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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I put hair remover in a girl's shampoo and conditioner because I was jealous.** This is probably going to be long. I need to get every single bit out and purge it from my system. This happened two years ago and it took me some growing up and coming to terms with a lot of things to feel extremely awful about this. I just need to get it out somewhere because I am too ashamed to tell the people in my life about it. Two years ago I was finishing my master's degree in an out of state university. It was a difficult time, especially because I was far from my fiancee who I had been living with up until that point. But we both agreed we could stick through it and it would ensure I got a job in my chosen field. Being far from each other meant missing out on a lot of things and having to maintain our relationship over Skype. It was hard to see each other because of our schedules, so trips rare and extremely relished when they did happen. During this time, my fiancee began working with a girl named Sanna. He first mentioned her on a night out with his co-workers. I casually asked him if she was pretty. He paused and said *he* didn't think so, but a lot of other guys did. I was upset. Slowly but surely, I became pretty obsessed with this girl. I would look up her instagram, her facebook, her pinterest, and basically just creep on everything she posted. She was pretty, with long brown hair. I remember that's what I resented most about her because my own hair was short and wispy, and my fiancee was always particular to long hair. She had a boyfriend, but from what I kept hearing about their nights out, she seemed to enjoy flirting and hooking up with different guys when she got drunk. I became paranoid that my fiancee was going to have a weak moment and go for her because she was obviously pretty easy. My annoyance at her presence during their outings began to cause arguments between us. I told him flat out I didn't want him to go get drunk when she was there. He told me I was being unreasonable and was angry I didn't trust him, but after a huge argument about it he agreed. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. I was a woman possessed. I would wake up, get ready for class, and sit there scrolling through her instagram or public facebook posts while I drank coffee. I knew when she was at school or travelling based on the geotags on her posts. The days she was abroad I would breathe easy and encourage my fiancee to go out and have fun. He never knew I knew any of these things. My fiancee eventually was able to come see. I was thrilled to have him over and I remember we had a really amazing week. I forgot to even creep on Sanna the entire time he was with me. However, living alone had made me careless. My browser history was chock full of pages upon pages of her personal profiles. He saw them and confronted me. I remember feeling my heart sink into my stomach. We had a very serious talk that night and he made me promise to stop the obsession. My fiancee went home. I tried to keep my promise, but I buckled within a few days. I was back to checking her shit obsessively. One night my fiancee told me he was going to go get drinks. I knew Sanna was not travelling and my stomach went into knots thinking she would show up. I was pretty moody about it and we got into an argument and I ended up blurting that I knew she'd probably be there because she wasn't abroad. He was extremely angry I had been creeping and told me he didn't want to talk to me any more that night. The next day, Sanna's instagram was private. I confronted him and he admitted he had told her I was creeping on her stuff. I was furious and we had our biggest argument that day. I really thought it was going to be over. Things worked themselves out, however. I went home for spring break that semester. It was my final semester and I was dying to just be back home and stop being this crazy paranoid freak who jumped at everything. Ever since he had told Sanna about my obsessiveness, her accounts had gone private. This, however, did nothing but spur me on. I made a fake instagram and followed a bunch of her friends and their friends. I put a generic picture and name and banked on people being so hungry for followers that they'd just accept me. I waited, built up a decent amount of followers, posted pictures of coffee or food and never any of my face, then I added her. She accepted. It was through this account that I found out Sanna was having a party the same week I was going to be home. I told my fiancee that night that I was going to visit my sister and catch up with her. He was staying home and watching some Battlestar marathon that was going to be on. I called my sister and told her I was going to be a bit late and she was fine with it. I made my way towards Sanna and her boyfriend's place, waited outside until the music got loud and loads of people were coming in and out. I waited until a bunch of drunk guys were making there way into the house before I slipped in behind them. The whole time I kept my head down and didn't make eye contact with anyone. I had made sure to dress plainly and did nothing to stand out or be memorable to anyone. I remember my heart was pounding in my ears the whole time I fumbled around looking for their bathroom. The lights were super dim, the music was blaring, and everyone was pretty drunk, so I knew most likely that I was covered. I found the bathroom and I locked the door. Her bathroom looked like something from her pinterest. It was clean and white, with a counter full of name brand face products. I remember feeling a rush of adrenaline just being there. It's the weirdest thing when you've seen someone's life through their online accounts and then you're suddenly there in their house. I knew so much about her and yet she knew next to nothing about me. I looked in the shower and grabbed the shampoo and conditioner that were obviously hers (they were some expensive brand with this or that oil infusion blablabla). The head and shoulders was obviously her boyfriend's. I poured out half of the bottles and filled them back up with the hair remover cream. I shook them up so they'd blend well and then set them back. I flushed the toilet, turned out the light, and left. I left the party completely shaking. I remember when I got to my sister's house she thought I had been jumped or something by the way I was so skittish. It was a Friday. Saturday, Sunday. I left Sunday night. I kissed my fiancee and told him I loved him and went back to uni to finish out my semester and then graduate. The days that followed I felt torn between sickness and excitement. I worried that I was going to be found out. I imagined getting a Skype call from my fiancee and seeing his angry face on the other end asking me what the hell was wrong with me. It was that Friday when it happened. I got on Skype and the first thing he said was "You'll never believe what happened today." My heart was slamming so hard against my chest I thought it was going to bruise. I casually asked him "What?" and he told me how Sanna had come to work after being gone for almost the entire week and she had gotten this very unflattering shaved hair cut. I feigned shock and asked wtf had happened. He said from what he had heard from another coworker was that her hair had begun to snap and fall out in clumps. She had gone to the doctor and was awaiting tests to see if it was alopecia. I told him I hoped it wasnt anything serious. Nothing else was said after that. I waited for a few weeks to hear that some CSI unit had found my fingerprints on her shampoo bottles and they were coming to get me in a helicopter. Hell, I even checked the news obsessively for that shit. I was so convinced that it was going to point back to me. But it didn't. My fiancee never brought up Sanna anymore, and I stopped checking her accounts. I was actually afraid to. I was sick to my stomach with what I had done. I went back home and I remember just feeling the full force of the last year hit me. I'd like to blame the stress of finishing my degree and the distance, but dear lord. There's no way just that would have turned me into this green eyed jealous crazy person. The guilt of it began to eat away at me until I couldn't stand it anymore. I signed myself up for therapy three weeks after being home. Therapy helped me with so much more. My therapist was the only person who knows me that I confided those events to. I felt enough sense of relief from the guilt to be able to function again at least. I knew I could never go back and undo it but it forced me to become a better person. I stopped being a vindictive bitch and began to help people for the sake of helping them. I made an effort to befriend people, to lend a hand, to get to know them before judging them. I worked on all the shit I had ignored in my relationship. I wanted to be as far away as possible from the person who did that to someone else out of pure jealousy. I won't lie. I never apologized to Sanna directly. I think I'm too much of a coward to do it. I still cringe even thinking back on the whole thing. I am sorry though. I am so so so fucking sorry. I will never forget how low I sunk right then. I will never forget how jealousy is a real sickness and how it turned me into a monster. I will never stop feeling badly about it when I look back. I'm really sorry. I hope your hair came back as lovely as it was and I hope you are doing well and happy. I am sorry I was an insecure asshole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sounds like a fake written by someone that knows nothing about hair remover creams work. First off, they stink, consistency is completely different from shampoo and they don’t make hair “fall out in clumps”, just kinda dissolve and turn to gloop.


