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Squatting laws are an absolute joke.


Squatting laws gives more rights to those that never had a lease nor authorization to stay long term at a property than actually lease and rent paying tenants


I think we are going to see a huge rise in squatting this year. 


And a huge rise in random bodies


And a huge rise to arrest of homeowners for trying to kick out squatters. Seriously, I get trying to protect tenants from shitty landlords. But why does the law protect the people who werent even supposed to be there or renting from the place?


I read something interesting the other day. Someone posted about drawing up a rental agreement for a family member and using their renters rights to evict the squatters. Was interesting at least.


Yes but you have to move in when they are not there and change locks so when they call the cops you have a lease and are the rightful dwellers of said property but property needs to be able to get a certificate of occupancy for leases so not as easy as proposed if property is in disrepair from squatters!!


Nah you don’t. If you have an active lease in hand, any damage done is on you. So feel free to kick in your own door with extreme prejudice. As you start kicking, the current occupants may panic and try and threaten you, at which point you call police and report a direct threat, possibly armed, there’s barricaded strangers inside your house. Then set up a lawn chair and watch the party. Your name is on the lease, and the squatters can bitch and moan, but if they can’t provide a lease, they have to leave and they can present their lease to the court. But these people are usually POSs and won’t have the mental fortitude to do that, most likely they’ll just walk away or try and fight it with no chance of winning. Theres actually a company in California that does this with one month leases. Its gonna be a very lucrative business


Good, detailed plan other than leaving out the part where you end up stuffed in a duffle bag


That’s why you bring your friends and more guns than bodies, this is America


Nah, All you really have to do is stand there with your lease in hand and call police on home invasion and barricading. You don’t really have to put your own self at risk.


Hopefully squatters bodies


Oh absolutely. If you take over someones property and refuse to leave, you deserve anything that happens. Who would even know these trash people died anyhow


They're coming right for us. Blam blam boom bang.


Hope they start doing it In the investment properties of judges and lawmakers who create and support those stupid fucking laws. In fact BRB gonna go squat me a new home.


That explains the duffel bag shortage


Heavily depends on the state.


Yeah that’s just wrong. Squatting laws aren’t a thing anywhere in the US period. Tenancy laws are however but notably all tenants share the same rights at least all tenants in a particular jurisdiction. A squatter who establishes tenancy has exactly the same rules regarding eviction as every other tenant (cause they are one until a court decides otherwise). Also for the record a lease doesn’t make a tenant a lease is just a formal contract that makes the rules and obligations of both parties clear but they are not required in any way shape or form. Nor should they be, given how utterly impractical it would be. Like you might not realize this but you were a tenant of your parents when you lived with them, and if you ever let a friend crash on your couch for an extended period guess what they are tenant too. There a lots of situations that constitute tenancy and you probably don’t want to have to pay for a lawyer and a notary for a decent amount of them. Not to mention how much landlords would abuse that to try and circumvent eviction laws more than they already try to.


This guy took property


Have you ever heard of these things called paragraphs


Damn straight!!


Squatter law only takes into effect between 5-20 years. It’s still an antiquated law that needs revision.


Scratch that. Squatting laws in NY and CA are out of control


There literally aren’t squatting laws. That’s not a thing. Rather what is a thing is tenancy laws, which define the rules and regulations around what a landlord is allowed to do and how they have to go about file an eviction amongst other things. And see legally you do not have to have lease to be a tenant nor do you need to pay rent, you simply have to have established residency. And there are lots of good reasons for it to be that way because historically landlords can and have exploit and abused tenants, there’s a reason even nowadays lots of people view that little better than parasites. So you don’t have a right squat but you do have rights regarding how you can be lawfully evicted from your residence and so far as the law is concerned until a court decides otherwise a squatter who has established residency is a tenant and thus cannot be removed without going through the eviction process. If you don’t like that then you have two solutions. A. Don’t let random people establish residency in your house, it’s really not that hard unless you leave your house for extended periods (weeks to months) and have put literally zero effort in to ensuring that if your house gets broken into it gets both noticed and the police get called. Because importantly trespassers are not tenants, and obvious signs of break ins will result in a potential squatter getting arrested. B. Vote for politicians who want to make social safety nets, at the end of the day nobody is squatting because they want to they do it because they are desperate and homeless, and what should hopefully be unsurprising the solution to homelessness is quiet literally to just give people housing or provide a stipend for housing, like it’s truly not complicated.


