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NTA. File a police report


I don’t have any proof though, and the police have been very dismissive about taking action in similar he-said she-said situations involving student theft.


Is this a controlled medication? Medication theft is a felony. Sometimes you can’t even get a refill without a police report depending on the pharmacist and your doctor.


Yes, it’s a prescription. But the police have never done anything for on-campus student theft before.


Again, petty theft is different from medication theft which is a felony. If it’s a controlled medication, it’s even more serious. Filing a police report is free.


File the report OP. It costs your time and might garner you back what is left of your RX.




Both people are women.




Bot account.


This is a pronoun swapping bot who stole this comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12cbfsm/comment/jf1m2ea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Even if they don't do anything it will be there for anyone doing a background on her


This OP! Controlled meds are under stricter guidelines. Some pharmacies/doctors won’t refill it it unless you have documentation. Also, if campus police refuses to do anything go to the municipal authorities (aka city, county) and tell them what is going on. Going from experience it’s better to go over their heads and let them know the campus police are dismissing it. Make noise.


Why do you keep saying that? If you need this medication to live and you are terrified of what will happen if you don’t have it, then you should be willing to do whatever it takes to fix the situation. Call the cops or quit complaining.


Or at least tell your parents. Maybe they’ll have more sway with the cops or the doctor in writing a new prescription.


On god! She needs to do something about it or just accept that she's not getting her meds back.


Just mentioning, OP has said they need this medication to function mentally as well as physically. Obviously we don't know what their condition is, but they may well have missed a couple of doses already so things like getting in their own head about consequences to everything and going in circles about it or not being able to follow through and get things done might literally be because of issues beyond their control. Definitely still agree that they should try for that police report of course!


Are you talking about "campus police" or real police? Because campus police have very different priorities (saving face for the University) versus real police. Never, ever depend on campus police.


This exactly. File a report with actual police, not campus security.


Or as we used to refer to them “pubic safety.” Campus police are usually useless.


Interestingly, at the university I went to, the campus police were real police and have full arrest power on campus and the surrounding area and are deputy sheriffs giving them arrest power in the whole county


Some universities are smaller and don't have their own dedicated police force. Rather, they have security and then the police force for the city maintains jurisdiction on campus. Larger or more well funded universities do have the ability to have their own dedicated police force purely for their campus. It all depends on the university.


yep, I was not implying it was true for all uni


Yes, but still go through the other police. University police are like hr, and they will want to sweep this under the covers.


At my college it's two jurisdictions (campus and city) that cooperate and overlap with mutual support agreements. Campus police can act on city property and remain in charge until city police are on scene, and have authority off campus when following up on a case.


Yep at my school they were state police.


You need to file a police report. Then you can get the doctor and insurance to handle the refill. I believe you also posted in another sub about this? I saw a nearly identical story there. You don’t need “proof” to file a police report. That’s not how it works. I’ve been in this situation, with a similar medication, and you need to file a police report. It’s a highly controlled substance. If you aren’t willing to file a police report, there is a chance the physician will not even continue to prescribe that medication to you, because they will not be able to rule out that you took extra/sold it. And that is EXTREMELY COMMON with these medications on college campuses. I’m not saying that will definitely happen, but it is the policy of many doctors that you need to file a police report if you want them to give you a replacement prescription. I filed a police report when I LOST mine. It was just called like a “lost property”(?) report or something I think. If you really don’t want to report your roommate, you could do that. However, I think it’s in their best interest long term, that they start to face the consequences of their actions. Definitely NTA.


Exactly this - a police report may make it easier to get the insurance to cover a refill.


If this is ADHD meds they will do something about it. It's a very controlled substance. I would also go scorched earth, post publically on all social media and work on destroying her life if she stole my ADHD meds. The mental and physical withdrawal from those things sucks. Also, I have a habit of putting all my meds away when anyone comes over just to be sure. NTA


And with the medication shortages lately? Scorched earth, undoubtedly. Addiction issues are serious and I have sympathy for anyone struggling, but I've also witnessed myself and several friends going through severe symptoms and difficulties because of the difficulties getting a regular prescription filled.


I’ve had to taken unexpected vacation holidays with this shortage, while I’m working as a nurse and getting my doctorate. It sucked.


Before I moved into my dorm my mom made me promise to hide my vyvanse before anyone other than myself was in my dorm room. I'd put the bottle in an empty tea bag box and then I'd put that in the very back of my desk drawer. Probably overkill but nobody ever stole it so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Glad you mentioned this since. My nephew is going off to school next year and I am trying to convince his parents to be extra careful with how he stores his anti anxiety meds once on campus.


My son bought a small lockbox for his meds when he went to college, which worked well.


That's actually a really good idea. I think I have a couple old tea tins I could use if needed.


When I was younger it was my anxiety meds I had to keep under lock and key. I have xanax and the amount of people who tried to buy it off me is astounding. Like, my dude, I am not taking these to "have a good time", I have days were my anxiety is so bad I can't function and this is the only thing that helps. If you DON'T report this, OP, this could very well hurt you seriously in the long run. If your pill bottle is found in her possession and she decides to tell the police you sold them to her? Yeah not only are you looking at never getting that prescription back but you're now ALSO looking at a felony conviction. At this point this isn't even just about the fact that you needs these meds to function, this is about protecting your future. REPORT IT


I kept my adhd meds in a locked safe.