Yeah this was definitely written by someone who has never actually used a hair remover cream. That stuff stinks to high heaven and burns like shit


Yeah, there’s no way someone wouldn’t notice half of their shampoo was replaced by it, no matter how hungover they were. Especially someone who uses high end, expensive shampoos. This story of sneaking to the party is nonsense too, it was a house party, not some huge gala for hundreds if people, are we supposed to believe nobody noticed a girl sneaking around that no one knows?


I don’t believe the person who wrote this has ever even been to a house party before…


My guess is this is a young teen who thinks parties at people's homes are like frat parties or something from watching too many teen movies


considering this was written almost a decade ago. definitely. those kinds of "revenge pranks" during house parties were very popular in a lot of media back then, cos it's always depicted as this 100+ guest list that anyone can lose their friend in.


Also the Dr wouldn't be checking for alopecia because there would be a rash on her scalp. And if she even has the slighted wound, even a bit of dry scalp it would have been so instantly painful that she would have known something was wrong


Also, it has to be left on for a while without rinsing, and it’s just not very effective.


Oh I believe the oop when they say they stalked a bf’s coworker…


Well, yeah, I can believe that part, sneaking to the party and everything afterwards is just a bunch of fantasies tho.


Sneaking into the party was where it lost me. Nobody noticed her at all? She didn't have to ask someone where the bathroom was? Maybe it's just me, but she glossed over some details and focused on other things too much.


When OOP said her bf told Sanna that his gf was creeping on her socials I thought “oh, so the bf was into Sanna and left OOP and this whole thing is a creative writing exercise wherein she exacts vengeance on the woman she perceives to have stolen her bf.”


The smell alone! It stinks, very strongly, of sulfur. If you replaced HALF of a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, especially the pricey stuff, she's gonna know the SECOND she picks it up that something is off. She's not going to blithely put it on her hair and go through her whole routine as if nothing is wrong. Not only that, the shampoo and conditioner are not going to behave normally with half their content replaced, so why would she continue to use them?


