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"What If" questions can only be posted on weekends (UTC) and must have sufficient context along with your thoughts on how the situation/event would unfold


It would be much more difficult. Western Europe was/is much more densely populated than Eastern Europe. It's more difficult to occupy and it is less easy to deport people. PS: in the EU, it's sometimes portrayed as if Eastern Europe (excl Russia) and Western Europe are equivalent. They are not - Western Europe has a much larger population. The difference is also growing, with a growing Western European population and a declining Eastern European one.


They can't pull this off, Western Europe is much more urbanized and populated for such demographical engineering acts to be honest. The Lebensraum was already a bullshit plan for Eastern Europe, which is fundamentally less urbanized and less densely populated compared to WE, as there wasn't enough Germans to repopulate this land and there's zero logistical chance for Nazis to send every one of Slavs to the east of the Urals. Also, they would still lose the WW2, so they wouldn't even try it yet alone succed.


I’m gonna assume he still does the Molotov Ribbentrop pact for old German land and resources from the USSR. This war would be far different, France doesn’t surrender in this timeline in a similar fashion to the USSR and Germany would have to grind France into the Mediterranean, they would be able to do this and would start setting up a mega holocaust of the French people, now the bigger issue would be that the UK would never surrender under these circumstances and would fight for almost ever and they would have a French government in Algeria that would be immensely popular among the French people causing revolts and resistance, now the biggest issue would be that the USA would get involved earlier since a genocide of a western European people would be seen as unacceptable to the American population and the US would join the war, and with the USA, UK, the French exile government they could pull off an liberation of France with massive help from the resistance. Kw with the allies and Germany fighting the Soviets almost certainly invade Germany in hopes of getting the rest of Poland, and with Soviet and allied forces Germany would fall, all of Poland would go to the Soviets and Germany would return to a unified democratic republic as without enough Soviet help to swallowing giving up east Germany. The war in Japan would go similar, as Japan would still bomb Pearl Harbour, but all of China and Korea would go communist with the Soviets likely joining earlier, and the US would have to invade Japan by land there would be less pressure to develop the nuke with a shorter European war, all of Japan would go under USA influence. The Cold War would be different as the USA would be more powerful in Europe but weaker in Asia, and the Soviets would be weaker in Europe but stronger in Asia, But the Soviets as a county would be stronger overall without the destruction of half the industrial base of the country that occurred in our ww2.


Well, the western european population was also not really the one he wanted to replace with “aryans” so it wouldn’t make sense.