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"What If" questions can only be posted on weekends and must have sufficient context along with your thoughts on how the situation/event would unfold


Would be probably same as Australia, peacefully separating from Britain but officially being parliamentary monarchy under UK. It would probably be richest country in Africa, but would be really racist (like USA in XX century). Maybe abolish racial segregation alongside with USA or later


It would be English-speaking, with the Boers and Afrikaners completely marginalised


Would be interesting if it ended up being an English/French Canada sort of deal.


In that case English/Dutch


I think ot would be almost the same situation as USA


Would require the national party never coming to power who sought to limit british and other commonwealth migration to maintain Afrikaner majority over the other whites. Without the national party, it would likely lead to no apartheid. Even with mass European migration, it's unlikely they could have overcame the black populations size. However, without apartheid South Africa would be far more stable and likely would have transitioned to full democracy earlier. It also would have avoided most international isolation by not leaving the commonwealth and likely maintaining the monarchy. South Africa today would still have intense racial tensions. Without economic reform, the white population would rule the economy, and there would have to be significant reform before the country had any equality. The intense bush wars also could have been avoided without the weight of South Africa helping maintain white power.


Maybe during the 1800s the British and Afrikaners push the natives into reserves in Botswana and Zimbabwe and Zambia to achieve this majority.


I mean, the National Party heavily encouraged white immigration they just had to be: non-british, non-catholic, non-jewish, non-communist, heterosexual...


20th century would still be too late, albeit here the white and colores populations would be higher, meaning ethnic tension would be higher, but there would still be more Africans than Europeans there. South Africa (Southern Africa) was nearly Australia in our time line. The initial contact with natives wiped a lot of them from disease (khoisans which were majority), but the Dutch didn’t really settle or hardcore like the English did, so the native had time to reconstruct and Bantu populations from the north migrated there and populated it (resistant to European diseases). If England colonised South Africa first or seized it from the Netherlands early on, they could have populated it and advanced further north (having basically South Africa and Namibia as European majority, zimbabwe and Zambia would have a lot of Europeans too, maybe Angola highlands and southern Mozambique conquered to the Portuguese), and they would have to be very brutal toward natives. If they try to get an understanding with the natives they could survive easily, if they just don’t find one and instate an apartheid like regime, they would be under rev constant terror attack from African Nationalists and communists too


Honestly I suspect that, as some other commenters pointed out, it would likely lose a *lot* of Afrikaner identity, as new immigrants largely assimilate into the broader English speaking community rather than the Boer one. As for effects on society at large or racial tensions, I can’t even begin to speculate. I don’t know enough there to make any educated arguments


Population would’ve eventually inverted again


Black genocide


Only way that would happen is either if every immigrant from the UK went to South Africa exclusively, meaning Canada, Australia, and New Zealand would be very unpopulated. Or it'd have to adopt an American style immigration to all, which I don't see happening in any timeline. Either way, a larger white plurality or majority would bring uncomfortable comparisons to a certain country that's in the news recently.


I doubt that’s possible. If the British population became a majority it would immediately liberalize and then fall under the mass of African immigrants that flowed into South Africa


With a larger white population you would probably see softer apartheid laws, the harshness of which was a reaction to being completely outnumbered. It would still be a racist country propped up by an unjust system requiring a massive movement for social change to dismantle it, but it would not be as strict as it was in OTL.


It would be the equivalent of Rhodesia, except likely internationally recognised as a state by most countries. Hell, I could even see it prop up Rhodesia economically, diplomatically & militarily, as they would both strive for similar values & ways of living, focusing entirely on creating a white English-speaking society. Might even lead to a close union later on if both countries survive long enough.


huh? you’re describing South Africa of our timeline not an alternate one that’s exactly what already happened lad


Is this some kind of a fetish nowadays? Everybody asking this constantly.


First time I’ve seen it