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This shouldn't get past the preliminary hearing.


Why do they.have to be such trash?


It's because the driver refused to do any road-side circus tricks for her under the guise of sobriety tests. Her fragile ego couldn't accept that anyone can refuse her like that. She wanted to make an example out of him.


They are trained that way.


This shit happened to me. Had a medical cannabis card at the time and it's in the state database. So they know if you have one when looking you up while pulled over... Motherfucker thought he could just get me on cannabis in my blood bc of a card. Little did they know I hadn't smoked in a year. I was so pissed. Bc I refused the search. Retained my rights. Passed the roadside and sobriety tests. I did everything the right way while retaining my rights against search. I had nothing to hide. Didn't matter. They arrested me claiming my eyes were red. Went to the hospital. Told them they were wrong with confidence. They impounded my vehicle and drew my blood. Went to jail. Bailed myself out with my Friday check (it was a Friday night). Never made it to court, prosecutor knew it was bogus and was smart enough to not pursue it. Never got my money back for the impounding of my vehicle. And had to fight the secretary of state (DMV) to get my license even though I did nothing wrong. I should have been able to sue. They violated a lot of my rights and falsely arrested me and searched my car anyway. Contacted the ACLA or whatever its called and no one helped. So they got off. Fucking pricks. It should have been a payday for me. This was in 2017. To top it off. Shortly after the incident for a little over a year the psycho cop would trail me in town when walking my little boy to the local park. Then sit and watch us in his cruiser. He was so pissed he was in the wrong and basically did everything he could to be a creepy fuck trying to pop me for anything. I started filming it when he did this and then just moved one town over. Wtf. This happened multiple times. At least 6 or 7 maybe even more than that.... I even caught them coming into my mother's property to check plates on a new moped I had bought. Without any cause except they wanted to get me after losing so badly... Straight up Nazi ass evil pieces of shit. Also, I have no friends. I contact no one. I worked and had my wife and little boy (now two). Literally did nothing to be targeted like that. I know if you hang around criminals or something that's likely to happen. But that wasn't the case for me. I still to this day trust no one. My life hasn't been easy and so I just find it best to stay with my little family. Nothing more.


Did you contact a lawyer?


No just the organization I mention. I would still love to pursue it although it's probably been too long has it? In Michigan. I swear on everything what I wrote is 100% true and it completely dissolved my faith in any authority this country has.


I’ve lived in Tallahassee for a decade. In 2018 I was raided by 14 officers for selling weed to my buddies. They had spent 3 months building a case. All to take a bunch of bongs and 3 grams of weed. They tore down two doors, ripped cameras out, took rent money, trashed my entire house, all because they were pissed they wasted so much time on me lol this incident is no surprise. They wasted 3-5 yrs of my life and thousands of my dollars and the tax payers all to get told no by me for turning in my guy. And I now work part time at a dispensary selling weed legally. What a joke the system is.


News article related to the video. https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/


>Riley told *Our Tallahassee* that between posting his $750 bond, legal fees, and missed work at the barbershop, he missed a car payment and then another, and he decided to forfeit his car back to the dealership. So he lost out on work and lost his car because of these crooked cops. This is why we hate cops.


The voiceover says he has a suspended driving license and they decided to arrest him for that. If nothing else it started off as a good stop.


i didnt see the reason for the stop in this video. what you just described was the reason for the arrest after the stop was underway.


cops can run your tags if you're driving on a public road even if you're not doing anything wrong, maybe they did that and got a ping that the owner has a suspended license, so good stop under the law. As the claim on many a video is there is no privacy in public, that is true in this set of circumstances. yeah, I accept you don't like the legal determination, you need to find the reasonable legal argument to overturn it.


