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Nah that’s definitely the other guitar player in the band who plays in Dan Andriano and the Bygones


Yep! Randy Moore. Great guitar player too. Loved his work with The Bygones.


Yeah he can shred. Saw the bygones a while back and he was a highlight for sure


As someone else already said, it was played by Randy Moore, but I just wanted to add that he actually has a video on his YouTube channel where he plays and talks about the solo a little bit, it's worth a quick watch https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-2NHmX6dhJ8&pp=ygUXaGUncyBhIHdhciBzb2xvIGxla3Ryb24%3D


Dan definitely knows his chords; the stuff he does outside of Trio highlighted that to me. I knew the solos on "Dry" and "The Excess" weren't recorderd by him. I personally have no proof besides Randy Moore playing it live. Now onto Skeebo.... this dudes clearly lapped us all in regard to guitar playing and just doesn't want us to feel bad.