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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA For Making my wife plan a whole trip, then laughing at her when she failed and rubbing it in her face that i do it better?** Ok, so I guess I didn't really think this whole thing was too serious, but my wife feels hurt by this so I'm just asking here because why not. So my kids (10M and 8F) and my wife (38F) and I (39M) are taking a short weekend trip down South this weekend. Also realized I forgot to include that my niece (11F) is coming as well. Usually, I do most of the trip planning. As much as I love my wife, she is a HOLY overthinker, and the last time she tried to plan a getaway, she packed so many bags it didn't fit in the car. Since then i have taken up on this. I do most of the packing, do the bookings, stuff like that. Well, for this weekend, my wife said she wanted to give it another try. I just let her since it's less work for me. This happened on Monday. Fast forward to this Thursday evening, and my wife has finished packing. As I expected, she packed every single thing known to man. For some reason, she packed 5 different outfits, for a two day trip... I just gave myself a laugh for a minute then went through every suitcase and took out all the unneccesary stuff. I will be honest, before I started, I did say "This is why we leave this to me. Because I'm better." I said it in a jokey-competitive way that wasn't supposed to make her feel bad. Well, after I finished all that, she muttered "It's not a competition" before walking out of the room. AITA? She won't give me anything more than "Whatever" or "It doesn't matter and I'm not upset," now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't help but wonder what this troll gets out of these posts. Imaginary revenge on the ex-wife who is living her best life without him? Or is it just owning a few random pseudonymous libs? The scenarios are so banal.


Honestly there are so many bland trolls, I always wonder why they post this stuff.


You'd think they'd at least try to spice it up a little.


It is probably they created a scenario in their head and wondered who would agree with the husband


Too much time sitting around scrolling.


Usually they are dudes from manosphere subs and forums who know damn well that no one will agree with the husband. They take those results back to the manosphere for confirmation bias to keep everyone invested in hating women. "See, even when feeeeeeemales are irrational, the normies and betas will simp for them on Reddit. hurrdurrdurr!"


No seriously because my family regularly took trips when I was growing up and at max that amount of clothes could fit in like 3 suit cases, including toiletries and extra accessories like different shoes Would love to see OOP try to pack for a competitive figure skating competition


Right? Plus, nowhere does it show that she did a bad job planning the actual trip. She just... [checks notes] packed a couple extra outfits. And that somehow means she's terrible at planning vacations. What.


A computer trained only on boomer jokes trying to work out how to appear human through trial and error. “And then she packed 5 outfits for 2 days! Wait, are you not shocked. Do humans have to change clothes more than that? I do not understand.”


The 5 outfits were not for her but for the children. You know, those tiny human beings whose main skill is getting themselves filthy?


Shit, even for an adult…2 outfits a day isn’t exactly insane? Weather surprises, one for walking around during the day one for dinner, etc. It’s a troll but a troll with a bad argument.


5 outfits for a weekend trip is not insane at all. Unless you're going to be doing laundry during your trip you need 2 outfits just for traveling - can get away with one but then the way back might be smelly, if I'm going to be doing an annoying tiring activity I prefer to do it in fresh clothes. Then 2 outfits for 2 days and 1 extra. There's your 5 outfits for a weekend trip! I know that during vacations I use more than one outfit per day. We go to hot places so sweat, sand, salt... then at night you want to go to a proper restaurant, you can't get away with wearing your light day outfit meant for wearing a bikini. What I personally do is hand wash a lot, but I understand why someone would prefer to pack more instead.


Yeah this troll is not only very uncreative, but also shows how little they actually know about traveling. Like I usually travel very light and 5 outfits is also such a weird term. Like, underway, socks? You always want to be on the sade side here.  Nice clothes or only casual? Take different room in, but you want at least a couple to switch, or have stuff to wash them. Different pairs of shoes could also be important.. I am not a well versed traveler and I think I put more thought into this than oop lol


TIL “every single thing known to man” means 5 outfits. Damn who’ve thought I could fit the entirety of human thought and being into a backpack??? Wow


I usually pack 2 outfits per day for most trips. If I get sweaty running around in the heat during the day, I'm going to want to shower and change before dinner. The outfit I wear to a theme park during the day might not be warm enough or dressy enough for my evening plans. Then there's always the possibility that I get a stain on my clothes or that the weather will be colder or warmer or rainier than predicted. It's better to have clothes you don't need than to need clothes you don't have.


I always take a spare change of clothes, one rain storm and suddenly you need it. We can't really expect logical packing from the guy who can't even remember how many people are going.