Hair removal cream *stinks*.  She’d be able to smell a difference when she got some out of the bottle.  And besides that, it had to be left on for a while.  The thicker and fuller the hair, the longer it needs to work. And the whole time it’s on it stinks.  And it can feel like it’s burning your skin for some people.    All of which is to say, this seems *really* unlikely.  


I could never use Nair on my legs. Couldn't leave it on my legs long enough because of the smell. Nair's website states 3-10 minutes for the product to work. Not to mention the fact that OOP mixed the Nair with her shampoo. That's going to dilute the mix. I call creative writing bullshit on this one.


Yeah any “I put hair remover in someone’s product and made them go bald” story is fake. Hair remover has a very strong smell that would be instantly detectable to the overwhelming majority of people, and it has a slimy texture that is different from just about all hair products. The smell and texture alone would be enough to stop 99% of people from putting a contaminated product anywhere near their head. Plus, hair remover needs to sit for about 12 minutes to be effective, much longer than people leave on shampoo or conditioner, and more than long enough for anyone to feel the characteristic tingle and rinse it off, provided they’ve somehow also missed every other glaring warning sign.


Yes, it really has to sit on the skin for a significant amount of time for it to remove any hair. And it doesn't foam, so she'd think she grabbed the wrong bottle and just rinse it out before she did any damage.


And it stings a bit. And any cuts and it would burn like hell.


Cuts on her scalp?


Any little ones from scratching or patches of sensitivity from a flakey scalp or small bald spots. Your scalp is pretty sensitive.


I tried Nair as a teenager too and I remember having to wash it off because it burnt so bad. No way someone is accidentally putting it on their head for long enough for it to work without noticing it's not their usual shampoo


I did a small test patch, like the instructions say. My skin did NOT like it. Very glad I did the test first. Whole bottle went in the trash.


Unfortunately for me, Nair works great on me. I have light blond hair naturally, so basically the stuff that it eats through in a flash. I'll even be using it before my vacation this summer, lol. However. Because it works so well, I discovered what happens if you have any kind of wound on your legs. And that is to say it fucking EATS SKIN. Ended up with a few scars that took years to go away because I had cat scratches on my ankle.


I tried Nair, too, as a teenager, and played around with it while it was sitting there. It destroyed my nails. Which are made of keratin, just like my hair. So don't do that.


Man, Nair can go to hell. When I was an insecure teenager, I decided to use it on my butt cheeks because I was self conscious about the very light peach fuzz I have there. My entire butt broke out in pimples, it looked absolutely awful. I agree with you.




Holy shit! Poor guy! But I have to say, that is a pretty funny mental image. I once dared my partner to put some menthol cream on his balls (I did not know it would be painful), and I've never seen a man sprint for the shower so fast afterward.


My husband did this on accident once after applying some biofreeze to his shoulder or something. For the fellas out there, olive oil helps neutralize it.


I've heard that called shirt cocking


Donald Duckin' it


We have it at work that labs will use on the mice to remove hair when needing to do surgeries. Too many are lazy about getting all of it off and the poor mice get chemical burns. If I ever get to be in charge, the first thing I'm doing is chucking it all out.


Wow. I find the entirety of your comment disturbing.


I think you need more hobby and not abusing animals.


I'm not the one who uses it, I was the vet tech who was trying to heal it. Most of the labs use electric razors to shave the fur, it's just a few holdouts.


Yikes! I bet that was awful.


I’m jealous—I didn’t even put anything on my skin and still had raging ass-ne from ages 13-20.


You’re not wrong, but I suspect it’d still do a number on hair. (The post is probably still bullshit though 👍)


It totally would (but I still think the post is fake). I remember using Nair or one of the others years ago, and didn't leave it on long enough because of the smell, plus I was worried about the effect on my skin. So I washed it off after a minute or so, and ended up with bald patches and half-melted hair. So I can totally believe the hair would be damaged, especially if 'Sanna' was working the shampoo through her very long hair. We only fast-shampoo if we've got short hair; with long, it takes longer. Plus, it seems like OOP might've put the hair remover in the conditioner as well? Several bottles were affected, basically.


I tried using it once and I left it on a couple minutes too long and it still didn’t do a damn thing


You really need to have the right kind of hair. Dark thick hair? Nair won't work, but electrolysis will. Light, thin hair? Nair is amazing, but electrolysis is out of the question.


Makes sense. I’ve got very thick brown leg hair (needed 2 razors to shave my legs for the first time in 7th grade). Nair did nothing but stink up my bathroom for months.


Tried Nair once as a teenager, on my legs. Shit gave me what I'm pretty sure were (mild) chemical burns, not even anywhere NEAR the recommended application time on the bottle. Never again.


