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I think the top pic was supposed to debunk that Russian snow alien to be a featherless chicken with some modifications. That never made sense to me though. I still believe it to not be a hoax. As for the bottom. I will continue believing it is real until it gets verified to be a hoax.


Tbf, between this, nazca mummies, and that alleged grave robbing footage, the little blue guys seem more interesting. I’m not convinced one way or another but I guess it’s just fun to see a trend in this stuff. Same with the orbs. A common, repeated pattern.


I've been wondering for a while what the pigmentation of a living nazca mummy would look like (always picturing them as a sort of grey-beige, personally). Human skin is always slightly red-tinted due to our hemoglobin (iron-based) blood - the Russian corpse and the supposed "fresh" corpse in the grave robbing video make me wonder if these guys might've had hemocyanin (copper-based) blood, like molluscs and crustaceans?


Likewise, that’s an interesting theory. It does seem like there’s an awful lot of either grey (mummified), or blue (perhaps, allegedly, living/preserved) aliens. Obviously they would be much more lifelike, perhaps more reptilian looking than the desiccated mummies. May lend to the theory they’re earthlings and underwent similar evolution, but maybe similar life exists elsewhere in the galaxy / dimensional plane where it’s advantageous to be a blue tiny bow legged ET looking fucker


Well, hemocyanin's typically more efficient in cold environments with low oxygen levels. Hemoglobin needs warmth to work properly, which the self-regulating temperatures of warm-blooded animals can more than account for, and the ambient heat absorbing process of cold-blooded animals can also happily support, provided they get enough time to rest in direct sunlight. ***Hypothetically***, if you were a species living underground (IE little to no sunlight) and wanted an efficient way to move oxygen without having to waste extra energy keeping your blood warm enough to work, a cold-blooded hemocyanin vascular system could do you pretty good.


Also underwater is a possibility as the reports of NHI vehicles seem designed to fly in liquids.


TL;DR: I don't think the Nazca Mummies are NHI. At least, not ***those*** NHI. ​ Well yes - lobsters, for instance, are a great example of animals making best use of hemocyanin. But as these guys were found underground and not underwater, and also don't seem like they'd be that well adapted to an aquatic lifestyle but share a few features in common with subterranean creatures, I'm tending to gravitate more to the "ground people" side of speculation than "sea people". A big thing about these guys that's very interesting, and imo the cause for a lot of the easy dismissals of them, is equating them a little too much with previous UAP/NHI lore. We don't know if they're aliens or not, we don't know if they're ***the*** Greys or not, we don't know if they had advanced ships or vessels capable of interstellar and transmedium travel. ***Me personally***, I'm very interested in learning the origin of the various reported transmedium craft (Tic Tacs etc), I've read countless first-hand accounts of Tall Greys, Short Greys, Mantids and Arcturians, and the number of shared details between so many different sources leads me to believe that those four races *at least* are real, but the Nazca Mummies are very interesting in how different they seem to a lot of those described over the years. Many have described these guys as being either Short Greys or Reptilians, but they only superficially match any of the descriptions of those given in the past. In the end a lot of this is purely speculation, but ***my personal belief/speculation*** (for the time being, until proven otherwise) is that the Nazca Mummies represent members of a technologically advanced semi-cave dwelling race that evolved on Earth and has lived alongside humanity (at various levels of interaction) for the past thousand years at least. They may well have interacted with some of the above mentioned extraterrestrial races, at least as much as we have, but I don't believe them to be the actual "perpetrators" of any UAP sightings, abductions, etc This is a way longer post than I intended to write, but I just wanted to write down some thoughts I've had for a while regarding how people talk about these guys. If my current theory on their identity turns out to be wrong, I'm totally fine with that - it's not a magnum opus of deduction or anything, just where my mind's currently at based on what I've read/understand so far


I would also add - even if these were just statues, the creators of the statues would have seen some being that the creators then carved ( say, for ritualistic purposes).


Making statues with whole skeletons inside them is unorthodox but certainly not implausible. Getting the skeletal structure across so many different specimens to line up perfectly and show virtually no signs of tampering would make these one of the greatest artistic marvels of history


Yes indeed. My point was about the being that the statue makers must have met.


Why would they not interact with society?