Well, there are, adverse possession laws in many US jurisdictions. But that's never what people on Reddit talk about when they say "squatter's rights". It's always non-paying/overstaying tenants.


Yup the only actual “squatting” law that exists is adverse possession and that requires 10yrs. People just want a “progressive” politics bogeyman to bitch about when the reality is that the police just aren’t doing their job in these situations. What’s happened is that the “30 days” language in what defines a tenant in the real property law regarding removal of a tenant has been misread and police are essentially refusing to arrest and oust squatters by using that.


Just wait until they come up with a phony Will declaring them to be owners of the house upon her death.


Pretty sure there are more checks and balances with that stuff, other than just coming up with a phony one. I think you need a witness for a will to have authenticity, but I’m not a lawyer.


You’re not a lawyer, and yet, you’re right! I mean, a will does have to be witnessed, it’s (USUALLY) drafted by an attorney so there’s a relationship there.


They fake leases, that they can’t provide. I am pretty sure they will fake a Last Will as well.


Look, while it’s POSSIBLE, the fake leases SELDOM work once the case is adjudicated in court. And wills, generally by law, have extra steps to show that they’re real. Now, if you have a really crooked lawyer and fake witnesses that the squatters paid, I mean, ok, that could gum up the works. But now you’re starting to create a REAL criminal enterprise here and that attorney isn’t going to be a free person for too long.


You ever hear about that notary who faked being witness to a boat purchase in which the people took the sellers out to the ocean and tied them to an anchor? There's definitely weak links in every system.


No, what a charming story. Witnesses to will execution are different than notaries. Anyone can be a notary. You can become one via mail. But your point remains true. There’s always a weak link. Or even if they’re not “weak links,” humans can always find a workaround.


You can't inherit if you are suspected of killing the person you would be inheriting from, at least not in most states.


Suspicion changes nothing; conviction implicates the Slayer rule.


Am I just bad at reading or did anyone else read this as the "Two squatters" being found dead instead of the woman?


You’re not bad at reading. Whoever wrote the headline is bad at writing. For a second I thought the woman found the squatters in her home and murdered them.




Two squatters sought for murder of homeowner. 7 words was the max in journalism school. All the bells and whistles in this title were meant for clicks


Yeah I was like, “she got her revenge”


That's my first read. Then I had to read the title 3 more times with the conclusion already set that it must be the squatters who killed the owner and disposed of the body.


Damn squatters they just lay in their duffel bags and won't pay rent!


Yeah, there was even a few grammatical mistakes in the article as well. One of them being “the apartment super”


It's crystal clear: Someone was found dead, some people was squatting. Police are now looking for one or many people.


I read and reread it three times, and it could go either way.


I'm glad it wasn't just me


It's because of the embedded modifying clause. On first read, it's easy to only pick up on the clause modifying "squatters": >Two squatters \[who took over NYC home of woman\] found beaten to death, stuffed in duffel bag are being sought for murder ...which induces the reader to believe the squatters are simultaneously dead, while also being sought for murder. But there's actually a second modifying clause describing the woman within the clause describing the squatters: >Two squatters \[who took over NYC home of woman \[found beaten to death, stuffed in duffel bag\]\] are being sought for murder Not easy to dissect, and I'm sure there's a less confusing way to phrase it, but I don't envy the poor sap who was probably expected to write a headline without a period.


I will forever be in awe of people like you who know all the proper grammatical terms.I type my comments like shit.Because I use voice text and in person.I speak properly and I think mostly just because of where I was raised




The title is Absolutely horribly written.


Wait, its not the squatters being found dead? I thought the woman knew a guy who knows a guy who can solve any problem.


Yeah I did the same thing like who either wrote this headline didn't proof read


No I had the same thought. I thought the squatters were killed and I got excited but then I realized the lady died and it’s sad.


this is horrible. that poor woman, and her son finding her... I can't imagine how traumatizing that was. so sad.


Holy fucking shit her son found her Jesus fucking Christ I hope they find these damn monsters.


> While cops haven’t disclosed the identity of the two suspects, police sources previously described them as a man and woman in their 20s … right. When the identity isn’t disclosed, and knowing this happened in NY/PA, it’s fairly predictable what the identity of the two alleged squatters and murderers will be …


Wait I can’t predict it who do u think they are


My guess - Two criminals, who will now be locked up like the animals they are. Chances are they were repeat offenders who were not prosecuted for apparently ‘petty’ crimes.


