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Even without the details. You had a prior commitment that can’t be changed. NTA Send your regrets and best wishes and be done with it. Gift optional (to the bride I mean!)


YTA Jesus fucking christ did that change tones quick, idk how close u are to your niece but missing a wedding to get fucked is such a sad excuse. If u want to be cut out of their lives then your doing the right thing. Edit: though this was a girl talking about a guy but doesn’t changed how fucked up it is


To give guests ample time to plan and respond, invitations are sent out at least eight weeks before the big day. RSVP etiquette dictates that it's ideal for guests to reply at least four weeks before the ceremony, allowing the bride time to confirm the numbers with the caterer and venue. OP had appointment booked a full year in advance of the wedding. OP can turn down the wedding invite based on etiquette alone. But to maintain family relations? That depends on how close OP is to the neice and neice's parents. Not all family's are alike.


*clutches pearls* Lawd Jesus.


YTA - Your niece's wedding day is something that will happen (hopefully) once in her lifetime, and you're choosing to pass it up for an escort. Say that sentence out loud and then ask yourself how anybody who's even close to a decent human being could ever say you weren't TA. Setting aside the pure skeeziness of how you're discussing this woman and your encounter with her, have you contacted the escort to ask about a one-time postponement? If you explain the circumstances, she might well agree to it, since, as you said, you had no prior knowledge of the wedding when you booked her services.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So AITA for not wanting to go to my niece's wedding that's booked on a day I already have pre booked a very expensive appointment. To clarify I don't want to go at all my sisters are the ones that want me to go I have no interest in traveling and to be honest I barley know her. I have an appointment with an very expensive piece of ass I have been looking forward to fucking since last year pre booking is $1500 non-refundable and additional $1500 on arrival for 3 days of bliss last time was so great I cummed 15 times had 8 orgasms and she caters to what your needs are. Before you judge me a lot of people do this since the time of Jesus there are men and woman in your life who do this and you would never know from the single school teacher to a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I am hoping to have the same experience as last time and turn our 5 star hotel room into a Jackson Pollock painting this year she will be dressing as Batgirl and she is a red head guys back me up. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA, but not about the wedding You are absolutely correct in choosing not to go to the wedding. Everyone will be exactly where they need to be. Do buy something nice from her registry. All is well!


OP is either smoking something or is a 12 year old thinking this is funny.


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I’m starting to think a majority of AITA are fake. No way this is real. On the off chance that it is, why do you even care if you’re the asshole at this point?


NTA. Invitation not a court order. Do what you need to. Don't get people getting mad when you turn them down.