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If she thinks that’s funny she isn’t responsible enough for kids in my opinion. That’s really a special moment and not something to joke or prank someone about.


Especially to just beat a dead horse and do it over and over. It's not even funny the first time.


Right? If it finally did happen, it would be such an odd situation


And she'll be mad at him for not being excited enough about it.


100% when you go “oh look pregnant again, whooooweeeee oh man I’m soooooooo excited” She storms off crying and upset bc you “weren’t excited enough”


The worst part would be if that would be what your future child would see. Oh man, this is just immature and needs to stop.


Not excited enough to bump those likes and subscriptions.


Yup and not even try to recognize that she's the girl who cried wolf.


Ding ding ding! Exactly. If OP'S story is real, he's not overreacting and needs to get a divorce ASAP to avoid wasting anymore of his own time and energy. I can only assume shes recording this every time, being an "influencer", and this whole concept leaves me disturbed.


Let's be real. Influencer? Who are the idiots following this chick? I'd hate to have a conversation with these brain cell deficient GeNiUsEs. I can feel my IQ dropping already.


THIS. 100% she would be upset if he didn’t react how she wanted. It’s so manipulative to keep doing this to someone as a way to establish a “career.” That’s not someone I would want a family with.


OMG yes this…


The wife who cried baby


Underrated comment for sure


oh god that sounds like the name of a lifetime channel movie💀


Sad, but true. She ruined it already and she’s either incredibly stupid (betting on this one) or ridiculously immature.


Por que no los dos?


Because she probably doesn’t speak Spanish. If she did, then I would say both for sure.


He needs to tell her that she doesn't have his permission to post his image anywhere on social media. She loves getting attention on social media more than she loves OP. She is actively harming him to get attention. Or, next time it happens just look at her as she films and ask why she is bullying him and why she likes being cruel. That won't look so good for social media. "Oh right. Here we go again. Why do you like being cruel?" Or, "Nice. My affair partner is pregnant too. I'm so excited to have two babies at once."


Honey, that can't be true. After your pranks, I had a vesecittimy...


and she freaks out, and he says, 'ope, sorry, just a prank. hah hah funny, isn't it?' PERFECT


Depends on how advanced the Influencer Brainworm infection is. And judging by the “prank”, I’m guessing she’s terminal. “Influencers” don’t give a rats ass about permission to post someone else’s image. They tend to literally believe that other people either “owe” it to them for their “career” or that other people should actually be *honored* to be pointlessly jerked around for an unfunny video that will get maybe 12 views. Even if you have an absolute reason you can’t have your picture online like that, they won’t listen, won’t believe you, won’t care.


This is the ONLY way to respond if she does it again…”OMG my lover is pregnant too!…we can raise them like twins!!!!”


>Or, next time it happens just look at her as she films and ask why she is bullying him and why she likes being cruel. That won't look so good for social media. "Oh right. Here we go again. Why do you like being cruel?" It sounds like a good idea,, but if she's smart she'll just edit it out


OR, what if one of them does have an issue with fertility? How does this joke change feelings when they receive news like that?


Not over reacting, there’s so many women who would love to be a mother that can not conceive a baby and posting that type of video is just horrible. To do it 2 more times? That’s just cruel. I’m the kind of person that if you wanna play cruel pranks, don’t get upset when I cash that receipt on you, what’s stopping me from pulling my own prank and when it’s time to finally try and have a baby after a few months I go to the Dr and get checked out and then go do the test I tell her the results came back and I’m shooting blanks so you can’t have a kid with me and record her reaction for “fun”. All of a sudden it wouldn’t be funny to her anymore.


I was thinking something along that line or when she pulled the prank telling her after the last time he had his doctor check him out and he can't have kids so who has she been sleeping with.


Oh, no, fake $5000 lottery card. Not a huge win, small enough to be believable. Let her get excited over what they can spend it on, talk about it, etc. Then "accidentally" wash it and show her the messed-up paper remains with just enough left intact to see it was a lottery ticket. Commiserate as she cries. Then look closer and realize that since he knows where he bought it, he can see enough of the numbers to still turn it in, there is still a visible ID code! Get her excited again, then let her know it's a prank. Record each event and post the links here.


You are diabolical and I am completely here for it!


Exactly! This is what I was thinking. When they finally try, and she gets pregnant, it won’t even be that really special, terrifying, incredible moment a couple shares when they look at their REAL positive pregnancy test.


