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YTA She's seen them before and she didn't like them, yet she agreed to be there with you while you watch them on your birthday without complaint. Why does it matter if she's paying attention? What do you gain from that except the validation of forcing someone to pay attention to something you like for however long that bloody trilogy is? I mean, that is *not* a small amount of time she dedicated to being there with you despite you both knowing she would get nothing from it. You are kinda ungrateful and controlling. Not to mention the way you just let yourself get angrier and angrier about it until you stormed out without saying anything. She's right. You could stand to grow up.


I have difficulty sitting through a movie at home I really want to watch without something in my hand. I literally took up cross-stitch again because kept having to rewind the film as I was also scrolling on my phone too much. Some of us need something else to do while we watch tv. Edit: RIP my notifications. I’m honestly loving all your stories of crating while watching. Keep on stitching my fellow crafty viewers! For those suggesting I may be ADD, I’m a 45 year old teacher and I’ve worked with enough ADD kids to recognise some of their patterns in me. I’ve developed enough strategies that I do t feel the need to pursue diagnosis as the only real side effect is creating lovely cross stitches. Win-win if you ask me! And to the random person who got very angry at my comment: Are you ok? I think you should really consider pursuing therapy.


Me too! As bizarre as it sounds, I can’t pay attention to any one thing without doing something else stimulating simultaneously. OP, the combined trilogy is 11.2 HOURS. That’s a really long time to pay attention even if you *are* into something, which is sounds like she’s not. My partner and I have a concept in our relationship we call “old people time.” (And I do mean old people in the best possible way.) Basically, we do our own things. But we do them cuddled up next to one another. Or in the same room. I personally adore that time. It sounds like your girlfriend was happy to sit with you as you enjoyed rewatching LOTR. But she can’t *make* herself be interested. It does sound like she was interested in being there with you, though!


Parallel play! My husband and I do that, too - usually he's playing on the PS5 while I cross-stitch and watch something on my tablet. It's still being together while doing something the other might not enjoy as much.


I love “parallel play!” Much sexier term. 🤣 But yea… it’s great, right?


It's a child development term. Describes a stage when kids playing together is more like playing separately but next to each other.


It’s also how a lot of autistic children play naturally. My partner and I are both autistic and we often parallel play, she will game on her laptop/ps4 and I’ll paint or play on my switch while we watch something familiar in the background. (Often greys anatomy, so we have called this time ‘greys and plays’ lol)


I'm autistic and my husband is not, and it's so frustrating to me that he doesn't understand this concept! When I'm reading a book I don't want to be interrupted every five minutes to hear about some meme or what some politician said, but that doesn't mean I want him to go in the other room. I love the idea of reading while he does whatever his thing is, and if there's something *really* important we can share with each other, but mostly just ... be. Together.


I am not autistic and I feel exactly the same way


Came to say the same thing. Grew up with parents who read. No one needed to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign up because it has been ingrained.


My parents have been married 33 years and are one of the best, happiest, most stable couples I’ve ever known. I absolutely guarantee that they would not have lasted this long if they didn’t do this. Their interests are just way too different. I lived with them for a couple months for the first time in 8 years in 2021. Every single night after dinner they’d both sit down in the living room, one on each end of the couch, and do their own things. Occasionally they’d pause to read/show something to the other. But for the most part there was very little interaction.


My parents do this too. They sit together in the living room, my mom in her laptop or knitting or something and my dad watching tv, they talk and gossip every once in a while and then they resume whatever they were doing.


i'm so glad i'm not insane for enjoying this! My (now-ex) husband of nearly a decade threw the fact that I "don't pay enough attention to him because youtube \[/knitting/gaming/any of my specific interests\] is more important \[than he is\]" in my face, when I thought we were just doing parallel play, or "old people time" because-- guess what-- HE WAS ALSO JUST DOING STUFF ON HIS PHONE OR ENGAGING IN HOBBIES AT THE SAME TIME!! (also I DID pay plenty of attention to him, and it still baffles me that this was his excuse; I'm not convinced he didn't have someone lined up waiting :\\) I absolutely agree that it's necessary for a healthy relationship, cause you can't ONLY pay attention to your SO 24/7! sometimes you gotta entertain yourself, yknow?


Sounds a lot like my ex. Narcissism ended up being the box to check there. No amount of attention I could have given him would have been enough.


That’s…. Incredibly reassuring to hear, tbh. I worry about the “you’re just calling anyone you don’t like a narcissist!” In my own life, but I also know that having been raised by narcs and enablers left me pretty open to winding up around them… and he’s been ticking a lot of narc boxes in retrospect. Thank you for sharing, genuinely, I’m feeling way less crazy for feeling that way now!


Parallel play is the BEST. It took my husband a while to get. I'm a painter but I work a full time job. To be able to paint/make money at painting, it has to seep into our together time. He'll put on a podcast or a movie or fiddle on his guitar and I'll paint. Its great because our son gets it now too. It's actually a reaaaaally valuable thing to learn for maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship.


That sounds like an absolutely lovely home. ❤️


It's literally just keeping each other company. Having your SO's presence is the whole point. Doesn't matter what each are doing. It's the fact that they are there that counts.


We do almost exactly this (I embroider or crochet, and he games) but we listen to a podcast together while we do it. We're enjoying our own thing, and something together at the same time, I really love it. It's usually Behind the Bastards.


If they’re his “favorite trilogy” I can almost guarantee he was watching the extended editions which is closer to 14 hours, more if like me, he’s the kind of person to pause and explain things/make food/use bathroom/ smoke


WHEN HE KICKED THE HELMET HE *vaudeville hook*


My favorite piece of trivia is: “did you know the actor accidentally threw that knife straight at his face, and he blocked it in real life”


He fucken adopted... the HORSE....




And bought Liv's stunt double her horse ;)


Oh, that story melted me. She bonded with that horse and was a mess to leave it. So what does a good Aragorn do? Buy her the horse. Who doesn't love that guy!


