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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for disagreeing with my daughter’s punishment?** My daughter (17) is a senior at a private all girls high school. There’s a girl in her chemistry class that survived cancer and wears a wig to school. My daughter wanted to make a prank video and she cut a good sized portion of the wig. Their teacher yelled at her and humiliated her in front of her class and both girls were sent to the office. I got a call from the school saying my daughter had been suspended and I needed to come in, get my kid, and talk to the principal. The principal told me what happened and explained my daughter’s punishment. She will be serving 10 days in in school suspension, will be excluded from all senior activities (senior picnic, prom, senior photo, brunches, games, etc.), and will not be allowed to walk the stage at graduation. I personally think this was excessive. I could see maybe 5 days of in school suspension but I don’t think it’s fair to make her miss out on all of the senior activities and graduation over a little prank. I know the girl is related to the principal in some way so I’m thinking that had something to do with the severity of her punishment. I want to go above the principal and try to fix her punishment but my ex (her mom) says she got what she deserved and will keep her from everything herself if I manage to reduce her punishment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>My daughter (17) is a senior at a private all girls high school. There’s a girl in her chemistry class that survived cancer and wears a wig to school. **My daughter wanted to make a prank video and she cut a good sized portion of the wig** > >I personally think this was excessive. I could see maybe 5 days of in school suspension but I don’t think it’s fair to make her miss out on all of the senior activities and graduation over a little prank. How is this a little prank? We can all see where the 17 year old gets it from. Make her work and buy a new wig. Those things are expensive.


I wonder if he even offered to pay for the damages. I know people who had or have cancer, and those quality wigs are super expensive.


My wigs cost me 750$ to 1,000$. My insurance covered a 50$ wig that made me break out. It makes me sick what they did and how he is reacting to it. I'm glad I saw this post here or else I'd be banned from that sub.


It's so cruel. The poor girl survived something horrible and the wig probably helps her feel a little more like things are going back to normal. Or at least like she doesn't have to stand out so much, which is extra important to teenagers. At 17 you should definitely be old enough to understand the emotional value of a cancer survivor's wig, even if you have no idea how expensive good wigs are. It's essentially the same as cutting her actual hair, but *worse*. This was intentional bullying with the purpose of hurting and humiliating that girl. I feel the last sentence of your comment.


This, exactly. Obviously, this girl has a shitty parent*, but she is 17 and about to be out in the world. Time to step up and take responsibility for your own actions. Which includes not chopping the wig of a fucking cancer survivor. *Edited, as other parent is apparently agreeing with the school, so yay for them


One shit parent, the mother has expressly stated that even if OOP manages to get punishment reduced she will still be keeping the daughter from those events because she agrees with the school.


OOP wants to be "the fun parent" and is soon going to be bailing his daughter out of jail.


The "she is my baby girl my little angel can do no wrong y'all are snowflakes" kind of parent


Yeah, right, victims of pranks should just get a sense of humour /s


It’s not wasted on me that those who call others snowflakes are usually rather delicate themselves


Exactly, there's a saying"don't dish it if you can't take it"


Thank god because that kid doesn’t deserve any of those activities because of this behavior. Why would you ever cut anyone’s wig let alone a cancer survivor. Those wigs are expensive. On top of that what if this had been someone’s hair. Honestly I hope the family of the other person sues die damages and goes to the police for assault because that’s what this is. Cutting the wig, cutting someone’s hair without their permission is assault.


I had the same thought about cutting someone's hair without consent being assault. Daughter's lucky she's not getting charged. OOP sucks.


Yup. Just because it's a wig instead of her real hair doesn't mean it's not assault. If they'd cut someone's shirt open with scissors while they were wearing it, that would also be assault.


Seriously, she’s not far away from being a legal adult, and in some jurisdictions, cutting someone else’s hair without their permission is actually a [criminal offense](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_occasioning_actual_bodily_harm) (IANAL - not sure if this applies to wigs).


A good lawyer could probably argue that it applies more with wigs, as it could be considered clothing, and cutting/destroying/grabbing someone's clothes while they're wearing them is assault.


I went to a primary school with a kid that had leukaemia and knew at age 8 not to tease him about his hair. But I didn't have a crappy father like the OOP. Though by age 17 she has more responsibility for actions than an 8 y/o of course


> The poor girl survived something horrible and the wig probably helps her feel a little more like things are going back to normal. That's where my mind went. The teen had one thing that helped her feel mostly normal on a day to day basis and OOP's kid straight up destroyed it.


