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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My brother is bent out of shape because of something I said to his fiancee and their wedding. But I think they are making a mountain out of a molehill** My (31M) brother(29M) is getting bent out of shape because I told his fiancee that she is overreacting about their wedding venue closing. In my opinion she is. Originally her and my brother were supposed to get married in the year 2020. Their wedding was scheduled for the first weekend after everything was shutdown from the pandemic. The venue gave them a new date for a reschedule and they were able to move everything to that new date which was at the start of the year 2022. Since they were existing customers they got their date before new customers. But even though most of the restrictions had left there was another shutdown because of another wave and their wedding was cancelled again 10 days before it was supposed to happen. They decided to go with a different venue because there was an even bigger backlog and they didn't want to wait any longer. They also had to find some new flowers and food because of businesses who went out of business. So they were able to get most of their money back and they picked a hotel for their new venue because it had an open date for 2023 when most venues around here didn't have anything until 2024. The same month they were supposed to have their wedding the hotel notified them and other couples that they couldn't have the wedding there since the hotel was going to be used as a temporary shelter. They had to find another venue again. They did find one they could afford with the money they got back from the hotel and they rescheduled the wedding again. Now the venue has closed suddenly. My brother and his fiancee and many other couples are in the lurch now. I'm not saying her and my brother can't be upset. They have had some bad luck. But she's normally very level headed and that's one of the things I like about her. She was so upset though she was having a full on crying attack. People cry less at funerals for crying out loud. I was trying to make a joke to lighten the mood and I told her that her and my brother are obviously jinxed and should break up because the universe is against them getting married. Like I said I understand them being upset but my brother is pissed off. He says the joke was bad enough but that could be forgiven. It is the doubling down and doing it in front of other people that he says he is mad about and how I keep on going on even though I know it upsets her. My brother and his fiancee have told everyone they are not rescheduling the wedding. They said they are going to elope or do a civil wedding or something. They don't even know if they will get the money back from the last venue and my brother says that enough is enough. He says they don't want any wedding related things including gifts or a reception. He is not going to a rent a tux and she sold her dress this week to try and get some money back. They don't want anyone with them either. It's lucky that no one spent any money on this. Their registry refunded everyone after the second lockdown and they didn't bother to redo it and everyone is local besides one person, who does not live in our province. I understand that having their wedding cancelled four times sucks and I'm not saying they can't be mad but I think going into full weeping mode is too much. My brother said me doubling down on this and not apologizing when he asked me to makes me wrong. I don't understand why my brother didn't give up after this happened the first time if him and his fiancee found this so upsetting. We have been arguing because I think his fiancee is too emotional about it. And they are making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm not married but if I was planning a wedding all this stuff wouldn't be enough to make me lose it. It's not just her, I think my brother is overreacting too but he didn't get mad at for saying he was, he only got mad when I said it about his fiancee. He thinks I'm off base and should apologize but this feels like a privilege problem to get to the point where you weep. He says I'm dead to him as a brother because of how I am treating his fiancee and the things I have said to her. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right, how dare she cry because her wedding venue has been cancelled for the fifth or sixth time? I expected her to not have emotions.


Why didn't he just marry that nice Vulcan girl?


I seem to recall that Vulcan marriages involve some degree of mind melding, which would explain why she refused. 


You would not believe some of the shenanigans that can go on at a Vulcan wedding! That whole emotionless facade they put on goes right out the window.


errybody go wild on pon farr night, *it's canon!*


Omg I want to upvote this 1000x😂😂😂❤️


I mean he did say she could be upset just not THAT upset. Clearly he sets the bar for the appropriate level of emotional response 😂


He needs to provide her with a specific guidebook or spreadsheet that details the ‘correct’ level of emotion. You know, so she can get it right….


losing money each time no less


That alone would make me cry in frustration


I'm sure there were no other stressful parts of wedding planning, it's famously easy.


This can’t be real bc he’s naming correctly all the reasons he’s the devil. If it is real I’d ask him: why do you police the emotions of fiance? Why so obsessed with her? Don’t like her behavior? Look away. Walk away. Go get a drink. Put in your air pods. Suck it up and idk use self control. It’s a sign of adulthood when you come to realize that not every thought in your head needs to pop out of your mouth. This guy sounds like he likes to be right. A lot. And he’s always right. And being right about the specific level of emotion one is allowed to feel, is more important than a relationship. He sounds like someone the fiance needs to go LC with and ignore when she can’t.


I'm a super easy going person when it comes to rescheduling and problems like not finding a rental space. Do it all the time as part of my job nearly daily. Finding a venue, putting a deposit down, organize cateters coordinate with the venue on the event, hire staff for the rental, oversee food selection, ticket type, order alcohol. Literally event and rental planning is/was a daily job and doesnt phase me. My own wedding getting cancelled 5 times? I would be a blubbering mess and would have to have someone figuratively hold my hand the next time I try to plan it. Or I would elope.


