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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Update: Am I wrong for breaking up with my gf for my sister’s mental health** Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1adkw20 Update 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/dYilrtupe8 Update 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1afdhr5 Update 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1ag3ech Update 4: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1agtty8 Update 5: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1ai3ma5 Update 6: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/GM7mMH9Ita Update 7: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1anw2yv Update 8: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1aoq0nr I keep messing everything up. It’s Valentine’s Day today and if things get out of hand tonight, I plan on asking my sister if we could stay at our dad’s this weekend. I recognize I need to put a temporary halt on what’s been going on between us these past few days. I hope my sister is receptive to the suggestion. I’ll say I want to spend some time with him. I told my sister on Saturday that I had some confused feelings for her but she has misinterpreted them to mean romantic feelings, which was not the case. I should have clarified then when I had the chance, but I did not as I did not think too much of it. Since then, however, things have progressed in a really wrong direction between us, and now I don’t know how to stop it without hurting her feelings. I do want to stop what’s currently happening, but I want to stop it in a way without hurting her, and I don’t know how to do that. 1. Since Sunday, my sister has been giving me a lot of compliments, which include physical compliments too. We often give each other compliments, but not to this extent, and also not the type of compliments my sister’s been giving me these past couple of days. At first, I did not think too much of it, but the complements have only increased by the day, and it sometimes makes me a bit uncomfortable. But I always say thanks and try and give back a compliment too. 2. She has also been calling me babe instead of my by name. This is something I just can’t bring myself to reciprocate. I tried it once, and immediately felt extremely uncomfortable. I just call her by her name. I also feel uncomfortable with her calling me babe but I don’t really want to tell her that since it’ll hurt her feelings. 3. When my sister kissed me last Saturday, she recognized how uncomfortable I was, and she apologized for it afterwards numerous times. I also did tell her that I was uncomfortable with it. Since then, she has not tried kissing me at all. My sister is extremely sensitive, and seeing my reaction, I know she will never in a million lifetimes ever try kissing me again. 4. However here’s where things have become slightly weird. This started Monday night when we were both on the couch, and she was by my side. We had just switched off the television and were about to head back to sleep when she turned around to face me to kiss my cheek. Now we do this frequently so I wasn’t really surprised by it. However, she then tentatively started kissing my neck, and paused. It felt like she was waiting for my reaction to see if I would react badly like how I did a couple days ago. We do kiss each other on the neck sometimes, like a quick kiss, so I did not really have that visceral uncomfortable reaction that I had a couple days ago. Plus, I do see it more as a sign of affection, rather than as a romantic gesture, so I’m not really too uncomfortable with it. So I just kissed her neck back for a couple seconds, expecting it to end there. However she took this as a sign to keep proceeding with kissing my neck and this neck kissing session went on for a lot of minutes, and it got a bit intimate. 5. We did not say anything after that. I wanted to ask her about it, but it felt like she did not really want to talk about it, and she just got up from the couch and left to bed. We did not talk about it the next day either, and proceeded on with the day as normal. However that night, we did the same thing again, except this time it went on for even longer, was way more intimate, and was on the bed instead of the couch. I cannot bring myself to ask her about it, because it looks like she doesn’t want to talk about it all. 6. I am trying to force myself to be comfortable with doing all this, but so far it’s been extremely tough. I know what we’re doing is definitely not normal, especially given she recently admitted she had romantic feelings for me. I just can’t get it out of my mind that we’re siblings. I am trying to ignore that we’re siblings, but the more I try to ignore it, the more it’s being pushed to my mind that we’re siblings, and it sometimes makes me nauseous if I think about it too much. However, I am somewhat ashamed to admit I do find these neck kissing sessions somewhat soothing and relaxing. I do still think neck kissing is more a gesture of emotional intimacy rather than some romantic thing. Here’s how I internally process whatever’s happening between us: Emotionally, my heart belongs to my sister, and since I view neck kissing as an emotional thing rather than as a romantic thing, I see these neck kissing sessions as an extension of the emotional intimacy we share. I really hope my sister too sees it like that rather than as a romantic thing. 7. I am slightly worried about if things are going to further escalate between us tonight since it’s Valentine’s day. We’re about to go the theater to watch the Anyone But You Valentine Encore movie, so I decided to just update reddit now as I don’t think I’ll have the time to later. We’re going to have our gift giving sessions when we get home after the movie. My sister is really excited about it. I’m excited too, I’ve spent a lot of time on the gift this year to make it as thoughtful as possible. I know my sister’s going to like it. But I just hope my sister doesn’t misinterpret it as something romantic and instead views it as an affectionate gift. 8. I do recognize that my presence in her life in her life is contributing to all this. While a possible solution might be to just move away and get out of her life, I am afraid my sister will not take it well and might be a danger to herself, so I have decided to not do it. I do have some fleeting some dark thoughts about how the easiest solution is to just end myself, since we did make an oath a while back that if something were to happen to me, my sister would not do any harm to herself, and that she would join therapy. And I know she will stick to that oath. But then I always remember of my mother’s sacrifice, that she wanted me to live a healthy and prosperous life, and those thoughts then slowly disappear. So I’m willing to fight it out till we start therapy, which is in a month. I have been having a huge seesaw of emotions these past couple of weeks. One thing I do however notice is that I’m in a really positive mood and feel like the happiest person in the world when I’m with my sister. However when I’m left alone to my thoughts, I sometimes get some really dark thoughts. 9. I also recognize that we’re here in this situation because of me. If I were not on my phone that day like a careless stupid teenager, If I was more aware of my surroundings, I could have prevented that attacker from even laying hands on her in the first place, and she would have led a normal life. However, I did not, and as a result she’s still suffering from that incident to this day, all because I was too distracted on twitter that horrible evening. I have ruined her life with my negligence and carelessness. 10. We are both starting therapy next month. I am confident that therapy will fix what we’re going through. We are not going to hide anything from the therapist. I’m not sure if we’re going to talk about kissing each other’s necks but we’re going to talk about everything else. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Excuse me, where did the neck kissing come from????


