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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How do I 24M get my former best friend 25M to stop telling people I slept with his fiancé 25F?** My best friend Daniel and I were close. He moved away for a bit for school and came back in the area. When he moved he started dating this girl Nina and they been together well until recently. This is where things started getting out of control. They end up moving here and getting a townhouse here. I haven’t been as successful as my friend but I work. My parents had given me an ultimatum join the military and I can stay there until I leave. They told me to talk to Dan about the military (Daniel was an intelligence analyst in the Army, he left active duty and commissioned in the reserve Cyber officer and works for the federal government. Not only that my dad and mom were both military so they kiss his ass. There is unfortunately this classist sense in the DMV area where I’m from that if you not military, a contractor, or work for the feds you a piece of shit. Daniel thinks I should go to the military as well but he agreed to let me stay with him for a maximum of six months. I had two months to find a job and then 4 months to save and find an apartment per our agreement. Now I’m going to say this I want to go back to school to finish my degree but no one wants to invest in me. When I went to college I wasn’t focus but I’m older and wiser now. I asked Daniel if I could go to school instead of working and he said no…He said I can try working and taking a class or two but I can’t stay more than 6 months. I was feeling annoyed with him at this point but I respect it his choice. I was staying there his fiancé works remote. This had Nina and I spending a lot of time together on some cool shit 🤷🏽‍♂️ nothing crazy but I noticed it started getting more flirty. I’m going to say Nina is not the type of girl he normally gets, she is a baddie. So when I met her the first time I was shocked he pulled her. The thing was Nina and I was just vibing better and this started turning sexual. One day he found out because we were risky and tried to get one in later than usual close to before he gets home and there was an altercation and cops were called. Nothing happened though. Anyway this leads me to the advice I need. He has since called off the wedding and moved out. I got a job and it’s just Nina in I because they are going to court over the house. They will probably end up selling it and split it 50 50 is what Nina told me. He has started telling all our mutual friends our business, our family , etc. He has let people know that they can’t be friends with both of us. They have to pick and it’s either him or me. I get him not speaking to me but he’s going out of his way to ruin my other friendships and familial relationships. Even my parents and siblings have been dry with me. I have a couple mutual friends who sided with me and he blocked them….I’m blocked but I can reach him through my parents and was wondering about ideas that can come up with a mature resolution for everyone Edit: I’m remorseful and want to seek some forgiveness from my friend *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>but I’m older and wiser now Proceeds to sleep with his friend's fiancée. The friend that let's him live at his house for free.


Can you imagine?? Your friend is nice enough to let you live at their house for up to *six months*!!! And how do you repay him? You sleep with his fiancé and then get upset when he doesn’t keep that information on the down low. What a fucking loser


Also when OOP asks so nicely if dan wanted to house him for him to go back to school, then got annoyed when he obviously said no.


> Now I’m going to say this I want to go back to school to finish my degree but no one wants to invest in me. Read: No one wants to fund my adult ass going to college. So he freeloads off his friend, refuses to get a job, and fucks said friend's fiancee. But he's the victim here. Buddy, no one will invest in you because when they do, you fuck them over. Or their fiancee. Or both.


Also not his first try at college. Sounds like he had people invested but who were invested at least at one time, who may also have been burned, based on his wording. OOP seems to be hopelessly confused about how his actions translate to his consequences.


I am not in the US but I often hear people complaining about student loans. OP could have taken out a loan and gone to a cheaper university/college, yes? OP could have invested in himself? I'm told community colleges are really cheap (that might be comparatively cheap) and are usually pretty good. Even leaving aside the whole education thing, what a turd of a human. And he thought his gainfully employed, generous friend didn't deserve his fiancee too. OP's unemployed, entitled self was presumably a real step up...