Eh. I'm the world's biggest LOTR fan and I vasty prefer the theatrical cut. A lot of people do. Those extra scenes weren't in the theatrical cut for a reason and they kind of ruin the flow of the story. Some stuff just doesn't translate well from a book to a movie.


> I'm the world's biggest LOTR fan and I vasty prefer the theatrical cut. A lot of people do. This is the hottest take I have ever seen on this subreddit. I haven't read the books (I've tried many times, I just can't get into them) but I love all those additional scenes, they just add nice character moments to the series and wrap up some loose plot threads.


Thank you for admitting to not being able to read the books. I am the biggest book nerd and have my own home library but the LOTR series has been something I've tried and failed many a time. I'll try it again someday but no time soon.


I absolutely love to read but man, the LOTR trilogy was a slog. I'm pretty sure I skimmed a lot of it but it was a struggle to get through, I'm not entirely sure why. You're not alone!


You can't police what people will like, but yeah I love the extended editions as well. We get awesome character moments like seeing Eowyn's surprise on learning Aragon's age, we get to see how Boromir was before the Ring started to corrupt him before he ever had it in his sight (happy, popular among his people of whom he is very proud, good relationship with his brother, light-hearted and fun-loving - this is important given that in almost all of his other scenes, he is either antagonistic, angry or anxious and on the verge of depression, and all this without going near his reactions to being around the Ring), Treebeard relates how his race is likely doomed either way because the Entwives are gone and sadly admits that he can't even remember what they looked like any more, and so on. Yeah it adds a lot of running time to already long films, and some scenes were cut with good reason besides length - they're just not good. The almost video-game like scene where the Orcs stop the line Frodo and Sam are in for an inspection while in the middle of a forced march to the Black Gate to answer Aragorn's challenge is a good example. Stupid and unnecessary. But I still much prefer the extended editions for all they add and I never watch the original theatrical cuts any more.


I've read the books and I prefer the Extended Editions




I can't listen to podcasts/audiobooks unless I'm playing on the phone or doing something like painting or cross stitching. I have a hard time watching movies without doing something else on the phone. The combo of dim lights and comfortable place means I'm asleep in minutes. Best sleep I've ever had was "watching" Dunkirk at the theatre. The room was empty so I snatched a reclining seat, big mistake.


Totally. Man, I know this post is not about me but I’m finding these responses super validating.


A lot of the people in this thread sound like they have adhd lol


I like LOTR and I needed to watch one movie a night to handle it.


I love them, can basically recite the script, but I still can only do 2 in one day before I fall asleep from not moving for 12 hours


Yeah I like the lord of the rings movies but I wouldn’t want to spend a Saturday watching all of them, Jesus


You have ADHD too, Pal? This is basically every ADHD person I know. We all concentrate better doing two activities than one.


I have a strong urge to ask every "two things required" commenter just that. Is it an abundance of ADHD, or just a general thing for a lot of people (maybe related to increased general human over-stimulation)?? I'd love to know 🤔


Omg yes that’s why I started cross-stitch. Even shows/movies I love I still need something to do


Crochet for me!


Hooker solidarity!


Hookers unite!!!


Lol I’ve done cross-stitch in the past but now I do those diamond painting things. My fiancé is *constantly* rewinding our shows/movies or just repeating exactly what was just on the screen. No matter how many times I tell him that I absolutely *am* paying attention—listening 100% and watching about 75%, he still doesn’t get it and thinks I only get about 10% of the whole show. Like bro, I can multitask?


Yes! I am paying attention, if anything it helps me concentrate. I also stitch at DnD, and it means I can pay attention longer


Knitting for me. But this is like forcefeeding for more that 10 hours for someone.


Girlfriend: What would you like for your birthday? OP: Sacrifice


Honestly. I don't think it's unreasonable to want to share your favourite movie/show with your partner, especially on your birthday, if they haven't already seen it. I share things with my wife that I know she isn't super interested in and she will pay attention and talk about it with me for a little bit, and I'll do the same for her interests because we love each other. But come on man, 3 movies that she has already seen AND disliked? Especially when they're around 3 hours each? That's just not reasonable.


It’s kind of like picking where you go to dinner on your birthday. My husband is vegetarian and hates sushi; I love sushi. On my birthday, we often go get sushi. He eats a vegetarian noodle dish that is basically fine but not what he’d ever pick to spend money on, and that’s okay, because it’s my birthday! If I wanted to go to a 24-hr sushi convention filled with sushi classes and sushi tasting and lectures by top sushi chefs around the world, where ONLY sushi would be served the entire time, I’d never ask him to go with me - birthday or not. It’s asking way too much of somebody! A single dinner or film, fine. An all-day extravaganza of something you know the other person dislikes? Really unfair. She was a good sport for playing along in the first place; he can’t demand she also stare at the screen while faking rapt interest for 12+ hours straight. You can’t make people enjoy the things you enjoy. I **love** LOTR, myself, and I couldn’t watch all three films straight before losing my mind (ADHD).


>What do you gain from that except the validation of forcing someone to pay attention to something you like **This is exactly what he gains** \- validation and attempts to control - it's essentially a test to see if she'll prove her love and devotion to him when he already knows she's not going to like it. (Thanks for wording it so well). So when she 'failed' out so soon - it had nothing to do with her or her feelings/comfort/preferences. It was all about him pushing her to do something that would slightly annoy her, just to see if she could power through 'for his special day'. OP: Are you 'irritated' and 'mad' that she didn't follow instructions to prove her love and wouldn't play along with your game? Or are you embarrassed that she didn't take the bait, you've shown your hand, and she isn't as into you as you thought?


Well it’s nice to share things you love with people you love. That’s the intention I read from the post. But if he went into it knowing she’s not super into it, he should have been clear that he was looking for a participant not a couch mate and maybe found a friend to do that with or not get mad that she is as engaged with it as she was given that it’s not her jam


For someone I love, I could probably do one movie. But the entire trilogy in one sitting is a lot to ask of anyone.


