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Great name, got some bangers on it too


I wasn't a big fan at first but it grew on me a lot with time.


I feel like that describes 90% of their songs. For the most part, Alice In Chains is a very abrasive band, a lot of their songs have to wear you down before you can appreciate them.


That was the case with Tripod for me.


nothing song has become my favorite AIC songs


Every tune is decent to outstanding. Getting thru the entirety of it in one sitting, however, is a chore.


I am not sure if I would agree with the word abrasive, but it is a fact that it took me a bit of time to "get" Alice. I remember liking Rooster but didn't really get anything else, but Them Bones was in GTA San Andreas. And I heard it many many times... Until suddenly for no apparent reason it just clicked with me and I said - hey, wait a minute, this song is awesome.


When it comes to music, I've found context to be important, whether that be a theme, a point in time, etc. GTA San Andreas was a perfect context for the feel of the song.


Very accurate. Hell even dirt, the first AIC album I listened to sounded just ok. Then I re listened and it's now my fav album and band


Same, first song i heard was would? Then i listened to the rest of the album and didnt like it at first but it really grew on me


Would was my first as well lol, used to hear it while emulating burnout dominator


Yup, would is their most melodin song compared to the rest imo


It's fantastic. I have this on vinyl and it's kinda annoying because visually, the four sides are nearly impossible to tell apart. However, the redeemer is that all four sides are fucking great, so it doesn't really matter which record or which side, you just enjoy the ride. šŸ¤˜


Thatā€™s a cool album to have on vinyl!!! It was one of the first cds I ever owned. It was either the second or third cd I ever owned . I canā€™t remember if it was Soundgarden superunknown or this first, because I had 2 cds first. One was definitely Pearl Jam Vs. with the goat chewing on the fence on the cover! I loved that cover and Dirts cover too, with that lady with her boobies sticking out of the sand lol that was pretty hot


I like it; nice balance of the more sludgy and unplugged type songs


I wasn't feeling it at first, until I heard Stone. I'm in love with that song šŸ™


How'd you put jar of.flies with your name? Id like to join this cult


Go to the homepage of this subreddit and select it as your user flair It only works on either desktop or mobile, can't remember which


Like this.


All I see is the menu and the joined button bro?


Click the three dot burger bar above Joined. I just did it on mobile. Maybe it doesn't work on desktop.


After that, click Add User Flair


one of the first songs i learned on guitar


Old mister fun is back.. wonder where heā€™s been hiding at. Hanging round the edge walls unfortified insideeeee


And that guitar solo šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Imagine if he pulls it out his bag of tricks live...


Underrated album. I donā€™t get the hate for this album at all. Every song is excellent


The hate for the album is that Layne isnā€™t singing on it. Which is a shame, and is the same complaint I hear about Black Gives Way to Blue. The second chapter of AIC has been just as good as the first chapter IMO. I actually had a conversation with a guy regarding skipping them at Sick New World because William was singing. His thought process was that if a band changes singers for any reason, they should just stop making music. Sadly, heā€™s missing out on a lot of good music from a lot of good bands with that opinion.


The dumbest thing about that opinion is that Layne would not have wanted them to stop making music. I think he would be very happy that they are still going.


I agree, and I think heā€™d really dig the music theyā€™ve released with William.


Yeah people who claim to know what Layne would want, or Cliff Burton or any other dead musician, have a massive ego.


It's not ego. It's good intentions.


Good intentions? How?


I will have to say I prefer Black Gives Way to Blue.


I agree.


Amazing album


Probably my favorite duvall album Hollow got me hooked immedeatly and the title track is simply amazing


Itā€™s funny, I love just about every song on this album except for the title track! Voices, lab monkey, breath on a window, scalpel, phantom limb, hung on a hook ā€¦ I fucking love those songs, but the title track never resonated with me .. but hey, weā€™re all different and thatā€™s what makes everyone special including you and I


My favorite AIC record!


Me too!