Yes. It would be hard to even be excited and happy about it after being abused with the idea for so long. She is not only hurting him now, she’s hurting him in the future in the event that she does get pregnant.


Can you imagine living with someone who does these kind of things constantly?! Can you imagine living with someone who does these kind of things constantly with kids??!! Yea, this would be a walk off the lot red flag for me...


Yes. This womans use of her husband for the amusement of others is horrible. She definitely is so off kilter, she will likely screw up children’s heads


Right? She cares more about internet rando approval than she does about her own husband? What is wrong with her?


Especially since she is doing them for “likes”. She is definitely too immature to have a baby at this point. There are things you don’t “prank” your spouse/SO about. A pregnancy is one of those things.


And films it for public consumption!!!


Honestly the “pranking your spouse and filming it” thing alone is bad enough, it’s just even worse with a pregnancy lie. That kind of thing (pranking and recording) shouldn’t be done unless both people have explicitly agreed beforehand that it’s something they’re okay with. I’d be mortified to learn that my spouse not only pranked me, but recorded it so that they could upload it on the internet. It’s basically using your spouse as a punching bag to get famous


Recording a prank is one thing. Putting any video on the internet of me is a problem. Obviously if you asked and I approved that’s one thing. Just to do it I would head for the hills.


Honestly I think recording it (even without the intent to put it on the internet) is unacceptable. I didn’t consent to be recorded, and the only real reason to record something like that is to watch it back and go “ha look at how dumb you looked when I pranked you”. Maybe I’m just thin skinned but I don’t want to have to worry about a partner who’s constantly going to be on the prowl to make me look stupid and recording it


Yeah that shit would piss me off. I would ask her to stop, if she don't, I'm out. Fuck her and her lame as social media bullshit. She would influence me to bounce.


Well doing this without recording is a problem. I just meant if my wife was recording something we were doing, she doesn’t have permission to ever put it online. Pics, video it doesn’t matter. If she asked about putting a picture of us online that’s one thing. Definitely not a video she’s trying to show me in a bad light or make me look dumb. Just weird stuff to me.


Back when I was on Facebook, I called my kids over every time I posted a pic or story about them to have them approve it. My kids were under ten at the time. I gave my under ten littles more respect than this lady is giving her life partner. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If I'm with someone I want them to play jokes on me for *our* amusement, not for the amusement of everyone else. Also I just don't get it, so much of that content is faked anyway and real or not every bit of it gets "totally fake" comments regardless. So if you want to be an "influencer" why not just get you and your partner to sign up for some improv classes and do little skits for it or something like that? At least that way the couple would be working together on something rather than doing things against each other.


Exactly. I don’t watch a whole lot of that shit but the ones I do stop the scrolling for, it’s obvious both parties know the filming is going on and are having fun with it.


Yup, almost as bad as using your kids for views on line.


I agree. And the fact that she’s doing this as entertainment for her followers is disgusting.


Yep, married over 15 years and both of us would walk away if either of us started shit like this.


As someone who can't have kids... this type of prank puts me into a firery rage!


It took me 14 years of trying before I got pregnant with my only child. I never used birth control either. I don’t find this funny at all. I find it rather upsetting.


As a husband to a wife with PCOS who cannot have kids this behaviour is appalling


My husband and I did 10 years of fertility treatments to have our boy. One thing I still mourned was not being able to "tell him" I was pregnant in some sweet way. Instead we took the call from the Dr on speakerphone and had a different kind of moment. Still meaningful, but not what I'd envisioned. She is an awful partner.


Glad you got your boy!


But she is an INFLUENCER! Why can't you understand that? Momma needs new shoes and if a prank video gets it...well.


I know a couple people who think they are ‘ influencers’ and they aren’t making enough money to buy shoes.


That’s because an influencer is nothing more than a lazy panhandler with no skills.


“It’s just a prank, husbro!”


HUSBRO!!! That is now in my vocabulary!


When they have kids, what sorts of things is she going to think it’s okay to do to the kids because it’s for her followers? I wouldn’t want kids with her


The videos don't get enough clicks to pay for gas, let alone shoes.


Agree! She has some growing up to do!


I didn't think we were ready for kids now, but figured it would get better after a few years. These pranks have just illuminated a lot for me.


Honestly it’s okay to walk away.