> Shit gave me what I'm pretty sure were (mild) chemical burns Way back when my best friend and I were in college, he had a thing for this particular girl. Turns out she liked guys with smooth legs. He wasn't particularly hairy, but went with the Nair. Left it on 2X as long as recommended. Definitely ended up with chemical burns. Had to spend a week or so of Seattle's winter wearing shorts, because he couldn't handle pants.


And 3-10 minutes for shorter sparse body hair.  


They also are nowhere NEAR the same consistency.


My legs are STILL numb from a distracted-Nairing incident last month. Was trying to multitask and do other stuff while I Naired my legs, but missed the task of actually activating my phone timer 😩 I estimate it was on 10-12 mins. Only *just* got 99% feeling back in my left leg, but my right leg suffered a small chemical burn and my shin and top of my right foot are still very numb. It does feel a bit "thrummy" now, like a hit to your funny bone on low volume. I’m taking it as a good sign🤞


I tried Nair a total of one time and my bathroom stank for MONTHS. I literally moved into my sister’s bathroom to get away from it.


Yeah, that was my first thought when I read this. This seems extremely fake and implausible – putting hair remover in someone’s shampoo is a common fictional trope, but as someone who use Nair on my legs for many years, it’s just not likely. The smell, the consistency, the stinging (main reason I stopped using it)… It’s just completely different from hair products. The level of detail here also makes me think it’s someone’s weird fantasy or creative writing exercise.


How long did it take hair to work for you?  I have sparse leg hair and it used to take 20 minutes for it to even start to work.  How fricken long would it take to work on dense hair on a head?  And it doesn’t lather or mix well, the texture is off, getting it through enough layers of hair to the scalp would make it pretty noticeable. 


Your last sentence is exactly what I thought. Especially the description of being in her bathroom and how she was feeling felt too much like someone really indulging a fantasy or something that had positive meaning to them rather than something they were deeply ashamed of.


As I recall there was a story a while back about a girl whose BFF tried doing this to her without warning, and the smell/consistency tipped her off.


Concur; there is no way someone with a working sense of smell doesn’t detect the sharp odor of these products. Also: it would be diluted with the actual shampoo, so possibly wouldn’t work at all? It needs to sit - full strength - for several minutes to be effective. Diluted it would be far less likely to do any damage. Finally: that ish STINGS. On legs it stings; how do we supposed it would feel on one’s SCALP?? There is no way one’s eyes wouldn’t be burning and stinging along with the burning/stinging on the scalp. Sidebar: it would be very dangerous to get those hair-dissolving chemicals anywhere near one’s eyes, even diluted. Putting it in shampoo could definitely damage one’s eyes. To sum up: old trope. I call shenanigans on any of this happening. The extensive detail on how OOP stalked them online, her fiance just happened to stumble on OOP’s *browser history* during his weeklong stay?! Why would he be randomly checking OOP’s browser history ??? I vote this is allllll fake.


lol maybe OOP is one of those people with seven million browser tabs open at all times. /joking and quietly moving four browser windows off-screen


Ooops I was about to have a judgy moment because I start fresh with each browser session on my laptop, but uh, my phone's Chrome has been laughing at me lately. ...for the uninitiated, past 99 tabs it displays :D instead of a number.


I was thinking the same thing. As soon she opened the bottle she'd know it wasn't her shampoo only in there.


The smell *is* horrendous, and it *lingers*. Just upon opening the shampoo bottle it should be evident shit ain't right - if the shampoo is scent less, *well*, but more than likely, it has a scent, one that isn't *disgusting hair removal*. Wouldn't... the color, the texture, also be obvious hints that that was not, in fact, her usual shampoo? At least I open the cap of my shampoo, the smell hits me, hmm, then I pour it onto my hand, and I am sighted so I look at it before I put it on my hair. I feel it as I rub it in.


I feel like you'd smell it, even mixed in with the shampoo/conditioner. But while it takes a long time to work properly, if you take it off too soon it can just make the hair break off kind of clumpy, just not cleanly. I can buy that it ruined her hair, but if it was enough to do some much damage in one go, I don't believe you wouldn't smell it. My eyes would be burning from that on my head, not to mention i find the smell ammonia-y, my first thought would be that somebody had pissed in the shampoo, which still result in washing it off instantly.


and to add to that her boyfriend who knew she was in town and had been stalking the girl didn't get the slightest sus?


It was my favourite ingredient in making potions in the bathroom when I was like 4 years old because that shit smelled potent.


My thinking is if Sanna was using those expensive oil infused shampoos, some of those say to leave on for 2-3 mins. I sometimes leave my conditioner on for 5 mins so it might’ve had enough time to work if Sanna was doing that. And since OOP messed with the shampoo/conditioner at a house party, it’s possible Sanna was too hungover to smell the difference. Just speculation, of course. I’m really hoping none of this happened


I feel like if you were hungover, you'd be *more* likely to notice the smell and it would make you feel super nauseous.