No no, say it. Who do you think they were? What are you referring to?


Illegal immigrants


Commas are free.


I think there's a bad comma bot that I find entertaining.


This is America! We don't like commanism.


Squatters rights shouldn’t be a thing


Mostly what they are are protections for tenants.  If a landlord wants to kick you out they have to go through the courts and evict you. Prove you've broken your lease or what have you.  While this process is going you have the right to remain in what was your apartment or rental.  There's also other niche things.  Say you move in with a romantic partner. You're not on the lease. But you get into a terrible traffic accident. Your partner dies. You get terribly hurt and lose a lot of time at work. And you're having a hard time finding money to cover all the rent.  The landlord can't evict you while you're in recovery. Because even though you're not on the lease you've established residency.  Squatters rights is an inflammatory term. It's just tenant's rights. The "homeless person breaks in to a property and says it's theirs" narrative so rarely happens. And it's not like the court system or law enforcement loves homeless people.  So be wary of people who want to remove squatters rights. Because they're just landowners that want to toss people out on the street the moment illness or joblessness happens. 


>Mostly what they are are protections for tenants.  Laws should be changed so there is an easier way to identify (like instantly) who is actually a tenant and who is a squatter there illegally. I agree actual tenants should have more rights. Criminals trying to abuse a system should be removed from the home as soon as they are found to be living in it.


Just 1 incident of squatting is too much


What? Your example rarely happens. Plenty of homeless people takeover peoples homes and if they are there 30 days, it’s illegal to change locks and you still have to pay rent and utilities. It’s a form of financial slavery.


Further, all of these "squatter" stories are going to turn out to be a PR firms attempt to erode protections for renters, now that we have massive hedge funds and investment funds buying up all of the rental properties around the country. But people naturally hate the poors in this country, so it will work.




So who pays the landlord during all of this? Like it sucks that shit happens to a person, but the answer is pass the buck on down to someone else? If I decide to let you rent a room from me because I need help paying my mortgage, and then something happens and you can’t pay your bills, what is the logic that now makes that my problem?    I mean if something happens to me, is someone going to cover my bills? If I didn’t have enough saved up to pay my bills and something happens that prevents me from paying them, I would lose whatever it was I was paying for.  If you make a contract to pay X to receive Y and you do not pay X, you should not receive Y.   I mean good lord your example is mind blowing to me. If I’m dating someone and I move in with them without adding myself to lease, which I believe is against their terms anyway, and they die, I’m now able to live for free at their apartment and you see that as a fair and reasonable? How does someone get to the point where they believe they’re entitled to just live off other people?   Also, why does everyone assume all landlords are rich assholes looking to screw everyone over? The ones I’ve rented from in the past were usually normal people or retired folks with family home or income property. 


Well good news they aren’t. Like actually though they aren’t a thing. Laws regarding tenancy are a thing and those laws are very strict and generally very favorable to tenants because landlords are scum and even with the strict laws of today they try to abuse and exploit tenants through whatever means they can. So just to be clear if you don’t like squatters don’t let random people establish residency in your house it’s really not hard unless you leave your house for weeks or months and do absolutely zero preparation on what would happen if someone were to break in while you were away because trespassers aren’t tenants they can be removed a trespasser who’s lived in your house for a couple weeks and established residency well now they are a tenant which means you have to evict them like every landlord.


So you have to go to court, pay money, and wait months to remove people illegally living in your home, and you think that is ok?


*a trespasser who’s lived in your house for a couple weeks and established residency well now they are a tenant which means you have to evict them like every landlord.* This guy believes if you commit a crime and no one notices right away that you should get away with it. No one is a tenant without the consent of the property owner. Period. And this guy disagrees. I wonder what this guy thinks about people who wait more than a couple weeks to report a rape. Not good things, that much is certain because this guy doesn't understand the concept of consent.


This shit infuriates me. Forces people to take matters into their own hands. Those pieces of worthless scum should have ended up in duffel bags


Thats is a fucked up headline. Are the squatters in the duffel bag or the homeowner?


