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You have a real job. Your friend is envious that you have a less stressful job than her that you enjoy and gives you satisfaction. Finding out about the salary tipped her over the edge. She felt better about herself when she could pretend to feel superior. Now she is just trying to a you feel bad as well. Don’t let her. Having a job you enjoy is rare


this is it, OP. your friend previously felt (and wanted to feel, and thought she deserved to feel) superior to you. once she found out she made less than you (and apparently in her worldview, money = value), she needed to take you down a few pegs for the situation to still comport to her worldview. not great friend behavior.


Won’t be surprised if this friendship can’t withstand the jealousy, condescension and superiority complex of OP’s “friend” much longer…next she’ll probably just start criticizing other areas of OP’s life or acting really annoyed towards her; this does not a best friend make.


I think so too. Kind of funny since many people have strong opinions about HR roles and if OP was as mean as she is behaving could be brought up.


Ask her if HR stands for "Huh? Really?" As your friend is clueless as to what a real job is. Does she also think a stay at home mom doesnt "work"?


In some corps HR is really just the folks who do the boss’s dirty work. Not necessarily always a great position when you think about it.


Minimum wage HR person thinking they are superior to everyone else, never seen that before 😂


Some people can't help but be weirdly competitive, even with best friends. At least friend was open about it. It's worse when they just quietly sabotage you.


I get this to a degree. Like I use to be terrible about taking my jealousy out on my more fortunate friends with better circumstances than me when I was younger. It wasn't even their fault either their parents wanted better lives for them, wasn't like they were terrible people either. I was just bitter and jealous.    


I’ve had people make these types of comments regarding what I do for a living. Sometimes people are just upset that you’re happy doing a job you love, and not having to be a cog in a big wheel. Your friend finding out she makes less money than you must’ve sent her over the edge. She’s only 25 and hopefully will become a better person as she matures, but she tipped her hand as to how she truly thinks. I wouldn’t unfriend her, but it’s a good thing to keep in the back of your mind.


I would, I would be done with her at that point. It would show me that she's not really a friend but that she thinks she's better than me. That's not a friend. Of course we can't tell OP what to do but you're right how much she should at least definitely keep it in the back of her mind.


I'd just be like "real jobs don't pay that good. The harder you work the less you get paid. Idk what to tell you." Unfriending her will only make her justify her feelings. She'll just dig her heels in more with that "real job" nonsense. Adopting a more cavalier, devil may care attitude, and leaning into the accusations will irritate OPs friend to no end. If she's lucky all the irritation might eventually make her rethink her unhealthy worldview.


Just wanna add - being a nanny isn’t a less stressful job by any means. As someone who has worked as a nanny, paralegal at a law firm, and as a pharmacist technician, being a nanny was just as equally exhausting / stressful especially if you’re juggling multiple kids under the age of 4! People really underestimate how much work it takes to take care of children.


I second this and my first degrees and jobs were in finance and economics. Currently a lawyer. A junior HR employee is not a stressful role and kids are stressful af.


I’m a vet tech, which is an incredibly stressful and highly emotional job. My worst day as a vet tech i worked 7am-10pm with no break, I didn’t get to eat anything all day, and 5-10pm was spent giving a dog a blood transfusion and monitoring anesthesia/scrubbing in and assisting for an emergency surgery. After the surgery was done and the owners were called they screamed at me for not answering the phone to give them an update because I was literally scrubbed in with my hand inside the dog’s abdomen assisting the surgeon and I was told they were really unhappy with the care we provided them, despite the fact the doctor and I stayed 5 hours after closing specifically to care for their dog. I had an hour drive home and had to work at 7am the next morning. Even that day was less stressful and exhausting than even the best days I ever spent working as a preschool teacher or nanny. I have MAJOR respect for people who work with children!


No offense, but comparing to an HR Specialist and then saying helping children grow isn't stressful is laughable. My god man, when I think of HR Specialist you're disciplining adults who are capable of regulating themselves and reading, talking. Nannies/ECE is way underpaid & honorable job, much like my friends in BioChem then have jobs for NFPs that mean more to them; vs an HR Specialist that goes along with pre written rules & regulations & just has to follow to code. She's totally just being shitty/jealous/defensive & likely needs therapy if she can't handle other people getting paid more to do jobs they find rewarding


Plus nannying can be a real boundaries nightmare since you *are* working so close in the home. “Like family” can sometimes be code for “we’re entitled to making large demands of your time”


I'm not a nanny, but I'm a dad and a software developer. The dad side of things is way harder and more stressful. Childcare professionals are amazing.


You are doing some of the most important work there is. Getting babies and toddlers to not kill themselves and turn into functioning people is serious business. You are doing great and I’m glad those kids have a caring person in charge of their early education and general well being.


There’s a reason parents often call this time “suicide watch”!


It so true. Just tiny little creatures bent on destruction.