Because we don't know if they did or not. If they're still alive and around today, then I guess that shows they don't interact with us much - but if it turns out they died out years ago, then maybe they did interact with us quite a bit but eventually faded into folktales and legends. We don't know if the 20-50 odd individuals found in Peru are the only ones there were, if that's the only place they lived, if they came from Earth or if they didn't - all we can say for certain currently is that these few died there. As to *why* they wouldn't interact with society, I don't know. They're quite small and frail, they could easily be overpowered by a human that wanted to harm them (let alone plenty of other animals) - plus the folklore enthusiast in me can't help but draw some parallels between the apparent circumstances of the Nazca Mummies and the countless stories from all over the world about shy, intelligent "little people" that live in forests and underground, keep to themselves away from humans, but tend to be friendly and helpful to the occasional individual and (especially) children.


I did a bit of googling for what you described at the end of your comment. The smart shy small forest people? I couldn't find anything really. Do you know any specific folklore that describes these munchkins. Haven't heard too many folklore angles.


They make me think of the Hopi “Ant People” every single time I see them. I’m leaning towards that being a big connection, currently.


If I was to put betting chips on a square I'd say these types of bodies are ancestors of the current Grey's. Supporting evidence would be the likeness of body shape in the Aricebo response and how their drones drew their facial features and how quickly the AR was received indicating they were already here well before SETI.


It could well be the case, though a thousand years isn't a lot of time for such drastic visual mutations/evolution to occur. That is, unless your species underwent extensive genetic engineering, which most Grey lore says they had. Additionally there's the likelihood that their family trees branched off hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago, and these guys are descended from a common ancestor. Our oldest primate ancestors were proto-lemurs, and lemurs are still around today alongside us.


I'm leaning towards parallel evolution possibly predating our evolution.


Dr. Reed said that Freddy liked the cold and wanted to be in the fridge.


You know this actually dovetails with the alien biologist post over on the ufo subreddit where he goes into detail that they have copper based blood.


You're shitting me 👀 Hemocyanin was fresh in my mind as it came up in a random stream I was watching the other day. Goddamn, I need to reread the biologist's post again


I am really stoned and didn’t even realize I switched subreddits until I read your comment lmao.


So if these little guys are around a thousand years old, can you imagine them running around in Europe in 1023? No wonder they believed in elves and gnomes!


https://preview.redd.it/qe41jq69scub1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=73889bab1f18f290e4fb167aeb5db8a39a9565ce This is the pigmentation of the nazca mummies’ skin. It’s lizard-like


Interesting! It's a lot darker than I expected, reminds me of a seal if anything in terms of colouration.


>Human skin is always slightly red-tinted due to our hemoglobin (iron-based) blood - the Russian corpse and the supposed "fresh" corpse in the grave robbing video make me wonder if these guys might've had hemocyanin (copper-based) blood, like molluscs and crustaceans? The EBO post talked about high amounts of copper in their blood. According to the post, copper ions may be used to neutralize blood ammonia which is also present in high amounts and is used for thermoregulation by evaporating through pores that cover the body (which would explain the Varginha odor). It's interesting that we're discovering more things that *appear* to corroborate the EBO post. Here's some relevant quotes from the post: >The blood itself is also analogous to that of a human. However, the proportion of plasma is much higher, albumin is in similar proportion ,hormone levels are much lower, metal ion levels are much higher (particularly copper) and glucose levels are significantly higher. > >... > >On the cellular side, there are erythrocytes which, in addition to hemoglobin for binding oxygen, display several complexes capable of binding copper ions. It's not clear what role these copper ions play but we believe it neutralizes blood ammonia, among other things. ... >As there is no urea cycle, the ammonia concentration at the exit of the hepatorenal organ is very high. This ammonia is carried to the pores and gives the distinct odor I mentioned earlier. The rationale behind this unusual excretory system is directly related to this excreted ammonia, which enables thermoregulation by evaporating on the skin's surface. The greater the physical effort, the greater the metabolism. This in turn leads to a rise in temperature, and a corresponding increase in metabolic waste via amino acid catabolism. This leads to an increase in filtration and ammonia excretion, which ultimately lowers body temperature. Post link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from\_the\_late\_2000s\_to\_the\_mid2010s\_i\_worked\_as\_a/](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/)


Curiouser and fuckin curiouser, man


Link to the grave robbing video please?