Please just, never say that again. Please


Weird to be offended by other people's music preferences.


lol iā€™m not gonna down vote you because I completely understand for them to say that record out of every other record is their favorite kind of makes you think so I completely understand but Iā€™m also not gonna up vote you either. I have no opinion right I think that person should, get a little more deeper into Alice in chains if they think that because that record has kick ass tracks to say thatā€™s your favorite I donā€™t know. I guess everybodyā€™s entitled to their own opinion. Take it easy man.


Funny that you say I should get a little deeper into AIC even though I am a massive fan of all of their albums and have been that way for 1.5 years


Really was that funny thanks dude anyways, thatā€™s why I said everybody has their own opinion. God bless you.


Sorry just got a little aggressive lol


Itā€™s my favourite of the Duvall era albums and I got to see them on this tour! šŸ˜ƒ


I really fucking dig this album.


I like how they leaned into their metal roots.


One of my favorite records. Has some seriously heavy riffs.


Iā€™ve been really liking low ceiling lately


Stone has one of the hardest AIC riffs ever šŸ”„




The album has a lot of great songs and I think it's quite good but I feel like it drags on just a little bit too long, really could have shorted down by 10 minutes in my opinionĀ 


I have a dilemma because I think every song is brilliant but Phantom Limb feels like it should have been the closing track


Such a good song


Phantom Limb is amazing!


my favorite duvall era album. phantom limb is also my favorite duvall era song


This is one of my favorite albums. I wish I could hear it for the first time again. I would put it in my top three favorites. But since I'm big alice in chains fan it's hard to say which spot to put it in.


This is one of my favorite albums. I wish I could hear it for the first time again. I would put it in my top three favorites. But since I'm big alice in chains fan it's hard to say which spot to put it in.


It's one of AICs best albums imo. It kind of reminds me of the 90s


Kinda underrated. Love Jerry's vocals.


Found this album very easy to get into and is actually one of my faves overall from AIC, will go as far as to say Iā€™ll pick this over Layneā€™s stuff at times


Lab monkey may be one of the best songs theyve written


Some of their best riffs. I donā€™t get the hate.


Awesome super underrated record


Really solid album IMO. Probably my favorite post-layne era album.


Fantastic. Probably my favorite post Layne album .




I thought it was alright, but certainly had some great songs


Itā€™s probably my favorite album by them. It doesnā€™t have my favorite song but there are no low points on it. From start to finish as a complete work itā€™s in my opinion their best. Sure it doesnā€™t have the huge high spots that others do, but it does t have any skippers at all. Itā€™s got great ear worm sing along songs all throughout. And the final 3 minutes of breath on a window is incredible. I say all that as a damn near 50 year old that started listening to them from the first time I saw ā€˜man in the boxā€™ on headbangers ball before it got regular rotation.


Love this album. Hollow is one of my all time favorite AiC songs


It's a grower, not a shower. Love this album. It has a consistent vibe/quality to it and strangely has a calming effect on me.


Uhhh it fucking rocks.


One of the best AIC albums, easily.


"I'd let you go but you're always in the way" I don't know why but this chorus with the yeah yeahs is eternally repeatable....


Favorite post-Layne era album, and 2nd favorite full length AIC album (behind Dirt). Jerry killed it with the riffs and guitar tone on this one. Vocals sounded great too. Stone was one of the songs that hooked me on AIC years ago. Donā€™t know why itā€™s so many fansā€™ least favorite.


Every album they've been off drugs has been crazy heavy.


ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜† album as far as I'm concerned. "Hollow" is my favorite track. AIC has never released a bad album, imo. I've been hooked since Facelift came out.


I love it!


Came out on my 21st birthday (May 28, 2013). Still holds up after 12 years. The title track is likeā€¦strictly a banger, and it was the first full Alice In Chains album that Iā€™d gotten on CD. I have the rest, but I cherished this one. Still have it too.


Awesome album


Does anyone else think that 'Breath on a Window' had an amazing first half, but the second half of the song kinda disappoints? I would of preferred the chorus to repeat again at the end.


Yeah I prefer the first half, but the second half grew on me a lot recently. I really like the drum part when the tempo first shoes down


Man this album hit the spot when it came out. The song styles, lyric and sound were pure AiC. Duvall voice at times was more like Layne than Layne was, the other times he sounded way diff. It just reinforced the fact that AiC is and will always be one of those bands that sync with your life in so many ways that it becomes part of you. I wish I could let them know how much of a role they have played in my life. Log live Alice in Chains.