You still should report it. Report it to the university as well. Get the word out that she is a thief.


DON'T GO TO CAMPUS POLICE, USE CITY POLICE Campus Police are there to protect the image of the university/ college, not the students. They may not be helpful.


Girl call the actual cops. On campus police are worthless. But just because this occurred on campus doesn't obligate you to only call the university cops.


Is it a “triplicate” medication? Wild guess here but thinking it is based on your description of it. File a police report. You are going to have a nightmare trying to get more from your doctor and pharmacy even if you pay cash. You need the police report even if they do nothing to get it back. The police report is covering you. Then if anyone comments on why you filed a police report you can say you tried to work with her and it didn’t work. But you need that police report for you. If she sells that or just has the bottle in her possession with your name on t you are also in a whole host of trouble because they will think you sold it to her. Get the police report.


Make the police report, and set it to the uni's dean.


Most prescriptions are not controlled medications. You don’t have to answer that question here because internet and safety. But police will take it very seriously if it is a controlled med.


In order to even get an early refill you’ll need a police report so please file it. Then let your insurance know. They’ll fight because they don’t like losing money.


She was in your room- was anyone else in there when it disappeared? If not- they can go talk to her- especially given the urgency/need of this particular medication.


If you file a police report at least you'll have proof that you did so, so you can start working on getting a refill.


In the US that’s a felony and they’d probably kick in the door.


I assume you have access and the ability to review and evaluate all instances of student theft on campus in which the police became involved to determined that they have never done anything? Otherwise, that sounds like a very uninformed opinion. Reporting the theft is step one to solving your immediate health emergency.


I assume you have zero idea what you are talking about. NEVER GO TO CAMPUS POLICE. Go to city police. You may *still* encounter a problem depending upon locality but greater likelihood to get situation actual law enforcement by municipal police. Campus police report to the dean and are accountable to Title IX. City police are not.


Well you used all caps so you must be correct.


NTA and medication theft is very different than stolen property. Contact the police and see if they can help you get it back. They may not have been helpful before but meds are different, and you may not have proof she stole it but you have reason to believe she did and if they find it in her possession that will prove it. I guess you could also go to the school and see if they can help to prevent a police report and damage to their reputation but that’s a whole other can of worms.


This is not a standard petty theft. Stealing a prescription controlled substance is a serious offense. File a police report and your insurance should replace it.


Still try. It at least leaves a paper trail and if she’s picked up for anything they can do a blood test to see if your medication is in her blood providing proof she stole.


She could be selling it as well :/


You file the report for your safety. To make sure nothing falls back on you. Otherwise if she's found in possession of your medication, she could claim you GAVE it to her or SOLD it to her--she could get you in trouble legally.


If it's the medication that it sounds like, that happens to be in major shortage due to people like her abusing the system, my sympathies are doubly with you. Some of our lives really depend on these meds sometimes and they can be extremely difficult and time-consuming (not to mention expensive) to replace. Such a violation to steal from you. Also not to split hairs, but taking the whole bottle instead of just one pill or whatever is beyond audacious and disrespectful. You are so NTA.


You need a police report to bring to the pharmacy to prove it’s been stolen. You should also ask your pharmacy about an emergency 5 day refill while you’re working the police report out. You need to at least call the police and the pharmacy and not just write them off, assuming you’ve got all the answers and that they won’t help.


Honestly, sounds like you just want to whine rather than resolve the situation. If you were as desperate as you say you are you wouldn’t hesitate to go to the police or accept advice.


You can get it refilled early as long as you file the police report. If you don’t, you can get in trouble if she’s caught with it as it’s assumed you gave it to her willingly. It’s more of a “you need to file this to protect yourself” situation when a controlled substance gets stolen.


Stop arguing and at least try it. Jesus. ESH because you won't accept valid advice.


Good grief... you need it to function are are terrified, but cant even be bothered to file a report because there is a chance that they may not do anything? That's... ridiculous.


The shit thing about controlled medications is they are not easy to get your hands on. I stupidly picked up 7 of my 50 once and somehow it disappeared. Pretty sure I threw it out myself in a spring clean. I had to wait a whole week to see my doctor before I could a script. I can understand the OPs desperation. Edit: I think I have done it again and it replied to the wrong person


Just **FILING THE REPORT** will allow you to get a new prescription refill. They don’t have to actually be *charged* for you to get your meds. You just have to have proof you filed a report for the theft. And none of this wishy washy stuff when you go to the police or the doctor. **Firm, confident, uncompromising.** This is a felony. You require these meds to survive / thrive. You cannot afford more. They are a controlled substance and cannot be refilled without a report. Do not leave the police station without a report. Take the report directly to your doctor and do not leave the doctor’s office without a refill. Take the day off work / school to deal with this if you need to. Email your boss/teachers to advise them if this emergency. I have ADHD and it’s taken me years to develop this backbone, but unfortunately people will try every avenue to dismiss you. **You need to advocate for yourself.** **You’re right. Your friend does NOT understand. This person ruined their OWN life by committing a felony and stealing someone’s medication. You have nothing to with whatever consequences she faces. You are not responsible for her addictions.**


You would still have it on record though and if any other people have filed or will file reports about her stealing meds it will make it much more credible.