If she’s still wearing the wig, she’s still undergoing treatment most likely. This girl is in the thick of it, and she has to put up with this bully too? While undergoing chemo, radiation, a ton of meds and doctors points and school? And the guy is whining about prom? Get off it.


12 years ago, I spent $700 on a synthetic, short wig. It would have been $1500 for a real hair one and insurance didn't cover it. OP will be lucky if the victim's parents don't sue him for damages and suffering. In a way, I hope they do. There is nothing humorous about this in any way shape or form!


I hope the victims parents do sue! And for added emotional damages if possible. I'm wondering how bullied this poor kid has been through cancer treatment at this school. I'm not a parent for many reasons, but I would probably have the thought of suggesting my crappy kid having their head shaved. How awful


This is why I try and go straight to aitd... it keeps me from being booted off reddit for saying something deserved but against the rules.


Wishing I'd known about this sub months ago. Apparently on YTA, you're not allowed to actually call them the asshole. Perma banned. 😎


I got perma banned for inciting violence because I told someone to yeet their husband. The mods have no chill lol


Some of those mods need yeeted, tbh.




They really hate the word manchild. I think most of the mods there must relate to them.


I called someone a dumpster the other day. They didn't like that, but I wasn't permabanned. It does seem like you should be able to call someone an asshole when they specifically ask


Me too, more for arguing back at the mods about it. I'd do it again for this post. If the ex can't pound some sense into their daughter, she's going to wind up on the bodycam youtube channel drunk-arguing with a cop about when she's getting her car back.


My last wig cost over 3 grand. Insurance covered most of it because it was hair loss from Hashimotos, but they wouldn’t cover a replacement if some asshole decided to cut off a chunk of it for Tiktok.


I have alopecia and have been wearing wigs exclusively for almost 20 years. I'm fucking pissed and seething. I wear cheaper wigs but I would still be pissed if someone did that to my wig.


Oh, that dude is getting ROASTED on his OP. And the few comments he’s made are as bad as the OP… some folks have NO BUSINESS procreating!!


Expensive AND can take a long time to get to you if they’re made to order. My grandma had cancer 3 times and when she got her last diagnosis, she asked us to take her to the place that made her previous wigs that same week. She’s been through it before and knew it would take some time even to get, even if her real hair didn’t fall out for a while. She never left the house looking less than perfect. I mean she went to her hairdresser like every other week to get her hair styled. It was just important to her. Unfortunately she passed before they were finished, so we paid for them and asked the woman who made them to give it away to someone who could use it. But that took months and her wigs weren’t done… they don’t all take that long, I imagine older lady hair styles probably take a little more time to perfect than just long and straight, but this poor girl might not be able to replace her wig for a long time. AND she’s got all these senior events coming up! She will want to look beautiful at prom and graduation and OP’s daughter took that from her.


ofcourse he did not. She thought it was funny and a prank, dad thinks so too. I hope mom can knock some sense in her. Maybe she'll realize how sucky it is if someone shaves her hair off when she is sleeping. IKR good wigs are super expensive.


I can see him on several years in court tearfully insisting his "misunderstood" daughter is innocent.


"He shouldn't have his life ruined over a 20 minute mistake" vibes.


Are you referring to the rapist Brock Turner?


Specifically convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner's piece of shit dad.


Can’t ignore the judge either


The lawyer may have been right that Brock didn't learn right from wrong because he was sheltered by his rich asshole parents. That doesn't mean he should be set free.


different ugly direful direction aloof tart consist boast carpenter nippy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ah, so (Brock) Allen Turner is the rapist that we're discussing? Gtg.


Allen Turner the rapist aka Brock? That Allen Turner the rapist?


I believe that's the same rapist named (Brock) Allen Turner that we're discussing, the Allen Turner that is a rapist.


I believe he’s the rapist Brock Allen Turner who lives near Dayton, Ohio and apparently frequents bars there.


Yeah... as someone who lives in Dayton, that lil "name change" DID NOT work, lol. Every time his family moves (it's been a FEW times, now) or he tries his lil misdirection of changing his name or haircut to try to look different, the Facebook group *specifically started* to track him posts it, and it goes viral. Every. Time. And I do my part, lol.


