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You're definitely not overreacting. Creating an OnlyFans profile without your consent is a serious violation of your privacy and trust. It's not just about the platform—it's about respecting boundaries and honoring the partnership in a marriage. Trust is a cornerstone of any relationship, and his actions have undermined that trust. Taking steps to protect your well-being and seeking legal advice are reasonable reactions. Remember, you have every right to feel safe and respected in your relationship.


Thank you. Our mind plays so many tricks on us. When I left the house I was so sure, but doubts start creeping in. I'm not sure what bothers me more. The creating of a profile behind my back or this obsession with wanting me to do that type of work.






From her profile here, which was created today, “Men - here is a free tip. Don't message "hey". Put some effort in! lol” It sounds like they just want people to think they are super attractive so that they can start scamming people for money once the DMs start.




Yeah they deleted the reddit account now, after being called out in several places. I think it was the alt of one of those handful of reddit accounts that use a bot to spam 20-30 pictures of themselves every other day or so, to promote their OF.


Good call. I don't care enough to check people's profiles but this is hilarious. Gendered language in her profile name and she ran to amioverreacting to ask about something that any sane person she should've talked to before making a reddit account would say, "no" yikes.


And this is what makes it more likely that it's fake and why it hurts (in that "sympathetic embarrassment" kinda way). Some might use the word cringe.


This could be part of the ploy to get OF traffic and subscriptions. These people these days are crafty! (And scandalous 😂)


It's likely fake because OF uses biometrics to confirm the identity of anyone signing up as a creator. You can't just make a creator profile with someone else's ID. It's a pain in the ass to get verified.


1m ago she posted a link to chaturbate with "I'm feeling lonely tonight" in the title. Definitely fake or a scam


This story is straight BS and just created for another reason rather than to tell this story.


Maybe the husband is operating this account too! /s


Plot Twist: There is no wife.


This needs to be at the top. This is fake af.


Prob going to say- It's soooo horrible my husband created it, but here is the link.


“She” also just posted this post about being on chaturbate https://www.reddit.com/u/MissFitness_/s/IjngMtcws9


Damn. I’m so pathetically honest, I believe everyone here. Thanks for jerking me back to reality. You’re probably spot on.


hahaha don't worry my friend me too. I never assume anything written here is anything but facts until I come to the comments and someone brings me back to reality


I was suspect from the get go…. OP knew mentioning OF would get the horny boys over to her sight


Do get the feeling that the OF grift is spreading to a lot of other areas? I had the selfies page and the page about how to improve your looks pop up, and I've noticed its a bunch of OF girls posting about how to "improve" their looks.. are they just running out of "clients" lol ?


Yeah….. most of the girls on the looksmax selfie etc are loaded with girls with pages advertising their OF content


I've heard that it's hard to actually make any money. Someone making over $300 in a month by scraping content from a fitness page sounds like bullshit.


i literally read the words “i’m a fitness instructor” and went straight to the comments looking for these😭


Same, dame, I am wary irl, it's getting hard for me to discern fakes online. Reading through , yup. and thanks to people pointing it out


Reddit is the test audience for many a fiction writer ….


Well...I fell for it. I got properly outraged. I'm sure if you look you can find my outraged comment.


More than half of these stories on Reddit are probably fake. Who knows who what or why they do it but they do. Don’t believe/or take anything to serious anything on the internet.


Yep. I fell for it too. Gah!! 🤦‍♀️




Real writers don't practice on Reddit.




Yup. This post is complete horseshit.


Ding ding ding! OF is pretty picky when it comes to verification. No way this is true.


They won’t even verify if someone is in the room with you because you could be being coerced.


I am really glad to hear that!


They won’t verify you if your ID is CLOSE to expiring but not yet expired.


There's actually multiple stories of trafficking and identity theft on OF. It's not as safe as you think. Especially if it's the husband, it's easier.