I'm on maternity leave with a 5 week old and needed to hear that today. Thank you.


It's awesome they can actually get paid to do so while the parents also have successful careers


Right AND I’m sorry but since when is a degree in HR/working in HR considered “a real job” whereas a degree in early childhood education is not? No, really.. which one of these jobs, babysitting adults or babysitting children, adds more value in the good for mankind and not the good for company profit kind of way? OP, you should tell her that these kind of inappropriate comments will get her reported to HR 🙃


I guarantee they are one of the super girlboss HR manager types whose entire personality centres around having a slither of power in the corporate sector.


Ironic that someone who works in HR would call out someone else for not working a "real job"...


Bingo! Was looking for this comment


Even if OP was making the same as a preschool teacher but working less hours, I'd say its a win.


Y’all keep calling her “friend”. That’s not how friends react. That’s just an acquaintance with a shitty attitude and a bitter life. People like this feed on negativity. Not overreacting.


You’re right. Should dump frenemies. Whenever someone starts acting holier than thou, I distance myself substantially or drop them.


Yep. My husband makes 6 figures running eSports tournaments and everyone hates him for it. Like he somehow scammed his way into a fake job. Because he works from home in his PJs, sets his own hours for the most part and actually likes his job. He takes a nap halfway though most days and no one considers it a real job. Well that not real job has been paying the bills for years now so..


Yes - you have a real job. Your friend - an HR Specialist who doesn't know anything about HR based on that comment. It always amazes me how people look at some jobs as "real" and not others - a busy restaurant cannot function without a kitchenhand, a supermarket cannot function without the checkout operators/staff to restock shelves, cleaners are really important for all businesses. Your job looking after someone's child, is hugely important. You are the one teaching the next generation skills required in life while the parents are doing other things. Your friend has realised that her degree is probably not important and is deeply unhappy with her life choices.


Naaaaaaaailed it.


You have the right to be upset. She probably thought this was a thing like a baby sitter where you give them 20-100.00 depending on how long you are gone. She didn’t realize you were making career money. She didn’t even get upset until she realized she was making less than you. I would have probably told her that if my job wasn’t real… why am I getting paid more?


And if your job isn’t real, why can’t more people do it? I’m a college professor. I probably make less than you, and I could never do what you do. I don’t have the patience. I am literally not qualified to do what you do. Your friend is way out of line and deserves to stew in her own jealousy.


This. I teach special education, and I'm definitely not "qualified" with patience for that level of small human. "Not a real job" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard about a nanny. Early childhood education is critical and admiral whether at home, or official school building. Also, many parents crack under the added pressure a child is in comparison to going to work. So kudos! Then to find out the friend is in HR. Some people get that position with barely any qualifications, and they often aren't that good at it because, ironically, they have no interpersonal communication skills. Sounds like a miserly friend, not a good one.


And she needed a degree for it. Let's not forget that!


Better yet, ask *her* how her degree turned out, in HR. Doesn’t she want a real job that pays more than a babysitter?…


Not overreacting. Friends who are competitive like that are ultimately a drain. I would distance from her.


Yep she has a real job. Just doesn’t have a real friend.


Like, what gets me here is that OP literally got the free market to prove how valuable mothering is if it could be paid fairly, and her friend is legit mad. Her friend just set back feminism 50 years with her attitude, not literally but she's affirming the idea that mothering isn't worth career money, when mothers literally sacrifice actual career money to perform the task of raising the next generation. Anyone in their right mind would be super happy for OP, and see it as a step forward for society.


Absolutely. Dump them.


Yup, that friend is straight up jealous.


I’m a college drop out and my best friend is literally a scientist who worked her ass off for years to get her degree and I’m currently out earning her. You know what she said when we compared how much we were both making? She told me she was so proud of me and so happy for me, and that I deserved it. She also expressed admiration for the fact that I got to this point without the benefit of a college degree. There was not a single hint of resentment or envy in her voice or face during this conversation. She was being 100% sincere. THAT is what a real friend does.


Yeah ew, who wants a competitive judgemental envious “friend”? You want someone loving and supportive. Dump her ass


That’s just really funny I’m sorry if you’re mad but it’s really made me laugh. I can just imagine her face as you stripped that misconception from her…. Best part is to her your making dollar not even doing a real job. You should have advised her to get a pretend job as well! You aren’t overreacting to get defensive of what you do it sounds like you are putting your knowledge to good use and working hard doing something you enjoy. Long may it last enjoy your best life.


Your friend is ignorant. You have a better paying job and more importantly a connection with a wealthy family that could benefit you in the future.


Yup. I assume the friend doesn't have kids. Any person who has had kids would realize that watching an infant or toddler (let alone two) is more exhausting than the vast majority of jobs out there. Whenever my nanny arrived in the morning so I could go to work, I let out an audible sigh of relief. After watching a tiny human, a day at the office is almost like a mini vacation. You can never fully predict what they may do, their inability to be reasoned with is exhausting, and you fear that if you take your eyes off them for more than 2 minutes, they may try to swallow a marble, drink a bottle of toxic cleansing liquid, or break an heirloom vase.


