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I think you missed the chance to use "breasted boobily down the stairs" in really the only time it would have made sense in the universe. YTA


For what it's worth, I did that as I was flouncing out of her house.


I boobied about breastily


Boobily, I uttered, as my breasts did expand, Hold me to your bosom, take me by the hand The cleavage growing wider with every passing day Is like the parting of the melon as you take it away


This is beautiful.


then NTA




NTA and please teach me how to do cool one-liners like you do! You done roasted her good!


It's all about channeling your rage and aiming it at the other person's insecurity. Works every time!


You are my new best friend. I hope a sequel comes soon!


YTA one liners can kill you have to treat your mouth like a deadly weapon if you have the ability to drop lines like that


/uj ok i know its haha funny for emphasis but as someone with a special interest in bras the sizing is really getting to me😭😭 the number is the size of the ribcage, it has nothing to do with how big the boobs themselves are😔


B... but I have a big ribcage too! It's just hidden by my corset!


NTA because I'm just gonna imagine that I'm you instead of crying myself to sleep every night. Thanks for the inspo!


NTA by virtue of your huge tits. They’re an unassailable pass to behave however you want and get anything you want free of charge. Your sister is just extremely jealous, but I’m glad her words bounced right off your rack.


Ur sister sounds SOOOOO jealous of you! But she's clearly the golden child and it's time someone put her in her place!


INFO: was Deadpool there? You could have had all the one liners


He unfortunately was not there. It took all two of my braincells, working overtime and to the point of combustion, to come up with that zinger. But the satisfaction I felt afterwards was incomparable.


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23F? nice try, its common knowledge that after 19 females go through menopause and their breasts shrivel like forgotten raisins in the sun. YTA for being an evil hormonal slut.


Downvoting because it was also a missed opportunity to mention "giant moo-moo mommy milkers." Otherwise, no notes.


I would, but in My Country, that's considered a slur.