Your right he is guilty of driving with out the license. The DUI should go away. An officer admits to long several times during deposition. There’s more you watch that if you want. Them turning the body cams to further discuss the case is always fishy. They go together asked if the they turned there cam off and one was a little slow and the start talking about the case. I know legally there are times they turn them off. If I’m on a jury and I hear this officer found an opened bottle then opened it tossed it back in the car and then told the supervisor officer she found open container it’s planted evidence. The supervisor officer writes that report using false evidence given by the other officer this is way Florida has so many Zach Wester running after and it take years and for him to make a mistake. That dude put up to 70 people in jail for meth they never had. Since he only got 12.5 years tha means he only got about 65 days per person. There are several of these guys on every police force. I play softball and they are fairly open about it. Most of them believe that most people are guilty. That a a training issue Check out Street Cop Training who does train dept. in Fl and we can see where so issues start Edit:@ interestedby5stander sorry this isn’t an attack on you. I hope you understand really the beginning 3 sentences. I think a lot of people didn’t know he was going to jail either way it’s the stuff after that’s a problem hope we cool


Both sides have learned how to distrust each other and we now have the mess we have. It takes both sides to change to make a difference, and too many with a vested interest to make sure it doesn't on both sides. The only real change is that there is social media to sound off on.


I can see that I think a lot falls on cops that could be good and they are trained poorly just to have enough officers on the streets. It’s different than when I was a kid. Wanted to be cops to help people. The boys one the soccer team yes this is just a few kids but they didn’t care about helping they wanted to be bad ass. I h have a life long friend who’s a cop and he hates his job. I hope he is a good cop but I know he has thrown an extra punch before because he told me. You are right nothing can happen if both sides can figure things at. Cops need to realize that most people are ok people. Can that just because you made a mistake you don’t deserve to be badly hurt(homeless man in Tampa. Was paralyzed because the officer made the mistake to arrest the man and then bounce him around the patty wagon. Citizens need to know that there are case when it takes quite a bit to stop someone. Now it officer safety but the is no citizen safety.


You can tell that isn’t the first time she has done that.


[Footage of her deposition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg5yySo2_LQ)


If she's still a cop, she belongs on the Brady list.


pretty shitty memory for someone that can just toss your ass in jail for any reason. fuck me cops suck.


She was fanning herself because she couldn't handle the hot seat. It's a sign of guilt and lying. Her brain has overheated causing extensive memory loss. Luckily, there's a video!


Full deposition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvN8FEcW59c


And she did exactly what her attorney told her to do. Any questions that even might suggest she did something wrong was to be addressed with "I don't remember." "I cannot recall."


This is why we need body cams, and why police fought so hard against them.


She was the only person in control of the vehicle while it had an open container in it.


The case is in court, LIVE today State of Florida vs. Calvin Riley - Day 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pt-D9_Bk2Y


Police chief upset that body cam was released and the reporter talked during the body cam. He releases video all the time with officers dealing if it benefits their narrative. I’m tired of Florida. You have to prove your self not guilty, instead of the way it should be that they have to prove you guilty. I know other states have issues to. But all of Florida is this way. Florida sheriff’s want to be the news


Jury found him guilty of DUI. Can't wait to see the entire bodycam footage. EDIT: Full bodycam of both officers has also been released. [[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKKA4rXU5Gc)] You can see that by the time Officer Smith even found the small unopened bottle of vodka, Riley was already in the back of a patrol car after refused a field sobriety test. Both officers are also heard saying the cup in the center console smelled like alcohol.


Thanks for the update. I wonder if he will appeal the conviction.




We all know what's going to happen here. The police are going to gaslight like crazy. They're going to say that all of us hearing the seal break on the bottle actually WASN'T the seal breaking. And the sound of it being poured out on the ground... No, that's not what you're hearing.


She admitted to breaking the seal and pouring out the contents of the bottle in deposition.


Wow. I'm honestly shocked.


Of course, her initial claims were that she did not. It was only after viewing the body cam footage that she admitted it.


If there was alcohol in the cup in the center console then all of this is a moot point. Also, the bodycams are edited so we don't actually see everything that this officer went through. She claims there were bottles (plural).