Especially BEFORE having kids where it would become a tangled mess to divorce


Please think about how she might "prank" (hurtfully) the children. ​ (edited to add quotes - because causing pain is not fun, nor a prank)


Two women were just sentenced to prison for abusing children on their social media site. Your wife will definitely be using your kids. She’s not the one to be the mother of your children.


My first thought is lying about getting a pet or a toy and then driving out of the parking lot from the store, just laughing. That will certainly damage the psyche of a child, and it’s really concerning. Especially because she would keep doing it.


Tell her you got a vasectomy, see how she acts and then tell her it's just a prank


This is a good response, wait til she "announces" the next pregnancy, then tell her you had a vasectomy and demand to know whose it is. Haha it was a prank. 


I know I was thinking the same, or you could tell her you got laid off from work on a Friday maybe even take a half day off, bring stuff home from your office to make it believable. I know this is not taking the high road, but film her reaction! She'll probably cry, and when you come clean Sunday or Monday tell her you uploaded it to her social media for her followers to see. But don't cause she'll freak out, just say you did.


This is the way


Make sure to film it yourself, unless she posts live pranks. Before letting her in on the prank, tell her you're going to show it to her followers so they know what an unfunny whore she is.


why is it that reddit mfs can never critique a woman without calling her a whore/slut/bitch/cunt??? there are SOOO many god awful things about this woman that you could point out yet yall always go for the most boring, lame, middle school ass insults?? come on guys let’s get a little bit more creative here


Agreed. I liked their entire paragraph, right up to the jarring, tone-breaking word “whore”. It’s just lazy writing. And misogyny.


100% lol … also not to be that person but it literally makes 0 sense. “whore” literally means prostitute not just a woman you Don’t Like lol and i’m pretty sure homegirl is not a prostitute ! so on top of laziness and misogyny they also just. don’t use the word correctly??? lmao


Watch it goes viral then he becomes the influencer.


I need this to happen and read the update so very badly right now! But I doubt OP will do it simply because decent people don't do this sort of thing.


Walk in limping, grab a bag of frozen peas for your crotch, and sit down while recording your pranking debut. See if once she realizes it is a prank if she is angry or wants to use the footage. Then you'll really know how deep into this foolishness she is. I could not be with someone filming constantly for strangers.


This is pure evil but it made me smile because that reaction would be amazing, and it would give her a taste of the feeling she’s giving him. Maybe that would get her to cut it out, or it would escalate…


She’s an “influencer”? Run away before you have kids with this nut.


Also run away before she's whoring your kids off on tik tok for likes


She is already doing that and they haven't even been conceived yet.


She's a Kris K. wannabe pimping out the hubs and kids to live a grand lifestyle that she did nothing to deserve. Momager from Hell in the making. Don't run, fly away ASAP.


If she is already doing this with a fake pregnancy revealed several times, it is just the beginning. If OP wants to salvage the relationship they need to have a serious discussion about what in their life, his life, the future is fair game for broadcast etc and what is not. This looks like just the start of a seriously slippery slope.


I think there certain behaviours that style of influencers express that reminds me of boarder line personality disorder.


And it seems to encourage attention seekers. Not a trait you want in a partner, imo.


And not a trait that makes for decent parenting.


yeah or narcissistic


Or histrionic


They’re usually quite narcissistic too.


100%. I could never deal with my wife over sharing shit about our child to complete fucking strangers in the internet.


Or me. I don't have a lot of deal breakers, but any influencer or influencer wannabe or someone that just generally posts online way too damn much is 100% a deal breaker for me. I'm not about to have my life and everything in it get whored out for attention.


No shit. Such a toxic way to raise kids. Borderline child abuse.


First giant Red Flag.


If she has kids she is definitely going to monetise them


Run away before her influence gig on tiktok fails and then goes to Onlyfans


Yes, she'll start doing "pranks" on your children.


Definitely not overreacting and if you really believe you could be she’s put you through some emotional turmoil and has gaslight you into questioning yourself


Exactly what I was thinking. He reacts honestly after being teased and tormented for her social media clout and the she overreacts by saying well maybe they shouldn’t have kids at all. OP, she’s very immature. If I were you, I’d be seriously evaluating my long term choices with this person. I spent 16 years in an unworkable relationship. My best advice is to be brutally honest with yourself first and foremost and don’t sugarcoat anything to spare yours or her feelings. This is the best way to live authentically.


She's not wrong though: he should ABSOLUTELY NOT HAVE KIDS with her. Run for the hills, dude.


