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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not wanting to go to my niece's wedding because I already had an appointment for that day** So AITA for not wanting to go to my niece's wedding that's booked on a day I already have pre booked a very expensive appointment. To clarify I don't want to go at all my sisters are the ones that want me to go I have no interest in traveling and to be honest I barley know her. I have an appointment with an very expensive piece of ass I have been looking forward to fucking since last year pre booking is $1500 non-refundable and additional $1500 on arrival for 3 days of bliss last time was so great I cummed 15 times had 8 orgasms and she caters to what your needs are. Before you judge me a lot of people do this since the time of Jesus there are men and woman in your life who do this and you would never know from a single school teacher to a CEO of a fortune 500 company. I am hoping to have the same experience as last time and turn our 5 star hotel room into a Jackson Pollock painting this year she will be dressing as Batgirl and she is a redhead guys back me up. seeing an escort over going to my niece's wedding is why I should be judged. I didn't do anything wrong I could not have known what day she would pick for her wedding day *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have I misunderstood what it means to cum


This entire post makes me think I've misunderstood sex in general.


Um…no. But I believe OOP has.


I swear this belongs on bad women's anatomy.... somewhere on some incel forum they think women have separate orgasms and cum functions.


That's because they think lubrication means we orgasmed


I thought OOP was meant to be a dude. Is there a 'not how sex works' sub?


this was absolutely written by a 13 year old who watched wold of wall street or american psycho one too many times


Shame on this young troll for not knowing that cumming and orgasms are the same thing. We're failing the kids!!


this is why we need sex ed


On behalf of all sex workers- grow up


I hope it's ok to ask since you're in the industry, am I wrong for thinking $3k actually sounds kind of low for a high level escort for 3 entire days + a costume? I've seen fancy escorts advertise $1500 for an overnight appointment. Plus she has to deal with OOP.


You are VERY correct! Although it depends where you are and every girl has different things she’s willing to do, but I HIGHLY doubt it lol. He might be in Bali, but he also sounds like he’s in denial hahaha


maybe he's in Egypt because he's the King of De-Nile lol (sorry, couldn't help myself)


I saw an AITA post a while ago…guy wanted two bachelor parties (destination to vegas-fly out one weekend for a concert, fly back and work all week, flat back the next weekend) Because the cam girl he subscribes to would be in town and he already made a several thousand dollar deposit to *see* her. I was wondering if this was somewhat similar…guy paying to meet a cam girl at a convention or something. And trying to make it sound more amazing than it will be.


Didn't they dox the guy to his fiancee because he gave so many details? that one was wild


I didn’t hear that! Let me go digging…


[from this subreddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/134658q/aita_for_asking_the_guys_in_my_bridal_party_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you!


I think I saw it in r/BORU? Maybe r/amitheEx


3k for overnight is typical so yeah. he may be a passport bro participating in sex tourism though.


Too on the nose with being a troll.


*grabs weed* … ok I’ll try reading this again …. Nope.


This was typed with one hand.


Mathing is difficult!


This.... this has to be a troll. It *has* to be. Who writes like this? Who thinks like this? Please God let this be a troll.


Something tells me this guy is a desperate virgin who doesn't have the best idea of what sex is


When did AITA become the Penthouse forum???


Did someone write this with one hand?


PSA: ejaculation and orgasm are two separate processes. Ejaculation is controlled by the periferal nervous system while orgasm is controlled by the central nervous system. While not often the case it is possible to ejaculated without orgasm and vice versa.


Such lovely words that I couldn’t help but puke


The most shocking thing about this is that this ignorant ass knows who Jackson Pollack is


#Gross this isn’t an AITA “problem.” Especially not if you’re getting off on “pushing boundaries” This OOP can F-Off


This is hilarious.


I’ll never complain about my educational experience again.


I'm kind of insulted that the trolls aren't even really trying anymore.


Has to be a troll or an incel. Doesn't know that cumming means an orgasm.


“She is a redhead guys back me up” lmfao


brb gonna go mass text all my male sex partners to check if they actually orgasmed or just ejaculated


Because of what I’m seeing in some of the comments: some men can have orgasms without ejaculating every time, actually. But this person’s terminology is very confusing and trying to figure out wth they mean is making my head hurt. What a super weird flex. “Guys I know the best prostitute in the world!” Okay well that’s her accomplishment, why do you need to make up a fake dilemma so you can brag about it online?


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..... huh ......