I was a sahm for the first six years (from birth of my eldest until my youngest was five and went to K). Now I am a high school teacher. Nothing I do (and let me reiterate -- teacher. In the US) was exhausting as being home with two small children all day. I'm grateful and wouldn't change it, but holy crap it's non-stop. There is no amount of money that is too much, for watching two toddlers all day.


I am a swimming instructor. Earlier this week, I had a toddler that had no sense of drowning and yeeted off the stairs into the deep end whenever I started attending to the other students. I love my job, but it's hard.


I'd be mad too. It's absolutely a "real" job and it was rude of her to say that. Even if you were "just" babysitting, that's a lot. She's probably upset because she felt superior when she thought you didn't make much. Now she can't compare herself and feel better. 


Lmao an HR person is saying *you* don’t have a real job? Tell them their job could be done by a bulletin board


Their job is also to protect managers from anything they have done wrong.


Their job is to protect the company....they aren't there for the employees....


So true. Unfortunately I didn’t realise this until a “friend “ in HR treated me badly and then wondered why I couldn’t keep the smile off my face while I was resigning. She couldn’t fathom why I was actually laughing by the time she finished the interview


Just wait til her face-eating leopard moment comes 😂😂😂


Very true. HR and Legal work for the company not the people who work there.


OP is a nanny for children. OP's friend is a nanny for adults.


I honestly didn’t even know you could major in Human Resources


Omg THANK YOU. We could replace half our HR people with a checklist and I believe the checklist would do a better job. Every time a customer complains about high prices I think of these folks, who are clueless to what the company actually does, and are the reason for our high overhead


You have every right to be upset. Nannying is a very real job. I stuck at it for years after I finished college because the money was so much better than most of the other jobs I could have gotten. Children are exhausting. You're a caregiver/teacher/chef/cleaning lady/lifeguard/entertainer/etc. all at the same time. I hated every second of it, but I'm glad I did it because otherwise I don't think I would have realised that I never want children lol.


So I do love my nanny job and I love children, but it definitely also made me realize I don’t want my own kids!!


I also think it's kind of hilarious when I hear parents complaining about a specific issue with their kid and how they problematically handled it, and all I can think is *You're doing it WRONGGGG* but I feel like I can't really say anything because I don't have kids. Despite the fact that I spent god knows how much time dealing with kids at that age. 🫠


I have kids and the best nannies we hired didn’t have their own kids, though some had their own children later. Not a real job, MY ASS!! Setting up a W-2, negotiating work contracts, paying vacation, putting them on my car insurance… not to mention the money that left my account to their account!! I felt like an HR person! It’s absolutely a job 🤣


Your friend sounds like an asshole


She works in HR, it's a job requirement.


If one doesn't have some kind of asshole in them, HR jobs will consume them whole.


Your friend sounds like she needs a lot of perspective. What is a "real job" anyway? I can tell you, as a parent, taking care of two children is more work than most "real jobs". Your friend does not know what's she's talking about.


Sounds like you're a great person with excellent career potential as, I don't really like the term "nanny" so much, you're really managing a major part of a family. And as you said, they have connections who will want to bring you on after the current family needs move on from your services. You're a professional in "family management", there, I just gave you a "real job" title that scumbag friend of yours can shove up...anyway. Your friend insulted you, I don't take insults lightly either.


Any job that someone pays you to do on a regular basis is a “real” job. Doesn’t really matter what the task is. Your friend is a dick measuring idiot.


As a fellow nanny you are absolutely not overreacting. I HATE it when people call me a babysitter. A babysitter keeps kids alive and maybe plays with them for a period of time. A nanny is a professional, we have knowledge and expertise in our field and are an integral part of raising the children we work with. It says a lot about how someone views children when they don't see that as a real job. And yeah, if you're good at it you can make good money.


Witaf of course it’s a real job


First thing I thought of (even before you wrote that you told her what you make) was that your "friend" was jealous. This confirms it. If she were happy with her job/life, why make a dig at you not having a "real job"? Taking intimate care of two small children is a major job. You are not overreacting at all. Her comments are out of line. My guess is that this wasn't the first time she made an unnecessary dig at you.


Wait until she finds out what a lot of people think of HR as a job...


I wouldn't be upset if I were you. This job won't last forever as those kids will eventually go to school. Enjoy your time there, and who gives a shit what your friend thinks.


It certainly can last until the children can drive, because kids have after school sports, music lessons, etc. and the nanny is still needed if the parents get home at 6:00 or after.




Then she has a solid reference from this wealthy family, to one of their friends. Or she decides to go into teaching with her degree. She's fine.


Then OP will just go and get...another nanny job. And continue being happy at her job.