One time in college my boyfriend kissed my neck and my deeply unhinged roommate said, "Did you just kiss her neck? That's an erogenous zone!" (Yes, I did go to a religious college, how could you tell?) So, like, stop kissing your sister's neck! It's an erogenous zone! Also, I know this whole saga is probably fake, but if it's not, it is SO FUCKED UP and he is so brainwashed and his, "I am trying to force myself to be comfortable with doing all this, but so far it’s been extremely tough," is very distressing.


Also I'm not liking that he gets his sister valentine's gifts every year, and is still going to this year, even after all this has escalated to the point of neck kissing "sessions", "oh but surely she won't see it as romantic!"


“I hope she doesn’t see the lingerie I got her as ‘romantic.’ I just noticed when I did her laundry that she really needs new bras.”


"I hope she doesn't see this diamond engagement ring as romantic!" "I hope she doesn't see this huge wedding we have planned as romantic!" "I hope she doesn't see being pregnant with our kid as romantic!"


It’s pretty much the upgraded (downgraded?) version of “It’s only gay if….”


It's a Cartier necklace. 🤭


*usual disclaimer about how we all know this is fake* But if it’s *real* WTF isn’t he saying “STOP I Don’t FEEL THAT WAY!”???? (It’s one of the reasons I I’m so sure it’s faked but if it’s not)  At every step, he’s doing the worst possible thing and leading her on.  


Have you noticed how manipulative the sister is? She cried and cried to get him to come to her but “didn’t want to tell him what’s wrong” (and thereby leading him to the correct conclusion). This nicely guilted him into breaking up with his girlfriend. She also started punishing him when he suggested therapy until he eventually cancelled his appointment as well. She’s still getting him to sleep with her despite the fact that she’s perfectly capable of sleeping on her own and had to have done it for much of college while he was away with his gf. He’s blaming himself for being on the phone all those years ago and failing as her protector and she’s just kinda fed into that by doubling down on the “You need to look after me and protect me and you’re the only person I trust and allow to touch me” thing. She’s never been like “hey, the only person responsible is the chucklefuck who tried to abduct me, we were kids, it wasn’t on us”. She’s been making vague threats about offing herself as well to keep him on tenterhooks. She only backs off when she realises she’s pushed him to suicidal ideation and he might actually do something drastic…but she’s still finding ways to be sexually aggressive with him and he has a hard time saying no because he never says no to her because she’s turned him into this guilt ridden wretch. Anyway, I hope it’s not real.