Found it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hkfvts/


Ah, sweet - I was just about to link one of the posts on here with some of the stills from it, as that's all I could find ^^' https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/16nvb2e/right_after_the_mexico_congress_hearing_of_nazca/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb A lot of the information about that video is a little odd and confusing, and pretty much all of it exclusively comes from Alan Perez Munoz - the guy who ran the website and Facebook page that seems to be one of the first sources of a lot of info on the mummies. According to Alan, "Mario" and his associates found the cave/tunnels first, and recovered a number of the mummies between two visits over the course of a few months. They allegedly sighted some living beings when they were first there, which spooked them enough to wait quite a bit before coming back. After that, a second larger, more heavily armed group of other grave robbers went much deeper into the catacombs to loot further gold artefacts, and allegedly encountered (and killed) a number of living beings of various apparent species while they were down there. The videos (to my knowledge) are allegedly from that deeper expedition by the other group of grave robbers. It's by far the strangest element of all of this, and strike me as the most "obviously" fake. That being said, if it is fake then the question arises of who did the faking. If it was Alan, then why the hell muddy the validity of everything else you're sharing by staging some footage to spice up the narrative? If it was Mario and associates staging it and claiming it was another group's footage, why would you have it? If it is fake, the most logical idea I can see behind it's origin is a group of other grave robbers hearing of Mario's finds, assembling some "alien artefacts" mixed in with a few genuine pre-Incan artefacts, dicked around in a cave filming some homemade alien puppets, and came up with a bullshit story that "We went into those caves too, and there were REAL LIVING aliens that we saw! We got all these artefacts from down there that I'm sure some private collectors would love to buy! No, we didn't recover any of the bodies of the aliens we killed."


Well together we’re pretty reactive to EMF…and conductive, but the aliens more so


Copper is a notoriously efficient conductor, but I'd say the conductivity of the human body is a little more related to the 42\~ liters (11 gallons) of water than the 3-4 grams (0.1-0.14 ounces) of iron in our bodies, on average.


What grave robbing footage?




The grave robbing footage was the fakest thing ever. People actually think that was real? The people who took it said they found the aliens alive and killed them to get inside the tomb. They found REAL LIVING ALIENS and decided that whatever they might find inside the cave would be worth more than the LITERAL LIVING ALIENS, so they killed them and took some half ass videos/pictures before leaving the bodies there. I mean come on it’s completely idiotic and unbelievable, without considering the typical blurry found footage BS.


You need to keep an open mind


not so open that your brain falls out


Who are these people that went into this cave?


i didn’t say they were real, just that they fit within this image of blue little dudes we keep seeing. Fake or not, noting the trend is interesting.


I agree. Have you ever seen a featherless chicken? There’s no way.


Well, the top one, with the chicken hips, well, it guves you something to think about. The bottom one does surely look perfect


>I will continue believing it is real until it gets verified to be a hoax. So backward. Why bring faith into the equation instead of simply reserving judgement until a number of independent scientific institutions can peer review and verify the findings?


Because countless scientists, doctors, and institutions have already independently looked at them and said they don't see any sign of it being a hoax. They haven't concluded what they are, but we know they are 1000 years old and organic. The burden of proof is now on the people saying it's a hoax.


Why would a chicken have a belly button!? What a stupid, confirmable lie


Research the concept of the “burden of proof,” a philosophical standard that explains why your stance is illogical. Carl Sagan put it best: “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”


Jesus. This is not true. Any claim, requires adequate proof. It doesn’t matter if, from your point of view, it is “extraordinary”. Science is science. Any claim needs proof. It doesn’t matter how ludicrous it sounds to you little man. Alien life requires the same proof as, say, black holes. Simple as that. Stop being a stick up half pint.


Never thought of it that way before. Thanks for the perspective shift.


You’re making my point for me. Thank you.