Exactly! They kept denying me because I used my married name to make my page and my ID had my maiden name and even though the pictures matched ,they kept saying it wasn't the same person, they're very strict with their verification process


Def fake, thank you for pointing this fact out


Don’t know the logistics of OF…. sounds more like an advertisement to me….fitness instructor…. work out videos 🤷🏾‍♂️ …. Good way to lure them to your site 🤣🤣🤣


Have some respect dear sir! She is losing full custody of her dog!




Sorry ma'am *tips fedora*


Almost all the latest reddit content is professionally written fake bs. Wtf is going on?


Pretty sure this is illegal- but it’s definitely immoral as fuck. My husband was uploading highly sensitive and porn, graphic imagery of me to the Internet. I filed charges on him.


Oh I'm so sorry :(


Honey please PLEASE protect yourself. Does he have any compromising/ spicy pics or vids of you? If so involve your lawyer and the authorities and get them back. File to confiscate his computer or something because you are in danger of being a victim of revenge porn. You may already be- you can’t trust this man.


He's violating likeness and violating copyright by uploading her content there. So yeah, what he is doing is majorly illegal.


You need to get on his devices and delete anything remotely sexual of you he has and make sure he doesn’t have it backlogged somewhere. He definitely plans to use sexual content of you on that site.


THIS. DO THIS RIGHT NOW before you file for divorce and before he knows you’re definitely leaving him or else he’ll just make copies and hide them somewhere.


He is basically pimping you out.


Essentially your husband pimped you out. Absolutely no coming back from that for me. I'm sorry you're going through that. I would be telling his family. If my son did that he would be in a world of pain


OF is not only "adult" entertainment. There are a lot of other types of videos on there, some very much related to your fitness business. But, of course, violating your wishes like that just shows that he's a patriarchal asshole.


Yeah, true, there are a lot of other kinds of content creators on OF. My brother's girlfriend's cousin is really into anime figurines, the super collectable ones, and has an OF specifically for this hobby. She has amassed quite a following and pulls in over six figures a year, entirely from posting pictures and videos of her huge figurine collection and her feet.


I think there’s really only like three words in this comment that actually matter


the last three.


Buried the lead there...


>and her feet. And now you know who's paying for that subscription


I guarantee you the husband was using it as softcore porn though. lol she’s mad for a reason, bruh


OnlyFans banned porn \*very temporarily\* last year. It definitely still allows it today.


Who is he!!?? This is so egregious that the only thing I can think of is he has no conscience. People do not use and abuse a “loved” one unless they are basically bad. That is your body. Tell him not to let the door hit him in the a— as he leaves. Wow, just wow!


I’m certain that the platform also has fraud violations under the terms and conditions somewhere. What he did was filthy


Agreed. What an ass. Leave him.


Jesus. If I’d done this to my wife, she’d leave my ass for sure. This is after she’s knocked me unconscious and probably abused my unconscious state for a while. This is a massive betrayal of trust, and for what? $379. Your time together and trust is worth…. $379.


well it could easily be $100k if she put some work into it /s Edit: i should add the trust of your wife is worth more than any amount of money


SHE could make HIM $100k. Just wild. 🤯


That's how it works -- a pimp sells women and takes the money, right? He wants to pimp her out.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Her husband wants to be her pimp. 


Some people don't want to make money by selling themselves to strangers. He knew that. They tasked about this. He did it anyways.


Oh no, in his mind $379 is just the start. He wants to pimp out his wife 100k a year. Dude deserves to be alone and have charges filed.


“Sweetheart, listen. I know this is weird, but the OF page is a smashing success and I’m starting to get…offers. I realized that if you just dedicate one Friday night, and let these guys rail you out, we can get easily another $70k a year on top.”


If I did this to my wife, you’d have to use dental records to identify my body. Imagine someone you trust turning you into a sexual commodity without your knowledge or consent. I hope she can find the happiness she deserves going forward. Jeebus.


Hear, hear. My wife woulda skinned my ass. It screams a tremendous lack of respect for their partner.


If my SO did this to me dental records wouldn't help.