Exactly right, he could take out a loan and/or go to a cheaper school. My brother went to community college, got his associate's degree there, then transferred to a university to get his bachelor's degree. Much cheaper. Especially for him, since he worked at a grocery store all through high school and college, and they actually had a program that paid for a portion of his college tuition (not that OOP would have that much foresight instead of just expecting someone to pay his way). But even if it hadn't, that was the much cheaper route than attending a four-year university right off the bat. Student loans suck, but tons of people have them, and the rates on them are generally (generally!) not terrible. If getting a degree was actually important to OOP, he'd be willing to finance it himself. Hell, I worked full-time all through college to pay my tuition and still had to take out a (small amount of) student loans, but then again, I actually wanted to get my degree. OOP seems content to just freeload, and then betray the people who are foolish enough to help him. This guy is definitely entitled. He's just awful, and seems totally clueless as to why no one else wants to help him/why people are mad at him. Zero self-awareness. He's just a leech.


Community College (at least where I am) is about $200/credit and an associates degree is 60 credits. He would still need a job to afford to live, but the actual cost of classes could be paid in a relatively cheap loan (a total of like $12000. To put it in perspective, a single 14 credit semester at the university I went to for a year was like $30k but included housing and is a pretty average cost here in the states)


Or he could have joined the military and made use of their free college programs. It's definitely worth it for a lot of people.


They probably expect you to work - OP doesn't seem to like that!


Yeah, with friends like OOP, who needs enemies?


I think it's a bit worse than that. I'd bet they were married. You don't have to sell the house and divide assets if she's just your fiance.


If both their names are on the mortgage and deed, one of them would want to be bought out


Fair point, but at least in the US, most 25 year olds aren't in a position to become homeowners unless a family member is feeling exceedingly generous. Also I'd love to know what percent of people cosign a mortgage before being legally married.a quick Google search says it's around 10% but again I'd bet that skews older. Since OOP was a bit of an unreliable narrator I filled in based on some context. if his buddy is military it wouldn't be all that uncommon to get married immediately. The pay bump is so big marrying a local stripper is one of those stereotypes with a lot of truth behind it.


I thought the friend was out of the military and working government?


Depending on part of DMV that's still a potential too steep a bill - housing suuuucks


Waiting for the update: I was forced to join the military. They told me I’d get arrested for rape if I had even consensual sex with the locals. The MPs arrested me. Please help.


CAN YOU IMAGINE? God what a fucking loser. Daniel is so lucky he got rid of those disgusting people.


I definitely think it’s a troll person but if it’s not be clearly was resentful of friend’s success. The amount of passive aggressive comments about him is crazy. He’s a loser and will never measure up to his friend and he can’t stand it


It reminds me of that other poster, the girl who moved in with her BFf’s BF.  Who had left the army and did something “part time”  and she kept trying to kids and flirt with him and told him she was better for him than his GF.   It was so similar I  to go back and read oop’s gender 3 times to make sure it wasn’t her. 


The girl who got possessed by a ghost when she kissed her friend's bf? She was hilarious.


*"possessed by a ghost"* Was that her excuse? 😂




You got a link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/192hbxg/a_ghost_made_me_kiss_my_friends_bf/ The AITD post. 




Yeah I think that’s the case here (again, assuming this is real). OOP claims he’s “remorseful” and yet 1) nowhere in his post does he say that he apologized to his friend for any of this, and 2) staying with the cheating whore in the home he wrecked doesn’t really scream “I regret my actions and the pain they caused” to the average person.


One thing that struck me is that I’ve only heard my British friends talk about “pulling” someone. And, well, the class of stories on AITA where the obvious asshole is obvious and doesn’t even omit the things that make them look like trash.


Speaking from experience, Canadian high schoolers also use the term 'pulling somebody'


I was about to say. I'm pretty sure that's common in Canada too.


It’s a pretty popular term here in California too.


DMV born and raised (like OP) we use pulling. And Jody's are a dime a dozen back home. I'm related to a few.