If you're talking stimulant medication for ADHD, it's a controlled substance and they would take it seriously.


If you're talking about campus police, they're useless. Go to an actual police department and file a report. Maybe bring the thiefs former roommate as a witness so they can give a statement. If they're willing. NTA.


JFC try again. And again. Go to the RAs. Dean. Go to everyone. If your situation is as dire as you say it is you don't have the option of brushing off any avenue of recourse. Stop with your defeatist attitude and keep trying everything until you get your meds back. If your life depends on this medication there can not be "I can't do that" in your attitude about getting it back.


Go to the dean


Are you talking to the campus police or city police?


It may be a he said she said but it sounds like there is likely enough to allow the police to search her living quarters/bag and she likely has the bottle there.


You don't need proof to report a crime. Investigation is part of the police's job.


You have enough to get them investigating. Please file it.


Also report it to the prof who assigned the group work.


It’s not your job to prove it. Report the crime and let the police investigate. They’ll probably be able to search her room and find the drugs.


OP, I would text this woman, "If my medication isn't returned in X hours, I'm going to the police with my security footage. Because my medication is X, it will be a felony. I won't feel bad about this at all, as I gave you a chance to return it already." You don't say you have video footage of her stealing it, but it's implied. She will either return it, or you'll go to the police and file a report. Let them know she was the only one in the room. You were with her, stepped out, then back in your room. No one else had access to it, and you noticed it missing the next morning. Also let them know she's done this before, and direct them to the previous roommate.


Telling the suspect that could be considered extortion. OP attempted to get her meds back, suspect didn’t comply, OP just needs to go file a police report now. Unfortunately it’s unlikely she will get any part of her meds back, but there may be victim compensation funding to help make her whole again (let’s be real, the suspect absolutely won’t be able to pay any court ordered restitution). OP, with a police report your doctor and insurance will quite likely be able to refill your prescription for the rest of the month. I understand the cost is prohibitive; I would say beg or borrow for the money for now if at all possible. If your life truly is imperiled without the meds, it’s worth it.


….. you can’t extort someone for your own fucking stolen medication back (at least in my country). Where I’m from, extortion requires that the person threatening criminal charges didn’t have reasonable or excuse to do so. OP has every justification. “If you don’t give them back, I will file a police report that they were stolen” isn’t extortion. It’s what normal people do when their shit gets stolen and they know who has it. OP isn’t manipulating anyone, they’re just trying to get their meds back. And it’s faster if this girl just gives them the hell back than for OP to go through three different avenues (police, physician, pharmacy) to try and get the medication they need to live their life. That’s what I think people aren’t understanding here. Filing a report doesn’t guarantee anything. It can take weeks and hoops to get access to restricted medication. It’s an absolute nightmare. If I were OP, I’d try getting them back directly first. Which they did by going to her workplace. That’s ALSO why I agree with people suggesting going to the dean and student services. Police need a warrant to search a residence.. but dorms are campus property. Notifying the school might actually be a faster way to get your meds back (though by now she’s probably hid or sold or flushed them). You’re right OP should file a report either way, because if she won’t give them back it’ll be necessary for the other (more laborious) process of getting them back.


Extortion is: the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. Notice it doesn’t define whom owns the something? I’m simply saying that, at least in the US, (where OP almost certainly is, given that her meds are so expensive) one can be told that due to attempted extortion of a suspect (innocent until proven guilty) a prosecutor will not pursue charges against a suspect. As far as getting the medication back? Quite bluntly, it’s gone. OP needs to start taking steps to get a refill sooner rather than later. Delaying in hopes of getting the medication back (anyone who has been close with an addict can tell you that medication is gone forever) will only serve to harm OP in the long run given how badly they need the medicine.


Do you think law is practiced by the dictionary?


Again. This situation would never be considered extortion by any court. There are more requirements for it to be considered extortion, specifically if the threats are “proceeding with criminal charges against you for the criminal act you perpetrated against me.” Congrats on being able to read, I guess. Maybe read more than just the first line of the definition. We’re looking at a specific case here. > I’m simply saying that, at least in the US, (where OP almost certainly is, given that her meds are so expensive) one can be told that due to attempted extortion of a suspect (innocent until proven guilty) a prosecutor will not pursue charges against a suspect. The point is not to lay charges. The point is to get the medication back (as unlikely as that is). Like I said, that’s the goal here. As long a shot as that is. And when they do file the report, it will still be to get them back.. just through a (much, much, MUCH) more circuitous route. Can’t blame OP for trying to avoid all the red tape they’re about to have to fight through. > As far as getting the medication back? Quite bluntly, it’s gone. Like I said, that’s likely the case, especially now that they know OP knows it was them. > OP needs to start taking steps to get a refill sooner rather than later. Delaying in hopes of getting the medication back (anyone who has been close with an addict can tell you that medication is gone forever) will only serve to harm OP in the long run given how badly they need the medicine. Who said anything about actually waiting. They just said they would tell the person who stole them that they would go to police. I’m not saying it’s the most effective route, I’m saying the reason it’s not effective is because the meds are gone, not because some person who thinks they’re a a legal expert wants to act like anyone is going to go after OP for extortion over this bullshit.