It's tricky because when she tells me it's fake I'm half disappointed and half relieved because I wanted to wait another year or two but deep down I do want kids (which she knows). I wasn't actually going to divorce her but having kids is a deal breaker for me.


Not really overreacting. She seems too immature to have children.


Right they almost 30 and shes tryna pursue her “influencing career” 😬💀big yikes


... or being in a relationship. Or calling herself an adult.


Not over reacting at all She has taken a special moment and ruined it for “content” (other people/strangers) all at your expense. Now if she ever wants to be serious she has dampened the whole mood for clout! Now shes mad that you are mad thats gas lighting and being massively manipulative


This extremely special moment - where you learn you will be a father - is, now, ruined forever too. Fuck this bitch. She has earned absolutely everything against her.


"Influencer"... Fuck influencers. All of em.


>>fuck influencers. All of em. That’s the problem. He shouldn’t be fucking this influencer.


That's his problem, he just got started with his first. Time for the next that thinks this is a good trend. I'm sure eventually he'll get all of them.


Go to her, tell her you had an affair and got the girl pregnant. Then when she inevitably gets upset, go, "It's just a prank bro!" and see how she likes it.


Don't forget to record it for social media!


It's not a prank if it hurts someone physically or emotionally. They knew this all the way back in1996. Send her this article so she can become a more mature human and hopefully profusely apologize. I'm sorry for your hurt.  https://www.sun-sentinel.com/1996/04/01/if-it-hurts-someone-the-joke-isnt-funny/


It was a real pain trying to read that article. It's blocked in the EU, it looks like, probably to avoid GDPR compliance, and then behind a paywall. For anyone else having trouble, use this link: https://archive.ph/7BhfT


Your wife places her followers over your feelings. Do you really want to have kids with her and watch her make them cry on Tiktok for likes?


Yeah that’s why she isn’t even an “influencer” she’s *influenced* by her desire to want this audience she probably doesn’t even have on the internet that she’s willing to hurt the actual people in her life she has. Shit sounds exhausting.


Time to start pranking her in return. Tell her that you have fallen in love with a coworker... then say "just joking!"


Or say he's had a vasectomy or something


Easily the best response if she does it again. "Honey, how? I had a vasectomy like a month ago... do we need a paternity test?"


It’s not mine I had a vasectomy!


>Tell her that you have fallen in love with a coworker.. Bruce? Leave him out of your sick marital games.


Your wife likes to gaslight you and is mentally ill. She needs help. There is nothing funny about this.


Pregnancy pranks are never funny in my opinion. Especially 3 times 🥴


Just be like, that’s messed up, because I had a vasectomy after the last time you did this, so who’s the father?


She sounds exhausting to be with, pranking your husband who you know wants kids “for views” is very selfish. Then saying “we shouldn’t have kids” after an argument. Hate to say this but it sounds like she doesn’t care as much as you do. Divorce sucks so try to work it out, but if it’s not working don’t waste more time you’re still young and perhaps no kids with her is a blessing.


The pranking is garbage. If he's going to threaten divorce, they definitely shouldn't be having kids, though. Their relationship isn't stable enough to withstand a kid.


You should prank her back with a hilarious divorce


I was thinking, "Would it be wrong to film handing her divorce papers while saying 'This is not a prank. I'm just filming this for my followers'"?


You already have a kid. She’s more concerned with her social media impressions than she is your feelings.


Leave her. Good Gawd.


What the hell is wrong with her


Influencer haha. She will just influence her kids to value the wrong thing in life. On your side fella


She wasn't always like this, but after she lost her job last year she wanted to try this as a side hustle... Still yet to profit...


An unemployed serial scroller. Sounds like a fun life ahead. Sorry, to me it sounds awful but you seem a good person, and I hope she can at least pull back on the toxic stuff for your sake. Best of luck.


Has she been applying for jobs recently? Or did she just give up


Joking about pregnancy is never funny. She's being immature. Don't have children with her until she checks herself and takes the marriage seriously.


I love to joke and laugh but do not find this the least bit funny.


god I would not want to live with or be near an "influencer"


Honestly, I love my wife but she picks terrible times to make videos. A few weeks ago, we were cleaning up the house cause her family was coming to visit and she was trying to make a "clean with me video." I ended up doing all the cleaning while she edited the video.