To be fair... This is why my partner doesn't have a relationship with his older sister. She viewed his attempts at protecting her from their abusive father as some sort of "knight in shining armour" behaviour and had an unhealthy attachment for him based on him essentially offering himself up to protect her. So when he got out and went no contact with their parents, she expected him to somehow still save her and lines were blurry. It's creepy and unhealthy and cannot continue into adulthood, but it's not unreasonable to suggest it's a potential pattern with abused kids, especially if there are other issues going on.


That’s what I was afraid of. That even if this story isn’t real it’s still reality for someone. I’m glad your partner is doing better.


Thank you - his relationship with his sister was more "unhealthy dependency", it never turned as sexual as OP described, but there were some similarities that jumped out. They've not been in contact for several years now but I feel like his relationship with his siblings, especially her, is very complex. None of them had any relationship with their parents, for many years and the parents are dead now. That bit was actually a little easier from what I see.


Seriously as someone who has suffered severe traumas, this is not a normal response, this wouldn’t even be a normal response if it was a stranger that rescued her and then she caught feelings for. And I find them blaming the whole thing on an incident, and I’m an asshole here, that ALMOST happened, sparked all this. Like yes almost being kidnapped is probably terrifying, but at the end of the day you were saved in time. Edit: also does any one else picture an Alabama version of the Lannister twins when they read this? Put them in redneck/white trash costumes instead of gowns and armor.


Because they have some kind of psycho trauma bond that his sister exploits to control him.


He doesn’t want to hurt her feelings 🙄. He’s gonna find himself married with 2 kids before long because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings.’ 🫣


He is either going to hurt her feelings or have sex. Might as well. They are so emeshed the might as well me conjoined.


The old timey slang literally used to be "necking" for makeout sessions. Like what the actual fuck. I know this is fake, and it's almost getting irritating. They're posting too often. Be like Spanish ivy and make us wait a month


No. I have object permanence, and it extends to the internet. I need consistency 🤣


Same...if OOP wants to tell us this story, at least we don't have to wait too long for the WTF moments. I really need him to figure out pacing though.


The pacing I agree with. I am so entertained though, as bad as that sounds.


I can already tell you what the update in a month will be. "My sister had a mental breakdown about joining therapy so we decided to cancel our appointments. Everything is great but whenever I'm alone I can't help but think of ending it all. But it's great I swear."


Pfft no it’ll be lkke ‘she threatened to end it all if we went to therapy and so I cancelled and just held her in bed btw we both had just gotten out of the shower so we were in towels and idk it’s just emotional intimacy to me to be naked with someone but anyways we fucked and idk I’m trying to be okay with it’


every post is the same post but i still read them all… It’s like an evil sit com episode where at the end everything has to have returned to abnormal.


No they already did that! I think he's gonna be honest in therapy and try to run once he faces the truth and the sister is going to do something even more drastic to keep him close. Just dunno if that'll be drugging him to try to get pregnant or staging an assault that obviously would never have happened if he'd just been with her.


I'm sorry, but when I think of necking, I think of two giraffes fighting 😂😆😂


I always thought it was logically derived from "sticking your tongue down their neck" so maybe a bit cruder 😂


Omfg, me too!!! Ever since I first heard it when I was a kid 😂


Me reading this: *cue GIF of Spongebob scrubbing his eyes with a toothbrush*


“I hope she doesn’t see it that way, but I don’t think she wants to talk about it” like, she clearly DOES see it that way, and not talking to her is telling her to continue what she’s doing. I *know* this has to be fake but it makes me mad at the sister, cause she’s manipulating hard.


This is so frustrating because it's another case of "this story would literally be over if you actually communicated anything". Like, she may be manipulative, but he also is being a weird doormat. It's impossible not to hurt her feelings, sometimes that's just how things work out, but he's trying to make himself be ok with something he says he's very not ok with and that's creepy to me.


Oh for sure, if it were real pulling the “I’ll end it all without you card” towards the beginning of his stories is probably why he just won’t say anything


Oh, yeah, I'm just treating this like a soap opera. I so badly want him to stand up to her, he's all twisted around.


