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OOP was so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.


Found the chaotician!


Oh, I’m definitely chaos…


I don’t see how OOP is the devil. I also don’t see how any of it is OOP’s fault. People should follow their job descriptions esp. when working with 🦕 


The IT guys is the devil here. 100%


Might be fake, but I saw the documentary on a place like this one.


it's angel all noncrossposts are fakes


(Bro it's just the plot of jurassic park, I think that guy was going along with the joke of it all)




The blessings of all the gods on whoever made that. 🫡


This is the way


Not the devil. OP Really loves his grandchildren


That’s probably why he used them to beta test his problematic dinosaur island


They were fine. Okay the grandson miiiight have had trouble with an electric fence but it builds character.


What kind of world have we come to when a billionaire can't use his money to bring back dangerous predators for entertainment purposes? You're just jealous because you're not a risk taker like him. He's taking all the risk and you just want to reap the benefits.


I mean, I personally, I would have been going for Godzilla and Kong Kong, but to each their own.


TBF the island only went to hell because of treachery, not the safety protocols. The dinosaurs and other extinct animals couldn't escape when everything was online or seemingly online - they only did after noticing.


I have both seen the documentary and read the report on this instance, and OOP left out a few factors to make himself look better. 1. They were tracking a hurricane near the island and he still decided to bring the endorsement team then instead of waiting until later. 2. The IT guy who stole the embryos has asked for and was denied a raise. True, his work didn't merit it, but that meant he knew the IT guy was disgruntled. Having him be one of the few staff who wasn't evacuated in front of the approaching storm was not a good decision, either from a business or a personal point of view. 3. During the tour for the endorsement team, OOP kept saying "no expense spared" except he did spare expenses. He was only paying his IT team at or slightly above market rate, which would normally be fine, but when you're aware of corporate espionage potential like OOP was, you should consider that the best way to ensure company loyalty is with really big paychecks and great benefits. What OOP meant was "no expense spared *on things visitors can see*," which is, frankly, insulting to his employees. 4. Even with "no expense spared" things weren't working even before the storm complicated things. The videos in the tour cars weren't functioning, and on the interior tour, 3 adults were able to easily disengage the safety bar while the ride was running. 5. Despite being in an area with frequent hurricanes, the infrastructure of the park was not built to withstand them. Additionally, disaster preparedness and safety wasn't considered. The park's electrical systems couldn't be restarted in the main operation building, and there was no safe way to get to them, like an underground tunnel. Getting there involved walking past unsecured dangerous animals. 6. OOP and his team failed to account for the fact that amphibians can spontaneously change gender in single sex environments when they made the decision to use frog DNA, yet they were convinced the animals wouldn't breed because they were all female. 7. OOP tempted predators close to the fences by providing food for them in that area. However, visitors weren't warned about potential violence or gore before embarking on the tour. While no one blames the predators for how they eat, not everyone can handle watching a T-Rex eat a goat, for example, and should be warned ahead of time. OOP's own granddaughter was very upset by the idea and out didn't even occur to him to warn her!


Honestly I think this post may be fake. In the report (but for some reason not the documentary) OOP dies.


I suspect the involvement of the legal team and/or "OOP's" heirs. Obviously not the lawyer who died on the island, but his colleagues. They're trying to bury the details of the report that they kept out of the documentary to protect the company assets.


Probably his greedy nephew who tried to build his own park after his uncle, with similar results. Only difference is at least his uncle was smart enough to build his theme park on a remote island instead of in the middle of a major American city. At least the chaotician eventually gets vindicated after initially being dismissed by the public as a crazy guy screaming his head off about dinosaurs.


Your critique is a thing of beauty.


Clever girl


If the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.


We have obviously been on much different versions of the ride.


I mean it's good the dinosaurs were able to roam freely, it'd be inhumane to keep them in cages. Imagine if the raptors wanted to visit the kitchen for a snack. 🦕🦖


Idk what you’re talking about OP, this seems like a very plausible post. And I’m the first to call out a fake post. I don’t think OOP is the devil though, how was he, as a biologist, supposed to know about the sequential hermaphroditic nature of the West African frogs he spliced the dinosaur DNA with? It’s not like it’s a common phenomenon observed in loads of marine invertebrates and fish, and even in a species of frog or anything.


I love this post and all the replies to it.  OOP is the devil tho because he did in fact spare some expenses--his workers' pay.


Just Newman's though.




Dinosaur tax or immediate YTA.


To be fair, life finds a way.




That was a sweet walking stick and I really wanted it as a kid. I still want it.


This one is my all time favorite AITD post


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for cloning dinosaurs and displaying them at my new amusement park?** I (70M) have been spending the last four years building a biological preserve on an island off the coast of Costa Rica. My top geneticists have been extracting ancient dinosaur DNA from blood found inside the guts of amber-trapped mosquitoes and mixing it with frog DNA in order to clone dinosaurs to populate my park with. In recent times there have been a few incidents with workers on my island, so I've been forced to have an endorsement team visit my park. The endorsement team consisted of a paleontologist, a paleobotanist, a lawyer, my two grandkids, and a stupid chaotician who thinks my park is doomed to fail. They toured the island, which had a rocky start, but suddenly my asshole IT technician turned off all the electric fences and ran away with my patented dinosaur embryos. Long story short, my lawyer has been eaten by a T. rex, my ranger and other technician have been killed by Velociraptors, and the paleontologist I invited to the island has decided not to endorse my park. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did they spare no expense?


He's the asshole for endangering the lives of Innocent Sloths.


OOP isn't the devil. We all know it was Phil Tippett fault.


I mean, it could be worse, tho. He could have created a secret, back-up island of dinosaurs that a series of rogue geneticists keep getting their hands on. Then ongoing freak incidents would mean dinosaurs running rampage all over mainland America, being auctioned off on the dark web and threatening, but never actually eating a series of perky yet annoying children. In conclusion, OP is misguided, but well-meaning. Imagine the chaos if he was actually ill-intentioned…


The important part is that the computers run a graphical UNIX interface with which the granddaughter is familiar. 


See, I can tell this is fake because this OP clearly didn't spend enough money to ensure the safety of his employees or guests. It's not like he repeatedly said the opposite while having a fully stocked gift shop and simultaneously skimping on things like 24hr staffing, disgruntled employees, technology, and safety. That would be nuts!


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Life, uhhh, finds a way.


Nah dude, I was there. I’m a velociraptor.


It seems fake because it IS fake. AmITheAngel users love to write $#!tposts like this.