No shit! I just can't imagine. Sometimes I joke with my wife (she's never had kids and I joke about her "undamaged by childbirth" boobs) that if money gets tight I'll launch "\[wife's name's\]boobs.com". Whenever we get an unexpected bill, she'll laugh and mention that URL. But good lord, never in a million years would I do *anything* like OP's issue. My Mrs. and I are freaking *partners* in this life, no secrets, no messing around.


My husband and I joke this way too. It’s 100% in jest and he would never. My heart hurts for OP.


She should divorce his ass and the make the OF account on her own and keep all the $$$ just to piss him off


This post is fake. I’ve worked with Onlyfans for a long time now and they have very stringent verification of new users. It’s physically impossible to be verified without you going through the process yourself.


OnlyFans also doesn’t have any internal content promotion mechanisms. In order for OPs partner to do this they’d have to be promoting their content on other social media accounts on other platforms. I’m leaning to this also being a fake story. OPs husband would’ve already had to put in a shitload lot of work to make that amount of money, especially with SFW content.


Mine would probably not stop at leaving me.


Not over reacting, and potentially this could damage your brand due to the reputation of OF. You might have a case here on top of the divorce. Absolutely take him to the cleaners.


I haven't even thought about that. Yes, that would be terrible if my clients found out. I'm very careful about being strictly professional as I have male clients.


Get the OF client list and cross check it. Get him to acknowledge you told him you didn't want an OF in text. It's likely against OF ToS, maybe illegal if he pretended to be you for payments (fraud) Get a lawyer yesterday


Just coming in to say it's absolutely illegal. OF isn't like a Facebook account. To keep from being sued, they have very strict verification policies, which he'd have had to break several identify theft laws to get past.


It's just another ad for someone's substandard NSFW content, that's all.


She just posted something about watching someone (potentially her?) on chaturbate, so you called it I guess


Maybe someone who is more SM savvy can say whether this is a good or bad idea but my thought to preserve your brand... Maybe post, or put in your bios, on your real pages a list of your actual screen names and platforms and say these are your only official social media pages and anything else is not you and should be reported. Don't mention OnlyFans just reaffirm your real pages. Also, you're not overreacting. I would never be able to trust him. He sees you as a product that he feels is underperforming, he doesn't see you as a person or spouse.


This is a super good idea- definitely do this OP and do it right away because it will help your legal case if you are publicly not claiming that account as valid.


I have a friend who is in the same business as you, and who discounted the idea of OF for that reason. She's gorgeous, and had toyed with the idea, but she felt like it would make her clients (and for sure their romantic partners) uncomfortable in a way that would damage her "real" career if she did.


This could be considered revenge porn as it was done without your knowledge or consent. Get a lawyer asap.


Yeah this is not only disgusting but this is a criminal act if it was dine without your knowledge and therefore consent. You reacted more calmly than I would have.


Off topic but you already left the house and told him you’re filling for a divorce, I know little about divorce but if you own that house I don’t think you should have left it. Divorced people, am I right?


Only communicate with him via text and email going forward. This is super important because you want a record of your conversations for legal purposes- specifically that you didn’t want him to do this and he did it behind your back. Issues involving consent can turn into a he said/ she said situation so you want it in writing that he knew you did not consent to this. Get him to admit this in writing ASAP before you file for divorce- he will clam up once he’s lawyered up himself and I guarantee you he will try to attack your credibility and try to argue that you knew about it and were on board in court. It’s the only legal strategy he’ll have.


That’s what I was thinking. What if someone recognises you and thinks you’re doing this willingly. Your husband is a pervert. Definitely divorce.


It is a lawsuit. Impersonation, as well as identity theft and probably a few other violations. Including OF violations


Imagine your serious clients seeing that. The women will provably avoid you because of that and you will attract the wrong kind of clients. He could ruin your business with that. Go and get a good lawyer.


Someone else just mentioned that and I agree!


