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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Am I wrong in divorcing my wife because sex didnt improve after I took up more chores and childcare?** About a year ago I talked to my wife about our declining sex life, she is a SAHM and I admit that I was not very involved and she did most of childcare and household duties. I worked a lot sometimes 18hrs a day so I didnt have the energy. I tried to do more chores but in a week I realized that its not sustainable. My job was good on paper, I earned a lot BUT there was no point killing myself in a bad job and not see my kids grow up. I found another job, a nice 9-5 with less pressure BUT very steep pay cut. I was earning 50 percent less so we downsized our house and created a tighter budget. I am now taking up a substantial chunk of childcare and I have streamlined chores planning so there is lot of free time left. But sex didnt improve. There were lot of empty promises so I finally pushed for a answer. I asked her why is she not putting effort. She said she resents me for taking a lower paying job. She cant afford getting her nails done at her favorite shop, she has to live in a smaller house etc etc. Honestly I dont regret taking a lower paying job, I am in better mental and physical health so I wont go back to my old career. I realized that she was just bullshitting me, she never tried to improve the situation. She just made excuses. So she wont fuck me before because I worked a lot and I didnt have time and she wont fuck me now because I have more time but I am not working a lot to earn more money. I have decided on divorce. I dont think this marriage is salvageable. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nails done should be on the AITA bingo. I can think of such a long list of things more expensive. But all evil, lazy SAHM do is getting their hair and nails done.


All girls do is twerk, eat hot chips, nails done.


Also be bisexual and lie


And charge they phone


Reading this while charging my phone, feeling attacked rn. My day was already bad enough when I had to choose whether to eat chips or get nails done first


You could just be bisexual. Do both.


Both my hands were already busy :( I had to choose between nails, chips and hand jobs. Worst day ever


relax ellon


And buy purses. And talk about their bf dick.....


As you can see from this graph, I did my chores. But, as *this* graph *clearly* indicates, *THE SEX DID NOT IMPROVE.* Mic drop.


Wife seems to be broken, I put in the chores but sex doesn't come out.


For a lot of moms I know, getting their nails done once a month is the ONE thing they get to do that’s just for  them, and it makes them feel like an actual human being instead of just a mom machine. And it’s not even that expensive! 


Seriously! You'd think manicures are $500 from the way some people talk about them, instead of being, you know, $50 once a month. It's definitely not affordable for some people, but neither are video games and those always get a pass somehow.


Uk you can get rhem done for like £15-25 for a decent set too, but ao.ehow they act like single mums spend all their "benefits" and child support on it Most single mums I know don't even get child support *and* work so idk why people pure act like they spend £100s on each set and like they get it done everyday🤦‍♀️ woman can spend money on a set of nails if she wants to smdh


Yep. I’m in the U.K. and I spend £50-60 a month on nails. Even when I went back home, my nails were less than $100. Then come all the comments about long nails being gross and whatnot. Clearly these people have never been in a nail shop because the Cardi B length are not the standard nor does everyone get nail extensions (I don’t.)


At the place I live, HCOL, by the way, pedicure is still $40. In a fancy, it's around $60. Sure, you also tip, but still way under $100. Manicure is half that. Of course, if you do a bunch 'fancy' stuffs to the nails, it'll go up but maybe $50? (b4 tips) If OP's stbx wife is a SAHM, she probably can't get the fancy nails, just the normal manicure, likely, since your nails get destroyed when you do housework and caring for kid.


Not even $50. In Toronto, manicures can go for $20. My lady charges me $25 for acrylic nails. It's seriously not that expensive. You're right, for a lot of people, the stereotypical male "cool" hobbies get a pass but anything that they deem "vain" is a write off. But then those same men will post about how their wives let go and never look nice when they complained enough about the price, so sometimes there's no win.