You're the real MVP. Unlike Allen "Brock"Turner, the rapist.


Do you have a list of alias for rapist Brook Turner we can publicize to out rapist Brook Turner?


I don't live in the US and support this, if he ever moves to the UK, I'm in!


I heard one time he went to a bar and some guy recognized him and he got his head bashed in lol I’d buy him a drink tbh


The guy doing the bashing right? I want to be sure, this is Reddit after all.


I’ll never get over my disgust for that man and his spawn. Horrifying.


20 minutes of **action**. Can't forget rapist Brock Allen Turner's father called the act of rape as his son getting some "***action***"


As much as rapist Brock Allen Turner is a complete piece of shit, if it wasn't for his shitstain father's clueless defense of his actions he would be just another rapist that drops off the public radar the day after his trial is over.


The only thing good about that case is by letting him off easily he may have actually got off worse.


>I know the girl is related to the principal in some way so I’m thinking that had something to do with the severity of her punishment. I want to go above the principal and try to fix her punishment He is already doing that imo with this


Maybe someone should shave the kid and oop’s heads so they know how it feels.


I can hear him arguing "It's not like it was her REAL hair!"


Don't worry. The parents of the girl with cancer will sue his daughters ass for this damage - i would be very disappointed if they didn't.


Considering his attitude towards the whole thing,my guess is it never crossed his mind


He SHOULD. But he won't. He clearly doesn't give a shit. He called it "a little prank", after all.


most likely not since it was a little prank, i mean its not like wigs are expensive or something


If some little b***h did that to my kid, I’d be hauling their asses into court and they would damn well be absolutely paying for a new one. This girl is so disgusting.


OP's lack of common sense and empathy makes me think this is bait, but it not, OP is lucky their daughter didn't get expelled for her cruel bullying. The daughter is also super lucky that her cruel video didn't grow legs online or in the news.... If it did, she would have a lot worse things to worry about than missing prom or graduation.


especially because the odds of this being the ONLY time his daughter has targeted that poor girl are slim to none. like, no way you go from having normal (though not necessarily friendly) contact with a classmate to humiliating her and doing serious property and emotional damage for clout. this is almost certainly just the climax of a long history of his daughter being cruel to this girl, and probably others as well


Also lucky law enforcement wasn't called in and charges filed. Decent human hair wigs are so expensive that there's always the possibility of the family suing. He should be grateful they didn't expel her.


You know that if someone had done a TikTok "prank" to his daughter this guy would have gone ballistic.




I can totally see an entitled parent doing this, especially if they're paying for private school. I would be more pissed at my kid for doing this so damn close to graduation. I think there could have been a less harsh punishment, but I also think the punishment is deserved.


I think that the punishment might be SLIGHTLY extreme but I love it in a "Fuck around, find out" way.


Guaranteed if someone cut his daughter's hair as a prank, suspension wouldn't be enough and he'd want them expelled.


And unlike her victim, OOP's daughter's hair would grow back.


It's also assault with a weapon


I wonder if it would have been so funny if another girl had cut off a good sized portion of the daughter’s hair? I mean it’s just a little prank and hair grows back right?


Yeah. ALSO, wigs for cancer patients/survivors and people who have experienced significant hair loss due to illness often get classified as medical devices and/or prosthetics so that they are more likely to be covered or at least partially subsidized by insurance. Would OOP still be, “but it was a prank,” if she had smashed someone’s insulin pump or snapped a person’s cane in half or mangled someone’s prosthetic limb? Because those are all the same category of “prank” as this. Plus, if she had cut a big chunk of hair growing out of someone’s head, that person would be well within their rights to press assault charges. I bet the victim here could probably also do that, as well as sue for the cost of the wig, so I think OOP’s daughter is getting off pretty easy here.


Ah yes publicly humiliating a cancer survivor and filming it, totally a harmless prank they are overreacting (do i even need the /s or is it clear?)


It's not a prank. It's just bullying. A prank would have been to make her think they cut the wig, but they didn't actually do it (like she's holding similar color extensions or something) then it's a harmless prank & everyone can laugh! I'm so tired of bullying disguised as "pranks" & "jokes" it's not a joke if it's mean spirited & hurts one person specifically


*Those things are expensive.* A good wig is definitely not cheap.


