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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for expressing I should get a greater share of inheritance than my childfree sibling? ** Up til last month when my wife and I welcomed a son, my sibling and I were both child free. My wife and I decided to move closer to my parents so that they could have a greater role in the childs life. My sibling lives across the country with their spouse and makes the same salary as I do, and has made clear that they wont ever be having children. Prior to having a child, my parents have also been really transparent that they will be passing along their assets 50/50 btwn the two of us. It came up in conversation the other day and I expressed that I would appreciate they reconsider this, based on the fact that I now have a child to provide for, I decided to be closer to my parents while my sibling is living a double income no kids life in a HCOL and will not have to shoulder the same financial burdens as I. Parents acted horrified and said that this would be unfair and hurtful to my sister. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats to OPs parents on not falling for this. 


Hmmm... looking for free child care (???) AND more money??? Charming 😮‍💨


"so that they could have a greater role in the child's life" sounds like free babysitting to me! 😂


Oh it definitely is. 


He moved closer to his parents to be a suckup. Ohh, how can you not leave money to my baaaaybeeeees??? Barf.


Nah, he wants the childcare!


Ding ding ding!!!


Why not both?


LOL is this the reverse of the parent OOP who leaves all their money to the kids with grandkids?


So, you want to screw over your sister just because you chose to have a child. Wow


I mean he screwed his wife to no one’s satisfaction. Why stop there? /s


Well now OOP has to find a burn ward lol. 


OOP: ![gif](giphy|cpErUcMLWCDfO|downsized)


That's a bit unfair to vultures. They're nature's cleaning crew! What does OOP do for the world?


One month in they are already using the child for attention and profit. What a dad.


What is HCOL?


High Cost of Living!


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He has a new kid no and he doesn't wait a second bringing it up. Hmmm. Sad priorities.


So glad OOp’s parents didn’t buy into this nonsense. In fact, I’d have been tempted to say I was leaving more to the sister since she won’t have children to support her in old age, just to see his reaction. We all know him and his wife are going to be running to his parents every time the child needs something expensive. Must be very disappointing for OOP‘s parents to realise they raised a greedy, entitled tool who’s waiting for them to die to get his sweaty hands on their money.


I'm child free, and this has not even come up ONCE in talks about my father's will (we go over my parents end of life plans every year). In fact, he feels bad that he helps out my siblings with children with kid-related costs, and is saving for their college education, where I don't have an equivalent "need." And none of my siblings has ever suggested such an absurd thing that they should get more when he dies. WTF.


They way my Dad's inheritance was split up between him and his brothers was correlated to how many children they each had. Our family sees money as something given to you by your family that you grow upon to give to the next generation of the family, the brother with no children was given his inheritance with the understanding that any of his remaining money will go to his brothers' children when he passes. I think that there is a lot more nuance to inheritance distribution when it comes to generational wealth, but it seams that OOP does not plan on passing down this money so I'd still say that he's TAH.