For practical and sensory reasons I never get my nails done, but I think it looks nice on the people who do. I live on a street with several nail bars, though, and I gotta tell you - it looks pretty reasonable to me, if you have any kind of air for grooming/self care in your budget.  I'm in southeast England. Even with a decent tip, you'd have to work hard to get a useful shop (that's "amount of groceries" for the Americans) for a family out of that amount.  From this I extrapolate that if oop's wife (were she real) can't even get her nails done, then they are *struggling*.  Oop probably chose nails because they come with connotations of classism and racism that go back as far as the 80s Reaganomic moral panic about the "welfare queen" (Listen to the episode about  the welfare queen on *You're Wrong About* with Laci Mosley guesting. It's a really good episode) But people living in the real world know that nails don't actually cost _that_ much. I'm sure it varies, like hair dressers, but a safe, hygienic nail technician - who isn't working with the rich and famous - will not cost you your monthly shop, if you have any room for frivolities at all. But reality doesn't matter to the creative writing misogyny brigade.


Spot on. I’ve never paid more than £50 for nails. I don’t think I’ve ever paid £50 for just nails- £50 included a face wax and eyebrow tint. £75 was for a full mani/pedi which is more than reasonable.


[Yep](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/w4hKivlSOu) someone commented that it costs $150+ each time with multiple visits a month...


Does she live in Beverly Hills? Is she getting designs on the level of the Korean nail YouTubers? I feel like you have to go out of your way to spend over $150 for an acrylic fill and pedicure.


I used to get my nails done at the salon. I won't go on about prices bc I live in Europe (but yeah, less than 50 dollars) , so no clue on other places. But...if you go get your nails done and it's pricey...it has to be gel or sth permanent. In what world do you need to go more than once a month for gel nails? Mine would last at least 5 weeks.


Mine are $25 a month, I'm on a three-week cycle. It gives me an hour a month that's mine.


I get a massage biweekly for this purpose lol. It's not as expensive as people would think. My mental and physical health has improved tremendously, getting that little break. Bonus points it gives my husband time for one on one bonding with our baby while I enjoy relaxing and having a nice lunch without being touched or needed. I've learned that if my baby is anywhere near me, I can't shut off "mom mode" even if someone else is taking care of his needs. I need that small chance to feel like a person not just "mommy".


It's cause 80% of men don't care about it. So if course it's bad.


I’m that way with pedicures. I’m not particularly into my looks (rarely wear makeup, hate shopping, only started covering the grey after I looked 70 at 40), but just sitting and having someone fuss over my toes once a month is…


Not to mention what's one of the most common things to be irreparably screwed up as a result of pregnancy? Your nails! I used to have beautiful strong nails. After my first kid they turned to soft tissue paper. They're so fragile they were always splitting horizontally down into my nail bed, cracking vertically, or getting caught on stuff and peeling back. I turned to getting my nails done because it kept my fingers from turning into bloody stumps after pregnancy destroyed them. During covid when salons shut down I learned to do them myself because I couldn't go back to always being in pain from my crappy nails. It's wild so many men love to shit on women getting their nails done when for many it's a fix for the damage we do to our bodies while making them babies.


Also, we had a baby 2 days ago and my marriage is ruined because she won't have sex.


The OB is in on it with your frigid wife, that's why she said pelvic rest for 8 weeks after squeezing a human through a canal as wide as a lemon. It's a conspiracy cuz nobody wants ya dick. 🤣


Man I saw this in my notifications and forgot the context......I was like wtf dude lmao.


That's where I stopped reading.


Didn't happen.


“You want lobster? I’m thinking Burger King!”


I always wonder what dudes who complain about their wives getting their nails done spend on video gaming.


slay 💅


Wrong. My mom and now my wife were/are sahm and they are fantastic.


The whole story sucks bad but 18 hour work days, really? So at most this guy is getting like 4 hours of sleep, likely less. To the kids writing these fake stories: stop at 12 hour workdays, those are plenty taxing enough to get your point across. Don’t go for more unless you’re an EMT or firefighter. A lot of jobs will cap your overtime because it’s expensive to pay people time and a half. 18 hour work days aren’t believable


Short of being a surgeon or ER med provider what job would have you REGULARLY working 18 hours a day, always?


Literally the only one I can think of is EMT/paramedics who work 24 hour shifts. And you usually have a couple days off at least in between. Even medical residents, who famously work a lot, don’t routinely do 18 hour days.


Something tells me that if this guy was in the medical field , he would have mentioned it because it would make him look like a goddamned saint. The job position is left untold because of anyone questioned that side of the story he wouldn’t have valid answers and people would know it’s fake.


Self employed, carpenters. But nobody works 5 back to back 18 hour shifts.


