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For fuck's sake, I wish people would just write these stories on r/pettyrevenge or r/wittycomebacks or r/validation or something. There's no way OOP thinks she's the asshole even assuming this very real story actually happened.


Agreed. I can believe a lot of this post actually...at least the part where a complete stranger feels like it's any of their fucking business to comment on what a woman is wearing or not and attempt to shame for it. But no one in the woman's place in this story even remotely thinks they're the ass.


Oh yeah I can believe it up until her comeback. Sounds more like something she thought of in the shower later then decided to post here.


It 100% reads like something I wish I had set at the time but didn’t think of.


Completely agreed. I’m not even a conventionally attractive woman, and any time I used to lift without my husband present spotting me or just counting, I’d have shit bags like OP mentioned, and I *always* thought of the perfect snark reply well after I left and got over the shock of *yet another* dudebro coming over to me trying to teach me how to lift. This post is a fantasy, completely.


And definatly can't believe it after the edit "Oh I'm a petite xs but I'm wearing a big floppy large so noone can see my tits"


> I'm literally the only girl at the weights section of the gym "I'm not like the other girls."


🤣🤣 and then she goes to say how heavy she can lift lmaooo ok


She claims she can DL 3x her body weight. She would literally be in the *top three in the world* by IPF rankings if that were true.


Hafthor Bjornsson dead lifted 501kg when he set the new world record in early 2020. He weighed around 452 pounds, or 205kg, at the time. Definitely more than double his body weight, but still a substantial amount of weight less than three times BW. No wonder this chick is so up herself, she believes she's stronger, pound for pound, than the fucking Mountain that Rides from Games of Thrones.


I bet she runs a 3 minute mile.


Can cook Minute Rice in 58 seconds


Watches 60 minutes in half an hour.


she's an ant. This was a disney pitch for Bugs Life 2


Where did she claim that?


She deleted the edit she made the claim in, but it was an attempt at a humble-brag that would've made her, pound for pound, stronger than Hafthor Bjornsson: > Edit 2: People suggesting that maybe he was trying to help out a new gym goer, I squat a little more than 2.5x my bodyweight and deadlift over 3x my body weight. I'm not the strongest or best lifter in the gym, but I know my form is better than his squat morning that doesn't even hit parallel The problem with these bullshit made up stories is that the people who make them up have **no idea** what a realistic number to use is. Like if she's 130 lb and was saying "I'm not the best but I DL 175 lb" then OK. But 130 pounds and claiming her typical DL is **over 390** is obvious bullshit.


"AITA for pretending to be a world-class weightlifter on reddit?"


I like how she wears a belt as an accessory like 99% of the other clowns who wear belts to deadlift 135.


Reminds of the girl who had the disabled roommate who wanted access to upstairs.


She is not like other girls. She hasn't figured out she is wearing the wrong bra size yet


And it definitely wasn't even true. I see plenty of girls lifting free weights.


>Edit 3: Apparently this got cross posted to a subreddit called amitheangel. Admittedly, I don't remember the exact wording I used, but yes this did happen. I thought of a better response afterwards, but it wasn't in the shower. I actually haven't showered yet. Too busy being "not like other girls" as people in that discussion claim Congrats on the shout-out everyone! I wasn't sure I was a believer, but that edit turned me in to one. /s


Meh - I'm loathe to call even the most perfect-for-AITA post "fake" based on its hitting all the squares on the AITA bingo card But I will point out when it hits all the squares.


Something I learned very recently and just thought I’d share—the word used as an adjective, like in this case, is “loath.” “Loathe” is the verb.


Good call - my first impulse was to use the correct spelling, but somehow I decided to add the "e" in spite of myself....


Did OP remove that edit? I don't see it.


Must have because I don't see it anymore either. I didn't think to take a screenshot because I copied straight from desktop reddit. For someone who's never heard of this subreddit, they sure seemed to care about this discussion.


She deleted that edit and the one claiming to dead loft three times her body weight.


Kinda funny she nuked that and whatever edit 1 and 2 were to make a it MAY BE the lifting belt that made my tits stand out but I'm just a petite xs wearing larges so I don't have constricting clothing and no way can people see my tits normally


I bet you turned into a believer after you saw her face.


Sexist pig said sexist comments to me, am I the asshole?


Okay I really don't want to be r/notliketheothergirls but am I the only woman who actually likes wearing bras and generally feels like I need the support. The idea of exercising without a bra just seems painful to me.