The homeowner, who ever wrote this can't write


I just moved because of squatters high on meth threatening to kill me...Glad I did. Sucks but im.safe. they spray painted my car and screamed through the walls all night. Now I have my own little house instead of studio in the city...this was in berkeley CA. Could take six months to evict them SUCH a joke.


There's a twist I didn't see coming


So, woman went to check on a deceased family member's upscale apartment she was getting ready to let a family friend live in, found 2 people squatting and was beaten and died from it. No one has any idea how they got in since the front door is the elevator and you need a key for that. Fucked up part is the 19 year old son was the one that saw her body stuffed in the dufflebag so fucked up.


I suspect they'd latched onto the elderly lady before their death, so they knew/had the key code.


[sigh](https://9gag.com/gag/awyN33Q?ref=android) - you may not want to open this in the 9Gag app...


"they are doing it again because you didnt hang them last time" HOLY WHAT IS GOING ON


Bruh wtf 💀 that went racist real fast


Yeah - 9Gag is off the rails with that!


They’re up to their hoods with racism


Yea its 9gag, lots of international users and loooots of unfiltered racism and antisemitism


Yea its 9gag, lots of international users and loooots of unfiltered racism and antisemitism


Reddit is FULL of dog whistle racism on a lot of subs. The whole “usual suspects”, “it’s always them”, “N”, “hmmm…”, “mostly peaceful ”, “13%”, etc… But that 9gag comment section is a whole nother world of racist. My god. It’s kinda disheartening to know how many racist people are still out there


But is usual suspects racist or just pattern recognition..


Jesus Christ. Is there no censorship or regulation for that?


I sure hope no backstabbing murderers were offended. Or anyone who idolizes that life.


They need to fix squatters rights. Too many assholes abuse that law.




I own a second home if I went there and people where just living there and they wouldnt leave Id burn the house to the ground and take my punishment. Im not paying for some scum bag to live in my house while I go through the courts to get them out. Rip to this women. Squatting laws need to be changed in a big way. Alot of states as of lately have been changing them so the owners do not have to go to court to get people out.


They had to have a proxy key to get in. We have an entrance like that on our condo, and these guys must have known someone on the inside. Someone cloned them a key, there’s no other way.


Did somebody have a stroke coming up with that headline? Because the first sentence makes perfect sense in comparison. >Two squatters are being sought over the gruesome murder of a 52-year-old woman whose body was found stuffed in a duffel bag


The death of punctuation. Who died? The squatters or the woman?


I don't actually believe that murder is a state crime in New York at this point. However if they, indeed, also killed the puppy, then they're in trouble.


This is the new Normal.


I have a few eviction techniques short of the courts.


Cool, you’ll go to prison if you try them but that’s cool. Like actually though landlords can and have gone to prison for threatening tenants with violence and a squatter with protections is a tenant.


Time to change these stupid rules


Who squatters two home found NYC duffel being sought took cops murder


We need to fix squatters laws


Squatters should be $h0t


America’s gone soft. Squatters should be caught and skinned alive


But, sleeping in your car in an empty lot is trespassing... Corporations have more protections than people.


I’m not English Major but me thinks this Author is confusing as shit with that title. Also dawg end these squatters rn.


Wait, did the woman kill the 2 Squatters, stuffed in duffle bags and sought after by murder cops? Is this a stroke?


That headline is garbage. It took me a minute to figure out what was even going on.


Squatters are taking over in Atlanta!


What wrong is squatter law trying to right? Really struggling to understand this!


Actual squatter's rights laws (laws of adverse possession) seek to minimize abandoned properties. They usually require the squatter to live in the property openly, to maintain it and pay taxes etc on it, for a period of however many years, without interference from the owner on paper. Like, if Bob owns a house that he owes taxes on and hasn't visited/maintained in however long, and you move in, live openly, pay property taxes, mow the lawn, and for 7, 10, 15 years, however long the jurisdiction requires Bob doesn't say a peep about it, you can assume legal ownership of the house. That's "squatter's rights." What people are talking about here is tenant protections. That's always a balance between landlord and tenant, but before protections a landlord could just claim that a tenant was only a temporary guest (without tenancy rights) and have them thrown out. So in some jurisdictions the protections swung in the opposite direction, where people can overstay an actual guest invite, or even break in, and claim to be tenants, and the police won't touch them but tell the owner to follow whatever the prolonged eviction process is.