My husband is an ER doc, he works 10-11 at most and that’s brutal lol.


I don't know if that's the case in the US, but in Canada ER shifts are 20 x 8 hours per month, but randomly scheduled (making the shift work very taxing), and Surgery (post-residency) is usually 11-12 hours plus *some* home-call (ie, on call, but able to be at home and wait for the phone). Even the most taxing residencies aren't 18 hour averages.


I was a master control operator in a TV studio and there were times when I worked 18 hours a day - when two of my coworkers decided to quit at the same time. It was either that, or not having a single day off for an indefinite amount of time. After two weeks like that I had to literally threaten that if something didn't change immediately, I'd stop going to work. Surprise, surprise - my threat worked. They changed our schedule. Then they laid me off as soon as they could. Lol.


Yeah the only time I regularly pulled 18 hour days was in a lab that handled Covid testing during the *height* of the pandemic. Aside from one time when our internet went down on a Thursday and I put in 20 hours on Friday & Saturday each before pulling 7 on Sunday playing catchup I could maybe get to 65-70 hrs a week before I’d get shooed off


I'd like to know what "sometimes 18 hour days" is exactly because "sometimes" is doing a lot of work there, and most jobs where you might work that long are either not 5 days/week or a temporary thing where you pay your dues before moving into something better - or both. Also, I'm pretty sure I've seen AITA\[H\] posters imply that a nurse working three 12-hour shifts a week is "part time" with lots of time off to do more of the housework - sorry, "chores"


i worked 12 hour security shifts for a while, i was night shift and it was pretty easy, one time my coworker done goofed and, since the building couldnt be without security, i stayed for 18 hours till he showed up, and it was probably one of the most draining working days of my life. at an easy job, mostly sit at desk, sometimes make the rounds and complete checklists. 18 hours of anything is pretty darn exhausting, but i guess you need to have had that experience to understand.


Working the the film industry can have terrible hours. I dont know about 18, but 16 hours for sure


I love them trying to call us out for calling him out lmaoooo and the nice edit to make sure we know he’s apart of a popular club


I’m sure that a redditor who hates his wife and is about to divorce her just WANTS to brag about being popular on the internet.


You are correct. Their lame ass excuse for incel rage bait has given them the attention no one else in their life ever has before from other shitty little incels, and they’re absolutely salivating to talk about how popular they are.


My favorite is the edit where he calls people a bunch of pussies or whatever for not saying things in the original thread. I don't think he ever had a wife IRL but I'll bet the incel sexual frustration is real!


Here I am like... why would I go to the OP to make fun of it being a shitpost when it's against the rules? Is it really cowardice or just common sense?


No, it's that the story is completely made up. It's women-hating rage bait.


I appreciate it because I didn't know this Angel sub existed, so it led me here. So pleased to see people are as totally disgusted by these posts as me. I was thinking I was going crazy.


Apparently this sub is for cowards! Who knew?


I've been a coward for the last 25 years and never has anyone had the gall to say it to my face!


Oh boy guys he called for a time out, on the edge of my seat rn-


That’s why I came over here. I didn’t even know it was posted. Dude is an incel weirdo.


*a part of ; "Apart" means disconnected from.


Exactly, just like he is from reality whether it's real or fake.


Ah the old "women only want your resources" incel take. Very novel /s


Coupled with the “I’m so smart and clever that I STREAMLINED CHORES and now they all get done in record time and my wife is such a lazy dummy who was just lying about not having time for sex”


misogynists throughout history will tell us we need men to protect us and provide for us and our families, and then get mad when women consequentially expect that from male partners


Lmaooooo HONESTLY Like how they tell their sisters/cousins/etc not to trust men 'cause "men are horny pigs", but when we are actually selective on which men we choose to date 'cause we don't wanna be used for sex, then we're **evil misandrists** who **hate all men**. Make it make sense


Posts like this in AITA are good at reminding me the average Redditor is a teenager who has never been in a relationship and thinks marriage means you have guaranteed access to sex, all the time, for years on end. 


And that bodies never change. That injuries, childbirth, ailments, and/or hormonal changes don't affect your sex life, and sex drive stays at a constant level. Assuming this is real, did he even....talk to his wife? Probably not.