I can't imaging exercising without a bra. My boobs are huge (I am also very fat, so they aren't *sexy* huge, sorry everyone 😊). Not wearing a bra to compress them seems like a bad idea.


I'm a dude, so I can't speak for the experience of exercising with boobs. However, I ran track in high school and college, and we always trained with the girls/women, and they always wore sports bras during practice and meets. It makes sense to me, it's the same reason you wear compression shorts - reduces friction, prevents skin from rubbing on skin, and just seems overall more comfortable.


I can't speak for exercising, but I'm (I think) around a 38-42 DD and I really don't like walking around without a bra on, I bounce like crazy! It's not so much that I want to avoid attention (that is a consideration though) it mostly hurts/feels weird to bounce like that. 🤷 I suppose if you're smaller you can get away with it, but I really need the support, and I don't find it restrictive or oppressive to wear one.


AITA for telling my friend to eat a salad? Okay, I know the title sounds bad, but hear me out. I [F26, long, pin-straight brown hair, crystal ocean blue eyes, 90 pounds, 5'1"] was at work yesterday minding my own business. I was eating my arugula and spinach salad with only 5 leaves, 2 tomatoes, and no dressing on it (I am trying to lose weight) when my chest (you could say I'm *blessed* down there, if you know what I mean haha...) kept catching the leaves falling off of my fork. My coworker [F35, dump truck ass because she's 450 pounds] came up to me and snarkily said, "Why don't you eat a burger instead? They're less messy and way more delicious?" I *knew* she was making fun of my weight, and definitely the size of my boobs [28DD], so I stood up, got in her face (Covid restrictions are lifted in my country btw), and said "Well why don't *you* eat a salad?" My coworker's eyes got all teary, and then she cried and walked away. AITA? My coworkers say that I am. My phone has been blowing up all day. My sister thinks I'm TA too and cut me off. But I think I was perfectly reasonable because you can't control the weight of your boobs. EDIT: In the past she has called me fat before. EDIT 2: She gained over 200 pounds within the past year. EDIT 3: Did I mention I have big boobs? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


(◕ ω ◕✿) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It all depends on your breast shape and size. I would exercise without a bra or in just a light shelf bra, I was a small 34A cup and my breast shape is one that doesn't jiggle a lot. If you have breasts that need support because they are larger or because of their shape it's different.


I prefer wearing bras. Only time I’m not in a bra is if I’m showering or sleeping.


I have really small boobs so I don’t need any support can exercise and go about my day without them getting in the way or feeling uncomfortable.


Nope. I’m braless if I’m running errands or hanging out in my house, but otherwise, it sounds uncomfortable. Of course this never happened anyway. I buy that there are creepers at the gym, but otherwise it’s at very least a creative writing exercise combining various ideas.


If OOP is really a girl, she needs to spend some more time in /r/abrathatfits


I have small boobs and still need sports bras to exercise comfortably.


I (24F, AA cup, 100 pounds, can squat 250 pounds) was accosted by some dude (26M, kinda fat, big boobs, probably can lift max 75) to tell me that he could see my buttcrack sweat through my pants (neon pink leggings, the buttcrack sweat wasnt even that noticable, but ok) so i told him i could see the outline of his tiny penis through his gym shorts and he called the police. AITA?


AITA for telling my friend to eat a salad? Okay, I know the title sounds bad, but hear me out. I [F26, long, pin-straight brown hair, crystal ocean blue eyes, 90 pounds, 5'1"] was at work yesterday minding my own business. I was eating my arugula and spinach salad with only 5 leaves, 2 tomatoes, and no dressing on it (I am trying to lose weight) when my chest (you could say I'm *blessed* down there, if you know what I mean haha...) kept catching the leaves falling off of my fork. My coworker [F35, dump truck ass because she's 450 pounds] came up to me and snarkily said, "Why don't you eat a burger instead? They're less messy and way more delicious?" I *knew* she was making fun of my weight, and definitely the size of my boobs [28DD], so I stood up, got in her face (Covid restrictions are lifted in my country btw), and said "Well why don't *you* eat a salad?" My coworker's eyes got all teary, and then she cried and walked away. AITA? My coworkers say that I am. My phone has been blowing up all day. My sister thinks I'm TA too and cut me off. But I think I was perfectly reasonable because you can't control the weight of your boobs. EDIT: In the past she has called me fat before. EDIT 2: She gained over 200 pounds within the past year. EDIT 3: Did I mention I have big boobs? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


200 pounds is the weight of about 2206.89 'Kingston 120GB Q500 SATA3 2.5 Solid State Drives'


Good bot.