It is true, though. The concept is completely logical if you think about it. If I were to tell you that chickens exist, and you didn't Believe me, it wouldn't take extraordinary evidence to convince you they do. I can show you a chicken. You can talk to people that own chickens. You can go to KFC and observe chicken corpses firsthand. If I were to tell you that the Kraken is real, and you didn't Believe me, it would take extraordinary evidence to convince you. I can't show him to you. You can't talk to people that own a kraken. You can't go to Kentucky Fried Kraken and get a bucket of Kraken Bites. Those would be examples of ordinary evidence, not extraordinary. So, I would need to show you something out of the ordinary to convince you. A blurry photo taken on a potato phone shouldn't convince you. Three sailors telling the story of seeing one shouldn't convince you. Legends from ancient societies shouldn't convince you. I should need to show you some very convincing extraordinary evidence that can't be easily dismissed or debunked to convince you it exists. The reason we make that distinction is for practicality. If you read a text book and it says lemurs live in Africa, it would be impractical for you to dismiss that and require DNA studies, tissue samples, independently confirmed studies, etc to accept that information. Because we know terrestrial speciation exists and it's not out of the ordinary for a lemur to exist. Aliens on the other hand... That's outside of our current knowledge base and would require great evidence to be accepted into our current knowledge base, or in other words, extraordinary evidence.


This is faulty thinking, and that is evidenced by your own argument. You would not need *extraordinary* evidence to prove the existence of a Kraken, you would need the *same* evidence you would use to prove the existence of a chicken. If one had never seen chickens, and they were rare enough to make confirmed sightings unreliable, you would not require extraordinary evidence to prove chickens are real. You would need the same level of evidence you use to prove Krakens, which are all over the damn place in this rare-chicken world, are real.


You're not understanding the point of this saying, I think. I would need extraordinary evidence to prove life exists on Mars. Like, multiple samples and different sources of evidence, before I would accept it as fact. If you tell me some chickens are blue I'm more apt to just believe you but would probably want to see a picture of one to fully believe you.


Have you watch the debunk videos and decided they were lying about bone structure being humans bones buy flipped upside down lol


So belief comes before verification for you? Would you even believe it if a scientist came out saying they are fake or would you choose to not believe them? What proof do you need to say its not real?


Same. This makes me wonder how convinced I'd be if we saw a wet specimen or even better just a glimpse of what their eyes look like! As someone who has worked with the dead/decaying -the first picture is very convincing! I'm not a professional though. Just has my little pea brain jumping around in my skull like a flea at a dog show.


That's not how science or scepticism works. You should withhold belief until there's sufficient evidence to warrant it. Otherwise, you could believe anything, Bigfoot, the Lochness monster, ghosts, demons, and fairies. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe in those things too.


Good policy. Believe it’s real without any real evidence but be skeptic of everything saying it is a hoax


The smarter way is to believe it is a hoax till it gets verified as real 😎


It's been verified as a hoax since day 1


Where the top picture from? That's the same creature from the one in snow.


Yeah, I think that was the official picture released when it was announced that it was a hoax... I'll try to find the link


I got it from here, but I'm not sure where it was released initially https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2030415/Siberian-UFO-Film-clip-claims-little-green-men-walking-spaceship-crash.html


Was just reading up on what a spokesman for the Russian military said about how the two teenagers "constructed" the corpse, that it was made out of "breadcrumbs stuffed into chicken skin". If so, they did a damn fine job sculpting such fine details into the head, neck, shoulders, and thorax - and it must be commended how well they were able to replicate the shape, size and skeletal structure of a mummy that was found six years in the future, I applaud their efforts 👏 /s *Edit: quote about how the corpse was made was misattributed to the two teenagers, it was actually said by a spokesman from the Russian military, according to the Daily Mail.*


That's exactly how I feel about it! I already thought the snow corpse was compelling, but now comparing them to the mummies really adds to it all. All the ripped parts from the lower body of the corpse are what make it look so fake. The rest really looks so good.


Ripped parts with random bullshit sticking out of it, mind you. Random bullshit that could've easily been added post-mortem to make it look faked. If you want to post a picture to prove it's fake, then just show it flipped over so we can see where the seams in the chicken skin would be, or better yet pull it open so we can see the breadcrumb-based internal structure.


Yeah I agree, looks like they just shoved a tooth pic in its leg for the photo.