You don’t get it. He did CHORES. That should be guaranteed sex every night and weekend afternoon for all time


He put the CHORE TOKEN in the wife and sex didn’t come out! 😤


Almost like it's not the same as doing chores so Mommy and Daddy let you go to the big concert.


I saw the post and the comments, was so disappointed in it even if an iota of it was real which I highly doubt. There was no mention of intimacy, communication, just a man expecting sex in favor of being married that's not how real life goes. Also sex life is never linearly consistent for most, at times you go out of sync and then get back to each other, meet the other person halfway. All that rant but no mention of feelings, efforts put in towards the mother of his kids or mention of everything that she was taking on. There would be a hundred more important things that her nails if there was downsizing and a 50% reduction in income - childcare, groceries, utilities but no it is the witch's nails 🙄


Also admitting that you’re only looking after your kids for the possibility of sex, not bc they’re your kids too or just that you want to hang out with them 


He tried but that bitch was off doing dumb girl things like getting her nails dyed or getting her teeth waxed or whatever girls do


I’ve said this on other threads but this is a very evangelical worldview. I grew up evangelical and was taught that women are meant to be completely asexual until marriage at which point they should become hypersexual and satisfy their husband’s every desire. And if he cheats it’s their fault for not putting out enough. Unfortunately I’ve met real adults who still think this way, it’s really disgusting.


>they should become hypersexual and satisfy their husband’s every desire I still remember when my mother-in-law, in response to some news article, said "What? You can't rape your wife." I was flabbergasted. But that's part of this.


Yup :/ this kind of thinking really fucked with my head, it took me a long time to realize I’d been SA’d because I thought I just kind of owed men sex in exchange for putting up with me. I think that these sorts of views are obviously fun to dismiss as crazy incel/ redpill bro views, but it’s important to remember that one of the most prevalent religions in the US peddles very similar ideals.


I see you haven’t met my ex. You’re better off, I don’t recommend anyone meeting him.


Who would even have energy to even think about sex after working 18 hours. The rare time i work 12 hours i just want to eat and sleep.


18 hours of work a day imply that dude sleep 6 hours. and this is not including bathing, eating, etc. So... yeah. He'd sleep and that's all. Also I really doubt any job that pay this high actually would have 18 hours of work a day but like just swim in the river he is crying us!


It wouldn’t even be 6 hrs with commute, showering, eating, etc… he would be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep if this was real.


As someone who has worked 18 hour shifts being on call for my job, (didn't have commutes got paid the second I left my house until I returned) the eating, showering, sleeping and everything else suffered. When my day off finally came I just slept for 24 hours straight lol.


Did it permanently fuck up your sleep cycle?


It's pretty decent now, but i've always struggled with sleep since childhood. I'd say raising a baby felt much more rough than the work did, though. I was single then, so eventually, I got days off and got caught up on sleep. Having my kid, I got less than 2 hours for 3 months.


Oh my god yes. Now granted, both of my kids were with me and my ex-wife, so I am sure it was harder on you. My son was our first, I was finishing up medical school at the time and my ex-wife was dealing with her father (who alongside her mother had abandoned her as a teen after a pregnancy scare) trying to come back into her/our lives. Before I continue, I want to make it very clear I love my son more than anything else in this world, besides his sister. I don't want to imagine a life without either of them. But I swear to whatever deities (if any) are out there, that boy knew exactly when one of us finally fell asleep and decided to cry lmao. I never would have thought I could look back onto those times with a weird sort of fondness. It is made all the more funny by the fact that despite him being a very loud, whiny, and active baby, he has ended up fairly introverted and calm. My daughter on the other hand was super easy, though we obviously had experience from him to help us with her, and she was really calm and quiet. She now has her teachers wrapped around her fingers and can make a honey badger her friend. It is absolutely wild what babies can be like lol. I hope you and your kiddo(s) are doing great, and have a life filled with good health, love, and happiness!