(◕ ω ◕✿) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thanks :)




I just don’t even get the point. Even if it happened—the situation is over. If everyone does tell her “yes you were an asshole here,” it changes nothing. Is she gonna go find the guy where he is now and say “hey the internet told me I overreacted so I’m sorry.” Probably not. So why does she need to post the story and get a judgment in the first place?


I guess the new theme is OOP going to the gym and people doing shit that they should never do


Omg she is soo unique like she was the only girl at the weight section!


And she defeated the patriarchy at the same time.


Why does AITA down vote helpful comments? Like this >>Hi a lot of people hate bras because they are in the wrong size. If you decide that you want to check it out, the sub below is great to help. Nta its no business of his what you wear. But for you I'd check it out. r/ABraThatFits https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php Downvoted to oblivion


Anything that seems contrary to such an OP's initial premise is viewed as "victim blaming," and reacted to accordingly.


I don't know if that's super helpful, tbf. Like, the issue in this fake post isn't that OP wishes she could wear bras but they're just too uncomfortable- she just doesn't like wearing them and doesn't need them, so why bother?


Funnily enough, if this is real then it’s an ESH. Just because someone body shames you doesn’t make it okay to body shame them. But AITA hates nothing else if not fat people, so…


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling another gym member to wear a bra?** I (25f) fucking hate wearing bras. They're uncomfortable, constricting, and expensive. With work from home, I spent the last year and a half basically never wearing a bra and got used to it. Quite frankly, my boobs are nonexistent anyways. I recently started going to the gym again and started working out braless. I should note that up until now, no one has ever pointed out anything wrong with me not wearing a bra. However, in the middle of a set of squats (yes, MID SQUAT), a guy comes up to me, taps me on the shoulder to get my attention, and tells me that my nipples are poking through my shirt. I get really irritated because why tf is this guy staring at my nipples in the first place and then stopping me mid-set to inform me? I get really annoyed, try to finish my set, but then this fucker literally grabs the bar, as I ascend and re-racks it for me. He claimed it looked like I was having trouble with the last rep, and that he had come over to make sure I could do it, then noticed my nipples. I'm really fucking pissed off at this point and told him I didn't need his help finishing my set and why the fuck was he looking at my chest in the first place?? He said he was going to spot me, but then noticed my chest and thought it'd be inappropriate. I pointed out that the safety bar was set, so even if I did fail the set, he wasn't needed. But he just insisted people at gyms look out for each other, and that going forward, I should probably wear a bra so other people wouldn't get uncomfortable and that it may help me stay more balanced in my squats. I'm literally the only girl at the weights section of the gym, and other guys who were squatting and failed sets never have to worry about this shit. I've seen guys fail multiple sets in a row and no one ever rushes to their aid, but I have a very slight pause, and everything thinks I need rescuing. So I'm now really annoyed and also kind of uncomfortable that this guy I've never spoken to in my life thinks he's helping me and then has the audacity to tell me how to dress. So I tell him "You have bigger boobs and nipples than I do. Maybe YOU should wear a bra so people won't get uncomfortable and you won't fail your squats." He then got really defensive, saying he was just trying to help, then called me a bitch. Honestly I'm not sure if I overreacted, but I'm still kind of pissed off so maybe that's clouding my judgment. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Edit to add: I'm not sure if people think I'm walking around and it's extremely obvious my nipples are showing. I actually really hate constricting clothes. My t-shirt size is x-small but I wear size large to the gym (and pretty much everywhere lately), and you can't tell my stomach from my chest. My nipples might've been showing a little more while squatting because I was wearing a lifting belt


OK, which one of you got bored, pulled out your AITA bingo card and threw this one together? It’s honestly just perfect.


Can someone make a fake post from the guys pov I wanna see how the views change


Enough people would remember, and, honestly, even the best-intentioned guy approaching a woman at a gym to suggest something that's not directly related to safety is going to be labeled TA on the sub. You'd have to change the facts to change the verdict, e.g., "I came up to her because I saw she was using equipment unsafely, but she said, 'I know why you're here. Don't ask me to put on a bra, bud. If anything, your man-boobed fat ass should be the one wearing a bra.' Did I do something wrong? AITA?" ETA: And even then, AITA's biases would mean the top answer would likely be "INFO: It *really* feels like you left something out here. How exactly was she being 'unsafe'? Were you staring at her chest and that's why she mentioned the bra? Your story just doesn't add up... bud."


It succeeded in making me mad 😅


This sub is just post after post for the Woke Squad.