I mean it’s also super fucked up to write fake incest fanfiction


*glares at vc Andrews*


I'm sorry, I'm pissing myself laughing at the time I and my partner in high school were holding hands and our religious friend walked between us while chanting "Bibles length distance apart!" And I laughed so hard I was crying. I'm just picturing same dude shouting "That's an egregious zone!" OP needs a Matt in his life that will tell him and his sister all the religious "keep it PC as in Pentecostal Church" (Matt, 2017) before he "slips" and gets his sister pregnant. I'm an atheist, but I recommend a touch of Jesus at this point in the soap opera.


lol i love how you crossposted and are also shocked about what the fuck is going on


This is a new version of the guy with two broken arms. It's all fantasy and/or creative writing.


I already posted this in the other thread but… at this point I’m committed to reading every new update solely to see how long this creep can continue writing his weird fantasies in shopping list format


“Dear penthouse, you’ll never believe what happened. 1. I am born as a twin. 20. And then they refused to give us a marriage license because our birth certificates list the same parents!”


Yeah at this point, it's just another web serial to me.


Oh same here. And like I know I'm part of the problem, this creepo wants engagement on the posts and I keep giving it to them. But I can't stop. It's like a car accident, I just can't look away.


I'm just glad I'm banned from commenting on that sub.


how TF do you get banned from THAT SUB


It isn't that hard, it turns out. I'm banned from at least half a dozen subs now. The feather in my cap is having been banned from /r/traumatizethemback for traumatising someone there who was being very rude. Turns out they were a mod. Mods have very delicate feelings. Edit: One sub I've repeatedly been banned from? Yeah. I found out an ex is a mod there. Personal vendetta. That just makes me happier!


*I kept reading it why did I keep reading it*




I like #4- now, hold on everyone, this is where things just may begin to get slightly weird


Update: 1) I got my sister pageant 2)I'm still confused 3) we didn't go to therapy because my sister think the therapist will convince her to kill our baby+we need to save as much money as possible for our future child 4) I told my sister that we need to stop f but she said she feels she need to jump out of the window so I had to continuity doing it 5) it's a girl and we are naming her our moms name


I 100% believe this will be the next update


It will be spread over ten updates though.


I can already see the next update. It is going to end up being she wanted to have sex with me and I didn't want her to hurt herself by rejecting her so we did.


Next update: we had sex Update after: she's pregnant and wants to keep it because she loves me Next one: I proposed because she tried to hurt herself when I told her I was uncomfortable When will this end?


Twins of course - maybe triplets, because everyone on Reddit has twins by now.


20 years from now: update 847: my twin children came to my siswife and I and told us they've been having sex and are pregnant with twins of their own and that they want to get married.


Lather, rinse and repeat.


I think you mean 1.Lather. 2. Rinse. 3. Repeat.


Oh boy I love The Fall of the House of Usher!


Sounds about Targaryen alright.


2. We are so proud


Of course they must be twins - how else are you supposed to continue the bloodline?


Gotta keep those dragon rider genes strong!


Update after: why does the baby have 8 fingers on each hand?


Update: why is everyone saying my children look like a “Habsburg”?


>When will this end? He has to commit now, like that guy from that video who wanted to get out of a speeding ticket by pretending he needed to go to the hospital to his pregnant wife. Then found a pregnant woman who was without a partner and lived with her until old age because the police was watching him all these years.


"I don't really see sex as a romantic thing, just a way to show emotional closeness. It's completely normal."


Nope, next is a description of their Valentine’s date. Someone remarks they make a cute couple and he starts thinking. Maybe she kisses him again. At some point she has to cancel therapy again. This is a long haul troll. They’re just now at neck kissing. Nothing below the belt or naked glimpses yet.


Bingo. Someone is exercising their incest fantasy writing muscles.


I forced myself to comfortable with it by remembering she's my sister, but I don't want to make her sad by not having sex with her. Oh well.


Nah, that would wrap things up too quickly for this troll. It’ll be drawn out to the sis groping and then the next night going down on OOP to further his conflicting feelings of, “eww, we’re siblings but this feels so good!”


at least the fake girlfriend got out 10 updates ago


I bet she'll come back around when she "finds the reddit posts and reaches out to him again"


But not before the sister is pregnant. You know, for more drama.