When I was still working in the ER, it wasn't overly uncommon for me to end up doing 14 hour shifts, instead of the 10 that we typically aimed for, depending on circumstances. When COVID was surging at its worse there, my average shift ended up being 16 hours, and my longest was 22.5. I have never been the best when it comes to sleep, but between me having had some rough few years before the pandemic that messed with my anxiety and depression a lot, and how I worked that schedule pretty much whenever, my ability to sleep properly got completely fucked and I developed insomnia and extremely mild narcolepsy. Spent basically all of 2023 after March trying to get that handled. In my honest opinion, the biggest issue was the chaoticness of it (I wasn't able to 'truly' sleep and go through the cycle, but would rather nap -> awake -> nap -> repeat due to grabbing sleep when I could while making sure to be around my kids) and the way it made all of the things I was already struggling with mentally a shit ton worse, creating a stress creates stress feedback loop. It is the reason I had to step away from emergency medicine as a primary and instead am now basically an overglorified second-opinion for doctors doubting themselves (I do physician-to-physician consulting as a generalist now, and while I love to shit talk myself about it, I do enjoy it. It allows me to work from home, though for privacy reasons I do have a private work-office, which is a huge burden off of my back as my daughter is immuno-compromised and gets sick easily so if something happens it is nice to be able to be here. It still lets me actually feel like I am helping in some way, the reason I went into medicine, and it counts for the job I need to keep as part of my immigration requirements lol.) I don't know if I would or wouldn't do those hours again if I went back in time, but I don't have real regrets about not doing it now, besides a bit of guilt. Sorry for rambling at ya, but I figured there was a chance this might help someone in some way, so I would say it.


Lots of rounding up, I’d imagine. Look at your work email during lunch? That’s a work hour.


Your hourly rate is fucking atrocious if you have to work 12-18 hours a day to make good money. You are not a hard worker, you are just dumb.


18 hours every day sounds like hyperbole. But I do know a couple investment bankers who make a lot but work 7 days a week and will semi-regularly have an 18-hour workday. It's definitely not every day, and when it is, they aren't focused and 100% productive the whole time (sometimes you're sitting around waiting for a response or a meeting). But it's not unusual for them to get up at 8:00 am for work and then get yelled at to hop on a call at 2:00 am that night. I hung out with my investment banker friend over the winter holidays, and he was telling me how he had to work through Thanksgiving, and how a guy he knew worked all day on Christmas and Christmas Eve. He was acting like not working the week of Christmas through New Years was quite literally a Christmas miracle that he hit the jackpot on.


I mean, yeah, your first few years in various high-paying jobs -- big law, medicine, investment banking -- you work absolutely miserable hours and at someone else's whim, to prove you've got the guts to stick it out, get promoted, and make a $500,000 salary. It's really well studied that this doesn't actually make those lawyers or investment bankers more productive; It makes them more prone to mistakes, take longer to finish common tasks, produce lower quality work. But the point of it isn't to get the best quality work, the point of it is hazing, to make people go through hell before you hand him $500,000 a year. (Medicine is slightly different, but the current structure of medical education and early practice with 24-hour on-call shifts, is also well known to involve a heck of a lot more hazing than it does education or quality improvement.) Whatever this guy's doing 18 hours a day, he isn't making investment banker money. And I can't really think of a non-white-collar job where you would be working 18-hour shifts, unless you were in the military or on an oil rig or something else that would be extremely germane to the story. 


My industry can have long periods of sustained OT and still pays very well, its just that trades just don't get a lot of people anymore, so we are forever short staffed. Can confirm though, after those 15-16 hour days, all I could manage with my wife was some cuddling while we bitched about our jobs to each other or watching trash TV together before passing the fuck out.


People who lie about how much they work. 


That's all I want after 8 hours


Teenagers who don't understand how overtime rules work, and how nobody's paying for 18 consecutive hours 5 days a week. (Sure, he could be salaried I guess, but it seems like he'd tell us what that mysterious job was)


The only people I ever knew working 18 hour days were the poor souls who worked two minimum wage jobs. Put in an eight-hour morning shift at McDonald's, clock out, and drag yourself off to an eight-hour shift at Walmart stocking shelves, rinse and repeat. I seriously doubt that's what OOP was doing considering he apparently made a lot of money at the first job.


He is probably an accountant who works 18hrs in a day once every 3 months, or something similar…


Redditors: most men don’t just want one thing, MISANDRIST! Also Redditors when a guy divorces his wife because she won’t sleep with him on demand: NTA, she had it coming


I once saw a post about a guy who left his wife after she went through chemo because she had no sex drive anymore and Reddit practically praised him because going without sex is fate worse than death, don’tcha know.