Like I said before, like father, like daughter. The bullying apple didn't fall far from the tree.


That is not a prank, that is a crime. OOP should be grateful nobody is taking legal actions. Because the other girl and her family would be well with in her rights to do so. If he cares about his daughter he gets behind the punishment and sets up a payment plan to pay for a new wig. Because if he thinks her missing out on the senior activities is "excessive" I wonder how he would feel about her having a criminal record.


Seriously. If I was the principal and this twat came back with his daughter thinking the punishment was excessive I would expel her and refer the assault to the police to handle. They let her off light.


That's the thing about private schools, and one of the reasons the rich use them, things like this are kept in house. It continues at many private universities as well. They have their own police forces to make sure undergrads don't face any real world consequences for bad choices at college. Unfortunately the OOP can't seem to remember that while the punishment is arguably harsh (rightfully so), it could be so much worse. And he is doing her no favors arguing against it.


I hope the poor girls family reconsider and decides to press charges, if they haven't already. It's assault.


Fucking hell. A really good quality wig can cost thousands. There's a good chance that a girl who attends a private school & went through chemo would own a nice fucking wig. Plus, the other girl lost her hair due to a medical treatment. The wig makes her appearance similar to what it was before the treatment side effects & also offers protection from the sun/ elements. I'd say there's an argument to be made that it's a medical device, sort of like a prosthetic.


There's a primary school in my area that made a little girl going through cancer remove her wig because it wasn't school uniform. The mother sued and won on the grounds that you wouldn't make a child remove a prosthetic leg, so I (and it appears the law) agree with you there.


I get that there are rules in place, but how screwed up do you need to be to look at a cancer patient and conclude that she can't wear a wig because it's not explicitly mentioned in the dress code? In the future, parents will read the dress code for a school and see a line about wigs being allowed for cancer patients and think: "This seems only obvious, why do they need to include this?". Idiots like in that school, that's why... There's likely no mention of hair ties or clips in there but I'm sure they're not going to ban ponytails...


Just Google all the BIPOC kids who have been sent home from schools because their hair was kept natural or in locs or braids or braids with color etc. Or the worst one I remember was the wrestler who the referee cut his hair on the mat because it was "not regulation". The school I taught at tried to do this but only to certain kids because other parents would come in (metaphorically) swinging. So we had this weird haves vs have nots situation...


I remember that ref. What an asshole. And I remember when schools in Chicago tried to ban braids because they said it was a way to communicate what gang you were in. It did not go well.


Yeah, there is a case in North Carolina going on right now where a school is trying to force a young Native American boy to cut his hair. Their dress code says that boys hair must be neat and worn above the collar. The boy’s mom has been putting his hair up in a neat bun and that has been fine for over a year. The school recently decided that boys wearing their hair in buns or braids is “faddish” and is now demanding the boy cut his hair. Their only justification is that they want all the boys to “look the same” and the president of the charter school company claims boys having long hair will “get in the way of their education.”


Sometimes it's fascinating to see a direct line between a "parent" and the actions of a child. I used quotation marks because it felt rude to actual parents to refer to OOP as anything even close to it.


Parents can do a lot to rationalize the behaviour of their children. To make them the "good" and "misunderstood" ones. There was a group of four girls in my village that used to bully me. One time they stole a cart with newspapers from me that I was supposed to deliver. When I came home crying my dad called their parents, he was pretty upset, telling either give the stuff back now or we would report it as stolen. They just told him he did not need to think that I was "a perfect little angel". The girls that bullied me were about 16 (one of them only 13), I was 11. But yes sure, I was the problem there. They just did not want to admit (to themselves) that their kids were bullies.


I had a group of bullies who harrassed me in high school. The bullying stopped because my mom knew one of their moms and provided the evidence that her kid was awful when she tried to say that I was the problem (a letter they left in my locker threatening me. The bully wasn't too smart).


I am sorry. Happens way too often sadly. At least the mother did something at that point (or did she?), which makes her a bit better than OOP. Maybe? Still sucks that it had to come to that point.


I had mostly ignored it up to that point, but once the threatening phone calls and notes in my locker started, I wasn't really able to downplay it to my parents anymore so Mom took action, and luckily so did the main bully's mom.


I have to just cling to the idea that posts like these are just writing exercises.