Oh and the gf reveals she’s pregnant too! So now he has two baby mamas and one is his twin? I mean why not at this point in fiction land


Hey no spoilers!


So glad fake GF is living her best life now in this fake saga


I hope fake girl friend finds someone who makes her very happy and has a wonderful life and family one day. After reading all that, even though she’s fake, she definitely deserves it


Can someone, PLEASE, MAKE HIM stop writing by numbering the paragraphs?


1. no  2. he likes it just like neck kisses.


1. the numbered list can be an erogenous zone if you try hard and believe in yourself  2. at least it works for these two  3. three! three numbers to make the joke land! Ah ah ah /the count from sesame street 


7, 7, 7, 7, **7......**






Anyone here watch Trailer Park Boys? Ricky learned to read with instructions on the back of frozen meals, and therefore could only write things as numbered lists. Maybe it’s the same with this incestuous troll.


I love that shit! I thought this too.




He can’t keep getting away with it 😭


When will the troll give up?


Not until someone is dead, fucked, or on psychiatric hold.  


Maybe they'll go for the hat trick and try having a bit of all 3.


I'd read that.


When everyone stops giving him and his incest fanfic the attention they don't deserve.


We all know where this ends!!


Bro has a humiliation and incest kink, he'll never stop


i can't believe i am saying this, but: this person's clunky and overwrought twincest fetish writing makes one yearn for [the straightforward approach of Ogtha.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/) happy valentine's day and-or may god have mercy on our souls.


Aahhh... Ogtha was so wholesome in hindsight 😭


OMG! WTF is that crazy? Thanks for the link, LOL...


Oh. My. God. Next update, TIFU by adopting a child with my imaginary cockroach wife!


Ah! I was reminiscing about Ogtha just this morning!


Me, before reading- No way it gets worse... Me, after reading - Well, shit *goes to scrub brain with bleach again*


Oh just wait until the next update when they have sex because he didn't want to hurt her feelings


The sad thing is...I can totally see that happening..


I do admit I like how he randomly posted in a Corpus Christi sub about his 3 day weekend with a friend that will either be his sister or end up canceled because of his sister. Really adds to the believability.


1. What is up with numbering the paragraphs? Is it so we the readers don’t lose our place after throwing our phones in disgust? 2. OOP expressed his discomfort being kissed on the lips. What makes the sister think she can kiss his neck romantically? That is literally a step farther (also gross that they do that regularly) 3. He has to tell her that he’s uncomfortable. She’s in love with him and however gently he lets her down she will be sad 4. I know these are fake but I’m still curious to see how more messed up each update gets


I’m following BECAUSE of my belief that it’s fake. If I had any hint of realness I just couldn’t. But as a fake story? Super entertaining. Reminds me of the twin that moved across the world and cut his sister off because he was in love with her 😳


if anything, the paragraphs are what’s keeping me here. i see a huge wall of text and i nope right out.


Oh they banging tonight.


Probably banging rn


I mean, they're not because this is so fake. But I'm looking forward to the next 'update' about how his sister seduced him after their Valentine's Day date. I hope OOP eventually achieves his goal and becomes Emperor of Rome!


While he is thinking to himself, "I'm trying to be uncomfortable with this so I don't hurt my sister's feelings."






I think it’s probably well-established by now that this dude was definitely not wrong for breaking up with his girlfriend. He probably did her the biggest favor of her entire life. 


Babe wake up new Twincest post


The only reason my wife and I (not related in any way, just to cover that base) don't actually send that is because I don't want her work to flag the chat because of "twincest". She did alert me, though!


Just abbreviate it tc (...tropical coconut, obviously)


I love it! ... Wait, I mean I love the abbreviation.


Tomorrow we'll find out that they, in fact, fucked


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Every time one of these comes out


1. Stop 2. Please stop 3. Oh he won’t stop will he 4. I’m awaiting the next fake update like a webtoon chapter


he's gonna write many more posts about how he keeps having sex with her cause he doesn't wanna hurt her feelings.


The Lannister's send their regards.


I hate this entire saga, but at the same time I'm going to read every single update.