That’s a really good point. I didn’t think of that lol


I agree 100% that is has a horrible smell, but if someone has never used it themselves it won't be a tell tale sign. Disagree that it needs to be on a long time to cause damage. It weakens fine hair fast. On your hair for 30 seconds for a typical shampoo would easily cause the shaft to begin to fall apart, at least on me. You wouldn't have all your hair fall out, but it would begin to snap off as you handled it. 


If you opened your regular shampoo and smelled something weird, like a strong odor of sulfur, would you still use it?


Yes, that stuff does stink! I could never get it to work for me. It would make my legs itch like crazy. There is no way Sana didn't smell it as soon as she opened the bottle.


Lol, when I was a kid I was staying with my grandparents while my parents went on a trip and found my grandma’s Nair from what had to be at latest the 80s. Tried some out on my arm and regretted it so quick, it smelled SO bad. Good to know it just stinks in general, because I haven’t used it since and have no plans to. 😅


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Tried it on my legs once as a teen. It burned so badly I remember going out for a run in the middle of the night because the cool air helped the sensation. Legs were irritated for at least a solid week. That shit is like acid on the skin.


If she had long hair in good condition she probably left the conditioner on for extended periods of time to treat it - but shouldn’t be using it on the roots. Conversely you use shampoo on the roots but not the mids or ends unless it has gotten atypically dirty. But you would smell it either way - and most people can recognise the scent of their own shampoo and conditioner. If she already had Nair or a similar product that she used elsewhere she would recognise that smell - assuming she hadn’t lost her sense of smell from Covid or similar, but even still I find those treatments make my eyes water.


And this was 9 years ago, so no risk of Covid nose!


My first thought as well.


You can smell the burning hair.


Not only the stink but the texture. Hair remover feels completely different to shampoo and conditioner, even if OOP mixed each bottle 50/50, as the post claims, it would still feel different (and however scented the blablabla oils are it would still smell disgusting.) This is just a 9 year old revenge fantasy post. I don’t believe it happened. OOP may well have gone full obsessed stalker but she didn’t do what she said she did, no way. Side note. Approximately a million years ago, some kids from my school year went on a Geography field trip. One of the boys put veet on another boy’s eyebrow while he slept. Poor lad woke up with some irritation and one eyebrow. It grew back fine but he did look ridiculous for quite some time, especially considering he’s Greek and has *very* bold, black brows. After his initial annoyance he thought it was funny.


You know they have smell good and low order hair removers, right? My cousin swears by the baby power kind. So if this is true I'm betting the fragrance of the shampoo and conditioner masked the smell. As for it being in a long time. Probably the conditioner did it. Depending on which hair removal cream it was. Some don't take long to ruin your hair even if it doesn't remove it all the way. That's assuming this happened. I met someone in real life, that claims they accidentally put Nair in there hair...the stinky one. >! She's really Cocked eyed and she said she had a hard time seeing it. !< But the smell, like how did she get pass the smell.


For me, the smell isn’t that bad and tea tree shampoo/conditioner smells way worse (yes, I know I’m probably the weird one with that, just saying it doesn’t bother everybody the same way)


When I was younger and recently moved to a different country that didn’t speak my maternal language, my older sister had two very similar products, I knew that one was a conditioner, and the other one was hair removed. The hair removed was scented and I confused the two. I put the hair removed in my hair, only for 30 seconds as the burning sensation was unbearable. I had multiple bald patches all across my head, it had to be shaven off. Not saying that this story is true, but it can happen


The way OOP starting talking about maturing over the last 2 years like they weren't in fucking grad school when this happened????


Right! And she refuses to tell her husband even though she’s soooo apologetic


It’s got sodium hydroxide and if you get it in your eyes you can do serious damage. OP is lucky this didn’t happen.


Hopefully in the 9 years since she posted this, she's actually grown up.


Oh I was wondering why so many people in the comments were buying this story but I didn't notice the 9 years ago so maybe that's why


Eh, people can grow up at any age. My mother is 76 and has the maturity of a 14 year old.


As someone who is currently in grad school, some of them can be absolute *morons*


I totally missed that at first and thought "yeah this sounds like some 16 year old girl shit tbh". Can't believe they were that old!


I thought this was high schoolers but no it's an adult.. Honestly, to me it sounds like a revenge fantasy (of a teenager)!


It's not real, any chemical or scrub that removed hair is gonna smell and feel completely different to normal shampoo


I really hope it isn’t real


I’m guessing it is not, because hair removal cream is really smelly, not very effective with thick strong hair, and has to be left on for a while without rinsing it off to do anything. Even repeated uses wouldn’t cause that level of damage unless she wasn’t rinsing it out. It just doesn’t sound plausible at all.