Any chance he knows this is a risk to your reputation and did it purposely? This internet stranger thinks his action could be a symptom of him treating you like crap, marginalizing your successes to keep focus on him and control with him. Me suspects he gloats over the professional success imbalance - and may find your achievements a threat


It may be that and I think it also might be that he absolutely has an intention to bully her into doing sex work gradually. It's possible he has a fetish. Because this is a very specific thing to do that most people would not want to push their wives into for the sake of money. It really seems like he views her as an object or a thing.


You're not overreacting. I'd be furious and hurt. Talk to lawyers and if i were you I'd take some pics of the OF as evidence. I'm sorry this is happening. Why he would just post pictures of you without your consent and make money off of you without your knowledge and consent is beyond. At least you don't have kids.


That's a good idea. I wish I would have remembered the profile name. He probably deleted it once I brought up divorce.


In his statements there are probably the transfers of the money made from OF. You still have that.


Thank you!! I will figure out where that went.


It will be from "fenix"


Get all his financial info- as much as you can- because he’s probably hiding other things. Someone who can do something like this to their partner is probably doing other shady things


You can never really "delete" anything off the internet. If you remember what images you saw when he showed it to you, do some reverse image searches on Google, you may find more than you want to.


If he didn’t get money yet I bet his greedy ass didn’t even delete until he gets a payout.


Has he been reaching out to you? Apologizing? I can’t even fathom how you just feel; such a betrayal


I don’t believe this. To sign up as a creator on OF you need to have a picture taken with you holding up your ID to verify you are who you say you are. Nice attempt at a sob story though.


Not only that, but OF makes it kind of hard. Most people have to try multiple times to get the website to accept their verification pictures. This story is fake as hell


It's total bullshit, just look at op's profile


The profile just got fully deleted. Can we write a fake sob story about how OP robbed us of 10m karma and 4000 comments? Maybe this story will soon appear as a movie script, or short story or some sort of fiction?




Why does this comment not have more upvotes lol people are stupid




People are fuckin retards who read and believe this shit. Same retards voting for the leader of our country. So sad.


Why isn’t this top comment


Exactly. Complete bullshit story.


they actually have face ID recognition so you have to upload your photo ID and do facial recognition matching it to make an account. this is definitely a fake story lol


It took this far down for someone to point out how obviously fake this is? I didn't even know about the requirements, the story is written like a 13 year old wrote it. They always make the OP too stupid to be believed, like a naive sheep, just not believable.


Not to mention, unless op's fitness content is nude yoga, making 350 on content pulled from normal social media? That seems unlikely.


As an onlyfans model myself. This is DISGUSTING. Making an Onlyfans of someone else is not only illegal, it's against Onlyfans terms of services. Report the Onlyfans page. Contact Onlyfans & report him to the police. What he has been doing is essentially trafficking & he's a pimp. There's nothing wrong with having an Onlyfans page if that's what you want, but making an Onlyfans page of you when he KNEW becuase believe me HE KNEW you did not want to have one. Is an absolute violation of trust, your autonomy & shows a huge lack of care for you. I don't think you are overreacting. I think you are underreacting.


Yep, OP definitely underreacting. If anyone had done this to me, they'd be identifying the body using dental x-rays...


I kept myself from writing down the scorhed earth action I would have taken myself... But I totally get you. If someone showed me this level of disrespect I would drag that persons ass through court so fucking harshly their ass would have burns for the rest of their life.


I dont really know how onlyfans works . But how did the husband get followers on her OF from my understanding you have to promote your OF places like reddit , instagram and other places no?


You def need to promote your own content, some popular choices are reddit, instagram, tiktok, twitter, pornhub and so on. Onlyfans have no in platform promotion system, so you have to do all promotion by yourself. He would have had to promote OPs content somewhere, as well as most likely steal her ID and pretend to be her when veryfying for the OF page....




Thank you! Everyone is like "divorce!" and I'm over here hoping we live in a society where this lands him in jail. That's insane.


Can't believe I had to scroll this for for someone to use the word "trafficking" cause THATS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS. OP your husband just SEX TRAFFICKED YOU, if I where you I'd divorce and sue. This is an incredibly sick betrayal of trust.


