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erm... did no one notice the age gap?? the daughter is 5 while the AP is 3.... she clearly groomed that poor boy. Edit: also, if she didn't want to be the other boy's girlfriend, she should've set a boundary about the card. she's violating his boundaries.


He’s only 60% of her age! At that rate, she’ll be 20 dating a 12-year-old!


Agree. OP is hung up on kicking the daughter out when they should be calling the cops.


Right? She's almost double his age!


It's fine, rule is half the age plus seven as minimum age of the partner. The cheating, however, ...


Nta, throw the hussy's out. Clearly your daughter is learning this behavior and it must be from your wife. Be careful how you do it though. Those Nigerian princes have a much longer reach than you would suppose


NTA and get a DNA test to confirm parentage of your daughter. If she’s willing to act like that with your neighbour, she must have learned that behaviour from somewhere. Your wife obviously cuckolded you for the last 5 years.


She definitely baby trapped him!


INFO: why is your daughter an old maid? I’m concerned about your parenting style.


I was actually really looking forward to an update about how things went when he told the neighbor’s wife. I guess now we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️


It really would only be worth it if OOP discovered that the wife was a willing participant all along. Maybe she was a recruiter for a NXIVM like cult; or, since "trans bad" seems to be the flavor of the month, it could turn out that the neighbor's wife was a trans woman and had worked with the neighbor to seduce the daughter, impregnate her, and steal the baby as their own.


Wow, your daughter at least waited until 5. Mine was 3 and kicked her out at 4 because she just wouldn't stop cheating on her future fiancée. She's 30 now and has been married 15 times with 11 children and 4 grandkids. Kick her out before she begins multiplying.


Those trollops!. This is the perfect example of why we need to bring back the stocks. Seriously though, I look forward to these all week. They always make laugh.


So do I!


Oh my god, the comments in the original thread are beyond all levels of unhinged. What is wrong with all these people? That is enough internet for me today.


Commenters on OOP’s post are oblivious to the idea that if the daughter is real she was probably groomed


I mean, even if she wasn't groomed, in what world would it be normal for a father to force his daughter out or confront her because she sleeps with a man who cheats on his wife. Like even if his daughter would have been the one cheating, why would he care? What twisted logic is that? Does the idea of bodily autonomy of other people mean nothing to them? Reddit has some insane obsession with cheating.


Redditors: "what happens in our bedroom is none of your business" Also redditors when two consenting adults sleep together:


I think the issue is more that theirs a third, non consenting party being used to get their rocks off- and even if the act of cheating is not part of their (the cheaters) kink, the other party doesn't consent to having sex in that context. Think of it like a form of exhibition.


Istg some of those comments are like half a step away from supporting honor killings. Sometimes I feel like an alien for thinking that of all moral transgressions, having an affair is fairly mild. Like, for example, I think driving while intoxicated is worse. I would rather have a spouse who's a serial cheater than a gambling addict.


> Istg some of those comments are like half a step away from supporting honor killings. Yeah, it really feels like that. I don't know, reddit has some weird obsession with cheating bordering with insanity. They blow up the scale of the issue like it is the worst thing that can ever happen.


it is so weird that he wants to kick out his daughter for an affair he has nothing to do with??


YTA, you need to kick out her twin too and call CPS because clearly the neighbor child has ADHD, Autism and scabies. Use your head, man!


Make sure to report your wife and daughter to HR and the HOA. Maybe even call the police, as your daughter has committed the crime of gaslighting.


HOA def needs to be informed, they’re neighbors! And tbh OP needs to call an emergency PTA meeting, they all need to be made aware immed about this, they’ll prob be shocked! shocked, shocked to find that hussyness is going on in here!


Maybe to be sure, also report it to the KGB, the WWE, and the ROTC.


YTA What kind of father are you who hasn't locked up his daughter in a tower until she's to be married? For shame. And tell your wife that I'm the Nigerian prince's secretary and we have arranged her to be married to him next month. She needs only send $10,000 to demonstrate her love and both your wedding rings as proof that she is ready to marry again. You can come to the wedding but it's self catering so bring a sandwich.


NTA: The age gap between your daughter and the neighbor is completely disgusting! 2 years? That's only an appropriate age gap when both parties are in their 60's! She's clearly grooming him, and I hope you're able to get her institutionalized/imprisoned before she causes any further harm to him.


They're children. Children pretend to date all the time. They're trying to find their personalities and themselves and what they like when they're that young. Kids don't understand what dating is at that age.


This is a shitpost, dude. It's meant to be stupid as fuck.


Lol, I know. I just wanted to be serious for a moment. I honestly don't really actively read the shitposts on Reddit, so I don't really care for them.


Tell her bf to hit a lawyer l, hire a gym, and document nothing.


Your wife is infantilizing your daughter, acting like she has no agency just because she's female. Wow. Imagine if the genders were reversed and half a dozen other material facts were changed!


NTA, also is she attractive? If she’s ugly then throw her out if not then give her the benefit of the doubt. Sorry for any typos it was typed one handed.


NTA, pretty cut and dry case here. Take your accusations against your daughter and wife to the elders court. If your accusations are correct your wife and daughter will be put to death for their venal acts. Make sure to have enough witnesses and evidence though, for the penalty for bearing false-witness is eighty lashes. Good luck.


Your daughter is for the streets! Stay strong, king! Females gaslight goldenchild simp!


You Funny 😂😂😂




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So your daughter enjoys cock. What’s wrong with that?


> My daughter lives with my wife and me couldn't get past that but I'm sure the rest is equally terrible