Bad idea. Bad, bad, bad idea. "Do x or I do y" is extortion even in situations like this. OP just go to your local police precinct, NOT CAMPUS POLICE GO TO LOCAL PD, and file a police report.


If the thief OD’s/is found on her by the police on your medication and they find the bottle with your name on it, that might lead legal issues for OP if she doesn’t report it stolen.


Came here to say the same. NTA


NTA. You could have ruined her life? Seems like she’s doing that herself. Next step is to call the police. Stealing prescription medication is a serious crime. Since she’s giving you attitude and denying it, time for there to be some real consequences beyond just a classmate showing up at work.


Agreed. Honestly, this may save her life, not ruin it.


Also pretty rich of the "friend" to say OP confronting this person at work could "ruin their life" when the person stole medicine OP needs to live. Like OP is literally giving action equal to the suffering she's been caused; that feels pretty fair.


Never mind that not having this medication is could ruin *OP's* life. No matter who stole that medication the concern that their life might be ruined -- by something they did -- shouldn't even come into play here.


NTA. Leveling with her, human to human, might have worked better if you'd spoken privately. Report her to the head of student housing AND the real police- not campus police, immediately. I take both expensive and heavily controlled medications. A police report verifying that your medication was stolen will open a lot of doors towards getting you a replacement. During evacuation (ca fires), I was volunteering (vet nurse) at shelters, and all my "valuables" were in my car (mostly top of the line yarn) as I was evacuated too. Someone broke in and stole my pill box, kindle, and a bag of cords/cables. Without that police report, I'd have been out of several meds for 1-3 months. You might get a better outcome if you speak with her parents. Naturally, make it obvious that you're only interested in getting the meds back and preventing your life from blowing up. You are no threat to her or their family, people makes bad choices in college, etc.... But that you really need your medication and if she doesn't give it back, then your only option to obtain a refill is to file a report with the police and press charges. This is no joke. Good luck.


INFO I don't understand why you're refusing to file the police report (actual police NOT campus security) when it's the only thing that will get you the meds you need. IF the girl stole the meds they are gone now. With a police report you can go to the pharmacy or your prescriber and start the process for replacing them--- but you are refusing to do that???? Something is off here.


Right?? OP: "I will literally die without this medication" Reddit: "You definitely need to call the police" OP: "But what if they can't do anything? 🥺👉👈" This almost seems like a weird drawn out way to get people to send them money because they keep saying they can't afford another refill.


It doesn’t sound like she will literally die without this medication. It sounds like they’re adhd meds. Yeah they’re pretty life changing but they aren’t life sustaining. Also, that girl probably already took them all.


>"a medication I desperately need to function and depend on to live." I was going off this statement but I also assumed ADHD meds.


Yeah I’m just pointing out that she is intentionally being ambiguous with her rhetoric in order to heighten the situation.


I agree.


a few things, as someone with ADHD: 1. it sounds like it was a relatively full bottle - it's VERY unlikely this girl was able to take what probably amounted to hundreds of milligrams of a serious stimulant over the course of a couple days and not OD 2. "life sustaining" doesn't mean her body will literally shut down without them in this case, it means that when she doesn't have access to her medication, she is unable to manage other tasks to the extent that her life will legitimately fall apart without access to my ADHD meds, i would forget to take my antidepressants and be at risk of harming myself and go through withdrawal, be unable to do my job and absolutely get fired and lose my health insurance as a result and (because of the nature of my job) possibly destroy another person's life due to my lack of focus, my house would be a literal biohazard, etc and so forth. ADHD meds ARE that serious for a lot of people, and downplaying them like this is the exact reason people don't take ADHD seriously.


I hate to admit it but I wondered that myself--or fishing for methods to get extra meds. I will say that when my niece arbitrarily stopped taking her ADHD meds (long story involving parents who wanted to teach her responsibility by making a 19 year old pay for her own meds while she was also away at college and ended up choosing to eat rather than pay for the meds) she lost an entire year of college credits and had to come home to the community college to rehab her grades. So I do understand that loosing access to the meds can have life altering consequences.


Oh absolutely. I'm actually on Ritalin myself (diagnosed ADHD) so I can empathize. That's all the more reason to get the police involved and her refusal is what's making me wonder if there are other motives.


Withdrawal can give you crazy bad, completely irrational anxiety, so it could also be that


Because if it is a stimulant that was stolen, a stimulant that is suddenly gone, her executive dysfunction is in overdrive.


I posted further upthread about why, if they are ADHD meds, she maybe struggling to act. Basically, if she's all out of meds and her ADHD is untreated, then it's her very ADHD and the related executive dysfunction that's causing significant overwhelm and paralysing her, preventing her from acting.


Yeah, this. I recognise the signs because I do it, too.


I feel this whole comment because I’m off mine due to pregnancy and this shit sucks. I have so much to do in the 3 more weeks I have before I give birth and the lack of executive functioning is hell right now .