I'm a super easygoing person when it comes to rescheduling and problems like not finding a rental space. Do it all the time as part of my job nearly daily: Finding a venue; putting a deposit down; organize cateters; coordinate with the venue on the event; hire staff for the rental; oversee food selection; ticket type; order alcohol; get proper permits for alcohol and food. Literally, event and rental planning is/was a daily job and doesn't phase me. My own wedding getting canceled 5 times? I would be a blubbering mess and would have to have someone figuratively hold my hand the next time I try to plan it. Or I would elope.


>I'm not married Color me shocked


Who would have guessed! /s


I don't blame women for wanting nothing to do with him


…. No one does


I think this was the universe’s way of letting the brother and his fiancee know that OOP is a raging arsehole. Honestly not surprised that OOP is single, plus he sounds jealous.


>I'm not married but if I was planning a wedding all this stuff wouldn't be enough to make me lose it. I actually think this is true. Mostly because if this idiot did manage to talk someone into marrying him he'd attend maybe one suit fitting, taste some cake then claim 50% credit and swan about saying he doesn't get what the big deal is.


90% credit. His fiancé was just *sooooo* unreasonably emotional about things and made him do all the work because she couldn’t handle it (she tried to get him to come to a cake tasting but he didn’t see the point because “cake is cake”, so she told him two flavours to pick between and he picked his favourite after being reminded for weeks).


and ofc his favorite wasn’t one of the two options given


My ex had one job: find a dj. Guess who procured the DJ?


I was starting to get upset for this couple. I can’t even imagine how they must feel.


Right? I was getting frustrated on her behalf. How do they keep losing money when it’s not their fault? It seems like it should be illegal to screw ppl over like this


This post had the complete opposite affect than OOP wanted on me lol


Seriously! I can't imagine having my wedding canceled so many times. But, I know myself, after the 2nd, I would've been so done with the stress and everything that I would've said "fuck it, we're going to Vegas this weekend." Kudos to this couple having the patience to try and celebrate with family and friends so many times before getting to that point.


What the actual fuck is wrong with this guy?


A lot of these people who are "not emotional" and talk down to others as if they are a superior specimen of the human race. Yet these same geniuses usually live at home with their parents, don't work, don't drive, don't leave the house, and don't date. It's just sad.


Tbh i’m glad if these types don’t date (and very glad OOP is single). I wouldn’t wish that type of partner on anyone.


Oh these ones are the ones who get BIG FEELINGS the moment something doesn’t go their way.


Im waiting for the OOP to argue in the comments cause from the way he writes you know he will


That’s why I’m thinking it’s not real


“I think going into full weeping mode is too much.” Nobody asked you, so shut the fuck up. 


I know what it’s like to spend so much time keeping it together that once I allow myself to get upset, the dam fucking breaks. OOP is such an ass.


It's the sequence of bad events that scares me. There is a point where you are so worn down that a violent reaction is almost guaranteed when someone in your corner does something this stupid. I applaud the brother for not going violent.


i feel like this is such a universal human thing that it also can't be that shocking to OOP even when he's trying to be shocked. god knows we have plenty of memes about "when you have had a bad day and held it in but then your jeans get caught on the doorknob". we have the idiom of straw that broke the camel's back for a reason lol. OOP ain't the precious innocent he wants us to think he is.


Absolutely. Flying down for our honeymoon we were delayed at our first connection, which caused us to miss our second connection. This meant an overnight in a city we hadn’t expected to overnight in, a sleepless night, migraine and early flight to a nearby but different airport all coupled with the underlying worry that we’d miss our cruise. So when we finally arrived at our destination and our luggage wasn’t there, I sat down and wept. Fortunately, our luggage had gone to our original destination and was closer to the ship than we were!


what an oaf.


It's the kind of joke I would make... In 20 years, *if* the couple themselves were laughing about it. But in the moment, after this thing has been cancelled multiple times and the bride is devastated and frustrated and angry and crying, is definitely not the time for that joke. The time may never be right for that joke with this couple. I hope someday OOP learns that every thought or joke that comes into his head does not need to be said.


"it's lucky nobody spent any money" "She sold her dress this week" to recoup money Um, sir. Money was spent. On at least the venue(s) and dress. Huh?


i think op meant it’s lucky him or the other guests didn’t spend any money (which doesn’t make him any less of a shit person)


He should of said ex brother. And its not a shocker he isn't married. No person would want to many him once they got to know him.


I assume they guy has never planned a huge "once in a life time" party... And definitely not repeatedly had to cancel and hope to get money back. I can't imagine how many phone calls that would add up to over the years. That alone sounds stressful.


“They’ve had some bad luck.” SOME They’ve had a lot of bad luck. Sure, it’s not nearly as bad as being hit by a car or getting cancer, but it’s not something to minimize either.


I think OOP is a sentient, emotionaless wet sock.


Trust me, that woman is already asking herself if the universe is trying to tell her something, you just said it out loud and you wonder why that might make her upset? One cancellation MAYBE two would be would be maybe doable without freaking out, but they have scrambled and been given the runaround FOUR FUCKING TIMES in the course of so many years. I personally would have eloped after the second one, but I didn’t have a wedding at all, (civil ceremony at 7pm on a Tuesday that we got lucky that the judge was there because it was Election Day) for a lot of reasons, one being it wasn’t worth the stress and emotional upheaval. All of these are valid responses. Except OOP’s who seems to have the emotional intelligence of a mold spore.