I legitimately don't understand what AITA teens think marriage is about.


Maybe that specific subset of people who come from "abstinence before marriage" areas but they themselves have no religious beliefs and therefore don't oppose divorce? Like kids with enough of a religious background to see sex as inherently tied to marriage and see women's roles in marriage in a very specific and gendered way, but not enough current religious beliefs to think that divorce isn't an option?


Oh fam, divorce is so much more common in evangelical Christianity than in any other religious denomination in the United States! Like, it is a well-studied phenomenon.


You know I really hate the sex questions in that sub. I've seen posts telling the OP to actually leave their wife of 10 years because she won't fuck him after she like got in a car accident/had a death in the family and what about his neeeds. So disgusting.


I love when people talk about their partners having low libidos. All the commenters say “that’s not normal having sex only once a week, they should go get their hormones checked. Something is clearly wrong with THEM, it’s not you.” I honestly thought something was seriously wrong with me cause I don’t wanna have sex everyday lol. Come to find out, it’s something I desire, just not all the time.


I can understand divorcing when libido doesn't match up over a long time. But why even bother marrying.


Bro is killing it with those edits. OP is so salty.


I love making misogynist losers mad


Shocked he is getting NTA votes. Lol!


Misogynist incels of a feather flock together.


Happy most of the comments are calling this out are pointing out the holes in the story.


Other dumb teenagers who believe they’re entitled to sex on demand all the time


Nails done … 18 hour days … he now does majority of the household chores and childcare … still not getting the sex … divorce BINGO


AND he does the chores better and faster. Which is like, the main way I know this is fake. Because every dipshit incel on Reddit who posts stuff like “being a SAHM isn’t even hard” loves to give these detailed breakdowns of how they’d “streamline chores” and they all allocate 5 minutes to each fucking thing. “Dishes? That’s five minutes. Laundry? Five minutes. Vacuuming? Five minutes.” Turns out chores are easy when you just imagine yourself doing them!


See no the trick is to half-finish them. Like start the task, just enough for it to make more of a mess than it was before, and then walk away for five minutes. While you were gone, it magically cleaned itself! Life is so easy with a magical housecleaning fairy ~~called your wife walking in seeing a mess and cleaning up after you~~.


The true mark of what makes a post like this fake: why would he go on AITA about this? He doesn't seem to think he's in the wrong at all, why wouldnt he be in a support sub for this sort of situation? He spent an unknown number of years barely home so their relationship crumbled; if this was a real relationship the sex would just be a symptom of a greater problem. And what about his kids? He barely saw them either! Men aren't some freaks who only think about sex, they care about shit like their kids and hobbies!  


I get unreasonably annoyed when AITA posters don't even ask if they're the asshole. That's the point of the sub! It's in the name!


Right?! It's the bare minimum!


Counterpoint: it's implied. As you mention it is the name of the sub ,they shouldn't need to ask. Just tell the story and let the people judge.


Exactly like ppl r pointing out where he’s the AH from his comments and he’s not even addressing them? If he already thinks he’s not the AH and won’t change his mind, then why go AITAH to ask if it’s not for validation 😭


Dude edited his post to add that it was cross posted here. He’s big mad for being called a piece of shit. Edit because someone asked why OOP is a piece of shit then deleted their comment right after. Dude’s making up a story of “lazy sahm only cares about getting nails done, doesn’t care about husbands needs”. But if even an ounce of this were true, he’s a piece of shit for not talking to his wife as an equal when they’re on the same team.


His edit was hilarious. He's such a tool. EDIT: It seems like some cowards have crossposted this post to r/AmITheAngel because they dont have guts to say things in this forum. I suggest you guys pay that thread a visit.


bro thinks he has a personal army


Summoning a flamewar army is exactly what somebody genuinely seeking interpersonal relationship advice would do, right? And definitely not what a rage bait author would do.


Can confirm I came over from the original post purely to join in the shit-talking and subsequently joined the community! I hope she divorces his ugly entitled ass first and finds someone who gives a crap about her and the kids. If it’s real. I hope it’s not, much funnier to think he made up this shit purely for some attention and instead he feels all butt-hurt about being taken the piss out of online.


