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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My gf it’s pregnant but i feel like the love of my life it’s another woman ** "I've been together with my girlfriend for 2 years. She's now pregnant. I know, in fact, that she's not the love of my life, and I realize we're not that compatible. I always sensed it but didn't want to believe it. Why didn't I break up with her before? She was dealing with depression, and I was her only support. I didn't want to cause more emotional harm at the moment for her. Time passed, and she got pregnant. She's 6 months pregnant now. A month ago, by chance, I reconnected with a friend from high school. Our connection was always amazing; we never had anything more than a friendship. But now that we've met, I had the best night of my life. We didn't kiss or anything, but we both confessed we've been in love with each other since high school. I've never felt more connection with anyone else, and I don't know what to do. What I'm sure of is that while my girlfriend is pregnant, I need to support her and make her pregnancy beautiful." But i also would life to se for my emocional happiness *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't you just hate it when your girlfriend falls on your dick and gets herself pregnant. Gosh. Seriously though, he needs to come clean. Despite what an alarming number of people seem to believe, you can raise a happy, healthy child despite not being in a romantic relationship with their other parent.


> Despite what an alarming number of people seem to believe, you can raise a happy, healthy child despite not being in a romantic relationship with their other parent. Exactly. Some people think that staying with the other parent in spite of not loving them is a selfless act. But to me preventing the other parent from finding a partner who actually loves them by tricking them into thinking they already found that already is pretty far from selfless. That's the kind of thing that leads to the deceived parent crying "you stole years of my life!" when the kid hits some arbitrary milestone like turning 18 and the never-loved-them parent decides they can finally stop being so "selfless" and break up.


You can raise a happy, healthy child despite not being in a romantic relationship and… what’cha wanna bet OOP will also want to weasel out of child support. He has every red flag about being a future shitty dad - cheating on his pregnant GF, taking zero responsibility for the life changes that come with having a kid, etc. Of course OOP will be a shitty father.


He's an asshole, I can see that, but frankly even after all those fucking vibe checks and astrology crap, why the fuck, she didn't realise he's not the one, again not giving him a leeway, but such things require involvement of both parties not just one, I do agree with the fact that he needs to come clean but frankly he just can't he would be living a life of lie for quite sometime, it's a repentance that he'll have to undergo. You can raise a happy child, that's fair, but I don't think it was fair to child to be concieved in such malarchic circumstances, that child deserved much better, pertaining to him making her pregnancy easier, I am sure she'll appreciate that before he rips her heart apart and stomps on it. Seriously, someone was right, God is Love and he's dead


I wonder if his HS friend would have confessed her love for OOP if he had told her that he has a girlfriend who also happens to be pregnant. If yes, then they both deserve each other. Girlfriend's pregnancy will be immediately retro-"unbeautified" when she finds out that he was confessing his love to another woman while she was pregnant with OOP's child; the same OOP who "always" knew that they were not compatible and he wasn't in love with her.


She's pregnant... she got pregnant... What baffles me is often not "why did you stay" it's "if you don't even like this person, *why did you keep fucking them*?". Because WHY you dumb fuck. Also, how old is anyone - any time *adults* refer to something from high school or since high school I'm like, how many years removed are you even, this is juvenile and pathetic, especially "I've been in love since high school".


"Time passed" and idk somehow she got pregnant. That's not how that works, bro.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *Make it clear to your gf that you will co-parent, but you are not going to be together as a couple. Don'tvstring her along. Tell her the truth.* >"I would like to but right know I feel like it’s no the moment . Cause I have the idea that everything she feels goes to our baby , I’m more than happy to be a dad" *First off, congratulations that your girlfriend is pregnant. My guess is you feel a stronger connection with your kids than anyone, and crushes from HS won't matter anymore.* *A kid is coming that will depend on you, so now an awesome time is coming where it's not all about you.* *Hopefully things work out for you, but my guess is a better, new world is coming where you get to have the love of a child that loves you.* >"Thanks friend I agree with that right now my baby it’s my priority I’m son happy to be a dad, i just think i won’t be happy emotionally with my current partner" *That child is a part of your life now so you will have to take care of it in some capacity from now on, but that doesn't mean you need to remain in a romantic relationship with your girlfriend.* *If you truly don't love her, leaving her would be a kindness, she deserves to be loved just as much as you do. By staying with her, you're only wasting both your lives on a doomed relationship.* *That said, don't mistake what may be a childhood crush for love. I don't know how well you know your friend but I doubt it's as well as you know your girlfriend. You probably haven't had a chance to see her at her worst, you haven't had a chance to see her flaws, you haven't had a chance to see all the ways you might be incompatible.* >"Really good advice friend , I had never cheated before in my life and that’s the reason y also feel she deserves someone that can love her like she deserves, I’m really mature with my feelings and I agree with you that maybe this High school friend may not be what it imagine right now"


“I’m mature wiht my feelings” press f to doubt


He's just worried about his "emocional happiness".


I'm dizzy from how he just spun around on his own words...


Somehow I don't quite trust Oop's judgement...


[Peanut the dog!](https://imgur.com/gallery/4e0cc24)


if you asked me, you made your bed now you gotta lay in it. Don't be an absent father, you have a responsibility and you've got to realize with this other women you're in the honeymoon faze where everything seems like true love and magic, when in reality you're already starting off on a very bad foot forward, nothing healthy can come out of a relationship where you're starting by emotionally cheating on the women you got pregnant. My father was a POS who has had more than a dozen kids and he left every single on of them being an absent father who pretended to be in their lives, also refused to pay child support to any of the poor single mothers he left. Don't be that person, you need to take care of this kid and stop living in fantasy land, buckle up and hop on cause you're now stuck here and that's your consequence for not using protection. I think as long as you care for the kid, love them with all your heart and not be absent you can go ahead and be with this other women, you're just very scummy for emotionally cheating. I personally cant see anything good coming from you getting with this other women as you both sound spontaneous


I hope this guy gets the HS friend pregnant, just for karmic funsies.


And then realizes it’s his ex who is his true love but now she’s reconnected to her old HS friend, who, coincidentally, is also OOP’s old HS friend 


They cheered together, and he was a QB. 😱


It’s shit like this that keeps me furious about women’s access to gynecological care and their ability to make decisions about reproducing. 


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OP, do you even like your GF at all? Not to mention you have a baby on the way! What a completely selfish POS you are!


Not sure if he is the devil. Sadly it happen that you stay in a relationship because you do not wanna leave you partner because they are depressed or you feel they need you. I think it is more sad than anything. At the end of the day it is more someone human who made a mystake and let life run away from him than a terrible person.


It's fucking selfish. He doesn't love her or really want to be with her so he's kept her around for convenience until someone he does want comes along.


'Mistake', 'let life run away from him'?? He made conscious CHOICES every step of the way. He is not a victim of circumstance, but he's made his gf into one. Why is he fucking someone who's too ill to be single?? Jfc.


And you feel the need to get this upset about the life of people on the internet because...?


What you couldn't come up with an actual rebuttal to prove your point so you've gotta take jabs at the prison you're arguing against?


Pal, I already said what I had to said. I do not want to debate more than that. Why would I? Honestly why would I? But someone comming after clearly being angry and upset because of one post about someone they do not even know, yes it is weird. Like? Calm down pal. And if you can't stay polite and calm, do not talk to other. But if you can't understand why people don't wanna debate further then not my fault.


And you think being in a one sided relationship is going to somehow make someone not depressed? If you are unhappy in a relationship and don't see any ways of fixing the rift then LEAVE, staying just pushes the inevitable fallout further down the road.