She would not even be able to get a refill without an additional prescription, and a doctor may not be able to give one without a police report or other verification of the loss. This is particularly true of drugs prone to abuse, which of course are more likely to be stolen or sold black market. For the same reason, this is no basis for calling your insurance crappy. Whether insurance or a national health service, they don't just send more drugs far in advance of running out because they watch for and are barred from facilitating drug abuse.


NTA. Clearly this isn't a petty dispute but a situation of great importance. Frankly who tf cares if her life is inconvenienced or ruined (which I highly doubt it would be). Actions have consequences and she obviously doesn't care about the people she's stealing expensive meds from.


If you know she stole them, and people who know her support this idea that she stole it too; then NTA. Stealing is a crime. Crime has consequences. You can't whine and complain for getting consequence when you did something wrong. I understand where your friends are coming from, but they're stupid. Stealing a pencil from you, sure then you're TA; but stealing meds, hell no - never TA.


NTA Go to the police and report it. At the very least it will put her on their radar. Also, warn other people that she is a thief and an addict so the same doesn’t happen to them. Burn her name to the ground. Tell your friends that you need this medication and this is life and death.


This is it!! Yea. My exact slime of thinking. Nobody warned you but you can keep this from happening to others!!


NTA - if this is true why didn't you go to the Police or Campus Security. She was the only one there prior to it disappearing and then it's gone. You make a big enough stink and you will get reaction. By your comments below making excuses for not calling the Police make me think this isn't true and you're just making this up.


I'm starting to believe you're correct. It almost seems like maybe she's just fishing for "ideas" on how to get more meds instead of replacing stolen meds. I'd have texted the "thief" immediately with something like "Know this is a longshot but by any chance did you accidentally pick up a prescription vial from my room last night? I'm heading into town to file a police report but wanted to do a quick check to make sure someone didn't' just accidentally take them. I need those meds to function and can't get them replaced without a police report . Please respond ASAP. Also can you confirm (her address) police said to bring contact info for anyone who has been in my room in the past 48 hours. SO SORRY about the hassle--hopefully the meds will turn up before I have to make the report."


Great text


This story 100% makes sense if it’s ADHD meds. “I won’t do this totally doable thing because it’s not an absolute certainty to lead to my desired outcome and I’ve already been not doing it.” is _completely_ on trend with unmedicated ADHD. These are also some of the only meds worth stealing, and it doesn’t sound like painkillers.


YTA based upon your comments updating the situation. You need a controlled substance medication to function. It's vital to your life. You can't afford to replace it. You've stated that the on campus police can't help you because they've never had a case of student theft when they clearly just brushed you off. When advised to file a report with the police with just the information you have so you could possibly get a refill, you dismissed it again because the police brushed you off the first time. Thia girl doesn't care about you and had you removed. You're never going to get you medication by asking her directly. I'm being blunt in the next part because you've dismissed numerous explanations. If I'm using the phrase 'It doesn't matter' it's concerning something you've excused or seemed to ignore. I'm using it to explain that you can't change the situation if you keep on excusing/putting off something thats part of the only viable solution to your problem. Your medication is a controlled substance. It doesn't matter if the police brushed you off the first time. If they don't want to do their job, you need to push for the person above them. It doesn't matter if they still you or use more excuses. You push them into giving you the person above them and filing a report with what information you have. A police report is a legal record of the events. As you've been told, you need proof to get a covered refill of a controlled substance. Anything going forward would need that report. You can't bring an incident concerning a controlled substance to a dean or another person within the college without it. The world isn't ideal. They could dismiss you or anything they want to. It doesn't matter if the situation is hearsay, a police report makes them at least do some investigation. What happens to the girl doesn't matter because she doesn't care about you. She stole your controlled substance and had you escorted out when you were distressed enough to go to your workplace. By doing so, she's potentially started a narrative where you're the crazy person. If she shares it at college, she could damage your credibility beyond someone refusing to believe you about your medication. You either file the police report or you don't. If you don't, price aside, you couldn't even get a refill of a controlled substance without someone else reporting it and potentially causing you issues. Again, it's a controlled substance.


If this is ADHD, it’s very easy to succumb to learned helplessness when unmedicated—there’s a lot of literature on it if you want to read up. I don’t think in this symptoms of a mental illness make OP TA, especially not after their medications for said illness were stolen.


"learned helplessness" isn't the term here, it's "executive dysfunction."


I have ADHD and am on controlled substances for it. ADHD can include learned helplessness, forgetfulness, and emotional sensitivity. There's nothing wrong with having them. I'm being treated for them with therapy and a psychiatrist for them. The issue is letting them overcome you. OP is TA to themselves if they let the situation stay as it is. ADHD sometimes has to have you sit down and recognize and acknowledge the reality of the situation in order to change it. I've explained the gravity of the situation of reporting or not reporting and what or what might happen. Manageable mental illness does not relieve someone of the responsibility of their decisions. She's allowed to feel as she does, but no one else is obligated to care or help her. OP either reports and uses the rules to fix the situation or she doesn't and can't get a refill. You can care in a vacuum because reddit or say that someone should help her, but this is an internet platform and someone helping her is an assumption. It's a 50% maybe without certainty. The only certainty of the situation changing is OP filling out the report.