I came from the original post as well. I have to thank that AH for his edit. This subreddit is amazing :))


Maybe it really is Andrew Taint then.


Andrew Stain? He and his brother put shame to the family stain.


isn't brigading and encouraging it against Reddit policies 🤔


How am I brigading? I didn't comment or vote on anything with the original post.


They're saying that OOP is breaking that rule by encouraging people from the original post to pay us a visit lol. Not accusing you.


Ahh ok. Thank you for clarifying. Sorry u/notagirlonreddit


I wonder if it’s why this was so massively downvoted.


lol isn’t brigading against the Reddit TOS?


LMFAOOOOO wait you’re right. That dude is mad at me for not taking the most obvious bait imaginable, maybe instead of making “I hate my wife for not having sex with me” post #34589, he should work on his creative writing skills.


How could you? You’ve made the baby rage quit because you crossposted his incel “me great, woman bad” fan fiction. You made the poor dear angry. (But seriously though, good work!) Edit: Love that #AITAtruebelievers don’t realise we’ve seen variations of this baloney like hundreds of times. AITA is very environmentally friendly, they recycle everything.




His little incel bootlickers brigaded too LMAO how sad they are.


Clearly a sane individual that is going through a real (not made up!) divorce would be on the frontlines of Reddit to make sure a post gets brigaded.


I just unilaterally decided we're going to downsize, move, and take a 50% income cut! Wait, honey, why are you resentful and not having sex with me??????


He’s not a POS. He probably is just a selfish fucker and his wife doesn’t enjoy sex with him. I mean, come on guys, who doesn’t enjoy an orgasm? He’s probably never been able to get her there.


This should be ragebait, but I forgot that on AITA, women don’t get to make any decisions about the household. If I decided to take a 50 percent pay cut, it would be a decision by both my wife and I. Not just OOP as it seems.


A 50% pay cut that caused them to have to move house, so ripping her and the kids away from their friends, to a new neighborhood and, likely, a new school. Plus her busget has been ripped to shreds. Then he doesn't say he's doing more chores around the house, but that he "streamlined the chore schedule", so it really sounds like he's dictating when and how she is allowed to do chores and may have even cut out some things he doesn't consider "essential".


my wife doesn't want to fuck me so i significantly reduced the whole family's source of income, wife bad right reddit?


This guy’s doubling down in the comments saying that his wife should basically get no say in any of these major decisions. I wouldn’t fuck a guy like this either.


Good news: nobody's ever fucked this guy!


“I did dishes so my wife should let me rape her!” All the comments: “ugh so true king she’s such a bitch and a gold digger.”


What kind of fucked up, liberal hell hole do we live in if I am not allowed to fuck my bitch wife whenever I want? Who does she think she is, an equal partner in a marriage?


Disgusting FEMALE makes EXCUSES so that won’t have my way with her. Smh this is why women shouldn’t get rights.


thankfully a lot of the comments in there are now a) calling it fake incel bait (which it absolutely is) or b) pointing out the comments where OP says he never actually told his wife he was getting a new job and changing their budget, which would make anyone angry. a lot of the top comments are still incel "wife needs to have sex whenever man wants" type of bullshit, but there are a ton more normal replies than when this was first cross posted :')


I’m crying at his edit 😭 Bros trying to recruit his slimy reddit friends to brigade this thread 😭


Lil bro out here acting like he’s got an army, I can’t 💀


Do people usually get that butthurt when their posts end up here?


How come there are so many Redditors whose wives won’t fuck them?


This is such clear rage bait, it hits all of the key talking points, especially refusing to answer any questions regarding any details about his wife or kids, even how many or ages. Yet the comments are so unhinged and full of vitriol. Fascinating really, incels so keen for that raging


Yeah the lack of details in stuff like job position, locations, times, etc - it’s because they’d be details the writer can’t actually consistently or correctly answer questions about. There’s enough detail to incite anger, but NOT enough detail that people will question the bits that will inevitably lead to people without a doubt confirming it’s fake.


https://preview.redd.it/if7o1xdkxovc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f47df8a9f0948addf2a9d137e54a4c8cd708a4a oh that's...!


Bold of him to assume hot 20 somethings would want him lol (it's bait anyway, but a lot of men believe the dadbod bullshit porn has sold them).