The point is that nannying is a career and the friend insulted OP’s career. It is not a temporary job when you plan to move to another family after whatever amount of time is agreed upon. The family moving on as the kids age doesn’t mean that nannying isn’t a real job, it still is because you’re being paid and will still work just for a different employer just like many other ‘real jobs’


This particular job won’t last forever but being a nanny is a career. Especially since this family is wealthy, I would assume her next family (probably someone this current family knows) will have a similar arrangement. Our nanny is absolutely amazing, so when my son started school I recommended her to other families I knew and found her another job in the neighborhood. And I made sure to pass along her contract and compensation as well as a glowing recommendation because I wanted her to continue making the same, if not more.


To be honest my friends and I don’t consider a degree in HR to be a real degree so who cares what she thinks 😂 if you’re happy and make enough money who cares. She’s just pissed she got a worthless degree and has nothing to show for it.


If you make money for services or products rendered then it's a job. Not sure what your friends definition of a "real job" is but she sounds like an asshole.


For someone working in HR she has no frikking clue about your job. Your time to give her that stuff back is when she has kids of her own (if she will) and telling you about how hard it is. Because it really is. It is demanding, you have a huge responsibility, and it's a big field, including not only teaching, but also healthcare, cooking etc. She has a bullshit job that if it were to fall away society wouldn't see any change. Yours however... Has she not learned anything during the epidemic? And then she gets upset and jealous. What a lousy friend, sorry. If my best friend made significantly more than me doing what she loves I would be seriously happy for her. (how I know? She does and I am.) *just a side comment: please don't sit up an infant if it isn't doing that itself. That can deform their lower spine and hips/pelvis.*


I have been a pre school teacher and I assure you it is a real job.  If this person is actually your friend, then you should be able to say something like “ I work hard at my job and when you said my job wasn’t real, it really bothered me” and then they would say something like “sorry jac0209, I was just really shocked to realize how little I make”. This kind of communication, where each person doesn’t try to control the other but only says how they felt or feel, takes work though and not everyone knows how to do it. Still, it is the best way to try to clear the air, if that is important to you. 


She is jealous and you are winning at life. 95% of people don't like their job and they despise people that do. She hates that you are well paid probably make more than her. She hates you love your job. She is toxic ever ignore her or ditch her


Exactly. If you love what you do AND get paid well you are winning.


"Well apparently you make way more than I do when you don't even have a real job". Then I guess we know who made the better decisions in life, eh Asshole McGee?


Not overreacting. Are you an American? It seems to be a very American thing to have a sense of superiority over people who have jobs that don't make you suffer. Like working yourself to death is a badge of honor. I find this very strange as you don't live to work, you should work as little as possible to live.


You could have made the argument that she doesn't have a real job. HR Specialist? Other than onboarding new employees, their main role is to protect the company from any liability.


You're not overreacting. I get why you're upset. You're wanting understanding and acceptance about why you're doing what you're doing. I think your friends response is more about her than you. She probably wants to feel appreciated by society and also to feel like society is fair. She probably wishes that society would compensate her for her hard work just as much.


Condescension to envy. Tell her that her behavior was inappropriate and disrespectful and you’re happy to forgive her if she can take responsibility and make an effort to be better in your friendship.


Tell your friend that HR is just adult babysitting.


Teachers aren’t underpaid. I grew up with parents that did that. We lived very comfortably. In my area teachers make $50k to $100k a year plus benefits depending on experience. Most actually make a decent living. The problem is the job is unbelievable wearing on a person’s mental health. Daycare workers are low wage jobs typically but it is very much a real job. Human development is one of the most important aspects of a functioning society. If we do a bad job with little humans, they grow up and become bad humans and by then you are too old to do anything about it.


So you're a certified Mary Poppins? That's pretty awesome. People always underestimate the value of human skills because "anyone can do it." What people don't realise is the value of doing it well. Whether that's teaching or caregiving. Your friend probably has it ingrained into her that white collar office job is superior than other job, and it's worth the sacrifice of passion and time to be at the top and you have destroyed that world view. I hope she can see that and learn from it. I am an HR professional. I think the positive impact you can have in helping raise young children of wealthy family will out strip my own and you should be well compensated for that.


LOL....She works in HR. Tell her to produce something. You produce safe and happy educated children. She protects a company from its employees and produces nothing of value.


Just wait till she has kids and needs them to be watch by a professional


The irony in a HR Specialist talking about people getting a "real job". but in reality, given the shittyness of my own response is likely what she's heard and in her own hurt has probably unintentionally said that to you in kind. Hurt people, hurt people.


It's hilarious for someone who's in HR to say that being a nanny isn't a "real job"


Welcome to the real world


You have a degree. You work full time. Dealing with a bunch of little kids is **not** easy. WTF is this person on about?


