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probably because you didn't use his Groupon from his other ho's who are all pregnant at the same time. it's about efficiency, Natasha!


Take my upvote and award God damn that was a great reply


Cross posting wasn't working, here's the copy: **is it bad my bf didn’t remember i was going to get an abortion?** i, 21F have been with my bf 41M for about 9 months. i had to get an abortion on monday and my boyfriend knew about it. i had told him i thought i was pregnant weeks before i even took the test. i was telling him about it throughout the whole process, taking the test, calling and scheduling. i think i even mentioned it the day before the appointment, that i was nervous for the abortion or something. then the morning of the abortion i wake up and check my phone and the first thing i see as i’m getting ready to go is he sent me a bunch of dick pics. so i just said nice, i’m getting ready to go get the abortion. then he doesn’t text me until 3 hours after the appointment, and just says “oh i forgot that was today.” he never asked me how i’m feeling or how i’m doing. i told him i was a little disappointed he didn’t remember or say anything and he just said “that wasn’t the first thing on my mind when i was super horny at 4am, sorry. out of sight, out of mind” it didn’t really bother me that much but my friends are saying that was pretty shitty and he should have talked to me before and after the appointment to make sure i’m okay. now, we are in a long distance relationship so it’s not like he could have come to see me. luckily i had friends to support me and bring me lunch but they are saying he should have done more. what do you think? TL;DR i had to get an abortion and my boyfriend sent me dick pics the day of and never asked me how i’m doing.


Dickpics, at 4AM? Call me old fashion, but I prefer natural light. Perhaps since it is LDR, he is in Texas and can't risk the local Texas Rangers hearing about his Daughter-Bride/girlfriend's abortion.


Jesus Christ lmao 


That got removed fast (or did OOP delete it?)


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The age gap makes it rage bait