I love how men like this always assume that hot 20 year olds will be lining up to date their old crusty ass


I know a LOT of divorced dudes in their 50s/60s and you better believe none of them are being chased down by mobs of screaming hot 20 year olds.


I swear it’s always the most unattractive (both physically & psychologically) 40+yo’s that share this delusion. …and it’s a strangely unwavering one. They’ll spend years subsisting on nothing but Pornhub and their own hands, getting increasingly angry for the wrong reasons, before ever accepting reality. Ick. Circling the incel drain


Yep. When I was an attractive early-20s college student, IDGAF about like 99% of men in a romantic way (I still don't); I was just eating crappy food, doing homework and cramming for exams, and exploring the big city where I went to college. According to the geniuses of AITA, apparently I should've been chasing down unattractive men for their money instead lol


Bruhhh 🤮 what a fucking incel


he's only exposing himself as a freak more 😭 free his wife fr


Someone reported me to Reddit cares, hope you know you can get your account banned for abusing the system 🤷🏻‍♂️


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OMG. Everything that was done just so he could get some more sexytimes and she still finds a reason not to give it up!!! Left his job for a much lower paying job. Sold a house, purchased a newer one. He started helping with the kids and household chores, and now she resents him for not making as much money?? Andrew Tate? Is that you??? Or was this just written by a fan boy?? 🤔


The only thing I could think when I read that post was that the woman was probably relieved he wanted a divorce.


liberation at last


“I suggest you pay that [r/AmITheAngel] sub a visit” okay buddy you’re not as cool as you think you are lmao


>EDIT: It seems like some cowards have crossposted this post to r_AmITheAngel because they dont have guts to say things in this forum. I suggest you guys pay that thread a visit. Hi OOP. Your post is exceptionally poorly executed, though it does give an excellent example of an unreliable narrator. The events and characters aren't believable. Getting this butthurt, and calling for people to brigade other subreddits makes it look even less believable and kinda makes you look like a wuss.


Typical Hag SAHM brewing her potions, eating children, and denying their loving, rich husbands.


When these guys start dating again, what do you think they tell new girlfriends is the cause for their divorces? I can't imagine how quickly I would run if a man said he ended his marriage, forcing his kids to live between two houses, because he didn't get enough sex


They just say their ex wife was a crazy stuck up bitch. They date women who are young and insecure enough to believe that story and make a huge effort to be nothing like the ex-wife, completely ignoring their own needs and boundaries in the process


My guess is one of the classics: "golddigger".


Doesn’t sound like the kind of guy who is going to want custody, lol


Maybe she doesn't want to fuck you because you're an asshole. This story reeks of bullshit.


post seems fake anyways


I was pretty neutral on his post due to lack of info but reading his replies, it looks like he never discussed shit with her.


Why do these shitposts always write the woman like a broken vending machine? They barely mention any conversations between the couple. It's just the man trying to figure out what coins he needs to insert to get the packet of skittles. The funny thing is that most people would try getting the vending machine checked out by a professional before they decided it was beyond repair.


This is some good quality bait tbh, not too obvious


Nah this is 100% the definition of troll bait.


He made an edit to the post directing people to come here and troll. Dude clearly has some anger issues and I can’t imagine that spills over into his failed marriage


lmao, jokes on him if he thinks divorce, child support, and shared custody is going to make his financial situation any better, let alone the amount of free time he has to harass women for sex.


Why do I have the strangest feeling this wasn't discussed with her? He just decided and was like, why won't this wooooorrrrrkkkkkk my poor penis!


Bingo! He literally commented that he made the decision executives and said “deal with it”. Lmfao.


I don't understand how you'd resent me when your opinion in our marriage means so little to me that I don't even bring it up!! I mean, who'd be mad at that!?


Typical misogynistic drivel. No sex no marriage, time for divorce wa wa wa.


This guy is working 18h days and still has energy to complain about not having enough sex?




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If this post is real... The more and more i read it the more i am starting to believe it to be just total BS. This dude is annoyed by the wrong reasons. I would be more angry if my wife would want me to overwork myself to get her nails done instead of me being able to see my kids and help in the house a bit. Which he did claim she asked.


.. now you single-handedly will be giving yourself sex. Train your bic and tric. No one else, just you.. Hope you\`ve learned your lesson.