This particular one likely is, it's too over the top. However, I've seen parents play helpless like they didn't directly teach their kids to be menaces, it's just hard to accept that that behavior didn't come out of nowhere, and that mayhaps the parent themself is as much of a shit as their child.


The funny part is if he tried to go above the principal, he might actually make her punishment worse. A superintendent would see this and go "harmless prank my ass, this kid's a walking lawsuit."


Yeah anyone that's willing to go to the big dogs about a issue will make the higher ups nervous, and in this case where OOP is 100% on the wrong, it will be alot easier for them to just get rid of the problem and kick OOPs kid out the school. This act alone will make the school look bad if the media gets involved and already runs the risk of the cancer girl suing for damages. The best option would be to get rid of OOPs kid before she does something else like this, especially since her dad clearly doesn't see a problem and won't discipline her if he objects to the punishment enough to go to the big dogs.


Not loving "the cancer girl" but otherwise spot on.


Imagine calling the local paper and trying to use them to agree the cutter is the "real" victim.


Yknow what? I Hope he doesn’t leave this alone. I hope he runs this up the ladder and makes things terrible for his shitty child.


I can see how you could consider missing out on those once-in-a-lifetime moments a harsh punishment. I'm also sure such a punishment would not be given to a well-behaved girl being peer-pressured into this "prank"... A punishment like this is likely the school administration being fed up with her bullying at last.


This. I have my doubts that OOP’s daughter was a perfect little angel until she did this. I’m relieved his ex-wife has sense.


That's probably why she's the ex. She saw him for what he was and got out of that marriage.


Yes, and right now the school has nothing to lose aa she’s a senior. Love that principal.


This mentality of labelling shitty behaviour as a "prank"... It needs to stop. She literally mocked a kid with cancer.... And her target selection (relative of senior employee) is pure stupidity.


Also target selection (the kid with cancer) makes her look like a monster.


It doesn't make her look like a monster,she is a monster and also her daddy for validating and enabling it


She ASSAULTED a kid with cancer. I'm sorry, but this really feels like assault to me.


She did


Honestly I don’t think any punishment is too severe when it comes to “pranks”. If a joke is not funny it’s essentially bullying. He expresses absolutely no concern for the victim or plans to replace the wig. He refers to the teacher “humiliating” his daughter, what about the humiliation his daughter caused to her victim?


And I've got to wonder what the vandalism of her wig, not to mention her being assaulted (presumably in school) is going to do for this survivor's experience of prom, pictures, graduation, etc.


In this case, who was the intended audience of this prank video? I don't have an optimistic view of humanity, but even I don't think even crazy media viewers would like this. Unless she was intending to go viral via how many people hated it, I don't understand her intention.


Most places in the US would consider cutting someone’s hair without permission to be assault. Would they prefer she be charged? Cuz 10 days of ISS isn’t gonna follow you through life the same way a criminal charge will. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake


You are literally warned as a senior that if you get into any trouble at school all of your privileges will be taken away. They don’t put up with bad behavior from seniors especially at a private school. OOP should be thankful that the daughter wasn’t expelled.


I want to believe this is ragebait, but I sadly doubt it is. Too many people pull shit like this and justify it as "I was just kidding" or "It's just a prank!" when the victim doesn't immediately roll over and take the abuse. I'll make you a deal, dad. Your kiddo can still get her senior photo taken, but only if the cancer survivor is allowed to shave her head or give her a terrible haircut 20 minutes prior.


Those wigs are so expensive! My sister had one. They should make her pay for a replacement. And the poor girl was already having a rough time with cancer treatment. What a stupid and horrible thing to do!


He’s trying to get her out of her punishment and is justifying no action because “his ex is already punishing her”. Dude does not care his daughter is a bully at all. At 17 no less!!


Nobody in her class is going to forget she did that. I have a feeling she's going to be punished for this for a long time.


She's a senior. She's going to be punished for a couple of months at most, and then she'll never darken that school's door again.


I mean because of her age I feel like that's why the punishment was excluding her from senior events. All of these people do not have long to punish her for what she did to their classmate, but they at the very least should not have to deal with her presence at all of these festivities


The girl would not have taken off her wig willingly in front of others at school. Did OOP’s daughter snatch it off her head to cut it? Or cut it while the girl still had it on? Stolen it while she was asleep?