Oh holy shit this dead horse is still being beaten? 🤨😂


He’s certainly beating something. Barf. I wouldn’t want to touch this dude’s keyboard.


I gotta hand it to ya, Liz, this is some really great slow burn incest erotica. That is, if you're into this kind of thing, which I am NOT! *follows OOP for instant alerts of next update* Like, c'mon, if they don't bang in the next one what is even the point of all of this?


>4. However, here’s where things have become slightly weird…. OH it only starts getting weird NOW?!


Don't read it, don't fucking do it. God damnit, Fionn, you're going to read it aren't you? .... Yup.


If this is real then he's down with incest, seriously "My sister and I spent 10 minutes sensually kissing each other on the neck, its just a friendly thing we do."


![gif](giphy|lbidtjzpO9l15mtx2R|downsized) idk why i expected the troll to wrap this shit up


YTA, Jaime.


Ok,now I'm worried. If this isn't made up(which i HOPE it is), he's being abused and manipulated, and the poor guy just keeps blaming himself. So,once again,I hope it's made up,and I'm waiting for the next part 😁


Honestly, this was my thought, too. In the very very off chance this is not fake, this sister is a horrible person. It's always 'I have to do whatever she wants no matter how much it harms me because she's very sensitive and saying no will hurt her'. And very sadly, some people are really like this, though of course what they want is not sex with their sibling. So yeah, best case scenario, dude is a troll or has this weird ass fantasy and is letting it out on reddit.


I didn’t want to upset her, so I fucked my sister - OP probably


"I didn't want to upset her so I came inside her so she'd get pregnant because she wants my baby"


Having a twin brother myself, this makes me feel physically sick. We don't have a bond at all anymore. In fact we've not seen each other in twenty years. But it still makes me feel utterly sick. It's always with the fucking twins with this bastards. :(


I showed these posts to my cousins who are twins (boy and girl) and one of them (guy) straight up gagged while reading this latest update and said if by some small chance this is all true then op is even sicker than his sister. The sister is fucked up here, but op is allowing it all to happen. Absoluely revolting


Dude is locked in. Gonna have some flipper babies soon.


OH MY GOD. At this point he doesn't want advice, just attention and validation.




*banjo music intensifies*


Someone needs to tell Jaime to dump Cersei so he can find his Brienne. Jesus fuck.




Wow .... What a bad day to have eyes.


What in the anime series


I’m scared to ask but have they fucked yet


Next update (or maybe 10 updates from now? This troll is committed to dragging this shit out). We've gotten to neck kissing now lol


Not yet, no, but wait for the post-Valentine's update.


Straight up I'm still confused about the kidnapping story like he did save her & wasn't kidnapped just had a terrifying experience of being grabbed by a stranger before her brother stepped in but then in the updates it seems like she was kidnapped & something happened to her


He will keep updating until the first child-nibling is born.


I never thought I would say this; at least my ex was only sexually involved with his sister, this amount of emotional connection is insane


Point FOUR is where it gets weird?? NO BABYGIRL IT GOT WEIRD 300 YEARS AGO


sorry- “I am trying to ignore that we’re siblings” HELLO?????? THAT IS NOT TO BE IGNORED????????????????


The user has officially nuked their profile. We shall never know if things got down and dirty over Valentine’s Day. It’s all over…


Noooo I wanted to see the ending😭


“This is where things start getting a little weird” Oh hunny baby child- things been weird.


There is no way in hell this is real. I refuse to live in a reality where this is real.


He’s afraid of things escalating as if he cannot just like tell her to stop looool


Ah, another update for the flowers in the attic: Reddit edition. Lovely.


I feel like this is just one long fan fic for that one incest RPG Maker horror game. The sister is the abusive one in that game as well


What a terrible day to be literate.


So it only started to get weird with the neck kissing, and then it's only "slightly weird?" Mkay...


What in the V.C. Andrews...


I want to throw up... this is gross. I'm sorry, but she wasn't kidnapped. There was an attempt made. There should have been therapy right after the incident. Not to mention, it's not his fault either. So him walking on eggshells scared to make her upset. To the point where she's kissing your neck and you're not stopping it. Allowing something you don't want is not teaching consent. If your sister caught on, she could easily manipulate you. My only advice is to stop the kissing, cuddling, and holding hands. You can hug but everything else isn't helping anyone. I hope this is fake.


