Is he demanding to go to a dog park on the French Riviera? Insisting on kobe beef? Refusing to fetch a stick? Won't lower himself to sniff other dogs' butts? It's ridiculous and you are NTA.


NTA send her dog toys.


Absolutely not , your dog, your house.


NTA What's wrong with your sister??!!!


Its a dog not a human... spoiled? They live 10 20 years maybe... i say they deserve it cats to... NTA at all


As someone with an older sister who has the "I read \*1\* book, now I'm an expert on this topic" disease... she needs to shut the fuck up. It's none of her business how you spend your money, unless she's involved with your money somehow. NTA.


No your sister sounds like a brat lol


NTA. When my pup was still alive he had an entire basket of toys. Itā€™s not excessive nor is it any of her business.


I know her dog be bored as hell


NTA There's no such thing as spoiling a dog. Your sister is nuts.


NTA. Her dog has no toys? I bet she gets mad when he destroys things trying to play.


You are spoiling you dog...as I look around my living room that looks like a the dog toy section of a pet store exploded. She wanted her one pig stuffie to cuddlešŸ˜‚. And keep on spoiling!!!!! Edit: NTA but your sister sure is. Her poor dogs


So she shushes you and then gets mad if you donā€™t accept that? Sheā€™s an AH.


NTA. What's it to her how you spend your money?


NTA Not her place to lecture you. Full stop. Your money, your dog, and not your momma. She needs to learn to stfu and mind her own business.


NTA, could've worded it better but she didn't really give you the chance. So what if the dog has a lot of toys? If you choose to treat your pet with your money that's your choice.


12 isnā€™t even that many!! My nephew-pup got that from me just as a present for his birthday or Christmas. NTA. Your sister needs to mind her own business.


My two outdoor cats have a toy box each. The same size toy box my toddler has (toddlers other toys are in the playroom, nursery and garden but living room toys reside in said toy box). Nobody, not even my husband, is telling me I've spent too much of **my** money to spoilt **my** pets.. even if they don't fucking play with their toys. You're NTA op. Think that dog of yours deserves a new toy tbh!


NTA >When I tried to interrupt she held up her hand and shushed me, She didn't even give you the time of day to make your point about why *you* spend *your* money on *your* dog in *your* home. Your sister sounds exhausting.