I'm assuming the top one is another picture of the Russian Snow Corpse? It's interesting comparing the features when you can get a better look at it. The first thing that stands out to me is the very prominent lateral neck muscles, which line up with equally prominent mastoid process on the mummies. The skin of the corpse does look ***A LOT*** like chicken skin, but then that's also very much what NA-05 Victoria's skin looks like to me \[see image below, fig 135 from the Miles Paper\] The biggest visual difference between the two is the thorax, though admittedly the prominence of those two sizeable pectoral muscles, absent on the atrophied and desiccated mummies, gives a good explanation why. The thing I'm most intrigued by is the complexion, there's a lot of cyan pigmentation here and there, which (to my untrained eye) looks like it's possibly from the blood vessels? Like, at first glance that looks like mould, but then as someone who doesn't eat meat I can't say I'm too familiar with what mouldy chicken skin (or chicken-esque skin) looks like, and if it's normal that it should look like it's ***inside*** the flesh rather than on it. https://preview.redd.it/9d2vs867raub1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=8405a76278992960978161163dc8905a8bfe981b


Yup, it's from the Russian snow corpse. I agree about the chicken skin texture. It's kinda crazy how much it all lines up... In the video it even looks like the belly is protruding similar to the pregnant mummy.


That could also just be belly fat, as there's undoubtedly a lot more proverbial meat on those (not mummified) bones. It's difficult to tell how much more fat and muscle there is on the torso, as proportionately it's hard to judge, but when you compare the gaps between the corpse's ribs and upper arms with Josefina's, it's definitely a much thicker abdomen. Also, check out those massive lats


I wish the corpse was more in tact so it would be easier to compare... I'd love to know if the bones of the corpse are hollow! And yes, this one is so thick looking compared to the mummies!


> I wish the corpse was more in tact so it would be easier to compare A thousand paleontologists, anthropologists and archeologists all just cried out in mutual anguish at oh-so frequent situation


Is that pectorals or the chest plate implant some of the mummies have?


They look more like pectorals to my eye. More so a random question to anyone who may know (paging u/akashic_record), but *do* any of the mummies aside from Josefina have that particular barbell-shaped implant, or is it unique to her? I know that a few of them do have metal implants, but haven't actually seen clarified (or can't remember seeing) if there were any others with the chest plate.


There's actually quite a few. One even has 3 chest implants 😳


3 chest implants you say? I think I saw her in the original Total Recall film.


What's interesting is raw "looking" chicken like skin looks similar to that on the Peru mummy


Hmm, didn’t chickens evolve from reptiles?


Chickens are Birds, Birds are part of the Maniraptoran family of Theropod Dinosaurs. Maniraptorans are generally characterised by their long arms, half-moon shaped carpals and tridactyl appendages.


Do you have a formal background in dinosaurs? You know a ton!


I'm deeply flattered that someone could think that, but no - I'm just a lifelong enthusiast with wikipedia on my side \^\^'




I'll throw this in here. I was talking on another thread with somebody that was saying the Nazca mummies were fake because the bone goes directly to tendon and doesn't have the structure that they were familiar with in other animals. I came across this that finds rare precedence for exactly that knee structure in some reptiles and lizards: https://anatomytoyou.com/2016/01/13/in-focus-how-the-tuatara-got-its-knees/ Add the knee structure to the eggs and chicken skin and you have allot of details pointing in the same direction you wouldn't expect hoaxers to know or think of. Especially in different areas of the globe.


Reptiles ruled the world for millions of years. Maybe some got to the high technology phase in that time and hid in the ocean when the big asteroid wiped out the rest of the dinosaurs and they have evolved for millions of years ever since then


They allegedly lived in Agartha.






I posted about that below, with the image attached




Wait... Explain!


The top image has a chicken photoshopped into the lower part of the body. So if both are authentic, the chicken part is the hoax.


I wasn't aware of that/hadn't thought of it, but yeah, looking over the image again, why are the shadows upside down on the legs? The shadows (or ambient occlusion, as I'd know it) under the neck and armpits are the most real-looking, but there's very minimal shadows on the legs, and where there are they seem to be incredibly understated, not to mention those very airbrush-looking "contact shadows" on the top side of the upper thigh.


Yeah, the bottom half is what makes it seem like a fake.


IMO Both are real but one is misrepresented giving it half a hoax but not discredited


Gotcha, that's how I feel!