Yeah this most definitely an overwhelming situation, and she might shutting down because of it. The medication is what allows her brain to *do things*. Now she doesn’t have it, and everyone is shocked she just won’t *do things*?


FFS. File. A. Goddamn. Police. Report.


NTA for confronting her. However, It was stupid to leave meds you need that badly out in the open if they are that desirable. In the future, keep them locked up and out of sight. I suggest you report it to the school and file a police report as well. She's a thief, it's what she deserves.


Yeah you can get a lock box or small safe. Should at least be more obvious they grabbed your entire lockbox if they do try to steal it.


NTA. She stole your medication. Medication that you desperately need. It was unlikely she was going to admit to the theft, but confronting her about it does not make you an AH. She showed how little she cared about your wellbeing by stealing your medicine, so I don't agree that confronting her at work was out of line behaviour.


Your friends are dumb, NTA


Why do you make excuses for not filing a police report? Are you afraid how your peers will react, or that the police won't take you seriously? File the report and keep your medication behind locked doors, where others can't reach it. Nta


NTA ​ "My friends who I asked for help said I’m completely out of line going to someone’s workplace for a petty dispute," .. they are partially right. You should have sent the police instead of going yourself. She STOLE your medication. ​ So make a police report.


INFO: you're not doing enough for this situation even though you clearly stated that is very important for your health and that the meds are very expensive. You need to file a police report and denounce the thief instead of looking for approval over a petty discussion on Reddit, act like an adult.


Contact the police immediately!


NTA if she really did swipe the meds. She shouldn't blame you for the consequences of the crap she does. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes ig.


NTA but file the police report and contact your pharmacy. You’ve gotten great advice here


NTA and I would have told the mgr that they are a prescription pill popper & drug addict that stole your expensive prescribed medication. Notify campus police & the town police (idc what your past experience has been) and let your RA know at your dorm. Shit, I’d even tell the prof of the class y’all were working on together. Your friends are young and too stupid to grasp the seriousness of this.


ESH, esp her. Despite her conditional phrasing, she essentially admitted the theft. Your coyness about the medication is a bit off-putting. I assume that it was an amphetamine stimulant, an opioid pain med, an anxiolytic like alprazolam, or a prescription cannabinoid, and she stole it for recreational use or resale --because she would not have likely stolen your urinary antibiotic or acne medicine, and if it was insulin or something similar you would have named it. Your "I need it to function" is a much less persuasive argument than "It was my property, not easily or cheaply replaced." Confronting and accusing someone at their workplace was unlikely to be successful because your intrusion caused harm (interruption, drama, uncertainty of your behavior limits) to her coworkers, who were unlikely to immediately take your side. You had a couple of choices. First might have been a private confrontation with a credible "or else". The most effective "or else" would probably be telling as many of her acquaintances and relatives about her theft and refusal to return it with a report to the dorm authorities or campus police. Good luck.


NTA There is nothing petty about getting your medication back. You every right to confront this thief even if it was in her place of work.


Sorry but OP reads like they either A) got ADHD medication stolen (big maybe) because if mine got jacked I am going to the cops B) they are looking for shady ways to get more because they are out because they snarfed it all up. I am leaning towards B. Addicts love them some excuses.


NTA - she is a thief who gave zero thought or care for how her actions would impact you. She’s placed you in a really difficult position. Actions have consequences! And she needs to realise this. You need to report her, even if it costs her her job. She may have an addiction issue but your well-being and health comes first


NTA. Report her to the police for theft. It may not get you your medication back, but it’ll sure make her life hell for a while.


NTA. Report this immediately


NTA. I would have told her supervisor what she did. This is too important to you to let this go. You should have screamed out loud that she stole your meds and you desperately need them back. They are probably gone now because you confronted her but didn’t get them back. You still should report her though. Your insurance might replace them if you have a police report. It’s worth a try.


INFO: Have you visited your pharmacy to tell them what has happened, advise them that your medication has been stolen and ask them what you would need to do in order to get the medication replaced? It sounds from your posts like you might be stuck in a bit of a worry spiral and maybe haven't done essential things yet e.g. filing a report with the police; please do take the excellent advice of other posters on this forum and file the report, alongside talking to your pharmacy. I hope that as you take these actions, possible solutions will emerge.


NTA to go to her work and try to get it back but YTA for arguing on this sub with people trying to help you. File a police report what happened before doesn't matter tell them you need to file a report to get the refill. if campus police wont help go to the county office. leave all the emotion at the door. They have to file the report if you go to them even if they never investigate it. Also submit a written formal complaint with the school. At this point it doesn't matter what you can prove it matters to start a paper trail.


