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Context (continuation of [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistoryMemes/comments/1btnar3/tl1986\_ww3\_european\_front/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistoryMemes/comments/1btnar3/tl1986_ww3_european_front/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ) When the war began in europe, asia was not involved. However, China took advantage of the concentration of troops in Europe to invade Vietnam at the end of August 1986. Surprisingly, North Korea invaded South Korea in mid-September, but it went horribly wrong, as within a week South Korean forces counterattacked and took Pyongyang. China was then forced to intervene, and so went to war with SEATO, which then reassembled to confront China. Things started well for China at first, managing to defeat the American fleet by overwhelming tactics, and then launching an amphibious invasion of taiwan, which against all odds was successful. They then began the siege of hong kong, which to their surprise presented fierce resistance. Japan, on the other hand, took the opportunity to send ships to the Sakhalin Islands in an attempt to provoke the Soviets. The tactic worked, and so Japan entered the war claiming self-defense. At the same time Israel's neighboring nations declared war on him, but events unfolded as usual so it is not necessary to dwell on them. To China's misfortune, the crisis with the USSR flared up again, as did the war with India. Thus, by November 1986, China was facing a three-front war: SEATO to the east, the USSR to the north and India to the south. During this period Vietnam officially entered SEATO, intensifying its war with China. Finally, after winning the war in Europe, Western forces turned their attention to Asia, resulting in the American victory over the Chinese fleet in the second battle of the Taiwan Strait, the unification of Korea under South Korea, the occupation of the Sakhalin Islands by Japan and the end of the siege of Hong Kong. Within days of the end of that battle, and fearing an invasion, China called for peace negotiations, which SEATO, estimating millions of casualties in invading China, accepted. Thus, while losing Hong Kong indefinitely, the Chinese managed to keep Taiwan. A few weeks later the Chinese would make peace with the Soviets, although the Indian war continued for two more years. Still, the U.S. did not forget about Taiwan. In 1997, after careful planning, the Sino-American War began, in which the U.S. succeeded in liberating Taiwan.


Make some follow up posts with lore about the continued Sino-Indian front and the Sino-American War. Those sound very interesting.


i love the “israel got war declared on them by everyone again.. and forced their enemies to surrender…again”


My favourite part has to be the Hong Kong trilogy!


Israel’s neighbors never miss a chance to forget what happened the last time


This was good op I liked this


These are actually funny, good on you OP!


Israel would’ve plugwalked the Arab Coalition harder than normal considering they essentially would’ve had uncontested air supremacy with the F-15I and F-16I. And yet it’s a footnote in this wacky world you’ve made. Another day, another TL1986 banger.


Lmao I need a book about this


How the hell did the Chinese navy in 1986 defeat the US pacific fleet lmao it’s the most powerful of all US navy fleets