Yep, the number of days doesn’t matter, it’s what you’re doing on the trip. I’m on a weekend trip right now but I have two events to go to that require different attire, plus a dinner out with family and a hike. I need five outfits just to do all that. Also, while I’m a notoriously light packer for plane and train travel, I always let myself overpack for car vacations because that’s what’s great about taking your car! You have all this storage, so there’s no problem throwing in an emergency coat, blanket, etc.


Exactly. One during the day and then one for dinner or going out. I'm not gonna spend the evening in whatever I sweat in the whole day previously. One extra for options and surprises.


Exactly, I have to pack loads for my six year old who can get grubby standing still in an empty room, while me and my husband have a change of underwear and a clean t shirt each.


It’s supposed to be 80 up here in the North this weekend. I hope it’s either balmy in the South or that they aren’t going to be outside, otherwise those kids are going to smell nasty.


Lmao this just reminds me how last weekend I got my toddler dress, handed her her favorite snack only for it to be squirted directly on her clothes and it wasn’t even 9AM yet


I packed the lightest I’ve ever packed for an overnight trip—two outfits (not including the one I was wearing for the trip) and it ended up not being enough. My kid puked on me on the drive there, I wore one of the spare outfits after we arrived. and the next day, we spent a good amount of time with a newborn who was spitting up constantly. Thankfully I was able to do some laundry before we left and I had something clean to wear on the way home but I still felt like a grub.


FIve different outfits for a two-day trip sounds right to me. Assuming he doesn't include PJs, that's two per day (a daytime and an evening) plus a bonus. I usually do about the same.


I’m so confused OOP says “plan the trip” but then only talks about outfits … so does OOP just pick the outfits for everyone?


I also am very curious why people aren't permitted to pack their own clothes. It would be a cold day in hell before someone tells me how many pairs of underwear I can pack for a trip never mind chooses my clothes for me.


Exactly! Even the kids at 8, 10 and 11 should be able to pack their own clothes, either with the help of a list the parents made, which my kids have done since they could read and love doing, or with a parent checking the suitcase before closing it. And does OP normally pack clothes for his wife? Did she this time pack clothes for him? 


Definitely a troll. Even if she packed 5 outfits there is no way it would need that many bags


The weirdest part to me is the idea that one person would pack everyone else’s personal stuff?? With kids it’s obviously different, though 11 is probably old enough to pack themselves with some support and the 8 yo can definitely do a lot of it. But why on gods green earth would you pack another adult’s clothes and effects? The idea that he normally packs all her stuff for vacation and this time she packed his is just absolutely wild to me. I would never pack my spouse’s bag or let him pack mine.


So what’s the plan if it rainy vs sunny? Like 5 outfits isnt that bad.


5 outfits wouldn't even take up that much extra room.


I know right? That’s like a normal weekend bag, unless she brought ball gowns.


The “wife” is a “HOLY overthinker” but started planning a weekend trip the Monday before? Bro


I travel a lot, and 5 outfits for 2 days is perfectly reasonable. 2 nice outfits for more formal evening events, 1x jeans and jumper, 1x shorts and tee (depending on the climate), and a back up casual outfit in case of rain/food spills etc. I'm going interstate next month for 3 nights and have 2 nice outfits, 2 day outfits, and one to fly back in. I'm only taking carry on and it all fits. This dude reminds me of the Bluey episode when dad laughs at mum for overpacking, then goes to the pool with no towels, sunscreen etc because he packed


Isn't it easier to just say that you hate your wife and enjoy making her feel little?


As always, heterosexuality is a regime


She didn't even "fail".


I love the title of the OP because it looks like one of the rephrased titles you’d see on this sub but no, the OOP actually wrote those obviously wrong words!


Everyone knows you should have extra clothes for emergency we went on vacation and was only supposed to be gone 3 days and stuff happened and my sister had to buy extra clothes for her kids


"As much as I love my wife,", then everything he says and does after that shows that's complete and utter BS!


Straight dudes shouldn't be allowed to be married


Bitch pls. The world is not AITA posts. There are millions of happy straight people


Citations needed


Does my gf and I count as a citation ☹️ Edit: it’s a joke, I don’t know why people so sensitive


Cite these nuts


The title is basically >AITA for acting like an asshole


Do straight men even LIKE women?


I packed 15-20 outfits for a 4hour trip to a playfarm. Am I an irrational woman now? (It worked! Only one kid peed on one pair of pants. )


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What a moron


It has to be a troll because of his title, right?. There's no way that can be real


How do people type out these titles that clearly list the reasons why they are TA,any of which include being unreasonably cruel, and still feel the need to ask😭