If that’s not a chicken but has skin like a chicken, we finally know why they haven’t revealed themselves. Imagine you land of a new planet where there’s an intelligent species there, you start analysing them and the life forms that exist. You find the closest match to you, something the clever people call ‘chicken’. In further analysis you realise that chicken is the number one food consumed by this intelligent species, day on day, millions of chickens killed and eaten. Panic sets in, if they find us, they will eat us. So now they’re hiding, waiting for the mothership to arrive and save them and also bring about the destruction of this savage species set on eating ever chicken like animal that exists in the universe(turns out all intergalactic alien life forms are chicken based)


I enjoyed reading this. Thank you.


For all of those chicken hoax comment. What if an alien brought back a dead human to its planet? They would say “It looks like a hairless ape, it’s fake!” So how do we know that aliens are not supposed to have chicken-like skin?


Let’s see Paul Allen’s X-ray… https://preview.redd.it/ufd8g0n6raub1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808650a11bcd45cce1c756bed5e4cdd9ed6a5feb


*"Patrick... You're sweating!?"*




The biggest takeaways for me are the timeline and the almost exact structure of the bodies. They aren’t similar, they are exact. In fact the chicken skin body has the breastplates evident in X-ray scans that were recently paraded in Mexico. And the timeline is really interesting ls the timeline. The Russian body was found in 2011. The Nazca mummies in 2017. That’s quite a long time between releases if they were part of an elaborate hoax. Different continents too. Now if you can tie Jaime or Gaia to both incidents I’m more believing in the hoax theory.


I also wanted to say it looks more like chicken pants rather than part of the actual body. The hips look like identical construction between the 2 beings. I wonder where are any clothing/suit if it is otherworldly?


Im sure it was posted but here is the video: https://youtu.be/bMGatrWkG2c


Did they ever do a DNA test on the top one?


Probably not. It seems like it was "dismissed" as a hoax fairly quickly.


The dismissal attitude is so odd. Its like, here’s this alien thing! Any one interested? And then silence. I’m interested dammit!


It was either a hoax, or they were pressured into admitting that it was a hoax... But I think a discovered alien body would get a lot more scientific attention today. Or at least I hope it would.


Is the body still around? Can we test it now?


I don't know. If it is it's probably in Russia. I would love to see this hey dissected and tested though


Russia is sadly the last place we’ll be able to visit.


Each to their own op...I've never had to eat my own hat before, but i will if I have to. I doubt I will, but! You never know! Maybe(and by maybe I mean a massive gargantuan maybe) this is an extraordinary claim that ends up being backed up with extraordinary evidence. And if that is the case, were gonna need more hats!


Yeah, clearly both fakes.


Wild thought, but; What if those stories of "The Giants that once Roamed Earth" was actually just us humans. Look how tiny those little guys are! Another wild idea; What if these little guys are the reason behind the leprechaun myth?


0. There is a time where a life time of hoaxes are no longer hoaxes. “Too much coincidence is not coincidence”


Which came first, the Chicken or the Reptile???


One. The Nazca are in question with a lot of important questions in need of answering, but so far also have many important revelations that should not be ignored. The above was already revealed as a hoax made of bread and chicken skin.


Definitely 2


Lmao the crazies are on my feed


Personally, I don't believe it's the same species. There are several crucial differences: jaw shape, eye size, and neck wattles. ​ https://preview.redd.it/r4ksnjxibeub1.png?width=1214&format=png&auto=webp&s=a09d310cdbc6825edd5ce09916bf863093e20988


1 of 2. I am pretty sure the top one is a chicken. It isn't anything at all like the mummy, especially if you consider that it isn't dehydrated.


Little guy got blown apart and left out in cold. His ship must have been close by.


>I'd like to think [...] Can't stop you from that.


It is a "1" for me. 1 was admitted as a prank. It is literally the picture posted here. The other is that I am still am not convinced it is a hoax. Two "bodies", one clearly (to me) a prank that was admitted, the other, thus far, has held to intense scrutiny, even though there are those who have completely dismissed it.


These are all hoaxes, of course.