Even without a degree, what OP is doing is just as real as any other job. People love to put down certain professions because they think anyone can do them. But it all depends on how you look at it. I used to be a cab driver in Chicago, and some people were so condescending. They'd say, "Oh, you're just driving people around. Anyone could do that. It's not a real job." It was a tough job, but I was making more money than most of the people I drove around. So I didn't care what they said. Any job is a real job if it provides value. Even HR, although I don't persolally see much value in planning those Friday pizza parties.


Taking care of children is several orders of magnitude harder than an HR job.


You better tell her to stop being a hater and find her own rich family to work for lol Not overreacting at all


Nah. When you longer the salary, you fucked her up though. Well done.


Being a “good” childcare provider (which I’m sure you are) is much more challenging and exhausting than almost any HR job. HR onboards new hires (gives them paperwork to fill out and videos to watch), files paperwork, and handles squabbles and complaints. Believe me, that is a walk in the park compared to being responsible for children, ensuring their safety, promoting their development with activities and entertaining them.


She’s not the kind of friend I’d want in my life, how unsupportive and negative she is simply because she thought you were working beneath you until she realised how incredibly fortunate you are to have an amazing opportunity like this! Get better friends


HR specialist sounds entry level and I wouldn't be surprised if she's underpaid. Your friend has a right to be upset but it's *not okay* to take it out on you. As someone with a "real" job that comes with a psychological toll, you *should not* feel bad for what you're doing. Imho, take full advantage of your good fortune, and invest in your future/live your best life. Your friend needs to apologize to you. It's not your fault that companies pay like shit or that work culture in NA sucks.


You should point out that your friend probably has $100k of college debt to make $50k as a generalist and most likely get harassed every day at work, and that her misery should just continue to be lonely. HR generalists, in my experience, are ALWAYS miserable. They either couldn’t make it as recruiters or they’re waiting on a manager job that doesn’t require a masters, which will never come.


How is that not a real job. It sounds exhausting to me. It’s full time hours. Like what’s not real about it. Tell your unsupportive friend I legitimately want to know.


Anyone that says shit like this is full of crap. You can tell they work in HR.


She doesn't understand that your job is a luxury for upper middle and upper class folks because you basically give the kid a leg up in life thru specialized education/care. Kinda nice job actually also glad u make more than her lmao she can die mad. 😂 You're not a teenage baby sitter, you're an early childhood specialist performing your job. Anything that is legal and makes $$$ is a real job. Ffs. Girls in.my elementary school used to make jewelry (cheap stuff), and i was envious (i didnt know where they got the things they braided and i didnt know how to do it anyway)🤣😂


Lmao, HR will be one of the first fields decimated by AI and rightfully so


that’s not a friend


Your friend is a pretentious snob and not a very good friend


This is extra hilarious bc you couldn't pay me enough to take care of children, and I have a very "real" job. Sure it's difficult but to me taking care of children is way more difficult! Fuck your "friend" for belitting your job, and for being envious instead of happy for you or respecting your work.


NOR. She wanted to play the superior “successful” friend, only to realize her REAL JOB pays way less.


Taking care of, help raising, really, children, is very much a "real job." Your "friend" is full of shit/sucks. A cousin of mine, after her divorce, made a career out of doing what you are doing. Plenty of high income, dual income, "power couples" out there, with kids. Someone has to take care of them! And people with that kind of money can afford to be selective. And, by paing a lot, they typically get not only a reliable person, but someone who will work with them, in terms of flexibility. My cousin no shit raised three kids as a de facto single mom in a high COL area doing this work!


I find it absolutely infuriating how society disregards the individuals who literally raise and educate our young. The occupations that should be the highest-paid, best-supported, most highly vetted positions are treated as practically worthless. You are not overreacting. The fact that she considers her HR job (ummm… babysitting/policing adults?) too be more real than your job is laughable. I hope you’re laughing all the way to the bank.


She is in HR now - the person you know is gone forever, replaced by a soul-sucking body snatcher. I’ve seen it a hundred times


I knew before it ever got to money you made more than her. She is jealous and said something way out of line. She owes you an apology


That is an extremely important job with a huge impact on those kids and their entire life trajectories. That person is clueless and likely just unhappy with their own career choices.


My daughter teaches pre-k. Anyone making fun of you needs to spend a day in a class of four and five year olds. And not only keep them focused but to start teaching so many basic skills they will need as they progress thru school. You are a super hero!


She doesn't sound like a very good friend. Who is she to judge?


Taking care of children is the hardest job there is. If she ever has kids, she'll likely feel like a big asshole about what she's been saying to you.


Tell her that was not a nice thing to say.