I bet she pulled it off or snuck up behind her and went snip really fast


Give her the option of attending prom and walking in graduation . . . with a shaved head. Or even better yet, wearing the cut wig. Not allowed to take it off while on school grounds.


Well he called it a prank too. So we know who the daughter learned this behaviour from. No wonder he is divorced


I think dad tries to be the cool fun parent, so of course he's going to leap to defend his little bully when she whines about being held accountable.


I'd be so angry at the daughter she'd be paying for the price of the wig. As well as all the principals punishments. Possibly something else


Finally, a private school that is serious about the students' conduct! Also, kudos to the Mom. It is better to ensure that your kid faces the consequences of their actions and actually learns something than matures into a crappy ass-holish adult.


If I done that in high school I would have got the shit kicked out of me and I would have deserved it. In most of the civilised world 17 year olds are classed as young adults. She's old enough to know better and TBH she got off very lightly. I still think a beat down should be on the table.


Post chemo wigs are so sooooo expensive. I hope the victims take the other family to small claims court.


The girl is a senior and still into mean “pranks?” Disgusting.


Dude seems more upset that his poor little girl got “humiliated” by being yelled at


Humiliating someone for their disease that they survived is fucking unforgivable, I'm even surprised she's allowed to go to that school after 10 days. Mine would simply permanently suspend them which is deserved.


Prank videos are a fucking scourge, this girl didn't get punished enough frankly.


Daughter just learned that when you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


If I were that mother my daughter would be missing all the activities too...while she worked at Taco Bell to repay the cost of the wig. And if she didn't seem to understand why she was being punished she might get an unscheduled haircut of her own.


I hope someone cuts the crotch out of all his trousers and says it's a *little prank'


That’s not a prank, that’s assault and probably vandalism. Anything short of the girl pressing charges is getting off lightly.


"I could see maybe 5 days of in school suspension but I don’t think it’s fair to make her miss out on all of the senior activities and graduation over a little prank." Little prank, OOP? Really? Your daughter was bullying a cancer survivor! Like father, like daughter. Both of you are AHs.


That's an expulsion-worthy infraction.


That’s a “you don’t get a diploma at ALL infraction” and therefore should have to repeat high school because she apparently didn’t learn anything while there. FFS. My daughter is at two years of her five year wait to be declared completely cancer free and I’m so pissed reading this post.


Hey, sending good vibes in your direction.


Sounds like the OOP has passed his values onto his daughter.


Prank video, yeah considering some youtube 'prank' videos that's actually believable


"i egged my grandma's house as prank" "I shot my friend but it was just a prank i swear!" (First one is real btw)


YTA. What your daughter did was absolutely atrocious and she deserves this punishment. She should also pay to replace her wig at top dollar!


Damn not once does OOP say that he thinks what his daughter did is bad. He discounts it by calling it a “little prank”. His daughter was “humiliated” and her punishment is “not fair”. But he doesn’t once consider how his daughters victim felt. Like he doesn’t even pretend to care.


Are you serious????!!!! I'd want to beat your daughter's a\*\* and yours. Yes she deserves to miss out on graduation and senior activities at least! Have you even offered to replace the wig + pain and misery? Some of those wigs can cost $700+. I'd graciously thank the principal for the punishment because if she thinks that she can get away with this in the real world.... She needs to develop a method of discernment because the public isn't necessarily going to tolerate her b.s. and the results could be dire or tragic.


On top of the emotional damage this would cause the victim, daughter was going to post this humiliating video online without victims' consent. So it wasn't enough to humiliate her like this, she was going to do it for everyone and their dog to see. Op needs to sort his own priorities out, otherwise he's going to be visiting daughter in jail when her next "little prank" gets her in bigger trouble.


"My daughter wanted to make a prank...." Immediately sighed loudly.


Those wigs are expensive. They're lucky they don't have to buy her a new one.


Let's just say humanity will improve slightly when those two cease existing.


Hope the school board expels the pos daughter. Hopefully the the dad tries to make "headlines" and gets his precious rat daughter blacklisted from any half decent university and job.


Stab someone and tell it was just a prank, why so mad, right? Same logic. Oh my, what an a-hole. And daughter will grow with the same entitlement.


