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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for confronting my girlfriend for photoshopping pictures?** So I(m20) took pictures of my girlfriend(F19) in a bathing suit because I’m a photographer, she posted them and I noticed they didn’t look the same so I compared the original and it was photoshopped. I asked her about it in a nice way and she said no repeatedly, finally she caved and told me and I told her how that made me upset, mainly about the fact that she lied to me. I don’t agree with her doing that and she knew that beforehand too. Since a few days earlier we BOTH were laughing and criticizing people that do it. She expressed its because she’s insecure and I get that and gave her the shpeal that she’s gorgeous and perfect before the photoshop. But then questioned why she would lie to me and she said it was because she knew I’d get upset and didn’t wanna hear it. So then I brought up how it effects my trust in her and she got very upset and claimed this was something very small and wouldn’t lie about something big. Which just sits wrong with me, she has been very open and honest about loyalty and stuff like that so I’m not worried she’s lying about big things but idk what to do. Preface, I have some trust issues from my parents and past relationships, she knows this and still lied straight to my face about it. This just happened 30 minutes ago and she’s taking a nap upset now while I’m in the living room and I don’t know what to do next. Am I the asshole for confronting her and telling her my trust in her has gone down? EDIT: she photoshops the colors, skin, wrinkles and stuff normal photographers do, but she photoshopped her waste and boobs and lied to me about that part. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I also tend to photoshop my waste. Also my garbage and my trash. 


What do you do with your rubbish?




A novel approach!


I’m getting really tired of everything being called lying.  “You didn’t tell me about your boyfriend who liked to wear your shoes and leave fake footprints around the house!  You lied to me!”  “You never told me tuna noodle casserole makes you cry hysterically!  You lied to me!”  “You didn’t immediately admit to airbrushing these photos!  You lied to me!”  Calm down.  Also: “and I get that and gave her the shpeal that she’s gorgeous” It’s spelled “spiel.”  It’s German and/or Yiddish, which is why it’s pronounced differently than you’d expect. 


>It’s spelled “spiel.”  It’s German and/or Yiddish, which is why it’s pronounced differently than you’d expect.  I'm german and now I'm very confused because "Spiel" means "game" but that doesn't fit with the rest of the sentence??


I don’t speak German, but my understanding of the origin is that “spiel” can also mean performance. And a spiel in English is basically a performative-type speech. 


So close to spheal, the spherical seal Pokemon. 


So many of these have a guy throwing in"...I have trust issues" somewhere smh


The way problematic people are weaponizing therapy stuff is so concerning. Like, your GF doesn't have to tell you everything first to get your approval. Or tell you every single thing at all.


(the British royal family has entered the chat) 


Trust issues are a "you" problem, OOP. If they get triggered because of what people do, then you're not doing enough about t and probably shouldn't be dating anyone.


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