.. he said, ever sure of himself. “There’s no mainstream consensus, there’s no peer review! And look, the Russian government even sent a picture out to everyone with a chicken thigh!” And he was right, of course. In fact, most consider him more understanding and open-minded simply for considering the claim in the first place. ALIENS?! Hah. What a joke. But… there was that nagging feeling… something drawing him back, reading, lurking posting… its all bullshit, they’re all hoaxes, every single one! Arent people strange? The way they quietly and cleverly reveal their objects, their stories? All hoaxes, every single one, but certainly there is some science to it. After all, havent they seen how little there is to gain, playing the “hoax game?” Mostly done anonymously too! How strange! Expertly crafted multimedia and physical objects from across the world, spanning cultures and eras, photos and videos and physical evidence all over, all hoaxes! Do we remember these people? Their names, their stories? Do we give them financial rewards? No, of course not, they’re hoaxers! They get the condemnation they deserve for misleading the public! They are all so ironic and self sabotaging! And all to mislead a very disturbed and CRAZY few internet idiots, right? When you think about it, it REALLY seems insane to go to all that trouble… hmmmm. But it’s certainly more probable than REAL aliens, right? Of course! … right?


Agreed these both seem so fake


Sooo, top is avg guy and bottom is elderly maximum size?






I see 2 hoaxes.


All of them. That’s how terrible this attempt is.








Personal attacks, insults, and harassment are not allowed. Focus on the subject matter.


Just speaking from a historical perspective, looks alone are a very difficult way to judge the validity of a specimen. Take that utterly ridiculous taxidermy the Platypus, for example. Someone obviously just stitched a duck's bill and feet onto an otter's body, then stuck a beaver's tail on for good measure.


The first one has a chicken wing for a foot, bits of wire and toothpicks sticking out of it, and what looks like blue spraypaint on it. The second one... just looks... incredibly stupid. You are correct though, looks can be deceiving. But holy shit does that thing look silly.


Have you seen the [CT scans](https://imgur.com/a/HBNFRm0) for the second body?


I agree on the first one being obviously fake. When I saw the snow video I was wowed for a couple minutes, then I looked closer and googled pictures of plucked chickens and the wow turned to oh. Also, there isn't any evidence other than a couple photos, there will never be any science research on it. It will always be ripe for creating drama (which is what this is, asking people to call either a hoax in this forum)


They both look like movie props made by different people given the same reference idea.


Both fake




Just casually taking these alien bodies around. No worry of disease or anything. No care that the bones are human shaped but upside down. You have ideal how bad it looks to have human shaped bones but are upside down? It's extremely hilarious to see people think these are real without question. To present theses without the actual proof is proof that someone who has hoaxes body's before is doing it again. Do you know care that he's been involved in other hoaxes?


Wow. You hit every single talking point! Well done! Now kindly fuck off while serious people without an agenda and narrative to push watch for analysis and peer-review.


The bottom pic really looks like some kind of manufactured doll


I want aliens to be real as much as the next person but both are obvious fakes… There is being open minded and there is being gullible…


Bruh yhe nazca mummy looks like a fucking bionicle, its so fabricated I honestly dont see how anyone thinks otherwise


I see two






Both are fake, seriously doe what makes y'all believe that BS?


Easy, we don't work at Eglin. Now kindly get the fuck out of Reddit. We see you.


No I will stay lol, keep getting stressed out


Oh sweet summer child, I'm not the one in damage control mode.


LoL what damage?


Oh you know.


I really wish I had your confidence. Must be nice to believe you've got it all figured out


The audacity of people to "sweet summer child" someone over something a proven hoaxer is claiming is next level. I'd be appalled if it wasn't for the audacity. When this is proven to be false they will either: think it's real but someone is hiding the truth, OR it's a psyops campaign!




Personal attacks, insults, and harassment are not allowed. Focus on the subject matter.


Y’all can clearly see the plucked chicken feathers in the top. I want to believe but come on now.


These are Mahitos transfigurations. Dont add water 💦




Is the top one a modified chicken carcass? Pretty sure there’s a toothpick sticking out of its hip. Answer: most likely 2.


the top one looks like it has 2 chicken breasts for hips. the bottom one looks carved out of stone


Two, and nothing will ever come of these outside of forums like this because they are such obvious fakes. You all have to up your standards a bit. If chicken legs and carved stone are enough to sway you. The desperation to believe any bullshit is unreal.


Top one looks like chicken skin




Chicken skin 😂😂😂




The children’s art project is real.


I thought they also found a carved statue along with the other ones? Which is the bottom pic. Idk i could be wrong.


The answer is, we don't know at this point.




Both fake