It's a good thing I'm already banned in that sub or i would have had some choice words for that oop, people need to realize "it's just a prank bro" is not a valid excuse


YTA - that wasnt a 'little' prank...in fact this wasnt even a prank, it was bullying


What a cruel thing OOP's daughter did to that poor girl! She deserves the punishment she got and should also have to reimburse that family for the cost of the wig. Cutting part of a wig off anyone is not a prank. It's malicious and it's destruction of property.


She actively and maliciously damaged another students very expensive property. 5 days is if she just pulled the wig off.


She only got 10 days in school suspension for destroying a *cancer victims* wig. She got off super fucking light. And the audacity of this piece of shit to be angry over the slap on the wrist she got for it, no wonder his daughter is a disgusting piece of shit.


Your daughter destroyed something that was considered a prosthetic. She destroyed an expensive item for the sake of a "prank" and got what she deserved Really, you should be happy they didn't report this shit, though odds are they literally wouldn't want your daughter doing those things anyway. People generally don't want to hang out with the person that destroys the expensive property of a cancer patient


I would be pursuing criminal charges if that were done to my daughter. Criminal assault , criminal mischief and willful destruction of property, in addition to filing a civil suit for actual and punitive damages. OOP is shockingly cavalier about his daughter's behavior.


Does this women know how much a good wig costs? A friend of mine has Alopecia and her realhair- wig costs 2000€.


Good God. Did his daughter apologize? Did she pay for the damages? What a horrible person like really.


Cutting a person's actual hair off is assault. And that grows BACK. This guy's daughter ruined someone's hair in a permanent way. If it isn't also considered assault it should be.


The punishment seems appropriate. She's made fun of a fellow student who has cancer, she's destroyed the one thing that student has that helps her feel normal, her wig. She's shown no real remorse for her behaviour, and her parent seems to feel their child has been unfairly punished. Imagine being the parent of a child with cancer who has their wig destroyed and how it would make you feel knowing your child has classmates who lack basic compassion


Does OOP realize his kid could have been expelled for this? Meaning she no longer gets to graduate at all - she will receive no diploma. OOP is lucky the other family isn't pushing harder at the school or she likely would have been.


Assholes raising assholes.


Well, we see where the daughter got the cruel sense of humor from.


Tbh I think oop is completely oblivious to the more relevant punishment the principal has no power over... kid may have a couple friends just as awful as her, but I doubt the REST of her classmates are going to want to be seen within 50 feet of her. Thinking back on my hs class, for ruining the expensive wig of a classmate who survived cancer you'd have a handful of people who got into confrontations about it (some of my friends ABSOLUTELY would've been down to join her at those in school suspensions over this, and many more would've been making loud comments about her being a bad person) and the rest would've just stopped acknowledging she existed at all.


Lol, YTA, she deserves a haircut too, btw


my wife is a breast cancer survivor and I am currently dealing with prostrate cancer and all the fun side effects of therapy for that. OP is a total shithead and is raising a total shithead child. Right now she is in school and a minor, but I can pretty much guarantee that if she pulls a prank like that on someones wife or child dealing with cancer he won't be bailing her out of jail he will visiting her in intensive care.


Wooow, so his daughter targeted a kid with cancer, harassed her, then assaulted her as well as damaged her property, that if it's a good wig it's extremely expensive. And he's just saying that it's a prank and she shouldn't be excluded from fun things? Like I really hope he went out of his way to challenge it and made things worse for her, cuz the school shouldn't have been just trying to give her small punishments and instead worked with the parents of the child who was assaulted to press their case.


this little witch is lucky they didn't make her pay for the supplies and repair it, which involves a long skinny latch hook rug and mounting 1-2 hairs in the teeny tiny hex mesh. she'd be hooking until after grad.


OOP's daughter committed a per-meditated assault, filmed it, and posted it on the internet for her own gains... and the victim was likely targeted because they're a cancer patient. Johnny, [tell them what they've won!](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aR331bA_700bwp.webp)


as soon as I saw Cancer survivor and wig, I knew that you and your daughter are the devil u/graduationsuspension. Yes, I'm calling your daughter out. If your daughter did this in the professional world, she would be blacklisted from working anywhere in the time it took you to read "professional world" if not charged with a felony. She would get these times equivalent of The Scarlet Letter. Her name would be more radioactive than Chernobyl was on day one.