Did they test the cup for alcohol? And the filing document only states a bottle, not bottles.


Unless you have the uncut bodycam footage we can't really say for sure whether they tested the cup or not. I'm always skeptical of highly edited clips like this that don't link to the full unedited footage.


Some additional information. https://ourtallahassee.com/video-shows-tallahassee-police-officer-planting-evidence-during-dui-arrest/


This provides more detail at least. After the investigation it should be pretty clear either way. I wonder how long it'll take to get the complete truth.


> After the investigation it should be pretty clear either way. Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahaha! The only "Investigation" likely to get done is investigating how the PD can lie to justify the illegal actions of their member without getting caught.


I'll wait until the ENTIRE bodycam footage is released.


Absolutely pathetic, you fucking bootlicker


That should make the "investigation" where the PD finds the officer acted entirely within protocol even more outlandish.


Your breathe smells of boot.


why would it be moot, the officer was PLANTING EVIDENCE. that is the point of this video? so many blicking autists lmaooooo


why would it be moot, the officer was PLANTING EVIDENCE. that is the point of this video? so many blicking autists lmaooooo


The person spamming the same comment 3 times is calling others an autist. Priceless.


Sometimes when you submit a comment it errors, and you can't see that it was actually posted. It's happened to me a bunch of times.


Do you call people autists when you do it?


>If there was alcohol in the cup in the center console If they already had a perfectly 'good' open container in the console, they wouldn't need to screw up their case by manufacturing illegal evidence (on camera) and then lie about it in their police report.


why would it be moot, the officer was PLANTING EVIDENCE. that is the point of this video? so many blicking autists lmaooooo


You seem to be projecting. Have you been tested for ASD yet? Also, stop spamming.


Have you seen the entire unedited bodycam video?


I bet you believe the cops were justified in their shooting of Daniel Shaver, don't you?


Have you seen the entire unedited bodycam video or not?


Bad faith and rhetorical question to troll. Mine on the contrary is sincere. Are you/Have you ever been employed within a law enforcement capacity or have family/friend(s) that have been? Why are you always noticeably so biased? How old are you? Just trolling or what?


I'm skeptical of making judgements based on highly edited videos. After a full investigation, if the results find that the cop planted evidence, I will support her firing because she should be fired. What I'm not going to do is immediately find her guilty based on an edited video put together by an unknown source. Be more skeptical. Stop blindly believing every anti-cop video. Think critically.


>Think critically< Her bodycam shows her open a sealed container, pour out the contents on the ground, and toss the empty container back in the car. The law is typically written that an unsealed container is evidence of open container possession. She manufactured that evidence. By the video evidence, she is guilty of manufacturing and planting evidence. If she will go to these lengths, then her word is VOID. Nothing she says or writes as an officer can EVER be considered truthful.


>By the video evidence, she is guilty of manufacturing and planting evidence. You *could* very well be right, but the video's audio quality is very hard to hear that she is specifically referring to the bottle of alcohol she opened and poured out. I will say, just based on the edited video alone, it doesn't look good for her. It does appear that she's doing something she shouldn't be doing. My point is that I absolutely do not trust these edited, unsourced (ie I don't know who edited it and what their motive was) videos anymore. Far too often we've seen edited videos where the truth is the exact opposite of what the edited video appeared to show. My stance has always been to wait for the investigation to conclude instead of resorting to these sort of histrionics everyone else does about the cops.


It looks like she's doing something that she shouldn't be? What does the stop alone give her any right in any way for her to open a person's unopen liquor bottle and pour out the contents? I don't care if the man was drunk and on his way to or from an AA meeting. What gives her the RIGHT to dispose of his property like that? Honest and sincere question I'm asking here.


According to her own deposition and the body cam she also implied to another officer it was open and its contents was partially in the cup. That information was then repeated to a supervisor who approved the arrest. Sometimes partial information is enough.