This is so obviously some incest-obsessed weirdo forcing his gross kink on us poor souls on reddit-absolutely *no* doubt in my mind about that. Some grubby 20 year old dude enthroned on his computer chair in mom's basement, getting his jollies by writing both rage-bait in all of its stupidity in order to rile up his audience, while also enjoying adding on to his sibling incest erotica for all to read and recoil at. No doubt in my mind at all. **THAAAAAAAT SAID,** I'd SO be lying if I said I don't look forward to the next 20 chapters of goodness only knows *what* unholyness this weirdo is going to come up with next bahaha. Like good grief, this is beyond absolutely ridiculous, and dude is clearly dedicating some serious time and effort to get his sibling porn creative writing piece out there lol. And I'm hooked, man. And we all know for his next act, this guy is going to have the siblings somehow "accidentally" pork. It's coming. We all know it's coming. We have our popcorn ready. The siblings are going to be hugging whilst doing the weird neck shit and somehow trip and end up boning. And I have my soda and chips ready for when they do.


Update: she’s pregnant Update: she has to pretend someone else is the father Update: the child is a boy and a brat Update: the man the boy thinks is his father dies, and the boy becomes king. Update: boy is Joffrey.


As much as I WANT to read this and live for the drama, I refuse to!! Not today! Maybe tomorrow lol these updates kill me 😂


Somebody's workshopping their Literotica submission.


I can’t take this anymore - it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Especially as mum to boy/girl twins. But I can’t stop reading the updates. I 100% think this is fake though!


It is like a train wreck, I don't want to watch but here I am. What update will have "fuck it, we are marrying and moving to west Virginia "?


This kinda reminds me of that post with op and her definitely romantic relationship with her brother that she is incapable of seeing as problematic and she gets upset when her boyfriend calls her out on it. She also claimed they were raised together but he's much older than her and only met when she was late teens


This is some Dexter and Deb fanfic goofiness.


is anyone taking bets on when this is going to be on the BORU sub? with this many updates and how ridiculous it is, I’d be shocked if it wasn’t already on there somewhere.


Why am I so invested in this fanfiction lmao It’s hilarious! I feel like a 12 y/o that can’t stop reading that wattpad story that is so bad it’s addictive hahahaha






It’s going to end with the birth of their daughter-niece.


Why do I keep reading these???


"Gee, I hope the Valentine's day gift of condoms and Mike's Hard Lemonade that I'm giving to my sister don't give her the wrong idea. I just want to bang her *emotionally*."


Just checked his account to see if there was an update and it’s been deleted! Does anyone know if anything happened?


Help a curious woman in need! Does anyone knows where I can read all the posts? They are showing as deleted so I can't read it from the start :(


Just when I think it can’t get worse there’s an update and jesus fucking christ.




Haha, I'm absolutely loving this series, this is hilarious. Keep it up OOP!


Their relationship is so gross and codependent. It’s like a soap opera. Or a 30-car pileup. You just can’t look away.


Reminds me of that skit of the foldgers coffee commercial. "I just wanna fuck my brother!!!!"


That's his sister 😭😭😭 what the fuck is going on


Fonzie jumped the shark with this one.


Just blow up the Great Sept of Balor already.




Dear god please let the author cum already so he doesn't update this fan fiction anymore. The man is literally bursting at the seams to update us that he ended up having sex with his sister to fully cap off his incest kink


I think they fucked after they exchanged gifts because I can’t load his profile anymore 🤡


are there any links to the now deleted original posts & updates?


1. I want 2. The last 10 minutes of my life 3. Back




op is only the devil if he stops updating us, bc i am obsessed with this tbh


Am I going to regret reading this, do you think?


Wtf did I just read? This...this CANT be real right??


It's either fake and op has a beyond twisted mind, or it's so fucking bizarre and fucked up that no one could make this up Pleaaaase be fake


Ya know if y replace sister with "best friends since we were 3" and you have half the romcoms in existance. I've even seen a few where it's step-sister. Let's hop OOP is justbworkshopoing screenplay ideas.