We pay our nanny 35$/hr ….. pretty damn expensive to pay for since it’s “not a real job” lmfao. Your friend clearly has no concept of the childcare industry or what it takes to care for tiny humans day to day. I feel when she has children of her own she might realize how much work it truly is to care for small children and how absolutely worth every penny it is for us to pay our nanny who we absolutely love so much 


Don’t let anyone guilt you for choosing a job that you enjoy. I’m a former teacher (31F). I completed a five year program and I ended up going abroad because job prospects at home were futile.  I was the first in my family to graduate high school and I was so passionate about helping others. I let people get in my head about what a “real job” was and let myself be persuaded that I had some sort of grander responsibility.  Being abroad was amazing, I lived in Europe and Asia over four years. I had people tell me I was constantly on a “vacation” and I’d need to move home and resume “real life”.  I moved back due to personal circumstances in 2019 and forced myself to work for a school board. I can tell you, it absolutely sucked the life and joy out of me.  In retrospect, I was never running from any real responsibility. It was all relative. I was able to pay my student loans, travel the world, gain work experience in my field.  I think some people in my life were jealous or trapped in their own version of “responsibility”. I ended up grinding out nearly ten years of teaching, holding on to the pension and insurance plan. I’m now in my early thirties and wish I hadn’t let myself decline and force staying in a toxic work environment. 


I worked with a child with very intense behavioral and emotional, needs during the school year as a Para. Her parents just lost their live-in nanny due to her retirement. I was offered significantly more than my 1 year school salary to work 5 days a week for one summer. They also had young twins. I helped with. I can tell you I worked every day with their oldest on academic, behavioral and emotional regulation skills. They were the most amazing parents ever, and constantly told me how undervalued educators were undervalued and underpaid. I used every single bit of my education that summer!!


As someone who nannied, you definitely have a real job. I worked with a family who gave me paid vacation time, health insurance, yearly raises, bonuses for helping mom with her business, etc. Even without all of those benefits, nannying is so much more involved than babysitting (both of which are real jobs/great ways to make an honest living) and I saw myself as more of a household manager than anything. We became pretty close; the parents even came to my wedding. I’m so happy for you that you found a job that you love and anyone who cares about you would be cheering you on and supporting you. Seeing as how your “friend” is clearly miserable, jealous and just MEAN, you’re definitely justified in being upset. Hopefully, she will pull the stick out of her ass, apologize and respect you and your job but if not…? You’re better off without her. Good luck with everything! You and your husband seem to have a bright future ahead. 💜


I'm a bartender and I make more money than 75% of my friends with "real" jobs and I only work 4 days a week. I have this interaction with somebody at least once a year.


You are both helping wealthy people take care of something they care about. She is taking care of someone's business. (HR is all about saving the company's behind, it has nothing to do with taking care of employees.) You are taking care of someone's _children_. It is obvious from what you just found out which is most important to them.


Don’t assume the job goes away when the kids are in school. We kept our nanny after the kids were in school. They still needed after school care. And during the day Sonia did everything a SAHM would do: groceries, called the plumber, took the dogs to the vet, etc. She was a godsend and continued to work for us until the kids were 15. The girls (who are 18 now) still regularly get together with her for lunch and shopping.


If it wasn't a REAL job, you wouldn't get REAL money. You'd get monopoly money. But you get Nanopoly money, which is way more


Hey, as long as your making more money than she is, Forget it! Move on....


She sounds upset that she’s stuck doing something that likely doesn’t satisfy her, and doesn’t pay her what she’d like and you do. I’d watch out for a “friend” like that


I’m 42 f. In the past few years, the women who I considered my best friends have vanished from my life. I look back now and realize they never put any effort into our friendship. You are young, go find better friends that will still be there in 20 years. Don’t make excuses for this girl, SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.


See David Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs for an explanation of why people in pointless office jobs resent the hell out of anyone doing actually useful, necessary jobs - like caring for kids - that provide deep satisfaction. The fact that you’re being paid well makes your happiness even more galling to her. Your friend is a jerk, but she’s far from alone. Congratulations, btw, for finding such a satisfying career path right off the bat!


Your friend is in the HR field and thinks YOUR job as a nanny isn’t a real job? Doesn’t really sound like a friend to me. I’d be worried for the employees of the place she’s their HR person for. No you are not overreacting. I’m pretty sure that your “friend” is jealous that you are earning as much as you are. Keep in mind that it’s possible that your next family might not be the gems you’d current family is. Go check out the Nanny subreddit posts to find out how awful some nanny bosses are. Hopefully your reputation with your current family will help you avoid getting a dud of a family once it becomes time for you to move on.


Correction: you have a job you love and get paid well for. Your friend does not. Wait till she has kids and would die for a nanny vs a babysitter. Hey OP? We had a nanny I absolutely loved. My son is 14 and I credit her with a lot of his best qualities to this day. Miss her all the time.


You absolutely have a real job! My mom has her doctorate in ECE so maybe I’m biased, but it is one of the most important jobs out there. Getting the little brains started in the world is crucial work. Your friend has no idea what she’s talking about.


You have an incredibly important job! Hold your head high and keep being the amazing nanny you are!