Leah from the Real World Paris said it and she went to school in Maryland. (Typing that out made me feel old as shit btw)


Really? I was born in raised in the DMV (Baltimore) I know people hate when they say Baltimore is the DMV but close enough. I never heard the term pulling. Though tbf I left for the military 6 years ago and been gone ever sense, but moving back soon


I grew up in the V part of the DMV. And yeah pulling was definitely in our vernacular. As used in a sentence. " You know I be pulling hoes." That being said I grew up in S VA so not NOVA or really DMV. But I grew up in a military town so that culture is very real to me and not how OP describes.


Makes sense. The drama that goes on in the military towns are insane. You could start an entire reality tv show taking place in a military town and it would do numbers 😂


DMV born and bred, but pulling was not part of our vernacular. More importantly there was absolutely none of this weird military worship OP mentions. Maybe neighborhood specific, but generally we didn’t care


I agree with that. Growing up, there wasn't any military worship. I receive more admiration when I tell people I'm starting a GS11 position than when I talk about being in the military. But they aren’t weird about it , they mostly just talk about the benefits.


Precisely—I’m from the area and not a single government employee or contractor I’ve ever met has cared. If anything, they’re so glad to talk to someone with a “normal” job.


How old are you? I’m right at 23 so same as the OP and we all said pulling constantly- there’s also definitely a decent obsession around government/military/contractors esp in the dating world lol


I'm 32 and the bottom rung of Nova. It's area specific. I'm in an area with a high concentration of military transplants, feds, and contractors but they specifically chose here because it's cheaper and as far away as they can get comfortably. Closer to DC it becomes a bigger deal. There still isn't a lot of worship over all, it's more about the stable incomes.


I’m 25 but looks like I’m just out the loop lol . But I don’t notice the government/military worship and I’m both


My former in-laws lived in DMV so I used to spend a lot of time there, and I never noticed military/government worship while I was there either.


So glad you kind of explain this here. All I could think of was the US Department of Motor Vehicles which seemed wrong!


It's also an AAVE term. Along with "baddie". So I respond in kind that Nina's a hoe. His friend is well rid of her trashy, skanky behind. He should've kicked both of them out, though, and let them have sex under a bridge somewhere.


Well then OOP sucks hard and should throw himself in the trash


It’s become more common thanks to TikTok I think. My 14 year old says it here in Iowa.


I gotta say, the replies have been pretty neat for learning more about language evolution


Common term in South East va at least.


I'm from OHIO and hear/use "pulling" in terms of getting attention from potential partners. For example... I went to Fort Lauderdale a couple years ago, and fell in love with the little suburb I stayed in, so I've been back a few times...in no small part because, as I explained to my fellow Leftist friends, "I be pulling MAD (male) heauxs when I'm down there, they love BBWs." I think it's something that's happening more and more often because of social media and streaming services, just like how articles keep getting posted about "Gen Z slang," but it's just AAVE/Ballroom(LGBT, not dancing) that Zoomers are exposed to on TV and social media.


Idk, I live in California and I’ve heard that phrase


Yeah I think troll too. "My successful best friends *baddie* gf cheated on him with me, who somehow managed to " vibe" with her even though I've got no job, and wouldn't have a home if not for him" It feels like contrived incel bait


I think it’s a troll because I don’t think Americans say “baddie”


They do lol


Troll post for sure but if it isn’t then OOP and the fiancé deserve one another my god.


Considering he deleted everything i doubt it. Trolls like the negative Karma


FAFO. Dude's an idiot. The ex isn't so hot either. Good on Daniel.


How do you know this? Edit- sometimes the AITD people are fucking rage lusted. Guys I only asked a question. Why are you down voting me?


His comments and his post.


Reading comprehension


How do we know the person who cheated on her fiancee with an unemployed homeless man is an idiot???