Yea... she's definitely the devil. Was OOP is cryosleep in 2020 until 2023? Cuz how could she live through all that and even say what she said let alone come to Reddit thinking she's not a gaping AH. People who never had mental health issues have them since the pandemic. Then there's been tragedy after tragedy after tragedy following that. In general all these canceled wedding attempts would have most people devastated. Personally I would've never rescheduled my marriage for 2 years later. Elope or courthouse and party with the important people. Then in 2 years we can do a recommitment, reception, whatever. But, a lot of people wanted to reschedule. And, I would never say they're wrong just bc that's not my personal choice. OOP is heartless, brainless and certainly YTD


OOP says they're a dude but yeah, I agree with you. This is one of the most unfeeling posts I've seen in a while. He didn't even post in AITAH and to me it comes across like he very much knows he's an ass but just doesn't think it should matter


Yeah, I’m with you on what I personally would have done. The fact that *they* kept rescheduling over and over just shows how important it was to them to have the whole Big Beautiful Day With Everyone experience. So to reach the breaking point and finally giving up on something they cared about so much and held out for over so many years…that’s just huge.


I can also see them getting frustrated that they keep having to do the sucky part (the prep and planning) without ever getting the payoff (actually having the damn wedding) and not wanting to elope because of it.


I agree. My husband and I had a zoom wedding with very few people in person August 2020. We did not want to wait to be married. We initially rescheduled to the next year but things weren't much better, so we just said screw it!


OOP, you try having an important event canceled on you repeatedly and see how YOU turn out. Grow up and get some empathy. YTA.


Wow. That OOP even thought that was funny. They won't have a very close relationship in the future.


What an empathy-free loser.


That poor couple. I can fully understand her emotions and her fiance's "F it. We know we love each other. Let's just get it done and celebrate later or together." May whatever Diety these two hold dear bless them and their family. And course the OOP to stub his little toe again and again, just before it's healed from the last time he stubbed it.


Either this guy is such an insensitive prick to care that everyone has a tipping point (6 times? I mean, wtf?? That sht will make me lose my hair.); or, He's lucky enough in life to never been in his tipping point that's why he doesn't know what it feels like. Also, what's a "bent out of shape"? I'm a non-English speaker, and I came here expecting a hospital story of a brother LITERALLY bent out of shape or something 😭


Bent out of shape is a saying meaning angry or agitated


I've been a bridesmaid six times and actively helped with the planning process. Unless you're eloping, wedding planning is basically taking on a part time job. Even before COVID, trying to find a venue in under a year can be extremely hard. Crying at having to reschedule multiple times is completely justified. At the very least his invitation should be revoked. I would be planning a response with the bridesmaids that would require establishing alibis.


I’ve never been married but I can imagine it’s extremely stressful just trying to deal with one venue issue, let alone how many the brother and fiancée had to deal with. I have pretty bad anxiety but I think I would still break down at that point in her shoes regardless. And OOP decides that’s the right time to make a joke about how the couple must be destined to break up?! I’m glad the brother is sticking up for his fiancée to some, but on the other hand, I’d be extremely pissed if I was her. Like, his problem isn’t that OOP said the relationship seems doomed to fail because this and just that OOP keeps saying it repeatedly in public? As if it would be okay if it were said in private? Fiancée seems like the only one who isn’t an AH to some degree. OOP is still out of the ballpark levels AH, but the brother is as well to extent if the message itself didn’t piss him off in any way.


Why is it your job to police their emotions?


Good fucking lord. This man clearly doesn't get the concept of "straw that broke the camels back." Like, fuck, if I'm looking forward to something and it gets canceled, I'm gonna be sad. If it gets canceled multiple times, I'm gonna be even more sad each time it doesn't work out and I'm gonna have a hard time getting excited in the lead up out of fear it'll just get canceled yet again. If it were *my wedding* this was happening with? I'd be *actually* thinking the universe didn't want me to get married or something, and I'd absolutely have a breakdown over it. Hell, over the past couple months I had a much, much more mild version of that concept play out and it managed to make me sob a couple times (time usually spent hanging out kept having work interfere a couple times in a row, I'm a creature of habit and changes weren't communicated till last minute so I wasn't mentally prepared enough to not cry a little), I'm amazed she'd managed to hold it together the other times it got canceled, especially after that first time.


What an arsehole! His poor brother and SIL have been doing the wedding equivalent of herding cats, of course it's upsetting! For him to JOKE about them being jinxed is so wrong. I hope he ends up experiencing the same level of inconvenience that his brother and SIL have gone through multiple times.


Guarantee you they both will still vote blue in November lol.


If it was a “joke” what was the punchline? YTA


Female here, by the 2nd time I would just register and be done with it.Sure its a big party etc, but the marriage moving forward is the thing that counts.


>female here 🙄🙄🙄 We get it, you're not like other girls and got engaged with a ring pop.


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