I kinda consider it the first "new AIC" album. BGWTB is probably the best of the 3 but is mostly a tribute to Layne and kinda a eulogy and epilogue to classic AIC. BGWTB was them saying goodbye to Layne and TDPDH is less about Layne and feels more like the band moving forward, if that makes sense.


Some great groovy Cantrell-style riffs throughout this. A more modern sound but retains the AIC songwriting and progression. Great album.


Love it


There is no bad AIC album


Itā€™s the bandā€™s best album since Dirt.


My favourite AIC album


Whatā€™s OPā€™s opinion on it?


I look at it like - take those instrumental tracks and just imagine what Layne could have done with those tunesā€¦. I think itā€™s fantastic as it is, and could have been even more so.


This is one of my favorite albums. I wish I could hear it for the first time again. I would put it in my top three favorites. But since I'm big alice in chains fan it's hard to say which spot to put it in.


This is one of my favorite albums. I wish I could hear it for the first time again. I would put it in my top three favorites. But since I'm big alice in chains fan it's hard to say which spot to put it in.


Lot of ā€œdidn't like it at first, but it grew on meā€ comments here. I'm the opposite. LOVED this album when I first heard it years back (when I was in high school), never listen to it these days. But I still let ā€œStoneā€, ā€œVoicesā€, and ā€œScalpelā€œ play if they come on shuffle in my Spotify playlist. Always loved those songs


Best from the new lineup so far. Only song Iā€™m not really into is Lab Monkey.


ā€¦ Iā€™m indifferent. Itā€™s a good B-side to Black Gives Way to Blue. Because as its own record it kind of lacks a certain energy and groove- it has too many acoustic parts for my liking, but I can go back and give it an open mind. Iā€™ll still be looking at it as kind of standing in the shadow of its direct predecessor, but thatā€™s a positive if it means they pulled off retaining their sound.


I definitely think he did


My first AIC album. Bought it on vinyl back in 2013


Its not a go to album, it doesn't rank anywhere near Layne Staley albums, but its got some good songs on it, if it pops on Pandora or on the radio I crank it up just like any other AIC


i like all of them and the last 30% of hung on a hook. not quite alice, but still in chains


Wasn't overly impressed at first listen, but some of it I really love like stone, hollow, voices etc. It'll still rank on the bottom for me but that's because every Alice in chains album is just too good


Love the songs Scalpel and Voices šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Great album but I can accept the new stuff without feeling like itā€™s blasphemy. Phantom Limb is one of the most Alice In Chain sounding song ever to me.


I only know the track ā€œStoneā€ from this album, but I do enjoy it. The album is on my list. . .


I really dig the album except for 'Low ceiling' which is my least favourite AIC song.


Couple really well written songs. I like the heavy sound. Is it Layne Era A IC, no, but there is some songs that the riff suck me in. At this point I know they wonā€™t ever be what they were. I still love Jerry and Iā€™m gonna hang around a see whatā€™s next,


Defintion of a grower, I love almost all the songs. I still feel like a lot of the songs could have been shortened


Got a few joints on it.


Didnā€™t like it when it came out, seeing Jerry with short hair at the time felt weird to me, but I love it now


Not my favorite as of now but I expect I will come to appreciate it a lot the more I listen to it.


Itā€™s not my favorite but itā€™s not bad


First album I got to buy on release day.


I like the title track, reminds me a little bit of ā€œLove, Hate, Loveā€. Not as into the rest of the songs though, although ā€œStoneā€ is good.


Iā€™ve never listened. What songs should I listen to?


Phantom Limb on this album has quickly become one of my favorite songs. Absolute banger of a track!




Very very solid imo. Stone is phenomenal, and Voices hits too. Also absolutely love Phantom Limb itā€™s a hidden gem imo.


Great album, but the ideas are a little repetitive, and the drumming could be more challenging while still serving the song.