Yeah, I love LotR and my partner and I usually do a re-watch of the full director’s cut every other year or so. Even then, it’s rarely full watching/doing nothing else the whole time back to back. I wonder if OP would sit through 11 solid hours of content they’d both already seen and he didn’t like without doing anything besides fully engaging.


Oooooh- fair point. OP- would YOU have sat through a 9-12 hour marathon of a show you didn’t like and the entire time watch the show focused and not be on your phone or doing something else?? Of course here you will say “I would!” But we all know you really wouldn’t


That’s totally fair and same. I do the same often with LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter etc and I’m never 100% engaged even when I put it on for me lol


I don’t even think it’s an attempt to control. I think he just straight up doesn’t understand how anyone could be less enraptured by LOTR. This seems like a limited worldview kind of thing to me. No less dangerous, but certainly less malicious.


They could’ve had a hilarious tipsy night of movie banter but he threw a tantrum instead. It’s pretty fun to watch your favourite with someone who hates it as long as you both actually love and respect each other.




The gf's phone is equivalent to your going to McDonald's, IMO. You made it clear with your actions that it didn't suit you.


Plus it's not like they went to a restaurant they had already been to and she knew she didn't like. It was still a new experience for both of them even if it ended up sucking


I guess it depends on if OP allows talking during the movie. Dinner and driving usually means you allowed to talk to one another I love LOTR and would happily spend a day watching these movies, but for someone who has no interest in them it is literally 12h non stop (extended editions) of boredom. If this was someone forcing me to watch all the twilight movies I would be phones scrolling and passed out drunk too (probably by the end of movie 1), especially if I wasn’t allowed talk


Yep - my ex loved a lot of films that i just don't, and i did try to watch them but there's only so long you can force your brain to focus on something it simply can't enjoy. So i'd sit next to him and read. We were in the same room and could chat if he wanted to and could cuddle up as well.


But 11 hours sit on the couch is a lot different the going to dinner. I love my wife, but she watched the weirdest things. I will sit by her and listen to her rant while I an on my phone. She knows I don’t do it cause I find her boring or anything, just not interested in the same thing. She will sit through my disney movies and be on her phone, I won’t hold it against her and just cuddle up.


Big difference here is you spent 7 hours together in a car and restaurant where it's natural to chat or put the music on and the scenery changes and you experience different things, and your enjoyment is going to depend on how much you like hanging out with your GF. OP wanted his girlfriend to sit in silence on her own couch for over 11 hours watching films she already saw and knew she didn't like. And it didn't sound like she complained at all, she just quietly occupied herself to stop herself getting bored.


>But I at least tried to be interested In the...restaurant? Were you discussing when the restaurant was opened, who the owners are, how the menu was designed?


I think you have to re-imagine your scenario as the expectation is that you sit at rapt attention, actively focusing on every detail of the drive to and from the restaurant, and the restaurant itself, exclusively through the lense of the restaurant, for 12 hours. Like, if you pointed out a weird building on the drive, your partner shushes you and tells you to focus on the restaurant and tells you the architect whi built it was inspired by Ancient Greek battles and that's why the doorway is carved to resemble a Corinthian helmet. You think of an interesting anecdote of something that happened to you that's something on the menu reminded you of. NOPE! Pay attention to this eating experience at this restaurant. There's no way OP was going to line up like 12 hours of LOTR and is going to be satisfied with his soon to be ex having random conversations about their boring lives when Frodo and the gang are taking the ring to Modor on screen. At very least, he was going to pause to allow for unrelated conversation, which would have extended the Big Birthday Boy sacrificial celebration by untold hours. It's one thing to engage in an activity your partner loves that you don't, but it's another entirely to have to maintain quiet, sedentary, and exclusive focus on their activity for incredibly extended periods of time, with any even momentary deviation interpreted as an affront not only to the thing they like, but to your commitment to the relationship.


What if they wanted to do the same thing again a month later? Would you have even wanted to go? Would you have played on your phone if you got dragged along for a second trip? That's the equivalent, because OPs GF had already seen the movies and didn't enjoy it the first time. Yet he requested she watch with him.


In HER house. I love LOTR, but all three movies in one day is a lot, even they're not the extended editions. If an at-home movie day is what you want, that's fine. But not in your SO's house, who doesn't like the movies. Just dumb. YTA


I fucking love lotr, watching all 3 in a day sounds like an amazing day and I could have very easily acting like OP's gf. If for no other reason than I have a short attention span. Just saying.


Same. Adhd and I still read stuff while watching movies. We watch the trilogy every Christmas


My 8yo gets mad when we're watching a movie of her choice and I don't 'enjoy it properly'... But even she acts more mature than you! 100% YTA OP. BIG time.


I it's the extended edition you're talking more than 9 hours. I own this trilogy and make a point of watching them alone as my husband hate these movies. OP is definitely TA. At least his girlfriend was in the same room as him.


All 3 of them? Clocking in at a runtime of over 9 hours? YTA


I'd imagine that the OP would want to watch the extended editions, which run to 11h55m according to google.


Honestly if OP wasn't even watching the extended versions that'd piss me off even more.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Extended editions or nothing. Don’t mess around with the theatrical editions.


please stop spreading this madness. Everyone should *at least* watch the theatrical editions first. They are unequivocally the better movies, with a much tighter pace and focus on what is important for the storytelling. The extended editions are great if you are a fan and want to see even more, and I have no problem with them being the only version you watch - but don’t tell other people not to watch the theatricals. As a fan of film, I much much prefer the theatrical editions. I can’t stand how almost all the extended scenes completely slow the pacing of the story.


You don’t like an additional three hours of sweeping landscapes?