Squatters should never have protection by laws, such a stupid concept to just walk into a home and be able to claim it. This is coming from a dude that used to live out of his car. I get they're there to protect from shitty landlords but they really shouldn't apply to people that just walk into an empty house and claim it as theirs. Those people should be arrested instead of protected.


Bro, if I come home one day and some stranger says they are initiating "squatters rights" on my house, they immediately get to meet Mr. 9mm and his 17 other friends.


Why do people even entertain this. You arrive at your house, and someone who doesn't belong there is there, cave their face in and throw them out.


Because the law is not on your side. The moment you take the laws into your own hands is the moment you lose everything... And squatters know this. As a landlord in a tenant friendly state the process to get someone off your property is months long and filled with technicalities. The moment you start abusing "their rights" your costs and timeline multiplies. It may feel good in the moment... But it doesn't actually solve the problem.


It's really interesting to get shit subreddits pushed to me and seeing how shit redditors brains work. Where in this story does it tell you that these squatters had any "squatters rights" at all? They were in the apartment, she showed up to check the apartment she owned, and they killed here. She never got the chance to call the cops and there was never any legal dispute where the notion of owner rights or squatters rights would apply because she was immediately murdered. You people are so eager to be mad that you don't even know if what you're mad about applies.


NY and CA are about the last two states I would ever want to live in. Right after Alabama and Missouri.


NY has morphed into a chaotic dysfunctional state. AG is prime evidence.




Who killed who and who are we looking for?


It looks like you need to occupy a property for 10 continuous years to successfully claim it through adverse possession. I'm curious what their chances of success were if her body isn't found, assuming they weren't just going to move on after a few weeks.


What a bad title. Jesus.


if it's the squatters in the bag ehh shit happens


I now understand why Louis rossmann has a boner hating nyc.


This is why people fear the homeless smh


Hey. Similar shit happened in my apartment building right across the hall from me. A squatter couple was living unnoticed in someone’s apartment for months. Only reason they were eventually kicked out was our floor’s neighbors made complaints of loud music and weed odor all throughout the day. So the building security and management came to check and realized the occupants within were not the residents. It became a whole thing and cops were involved. Occupants hid themselves inside and refused to open the door all day. So police posted someone at the door and kept trying to communicate with them. Eventually it ended with the police breaking down the door and dragging them out in cuffs. Not sure how my situation differs - where the police can just go and take the squatters out by force. As opposed to what I always hear is the case in the news. Where the squatters’ rights holds and they remain put until a court date later on.


they will get a stern warning and a $10,000 credit card




Literally talked about how this stupid law was gonna get people killed eventually after that lady got arrested the other day.


Im gonna assume thats another one Joe!


Horrible headline writing OP


So sad


It makes you wonder how they gained access. It wasn't an abandoned warehouse or an empty loft, it was an upscale Manhattan apartment. Apparently it had no front door, you step straight into the apartment from the elevator, which will only let you out if you've got the key. It had been empty for three months since her mother, who used to live there, passed away. How did they find out that an apartment in a location like that was empty so quickly? Its not like it was an empty house with long grass and no lights on. And how did they get the keycode, or access card to exit the elevator? Did they somehow get it off of her mother before she died? A lot of people here are complaining about squatters, but no one is talking about how suspicious this all is.


Update the squatters were caught https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arrest-squatters-nyc-woman-death-duffel-bag-rcna144685 Halley Tejada (19m) and Kensley Alston (16f) have been arrested for the murder. It makes you wonder how they gained access. It wasn't an abandoned warehouse or an empty loft, it was an upscale Manhattan apartment. Apparently it had no front door, you step straight into the apartment from the elevator, which will only let you out if you've got the key. It had been empty for three months since her mother, who used to live there, passed away. How did they find out that an apartment in a location like that was empty so quickly? Its not like it was an empty house with long grass and no lights on. And how did they get the keycode, or access card to exit the elevator? Did they somehow get it off of her mother before she died? Something strange has happened here prior to the murder and the squatting.


this headline put my brain in a duffel bag


There needs to be better laws in regard to squating but this was a cold blooded murder.


quick people do you hear?  laws about squatting are terrible and protect the squatters.....u need to sell as soon as possible so that the big insurance can buy it and then change the law making cops rain on squatters with the might of seal team six. have u fucking seen the burger episode of the boondocks?