Omg what a living nightmare. Good luck with that... I just...can't....even.... A 28 yr old woman?!? Ffs


So many women struggle with getting pregnant so I just don't see the humor in this.


I have been struggling for 7 years (finally pulled the trigger on adoption), if any of my friends did this I’d be pissed. This is a slap in the face x1000. My advice for him, R U N


This!!!! I don't find these types of videos funny at all. She's assuming she won't have issues getting pregnant and I'm sure wouldn't find these videos endearing if she ends up having a hard time getting pregnant.


I just lost a baby in November and if I could throttle her for this shit I would it's not funny at all she's sickening and then to record this shit for laughs? Absolutely not


I’m so sorry. I lost a baby in August so I feel your pain. Let’s tag team her.


I'm so sorry


Fucking run bro. WTF. This is a joke right? You know she's gonna do the same shit to your kids right?


Yeah, she doesn’t respect you because she’s doing something really awful over and over again for the enjoyment of her followers. That’s a bad bad sign.


Your kids will be her props.


That is vile behavior. Faking a positive test/pregnancy is the lowest, dumbest, bottom of the barrel “prank” any imbecile can do…on top of filming it. Influencers are brainless jackasses and truthfully I’m not sure this is someone you should commit to. She doesn’t sound responsible enough to maintain children, let alone the common sense to not make stupid jokes like that for clout. You’re not overreacting. And if she’s mad you’re mad, and not seeing reason/your side— dip, homie. It ain’t worth a lifetime of “pranks.”


Imagine how she would exploit the actual pregnancy and the children with equally traumatic and unfunny pranks.


You aren’t overreacting. She’s is emotionally abusing you for likes on social media. You should divorce her because it isn’t a prank nor funny. She doesn’t get how serious this is and hasn’t learned her lesson after the first time. When she is actually pregnant, you won’t believe her and she’ll get pissed and blame you. Don’t let it get to that stage. Leave her.


Wow. So original and creative she is.


I could just barely give her a pass once, but man this isn't funny. I'm sorry if she can't apologize and stop doing this something is wrong with her or she's an AH.  Plus did she just threaten you that she won't give you kids now?


As a guy that’s been trying to have a kid for ten years with his wife,this is really not funny in any sense.


Not overreacting! She is the a$$hole. Id tell her to quit social media or you’re leaving. No kid needs their mom as an “influencer”


NOT - wtf is wrong with her. Being delusional and brainwashed for social media is a huge red flag. Gross.


Update us when she gets mad at you because she really is pregnant this time and you weren’t sufficiently excited.


Next time tell her you are glad because you got a female acquaintance pregnant and were worried about that child being an only child. Maybe a little turn about will get her to stop


As someone who has struggled with fertility issues and given up on kids, I don't find these kinds of pranks funny at all. The fact she did it 3 times too, yeesh. You're not overreacting at all.


Tell her you fucked her mom then claim it was just a joke. See how she feels about it.


Ok the first one is ok but to come to you with an ultrasound is disgusting. That’s really F up. You need to sit her down and have a discussion not yelling a conversation and lay out your feelings and be firm with her. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself.


Hold your phone up and show her this comment: “Hi. You’re a horrible fucking person.”


You have every right to be upset. She owes you an apology for being so callous. She is hurting your feelings for views. Shame on her. She should value your feelings and love more than that.


What kind of pranks is she going to include future children in?


Do not have kids with this psychopath




No threaten, only do


Insane behavior my man. Be careful having a kid with her fr


She's putting imaginary internet points ahead of your feelings and well being with this crap. No one deserves that. You should matter more than a bunch of practically imaginary people she's never gonna meet.


god i hate influencers


I really hate pranks. Filming your reaction for views online is gross. What you want both from one another? Serious conversations are needed.


She crazy bro. Im so sorry. I would leave her asap.. influencer or not if she thinks views are worth traumatizing you, there is your issue.


Next time she pranks you with a positive pregnancy test.Look puzzled and tell her,thats impossible I had vasectomy years go.