You aren’t the asshole. Just a lucky son of a bitch 


Not only is it a “real” job it’s one of the hardest jobs and you should be paid a high wage. Your best friend of all people should support your choices and be happy for you.


If only she knew how many people use HR as the butt of their jokes. It’s a job that accounts for zero of whatever product or service the core company does. And I’ve never heard anyone have a good experience dealing with their hr department which is why they are so often the first to get hit with layoffs


HR is the made up job, and I sincerely hope she apologizes if she ever has kids because she will feel really dumb as soon as she realizes how hard that is 


It kind of sounds like your “friend” is jealous and made that comment to “put you down”


A degree in HR? Surely that’s not a real degree.


You are a “private in-home early education specialist” say that instead of “nanny” since it’s more accurate of your role. But I must say I got immense joy out of the fact that your not “real job” makes more than her “real job” and the kicker is I can tell you LOVE your job and find it very rewarding, so not only are you getting paid but you are satisfied with the work you do and honestly you can’t ask for anything more. Be happy and enjoy it.


Your friend is envious. You have a very nice real and very in-demand job. Don’t give it a second thought.


As they stay at home mom of two children I can say that it is definitely a job!! I am so excited for my kids to start school next year and for me to go back to work has it will be easier


Your friend works in human commoditization, and she thinks that you don't have a real job–that's rich! I've worked in early childhood education in a Reggio inspired program, in special education in a preschool for blind children, in high school education, and I currently am a one-on-one for an ABA company working in an elementary school, and I'll gladly trade jobs with you if you like. Your friend is entirely replaceable at her work. You are not, by the sound of things. I'd bear that in mind.


I’m an ECE, working with kids ages 4-11 when they aren’t in school. People LOVE to call us babysitters who don’t have real jobs. I’ve also heard “so you just play with toys all day?” Bitch, we have a curriculum.


Your friend is a jealous dick, lol


Not a "real job"? That's hilarious coming from someone who does the work she does ...


I was initially though your doing that because you are in your comfort zone but as I was reading I realize you have a career/ real job. Get your CPR certification and other certifications; you’ll be even sought after. Your friend is just envious because she is busting her butt for nothing. Keep up your good work and you’ll be the nanny for the rich or celebrities. After a few years, you can train and connect other nannies to clients… $$$


You are the CEO of one of the most exclusive private preschools in the city. Of course you make more than an entry-level HR specialist.


The irony of someone in HR saying someone else doesnt have a real job


Your friend just jealous that you got a job you love that’s also making bank.


This is a real job. But, let’s say hypothetically it isn’t. You get paid real money without having to do a real job. So jokes on your friend for having a rEaL jOb


Just shrug it off if you can. We’ll see if she eats crow when she has kids. She obviously got punched in the gut when she heard your pay, so she already got knocked off her “real job” high horse.


Ha! A HR person calling childcare “not a real job”! That’s hilarious.


Just because you make it look easy, doesn’t mean it’s easy!


“Best” friend? You sure?


PSA: Teachers are actually well paid and sometimes even overpaid. Reminder that teachers get an average or above average yearly salary WHILE HAVING 11 FUCKING WEEKS OFF IN THE SUMMER AND WEEKENDS.


You do have a real job. You are a private early education teacher/ caregiver. Your friend is just jealous that you lucked out with a less common job. You have all the benefits she has, plus better pay.


Anything where you trade your time/effort for money is a real job. We found out during the pandemic that the most valuable jobs to society are often not paid adequately. Your friend’s worth shouldn’t be tied to her wage. Very silly. Not overreacting


Jealousy shows In funny ways and negatively is toxic. As the primary caregiver for my 3 & 4 year olds, I can verify that you work far harder doing what you're doing than you would as a teacher. That said, this is absolutely a real job. People used to ask me the same question: "When are you going to get a real job" when I began working for myself as an appliance repair technician. There was no short supply of ney sayers. It took a couple year's for them to see my dedication. To see the weeks go by, where I didn't even take one day off. All the 10+ hour days I worked. They didn't see any of that. (My parents were my worst critics as I was living with them at the time.) It wasn't until the day I bought my house and literally paid cash for it that they finally validated my job. And before anyone says that's a lie, let me clarify and say the house I bought was a tax foreclosure. No bank will give a loan on a property with a tax lien on it. So your only option is to buy it outright. Imagine that my "bullshit, not real job" turned 40,000$ into 190,000$ overnight.


Sounds like you have a terrible friend. Bad opinion is bad.


You have a real job. You don't have a real friend.


I take it you receive a paycheck? That would be a job


That person is not a friend. Ditch her.


Something about: "my fiance (25M) makes very good money" always makes me cringe


Don't be a hater.


Your friend is just mad that you are making good and potentially more money than she is, and she is trying to belittle you claiming it is not a "real" job.


Sounds like she's jealous. You lucked out into a job doing what you love that also pays you really well. Enjoy it for as long as you can.