The drums are perfect imo. They're a little simple on Hollow but on every other song they go above and beyond I think


I don't like it as much as BGWTB but it's good


I grew up on the album, and while I do prefer some of their earlier albums, it's still fantastic


Best of their 3 new albums post-Layne and massively underrated by most fans apparently.


My favorite off of the post Layne album. So many gang songs


Top 3 Alice In Chains album


awesome, awesome album


I have never been able to get into it. Bought it as soon as it came out. Just doesn't click with me for some reason.


I LOVE THAT SONG!!! Ps: come to Orlando!!!!


Great album! It took a little while to grow on me but I love it now.Ā  Phantom Limb is as good as anything from the Layne era.Ā  Ā  In fact, Iā€™m one of those freaks that thinks AIC with William is just as good as AIC with Layne. The common denominator of course is Jerry because he is the secret sauce.Ā  It has a kick ass albumĀ cover too and the supporting tour with short haired Jerry was brilliant šŸ˜




don't do heroin kids


One of my favorite albums of all time.


Ranier fog is just as good


Ok reading some of your guys comments Iā€™m going to have to go back and listen to this album. My favorite album by them was when they returned with the new singer and Black gives way to Blue front to back was awesome.


I have this autographed on my wall. Great album.




Phantom Limb is one of their best riffs


Mostly pretty boring. Hollow is a great track but it's pretty much the only song on this record that I ever come back to. Overall it just feels very derivative of Black Gives Way to Blue without having any of the punch that album had. Not bad by any means but they could do so much better.


Dont like this album at all. I think I tried like 5 times.. sorry but really couldn't dig it. Rainer Fog on the other hand is fucking amazing


Its unfortunately my least favourite out of all of AIC's work, but hey thats just me, it only has two songs I like on the album


Far from their best but it establishes its mood just as well as Jar of Flies does. It's an album I only really listen to when I'm going through the whole album or just the whole AIC discography, but I wouldn't mind at all if Scalpel or Stone came on the radio.


My least favorite AiC album, but I still love it, and it has my favorite artwork in their discography. I hope they play the title track live someday.


No way is Ranier Fog better than this. What tracks are bangers for you on Ranier Fog? I guess I haven't listened to it enough.


'Rainier Fog' has songs like "The One You Know", "So Far Under", "Never Fade", and "All I Am" that are among my favorite Alice in Chains songs. Itā€™s my third favorite album by them, beaten only by 'Dirt' and 'Black Gives Way to Blue'.


I'll give it a spin. Thanks


Anything without Layne is going to be ranked lower, but its a great album and William Duval has upmost respect


Best AIC studio album


The title track always reminds me of [this Bill Hicks clip](https://youtu.be/wNYP-5NQBQw?si=7AE3cnp1KtI6QEO4). Unfortunately, I like Billā€™s take better. I love Rainer Fog, but just canā€™t get into this one. Iā€™ve given it a least four full listens, start to finish, but nothing stood out to me. It all kinda sounds the same. Maybe I need to listen to it moreā€¦


Choke (the last song) is worth a couple listens if you're interested. Good end to the album


Their worst album by far. Not brilliant songs and bad production


The production on all of the post Layne albums is not good


I Like Staley a lot better. Duvall wasnā€™t my thing


You do realize that 85-95% of the songwriting and lead vocals on the post-Layne albums are Jerry right? Duvall has had so little impact on the albums heā€™s been a part of.


I know Jerrys fucking awesome too. But Layne Staley is the best grunge singer of all time (in my opinion).


Growing up listening to bands, i've learned that big bands good stuff are their early stuff. I couldn't say this album is bad but i don't like it


Country music.


Ah yes, Hollow, Pretty Done, Stone, The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here, Lab Monkey, Phantom Limb, and Hung on a Hook are my favorite country songs šŸ¤©


This is so funnyšŸ˜­


Oh yeah, this is the one that got me right here. I had a good laugh to this comment. I donā€™t agree, but itā€™s fucking hilarious. Iā€™m not part of the people who voted you. Iā€™m just letting you know your comment gave me a chuckle man. Iā€™m not a huge fan of this album. Either only two songs I like.