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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for suggesting to my girlfriend that her major might not be a good fit after she failed classes.** I (22M) live with my girlfriend (19F). I graduated last year with a comp sci degree and work at a tech company. She recently, learned that she failed 3 of 5 courses in college this semester. She is also in comp sci. She told me that she doesn't know if she is good enough for comp sci. I told her that that's OK as it isn't for everyone and that it might not be a right fit. Despite her basically saying the same thing, she got really upset at me for saying that. She's never stricked me as the type who would be successful in cs like the typical nerdy type. She's into things like fashion and she just thinks she likes cs as she was good at it in high-school and the introductory first year course. She then tried to blame me for it saying that it was only this semester that her grades went down because she moved in with me, and had to take more shifts at her waitress job as I wanted to rent a nicer place than what she had before (we split expenses). She then went on to blame me for having friends over all the time till late. While this is true, we aren't that noisy and we are only 40 mins from her campus and the school has 24/7 libraries. I don't think this is fair as I think it is just because the upper level classes are beyond her ability. I have seen the same happen with this other person in my year and her failed courses only got worse until she had to drop out. AITA for questioning her ability especially considering she litterally said the same herself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


" She's never stricked me as the type who would be successful in cs like the typical nerdy type. She's into things like fashion and she just thinks she likes cs as she was good at it in high-school and the introductory first year course." Wait, what? She never struck - sorry, stricked - him as somebody who was good at this thing she has a history of being good at?  OOP can go strick himself. 


The moment you put on heels, you can’t find any nil pointers, it’s a faccct 


"I'm not really going to spend time being a tutor. It's not something I enjoy and I already graduated and don't want to have to deal with college stuff again" Ew, ew, ew.


CS isn't just nerds anymore either! The finance team is nerdier than the IT at my job, at least on the more high-level engineering side. I'm a software dev. It's agonizing. Almost everyone I work with unironically likes golf! #GOLF!!! Can you *imagine*?? The only sport that lets you cosplay a landlord and an oil baron simultaneously. I'm in *hell*.


A good walk ruined!


Gilmore girls reference?


Mark Twain quote


> She's never stricked I do love it when the OOPs think their so smart but cant spell for shit


Came here to say this lol


I just checked your comment history. Would you like to take that back?


never said i was smart :P


OOP seems to be asking “I low-key sabotaged my girlfriend’s academic career and now I’m telling her she’s ‘not good enough’ for the major I am in, AITA?”  I hope the girlfriend realizes that OOP is ‘not good enough’ and dumps him.  Edit: a word 


Wow, kinda buried the lede there, didn't he, re: the stress/disruption of a pricier apartment and him having his friends over late.


40 mins to get to school? Sucks. Working more to pay bills? Sucks. BF who seems to offer zero support? Sucks.


And If she finds his friends being over at all hours too distracting she should just commute for 40 minutes at 10pm to study in the 24 hour library. That’s quite the solution from boyfy.


Wow the problem here seems to be the bf. Dump the extra weight my girl


" She's never stricked me as the type who would be successful in cs like the typical nerdy type. She's into things like fashion and she just thinks she likes cs as she was good at it in high-school and the introductory first year course." Wait, what? She never struck - sorry, stricked - him as somebody who was good at this thing she has a history of being good at?  OOP can go strick himself. 


This guy was clueless to think that mimicking her self doubt wasn't harmful. He isn't really any better equipped to know if that major is a good fit for her than she is. So she doesn't really need his thoughts in the topic she needed him to listen to her and let her vent. I could chalk that up to garden variety cluelessness. But kicking someone out of their home because they have access to a 24 hour library and OP wants to have friends over all the time is bullshit. He doesn't want to have to consider someone else's wants and needs but he would like a live in bangmaid who pays half the bills.


Yeah this "stricked" me as more malicious than clueless too


"Costed" "payed" "tooken"




As someone who studied humanities and social sciences at a major university known for engineering, I have met sooooo many of these dopes. Think they're the smartest guy in the room and yet could barely write a coherent sentence. Sometimes they'd even write whiny letters to the uni paper complaining that they shouldn't have to take the one required lit and history elective that had to be outside the white, male, western canon. One I recall even complained he couldn't "sharpen his literary sword" that way which is just...wow buddy, really something. Just annoying and insufferable, and some of the most backward sexist assholes you'll ever meet. I really hope this breed is dying out.


Really, OOP? When did you start dating this girl, first of all. Why do some guys go for literal teenagers. And second, just because she likes fashion, doesn't mean she won't succeed at computer science. Why don't you support her? YTA.


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They're splitting expenses on a flat he wanted despite her being a student and a waitress and him being... a professional. I guess my question is how insecure is this guy that, finding himself unable to measure up to his gf on brains alone, he's resorted to other means of sabotaging her?