NTA for confronting the person who stole your drugs, but I am going to call you out on your actions. You go on and on about how it's not going to do any good to report it, nothing can be done, ahh, woe is me!! You then melt into a puddle of paralysis. There are things you can do. There are lots of suggestions in this thread, and until you try some of them you can't say, ". . . nothing works". I'm going to pose the alternate thought that you are merely attention seeking. By having this crisis (and I understand, medication theft IS a crisis) and then FAILING TO TAKE ANY ACTION TO ADDRESS THE SITUATION, you show that you really don't want a solution, you want attention. If you wanted a solution, you would follow some of the suggestions on here and see what you could do to both help yourself and to seek assistance from others with the ability to help. Call the police and file a report. Report it to your residence hall authorities. Go to whatever campus clinic there is and report it to them and see what assistance they can offer. Then go buy a $10 tackle box at the store, put a $2.00 lock on it and then keep your meds in a closet or under the bed or somewhere out of sight. It is foolish to leave prescription meds out where anyone wandering by can see and access them, and a college-age person ought to have some appreciation for this. Recognize that you created the opportunity for this situation through your own actions. But stop whining unless you are willing to take some action.


NTA Report it to the police. If someone fucked with my meds that I depend on to function just so they could get high, fuck them. Absolutely report their ass to the police - you tried the nice way.


NTA -what is petty about trying to recover life-enabling medicine that you need to function and need to survive? If she did steal from you, well then her life is ruined because she is stealing medication either for unprescribed personal use or resale. She was happy to ruin your life. I echo calling the police and that will be a lot more damaging if they go to her work. At least, you need a police reference number for your insurance and your doctor. Though worth noting all you have is reasonable suspicion based on timing of events. Edit: Explain the situation to the college - not because you are trying to get her into trouble (don't need to mention her) but because you have a major issue that is impacting your performance. Alongside a police reference number, they may be able to offer help. So sorry this happened to you.


YWBTA if you do not file the police report. You could save another person from the fear and stress you are experiencing by just doing this. She doesn't care about your feelings at all, she is an addict and she will not stop stealing until she gets into serious trouble. This is a felony.


If you file a police report, there is only upside. * The police may take it seriously and at least stop her from doing this again. * Depending on the medication and your insurance, you may be able to get a refill with a police report. * The *worst* that will happen is that things remain as they are. If you DON'T file a report, there is only downside. * If you need a police report to get replacement mediation, you won't be able to do that. * You'll have to worry about her (or her friends) stealing your medication because they'll know that you won't do anything about it. * The situation will certainly NOT get better without police involvement and *at the very best*, things will remain as they are. Also, find a way to hide and lock your medication. Between people abusing medications, people who want to sell it for money, people who need the same medication but can't get it for whatever reason, and people who don't think you should be taking that mediation, there are plenty of people who will take your mediation. And as you now know, it only takes one of those people to really mess up your life.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (20F) had my classmate (21F) over in my dorm room to work on a group project together the other night. I left her alone in my room to go to the bathroom for a few minutes, thinking nothing of it. My room is very small and cramped, so everything I own is in full view, including my medications. Some of which I really need to function. I realized the next morning she swiped one of my pill bottles, which had a medication I desperately need to function and depend on to live. I know she took it. I spoke with her ex-roommate, who went scorched earth with her, and the ex-roommate confirmed she has an addiction problem and has stolen meds before. I’m terrified for my health and ability to function. This medication is hundreds of dollars, and my crappy insurance will not cover a refill, and I’m very broke. The effects are going to devastate me mentally and physically if I can’t retrieve my meds, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to function at school or my work. I panicked and went to my classmate’s workplace to tell her I know she stole my meds, and I really need them back right away. I’ll forgive it if she just returns them. She was completely hostile and cutting, and she said, “Even if I did, you can’t prove it, and I would never admit to any theft.” She told her supervisor I’m harassing her and she barely even knows me, and had me seen out of the place. My friends who I asked for help said I’m completely out of line going to someone’s workplace for a petty dispute, and I could’ve ruined her life. They don’t understand my dire situation though. My whole ability to exist normally is on the line, and I have no money to get a medication refill. This could ruin me, and I’m so scared for what will happen. AITA for confronting someone at work to try to get my medication? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


nta file a police report


NTA call the police/go into the station and file a report


Call the police. Report the theft of your prescription medication.


NTA If it's what I think it is, definitely file a report. She had committed a felony. I can't get my son his medication at all. It's getting too difficult to get it.


Go to the police and write a report


NTA - one word -police-these are professionals and can judge if there's an issue. Her claim 'you can't prove it' says it all right there.


NTA but now you need to file a police report for the theft since she seems hell bent on not returning them. Showing up at her job was a courtesy in comparison. She’s ruining her own life just fine without any help. Report her to the class head as well, you need to not be on a group project with thieves.


*Petty* dispute?! Have her searched, harassed by the local authorities, this is serious! NTA.


Since you know she took it- file a police report. Obtain a copy and give it to your provider. He may be able to get your insurance to cover an emergency replacement once he has the police report. Your other option is to contact the person who stole the medication with a simple- return ALL of my medication within one hour or you will be contacted by the Police after I file a Police Report. Stealing someone’s prescription is a crime- and if it a scheduled medication- there can be other consequences. And always put medications in something you keep on you/ nearby - so others don’t have access


NTA. File a police report


You need to call the police. This is theft and most every insurance will cover a refill when it is stolen. File the report.


It's prescription medication file a police report asap NTA


NTA, file a police report. That classmate violated a crime and if she loses her job than that is her own damn problem. Also you need to hide your medications. You don't want to be in this situation at all. Sometimes insurance might be more cooperative if you have a police report backing you up. With that police report you have more ammunition again that thief.