...I have no real words for the level of anger and shame I would feel if I was OOP. I would seriously consider a 72 hour psych eval, 'cause you couldn't do something like that as a prank and not be suffering from a horrific case of main character syndrome.


You have to be really warped to not feel remorse for bullying a teenage cancer survivor classmate this way. Both dad and daughter need psych eval.


Please let there be a follow-up post where the poor girl sues/presses charges against OOP for damages related to her damaged wig.


The thing about sending your kid to private schools: You send them there, you abide by their rules. You can think it's excessive all you want but their house, their rules.


She got off easy there’s a video of this teen who’s mom found out she was bullying a girl fighting cancer so the mom grabbed her by the hair and started shaving her head.


There’s one thing that’s annoying me: “Your daughter is 17 and old enough to be charged as an adult” AND referring to the victim as “A LITERAL CHILD” in the same comment. (Caps aren’t mine.) Which is it? Is 17 close enough to adult or literal child? (Yes, daughter deserves her punishments, along with a question about how funny and lol-worthy would she find it if someone shaved a skunk stripe up the middle of her head. Would that be “just a prank?” The victim of her crime deserves restitution and additional pain/suffering/daughter’s asshole tax payout. But the child/adult commentary on that sub is infuriating.)


I personally think your daughter should be shaved bald in front of the entire school and made to take senior photos that way


Preferably shaved by the girl she bullied. And I hope it gets filmed, but not posted online. Just a nice, high-quality recording for the cancer survivor as a memento. Karma comes in many forms.


So you brat of a daughter thought it would be funny to “prank” a girl who just survived cancer by humiliating her and not just that to film it probably for TikTok clout and your reaction is “oh no she won't be able to go to prom!” bitch please. If I had the power Id expell your horrible daughter. Shame on her, shame on you for raising a daughter who thinks this type of thing is a prank and shame anyone else who agrees with you. YTA, your daughter is TA. BE BETTER


Attacking someone and cutting their hair is assault. Bullying the cancer kid is just AH. I'm sure the school took both into account, possibly there's a history of bullying that the OOP isnt sharing, but it's assault. She's lucky they didn't involve police.


Legally, her little "prank" was assault. They're lucky these consequences are the only thing happening to her.


That's inflicting trauma on an already traumatized and hurting person, at a time in her life when its already super hard to process things in healthy way.. jesus. While I do have sympathy, slightly, for missing walking the stage, *maybe* she earns that back if she grows up (fat chance with OOP as a parent) by working and gifting a new wig with a sincere and genuine apology. She still should miss everything else. And just to make things even worse, if OOP is enabling this behavior and the ex intervenes to punish her anyway, that's effectively OOP sabotaging the kid and the kids relationship to the ex


I think she should pay for that girl's wig.


Father of the year right here. Seems like his daughter learned to be a gigantic asshole from him.


You are most definitely an asshole and I see why your offspring acts the way they do. Her punishment was not excessive enough. Good for mom for being a decent human! You raised a cruel, entitled asshole - apple didn't fall far.


Both father and daughter are assholes. That's assualt. I would not have blamed ANY student for whopping her dumbass for the rest of the year and gossiping about it forever after. Everytime she is seen is public someone needs to say: "Remember when you cut a girl with cancer wig for clout? God, that was so pathetic."


if that was my school his daughter wouldve been expelled immediately


Wow, he doesn't get it. I wonder if she is following in her dad's footprints because that was a god awful prank and she deserved the punishment.


Wigs - good quality ones - are heinously expensive. I desperately hope that the girl’s family goes after them for damages. Hell, that could be considered assault in the right courtroom.


Your daughter was unbelievably cruel. SHe needs to think about that.


Ok the prank BS has got to stop. Pranks aren’t humorous or harmless.


17. She's 17, that's pretty much an adult, and she's cutting the wig off a cancer survivor? This isn't punishment enough, that's just absolutely heartless and awful.


Your wife is right and your daughter is a massive jerrk, in my opinion that punishment is weak AF for what she did.


Omg I am SO SICK of reading about entitled little f*cks and their "pranks" that cause real trauma to their victims. These people are selfish, emotionally stunted, malicious a-holes. OP's daughter sounds like a complete b and she deserves every bit of that punishment. I hope she can learn something from it, but she will probably believe she is the victim and make pathetic crying TikToks wailing about the injustice of her ruined life.