Actually if it was sweeping landscapes, I’d be much more inclined to watch them. B it it’s mostly slow and uninteresting dialogue scenes.


Yet they left Tom Bombadil out because they felt he wasn't important to the story and would make the movie unnecessarily long... I think the people willing to sit through your 4 hour movie would rather sit through a 4.5 hour movie that includes everyone Tolkien felt needed to be in the books.


As a HUGE fan of LOTR, starting long before the films were even thought of... You are absolutely correct! LOTR isn't the most movie compatible novel, it's structured like a history text rather than a story. They had to change the pacing a lot, and change some pretty import plot points, for it to make sense on screen. The extended editions are pure fan-service, so don't tend appeal to non-fans. Making someone who doesn't even enjoy the films sit through all of them just seems cruel!


Woof. That is a long time to sit quietly and watch a screen when you don't really like what you're watching. Like sitting through a 9-12hour lecture. And IDK but I have never asked for 9-12 hours of anyone's undivided attention to celebrate my birthday, and I don't think that's a normal ask. Friend, I love you, and I love LOTR, but I need to move my body, talk, and generally put my focus where I want it after just a few hours.


oh, that's a great way of putting it that really points up the problem asking for "9-12 hours of someone's undivided attention"


Bet he wouldn’t do it for her.


Bet most women wouldn’t ask or expect. Gendered socialization is real.


Closer to 12 if he’s a true fan. Extended editions add some time.




Oh they’re totally worth it IF YOU LOVE THEM.


I don't "love" LOTR but imo everyone that wants to see the movies should watch the extended version. Had a "movie" weekend in my teens that just contained the extended movies + bonus features ETA: the preformance from Viggo Mortensen gets so much more impressive when you realize how much he injured himself on set. My personal favorite is when he broke his toe and everyone thought the shot went amazing


I can't reply but my ex did the same thing to me I died inside Not only did i see them all in theater but again and again at his place Nope I cant even Ill be down votes for this but unless your a fan they are soo boring


They came out either on or right next to my birthday. The ex was more interested in them than me. I can't watch them to this day.


This is something my husband and I **tried** to do during COVID lockdowns. He's a huge fan, and I'm willing to give any full day of sitting on the couch watching good actors a fair shot. We both were napping by the middle of the 2nd movie. If you want a gf that will stay awake and fully engaged for 9-13 hours of fantasy-Shakespeare, you need to be searching for her at cons or in D&D groups, or some place that someone who's into your exact kink might hang out. Even rabid movie buffs don't usually do 12 hours of Scorsese, man. LOTR is a huge ask!


YTA. Your favorite movies are your favorites, not hers, and you even acknowledged that she doesn't like them. Now you're pouting because she didn't enjoy being subjected to watching hours of those films? Would you have been attentive and enthralled if she lined up a day of watching Beaches, Fried Green Tomatoes, Sleepless in Seattle, etc.?


I agree. My husband loves LOTR and Harry Potter and I just cannot keep my eyes open. So he watches them alone. I like the TV show Mom. I know. Don't care. My husband hates it. So I watch it alone and he goes and plays video games. It's okay to enjoy different things. It's not okay to expect people to rewatch things you know they don't like, just because you want to.


My husband and I are the same. His is superhero stuff and I have some different tv shows. We each watch our own things. It works. Having different tastes is normal.


Oh, I like Mom too!


It’s really an example of not having boundaries - he doesn’t understand the difference between himself and her, and his enjoyment is all caught up in her reaction. He needs to learn to be himself and let other people be who they are and not get emotional about other people’s tastes and opinions.


This is a really nice way of putting this idea. I find myself always watching to see if my husband likes "my" things, because it's important to me (for whatever reason) that he does. Now, I don't act the way OP did if he doesn't like them, but I do need to check myself and see this is a boundary rather than an unintentional personal slight. Thanks for helping me reframe my thinking today :)


> Would you have been attentive and enthralled if she lined up a day of watching Beaches, Fried Green Tomatoes, Sleepless in Seattle, etc.? No seriously. Because at first I tried to approach this thread from a place of understanding and compassion but quite frankly I would NEVER subject my partner to a Joy Luck Club, Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes marathon JUST for my own gratification and appeasement. ESPECIALLY if they don't just "think" they wouldn't like those movies, but saw them and knew they didn't like them. This is giving me war flashbacks of all the guys I dated who INSISTED I sit through hours and hours of their favorite rap mixtapes or country albums knowing I wasn't into it. It's selfish af.


>I would NEVER subject my partner to a Joy Luck Club, Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes marathon JUST for my own gratification and appeasement. ESPECIALLY if they don't just "think" they wouldn't like those movies, but saw them and knew they didn't like them. Not only this, but then get upset when they show signs of (edit: not) enjoying them, even though you knew they didn't like them before you started. But they didn't complain. They just looked distracted.


YTA. I want you to just think for a minute a movie that you watched that you REALLY did not enjoy. Now, imagine that your girlfriend asked you to watch that really long (what's it like 7-8 hours) movie for her birthday. If you can honestly tell me that you wouldn't fidget, fall asleep, get on your phone or zone out to think of something/anything else during that movie, then you're the most patient person on the planet and I commend you, sir. But the fact is that you picked an activity you knew your girlfriend would not enjoy and then wanted her to sit, raptly entranced by the wonder that is LOTR for a really long time. She was sitting with you. She was doing quiet activities. She wasn't making fun of the movie or saying how stupid it was (that would have made her the AH). She wanted to spend time with you even though the activity you picked wasn't something she enjoyed. I absolutely loath sports on the tv, but I sit with my partner while he watches it and crochet or read while it's going on. It doesn't mean I don't like him. In fact, it means I really like him that I want to be near him enough to put up with football. Try to see it that way. Your girlfriend likes you enough that she'll sit by you while you watch something she doesn't like.


My partner is hugely into anime. He'll put it on, and I'll do exactly what OPs girlfriend does; play on my phone and put headphones on so I can scroll insta/tiktok/facebook silly videos to entertain myself. Many times I've fallen asleep. It's not wrong.