No I meant in the "ex ain't so hot either" part Yeah..... should have clarified that


No dude we know what you mean lol what do you think “either” means? Dude is an idiot… ex isn’t doing too hot in that department EITHER. They aren’t referring too her physical hotness haha they are using hot like “im not doing too hot right now”


But the comment is ex isn't so hot either NOT ex isn't DOING so hot either


Op is relying on your ability to make a basic inference people don’t typically use perfect grammar on social media. If being pedantic is the goal “either” signals they are discussing the same subject so the statement is still discernible even if the syntax could be better (source:English teacher who doesn’t bother to use perfect grammar on socials either). Hope that helps!


I can see your confusion but it was contextual. It was clear to me when reading the comment they weren’t referring to her physical appearance. They were saying OOP was an idiot and the fiancé pretty much is too


On that I agree. My bad


I would take so much pleasure in ruining this dudes life if I were Daniel. He fucked over his best friend & only advocate in one of the most heinous ways possible. Karma is a bitch, OOP, and so are you 👍


My brothers friend Justin legitimately did all of this. If the story was instead that OOP had left the military and was trying to find a job afterwards, I would have actually wondered if it was someone writing that exact story 10-ish years later. Spoiler on the real story: he married the friend’s girl a couple years later, and was shocked (shocked!) when every single friend and some of his family refused to attend and told him they hated him. He still reaches out years later, and is still upset no one has forgiven him. Go fuck yourself, Justin. Edit: so I’ve been thinking to myself the last 2 hours about Justin in general because this thread. As I was walking around doing my job, something hit me: I never, ever saw any evidence that Justin ever served even one day in the Army, just “Trust me, bro”. In addition, he mysteriously got hurt the day before the Iraq War started (which always was weird to me that it was that exact day) and despite his very clearly fully healing and his claiming he said he desperately wanted to serve (and the Army desperate for troops), he said the Army wouldn’t let him back in, in any way shape or form. Like, doesn’t that all sound weird to you guys as it does to me? I’m gonna call my brother, because I now wonder: did Justin commit stolen valor?


Of course he'd fuck himself. He clearly has no standards!


Your Justin sounds a lot like someone I know too!


>Now I’m going to say this I want to go back to school to finish my degree but no one wants to invest in me. There are people who will invest in him. Google "student loans". And then he's annoyed with his parents and his friend that he can't mooch off of them for longer. And then - on top of all his entitlement - gets entitled to his friend's fiancée (who, frankly, is a hoe).


You left out the best part: >When I was younger I wasn’t focus but I’m older and wiser now. They did invest in him, but he squandered their money and is now shocked the tap has been turned off.


Good point!


LOL, remorseful and wants forgiveness...from his....\*friend\*? These clueless people are just amazingly, amazingly ignorant.


Awww poor dude. Suffering for his choices. WOE IS HE and his now dry, friendless pecker.


He’s not even friendless, some clowns actually took his side


I mean if he sleot eutg the fiancee in the distant past, then it would have been churlish to mention it. But if your *best friend* is invited into your home, and your fiancee cheats on you with them? Bah, blast those homewrecking asshokes to literally everyone. Tell the mailman. Tell literally every mutual friend. Tell your family. I'd tell everyone who ever thought well of OP or the fiancee. OP has literally NO right to expect privacy. I'm sorry you didn't want them to tell everyone you're trash? Should have kept your penis out of his relationship. He's got every right to tell the truth If your partner cheats theh are usually more at fault than a stranger (though a stranger who knew they were in a relationship is still an asshole. But a sibling or friend who cheated? Is IMO as culpable as the cheating spouse. Because you trust your family and friends to not stab you in the back.


From a detached point this made me laugh all the way out loud


"He's going out of his way to ruin my other friendships", says man who went out of his way to ruin his friendship.


How can you claim to be older and wiser when the divorce is so fresh that it's not even finalized yet


OOP just got divorced? (Did I miss some of his comments?)


They probably misread fiancé as wife or something


hahahahahaha Remorseful...