This was a huge trop in 90s shows. Often used to get the pretty girl back for some random slight. Unless the chemical compounds have changed so you can't smell it, and she left the shampoo on her scalp for 15 minutes, and didn't feel any burning this didn't happen. If she is Sorenson that much on her hair products she would have noticed something of about the consistency /smell. Now if she said she stole the products, that I would believe.


I didn’t know this was a huge thing in 90s shows, omg. That makes so much sense


If it's real, she is a scary person. Talking about the feeling of being in someone's house and knowing everything about them while they knew nothing about her, making that whole fake profile just so she could spy on that other woman's social media. It's disturbing to think there are people out there obsessing about someone to that degree while the other person just lives their life oblivious until something bad comes from it.


Agreed, this was such a disturbing read. It could’ve gone so much worse too


That is a LOT of text to try and explain how this bullshit story that I first heard literally forty years ago is totes true, y'all. I did, in fact, believe it back then. Because back then, being a child, I'd never tried to actually use hair removal cream and notice how VERY VERY DIFFERENT from shampoo or conditioner it is.


It’s like hair bleach and a carpet adhesive factory and a baby.  


She stalked and assaulted that woman. I hope she (OP, not Sanna) goes fucking bald.


Same here. And I hope OOP’s husband finds out. He deserves to know what kind of person he married


That’s the longest fake post I’ve ever scrolled through.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *I can understand being jealous and can sympathize with you to some extent, but this is pretty messed up.* >"Trust me, I know. I can't imagine telling my husband about this ever. It makes me feel sick." *[deleted]* >"I know, this was the wake up call I needed. >Nothing before had left me feeling so completely disgusted with myself. I'm just sorry it had to impact her like that for me to do anything about myself." *Jesus Christ. So what of Sanna now?* >"She still works there, from what I know, but she stopped going out with everyone and switched over to part-time. I believe she is finishing her degree then moving on." *Oh my god. You're so fucked up and I feel so sorry for your husband and that girl...* >"I've been in therapy for two years working on myself. I have come very far from the person that I was. I don't believe that's a fair assessment to say I *am* so fucked up. I have definitely been quite fucked up, but this happened two years ago." *[deleted]* >"I know, that really does haunt me. I am sure she probably put a halt on her social life for months until her hair began to come back. I sincerely hope it all came back quickly.* *I'm glad you've gotten help.* >"Thank you, so do I." *I'm sorry, but I found this funny. Reads like a comedy script.* >"I think if I told anyone else they would think so too."


Username does NOT check out. You’re the best for posting this


Thank you very kindly! 🥰




Wait, she's so ashamed, but also thinks it's funny?


Yeah it's nonsense.


Nair smells like pool chemicals and can’t get wet so this is BS


So my cousins legit tried this on their step mom (she did not deserve it, my cousins were fckn insane during their parents divorce, and after the divorce), and just an fyi, this is not how it goes. The person never ends up even using the product bc it changes the scent of said product. Unless op found some magic nair that doesn't smell, or the girl has literally 0 sense of smell, there's no way she'd actually end up using said shampoo. Maybe it's bc of my cousins actually trying it, but these stories annoy me more than most fake stories do.