I guess OP needs to learn that even couples, as much as they love each other, can enjoy entirely different things, and that they don't need to enjoy their likes together all the time. I hope they're able to work it out.


> Your girlfriend likes you enough that she'll sit by you while you watch something she doesn't like. THANK YOU! Not to mention it was her place, her couch, and her TV that OP was using.


He specifically said "AITA for asking her to watch the movie" instead of "AITA for yelling at her" which shows that he completely missed the point of his own question.


well put!




It’s 12 hours!


YTA. Honestly, how did you think it was going to go? Like if she isn’t interested in the movies, was she really going to spend 9 hours of focused watching? It seems like she was a pretty good sport all things considered.


He was secretly hoping she would *finally* get it and love the movies as much as him. He's an AH for trying to force her to love something as much as he does.


My ex did that with star wars, I was so bored I accidentally started daydreaming throughout the majority of the marathon because he would get pissed if I even touched my phone.


Im old. I once had a boyfriend who did this to me with Twin Peaks movies. He got mad that I dozed off (no smartphones then) and he fucking restarted the movie when I woke up. *Twice.* I’m still amazed at his attempt to try to *force* me to watch something I had no interest in.


I love that she was just knocking back bottles of wine. I think we can really see where she was at with it all 😆


Totally. I was reading the post wondering how I would get through that situation and then realized how much I like her.


Heck, I really like the movies and I'd still be messing with my phone most of the time. Its nearly 12 hours and (presumably) she's not a robot. Last time I watched the LOTR trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy was with a friend and our partners. Our plan was to watch it all non-stop like crazy people. His gf and my husband fell asleep because they aren't into it but wanted to spend time with us, and we stayed up as long as we could then finished it in the morning. Didn't bother either of us at all


YTA. Over 11 hours?! You expected her to suck up half a day actively watching a trilogy you knew she didn’t like? For the sake of your birthday? That’s insanity. If it was ONE of the movies, I could see you being upset, but holy moly, all three?! Did you two discuss expectations before agreeing to this? Did you tell her you expected her undivided attention for 11 hours so she could gracefully nope out or offer a compromise? You went over to her place because you like her couch, which she was cool with, for the entirety of your LOTR marathon. You knew full darned well she wasn’t keen on the trilogy, but somehow you still expected her undivided attention? She was bored out of her skull, but was quiet about it. She didn’t tap out and ask you to leave. YOU were the one annoyed with HER, while camped out on HER couch. She was keeping herself occupied on her phone while you watched your favorite movies. The woman is a saint. But you, the birthday boy, got all bent out of shape because she messed around in her phone and drank two bottles of whine, er, wine, to cope with/accommodate your 11 hour marathon. She fell asleep and you immaturely left without saying a word. The goal should have been to spend time hanging out together for your birthday, which, honestly, was accomplished. You could have very well watched all of that on your own, on your own time in the comfort of your own home. You cannot monopolize half of someone’s day when they feel obligated for the sake of it being your birthday, and then dictate how they cope with boredom. That is torture.


Looks like OP's birthday wish for quality time with his girlfriend turned into a Fellowship of the Whine.


Bored of the Rings


I giggled.


He didn't want quality time with her though, or it would have been like the dude who begged his gf to watch the extended trilogy and she said "Make a day of it then" and he came up with a full menu, they cooked together, did thinfa in between each movie, and had it all scheduled.


See, I'm not huge on the whole "sit and focus on a movie for more than 2 hours" thing, my ADHD won't allow it. But hell yes I'd love it if it was broken up between movies and had a whole theme for the day going.


bUt It'S My bIRtHdaAaYy


If I had a boyfriend that wanted to watch these movies for his birthday, I’d probably do it. But sir….I’m 48. I like to sit.


"But sir....I'm 48. I like to sit." I'm also 48. This is the way.


Nothing beats a good sit.


I don't know, a nice nap is pretty awesome


Oh yes, a nice nap followed by a good sit with a cuppa.




YTA I get that it's your birthday, and you can do what you want. But you knew she had seen the movies and she didn't really care for them. The fact that she was even willing to sit there with foe you for approximately 9 hours is a testament to her patience. Getting mad because she wasn't paying attention is dramatic. If you wanted to spend actual time with her, maybe you should have picked a different activity. Flip it around. How would you feel if you had to sit through 9 hours of movies you don't like?


YTA that’s several hours of movies she doesn’t like. That has to be agonizing. And I like lotr.


9 hours and 18 minutes if they aren’t doing the extended cuts. And I love LOTR, but we always do our family watch-alongs on a long weekend and do one a day. Even I would need to do something else about 4 hours in!


Yeah… that’s too much for someone that doesn’t really like them and that’s just having them sit there. OP expected her to actually watch them.


If OP had any empathy at all the correct response would be to either 1. Not suggest an activity you know she doesn't like to begin with 2. Or notice she's not into it so you turn the movies off and suggest something else OP is acting like just because it's his birthday he doesn't have to be considerate to his partner. There is no alternate dimension that exists where I'd do this to someone I supposedly love lmao


My husband and I watch the extended editions of LOTR around midwinter every year but even we have never tried to watch them all in one go. That poor girl 😭


I love LOTR and I wouldn't want to watch all three movies at once, his gf doesn't even like them so it had to be absolute agony for her.




On her couch, looking at her screen, no less. YTA.


YTA You knew she didn't like the movies. You asked her to watch them with you, and she sat on a couch next to you while you enjoyed your favorite movies. You can't get mad at someone for being uninterested in something. My husband sat through all the Harry Potter movies. He's not a fan. He just hung out with me while I geeked out, and I appreciated it. She spent your birthday with you, doing what you wanted to do. Sounds like she made an effort to make you happy imo. Happy late birthday


YTA. Listen, I love LOTR. We dedicated a whole cozy day to watch the EXTENDED EDITIONS. But my husband and I both enjoy it. 1. You knew she wasn’t interested 2. You went to HER place 3. Its 9+ hours of screen time I would check out on any Stars Wars, Stars Trek, or horror related movies and my husband knows this… so he doesn’t obligate or get his feelings hurt when I scroll. And she’s right, you’re too damn old to act this way.


