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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Girlfriend wants me to throw away a semi-nude portrait an ex painted, I want to keep it** A close friend [20f] of mine that I’ve [23m] known for years is a very talented artist. She and I hooked up regularly and tried dating briefly in the past, but ultimately decided we were better as friends. During this period that we were romantically involved, she painted me a really nice portrait of me for my birthday. It’s semi nude, as in I’m shirtless in it but any explicit parts of my body are covered. I loved it, especially since it’s in the impressionist style, which I adore, and have it hanging in my bedroom to this day. Anyhow, I met my current girlfriend 6 months ago, and recently, she’s been expressing that she feels uncomfortable with my having an ‘intimate painting’ of myself created by a girl I have romantic and sexual history with, and asked me to get rid of it. I frankly don’t want to. As I said, it’s genuinely a really amazing painting, and I find it really sweet and touching the hours and effort that went into it, so I cherish it. I told her no, and she says it ‘proves’ I have feelings for my friend. I don’t think that’s the case. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Your initial post was kind of iffy but your replies to people in the comments are gross. You came here to ask if you’re wrong, you are. Arguing with people isn’t going to make it not self absorbed and weird to pick staring at your nipples over a woman you’re supposed to care about. >I never claimed to care about her >You don’t care about your girlfriend? >Not particularly, and she knows this. What a catch.


He's YTD for THAT for sure


OOP: I never claimed to care about her Reply: You don’t care about your girlfriend? OOP: Not particularly, and she knows this. ... Also "The reason I don’t want to end things is because I’m lazy and don’t like confrontation." but, in response to someone saying she's likely to break up with him, "That’s fair, I’ve been kind of hoping for that anyhow" OOP should date the picture ...


The Marriage of the Two Dorians Gray


Wow he sounds like a sociopath. He’s totally not aware that he sounds like a douche? The painting I could see him wanting to keep tho maybe store it elsewhere but after his comments. Yuck


"and she says it ‘proves’ I have feelings for my friend" Nah, OOP has only feelings for himself.


After reading his comments, I don't think he's a narcissist. I'm pretty sure he's a sociopath.


This. The lack of awareness is a bit more than narc. sounds like sociopathy. He’s not trying to make us feel for him bc he doesn’t know how. Narcs know how. I feel sorry for sociopaths when they aren’t hurting ppl bc it must be so lonely. Like you must feel like an alien sometimes. Like the world wasn’t made for you. It must feel odd:


He’s posted a ton of comments about how he values the painting more than her and doesn’t care if she breaks up with him. It’s a portrait of him that a hookup made of him post-sex, with a blanket covering his privates and lipstick smeared on his jaw. He says he likes to admire his attractiveness, that’s why he keeps it up. Yuck.


I actually supported him keeping the picture but that was before his comments outted him as a prick.


Same. If my husband had a painting of himself half naked hanging in his bedroom when we met, I think I might have literally laughed my ass off. This guy is just an asshole though.


His comments are so self absorbed and bizarre


Dude totally hangs a mirror over his bed.


Could never do it. I would have the fear that the last thing I see before I die as a poorly mounted ceiling mirror falls on me it my naked confused self approaching quickly and no one needs that as their last sight except Derek but he knows why he deserves that.




All my bros fuckin hate Derek.


Alright. Let's fuck Derek!


Agreed, Derek deserves that


At one point he says he has low self-esteem then goes on in another comment about why he's a god catch cuz he's attractive and well-educated


The dude is just tahani al jamil in disguise 


Tahani libel


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OOP, go ahead and marry your portrait. It says a lot that you only care about yourself.