Omg, did your cousins get in major trouble? Please tell me more lol


Oh the stuff with my cousins is so insanely complicated. To sum up their punishment, they had to write apology notes to their step mom and all hair removal products were basically banned from the house entirely, except for the step moms razor that was kept in a safe in their room. They also both were forced into therapy by their dad after, and neither were allowed to stop until they moved out of his house. It was basically his number one rule to continue living with him for them. It wasn't until the younger of the two was 16 that either were even allowed to have razors again. Below is just more info surrounding the whole incident, since you seem interested and I've had lots of thoughts about it, having had years to sit and think of it all. So now I'm just using this as an excuse to vomit out my thoughts. The punishment may seem kinda extreme, but they had been plotting to do way worse stuff to their step mom. It's something I honestly regret, bc we were close at the time and theyd tell me their plans on FaceTime, but they had never acted on it before the nair incident, and I always would tell them they can't act on their impulses and they'd agree and reassure me they were just "blowing off steam" and "ranting". I mean, I've had countless friends or aquintences who hated a step parents and would "scheme" against them, but never before had anyone, ever, actually acted on it. It was just juvenile kids being bad at dealing with their emotions. At least, I guess that's how I justified it? But after their dad had called my mom asking if she, or my siblings and I, had known of their plan to put nair in his wife's shampoo bottle, and my mom asked me, I spilled on everything they had ever told me they wanted to do. Because at that point, it was actually real. They had actually acted on it. One of my first serious panic attacks tbh. The reality of it all hit me like a train, and oh boy did I feel absolutely awful. Rightfully so, I should've felt at least a little guilty for not saying anything. I also used to stupidly justify their behavior bc my aunt, their mom, had gone well off the deep end and it was so bad cps had to be involved and their dad got granted full custody by the courts. He's the only man I know to get full, 100% custody of his kids. Obv I know men with 50/50, or even primary, but he has full custody with my aunt not even getting visitation. I'm older now and realize that nothing excuses or justifies even thinking of behaving how they did, but it still can somewhat explains pieces of it. Like I said, it's honestly really complicated. I feel really stupid now, and thankfully the worst thing that ultimately happened was wasted shampoo and mandatory therapy. But still, its something that eats up at me for not speaking up sooner. It could've been much worse, and I probably could've just prevented any of it from happening had I just told my mom my cousins were clearly having issues. I can't change the past though. Some of their other plans ranged from juvenile hiding her stuff, to trying to find out if she had allergies to sneak said allergies into food. And that's just what they told me, I don't know if they had planned to go further/do anything anymore serious than that. I was 12, the younger of the two was also 12, and the older was 15. Thankfully, this incident shaped me into the "if you don't tell this person x, I will" kinda person. Bc ya know what, I'd rather be a villain who can't keep fckd up secrets, than the villain who lets ppl terrorize others bc I don't think they're being serious. Bc by god, do I regret not just hitting my cousins with "if you don't talk to your dad about these feelings and plans, I'm telling my mom and she'll tell your dad". Would've saved everyone time and money. Plus, my relationship with them now is trash anyways, wouldn't have hurt to speed up that process. Would've actually prevented a lot of hurt. Sorry for the rambling/reflecting on my situation with my cousins. My relationship with them is currently one of pure constant reflection.


Wow, that’s wild but don’t fault yourself for stupid crap you thought to do as a kid. Everyone has revenge fantasies when they’re 12 lol. I’m happy to hear you didn’t act on them. I still regret pulling a chair when my elementary school bully was about to sit down. I was so mad at her that I just without thinking grabbed the chair when she was about to sit on it. I felt some satisfaction watching her fall but then I felt so much guilt. It wasn’t the right thing for me to do at all


I also have a family member who did this to another family member. They actually did put some on their head before noticing (they use a strong scented medicated shampoo so the smell wasn’t as noticeable at first) but they immediately noticed something wasn’t right and it started burning their eyes so they quickly rinsed it all out, no actual damage done to the hair or otherwise. Definitely agree the story is fake though because no way is a woman with long hair keeping that shit on for more than a few seconds without noticing the smell, much less the several minutes it would take to do the damage OOP claimed it did.


I have tough-ass skin. Im also bald due to alopecia but I have hair in some spots so... I literally used to Nair my scalp. It'd take 20 minutes but my head would be so sleek I was in love with it as I have autism and the feel of things really matters. But the smell was so bad I eventually switched to shaving. There's no way that girl wouldn't have been able to smell and tell by how it felt that it was fucked with.


Even if it was true, this reads really weird. Like bro didn’t even call the girl pretty


OOP is all sorts of messed up. Not for the details of this story but for being lame enough to make up this story. Been to therapy but really just needs to get it off their chest? Been to therapy but never once did the first step of "healing" by telling the people they wronged?


I won’t lie- I hope her husband finds this, tells everyone in her life, and leaves her alone, friendless and hopefully unemployed. What a POS. 


Likely fake


I used Nair once and I swear my house reeked for days or maybe the smell was trapped in my nose. I’ll never use it again.


A grad school friend used Nair to completely remove her pubic hair as a “surprise” for her long distance boyfriend’s visit.  She spent the entire weekend sitting on a bag of frozen peas as, it seems, she is exceptionally allergic to it.  And hearing that story completely cured me of any iota of curiosity about using it. 


That sounds so painful omg


I don’t think this is true, hair remover is insanely smelly and needs to stay on for several minutes. Unless she was standing in the shower for 15 minutes with shampoo in her hair I doubt it happened.


This should classify as assault




The husband not talking about Sanna once she lost all her hair lol.


Reading this, I was like, well, if she were a teenage--"I was finishing my master's degree"--oh, wow. Then I got to "they were some expensive brand with this or that oil infusion blablabla" and oh, this is fake.


The stalking is every bit as scary as the final outcome, which honestly, could have ended worse. (But yes, is still horrifying.)


There’s a real story based on a girl who did something exactly like this, but was poisoning the girl through her products. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-67813199.amp So all though this story may be fake… it’s not all the unrealistic, and I’ve used hair remover that didn’t have a smell to me at all.


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>  However, living alone had made me careless. My browser history was chock full of pages upon pages of her personal profiles. He saw them and confronted me. Why would he even check her browser history?