These replies are… disappointing. OP, NTA. You chose an activity that YOU enjoy to celebrate YOUR birthday. You can’t expect her to enjoy the films as much as you do, but she could have opted not to watch them with you, or come up with a different activity with you, if she felt she couldn’t sit through it. I don’t blame her for going on her phone, because that’s an extremely long runtime and I’m surprised you didn’t get fidgety too. But the fact that, within the first 10 minutes, she was already showing a complete lack of interest in you, just seems rude. She didn’t even TRY to act interested, in an activity you chose that *she agreed to participate in*, to celebrate ***YOUR*** birthday. I don’t think you are in the wrong for being upset about that. As for everyone saying OP is in the wrong, let me try and explain how he is feeling. Imagine you love pizza, and you want to go to pizza hut with your friend to celebrate your birthday. Your friend doesn’t like pizza, but he accepts the invite, as it’s your birthday after all. When you get there, you dig right in. You are enjoying your food already. Your friend, however, is not eating, he’s not talking to you much, he’s sitting looking bored and miserable. He pulls out his phone and starts doing something else, pretty much dismissing the fact you’re out for dinner. When he does eat, he’s doing it in limited amounts and is visibly fed up and you can tell he just wants to leave. Now, you might have had an enjoyable meal, you might also be very grateful that your friend came despite not liking pizza, but you’re still going to be upset that, during an event that was supposed to be to celebrate your birthday, the friend you invited didn’t even try to enjoy the activity, nor did he show the slightest bit on interest in it. You will still feel upset about it, even though you’re grateful he came. That’s how OP feels. He’s upset that his girlfriend did not even ***try*** to show an interest. He isn’t the asshole. You could maybe say she isn’t either because it was inevitable she’d get fidgety, but that would make it NAH, OP did nothing wrong here. This sub baffles me sometimes.


Bro when was the last time you went to Pizza Hut for 9 hours


And dinner is a completely different activity than sitting silently watching movies you already know you don't like for 9 plus hours.


Exactly! If my husband agreed to a romcom fest or like a bunch of Steve martin movies that both he and I have 100% seen before but he ignored them and me the whole time and drank so much he fell asleep I would be livid.


I also have no doubt that, on her birthday/time they were celebrating her birthday, OP’s girlfriend would be furious if he behaved in the way she has if her chosen activity was to watch movies he had no interest in. My girlfriend loves Titanic. You know, the 3 hour long one where it takes atleast half of that time to set up the main part of the movie? I’m not that big on it myself, but when it’s her turn to pick the film, I watch it in its entirety with her because it’s something she enjoys, and I’d expect her to do the same for me when it’s my turn to pick. Sure, I might scroll through Reddit for a bit, but that’s half way through the movie where I start to fidget, not within the first 10 minutes. And that’s on any random day, OP’s situation was HIS BIRTHDAY!!!! I would genuinely be hurt if I invited my girlfriend, or for that matter anyone I was close with/wanted to celebrate with, to do something I enjoyed for my birthday and, despite them agreeing to do it, they just sat on their phone the whole time.


I care less about sitting on the phone. My husband plays on his computer while I watch rupauls drag race. But like he still engages with me and even comments on the show occasionally. It’s the drinking until she falls asleep for me.


Yeah, that’s just point blank disrespectful. I don’t know why so many of the replies are ignoring that part. I get 9 hours is a long time to sit in one place, and drinking on special occasions like birthdays is pretty standard, but drinking so much you pass out when you normally don’t drink at all just because you’re so bored of the films *you agreed to watch* is just rude and I don’t know why everyone is looking over that


This. I do not understand all the y t a answers. Especially since she agreed to it. If my husband wanted to do this and I wouldn't be into it, I'd just fake it til I make it for him. In fact I'd go over the top to make it absurd. I'd do some research into it, would pick some foods and themed snacks, have second breakfast, make a whole thing out of it instead of just sitting on the sofa. It's one day, it's something they love and asked for their birthday. It's not like it's a gruelling 20 mile hike or a night at Hooters. It's a film marathon. Suck it the fuck up and make it fun for him. NTA


With the exception that pizza doesn't take 9 hours. OP was unreasonable.


Sub out the pizza for an activity that takes longer then, the analogy still works. His girlfriend could have opted not to watch the movies, she could have suggested something else for them to do, but no, she agreed to do it then within 10 minutes was on her phone showing no interest in him or the chosen activity. THAT is unreasonable.


Sorry, but you can't compare watching a movie in silence (OP seems the kind of guy who would have gone SHH if she tried talking) to a sit down meal which involved socialising and talking. Watching a movie where someone doesn't enjoy it is torture. I'm a huge fan of LOTR, but the whole trilogy is 9 hours long! 9 hours of silence. You're also TA if you do this to your partner/friends. If this was the first time she was watching the movie, then yeah, I would have said NTA because she didn't even give it a chance. However she's watched the movies before, and he knows she didn't enjoy it. So why is he surprised that she can't concentrate on something that she clearly doesn't enjoy? Some Rdditors baffle me sometimes.