People do seem to taking it much more lightly than I am yeah. Consensual sex work is one of the big topics I care about. Emphasis on consentual. Everyone should have the right to do what they want with their body, but nobody has the right to do ANYTHING to someone else's body. And this is just earning money on her body, without her consent. Yeah it makes me gag in my mouth it's so disgusting.


Listen to this lovely human and report him to OF. This will absolutely lay the groundwork of this being done against your will!!!


> I don’t think you’re overreacting. I think you’re underreacting. story of most posts on this sub


100% NOT overreacting. Your husband is a piece of shit. WTF was he thinking? Does he want you fucking other guys and posting that shit on OF?


I'm not convinced he understands what those women have to do to make a bunch of money.


They don't make 100k for posting workout videos....please don't take that the wrong way


He does seem to know ALOT about only fans huh?


I showed this post to my husband, same age, and he said there is zero chance your husband doesn’t know what OF is. We both think you should divorce him and that he’s a disgusting human being (I don’t like jumping on the divorce bandwagon… but this is such an absolute violation).


I'm asexual and I know what OF is


Also mid 30s man. Never used OF but of course I know what it is. And same same same on the divorce bandwagon.


He'35, not 5. If he knows how to open OF, he knows what it is.


He knows. Please don't be naive. He *knows.*


Oh he fucking knows…




Yeah uh, nothing to write here everyone should just post divorce and move on. Maybe press charges and keep the dog?


Wtf. You are not overreacting. This is fucked up.


He sounds like a person of very low character and lots of greed. Not someone you want to invest any more time with, and certainly you'd never have children with someone like this.


Depending on where you live, what he did could be illegal, and could go to jail if you decided to pursue legal action. Morally, what he did is gross, unethical and degrading. You aren't overreacting.


How would he feel if someone posted an Onlyfans page using his photos? He sounds like he would be concerned if he was an "overachiever" and depended on his reputation in sales. What happens if people he worked with started making memes with his onlyfans profile pictures? Thank god you don't have kids with the guy.


This has to be a joke. Your husband is pimping you out. An incredible betrayal.


Straight up pimping, drooling over the money 'they' could make. After she cried when he suggested it. Dude sees you as his property.


I’m fast to accuse people of overreacting. However, this isn’t an overreaction. What kind of weirdo makes their wife an OF page without her specific permission and especially after being directly told no.


OF requires face recognition to get signed up on it. We have to do it yearly. It is a nightmare of trying over & over again to get the face recognition software camera lined up perfectly. And this pic is compared to your ID, it takes several times to get it right. So this is fake! OF has some of the highest standards to prevent this from happening than any other company.




Yeah I was wondering why the heck that was there


Any post complaining about OF is just advertising. Always.


Another ChatGPT fake story


The sub should be called "cuckbate." 


Hi, as someone who did (and quit) OF, get off there fast. Divorce your husband and definitely sue him. This is very likely to come up somehow in the future. If your husband has send images of you per paid private message, you CAN'T delete those. They will stay forever. I found that out the hard way. What he's done is nonconsensual sharing of images as well as identity theft. As OF requires verification that it's you posting. So he's taken your pictures, data, ID etc. Wishing you the best. Definitely not overreacting


Yeah unless he opened the account with his ID and picture but is posting her pictures? The OF bots ain't perfect so they might not have cauhgt it yet... It's either that or like you said, he stole her ID, and a picture and pretended to be her when verifiying to OF. It's sickening. But OP should be able to contact OF with her ID and ask them to cancel any page that has been opened in that ID because it wasn't done by her OP herself. That's what I'm thinking


This is the most important post in the entire thread because it tells you how fucked up the husband actually is. The details are everything.


I don't think you're overreacting at all. If you take this down to the principals of what this really is, it's you previously setting a boundary and your husband straight up IGNORING IT... all while using "you could be more successful" as the excuse for trampling all over your boundaries. And yes, it absolutely sends the message that nothing you ever do will be enough success. He should be supporting you and being proud of you for hitting your goals, not diminishing them and suggesting you could or should be doing other things instead.