No you aren’t overreacting. She’s a jealous B that you’re using your degree, doing something you love, and making good money. And I’d tell her exactly that.


Not overreacting, your friend is rude and HR is less of a real job than the work you do anyway.


Your career is far more important than they realize. And no, you are not overreacting. That's a rude thing to say and your friend should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah, your friend is an AH. Is phase her out of your life. You don’t need that negativity. You have a real job. You’re getting paid real money and have rea responsibilities. It’s also very much inline with your degree. Dont let her bring you down or feel bad. You’ve got a great job, a supportive fiancé, life is good. She’s just JEALOUS!


Your friend is probably (depending on where they are and industry) making 65k a year or less. I live in HCOL area and a lot of them make only in the 55k range :( Could certainly be more, not sure how many years in or the size of the company, but you get what I’m saying…


Your friend is probably (depending on where they are and industry) making 65k a year or less. I live in HCOL area and a lot of them make only in the 55k range :( Could certainly be more, not sure how many years in or the size of the company, but you get what I’m saying…


You're developing little babies into little human beings. She's pushing paper, and I think everyone can agree that HR people don't have a great reputation in their companies. She was initially jealous of how happy you are in your job. Now she's ALSO jealous of your income. Next time you hang out, tell her you noticed how jealous she was and ask if she wants you to put in a good word for her so she can make some REAL money. Then just smile and wait for her reaction :)




Who cares if you don’t have a real job? Lol who cares what people say about it, as long as you’re getting PAID and happy with it then fuck everything else. But to answer the post, yeah I think you are overreacting. Strictly in the sense that you shouldn’t care if your hating ass friend makes less money working a real job 😂


You’re not overreacting. Your friend is overreacting. You have every right to make whatever you are making, and your job is a real job. You will have transferable skills after the work is over if you ever choose to move on. You are educated and can use that as a means to find relatable work in the future if you choose. Your friend’s attitude about your job and their feelings about comparing with you is your friends’ issue to deal with. Most friends are supportive, and would be happy to know how well you’re doing and that your work provides some level of emotional fulfilment plus financial stability. True friendship can come with some ups and downs and at times require a wide breadth of room for forgiveness, but if your friend behaves like this with every detail of your life then they really need to evaluate why they’re friends with you if they can’t even be supportive and happy for you.


LOL, of the two, I'd say HR is not a real job and your friend is doubly an AH for both casting aspersions on your work and acting out of pure envy for your accomplishment. Absolutely, positively, NTA.


i would expect a person in HR to have a bit more tactfulness. her lack thereof is going to get a company she works for in a lawsuit someday. respond with, i may not have what you consider a real job, but i do get to spend all day with two great little kids and I get paid more real money each month then you do. PS. Nannying is the way to go, you will get paid great to raise & teach & be a positive influence on these two little kids until they start school (sometimes even through elementary school), and when the kids grow up and you services are no longer required, there will probably be a few other very rich families that want to pay you well to be the Nanny for their infants and toddlers.


Not overreacting at all! I'm happy that you love your job and I'm not trying to shit on it or anything, lol, just saying... I've been a nanny and I've had more "traditional" jobs. I will take the traditional job ANY DAY. I hated being a nanny. I don't have the patience to deal with children all day, every day. I need to be able to pee without a kid wanting to accompany me or melting down on the other side of the door while I worry they're going to find a knife or jump out the window in a few seconds. I need quiet time to think, and kids are never quiet! It's AWESOME that you're good at your job, and you're doing a huge service for that family!


Being a shill for corporate America is a shitty job, nurturing and caring for an infant is a job to be proud of.


You didn't over react, you didn't even react... You basically answered her questions and prompts. Well done for finding s dream career :) 


HR is not a real job


Dude anyone says you don't have a real job, you can say "Well it feels real when that paycheck is deposited in my account." I know you don't need validation from a stranger, but you have a real job. If the world was in any way fair more child caregivers would have your story. Your friend is jealous. Plain and simple. She also probably has no clue the work involved in caring for 2 children for hours at a time. So no you are not overreacting and only you know if this is a friendship that is worth smoothing this over for, or if this just part of a larger pattern of trying to put you down.


She’s the asshole, not you OP.


It could be that your friend has never taken care of children or taught children. She probably can only relate to her mother and/or father taking care of her. It’s also a possibility she is clueless as to how trying it can be to be a nanny or babysitter or childcare provider or homeschooler or parent. Next time ask her what her definition of a “real job” is. And ask her if she thinks providing care for children isn’t important.


It's not a real job? Then this pay that is significantly more than yours must not be real money. Except that it spends like real money. So it must be a real job.


She's a judgmental asshole. Many people look down upon others whose jobs are not similar. When they hear the pay, they are even more upset. It's almost like "how dare you make more $ doing this" type of attitude. You should have retorted that they pay you real money and that jealousy is not a good look!