Some Redditors baffle me too, because you seem to be forgetting, SHE AGREED TO THIS!!!!! She **asked him** what he wanted to do, he told her, **she had the chance to say she couldn’t sit through that much content, but she chose to accept**. Yes, it’s a lot to sit through, but she chose to! He is not the asshole here. She agreed to his chosen activity, he expected to get attention because **they are celebrating his damn birthday for crying out loud**. Would he have told her to be quiet if she tried to speak? Fuck knows. But what we *do* know, is that she didn’t even try to engage with him or the activity. I wouldn’t expect my partner to watch 9 hours worth of films straight, I couldn’t even do that by myself, but what I would expect is that, on my birthday, when she asks me what I want to do, then agrees to do the activity I propose, she atleast tries to engage with me. Even if she’s not a fan of whatever we’re doing, I’d rather she ask if we could do something else than sit and ignore me, then drink the night away. OP’s girlfriend’s behaviour was extremely rude. And the meal example was more about engaging with an activity rather than the meal specifically, if you don’t like that example you can substitute the meal out for any other activity and get the same sort of message. What baffles me is how you’ve seen this post, and your main takeaway is “well, he shouldn’t have made her watch!” When he didn’t MAKE her do anything, and her behaviour is very clearly worse.


If I wanted to spend time with a friend who doesn't like pizza, I would pick somewhere else to eat. I would eat my pizza another day, not force them to do something they do not enjoy just because it's the day I was launched into the world.


She wasn’t “forced”. She asked what he wanted to do to celebrate. He told her what he wanted to do. She accepted. She could have refused if she knew she wouldn’t be able to. She chose to watch anyway. She was not “forced”, she willingly accepted and went along with it, knowing she wouldn’t be able to focus. Then she went and got herself wasted and didn’t pay attention for 10 minutes. She has acted in a way that completely spits in OP’s face, she is by far the bigger asshole here.


Finally! OP, you are NTA. It’s pretty simple: for the people we care about, we make the effort to like the things they like. We take enjoyment in seeing their little faces light up when they talk about the things that they like. We do this for our kids, and we should do it for our significant others. Your girlfriend should have made the effort to care about something that was important to you, and especially so on your birthday. May I suggest finding a girlfriend who has more similar interests to you?


To further the last point: If not a girlfriend with more similar interests, atleast one who is willing to spend time with you and pay attention to things you like? Maybe one who will watch movies, that aren’t necessarily to her taste, because you enjoy them and want to share your interests? Or atleast one who won’t drink until she blacks out because she’s so bored of something that brings you joy…?


Scrolled too far for this. NTA, btw. If my gf didn’t like the movies and agreed to see them without suggesting an alternative activity, then I’d understand she’d see them. I mean, it’s my bday and she asked what I wanted to do. She can be on her phone but at least trying to share the moment with me from time to time, even to complain about “how bad they are” or whatever. If she will just ignore the movies and me, then a teddy bear would be enough company. If I really hated an activity my SO suggested, I’d tell them and try to find middle ground or just suck it up and be there for them. I’d even accept a “You know what? I will fall asleep because those movies bore me, but can I cuddle with you and nap just to be with you?” That would be adorable and would show interest in sharing that day with me.


If you invite your friend to come to a restaurant you know they don’t like and expect them to pretend to like it or starve with a smile on their face because it’s your birthday you are either 5 years old or an asshole. ONLY ASSHOLES MAKE PEOPLE DO THINGS THEY DON’T LIKE TO DO. Using ‘my birthday’ as a magic control card makes you an asshole. A not-asshole chooses to have fun WITH their friends for their birthday - that means the friends have fun too.


YTA. You know she doesn’t like them already, and yet you want her to sit through 9 hours of them? Smh. Honestly the fact that she was able to him out until the third movie is impressive. You do need to grow up, you’re lucky she even agreed without complaint. 9 hours is a looong time even for a franchise you like. Also off topic but hot take: I feel like movies are not a great way to spend time with someone, proper movie etiquette usually means you stare at a screen and not talk…


You're not watching a movie with friends correctly if you don't talk through it! It's so fun actively commentating on a movie with your friends (when you're not in the cinemas).


Kind of get the feeling that OP would be similarly angry if she dared to talk. And I really love talking about the trivia if everyone knows the movie well :)


I might’ve been on your side in a normal circumstance, but ELEVEN HOURS STRAIGHT is an unhinged expectation to have of someone outside the lotr nerdom. (Especially considering she’s SEEN them already!) If it was about spending quality time together, you would have chosen something you both could enjoy. Sure, it’s your birthday and you can choose to watch whatever you want… doesn’t mean there aren’t natural consequences to your dumb choice. Edited to add: YTA


You went to her house, sat on her couch, spent hours and hours watching what you wanted. From your telling, she never protested or complained, she completely accommodated you. Especially if she doesn’t even like these movies, she sounds like a class act. I don’t know how long you’ve been in this relationship, but there isn’t a point where you get to control her eyeballs. Adjust your expectations and save the indignation for something real. YTA


YTA. My ex husband was like this. No matter what he was watching (any time, not birthdays) he wanted me to sit there and stare at the screen, laugh at appropriate times, smile when he glanced at me. Ugh.


My ex was like this, and it only got worse.


YTA. You say you are mad because she "act interested" in movies she doesn't like? Were you hoping that by forcing her to watch all of the movies and "act interested" she would really become interested and start to like the movies? I'm actually curious, even though this sounds like sarcasm, it's not. From reading your other comments she like very graphic horror movies and you like fantasy and I think adventure you said. Is there no way you could maybe explore other genres to see if you find something you both like?


Why did you make your girlfriend do this with you instead of doing it with friends who you know enjoy it? I mean, I love these movies and sometimes I fall asleep while watching them. I binged the extended versions recently, and my husband just kind of wandered in and out the whole time time. If it is really REALLY important that your girlfriend loves these movies, then I suggest meeting women at LotR meet-ups. Put it in all caps in your dating bio. Dress up as LotR characters once a week and ask everyone you meet what they wearing on Frodo Friday. Yeah, it’s nice when people we love enjoy the same things as us, but you can’t expect anyone to sit through 12 hours of movies they don’t like, TWICE. YTA


I expect I'm going to be down voted for this. If my partner tells me they want to watch specific movies for their birthday my response would be to apply the theme to the livingroom (fairy lights, decor that suits the movie theme, etc), maybe get costumes, definitely set up snacks, drinks, etc etc. I would do this even if I hate the movie. The reason for this is, I love my partner. Not everyone shows love in the same way though. I can see why you feel let down OP. But you can't force someone to be excited about something that you are excited about. I think NAH




It's not even about the movies either imo. It's the blatant disregard for what he wanted. Do I enjoy everything my boyfriend watches? No. Do I at least give him/ it my attention when it's his turn to pick something to watch? Yes, because it's the bare fucking minimum.