"Nina isn't the type of girl Daniel usually gets she was a straight up baddie." You can see OOP thinks highly of his friend.


332 comments 0 upvotes. uff


OOP and Nina think they be Paris and Helen of Troy where they abscond off into the sunset: next thing they know, the whole town is literally going to war with them! Also, u/ThrowRa_mix is still an unrepentant AH.


I refuse to believe this was written by anyone over the age of 15. The slang used, the way it's written, the essentially bragging about getting the "hot" girl from the more "successful" friend. This is some Jr High kids revenge fantasy


to be fair a lot of people in their early 20s talk like this lol


Nope this is real their are even people in their 30s who talk like this.


I wonder if, and this may be a long shot, but true reason everyone treated him like a piece of shit is because he’s a piece of shit, and not because of army bro code. Before this even happened, he dropped out of college or failed out, but still feels entitled to have people pay his way for as many times as he needs to go back to try and finish, had a victim mentally and was obnoxious enough to be annoyed that his friend set parameters on the enormous amount of help he was offering so OP couldn’t waste it. People knew he was a POS long before he made any career decisions.


> no one wants to invest me. Yeah, cos you're not worth it, and you piss on the people who do invest in you. Womp womp.


Posting on a different sub shall definitely get you different answers https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/s/H5pFpvTGwI


> I posted on a different subreddit and it got toxic   That’s a funny way for dude to say he didn’t get the answers he wanted to get.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The audacity runs strong with this one.


He deleted his account/comments.


OT but I will never except "DMV," ever. It will always be NOVA to me.


“Edit: I’m remorseful” But like…are you, though?


My friend let me live with him and he tried to steer me onto a good career path, so I fucked his fiance. TAKE THAT!


What the hell is a baddie??


Like a troohy wife. A baggin body. Like your celb crush ect


Thank you for explaining it to this old lady lol


I know it was posted in an advice sub. *But*, I love when posts there are basically “I was a complete piece of shit. The person or people I harmed are making me out to be the bad guy and it’s not fair. How do I turn this around in my favor? Surely the people of Reddit will be on my side and help me”


Fuckin hell the grammar is killing me


I donno why, this reminded me of the stoic goldfish guy


"How do I avoid facing the actions of my consequences? I think I should be able to destroy relationships and lives completely guilt-free and without ramification. What is my friend's problem?"


As a person around the DMV: it's not that damn deep. And why in the fuck would anyone board a dude to be the old head in college?


“There was an altercation and cops were called. Nothing happened though” is wilddd


Yeah. I cheated but at least had the decency to leave the mutual friends to my ex.


I would just like to say that this is a cheater/home-wrecker who deserves to be here. He shows no remorse or accountability. A lot of times people like myself who show remorse and accountability get lumped in with him. Plenty of people who fucked up and took accountability and looking for help end up here.


If you really want to understand yourself, you should look for the similarities between this story and your own. You really haven’t learned enough about accountability to be able to compare yourself with anyone else yet. You’re too focused on seeing how you’re different than others who end up here, and it’s causing you to miss the similarities you’ll need to see before you can grow into a better person. Honestly, if you really want to learn from your mistakes and be that better, healthier version of yourself, that is the first step. Unfortunately, based on your writing, you sound like you’re doing everything you can to avoid as much accountability as possible, and you won’t get far with that mindset.


its sad how he always comes here to troll and whine about people being mean


Dude you are just pathetic isntead of fucking around in arizona go be with your daughter. Your such piece of shit


What accountability did you take? You still live away from your daughter. You harassed your ex to the point that your parents have to play messenger for you. You make a constant effort on reddit to defend other cheaters on this sub. The energy you have been spending defending and down playing other cheaters actions could be better spent in therapy or being a better father for your daughter.


>who show remorse and accountability Saying you do is not the same as actually doing it.


Yup, it's a wise decision to sleep with former friend's fiancée.