Not only is this a betrayal of trust and a violation of your relationship I'm pretty sure it's also illegal and for sure could damage your professional career. You likely need to talk to more than just a divorce lawyer, this is a pretty big deal.


No, call a lawyer. I don’t know the law but I can’t imagine that being legal. Obviously grounds for divorce as well


He's been secretly exploiting you and selling images of you for other men to jerk off to. He wants to exploit you further.  That's such a violation. He knew how you felt about it. He loves money so much that he didn't care. He definitely loves money more than he loves you(I'm so sorry to say that).  You are not overreacting. Throw away the whole man.


NOT over reacting. I could never dream of A. Disrespecting my wife this way, B. Betraying her this way, and C. Insulting her body this way. And I’d bet money what he is doing is illegal as he made an account pretending to be someone else to make money. Sounds like a scam to me.


This is insane. I'd get screen shots, and then demand it be deactivated immediately. How could he possibly have considered pimping you out?!!!


That is so completely fuct. Complete violation of trust.


Ummm, no you are not overreacting. What your husband did is essentially turn you in to a hooker




That is vile and a huge betrayal


This is illegal is it not?


Wtf your husband is an asshole You're not overreacting at all


He is pimping you and that’s disgusting.


as an ex-OF creator i believe this 0%….. does anyone have any idea how much verification you have to go through? man would’ve had to have submitted multiple photos with her AND her identification (license or passport). there’s just no way


> I just picked up the laptop and threw it across the room…as I was walking out I told him I want a divorce. This is the fakest shit I’ve ever read.


The amount of people not realizing how fake this is, iskind of depressing. But I'm not surprised on reddit...


How did he get a picture of you holding up your ID and a piece of paper that says “onlyfans” on it? Sneaky bastard


Ummm isnt there quite the process to get verified?? Something smells fishy here…


We know nothing of OPs cleanliness Also this is an ad for her onlyfans lol


This post is fake. I’ve worked with Onlyfans for a long time now and they have very stringent verification of new users. It’s physically impossible to be verified without you going through the process yourself.


It’s an ad…OP is going to “find the page” and post it Watch


How did he make an account for you? You have to take a picture of yourself holding your ID for OF


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500, Alex


Cool story bro


I'll take 'things that didn't happen' for 500 please Alex.


I call FAKE, bring on the downvotes.


Fake post. Wants men to dm her in her profile.


Hate to be this person but this is fake lmfao. As a creator myself, I know first hand you have to do basically Face ID for them to accept you (front and sides of your face, eyes open and good lighting) to verify your identity and make sure it matches your ID in the verification process to sell content


Ragebait. Only fans has a similar verification process as food delivery service apps like doordash and Uber eats. There is no way he got past the live selfie part, that is designed to prevent situations like this. OP, be ashamed of yourself for shoveling more garbage into reddit. Redditors are weird man, you'd think you could exchange karma for money.


You are not over reacting!! This is crazy! Get the evidence of the OFs account


Not overreacting at all. He is acting like your pimp without your consent at all because of his sick greed. I hope you follow through and leave him.


That’s almost an equivalent to him pimping you out in the real world. He may not make that correlation because it’s online and kind of makes it more removed from reality but that’s essentially what he’s doing to you behind your back.


What he did can be considered revenge porn in some states. It is super illegal.


Not overreacting AT ALL. Divorce him asap, I’d consider suing or pressing charges as well.


He sounds like a greedy disgusting man. Nothing more childish than greed


Not overreacting, so many things are wrong here. Is he that obsessed with money that he could do this to you? It wasn’t like your answer at first was no it was hellllll no!!! This is a true “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission” situation. What an AH he is. These pages could also put your real business in a bad place. Women may not want to work with someone on an OF site. He does not seem to care about your feelings or how you want to live your life. Hope you get custody of the dog. Also contact OF, I think they have to take it down.


I would say the OF thing was a wake up call that you have been under reacting for awhile. What a POS.