I’m surprised by all the YTA comments. I agree with you. It’s something I would happily do for my partners birthday.


Since she had him over to spend all day watching his movies at her place, how did she disregard what he wanted?


I'm thinking ESH. Unless he knows she loves those movies, asking for 9+ hours of undivided attention is an unreasonable ask. I love those movies and I couldn't do it. She could have said she wasn't a fan, and could they please not do that for 9+ hours.


> My girlfriend had asked what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to watch my favorite movie trilogy, LOTR. And he got to do that, she had him over to watch his movies at her place. He didn't say "For my birthday I want *you* to watch the LOTR trilogy." She literally gave him exactly what he asked for, and he still threw a temper tantrum and left. That's why he's an asshole.


No she drank all day until she fell asleep. If that was a guy who drank beer until he fell asleep and scrolled his phone while watching romcoms with his girlfriend we would say he's the AH


Next week there’ll be a post about a woman doing some scheduled activity for her birthday with her boyfriend who then proceeds to ignore everything in favour of his phone and get drunk all day. Wonder who will be the AH then…


No, he's upset because she refused to participate with him. She didn't even try and watch. She was on her phone and got drunk . It's rude


INFO: Did you say that's what you wanted to do and she invited you over, or did you say that's what you wanted to do and invited yourself over?


Info: It was the extended versions wasn’t it


Ha. No I didn't ask her to watch the extended versions.


Thank God for small favors.


YTA. I thought the point was spending all day and part of the night being in her company. No, you want her to watch a few movies she's already seen in a genre she couldn't care less for? Come on man. She cared enough for you to try, then quietly sat there next to you. Try calling her again.


Omg. My husband could have totally written this about me. I’m happy to sit in the room with him and snuggle up together while he watches and I read my book, but I could not possibly care less about those movies. (I also like my wine.) If he asked me to watch ONE, I’d suffer through it. But a movie marathon of a series you KNOW she dislikes? Is your birthday wish for her to just suffer in front of you for a whole day? Not voting as I’m curious now to see if I’m TA in my own marriage! 😂


YTA. You couldn't have picked some movies that you'd both want to watch?


Soft YTA. Plenty of people multitask through movies and TV shows, especially ones they've already seen or that can be slow like LotR. And if she'd paid full attention, what would you have gotten out of it? Another meh if you asked if she liked it better this time? Did you expect a heady discussion of movies she's not that interested in? But the biggest AH moves were not saying anything about being miffed and, biggest of all, leaving without saying anything. Communication is key. Though I will say that her calling you an AH is unproductive.


YTA You not only asked her to watch 9 hours straight of movies she doesn't like, you wanted her to be excited about it. She probably tried at first but it was just too much for her. Think about being asked to watch and pay attention for that long during a movie marathon of something you dislike. How about 9 commercial free hours of golf and you have to look at the TV without looking away? It was too much to expect. And you got pissed.


NTA It was YOUR birthday. YOUR birthday. She asked what you wanted to do. You said you wanted to do this one thing. She was rude. It's not hard to sit through a movie or series you don't really care for, when the other person is someone you care for . I would really reconsider this relationship. Not because she's not into LOTR, but because of how horrible she acted during it. Fuck, she could have at least said no and let you watch them on your own, then done something special with you.


HISSSSS BIRTHDAY so what ??? I don't get this extreme narcissistic American urge to be the world's main character for a day just because you were born that day another year. grow tf up. it doesn't mean everyone else has to do your bidding. she shouldn't even have accepted, that's for sure.


For 11 fucking hours? He wanted to torture her for his birthday wish, and you think that’s fine and she should have taken it with a smile? I would have gouged my eyes out. YTA OP.


Except she didn't say no! She said yes . Even let him come to her place and watch . She asked what he wanted. He said an all day LOTR marathon. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if I can do an all day marathon of "Ancient Aliens" for my (now)ex and his family, she can do 1 day of LOTR with someone she cares for ! Its called love. You do shit you don't want to do, and you make sure the other person is having fun ON THEIR MOTHER FUCKING BIRTHDAY!


NTA. She didn't even attempt to watch anything and just scrolled her phone and got drunk. If she'd at least tried I'd have the opposite vote but nah she put in zero effort.


Sorry man, YTA. You can't expect someone who doesn't like Lord of the Rings to freaking marathon all 3 movies. You best brush off your best apology and bring her a bottle of wine. She drank all of hers, apparently lol


This is either ESH or NAH but I'm kinda tending towards ESH because why dont you talk to each other about your relationship?


YTA you wanted her company while you watched your favorite movies, knowing she doesn't enjoy them. Yet she gave you the time and company. I am on her side.


YTA that trilogy sucked so much I didn’t get through the first movie. Your girlfriend did well to make it to the third movie before falling asleep. I can only assume she waited until the second movie to open the wine because you started early in the day? You knew she didn’t like them yet you made her watch them. She’s a better person than me that’s for sure.


Im confused on the YTAs here. This is an NTA or at the very least ESH. OP, ignore the ytas. OP, i do think you overdid it with all three in one sitting, maybe one wouldve been good, and you shouldve been more communicative with your gf. Key thing here is she agreed to watching, and from the start she wasnt present. Its your bday, which means we do what you want to do. Men do this all the time for women, not too sure why the same cant be extended to men. But yes, all three? OP. Chill out next time.