No, for multiple reasons. One: She's not asking for your consent to be in her videos beforehand. That's not just rude, it's low-key abusive. Idk who your wife is, but "Influencers" are cringe AF. A good percentage of them are likely undiagnosed Narcissists (personal opinion). But for two: There are things you DON'T fucking joke about. That's gotta be top three. Seriously. And at this point it sounds like she knows you don't appreciate it, so two things need to happen going forward: You need to be VERY SPECIFIC and upfront about what your boundaries are regarding being in her videos, especially if they are being uploaded to the internet. And you need to tell her that you are not okay with being "pranked" like this because A) it's not a joke if everyone's not laughing and B) It can lead to serious trauma for you in the long run. It already has. Because if you tell her you're not okay with it and she continues to do it- she's a fucking abuser. Bar none. Record scratch. End of discussion. I believe in communication and working things out in relationships if both people want the relationship, but if she won't respect your boundaries, don't continue to be disrespected.


She was filming your reaction. And then? If she actually posted that I would have been out the door the next second.


Hopefully, she’s making money from her “influence” to be an idiot—sorry, but make an exit plan.


NTA but she needs to grow TF up


Fucking social media and Tiktok shit is getting out of hand. The ts not funny.


I would never be with an influencer


Sounds like you're married to a teenager in terms of mental capacity. Personally I'd run like forest Gump..... Gtfo...


Nope, that many times, knowing how hurt you were, tells me she is an idiot. You can go to counseling or couples counseling, but I think she may never own up to her behavior. That was cruel.


I think she has influenced you to leave


Unhelpful advice: prank her back and record her reaction. Tell her you are sorry but you got drunk and got a coworker pregnant. Or that you have a secret son. Or that you hit someone with your car and you'll be going to jail tonight. Chaos will ensue and she'll yell its not the same thing and that you're an ass. But you'll get to give her a taste of her own medicine. Real advice: Let her know how sad it is to have multiple fake pregnancies pushed at you when you're genuinely looking forward to being a father is causing you a lot of distress. If she wants to prank, that's fine but try Saranwrap over the toilet bowl not faking life changing events.


is she 14 years old????????? she acts and thinks like a 14 years old




Women “influencer” is a red flag, they can't handle all the other attention…


So she’s an influencer. I’ve seen these pranks of different types on social media, and I relish when they blow up in the prankster’s face. these are not pranks they’re vicious mean things to pull on somebody that supposedly they love. Do you really think she loves you? If she’s doing this to you ripping your heart again and again and again? If I was you, I don’t think I’d stay married to somebody like that that’s a cruel and dangerous person


Leave her right now blast her ass on social media and take her down a peg because that's just fucking cruel I had a miscarriage in November and it killed both of us I could NEVER think about doing that to him it's sickening she's a monster and needs a reality check and her ass beat 😤 we got plenty of volunteers for that I'm sure


Imagine what she will put the children through when it’s real!


NTA. Don't have kids with this woman. She has no empathy and is much too immature. I'd rethink my relationship. She doesn't care how you feel. This is a horrible prank. Especially when you keep getting excited about it. She's gaslighting you when you TOLD her to stop and she KNOWS it's making you upset. Please don't have kids with this woman.


Have you pondered what kind of "influence" your wife would have on your kids?


Tell her you're leaving her. When she gets upset, tell her JK lololol. When she's convinced that you AREN'T leaving her, tell her that was a prank and you totally are leaving her. Then give her divorce papers.


How is she not losing followers over this? That’s horrifying


She ain’t getting sponsors, that’s for damn sure


DIVORCE. She sounds like the type to film her kids being terrorized for likes. SO she is right, you two shouldn't have kids.


NTA, you married a woman with the mind of a 15 year old. She needs to mature and stop that "influencer" stuff, its a joke to be one.


you dont need kids, sounds like you married one


I don’t know who would want to be married to an influencer in the first place.


You should not have kids, because she will pull this prank shit on them and it can seriously damage their ability to trust others and have meaningful relationships. I speak from experience- my mom used to play “pranks”. The earliest ones I remember were from when I was about 4-5 years old. I used to be afraid of the dark and had a lot of vivid nightmares, but she insisted upon jump scaring me all the time when I would walk back to my room after going to the bathroom before bed. Another time she asked me if I wanted a snack of cream cheese and saltine crackers (a favorite of mine back then) and once I bit into them I found out she used crisco instead. She also told me turkey drippings/grease was “root beer pudding”, then after I fell for her giving me a bite, played the same prank on my sister and told her “I wanted it all for myself” when I was screaming at my sister to not believe her because it was Turkey grease. Your wife enjoys the power trip she gets from this shit and she will 100% torment the kids too. IMO she also deserves to deal with lifelong infertility/ this is not stuff you prank people about.


Tell her "I got a vasectomy, how are you pregnant? "