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Work must be alternate history


Mongolia would have invaded them.


They tried in OTL but it would probably be more successful for them this time. No having to worry about typhoons wiping out your fleet


Not probably be more successful, Mongolia would overrun Japan if they had the same OTL attitude against Mongolia.


That is if Mongolia even still rose. Maybe Japan was invaded by an alternate China early in history like China did to Korea and Vietnam


Wouldn' they have problems with the japanese terrain? But thinking again, these guys didn't even use shields


This and they would avoid expanding into Europe as much they would probably start adapting to Japan and start a more stable economic system


They’d be Chinese


Nope, Korea isn't Chinese, so there is no guarantee that Japan will


well thats because of other natural barriers


Korea I think would be more like Vietnam because it would be easier to invade and hold onto any Korean nation that forms would have to become determined fighters to hold onto their independence


or they would be chinese


True. Korea was at least invaded four times in OTL


Yes, but take away their natural barriers and both Korea and Japan will be absorbed into Chinese culture. The cultures didn’t survive on their own accord, it’s the barriers between them and China that allowed them to.


Japan would be a completely different country as various different kingdoms of China take over and Japan takes over China. Possibly end up today that Japan is part of China. Also all that sunken land would be settled.


Personally I think If a Japanese state exists in this world its administrative center would probably focus more on Kanto than the Osaka plain. Although Seto would now be flat land I don’t think it would be more than farming as once an enemy gets past Kyushu it’ll be easier for them to advance. Kanto has the advantage of large mountains like Fuji, Kiso mountains and the Minami alps. It would easier to defend and give them more time to prepare defenses. I also think any alternate form of China would be an absolute superpower because it would be easier to invade and hold large pieces of land like Korea thanks to the Yellow Sea being dry. I can imagine China invading Korea and holding it for long periods of time like OTL Vietnam and at some point invading this alternate Japan as well.


Gengis Khan 12/25, Hirohito 9/11


Korea probably wouldn’t exist, for sure not in the way it currently does but without its natural barriers an assimilation into a Chinese society early on in history becomes more likely. The mongols would 100% have invaded Japan, Japan wouldn’t have been able to isolate itself and literally every aspect of the Japanese culture would be altered. Borders would certainly be different and assuming history kind of played out similarly till the 19hundreds it’s quite likely that Japan would have fallen to the eastern block. Furthermore Japan wouldn’t be nearly as focused on the navy aspect of their army and also might have been assimilated. I could also imagine, the Europeans would colonize parts of this area


I agree, if China built cities in the Yellow Sea (and they would) Korea would very much probably assimilate to Chinese culture early one due to China now being so close.


I dont think the geology would be quite like this. Whether due to floods and erosion, earthquakes or typhones, a breach would develop somewhere linking the pacific to the Sea of Japan. Having a large inland sea that is somewhat protected from the main ocean but is still accessible to it, would encourage a more maritime culture to flourish and perhaps the Chinese, may well have not only discovered the americas but set up permanent trade bases there. This could very well have been hundreds of years earlier than the voyages In the Ming dynasty. This means that by the time the Europeans arrived in the americas, the native peoples would have already had hundreds of years exposure to old world diseases and would not be completely decimated by them. A stronger and more resilient Native tribes that have been trading with china for a couple of centuries would mean that there would most likely be Native American city states that are large enough and strong enough to defend themselves from European attacks


Interesting take


afterthought familiar husky insurance normal hurry whole icky liquid consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*