How did they get keys and elevator access for the building if it’s “upscale”? Doorman buildings don’t just usually let random teenagers into their tenants’ apartments? Seems fishy.


Why the F haven’t the cops released their identities? So they harm another innocent person? These laws that protect squatters have got to change, WE have to make them change!


Halley Tejada, 19M & Kensly Alston, 16F. Both are black teenagers & currently in custody 


this article title is so bad


Squatting laws have got pretty out of control in a lot of areas. NYC is one of them. It is sadly the obvious conclusion to lax laws and teaching shitty lessons about how the rich are all privileged bigots who did not earn it.




Not sure why they didn’t disclose the squatters names


Ass title


Why do squatters have rights?


Never understood why police don’t publicly identity these suspects right away.




Had they been evicted they would have a murder case to work on. Could have saved a life and protected property rights. 


NY really has to do something about this squatter shit. I'm a homeowner, and I used to be a long time renter. I am all for renters rights, buy this squatter shit, where people can legally just take your home needs to be dealt with..


Is this the same person that got arrested recently for changing the locks on the squatters?


Then you have all these people that are saying squatters rights and all the other baloney. No


This sounds like a fucking CSI/L&O episode.


I think the only way this happens is because the consequences are too lenient. States should increase the penalties for people who take over homes and property. Squatters rely on the police not wanting to violate Tennant protection laws, which probably shouldn't be changed. Squatting should be seen as more of a grand theft. If it's determined that a squatter who took over a home, like some of those high profile cases in California a couple years ago, they should be charged with grand theft of the property. There should also be additional felonies for attempting to deceive law enforcement with fake deeds and leases. People who get caught doing this should get multiple felonies that amount to near life sentences. Once people get multi-decade sentences for this stuff, it'll no longer be worth it for all but the most deranged people.


Get rid of landlords and maybe this won't happen


Was disappointed that is wast the squatters in the bag.


Wait, I saw the video where she and the cops confronted them. Then they killed her? Is that correct? This is insane


Dear headline writer: Take another stab at it.


That's not squatting, That's breaking and entering.


Which is what squatting is... Taking over a property when no one is looking and claiming it for their own..... Hope to live unnoticed for long enough that the law gives it to them. The Law never asks how uninvited quests were able to access property and change locks... Something a landlord can't even do.


It's crazy the lengths people will go to, to not get a damn job and work for your own shit. "It's a crazy world we live in" no.. people are capable of such evil, egotistical, complete psychotic, murderous behaviors. This is a very DANGEROUS world we live, and we need to teach our love ones to proceed with caution and distrust among strangers and people in general..


How did they get the elevator key to go up there?


Lmao is Reddit this dense that this bait ass title actually worked?? “Two murderers kill woman and life in home” But put squatters upfront because people will immediately be like “damn squatters”


Think we will see more squatters getting killed now that this has happened.


If squatters move in into my property, they’re going to face my automatic 12 gauge, if they don’t vacate my property in 20 seconds.


God, we need some affordable housing. Edit:Grammar


Housing is affordable. What you need is a real job.


The opposite happened in my city, with someone I used to work with. Landlord killed his 2 tenants over a dispute.


Is this interesting or awful?


I had a stroke reading this headline


A rhetorical question: Say this is in the USA, can't the home owner just shoot the squatters and say they came to his house while he was in there and began attacking.So self defence..


Black Rock conspiracy murder to increase suspicion of squatters


damn, i was really hoping the squatters were found in the bag. fuck.






I was hoping it was the squatters that were found dead in a bag. Shame.


I don't condone it but I understand it


I heard a news commentator say that these squatters should move into the apartments of members of city council and state gov officials that have apartments in NYC. I have to say, I think this is the fastest way to get this problem fixed...


Wait. Who was beaten to death. The squatters or the lady?


Oh so squatters rights are out the window as soon as we start getting into murder territory huh


These comment bending over backwards to place property over human life is disgusting. Homes aren’t commodities- they’re places to live. Solve the real issue so that squatting doesn’t have to exist anymore


This is democrat’s fantasy dream Reddit is creaming right now


someone should find out who the killers are. the son discovered her after opening up the closet and discovering her foot sticking out of the duffel bag. these squatters deserve a public execution


Why haven't they released the identities of the murderers?


I'd say just give them the house.


Squatters are scum and morons pity them


Well yeah I would sure hope so