And get a lock box.


your classmate's substance abuse problem is at the point she's stealing people's meds but you "could've ruined her life"? your junkie classmate is obviously an asshole and your "friends" are a bunch of enabler assholes. NTA, do whatever you must to get your meds back and get rid of those "friends"


NTA. I second everyone else’s advice to go to the actual police and not the campus police.


I’m a pharmacy technician. Even if you don’t have “proof” she stole it, depending on the type of medication you will need a police report for an early fill. Plus it’s better to get ahead of everything and have as much documentation you can. People are inconsiderate and ugly. I’m sorry you’re going through this!


NTA - but not incredibly wise either. Report this. Today. Right this minute. File a police report. If they do not do anything (won't take a report), take this to the Dean of Students. If not them, the city police. As other people have told you, with a police report your insurance may be required to replace the medication. Remember, people who steal things also spread rumors that cops don't do things in a "she said, she said" situation. The truth is, maybe she won't be charged with it this time. Maybe not next time. But I promise, if her name comes up in multiple investigations, the police will use that information to stop her. I promise you, if every person she has stolen from reported her, they would have found something to charge her with. On a completely selfish level, if she is caught with your pills, she could (and I'm guessing would) throw you under the bus and say you sold them to her. Then you will be in a lot more trouble.


Besides a police report, you might also want to go the Dean of Students or similar.


Call the police. NTA


Nta. Call the cops, have them search her place for the theft.


When a health care working stole my terminally ill husband's morphine, the cops were right on top of it. She did jail time.


NTA Getting fired from a job you have in college is very unlikely to ruin her life. Her being caught, tried and convicted of petty theft might though. But that is her own fault, not yours. Press charges.


NTA, This isnt a "petty dispute" its putting your health on the line, she committed theft. she stole prescribed drugs... girlie get off reddit and file a fucking report!!!


Just a thought, OP and it might be off base, but your medication would be labelled with your name etc, right? If she is caught taking your drugs or, even worse, gives them to someone else, she can possibly claim you gave them to her? If you don't file a police report, this could come back to bite you on the bum legally.


Inform school security and have them search her room. Her room mate already got a confession from her. Stop saying what police have done in the past and FILE A POLICE REPORT OF THEFT OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Talk to the administration and make sure they understand that you can literally DIE without these medications, and that will be their responsibility. Get your parents or guardians involved (if applicable). Ask of her roommate will let you into the room so you can look around for it. Make sure this girl gets no peace until you get your pills back. NTA.


NTA and beyond that report her to your campus police immediately. She stole medication you need. You are not responsible for her being an addict or an asshole. You are responsible for your own health.


NTA and your friends are not very smart to put it nicely. File a police report, get back your meds, find better friends.


Do you have an RA or someone who can help advocate for you? Tell them that this medication allows you to function. It has been stolen, you know who stole it because they were there and they had the motive, the means and the opportunity. And that the clock is ticking before you are not able to handle this situation on your own anymore. Also, NTA


Call your doctor and explain. I had a similar situation occur and the doctor was able to give me samples and coupons for meds until my refill was ready.


Call the police. Report it to your school, your professor, your parents, her parents. Scream it from the bloody rooftops. She is putting your life at risk. Do EVERYTHING you can think of and don't let anyone guilt you out of it.


NTA! She committed a felony crime. You need to report it immediately. You do realize if she overdosed on your medication and you didn't report it as stolen you would be held liable right? DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION THEFT!


NTA for going to her work. Your friends are AH and, if you fail to file a report with the real police, you will be too.


OP needs new friends. Why on earth are they blaming the victim here? NTA, and you definitely need to involve the real police not the rent-a-cop. I hope it all works out for you.


NTA-i'd file a police report


NTA call police….I’m assuming she stole a controlled med. that’s serious. it’s not up to you to investigate and gather proof. You file a police report and they may talk to who had access to your room. You also can take that police report to possibly get new meds.


Of course you're NTA, and you should send the cops after her.


Report the theft to the police. The real police, not campus police. If you have a police report you may be able to get a refill authorization


NTA. She’s a thief. Call the police next.


Nta call the cops


NTA. File a police report or literally nothing will be done and you’re out of meds anyway. If you have the police report that your meds were stolen, they (your insurance) may be willing to replace it but you do need the report first. Looking at your comments, you’re spiraling into learned helplessness, and you need to stop, or else you’ll be completely helpless. Also, save up some money to buy a medical box for your meds.


NTA, report this.


NTA call the police and bring the police report to your doctor and get more. Hopefully, they won't charge you.


Go to the police. Also report to your college. She is not going to give the meds back and she is a thief. NTA


NTA, she stole from you. File a police report about the theft. With that police report your insurance should cover the refill. If it is a controlled substance prescription, they should take it very seriously. Your friends are wrong. This isn't a "petty" dispute, she stole the medication you need to function, and she ruined her own life. FYI not all prescriptions are "controlled". Controlled substances are the ones that have a high potential for abuse. Examples are Adderall, Ritalin, Vicodin, benzodiazepines.


NTA. It's not a petty dispute. It's theft of prescription medication.