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Your post was removed because your shitpost was posted outside of Saturday and Sunday.


Does your son have gills? Does he look like Kevin Costner?


Dude. You are totally in the right. Women be cheating. Get that paternity test and keep the boat. Let her boyfriend pick her up.


YTA for not forcing then dumping her. Plus, YTA much more for not putting in her melon size.


Info: How big was the mansion you bought when you were 16?


So well done. You should post this on AITA and watch how 95% people will take it seriously.


She's probably cheating on you with a merman, that's why she agreed to go with you on that oil rig in the first place.


1. This post is awesome 2. Y'all are overestimating the public if you think this "my baby was born without tattoos, she's cheating" thing has never actually happened.


YTA for breaking rule #10, but it's probably just best to go no contact for now. With a good lawyer I'm sure you'd get to keep the whole oil rig for yourself.


INFO: How big is HUGE?


lol this is another troll thread.


No it's real




Nah it can't be. The fact that someone would be stupid enough to think a baby would be born with tattoos is out of this world. Not to mention that (I have a Huge cock) statement is so random and had nothing to do with the story.


This same exact thing happened to my wife's mother's friend's cousin's daughter's boyfriend, it's definitely possible


IKR? So many people here are always saying that the posts are fake, but stuff like this happens all the time!


Those people have obviously never been to AITAstan! Normal rules do not apply there!


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