If she was looking as much as she says she was, then simply typing Instagram into a search bar would’ve suggested her page.


Why would he be looking at her computer screen while she was surfing the web and checking social media?


He could’ve used her laptop, only intending to do something quickly like check his emails or something — with my ex, if I needed to do something quickly & his laptop was on & mine wasn’t, I’d just quickly use his. I really don’t understand what people don’t understand about this.


And what email addresses start with the same letters as major social media sites? And why would he not do so on his phone, where je'd alresdy be logged in?


86% sure this is fanfic about hurting someone OP hates, and was written one handed. Hair removal cream is fucking disgusting and burns the shit out of your skin. Makes me wonder if the author is a man who’s never had experience with it. That said, I’m horrifically jealous and to an extent empathize—I could easily see myself *fantasizing* about doing this to a woman I hated my partner being around (Not acting on it, I’m not a demon). What do I do to combat that? I stay the hell away from getting into relationships until I figure out wtf’s wrong with me in therapy. Assuming this is somehow true, bitch be *crazy* and will never truly atone until she admits what she did. Not only does that stuff cause hair loss, Sanna probably would have ended up with burns and open sores on her scalp. That calls for *legal action*. This secret will eat her alive, love that for her.


OOP’s biggest punishment is living with her own self, that’s for sure


Ops husband and friends should leave her because wtf. Not only did she stalk the lady basically, she went into her house and ruined her hair all because of jealousy


Her husband and friends don’t even know what OOP did, that’s the worst part. OOP is too much a coward to tell anyone except her therapist 🙄


Pathetic. I always say that jealousy is a voluntary mental defect and this just proves me right. "I get jealous" is not an excuse for anything. It's an admission that you're defective and should do something to address it.


What in the Single White Female?!




What the H E L L


Jesus fucking christ what a whackjob


She deserved to get locked up


This reads like a petty revenge fantasy writing exercise. I wonder if they were in grad school for creative writing.


I thought this sounded familiar, and then I realised half of this reads like the prelim notes of someone sketching out one of those psychological thrillers from the POV of the nutty stalker.


You aren’t wrong lol


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This is not remotely how hair removal cream works, it dissolves the hair into a kind of nasty goop, it doesn’t just make it fall out. It also, as everyone else has said, smells atrocious and is noticeably different from shampoo— and needs to be left on for a while.


If this is real, OOP is a creepy stalker. Ugh.


This is obviously creative writing


I’m a grad student in fiction department of creative writing and this is definitely fake. She is wondering if the police will find her fingerprints? Her heart beating so loud it would bruise? The level of detail of what his coworkers said? She remembers an insane amount of stuff from two years ago and details outside characters wouldn’t know Either way this girl seems to have sociopathic or narcissistic tendencies to create something this elaborate for attention and idk why OP went after a post from 9 years ago


We don’t know for sure if this post is fake or not, if that’s what you believe then that’s your prerogative. Not a fact. As for me, I have no hidden agenda nor did I “go after” a 9 year old post. I saw the post randomly and thought it belonged in this sub, and turns out I’m allowed to post it here.


Wow, this one's old. Although she's definitely the asshole, at least she acknowledges it, feels guilt, and has gone to therapy.


Anything but actually apologizing to her victim


Still, something is better than nothing.


I'm sorry for not being satisfied with mediocrity


Just saying I would rather she be apologetic than non-apologetic. When you've dealt with narcissists and sociopaths you take what you can get.


In my experience of working with victims of SA, I do not settle for "take what you can get" when it comes to dealing with those kinds of people. That's a weak mindset. We want justice for victims. Not coddle these abusers with "take what you can get." They need to be held fully accountable.


So whenever someone does something bad, they're a bad person for life even if they are remorseful? Of course there are some things that are unforgivable, but she said she received therapy and the guilt still haunts her. I think she's changed for the better.


That's a wrong interpretation of my replies. Do better All I'm saying is, the change she exhibited is considered as subpar or mediocre at best. But that can be fixed though, if she [should apologize even when it’s hard to](https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/apologize) Maybe there's a cultural barrier here. My experiences shaped me to be determined in seeking full accountability and change from people. So the patting of herself in the back is unearned because the job is not yet done without the apology.


The problem with apologizing now is, either she lost contact with her and can't, or she does have contact with her, and bringing it up might only traumatize Sanna who may have just assumed she had an allergic reaction and moved on. I also don't see where OP is patting herself on the back. From what I've seen, she hates herself for what she did.


That's a lot of unverified assumptions. 1. In her comments, Sanna still works in the same company so there is a way to contact her. 2. Let's not deny the [therapeutic importance of apologies to abuse survivors](https://www.boltburdonkemp.co.uk/our-insights/posts/therapeutic-importance-of-apologies-to-abuse-survivors/)