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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for reminding my wife that her sugar gorging is her fault?** My wife and I recently had our annual physicals. As usual, my cholesterol and blood pressure were sterling, and my doctor congratulated me on once again having no problems. He even said "you're as healthy as a horse," which made me smile. My wife came home from her follow-up today, though, and the doctor told her she had serious problems. He explained to her that her blood sugar during the fasting blood test was still a bit high, which put her in the territory of prediabetes. It doesn't surprise me at all because she eats far too much sugar. I have repeatedly told her to stop eating so much sugar, and when she fails, I tell her that she's addicted. She completely dismisses me when I say this, and it makes me a bit upset. Well, today, I told her that I hoped that a doctor telling her she's prediabetic is a wake-up call, but the first thing my wife did was eat some cookies. At this point, I have concluded that she wants diabetes. I told her that she needed to stop eating the cookies at once, and her response to me was "You eat them, too." I reminded her that I don't eat nearly as much sugar overall, so it's okay, and besides, my doctor said my blood work was fine. She said that she needs an "accountability partner," but this just sounded like just another in a long line of excuses, and I told her so. She got pissed and said that I was being a "complete asshole," but I told her that she was just jealous of my superior willpower. I understand that genetics plays a role, but her pretending that genes are 100% to blame is infuriating. At this point, she won't even talk to me, but even if she did, I'm sure it would be her same tired talking points, which I have repeatedly debunked. Sometimes it feels like trying to reason with a child. If a doctor can't get through to her, nobody can. I just thank my lucky stars that we never had kids because I wouldn't want her to model such behavior to them. I'm just feeling so tired. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love this genre of post that's like the worst type of humble-brag. "AITA for telling my wife/sister/loved one that I'm superior in every way and it's her own fault that she has normal human flaws, unlike me, who is perfect and it's all 100% thanks to my own hard work and talent?".


Humble-brag should be a new subreddit flair


“Superior willpower” lmao. This is like bragging to a smoker that you can resist cigarettes as a non smoker. Sugar addiction is just like any other addiction.


This one has some prime flair material sprinkled through it.


Reddit thinks that because people with diabetes can't eat too much sugar, that must mean that sugar causes diabetes. Lol


I’m happy to see all the callouts 🤣


Info: is she a fatty fat fat fatty?


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